Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily Aug 6 2018

How to have healthy pregnancy with best tips

one diet

Consider having a low sugar and low cholesterol diet to avoid excess weight gain

include vegetables

fruits and nuts in your meals to get the required vitamins iron calcium and nutrients

Try to drink lots of water and fluids to keep your body hydrated

Eat homemade healthy food to keep your body strong and fight against infection 2 foods to avoid

Early pregnancy care is important to avoid most of the pregnancy discomforts try to avoid foods like fish with high mercury

content Mayda

Alcoholic beverages caffeine high-fat diet etc from the first trimester to have a safe in healthy pregnancy

3 do not heat for 2

Eating for 2 during pregnancy is an old wives tale

The pregnancy diet includes only around 300 extra calories per day for the growing, baby

Do not overeat as it may increase your body weight and cause the risk of gestational diabetes

for fitness exercises

The best pregnancy care for an expectant mother is body fitness

It is beneficial to follow any form of exercise to help strengthen the muscles and prepare the body for

Childbirth if you regularly work out make changes in your routine cardio that suits pregnancy

If you are a beginner

Then you can choose prenatal yoga water aerobics or walking which can be continued till delivery

Yoga can be practiced even in the eighth or ninth month of pregnancy

5 lifestyle changes

Sleeping early and following a regular bedtime routine is one of the best lifestyle choices for a healthy pregnancy

Avoid eating outside food as the quality of ingredients might pose a risk for pregnant women

Have a properly ventilated clean room to have good sleep

Do not compromise on personal hygiene owing to pregnancy discomforts because most pregnant women are prone to infection

six keep your mind stress-free

Taking care of your body is only half of the work

It is important to keep a clear mind and check on your emotional stress when you are expecting

Although pregnancy hormones are responsible for the changing moods

You can control them through mind relaxing activities like yoga reading catching up with old friends

Gardening etc

These pregnancy health tips will help you face the coming months of pregnancy and childbirth with confidence

For more infomation >> Healthy Pregnancy Tips How To Have Healthy Pregnancy With Best Tips - Duration: 2:43.


Επαναφέρει τη θανατική ποινή ο Ερντογάν - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Επαναφέρει τη θανατική ποινή ο Ερντογάν - Duration: 2:46.


Una estación de radio en mixteca pero desde California | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Una estación de radio en mixteca pero desde California | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 4:21.


First wave of US sanctions on Iran to snap back into place - Duration: 6:04.

For more infomation >> First wave of US sanctions on Iran to snap back into place - Duration: 6:04.


Patrick Molloy Lacks Leadership | Season 1 Ep. 7 | GORDON RAMSAY'S 24 HOURS TO HELL & BACK - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Patrick Molloy Lacks Leadership | Season 1 Ep. 7 | GORDON RAMSAY'S 24 HOURS TO HELL & BACK - Duration: 1:03.


El Zoo de Praga refresca a sus gorilas con helados | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> El Zoo de Praga refresca a sus gorilas con helados | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:47.


Vertical Written Text Instructions Chart Knit Crochet Flower Photo Video Intellectual Property - Duration: 14:06.

hi guys okay this is Teresa here and I'm making a vertical photo video here for

you guys this is a vertical photo video and so it's my intellectual property knit

crochet flower written instructions photo and so it's vertical okay so I'm

doing round one is five loops and so you can see I made a chart here to go along

with it I made a chart a simple card actually it's a simple chart round two

is ten loops and so then I made you can see there around two that I'm going in

the center so the number two is a loop there that indicates that I went in the

center and that's to increase round three is twenty loops so we can see

round three right there is kind of the same as round two so we're working to

increase again so we're not just going in the center we're working in this a

set of loops in the center this time so it's not just looping yeah it's just

like that one I'll loop in the center a loop in the center there at around three

do you see that Round four let's see round four is twenty loops so let's take

a look at Round four here and so we're going from we're working in the center

here of each working a single crochet in the center do you see that round five is

twenty five loops twenty five loops around five let's take a look around

five okay and so I just made little loops there because I'm working how many

I'm not even sure how many stitches I probably did I'm gonna say that I did

like five chains but you can adjust it you can do more chain so yeah I started

off at five so that's probably the original code there so crochet is sort

of a code in itself yes crochet and knitting is a code

itself related to language so in I don't know if a lot of people think of that

but it is crochet and knitting is a code and so you're putting things together

and and they don't actually have to be perfect

human beings want things to be perfect but this is art art does not have to be

perfect and so I just want you guys to keep that in mind so if you make mistake

you don't have to rip the whole thing out because I've taken and ripped things

out like when I've been in several rounds because I don't want to rip it

all out just to make it perfect you know a lot of crochet is just talked about

that and I actually got blue blue at the failure up in Iowa at the at the State

Fair off a patter maybe it was Kentucky I

don't remember which one but it was off a it was off of a crochet lace doily and

I ripped I cut into it and then I sewed the stitches in and so the thing is it's

like the thing that I've learned is that sometimes it's just kind of related to

who-who the people who the judges are you know because sometimes I started

noticing that sometimes the judges you know you kind of wondered about the

judges and and their integrity I'll just leave it at that because it seems

sometimes it seemed seemed like that some people were favored they were the

same ones over and over again every year so does it seem like the same ones we're

winning over and over again and so yeah and so you can do I did let's see one

two three four five six so the little circles there represent five so this is

the photo crochet knit instructions for a flower and yeah so

that's what I made I made a flower and so you can actually put double crochet

or single crochet in the loops if you want to but this I'm calling this one a

flower and it's made with chains and so yeah this is also a creative comments I

should have wrote that on their creative comments because I'm sharing it with you

guys so I don't own this or I don't I even though I wrote it and wrote wrote

it yes I wrote it and made it myself with my pencil here this is kit because

it came straight out of my brain because I learned how to crochet a long time ago

I still want you guys to be able to use it and so that's what creative commons

and sharing is about and i'm about sharing so i'm going to write on here

creative commons to watch here we're gonna do creative commons okay so

creative commons and so and creative commons is sharing share and share alike

and the thing is if you want to cite sources i'd love it if you cited me and

but if you don't want to you don't have to and so yeah that's something that

yeah the thing is is that i have discovered how we have been censored

i write that on there too since i'm talking about it how the crochet

community has been censoring us c and sor sh IP and so did i spell it right

well i guess it doesn't matter censorship and so since censorship and

some instances violates the constitution and so my story with censorship is all

these groups who were being anti diverse towards people who you know oh gosh this

goes way way back this goes back even to 1997 so when i was living in

I joined a whole bunch of crochet groups and one of them started down on one list

and then it went over to Yahoo groups and it was related to I'm gonna say who

it who it was it was um well maybe I shouldn't know I'm not going to because

I don't want to give the company any attention but but their representative

is no longer with us let's put it that way and and so anyway the the woman was

on the group and she said she said only crochet and knitting no politics and no

religion that's what she said was no politics and no religion and and so it

kind of ticked me off you know because I was in a place where I was getting

divorced and I just wanted somebody to talk to sometimes and so I actually had

found another group that was really really embracing and it was a whole

bunch of people who were sharing well they were sharing creative commons

software and pictures oh it was so cool it was just like pictures of everything

it was kind of like the animated gifs and things that everybody likes so well

all the animation and everything and it was such an embracing place and I could

kind of talk about things you know like when I was upset and stuff and related

to getting divorced and things like that but in the crochet group I just could

not talk about that if we talked about anything or you know anything related to

politics or religion they would kick us out and they would ban people I mean and

it was just but the funny thing was is that is that if you look at crafting

there is a ton of politics and religion in crafting and so that's a if someone

makes a picture of a politician or if someone makes a cross you know or

anything related to religion that is religion and it's politics but yet they

said no talking about it they just wanted the specific the permit actually

was promoting their businesses what it was and so they just didn't have a

courage just to say well we don't want anybody in here who is going to talk

about anything but our products that's basically what it boiled down to and but

that's still is still amounts to censorship that's what it amounts to a

censorship and a lot of this comes from the Rockefeller Board of Education and

so I I've talked quite a bit about that there's been some great people in in

forums over the years who have kind of helped me learn about the Rockefeller

Board of Education and how actually it systemic lis funded I would say call it

seed money because after a while the money went away so I what I would say is

that the Rockefeller Board of Education seeded anti diversity into the school

system which is still actually anti diverse and violating the constitutional

rights of the American public currently at this time that and libraries and even

you could say bookstores because if you need bookstores if any bookstores won't

let you know well that's why it costs so much actually to even get a book into a

bookstore you know or you need someone to promote it you didn't need a whole

bunch of money and that's why it's so funny if you think about it it's like

that they'll say well oh anybody can put a book in there under these

circumstances I had a library and tell me that but the thing is is is that you

can go put it in there but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to stay

but say that you want to sell it or promote it you've got to have like

connections and so that's the part that's anti diverse with a traditional

medium you know in the school system public school system which is taxpayers

money and the library system and the traditional books so it's being anti

diverse and so yeah so I was always kind of a shair person until

there was some a lot of people actually were like oh well you're my competition

and it's like okay how am I your competition and when they started doing

that then it was kind of like whoa you're an asshole you know and and so

yeah that's that's just how you know it's like okay so just because someone

was discriminated at one point or some of those anti diverse towards you

doesn't mean you have to be that way towards other people you know but I

guess it yeah so in some of the latus senses a lot of people have been anti

diverse towards women and minorities and you know a lot of people and so yeah but

I'm gonna just leave it at that and so I have my other channel to my where I've

been talking about this anti diversity which actually it does come from

religion but you know I've never told anybody to not go you know not to go to

church or anything like that but it does stem from religion and competition and

stuff because the truth is is that I mean and I've talked about this before

that you know we need when you don't have minorities around the I don't know

what you'd call it the the evangelicals they actually will discriminate against

other truths it just turns into a big anti diversity thing and it's like this

is just completely nonsense that people are doing this by churches but it's and

it's turned into just like high school juvenile just so juvenile I can't even

tell you it's ridiculous that's it I'll talk to you guys soon and I hope you

like my creative commons you know yeah and please subscribe to subscribe or

join and do whatever you want to you know it's like we're all here to learn

together but I'm but I'm a First Amendment turn

now now that I understand it I'm a First Amendment person and the First Amendment

advocate let's put it that way now that I understand it that how our

constitutional rights collectively as a nation have been violated and so I'm an

advocate for the First Amendment so that's why - well when I realize okay I

know what you guys were doing I know it's systemic but that doesn't mean you

have to continue doing it so yeah okay that's it and if anybody wants a shout

out leave a leave a message in the comment section and ask for a shout-out

and we'll shout you out okay

For more infomation >> Vertical Written Text Instructions Chart Knit Crochet Flower Photo Video Intellectual Property - Duration: 14:06.


গৌরবের মথুরামোহন হয়ে ওঠার পথে কৃতিত্ব কার জানেন? | Rani Rashmoni Serial Actor Gourab Chatterjee News - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> গৌরবের মথুরামোহন হয়ে ওঠার পথে কৃতিত্ব কার জানেন? | Rani Rashmoni Serial Actor Gourab Chatterjee News - Duration: 1:16.


Music festival posts "couch shaming" photos after concertgoers... - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Music festival posts "couch shaming" photos after concertgoers... - Duration: 1:11.


First Look at Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate in Tarantino's Next Movie - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> First Look at Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate in Tarantino's Next Movie - Duration: 1:47.


New 3 Jurassic World Roarivores Fallen Kingdom Wave 2 Ankylosaurus Pteranodon Ceratosaurus Unboxing - Duration: 21:21.

guys keep watching as we unbox these three new jurassic world fallen kingdom

waved to dinosaur toys from Mattel they are totally awesome keep watching okay

so here we are going to welcome our new members to the Jurassic world family

here we have our awesome setup got the t-rex busting out of the gates of

Jurassic Park and over here you've got the exploding volcano Wow awesome

New 3 Jurassic World Roarivores Fallen Kingdom Wave 2 Ankylosaurus Pteranodon Ceratosaurus Unboxing

today i have some new jurassic world Rohrer boars

these are from the wave 2 of the Jurassic world fallen Kingdom dinosaur

toys from Mattel today's new ones we have is the roar of horse Pteranodon in

the roar of horse and Clea soros I did include the Stratos Oris it is from the

same way by opened it not long ago so I'm gonna include that one in this video

so we could see all of them together but anyways the roar roars ankylosaurus is a

really good sized one and it sounds awesome


so definitely uproar aboard says push-button sound and tail striking

action and we are also gonna take picture of the skin code and include it

in our app which our app we already have 39 of I think 68 1939 of 58 dinosaurs so

if you've been following me I took a picture of all the dinosaurs I've opened

so then you will also have 39 after today you should have 41 so the roar

Bors got flaps his arms the trend on he makes noise I think you really have to

release him and it looks like his arms are gonna wings are gonna flip off too

so it's gonna be a lot bigger than what you see in the package there and there's

a good look at the back and here is the other ones which I've included I didn't

include the Triceratops I think that's the first Triceratops which was in wave

one but anyways let's open these guys and check them out okay so first we are

gonna check out the ankylosaurus I love their packaging too as just two bands

you cut simple like rubber bands and the dinosaur is free I mean if you're like

me and you like to preserve the packaging it's perfect

so Mattel even did a great job with the packaging bo this seriously has to be

the coolest ankylosaurus I've seen check this action feature out

there if it's strong enough to actually knock a diamond ah there it goes this

right a sore ass but anyways let's check out this guy from head to foot or should

I say girl so this one the mouth is not open but the head does turn 360 degrees

moves up and down sideways so very realistic-looking

I love the spikes on the back I mean they went oh wow these are like rubber

along the edges okay the top ones are rubber - but I mean look at that detail

this is such an awesome ankylosaurus and they also did a great job on the club

tail oh this even turns here so you could turn it into different odd

directions you could turn it like that so you have more of a strike there or

like this so here you would have more of Club action type strike the legs also do

move be cool if you could get him to stand I know that's not realistic Oh God

check it out so he's like rearing up to attack except he would attack with his

tail so maybe we could rear him up like that

oh you could check that out look he will stay up like that so bent

forward the t-rex with the spiked tail or in this case Stratos soros is

attacking is awesome but with the legs you've got movement in

and out and around so 360 okay almost 360 it's really tight there I'm scared

to push it more I don't want to break it rear legs less movement but still all

the movement that you need scan code here here you've got the batteries here

you got the sound let's listen to the sound

what are we gonna do is we're gonna take a look at all three dinos and then I

will provide the skin codes for the ink Leo Soros and Pteranodon I already have

the strata Soros if you want to check out my unboxing on that same thing with

the Tran Adan you cut a few bands and this guy is free and this is a big trend

at on you're looking at this okay maybe normal slice but these wings flip out oh

all of a sudden we are not normal-sized anymore all of a sudden we are huge I

mean that is a big awesome listen to his sound - Wow I like the

flying action is really good movement for one let me show you some of the

earlier ones they have so this here is the classic TriNet on it's still on mate

by Mattel Jurassic world but they made it look like the original Jurassic Park

one so this one very little wing movement and as you can see the new one

is almost three times the size so that new one is totally awesome I love the

look of the new one ah let's go ahead and take a look at it so the wings here

this is where the wings move up and down you get like full movement you get full

movement with the wings so it's not like a little bit of action like the last one

I showed you the wings really cool dark blue like red and gray type color you

could fold the wings in any time so it's not permanent so if you want to store

this guy and not damage his wings you could easily fold it in or if you just

need a smaller profile on him the action button is right here it blends right

into the dinosaur which is really cool well I guess you wouldn't call it

traning on a dinosaur but you know I I still consider them dinosaurs if they

live during the dinosaur age to me I consider it a flying dinosaur but hey so

uh the head moves up and down sideways it's on a ball joint here so you got

360-degree movement you could turn his head like that the mouth does open and

snap shot a really cool detail I mean this guy's like ray

like grayish blue color they painted the tongue pink really cool-looking and I

think well I think you could look you can stand this guy up if you fold his

wings in the right direction look at that

ha ha ha standing trended on that is the first time I had a Tran Adan toy I've

got pretty much all of them from Jurassic world in Jurassic Park the

first Jurassic world the second in Jurassic Park and none of them stands so

that is awesome here you've got the Jurassic world logo here you've got the

skin code the battery the speaker like I said I'm just gonna take a quick look at

the Surat asaurus in case you haven't seen the wave 2 Stratos or its really

cool I did a full review of battle on this

guy fuel and check that out so there you have the action features right I'll be

back he's got the horn moving arms legs great

movement everywhere he does not have the bullet holes that you've had

so there's a quick look at him and so now let's go ahead and add our other two

dinos to our drastic world facts

okay so here I have the app this is the Jurassic world facts so if that's an app

you want to look up it is available on Android and iOS and you go ahead and

scan the dinos in like I said I already gave you guys a 38 Dino scan points

before this one and you have sound there they gave you a dinosaur the meat week

time or food on but we already have the majority of the dinos so you just go

ahead hit the Scan button and scan right off the pictures I included so here is

so ankylosaurus 101 so he looks identical to the actual ink lea soros

toy that is so cool it's like it came to life let's poke him

a few times that usually makes them angry G swings his tail at you so you

get a good look at his actual movement it's just thirty nine sixty eight so

there is 68 okay thank Leah Soros is 32 feet long larger than an army wall a

recreational vehicle a big travel home to see on the highway

she eats as many plants each day as a modern elephant does she has bones

growing on her skin a living armor so what is on her skin here our bones that

is really cool awesome let's scan in our Pteranodon

and there is our awesome credit on so this is trended on six of seven so this

one looks exactly like art ranted on that we have let's get some fact while

actually with cooker a few times let's agitate er come on do something trying

to run this one okay there I guess she just flies off wheel there you saw her

beak is formidable piercing and scratching weapon there tres isn't for

combat but is simply for looking impressive on land she walks on all four

legs that would be creepy looking if you've seen that in real life okay then

we could go to our collection our collection says forty of 68 but uh

usually they don't include the newest one so I believe we have 41 of 68 dinos

well let's check them out really quick so this one we have died more food on

one of three Allosaurus one of one ankylosaurus one of one Baryonyx one of

two blue one of three blue two of three blue three up three so I do got all the

velociraptor blues Carnotaurus one of one tyrannosaurus one of one so the

strata soros is already scanned in there from when i opened it they're locking

soros one of six two of six three of said

dime or put on one of three 2x3 Gallimimus one of a two of a three of a

four of eight I already have half the gallon on mrs. Herrera Soros one of you

in the raptor one of two and I do got the new grab and draw in the Raptor so I

do got both in director so in the Raptor - of - but nice if they included a

different animation metric an thesaurus one of one I think that's the first Dino

I opened from this series model ophisaurus 101 Mosasaurus one of one

Pachycephalosaurus one of two - up - and turn it on

107 four of seven six of seven looking the one we just open Stegosaurus one of

one Stiggy malach one of three sukima miss one of one Triceratops one of two

Triceratops - up - so you got both Triceratops Tyrannosaurus 1 up - and the

baby t-rex - of two Velociraptor one of 11 - of 11 for of eleven five of eleven

six of 11 so I got almost half of those and then we are on to the Baryonyx

in the other ones let's see what I'm missing I'm missing Baryonyx

Dilophosaurus four of six

Dilophosaurus five of six six of six Dimetrodon 101 you could if you click

here you could get a flair if you want to check it out well it's not a detailed

picture or anything and then let's see what else the head Gallimimus five of a

six of eight seven of eight eight of eight camarasaurus 2 of 2 min mini tip

waters wait what is a mini wall and then also sinus era tops that's awesome and

then proto Sara

okay that looks almost like a raptor

Protoceratops not trying it on 2 of 7 3 of 7 5 of 7 7 of 7 and spinosaurus 101

now what I really want to get that guy's just he has not arrived in the States

yet diggie malach to a 3 and 3 of 3 loss raptor 3 of 11

seven of 11 8 of 11 9 of 11 10 of 11 11 / loving it yep that's it so we are

missing what I think about 140 150 160

160 a about 27 dinos I believe so we have 41 of them here already that was

awesome guys if you guys enjoyed that video please go ahead click like drop me

comments also let me know what else do you want to see I do have over a

thousand videos guys the majority are drastic world Jurassic Park

Godzilla King Kong transformers Power Rangers Ninja Turtles Scooby Doo and a

lot more go ahead check out the playlist on my channel or for more fallen Kingdom

videos check out the playlist at the end of this video you guys are awesome and I

will see you soon in today's secret word is the word

go ahead put that in the comment section down below the video I know you remember

my club click the subscribe button below for a lot more fun video also click the

bell button to be notified every time I make a new video click the boxes below

for a lot more fun videos and if you want to see even more go ahead and click

the subscribe button

For more infomation >> New 3 Jurassic World Roarivores Fallen Kingdom Wave 2 Ankylosaurus Pteranodon Ceratosaurus Unboxing - Duration: 21:21.


Tyler, the Creator Still Wants to Be on the Radio: 'That Time Will Come' - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Tyler, the Creator Still Wants to Be on the Radio: 'That Time Will Come' - Duration: 2:57.


LEARN FUN THINGS TO DO IN THE CAR 🚗 on a road trip to pass time in a long car ride 🗺️ - Duration: 1:38.

Do you have fun in your car? Because we do! Ride along as we play travel bingo...

...on the way to a wild west amusement park. We play iSpy...

...on the way to fishing. We play "Who am I" with Thomas and Friends characters...

...on the way to ride Thomas and meet Sir Topham Hatt. We borrow books from the library.

We see you can count the highest... on the way to a fire truck festival.

We feed exotic animals right from our car. And sometimes just have fun.

We are Kids in Cars, and we want you to join us on our next road trip that we are

going to make a fun trip! Subscribe today! Watch more Kids in Cars and subscribe

for new episodes!

For more infomation >> LEARN FUN THINGS TO DO IN THE CAR 🚗 on a road trip to pass time in a long car ride 🗺️ - Duration: 1:38.


Πολιτική Άμυνα: Δημιουργεί ομάδα άμεσης επέμβασης με drones - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Πολιτική Άμυνα: Δημιουργεί ομάδα άμεσης επέμβασης με drones - Duration: 1:54.


فوائد الجري - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> فوائد الجري - Duration: 0:24.


Αντιπαράθεση Ελλάδας-Ρωσίας - Duration: 1:50.

For more infomation >> Αντιπαράθεση Ελλάδας-Ρωσίας - Duration: 1:50.


🎵 [ FREE ] Old School Psychedelic Rap Hip-Hop Beat || Ruby - Duration: 2:41.

Trippy psychedelic rap trap beat instrumental

trippy rap beat

psychedelic rap beat

Purple Six Beats

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old school rap beat instrumental

free old school beat

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