Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 7, 2018

Youtube daily Jul 28 2018

Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying your summer. Today we're going to learn about

the Google AIY Voice kit this is what it looks like and this is what you're going to expect

So let's get started

This is what's inside the Magpie. which also which also has instructions

well, the instructions

so this is how it looks like when we take it out of its covers

This is the voice hat

This is the voice hat microphone

This is our Raspberry Pi

This is our speaker, this is our Arcade button

these are the standoffs

and last but not least these are wires

first go to page number 16 in your magpi then read the instructions that's

what I'm gonna do right now first step insert the standoffs how to do that is

take your Raspberry Pi and insert two standoffs in the opposite holes of the

GPIO pins these two holes I'm gonna do that right now

Here are the standoffs. Step 2 placing the Voice Hat on the Raspberry

Pi here's how you do it first line up the headers with the 40 GPIO pins on the

Raspberry Pi, if you don't do this the pins will probably bend

next you put them in, now check no pins are left out so it's good to snap

once you're halfway through snap these

then, finish the rest

Step three, putting the speaker wires in the Voice Hat, the black goes in the

negative and the red goes in the positive first unscrew the screws next

there's a plus over here and a minus over here

put the red near the plus put the black near the minus.

then just push them in. next we're gonna screw the screws back. step 5

the button cable we're gonna use this end first we're gonna attach it here. Here to be more clear.

there's a bumpy side and a smooth side. the bumpy side always goes here where

the little hoops are.

step 6 attaching the microphone board cable to

the microphone board look at the bumpy side then look at empty side put the

bumpy side on to the empty side.

step 7 attaching the microphone to the voice hat same thing we'll pick the

bumpy side, meet it with the empty side put it there. step eight assembling the box

grab your bigger box and then as you can see here they described all the folds.

first, well, unflatten box then

fold. They've described them in order so first do one then fold two

step 9 secure the box which we've already done

step number 10 to 18 folding the flaps and putting everything into the box

we're going to start with folding the flaps 1 & 2 next we're going to fold the

thing that says Raspberry Pi goes here

now, this is for the speakers,

you fold this up, this part folds

and then this is where speakers gonna slide in

I almost forgot, you have to fold this

now we're gonna put the Raspberry Pi where it says Raspberry Pi goes here

so we are gonna put the "1" section here and uhh ..

Now, we have to fold the number two in between the USB ports and the Voice Hat

Next, slide the speaker in

First, take your box and put everything in make sure the speaker side is lined

up with the side where the holes are

before you proceed further check if everything's accessible this is the

Power, HDMI, USB ports, Ethernet port and a Micro SD Card. Step 19, add the arcade button to

the box here's how you do it first unscrew the ring

Next, add it through the hole which says button

here's how it looks on the inside and here's how it looks on the outside

Step number 21 wiring up the button if you look closely inside your button this is

crown shaped logo this is how you're gonna tell where to wire your button the

black goes on the top right of the button and the white goes on the top

left of the button

Pink goes opposite to black and blue goes opposite to white

Step number 22, check the wires, this should be fit and snug and they shouldn't be wobbling too


step number 23 attaching the microphone

you need double-sided tape for this but I didn't have any so I'm just going to

use these

make sure you don't cover the holes

there, make sure the holes are matching with these holes on the microphone board

step number 24 check the microphone board, make sure the holes are lined up with

the box holes. Step number 25, finish up the build.

Carefully close the box, then, all done

let's move on to the software onto the PC

We assembled the hardware, next we have to setup the software.

First and foremost, you will need the Google AIY Raspberry pi image, which you will need to write on your Micro SDcard

card I'll leave the link to download the image file and how to write it on your

micro SD card once you do that next you'll insert the micro SD card to the

Raspberry Pi we placed inside of Google AIY box

I put my SD card in my Raspberry Pi

now let's boot it up how you do that is plug in the HDMI cable then you can plug

in your power cable this is how it looks like once you booted it up after that we

need to connect to the internet click on this internet thing over here now let's

check the audio you can do that by double clicking on the check audio file

what you'll expect is for to say front Center

front center press Y and then you'll have to record it when you're ready

you'll have to say testing one two three testing one two three

did you hear your own voice

press ENTER to close congratulations you've successfully built your Google

AIY voice kit now let's bring it to life now we're going to build our voice

recognizer how to do that is go on chromium and type in you'll see a sign-in screen

sign in with your Google account I've already signed in mine to enable APIs, we can do this by clicking three line icon

going to api's and services

enable API services

and then you have to search for

Google assistant API

and click on enable

now we're going to create the credentials how you'll do that is go to

three lines and then go to api's and services and click on credentials

click on create' credentials click on olaf client ID then click on configure

consent screen

then just write the name of your project here

then click on save

after that you click on other and then you write the name of your project again

create don't worry about memorizing these just click OK next you have to

download the JSON file you can do this by clicking on this download JSON icon

then when we open this file downloads you'll see that it appeared here rename

it as assistant.JSON, OK

next we'll go to this tab called my account Google com then scroll down a

little bit and then if you haven't done it yet enabled it the web and app activity - then if

you haven't checked Marked this box check mark it.

now we have to cut the JSON file

and put it in the pi folder just go down right click and paste. there it is

now go on to the terminal and go this directory SRC slash example slash voice

then type in this command assistant underscore library underscore demo dot


okay Google can I buy land on Mars here's a summary from the website by you too can become a planet Mars land owner by purchasing acres of

land on planet Mars lunar land is one of the first companies in the world to

possess a legal trademark and copyright for the sale of extraterrestrial

property within the confines of our solar system there you have it

your own personal voice recognizer.

Today we learnt how to build how to build our

personal voice recognizer on the Google AIY voice kit, hope you enjoyed the video

please like subscribe and share and until next time this is 10v signing off

see ya

For more infomation >> Google AIY Voice Kit (Version I) - Unboxing, Assembling, Software Setup & Demo - Duration: 25:22.


Prita Ghozie - Cerdas Finansial dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan | BukaTalks - Duration: 15:11.

May peace be upon you (Muslim`s Greetings)!

Best wishes to us all! How are you?

Not too good?

End of month or the start of month problem? Both? … OK…

Thank you, MC for introducing me.

My name is Prita Hapsari Ghozie.

As mentioned before, here I bring a book, titled "Make it Happen"

I`ll give it to you, for the first question from the audience.

So, if want my book…

Right… I see a smile there, everyone love freebies… alright…

So, I`ll just put it down here, as a motivation for you to listen to my presentation.

OK, while waiting for the slides. I`d like to ask something to you,

If anyone here whose an employee, can you give yourself round of applause?

Some of you are not, so are you a student? Or entrepreneur?

Which one is it? A student Or entrepreneur?

But you don`t clap your hands, or maybe a housewife?

Or someone who`s looking for a life partner?

OK. For us whose an employee, typically we ought to manage our financial wisely.

Particularly for us who only been work for under 10 years.

We do the job daily, in return what do we got?

A paycheck.

What do you feel when you get your paycheck? Happy.

What do you use the money for?

The rent, then what else?

meals, off course…

So, pay for your rent, meals, what else?

Travels, what else?

But some shoes, OK. Then, what else?

Looks like we have a consumptive crowd here.

Saving… alright there you go.

OK. When we get our paycheck, we then normally manage the money, right?

Usually, first we allocate the money for mandatory expenses.

Then after that we can use the money to go shop something that we want.

That what usually happened for you who are single, no one to take care of.

But for you who are married, whose here are married? Not yet?

Oohh… we have one. Alright, let me ask you a question.

When you get your paycheck, what`s the first thing you do with it?

Pay monthly due installment, and then?

Don`t you give the money to your wife?

That`s right. That is the most important thing.

That`s the different with the single married guys.

So, while we still get our paycheck, we should make use of it wisely.

Other than the paycheck, what we usually get annually?

It can be different with every company, some of us get Hari Raya bonus, or annual bonus.

So, I`ve been professionally work as financial planner for almost ten years.

Along these ten years, big changes happen.

For Generation X, you do save some of your paycheck.

And for the Millennials, they use it for travelling,

anything to keep up on your social media existence.

That`s the differences of how people spend their paycheck.

Talking about social media, you can get financial tips from instagram account @zapfinance.

It`s also part of my work.

OK, this is what we talked about earlier, how to manage your financial monthly.

We get our paycheck monthly and use the money for monthly expenses.

Then there`s also annual bonus, or maybe retirement money for you who take your retirement early.

That money usually goes to annual expenses.

What is annual expenses?

Let say, vacation.

A tip for us to manage our monthly pay, a concept I called ZAPFIN.

For our monthly income, first we spare some to give to others (who needed).

As a Muslim we call it Zakat.

We only require to pay zakat if you make 80 million or more annually.

If you`re not. You can just call it Sadaqah or charity.

Because we only need to pay Zakat when you have annual income and asset more that 80 million.

And, the next thing is Assurance.

Assurance means money you spare for emergency, insurance.

No matter how old you are.

The insurance need would be different for every person so it can`t be generalized.

For the one who`s married, I think you need to have life insurance.

You got your family to be taken care of, planning on or already have a kid maybe.

And for you who`s single, I think you can priorities on health insurance.

Next Present Consumption, what is that?

So, you got your paycheck, sure you must pay for your groceries shop, right?

You can`t put your groceries shop or meal expenses in your list of debts.

What if we need to buy something a bit pricey?

Let say we need to buy a laptop.

Then we need to save some money, that`s what we call Future Spending.

Some amount (of money) you`re about to spend in the future.

And last, we got to do is Investment.

So ZAPFIN has sum it all.

When you got your paycheck, you need to allocate it to ZAPFIN.

Zakat, Assurance, Present consumption, Future spending, and INvestment.

Now, that we`re in Ramadhan month, we usually do something called Iftar.

It`s caused a little 'disturbance` to our cash flow,

But it enabled you to see and catch up with friends and family

And our Iftar today is free, thanks to Buka Lapak.

And, another tradition is new clothes for Ied.

Some of you must already think of it. Wakanda style shirt?

You may laugh now, but it`s already trending in Instagram.

And adding to our joy, we also got what usually called Hari Raya bonus. Right?

Have you got it? That`s good if you haven`t,

because I`ll share you some tips of how to spend our Hari Raya bonus wisely.

Usually, people spend most of their Hari Raya bonus on foods and beverages.

92% respondents who received Hari Raya bonus, spent it on foods and beverages.

Next to it are clothes and electronics. Turns out people spend their bonus on clothes and electronics.

77% respondents, admit that they spent their Hari Raya bonus on clothes and electronics.

Then 72% respondents said that most of their Hari Raya bonus spent on gifts.

You who smiles, do you give gifts or received the gifts?

Give gifts. OK.

Last, 67% respondents spend their Hari Raya bonus on Zakat and Sadaqah.

It`s a bit sadden actually.

Why don`t people think of Zakat first when they got their Hari Raya bonus?

It would be nice if 100% respondents spend their Hari Raya bonus on Zakat.

Because you know there`s a thing called Zakat Fitrah that every Muslim have to pay, it`s about 35.000 rupiahs per person.

How to manage Hari Raya bonus wisely?

First step, make a budget.

We need to prepare this budget before we actually received the Hari Raya bonus.

Because if you wait until you got money, then you`ll forget about the budget.

This budget is very important. I`ll give the ideal percentage for the expenses.

On the actual execution of the budget, old people usually use envelopes.

Nowadays, we use bank account, e-->wallet, and use a debit cards to access the account.

Second step. We must spare some of it for emergency fund.

If you don`t familiar with it, is there any of you here to hide some money inside your wallet?

What do you usually use it for? I want to hear from the ladies.

For snack, hmmm.. snacking in Ramadhan? Maybe for Iftar.

What about the men? What do you use the hidden money for?

Online Motor Taxi? OK.

Have you ever run out of gas, and use that hidden money for emergency cash?

What called emergency fund, only get used in emergency situation.

So, midnight sale can`t be categorized in emergency situation. OK?

Third, you need to be able to differ what is MUST, NEED, or WANT.

I have shared on my Instagram few hours ago.

What expenses that categorized as must, that we`re required to pay with our Hari Raya bonus.

Because it is very important.

When you have a limited resource, then you need to choose.

And we don`t choose based on what we want.

Going to your home town, is it a need or want?

The answer is Want. We`d still celebrating Eid al-->Fitr where ever we are, right?

So what a must is pay your Zakat Fitrah. Coming home is not a must, it`s a want.

Don`t be mistaken.

What about need, for example Eid al-->Fitr (tradition)meals.

It would be odd while you put on new clothes, getting new gadget, but only have rice and shredded beef.

Please don`t. I think Eid al-->Fitr meals is something that categorized as something we need.

Alright, after we cover all the three categories and still got spare.

It`s very good if we also use it to pay our debts.

For some consumptive debts, we can pay it with our Hari Raya bonus.

But for mortgage, or other big debts, maybe it`s a bit difficult.

Paying your debts is important before you have the thought about investment.

Because, the debt comes with interest, and it cost you.

So, we better settle the debt first before we allocate the money for investment.

Investment is also important, and we can do it with our bonus money.

Especially for you who are still single.

The singles certainly will be able use some of their bonus for investment.

Here are the percentage:

5% of your bonus goes to Zakat and other charity.

10% goes to emergency fund.

So if you get 5 million rupiahs as bonus, 500.000 rupiahs goes to your emergency fund.

Maximum 50% of the bonus goes into your celebration expenses.

What is celebration expenses?

For example, bonus for your house maid, gifts for the family, new clothes,

can be categorized in celebration expenses.

If you did going to your hometown, the transportation expenses must be paid by your bonus money.

But you daily meals in your hometown, you pay with your paycheck money.

Because you actually only move the location, right?

That`s why don`t overeat while you`re at your hometown.

If you usually only do 3 meals per day, don`t added another two meals just for the sake of celebration.

I`d like to also to remind you that 2 months after Syawal, we will have Eid al-->Adha.

It would be great if we can spare 10% of our Hari Raya bonus

If you`d like to give Qurban on Eid al-->Adha

Then the rest of it, about 10%, you can spend on paying your debts or investment.

Where to invest? It depends on your financial goal.

Each person at each phase of their life has a different financial goal.

If I guess correctly, some of you take wedding fund as one of your financial goal?

Vacation fund? No?

Or maybe to buy a car? Alright, some of you would like to buy a car.

Alright, so those differences, will also differ the kind of investment we make.

So, guys please use your money wisely,

So it we can make use of it not only for present day, but also in the future.

If you a little overspend on this Eid celebration, you can use a little bit of your emergency fund.

Hopefully, the tips I shared today can make you wiser,

and make your life better and wealthier.

Thank you for your attention.

May peace be upon you.

For more infomation >> Prita Ghozie - Cerdas Finansial dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan | BukaTalks - Duration: 15:11.


Captan a maestra pegándole con un látigo a sus alumnos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Captan a maestra pegándole con un látigo a sus alumnos | Al Rojo Vivo | Telemundo - Duration: 0:36.



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Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.

Use an HEX ı6. Unscrew the brake caliper fastening.

Remove the brake caliper.

Use a phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the brake disc mounting bolts and remove it.

Install the brake disc and secure it. Use a phillips screwdriver.

Install the brake caliper and fix it. Use an HEX ı6.

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Loosen the wheel mounting bolts. Remove the front wheels.

Use an HEX ı6. Unscrew the brake caliper fastening.

Remove the brake caliper.

Use a phillips screwdriver. Unscrew the brake disc mounting bolts and remove it.

Install the brake disc and secure it. Use a phillips screwdriver.

Install the brake caliper and fix it. Use an HEX ı6.

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Yeah Speed it up cuz why the FuCK not

Never have 6 things open.. this shit happens

Why did i just not remake this?

IM BORED AS SHIT let me watch some vines tho


Bitch is barely there

What is this an hour long comp?

Let the lord take me on this


Hurry Up Ho


Im buying myself some sleep yall


Alrights im bored now, enjoy the peace

ye still here? i mean its not that laggy i guess

i wish i sped this up more


ME need SLeEp

Y Me StaYinG Up aT 12 aM

because im stupid and i need sum englesh CC

brb me getting sum drink

bish me back with a drink


what about some better song next time?



wtf is this lmao

oh cherry cola a song that prob wont be annoying with a sped up laggy shit.

k bye ho with your laggy ass this took me mins ho

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