Wow guys keep watching as we set up this awesome
Jurassic world fallen Kingdom dinosaur zoo with 61 dinosaur miniatures and we
are going to go ahead and open up the six takara tomy metal dinosaur
miniatures from Jurassic world fallen Kingdom keep watching the t-rex has
New Jurassic World Takara Tomy Fallen Kingdom 61 Dinosaur Toys Dinosaur Zoo Indoraptor Vs T-Rex
Velociraptor blue is on top blue is down in the raptor is the victor and then
blue attacks okay today I am super excited this is the first time I know of
that Takara Tomy got the official license to produce Jurassic world
dinosaurs and they are some I got all six of these just recently I ordered
them from Japan and they just came recently ok the packages are a little
bit crushed I had a problem with that but you know I it's been worked out so
uh I've got the sticky malach the Mosasaurus t-rex in the raptor
Carnotaurus and Velociraptor blue and these are metal figures and they are
totally awesome collectibles Wow I am excited and behind it we have a big
huge dinosaur two-carat Tomy dinosaur zoo place that will set these up on once
we're done opening them ok so we are going to start with this rat asaurus of
course I do not read Jeff it looks like the only one I'm missing
other dinos is the Tran Adhan and for the human Owen so I guess this is
showing what movement it has like I said the packages got a little bit crushed I
was disappointed there because I love to Cara Tommy's work I mean they do a great
job let's see that's the dyno do that okay so nothing the rest is just like a
piece of cardboards to hold it up the dinos are not the biggest but they are
really cool detailed fun to play with Dinosaurs okay so this one is the
Cerreta soros like I said let's go ahead check out the options first of all the
mouth does open and close I believe these characters are metal I mean it
does have a cold touch it does feel like it's metal so I mean if I'm wrong let me
know but from what I know they are metal diecast figures just I don't read
Japanese mr. problem okay so the legs do move almost 360 degrees the tail rotates
there 360 moves up and down and here 360 moves up and down really great paint job
on the nails and everything on these guys really cool dinah and here we could
even set them up on this Takara Tomy set later and have some Dino battles but
anyways let's move on to the in the Raptor okay and just in case you are
Japanese and watching this video I mean if you speak Japanese I will show you
the box on all sides so you could read it if you are interested so their
packaging is really cool too I'm just a little disappointing that some of them
got crushed polka hole that isn't awesome
in the rafter wall so metal diecast figures totally awesome what what is
going on here look at this claw how it's sticking back what happened here this is
flat this claw okay looks like it's attacking but could it use the end no I
definitely think that was a mistake I think that was supposed to be I don't
know if I'm gonna be able to get this guy to stand but anyways really cool
detail mouth does open and close you could see each of the teeth are like
individually painted tiny red eyes ah the coloring is very true you got the
little red you got like the gold stripe all the way down
you've got the spikes on its back I mean they even painted the nails on the hands
they're the tail does move up and down spins 360 this part spins 360 the legs
do move I believe yes 360 degrees I just don't know what
with this one I mean if anybody from tequila terror takara tomy
is watching you please let me know what happened with this in the wraptor cuz I
don't know what I'm supposed to do with that but anyways other than that really
cool figure right now that's the only way I'm able to make this guy stand and
just does not look right so anyways they do make awesome figures
I just want to know exactly what happened to that in the Raptor other
than that I mean these are totally awesome so here we have the Stiggy
malach and by the way they did not send these to me I did purchase all of these
the majority of them I think are close to $15 so they're not cheap dinosaurs
but you know they're really good quality except of course that in the Raptor but
I have bought a lot of takara tomy toys and playset and they really do a great
job with all of them except of course that in the Raptor I'm shocked I'm
really shocked because like I said before this they've always done an
awesome job okay well anyways here we've got the sticky malach so this is
actually one of the most detailed stickies I've seen super great painting
job all over I mean these things are like if you ever see like the painted
metal figures where the artist like takes time like hours to paint each one
these things look actually that good and then the leg does spin 360 degrees super
nice paint job on the legs to each toenail and okay this one the nails on
the hand they're not painted but each toe nails individually painted the tail
moves there and here so super great we also looking Jurassic world dinosaurs
and then we're gonna move to Velociraptor blue I mean it says
Jurassic world blue is the first English I seen on these packages so looks like
this one's gonna be a tiny little blue maybe in scale with the other dinos I
don't although I don't think so oh wow guys not even put together check
it out this guy is all taken apart so he is gonna be about the size of the other
dinos no blue where is your head that is weird I mean they I don't think I've
ever ran into the Takara Tomy figures we're the heads and the tails or
separate I didn't even though they pulled off I wonder if you could you
could pull it off after you put it on so could you pull the heads off the other
divers okay it looks like some of them are permanent so you probably don't want
to be pulling heads off the dinos unless you want them broken but anyways
Velociraptor okay this this one's a little disappointing the mouth is not
open ah it is a metal figure though so it's really cool you could set up off
you buy enough of these you could set up like a chessboard or something that
would be kind of cool so super great detail it's it's Velociraptor blue the
grey body the blue stripe little yellow eyes the arms move the head turns 360
degrees the legs
don't want to go past that point because it's really tight I'm scared of my break
and the tail moves they painted the claws but you know what if that's
supposed to be a third cloth it's not sticking up I think it is a third claw
Bob really they should have that sticking up in the air and the way his
arms are it almost looks like he's begging okay well anyways let's move to
the tea rack and then we are moving to the t-rex again it's showing all of them
here is like the action features over here to picture the t-rex and a bunch of
birds in the butter okay well anyways let's go ahead and oh this is a nice big
heavy one like it this is definitely the biggest of them so far
Wow I mean they make this guy like huge look at a next to the Ceratosaurus that
is really cool I like that so I'll t-rex so far out of all these
guys I think the t-rex looks the best his mouth does open and close all the
way he is like a brownish orange type color they painted the nails on his
hands twenty little yellow eyes the legs move 360 degrees yes the nails are
painted individually on the feet the tail moves in all directions so awesome
Wow I'm really impressed with that one and
then our final one is gonna be the Mosasaurus
those animal adventures yeah I don't think the other animals would want to
get in a cage with this guy I mean this guy made the great white shark look like
a little tiny toy oh wow they really did a great job on this one I love him
whoa look at this I mean what a cool job they did even with the teeth the mouth
does open and closed tiny little yellow eyes
nice big flippers the tail moves back and forth there and it moves back and
forth here so you can get in like a swinging type action really cool-looking
Wow I'm telling you I am impressed with the
Mosasaurus and the t-rex they look totally awesome okay I got some other
awesome eye drastic world figures to join these guys in our dinosaur zoo I
got this awesome movie exclusive like more with this I think this was a bottle
topper that you would have on top of the drinks the mouth is not open and closed
that is a really cool looking detailed t-rex really cool looking detailed
Velociraptor blue Wow went a lot with that one I do have full
reviews on those ones too in the Raptor super awesome check this out
Wow I mean that is probably just as good as the interactor from Takara Tomy and
then a really cool stick in the lock now cool Stegosaurus and a really cool
tada okay and then I have this awesome
pop out to Kara Tomy dinosaur zoo playset it is totally cool and on top of
all that guys I've got two big bats of Jurassic world on miniatures these are
all from the blind bags and then these ones are the Battle Damage ones from
Walmart we're gonna go ahead and set all of these up on our awesome playset
okay so first of all I'm gonna start with the Takara Tomy Ceratosaurus right
back there the t-rex is gonna go into the pen over there are in the Raptor is
gonna be sneaking up the side of the mountain over here we're gonna put let's
see where is the velociraptors oh okay they are all the way down here I
don't I did not have room on my setup so I'm gonna actually just set the
Velociraptor blue right back there and the other Velociraptor blue is gonna go
back here in this oops sorry about that okay so I'm going to set up that
Velociraptor blue there and the other one's gonna be on the other side of the
river this in the Raptor is going to go right there stigma lock I'm not seeing
the place so stiggy's gonna go over here with the Triceratops since they are both
herbivores let's see do we have a spot for ah we do guys spot for the
Stegosaurus but once again it's off the board so I'm gonna put the Stegosaurus
back over here with the Styracosaurus because they are both herbivores and we
got a big open river here with the Spinosaurus I will put the Mosasaurus
there so he could attack our Spinosaurus ah the other t-rex him they set the
other t-rex back there on the path and then let's go ahead and take a look at
all these other Jurassic world we're gonna take a look
at it and then set them on the board and then we'll go ahead check out our
dinosaur zoo because there is an a lot of awesome features here you have the
dinosaur battle area you can set up two dinosaurs turn this have them battle you
could have them pop out over here attack each other you could have them the
volcano explode and big balls roll down to smash the dinosaurs so it's a lot of
fun but anyways we have uh Dilophosaurus and these guys are from the blind bags
we have little Stegosaurus we have to a point with that Stegosaurus in the back
that will be its mommy we have a Velociraptor which I'm going to put here
sneaking up on the in your Raptor we've got another awesome t-rex here which is
gonna sneak up on the Lhasa Raptor and then here we got a pair of cephalus
horas which is gonna go here I guess it's gonna be the T Rex's food here we
have Baryonyx the Baryonyx is gonna go here with the Spinosaurus okay that area
is getting a little crowded I think we're gonna have to move some stuff
around we have a little sticky here which is gonna go with the bigger sticky
over there so the this one will be like the mom and that will be the baby we
have some Triceratops let me see we should have a triceratops in somewhere
oh that's right the Triceratops is here with his thinking a lot salt that little
guys gonna go there we have a trainer Don Tran Adan
could go I guess I'll put him on top of the palm
tree over there we got an inkless or s we up here's an
ankylosaurus right over here so we will put the ink Lea Soros over there on the
path and then we have another Stegosaurus which is gonna go in the
back here with the Stegosaurus family and then we have another Triceratops I
think we're gonna have to move the stigma locks out of here maybe over here
on the other side of the river because I do got quite a few Triceratops and I
would like to keep the families together if possible so let's see another t-rex
so this t-rex could go back here with mommy t-rex we're gonna move the pair of
cephalus Oris over here to the Apatosaurus and then oh yeah see through
indominus rex oh I missed the indominus rex guys that was one of my favorite
dinos so I will set the indominus rex right up over there he is
mode and then here we have a Baryonyx so the Baryonyx again could come back here
with the spinosaurus oops they are in the same family
and then another pair of cephalus aureus is gonna come join this Apatosaurus then
we have bossa Raptor blue so Velociraptor blue will be right there
coming right down the mountainside and then in a pedis or a switch we will put
with the big mommy Apatosaurus over there another baby Apatosaurus
so I think we will have to move our indominus rex oh look we do have a place
for the parasail asuras family right there so we will move the pair of
cephalus soros is over there i do not have a spot for
the indominus rex so the indominus rex is gonna go back here in the carnivore
valley because there is a lot of carnivores there and then we have
another baby t-rex which is gonna go with mommy t-rex over there okay looks
like we have another Pteranodon yeah you seem to have run out of trees maybe I
could clip oh well okay that guy's gonna have a crash landing how about that
another Apatosaurus which is gonna join the Apatosaurus family over there and
then we have another ankylosaurus for the ankylosaurus family over here and
another ankylosaurus let's see if we have any more okay I don't see any more
of those but I do see some more Triceratops
so the Triceratops are going to join this mommy Triceratops with the egg over
here so we have a lot of Triceratops and then we've got another Velociraptor oh
boy this place is getting really crowded huh Bobby put some dinos all the way in
the back over here looks like we got a spot there we could put this other t-rex
over here here we have another Stiggy malach
okay I have a sticky right over here by the pool the big one so we're gonna put
more stickies there so keep the plant-eaters separate from the
carnivores or they will geek and then here we've got another Stegosaurus
to join the park back there and we have two more velociraptors I think these
guys are gonna go on the bridge of do it's called the bridge of doom because
if that volcano explodes it will send that big ball of wobble down in push
them here we have another trinit on which is gonna crash land with that one
over there okay so I got a bunch more dinos which I am gonna set up in that
back area all the way over there cuz I seem to have run out of room so here we
have another see-through indominus rex these are the battle damage ones from
Walmart they all have some type of damage to them so there is the baryonic
here is the Triceratops actually Triceratops is gonna go with the
Triceratops here is a t-rex let me show you guys what I'm doing we will zoom in
check out all the different areas once we're done gates and then here is
another also closes forests to join the one in the water by the way these are
all Jurassic world dinosaur miniatures from Jurassic world falling Kingdom I
have hundreds of them from the first Jurassic world if you want to check out
some of my earlier Jurassic world videos another sticking the lock to join that
one and then here we have Allosaurus which is gonna go in carnivore Valley
Ceratosaurus which is going to join carnivore Valley Wow the carnivore
Valley is back got Velociraptor blue we could put here sneaking down oh and then
here we have a battle damage in the Raptor the battle damage pack for
Walmart is awesome you get 15 dinosaurs for 10 bucks so it's a good deal turn it
on is gonna crash land with the other two we have a spitting venom
Dilophosaurus to join carnivore Valley and then a battle damage t-rex also wow
these aren't even all the Jurassic world miniatures I have I do got more than
these but for now I think that is plenty them and then also I have a really cool
this is from the Jurassic Park it's like a DVD set of Jurassic Park one two and
three blu-ray set so here we have the t-rex busting out of the gates of
Jurassic Park which we will set up back over there then over here we have a
really awesome indominus rex which is from the Jurassic world blu-ray special
edition set which we will set up in the back over there and wow guys this is
totally huge so we have 61 Jurassic world dinosaur miniatures in this
awesome dinosaur zoo okay so for this next part I apologize if it gets a
little shaky I took my camera off the tripod so we could focus on each one of
these areas so over here we have like the Stegosaurus area you have the
entrance to Jurassic world over there you got like a Velociraptor pen here
we've got like us ankylosaurus area with the mommy ankylosaurus some eggs a bunch
of baby ones that ran it on there we have a big Triceratops area you can see
like the pictures like a balmy dino with her eggs over there we've got a river
with some swimming Mosasaurus and the sub from Jurassic world
on this side you have velociraptor dip - Velociraptor blue a bunch of crash
Pteranodons and here we have card of war value Wow here we have Velociraptor blue
we've got some periodic we've got the in the Raptor Dilophosaurus is bunch of
t-rex is Rattus aureus indominus rex another t-rex oh we have a sticky malach
out of here quick before he gets eaten wow that was a close one looks like some
of the T Rexes have already met their fate here we've got a big huge t-rex
Jurassic Park in attacking going up the mountain we've got a t-rex chasing of
loss Raptor chasing the in the Raptor which is chasing the gyrosphere which is
ruling toward the velociraptors and in the Raptor over there back there we've
got a bunch of tranny Don's crocodile type creature a saber-toothed tiger here
we've got para cephalus horas Valley we have the Apatosaurus Valley we've got
another Mosasaurus they're jumping out of the river to attack we got a bunch of
stegosauruses there and Stegosaurus Valley in the back there we've got some
carnivores on the path with the big Gator and a huge rampaging and dumping
his frags Wow cuz this is the ultimate Park and now
guys let me show you some features of this park including some Dino battles
actually before we go there our diet our zoo is missing something it is missing
humans so here we've got the Jeep from Jurassic Park here we've got an engine
capture vehicle which I will set up right over there
here we've got a BMW from one of the Jurassic Park movies we've got a big
huge military vehicle which I will set up over there we've got an engine Hummer
which will be on the path all the way back over there we've got original this
is the Explorer from the original Jurassic Park I think we're gonna set
some of these vehicles all the way back here on the path because I am running
out of room another BMW vehicle over here here we've
got like an armored SUV and then another engine Hummer and water vehicle
back over there wow that is some park guys okay drum roll please it is time to
have some Dino battles so here we're gonna have our two carrot Tomi Stiggy
malach and he's going to battle our two carrot Tomi are notorious so this play
set is set up for the Takara Tomy character so these ones are a little bit
bigger than most of them okay so what you do is you set them up in there
you're gonna move this lever here which is gonna rotate them back and forth so
it looks almost like they aren't having a battle and this errata Soros has
already won so that was an easy victory and what do you expect the carnivore is
gonna take out a herbivore ninety-nine percent of the time so I think our next
one is gonna be in the Raptor and he is going to verse our indominus rex so in
the Raptor verse indominus rex in a ferocious battle let us see who will win
I can get this guy to stand up this is that that's the indoor Raptor that has
the damaged foot that's that's like the best thing I could say about him I'm
sorry but I will have to move that palm tree back and forth to go what a battle
faster and faster ah the indominus rex has got throwing
from the ring the Indo Raptor is celebrating but what is this ah he got
hurled into the carnivores so I think our next battle is going to be our giant
t-rex first he's gonna go burst I think he's gonna burst our serratus or
ass so you have to sort of Jam these guys in here you could open up their
mouths like that have them attacking each other and then it's gonna be back
and forth although their tails are sort of getting in the way see if I could
stand this guy okay there we go oh the t-rex is taking down the Cerreta
sore ass which really what do you expect I mean look at the size of that Rex in
back and forth and ah he is out of the ring okay next is in the Raptor first
Velociraptor blue back and forth they're going off Lhasa Raptor blue is on top
blue is down in the Raptor is the victor and as he's celebrating ah there he goes
okay the back here you have like a dino attack type area so what you could do is
take the Takara Tomy characters or the other characters you have like here I
will set up Velociraptor blue you're gonna go ahead push him in the
back there until it locks and here we're gonna have the inter Raptor walking by
just minding his own business when all of a sudden let's try that again in the
rafters up for a nice stroll when all of a sudden blue attacks and sense and
flying and now our Stevie malach is all set with that bony head of his you can
do quite a bit of damage our t-rex here is just sitting there munching on a
snack no idea that his day is about to totally change when all of a sudden
stinky takes him down I like that move let's see a sticky verse let's try
Cerreta soros strata Soros who's just going through the Evo home Oh stinky
takes him down next we're gonna take up Triceratops
so the Triceratops is gonna go in there and who is going to be our victim this
time I think we will have the indominus rex
he's the indominus rex here has made himself invisible
so nobody could see him all of a sudden ah the Triceratops sends him flying
because he didn't even know he's there back here we have the t-rex sneaking up
the mountain pass he's going to sneak up on poor little Triceratops there who's
just minding his own business when all of a sudden the volcano explodes such a
huge rock into the Rex and knocks him off the back cool there we have the
Raptor about to attack some poor defenseless little creature when the
volcano erupts and he's crushed beneath ten tons of rock cool awesome if you
guys enjoyed that video please go ahead click like drop me comments also let me
know what other dinosaur videos you like to see because I do got over a thousand
videos guys the majority are drastic world
Jurassic Park Godzilla King Kong transformers Power Rangers Ninja Turtles
Scooby Doo and a lot more check out the playlist on
my channel or for more fun fallen Kingdom playlists check out the playlist
at the end of this video you guys are awesome and I will see you tomorrow in
today's secret word is no word
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