everybody got a bit of a small update to show you today but I'm happy to be able
to share it with you I've been continuing to work on this small strip
of land along this reconfigured side of the city and I have finished the or at
least for now the connection of the rock kind of pile all the way around to the
edge so I've got water coming all the way up to this corner so that basically
fills in the area of the new water space for the small marina and I've started to
figure out a pattern while I did figure out a pattern that's going to be a
repeating pattern for the sound deadening wall that'll be going up here
that will help to protect to residents on the other side once that all gets
completely redone obviously temporary buildings there but once again I have
run out of parts even though I just very recently got a bunch of masonry brick
bricks and for the I actually got extras more than I needed for the music store
and the laser tag arena place I also had gotten some dark tan but I'm completely
out of dark tan again actually it took some out of another set that's waiting
to be disassembled but yeah they'll just continue across it's an exact repeating
pattern that looks random enough it's inspired by real ones that I've actually
seen and that will continue all the way down here out towards this kind of area
things will start to change a little bit out there I don't think it'll go all the
way to the very end of the street but then also I've taken out a bunch of a
bunch of the debris that was here not all of it I mean there's still some
nests but you know what it was shocking how much debris was left over from the
destruction of the old edge of the table I was here before
it didn't seem like that much stuff like I remember building especially the
incline that I put in for the rail line when I was right here on the edge of the
table and you know it time and I remember I needed to add in
some some additional green plates to fit on the tops of the brown bricks that I
used to build up the terrain you know to get that that green surf there's also
some green bricks for the inside edges but man just the amounts did the volume
of stuff you just don't understand until I guess until either you have to move it
or you have to take it away or completely change it what I did was fill
up two of these bins these larger drawers big old ones filled up two of
these with just the staff throws leftover from the destruction so that
all needs to actually need to needs to be taken apart further but you know big
chunks of terrain that were attached to base plates I took and liberated all the
old base plates because I had been using some duplicates for the time but got
some of those back into circulation to use for something area over here I just
took a lot of the mass of stuff away and a lot of the massive of parts that I had
taken out you know the last couple times I was in here and showed you the floor
there were just parts bins all over the place and I just have a few over here
for when I was working on that little wall briefly there but that's good to
have more space to work around ultimately it just means that I'm gonna
have space to bring in even more stuff now to start moving over towards this
edge here but the key thing that I've been focusing on up to now is getting
this part of the edge of the city in I do need to finish up that wall there but
that's going to require obviously a Bricklin corner to get more pieces in so
while I'm waiting for that I'm gonna move back down to the train yard out
here and I've been putting a little bit more thought into this and I've decided
what I what I'm going to try to do to make things actually make a little bit
more sense since I have this time to kind of start kind of from scratch I
mean technically I could change all of this out if I wanted to I already
obviously have to some extent but what I wanted to
try to do here is dedicate this section basically this yard here I might turn
into just a single switch coming into a more complex system down here I'm not
sure exactly how that's going to work out but dedicate this just to the past
the passenger line you know so all stuff related to the passenger trains and you
know just kind of have that consistent color scheme for all the stuff here and
then I would put the train wash over here because I think it would make more
sense with the passenger related stuff obviously you know you don't need to do
a lot of a lot of cleaning of freight cars it's pretty rare except it just
hasn't needed for specific types of commodities that are transported you
know they might clean something out when it's done if it's something that needs
to be clean you know for like like food stuff transportation and such but yeah
try to put it in a building over here that would be like a maintenance shop
that would probably take up most of this space here and then hopefully have
enough room for a train wash out here or possibly down over here yeah it'll be a
little bit more cramped than I would like it to be but it just makes much
more sense to do that possibly I would have the wash on the outside or
something but oh oh kind of mess around with this a little bit and then all this
over here will be dedicated to just cargo related stuff and then the train
wash would not be over here ideally given the amount of space that I
have here and be better to put the train wash over here that's what I've been
planning this would have been hoping to do for a long time but I just don't know
if it's gonna make as much sense as putting it over here with the passenger
and related stuff I am going to allow myself to store the Amtrak train over
here just kind of consider that to be a leased parking space basically for
whatever that company is because you know I and if in universe I don't know
if it would be directly related just because it's passenger service doesn't
mean it would be directly related to the company that runs this mostly intercity
line you know and and service in general so that may
just stay over there it needs a lot of space and it's much better to reserve
that space over here for for more interesting looking stuff and then I
would have to have probably access just an access road like a long driveway just
past or kind of through the industrial area it'll be good to have a building
over here as well I think that'll that'll make sense and it will help to
expand this industrial area and make it look like there's not just as much pure
train stuff just pure rail you know parking space basically and then I will
still have my planned engine shop somewhere down at that end but by moving
the requirement for the train wash down over to this side it'll open up a little
bit more space and probably some more options for what I can do for the the
engine house down there maybe make it a little bit larger than I was planning
but I don't want to make it too big but it allows me to kind of at least have a
little bit more room to play around with these lines in here possibly make that a
little bit more compact again and hold more things so that's what I'm gonna be
working on next down here stuff that I enjoy it's not going to be all that
interesting for a while because I'm mostly just going to be doing planning
for it set up rails and then I won't be doing the buildings like the the
maintenance building for the passenger line that's not going to be done yet the
engine house isn't going to be going to be done yet because I finished the major
stuff or actually soon I will have finished the major stuff that I wanted
to to get in over here on this side as soon as I get that wall in then I'll
just go ahead and switch back to the the music shop and laser tag art arena
building and get that finished up so I'll be able to get back to that and
then we'll proceed from there so that's what it's looking like this is what I've
done so far I'm happy with the progress and obviously I need to do some some
custom boats to put over there but the terrain we're
doubt probably a little bit better than I had hoped and I'll be doing a little
bit more work with the train yard which you know I always enjoy then I'll get to
work on that music shop let your tank get that thing done and that's going to
get placed over there where right now the the fire station is kind of sitting
awkwardly so then when that gets placed in I'll also be deciding on exactly
where and how the firehouse will be stationed the fire station will be
stationed in its new location and that'll allow things to start to
move on so there you go just want to show you that as always these things are
not as impressive as they feel like a lot more work goes into this then and it
feels like is justified with what you see but that's just how it goes
thank you for watching more updates to come and I'll talk to you in soon
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