10 Famous Television Jodis Who Hate Each Other In Real Life | You Won't Believe
HOYA(호야) - All Eyes On Me Official M/V - Duration: 3:22.All eyes on me yeah that's my time
All eyes on me yeah holler holler
Baby you can't touch me, catch me, be me
Cuz I'm the only one uh yeah uh yeah
I know All eyes on me
No matter how you try to capture me with lens
You can't trap me in the TV yeah
Like the rhythm that follows bass line I am free
I'm so fly Even if you try to follow me, there is a level of difference, you know?
I do what I'm dreaming about and forget about it
There's no point
Talkin' bout dreams
I'm tired of your dreams
Now I go wherever I wanna go oh
It couldn't be better now uh yeah
I'm on my way my way
yeah I'm still alive
All eyes on me yeah that's my time
All eyes on me yeah holler holler
Baby you can't touch me, catch me, be me
Cuz I'm the only one uh yeah uh yeah
I know All eyes on me
All I think about in my head is about future
No matter what you want or say, I will go on with my way
I'm busy I let time follow me everyday
It's easy for me Like the way that I look down on you
There's no point You know ma dreams?
I'm already walking when you just say things
Now I go wherever I wanna go oh
It couldn't be better now oh
oh yeah I'm on my way my way
yeah I'm still alive
All eyes on me yeah that's my time
All eyes on me yeah holler holler
Baby you can't touch me, catch me, be me
Cuz I'm the only one uh yeah uh yeah
I know All eyes on me
Hand's up in the air before today passes by come on
Turn up the music now say yeah yeah yeah
Baby you can't touch me, catch me, be me
Cuz I'm the only one uh yeah uh yeah
I know All eyes on me
Enemigo Íntimo | Recap (03/9/18) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:13.CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK
And do these dreams hanother password.o try
Silvia, did you find anything?
No, I'm still stuck.
The phone company won't give me the number.
The signal's still blocked.
Alejandro's been flying blind for too long.
-Should we go in after him? -Go where?
To the forest where Samson's ranch is.
Where his truck was.
Right here.
Let's go.
Silvia, keep trying.
Are you okay? Oh, my God.
You saved me.
It wasn't me. It was God or something.
Where'd you get that?
Son of a...
We'd get in big trouble.
If he wakes up, he'll want Bastard!ack at me.
then we'll go after the Dark Knights.
Just like that?
Yes, Dad! Just like that.
Luis! That's enough!
Look at me.
Sorry, Dad, but this situation is ------- pissing me off.
I need you to trust that I can finish them.
Just because the Professor hasn't been in contact with us
doesn't mean we can bother him just to tell him
that the Dark Knights are on our tail
and that we're going to start a senseless war
just because you're pissed off.
Let's not waste any time. Let's go after them.
No. Let's find Montalvo.
That ------.
The gun's in a can filled with water in the warehouse.
It could cost us.s not f.
You have until dawn.
Have fun.
Yes, it's me.
You shouldn't be calling me. I'm in hiding.
You can't just call me from any phone.
It could be tapped.
Then let's make this short.
I'm sorry. What do you need?
Get me out of here.
I'll get you the best lawyer by tomorrow.
I want a good lawyer who'll get me out legally.
-Understood? -Don't worry.
I know a lawyer who specializes Are you taking the case?
I am.
And trust me when I say
that the abuse of power Ms. Rodiles has experienced
is truly alarming
and we will present conclusive evidence of it.
<i> I'm certain said evidence</i> <i> will get my client acquitted.</i>
<i> Will you continue to fight for</i> will try to kidnap the lawyer<i>ed</i>
who's here to defend Roxana Rodiles.
I'm on the road.
That ------- Luis will cry when we nab the lawyer.
They're going to kidnap Roxana Rodiles' new attorney.
That's right. I just confirmed it.
What is it, Olivia?
Roxana Rodiles' lawyer is in danger.
-There's a plan to kidnap her. -When?
<i> Right now.</i>
At Zaragoza Blvd. and 4th.
I'm just blocks away. Call her right now.
Zaragoza and 4th! Hurry!
Get me Julia Keller's number!hm
I could last a lot longer in this place
if I were only allowed an hour to put my thoughts in order.
I can help you, but you have to put a little effort.
Otherwise, it won't work.
Every time you feel like getting
Get out of the car!
Federal police! Come with me!
Freeze, ------!
I want him alive!
Move it!
Get in the car.
Don't move.
That's what I like.
I like it when people are afraid of me,
especially pretty girls like you.
WhatHurry up!ant?
Do you really have no idea who was responsible?
Finding that out isn't my job.
It's the cops'.
I told you I'm innocent, and I'm going to prove it,
even if you insist on finding proof that doesn't exist.
And I disagree.
18 days here is plenty.
Federal police officers and Las Dunas' warden.
A bunch of incompetents!
With all due respect, sir...
<i> Respect, Commander David?</i>
You have the nerve to think I'd bother the president
with your suspicions?
<i> Forgive me, sir,</i> <i> but they're not suspicions.</i>
<i> The United States</i> <i> is very much interested</i>
<i> in the man we just took out.</i>
<i> And I think we deserve</i> <i> acknowledgment for that.</i>
No, what's more important
is not making decisions on your own.
Those are your orders, Captain.
I'm sorry, but I'm not following.
We just took out one of the men most wanted
by both the FBI and CIA,
<i> and instead of heroes,</i> <i> we're a bunch of incompetents?</i>
You said it.
Understand that it's because you're not doing
what a federal police officer of the Republic of Mexico
is supposed to be doing.
<i> That's exactly...</i>
<i> Alejandro, calm down.</i>
<i> You'll have to forgive</i> <i> the captain, sir.</i>
<i> He's very passionate</i> <i> about his job.</i>
When she tells me she wants to see you, I'll let you know.
In the meantime, if I were you,
I'd start getting used to the idea of never getting out.
I swear, doll.
But you have to do it quickly.
Once word gets out, everyone will want that bounty.
Better you than someone else, right?
Yeah, baby, but...
let's say I want to kill her.
If I hurt her, I'd be slitting my own throat.
Zoraida's protecting her.
You get me?
Yes, exactly.
You have to be very discrete.
You two as well.
Hi, Princess.
Can I talk to you?
I'd like to speak to you in the workshop.
Could we speak?
Thank you.
Are you done? Come on, let's go!
in the deputy attorney general's office, but under the radar.
Commander David gave this order, right?
I'm giving it to you.
If there's any trouble, I'll assume the consequences.
Alright. I'll do it.
How do get into the office?
cuse me, sir.
She's going to fix our computers.
Karla Cienfuegos. A pleasure.
How long do you think it'll take?
Based on the issues reported, I think about 30 minutes.
How inconvenient.
Then I'll leave you for a half hour.
Carmina, please tend to her.
Of course, sir.
After you.
¡OIGA! Hey.
Is it true that you IT people
can see everything on my computer?
But don't tell anyone I said that.
Let's go.
Al Otro Lado Del Muro | Recap (03/9/18) | Telemundo - Duration: 15:17.CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK
I'm so glad you're here. "From Mexico, with love.
The best of our youngest agave is in these bottles."
What happened?
Were you trying to leave?
Yes, we wanted to stretch our legs.
Our knees hurt.
We were on the bus all day yesterday.
It's best if you stay inside.
Sofia, you'll get to talk to an FBI agent that's coming.
Alo, go back to your room.
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
Let go!
You can't!
Get in the car, sir. You shouldn't be seen here.
No one knows we're here.
Your wife is out of control.
Where's your security staff?
I gave them all the day off.
I couldn't run the risk of any of them seeing you here...
or of them talking about what they saw.
Your wife is a problem. You should've killed her.
Irving, please try to understand.
The Interpol agent and the journalist
talked her into it.
Sofia isn't at fault.
Plus, I already got rid of those two.
Your wife has to die.
Irving, where's your common sense?
I can't kill her!
She's my wife. She's with my daughter.
How would I explain that to everyone in Mexico?
Please, let me go after them. I'll return them to Mexico.
You won't do anything! I'll handle everything.
You had your chance and you blew it!
Irving, please!
Is Joel with you?
Why do you need him?
I have the final autopsy report
and I'd like to discuss it with him.
Now's not a good time.
He's not well. He was hurt.
Hurt? How?
Is it serious? What happened?
Marquez, Joel speaking.
If the report is ready, I need to see it.
Yes, the report is ready,
but I'd like to discuss it with you in my office.
Is what you have to say that serious?
Chill, ma'am.
You don't want that going off.
---- you!
Move it, ------! Get out of here!
We'll leave if you give us the CD Mrs. Sofia gave you.
The police are on their way!
Who do you think pays their salaries, Eliza?
The gov!
Ma'am, it's best you give me the CD.
Those bastards will take you to a cell
and they'll beat the information out of you.
Those ------- don't respect their own mothers!
You have to the count of three to leave!
Leave now!
One! Two!
No ------- broad tells me what to do.
CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK captioning@telemundo.com (305) 887-3060
That's why he called Ernesto.
They were going to make me disappear.
Why don't you find that other policeman?
-The one in McAllen? -I don't trust anyone.
I don't believe anyone.
Only you.
You know you can always count on my help.
But what can I do?
You've done so much.
Being alone now is really hard.
Sometimes I think I won't be able to do this.
But I can't give up.
I have to keep going for her sake.
Things will change. They must.
-Breathe deeply. -Mrs. Carmen, you're alive!
You're alive. It's a miracle!
Please breathe deeply. Breathe.
Are you alright? Oh, Mrs. Carmen!
-Get me out of here. -No, I can't.
The ambulance is waiting for you.
You have to go
-to the hospital. -No! If I go they'll kill me.
-What? -Let's go!
Help me.
-Let me go! -Calm down!
-Let go! -Calm down!
-I said let go! -Listen.
Where's your mother?
-Tell me. -I don't know but I hate her!
Let my son go!
Always good seeing you, Patrick.
Do you realize what you've done?
You knocked out the governor's bodyguards.
You went into his home like a common criminal!
Cut me some slack. My head's killing me right now.
I don't give a ---- about your head!
You almost created an international scandal!
You compromised our operation here in Mexico
and all because of what?
-Because you fell in love? -Just calm down.
Everybody's looking at us.
I just did what I had to do, okay?
I needed to find out Sofia wasn't there, that's all.
I pulled strings to get you out of here
so that Martinez wouldn't press charges.
Jesus. Next time I find you near his home
not me nor Interpol's going to be able to save your ass!
Listen, I got it.
You're upset and you have the the feds have,set.mpore
the conclusion is that she shot her.
Sofia killed your sister.
Are you sure, Mr. Sullivan?
All those years of hard work, lost in a matter of minutes.
Look, Eliza,
I just need to know what you got yourself into.
What's going on between you and the governor's wife?
No, no.
I think she's not feeling well. May I?
-Go ahead. -Excuse me.
What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?
Please leave. I don't want to see you.
Take your daughter and don't ever come near us again.
Yeah, she...
She was here.
It's her fault I'm hurt.
That woman is a problem.
She's a lot of trouble.
CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK <i> Eliza, you have every right</i> <i> to be upset with me,</i>
<i> but I never thought my actions</i> <i> would get you in trouble.</i>
<i> For the first time ever,</i> <i> I regret everything I did.</i>
<i> I helped a mother</i> <i> find her daughter</i>
<i> and without meaning to, </i>
<i> I'm to blame for the tragedy</i> <i> that hit you and your family.</i>
<i> I hope that one day</i> <i> you can forgive me.</i>
<i> This is all I can give you</i> <i> to at least try to make up</i>
<i> for all that you lost.</i>
Honey, what's wrong? What are you doing in here?
Senator, you do know that these are serious accusations.
I'm looking for my husband.
I was told there's someone here who matches his description.
I'll get the doctor.
Don't. Stay.
I like holding your hand.
Oh, God! What'd they do to you?
Who are you?
Your wife.
Don't you recognize me?
If you're my wife, why didn't you come for me sooner?
I was in Madrid. Remember?
I needed to think things over. Had I known...
No, no... I don't understand.
-I don't know who you are! -I would've been here sooner...
-I'm dizzy. -It's okay.
Don't worry.
Are you in pain?
Can I come in?
He's not well. I'm getting a doctor.
-What's wrong? -Stay with him.
What's wrong, Steve?
What is it?
Everything will be okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
Remember how I asked you to meet Eliza
last time we saw each other?
-Eliza? -Yes, my wife.
Where's Eliza?
Did you give her the envelope?
She was here.
I want to see her.
I want to see Eliza.
I wasn't... where I was supposed to be.
And now I'm burying my sister because I didn't do my job.
This is not your fault.
It's not.
Why wouldn't Irene tell me any of this?
Every single piece of this puzzle just fell into place.
Irene received the document
and she called Sofia to confront her.
Sofia went to see her and...
she killed her in cold blood.
So all this time...
we've been protecting my sister's killer.
I didn't think you'd know how to dHello? truck.an Esy
<i> I'm calling about</i> <i> the stolen watch.</i>
Okay. I'm listening.
Do you have the watch?
It's my understanding that there's a reward involved.
If you can give us the watch and the info we need,
you'll get a reward. If not, don't waste my time.
Wait... What are you doing?
Just give it a sec.
Just give it one second and you will see.
I don't have the watch,
but it was recently dropped off at a Los Angeles pawnshop.
Did you bring the money?
I only brought half.
You'll get the other half when you deliver the info.
How did the watch reach the pawnshop?
A friend told me a woman sold him
a very expensive gold watch.
She needed fake passports.
Passports. To travel where?
Look, I'm just here to talk about the watch.
If you want more info...
I want to know more about her, the watch, and everything else.
How much is that going to cost?
Well, she went to get the passports,
but it seems she backed out at the last minute.
Did she?
Did you see her?
Yes, I did.
Is this her?
Yes, that's her.
I know her, but that's it.
Why would you have a pher address.me? You dw
And if...
Do you think you'd remember her address...
or how to find her if I took you in to the station for a while?
I told you everything I know.
This is the pawnshop's address. That's all I know.
【MUKBANG】 Eel?? Grilled Beef Hitsumabushi Rice Bowl [& Japanese Broth Rice] 5.5Kg 8500kcal[Use CC] - Duration: 9:18.Hello it's Kinoshita Yuka ( English subtitles by ~Aphexx~ )
So today tadaa I made a Hitsumabushi bowl
doesn't this all look like a bunch of eel?
its actually not... its Beef
its something I call beef hitsumabushi bowl
I was craving some 'ochadzuke' (porridge) and hitsumabushi bowls are finished with some broth
and so I thought that would be yummy and I looked around for some dope recipes
and I stumbled across this hitsumabushi recipe that substitutes the beef for eel
and so I made this don't it look DELISH
alrighty lets see how its made
these are the ingredients sliced beef, salt and pepper, starch, seaweed
veg oil, sugar, sake, soy sauce, mirin, rice dashi broth, and for toppings..... onion, and shredded seaweed
chop onion
Add salt and pepper to the sliced bits of beef
Cut seaweed in half
Layer the beef onto the seaweed
Sprinkle on some starch
Be careful not to slice through into the seaweed Carefully cut the beef
Do the same with the remaining meat
Make Dashi broth like you'd make ochazuke broth
add dashi no moto and hot water (available on American Amazon)
Coat a frying pan in veg oil And Heat
Fry with the seaweed side down
flip when crispy
Looks yummy
You could probably add the rest of toppings in here now
But I've got more meat to fry up
Sugar, sake, soy sauce
mirin, and let simmer
Once a bunch of it evaporates and it thickens up reduce the heat
Slice up the meat into bite-size pieces
7 cups of rice
Add the meat
they totes look like eel
The seaweed that we had on the bottom looks so much like eel
It's even starting to smell like eel
got an empty spot
Then add the rest of the sauce
looks so yummy
sprinkle on the onion
and the shredded seaweed
tadaa its all done its looks so delish
This seaweed looks so much like eel skin
And some more onion shredded seaweed and wasabi
One kilogram of miso soup itadakimasu
it absolutely looks the same as eel the seaweed looks like its skin
And of course it tastes like beef
the sweet and savory sauce is totes delish
The beef is so fatty and good
eel is yummy but since I love beef so much this is also yummy as well
I just can't get enough of this sweet and savory sauce And this rice
Lets add a bit of Wasabi on it
The Wasabi flavor really accents this nicely I love eating meat and wasabi together
Goes perfectly with miso soup
The sweet sauce has a base flavor of the salt and pepper giving it a nice depth of flavor
tadaa sansho pepper
Smells so wonderful
It gives it an extra boost of eel flavor
beef is so beefy and delish and the sansho pepper goes nicely with beef
I also have some ichimi spice
the ichimi gives it such wonderful umami
At first glance it looks exactly like eel it just lacks eel's fluffiness
But I do love the juiciness from the beef
I love Wasabi a lot and I always go all out and add a bunch
"I need more... I need more" and I keep adding more and more
and I go and overdo it all the time
I always overdo things
I've been craving all along has been 'ochazuke' porridge
and its a bit early but lets add the broth to this
ochazuke so yummy
now for the seaweed
add the onion
another round of wasabi
I love this brand of wasabi its made in shizuoka pref
shizuoka is known for their wasabi
its from mishimia which is in shizuoka
Looks so yummy
The juices from the meat Blends together with the broth this is the 'bestest' stuff ever
the rice also soaks up the broth making it so yummy
so yummy
the seaweed always goes so nicely with ochazuke
Add some wasabi
so good.... wasabi and ochazuke are truly yummy
I should have drank more of that miso soup
ochazuke and miso soup are rather similar
tadaa sesame seeds I feel as though sesame seeds would go great with us as well
The sesame seeds are so flavorful and yummy
if your ochazuke isn't salty enough its a good idea to add more salt
(be a superfan link Yuka's vids on all your socials *cough Reddit) #YukaFam
Last mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita the unagi-like beefy hitsumabushi bowl was yummy
it totally looked exactly like an eel bowl
it was so fun making this as well
I feel as though when you cook eel or beef that cooked flavor and aroma is very similar
and that's why when I was eating it I felt as though it was very similar
and it was so yummy with the added dashi broth
when biting into the meat having the juices gush out of it and blend with the broth was so addictive
the added spices and toppings were yummy as well
when you make things into a porridge it really lightens things up a lot
Won't you all please give it a try as well And as always thank you for watching if you want me
To do something or eat something please tell me in The comments section below if you like this video
Please hit the like And subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Waymo will add 20K all-electric Jaguar I-PACE Cars to its self-driving fleet - Duration: 0:53.Google's Self-Driving Car Company Waymo is teaming up with Jaguar Land Rover to provide
premium Self-driving Cars Service.
Waymo will add up to 20,000 all-electric Jaguar I-PACE to its self-driving cars fleet — that's
enough to drive about a million trips in a typical day.
Jaguar I-Pace will be the second official vehicle in Waymo's robot taxi fleet.
Currently Waymo is using a fleet of 600 self-driving Chrysler minivans.
They have racked up more than five million miles of testing on public roads.
The expansion of the Waymo's Driverless cars service comes despite fresh fears raised over
the safety of self-driving cars, after an autonomous Uber car killed a pedestrian in
Arizona last week.
Al Otro Lado Del Muro | Recap (03/9/18) | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 15:18.CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK
I'm so glad you're here. "From Mexico, with love.
The best of our youngest agave is in these bottles."
What happened?
Were you trying to leave?
Yes, we wanted to stretch our legs.
Our knees hurt.
We were on the bus all day yesterday.
It's best if you stay inside.
Sofia, you'll get to talk to an FBI agent that's coming.
Alo, go back to your room.
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
Let go!
You can't!
Get in the car, sir. You shouldn't be seen here.
No one knows we're here.
Your wife is out of control.
Where's your security staff?
I gave them all the day off.
I couldn't run the risk of any of them seeing you here...
or of them talking about what they saw.
Your wife is a problem. You should've killed her.
Irving, please try to understand.
The Interpol agent and the journalist
talked her into it.
Sofia isn't at fault.
Plus, I already got rid of those two.
Your wife has to die.
Irving, where's your common sense?
I can't kill her!
She's my wife. She's with my daughter.
How would I explain that to everyone in Mexico?
Please, let me go after them. I'll return them to Mexico.
You won't do anything! I'll handle everything.
You had your chance and you blew it!
Irving, please!
Is Joel with you?
Why do you need him?
I have the final autopsy report
and I'd like to discuss it with him.
Now's not a good time.
He's not well. He was hurt.
Hurt? How?
Is it serious? What happened?
Marquez, Joel speaking.
If the report is ready, I need to see it.
Yes, the report is ready,
but I'd like to discuss it with you in my office.
Is what you have to say that serious?
Chill, ma'am.
You don't want that going off.
---- you!
Move it, ------! Get out of here!
We'll leave if you give us the CD Mrs. Sofia gave you.
The police are on their way!
Who do you think pays their salaries, Eliza?
The gov!
Ma'am, it's best you give me the CD.
Those bastards will take you to a cell
and they'll beat the information out of you.
Those ------- don't respect their own mothers!
You have to the count of three to leave!
Leave now!
One! Two!
No ------- broad tells me what to do.
CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK captioning@telemundo.com (305) 887-3060
That's why he called Ernesto.
They were going to make me disappear.
Why don't you find that other policeman?
-The one in McAllen? -I don't trust anyone.
I don't believe anyone.
Only you.
You know you can always count on my help.
But what can I do?
You've done so much.
Being alone now is really hard.
Sometimes I think I won't be able to do this.
But I can't give up.
I have to keep going for her sake.
Things will change. They must.
-Breathe deeply. -Mrs. Carmen, you're alive!
You're alive. It's a miracle!
Please breathe deeply. Breathe.
Are you alright? Oh, Mrs. Carmen!
-Get me out of here. -No, I can't.
The ambulance is waiting for you.
You have to go
-to the hospital. -No! If I go they'll kill me.
-What? -Let's go!
Help me.
-Let me go! -Calm down!
-Let go! -Calm down!
-I said let go! -Listen.
Where's your mother?
-Tell me. -I don't know but I hate her!
Let my son go!
Always good seeing you, Patrick.
Do you realize what you've done?
You knocked out the governor's bodyguards.
You went into his home like a common criminal!
Cut me some slack. My head's killing me right now.
I don't give a ---- about your head!
You almost created an international scandal!
You compromised our operation here in Mexico
and all because of what?
-Because you fell in love? -Just calm down.
Everybody's looking at us.
I just did what I had to do, okay?
I needed to find out Sofia wasn't there, that's all.
I pulled strings to get you out of here
so that Martinez wouldn't press charges.
Jesus. Next time I find you near his home
not me nor Interpol's going to be able to save your ass!
Listen, I got it.
You're upset and you have the the feds have,set.mpore
the conclusion is that she shot her.
Sofia killed your sister.
Are you sure, Mr. Sullivan?
All those years of hard work, lost in a matter of minutes.
Look, Eliza,
I just need to know what you got yourself into.
What's going on between you and the governor's wife?
No, no.
I think she's not feeling well. May I?
-Go ahead. -Excuse me.
What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?
Please leave. I don't want to see you.
Take your daughter and don't ever come near us again.
Yeah, she...
She was here.
It's her fault I'm hurt.
That woman is a problem.
She's a lot of trouble.
CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK <i> Eliza, you have every right</i> <i> to be upset with me,</i>
<i> but I never thought my actions</i> <i> would get you in trouble.</i>
<i> For the first time ever,</i> <i> I regret everything I did.</i>
<i> I helped a mother</i> <i> find her daughter</i>
<i> and without meaning to, </i>
<i> I'm to blame for the tragedy</i> <i> that hit you and your family.</i>
<i> I hope that one day</i> <i> you can forgive me.</i>
<i> This is all I can give you</i> <i> to at least try to make up</i>
<i> for all that you lost.</i>
Honey, what's wrong? What are you doing in here?
Senator, you do know that these are serious accusations.
I'm looking for my husband.
I was told there's someone here who matches his description.
I'll get the doctor.
Don't. Stay.
I like holding your hand.
Oh, God! What'd they do to you?
Who are you?
Your wife.
Don't you recognize me?
If you're my wife, why didn't you come for me sooner?
I was in Madrid. Remember?
I needed to think things over. Had I known...
No, no... I don't understand.
-I don't know who you are! -I would've been here sooner...
-I'm dizzy. -It's okay.
Don't worry.
Are you in pain?
Can I come in?
He's not well. I'm getting a doctor.
-What's wrong? -Stay with him.
What's wrong, Steve?
What is it?
Everything will be okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
Remember how I asked you to meet Eliza
last time we saw each other?
-Eliza? -Yes, my wife.
Where's Eliza?
Did you give her the envelope?
She was here.
I want to see her.
I want to see Eliza.
I wasn't... where I was supposed to be.
And now I'm burying my sister because I didn't do my job.
This is not your fault.
It's not.
Why wouldn't Irene tell me any of this?
Every single piece of this puzzle just fell into place.
Irene received the document
and she called Sofia to confront her.
Sofia went to see her and...
she killed her in cold blood.
So all this time...
we've been protecting my sister's killer.
I didn't think you'd know how to dHello? truck.an Esy
<i> I'm calling about</i> <i> the stolen watch.</i>
Okay. I'm listening.
Do you have the watch?
It's my understanding that there's a reward involved.
If you can give us the watch and the info we need,
you'll get a reward. If not, don't waste my time.
Wait... What are you doing?
Just give it a sec.
Just give it one second and you will see.
I don't have the watch,
but it was recently dropped off at a Los Angeles pawnshop.
Did you bring the money?
I only brought half.
You'll get the other half when you deliver the info.
How did the watch reach the pawnshop?
A friend told me a woman sold him
a very expensive gold watch.
She needed fake passports.
Passports. To travel where?
Look, I'm just here to talk about the watch.
If you want more info...
I want to know more about her, the watch, and everything else.
How much is that going to cost?
Well, she went to get the passports,
but it seems she backed out at the last minute.
Did she?
Did you see her?
Yes, I did.
Is this her?
Yes, that's her.
I know her, but that's it.
Why would you have a pher address.me? You dw
And if...
Do you think you'd remember her address...
or how to find her if I took you in to the station for a while?
I told you everything I know.
This is the pawnshop's address. That's all I know.
Enemigo Íntimo | Recap (03/9/18) | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 15:13.CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK
And do these dreams hanother password.o try
Silvia, did you find anything?
No, I'm still stuck.
The phone company won't give me the number.
The signal's still blocked.
Alejandro's been flying blind for too long.
-Should we go in after him? -Go where?
To the forest where Samson's ranch is.
Where his truck was.
Right here.
Let's go.
Silvia, keep trying.
Are you okay? Oh, my God.
You saved me.
It wasn't me. It was God or something.
Where'd you get that?
Son of a...
We'd get in big trouble.
If he wakes up, he'll want Bastard!ack at me.
then we'll go after the Dark Knights.
Just like that?
Yes, Dad! Just like that.
Luis! That's enough!
Look at me.
Sorry, Dad, but this situation is ------- pissing me off.
I need you to trust that I can finish them.
Just because the Professor hasn't been in contact with us
doesn't mean we can bother him just to tell him
that the Dark Knights are on our tail
and that we're going to start a senseless war
just because you're pissed off.
Let's not waste any time. Let's go after them.
No. Let's find Montalvo.
That ------.
The gun's in a can filled with water in the warehouse.
It could cost us.s not f.
You have until dawn.
Have fun.
Yes, it's me.
You shouldn't be calling me. I'm in hiding.
You can't just call me from any phone.
It could be tapped.
Then let's make this short.
I'm sorry. What do you need?
Get me out of here.
I'll get you the best lawyer by tomorrow.
I want a good lawyer who'll get me out legally.
-Understood? -Don't worry.
I know a lawyer who specializes Are you taking the case?
I am.
And trust me when I say
that the abuse of power Ms. Rodiles has experienced
is truly alarming
and we will present conclusive evidence of it.
<i> I'm certain said evidence</i> <i> will get my client acquitted.</i>
<i> Will you continue to fight for</i> will try to kidnap the lawyer<i>ed</i>
who's here to defend Roxana Rodiles.
I'm on the road.
That ------- Luis will cry when we nab the lawyer.
They're going to kidnap Roxana Rodiles' new attorney.
That's right. I just confirmed it.
What is it, Olivia?
Roxana Rodiles' lawyer is in danger.
-There's a plan to kidnap her. -When?
<i> Right now.</i>
At Zaragoza Blvd. and 4th.
I'm just blocks away. Call her right now.
Zaragoza and 4th! Hurry!
Get me Julia Keller's number!hm
I could last a lot longer in this place
if I were only allowed an hour to put my thoughts in order.
I can help you, but you have to put a little effort.
Otherwise, it won't work.
Every time you feel like getting
Get out of the car!
Federal police! Come with me!
Freeze, ------!
I want him alive!
Move it!
Get in the car.
Don't move.
That's what I like.
I like it when people are afraid of me,
especially pretty girls like you.
WhatHurry up!ant?
Do you really have no idea who was responsible?
Finding that out isn't my job.
It's the cops'.
I told you I'm innocent, and I'm going to prove it,
even if you insist on finding proof that doesn't exist.
And I disagree.
18 days here is plenty.
Federal police officers and Las Dunas' warden.
A bunch of incompetents!
With all due respect, sir...
<i> Respect, Commander David?</i>
You have the nerve to think I'd bother the president
with your suspicions?
<i> Forgive me, sir,</i> <i> but they're not suspicions.</i>
<i> The United States</i> <i> is very much interested</i>
<i> in the man we just took out.</i>
<i> And I think we deserve</i> <i> acknowledgment for that.</i>
No, what's more important
is not making decisions on your own.
Those are your orders, Captain.
I'm sorry, but I'm not following.
We just took out one of the men most wanted
by both the FBI and CIA,
<i> and instead of heroes,</i> <i> we're a bunch of incompetents?</i>
You said it.
Understand that it's because you're not doing
what a federal police officer of the Republic of Mexico
is supposed to be doing.
<i> That's exactly...</i>
<i> Alejandro, calm down.</i>
<i> You'll have to forgive</i> <i> the captain, sir.</i>
<i> He's very passionate</i> <i> about his job.</i>
When she tells me she wants to see you, I'll let you know.
In the meantime, if I were you,
I'd start getting used to the idea of never getting out.
I swear, doll.
But you have to do it quickly.
Once word gets out, everyone will want that bounty.
Better you than someone else, right?
Yeah, baby, but...
let's say I want to kill her.
If I hurt her, I'd be slitting my own throat.
Zoraida's protecting her.
You get me?
Yes, exactly.
You have to be very discrete.
You two as well.
Hi, Princess.
Can I talk to you?
I'd like to speak to you in the workshop.
Could we speak?
Thank you.
Are you done? Come on, let's go!
in the deputy attorney general's office, but under the radar.
Commander David gave this order, right?
I'm giving it to you.
If there's any trouble, I'll assume the consequences.
Alright. I'll do it.
How do get into the office?
cuse me, sir.
She's going to fix our computers.
Karla Cienfuegos. A pleasure.
How long do you think it'll take?
Based on the issues reported, I think about 30 minutes.
How inconvenient.
Then I'll leave you for a half hour.
Carmina, please tend to her.
Of course, sir.
After you.
Is it true that you IT people
can see everything on my computer?
But don't tell anyone I said that.
Let's go.
My Dream Team: Manu Garcia, Deportivo Alaves - Duration: 1:48."I'd play a 4-3-3, and this would be the line-up"
"In goal, Arconada, one of the best keepers in the history of the game."
"As right back I'd choose Cosmin Contra. I remember well all the times he ran up and down the wing at the Mendizorroza."
"My central defenders would be Inaxio Kortabarria, who was my coach in the youth team and Puyol, for his courage."
"I'd pick Roberto Carlos as my left back because of his great shot and his runs down the wing."
"I'd put three great players together in midfield. Andrés Iniesta, on the left..."
"… Xabi Alonso, in the middle…"
"and Toni Kroos, on the right."
"And then upfront I'd have the very best, Messi…"
"…Cristiano Ronaldo…"
"…and Ronaldo."
Best EDM Electro House Trap Chart Mix 2018 - Vol 75 - Duration: 40:55.-------------------------------------------
10 Years Ago... Matchday 30 LaLiga 2007/2008 - Duration: 3:23.Ten years ago, Real Madrid took a giant stride towards taking possession of LaLiga championship 2007/2008.
Bernd Schuster's side finished the thirtieth matchday of the season top of the table with a six point lead over their
nearest rivals, Villarreal.
Los Blancos overcame Sevilla in the Santiago Bernabeu in a game which went their way early on thanks to a goal
from Heinze, his first as a Real Madrid player.
Frederic Kanoute, soon pulled one back for the Andalusian team but a few seconds later, Raul put his
side back ahead with a cracking goal that would enter the club's history books, as it put him equal with
Santillana on 290 goals in official games.
Gonzalo Higuain, sealed the victory with another goal in the second half, to make the final result 3-1.
Barcelona flopped at Betis' Benito Villamarin stadium and dropped to third place.
After a determined first half Barça went into the dressing rooms 2-0 up.
But to the delight of the home fans two strikes from Edu and a goal from Juanito turned the game on its head.
Rijkaard's side were now 7 points adrift of the top place.
Villarreal took full advantage of Barça's slip-up. They were in superb form in their 3-0 defeat of Atletico in the
Madrigal, which saw them jump into second place.
Santi Cazorla got one of the goals thanks to a marvellous piece of play from Robert Pires, and Nihat
netted a brace in a game which featured the return of Diego Forlan to his former club.
Another team to come out on top ten years ago was Racing Santander, who were worthy winners in Montjuïc
and now equal with Atletico Madrid in an impressive fourth place.
Goal of the game came from Ivan Bolado with a brilliantly tricky shot to seal a 3-0 victory.
Dani Güiza, Xisco Jimenez and Vicente Iborra were the other stand out players from Matchday 30.
The Mallorca striker struck twice in the Mestalla making him the top Spanish goalscorer with 17 goals.
Xisco got his one and only LaLiga hat-trick at the Riazor, an achievement that gave a great boost to Deportivo's
chances of staying up.
A youthful Iborra scored his first goal in the best league in the world in Almeria,
though it wasn't of much use as Levante lost at the Mediterráneo stadium, and were now well adrift at the
bottom of LaLiga.
"Rusia tiene muchos tentáculos, es un monstruo del fondo del mar": El Departamento de Estado - Duration: 1:33.-------------------------------------------
N. Korea, China confirm Kim Jong-un's visit to Beijing - Duration: 0:56.Kim Jong-un left Pyongyang on Sunday on board a train with his wife, Ri Sol-ju and several
senior advisers, arriving in the Chinese capital the next day.
The trip wasn't confirmed, though, until today, after Kim Jong-un was back in Pyongyang.
The North's state media said Kim was in Beijing at the invitation of President Xi Jinping.
It was his first known trip overseas as leader and his first meeting with a foreign head
of state.
As for what Kim and President Xi talked about, Chinese reports say Kim expressed openness
to dialogue with the United States, including a summit with President Trump.
He also reportedly claimed it was always North Korea's intention to denuclearize.
That can happen, he said, if South Korea and the U.S. will take "progressive" steps in
line with North Korea's "acts of goodwill."
Those comments from Kim, however, were not included in the North Korean report.
Kemerowo: "Ich bitte Sie um Vergebung!" - Vize-Gouverneur geht vor wütender Menge auf die Knie - Duration: 1:17.-------------------------------------------
Talking About... Sergio Asenjo, Villarreal CF player - Duration: 4:10."Hi, I'm Sergio Asenjo, and this is what my teammates think of me"
"Off the pitch Sergio is a normal guy"
"Off the pitch Sergio is a friendly person. You can spend the morning laughing with him"
"Asenjo is a very normal person, very quiet, down-to-earth. And the truth is he's a good friend and very good fun to be with"
"Just like me, he's not at his best in the mornings. It takes him a bit of time to get going"
"I think I'm a quiet guy, family minded and respectful with everyone"
"He brings dedication, hard work and also a lot of experience"
"All the hard work he's put in over the course of his career, his strength and
determination, he manages to get that across to his teammates"
"I've learned a lot about how to overcome adversity from Sergio, he's had four serious injuries over the course of his career"
"Every time he's been injured he's put everything into making a recovery and coming back at a very high level of fitness"
"He's taken everything in a very natural manner and always with a smile on his face."
"Those he's had here at Villarreal he's handled really well, with a lot of courage"
"Each one has been different but fundamentally they're all similar. A lot of work, ambition, determination
to move forward and more than anything to keep enjoying this beautiful world we live in"
"I've learned from Asenjo how to fight and work hard for the others"
"Sergio is a great keeper, very alert and very intelligent"
"You realise that as a keeper he works hard to be at the very top of his game. He's as good as you get"
"Everyone knows that as a keeper he's superb and capable of great things"
"We need people like Sergio who I think is the best Spain can offer right now in terms of goalkeeping"
"He makes himself very big in one-on-one situations, he fills the goal, it's really difficult to beat him"
"The security he brings to the team"
"He's very calm between the sticks and brings a lot of confidence to the defence and to the whole team"
"Calm, a cool-headed keeper. More than anything I try to bring security"
"I got married last summer. I gave the figures from the cake to
Trigueros so he'd be the next one to ask his girlfriend to get married"
"He gave me the figures from the cake at his wedding so me and my girlfriend would be the next to get married"
"I think he's getting married next summer, so we'll all be with him on that occasion"
Young Talents: Maxi Gomez, RC Celta - Duration: 1:32.Maxi Gomez has made a great impression in his first season in LaLiga.
The young Uruguayan striker was a complete unknown to the Galician fans when he touched down in Vigo last June.
But he made an immediate impact and quickly won over the supporters at
the Balaidos with his determination, power and nose for goals.
Maxi joined the ranks of Celta from Defensor Sporting, the team with which
he made his professional footballing debut just two years ago.
Since then he has made remarkable progress: 29 goals in 47 games in his native country.
And now on double figures in his first season in Spanish football. He scored a brace in his debut against Real Sociedad
and has also scored against the two titans of the championship, Barcelona and Real Madrid.
Statistics which put him among the most promising young strikers to appear in LaLiga this season.
He's shown a great understanding with Iago Aspas in Juan Carlos Unzue's strikeforce.
It looks as though Maxi Gomez is going to be a potent threat for Celta in the coming years.
South Korea's economy grows 3.1% in 2017, per capita GNI hits US$29,745. - Duration: 2:08.The Bank of Korea has released its revised data on the nation's GDP growth and per capita
gross national income for 2017.
The figures show the economy has been doing well,... on the back of improving exports
and investment.
Kim Hyesung has the details.
South Korea's economy grew by three-point-one percent in 2017, with per capita gross national
income, or GNI, approaching the 30-thousand U.S. dollar mark.
The Bank of Korea said Wednesday that the nation's per capita GNI grew by 7-point-5
percent from 2016, marking its fastest pace of growth since 2011.
"Gross national income per capita in 2017 hit 29-thousand-745 U.S. dollars.
It grew mainly on the back of faster economic growth and a stronger won, as the Korean won
appreciated against the U.S. dollar by an annual average of 2.6 percent."
As for the nation's economic growth, the BOK's revised GDP growth reading of 3.1 percent
is on par with its earlier estimate released in January, up from 2016's 2.9 percent,...
and marking the fastest growth in three years .
Nominal GDP, a measure of a country's economic output at current market prices, grew by 5.4
percent on-year, to over 1.6 trilion dollars.
Exports, which account for over half of Korea's GDP, grew by nearly two-percent on-year in
2017, on the back of strong semiconductor and machinery exports.
In addition, construction and facilities investment contributed to the economic growth, thanks
to an increase in housing construction, with facilities investment expanding by 14.6 percent,
making a turnaround from the one percent contraction back in 2016.
Private consumption also posted on-year growth of 2.6 percent in 2017.
Services, however, rose at an eight-year low rate of 2.1 percent in 2017 due to sluggish
growth in the wholesale and retail trade sectors.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.
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