guys keep watching as we unbox these three new jurassic world fallen kingdom
waved to dinosaur toys from Mattel they are totally awesome keep watching okay
so here we are going to welcome our new members to the Jurassic world family
here we have our awesome setup got the t-rex busting out of the gates of
Jurassic Park and over here you've got the exploding volcano Wow awesome
New 3 Jurassic World Roarivores Fallen Kingdom Wave 2 Ankylosaurus Pteranodon Ceratosaurus Unboxing
today i have some new jurassic world Rohrer boars
these are from the wave 2 of the Jurassic world fallen Kingdom dinosaur
toys from Mattel today's new ones we have is the roar of horse Pteranodon in
the roar of horse and Clea soros I did include the Stratos Oris it is from the
same way by opened it not long ago so I'm gonna include that one in this video
so we could see all of them together but anyways the roar roars ankylosaurus is a
really good sized one and it sounds awesome
so definitely uproar aboard says push-button sound and tail striking
action and we are also gonna take picture of the skin code and include it
in our app which our app we already have 39 of I think 68 1939 of 58 dinosaurs so
if you've been following me I took a picture of all the dinosaurs I've opened
so then you will also have 39 after today you should have 41 so the roar
Bors got flaps his arms the trend on he makes noise I think you really have to
release him and it looks like his arms are gonna wings are gonna flip off too
so it's gonna be a lot bigger than what you see in the package there and there's
a good look at the back and here is the other ones which I've included I didn't
include the Triceratops I think that's the first Triceratops which was in wave
one but anyways let's open these guys and check them out okay so first we are
gonna check out the ankylosaurus I love their packaging too as just two bands
you cut simple like rubber bands and the dinosaur is free I mean if you're like
me and you like to preserve the packaging it's perfect
so Mattel even did a great job with the packaging bo this seriously has to be
the coolest ankylosaurus I've seen check this action feature out
there if it's strong enough to actually knock a diamond ah there it goes this
right a sore ass but anyways let's check out this guy from head to foot or should
I say girl so this one the mouth is not open but the head does turn 360 degrees
moves up and down sideways so very realistic-looking
I love the spikes on the back I mean they went oh wow these are like rubber
along the edges okay the top ones are rubber - but I mean look at that detail
this is such an awesome ankylosaurus and they also did a great job on the club
tail oh this even turns here so you could turn it into different odd
directions you could turn it like that so you have more of a strike there or
like this so here you would have more of Club action type strike the legs also do
move be cool if you could get him to stand I know that's not realistic Oh God
check it out so he's like rearing up to attack except he would attack with his
tail so maybe we could rear him up like that
oh you could check that out look he will stay up like that so bent
forward the t-rex with the spiked tail or in this case Stratos soros is
attacking is awesome but with the legs you've got movement in
and out and around so 360 okay almost 360 it's really tight there I'm scared
to push it more I don't want to break it rear legs less movement but still all
the movement that you need scan code here here you've got the batteries here
you got the sound let's listen to the sound
what are we gonna do is we're gonna take a look at all three dinos and then I
will provide the skin codes for the ink Leo Soros and Pteranodon I already have
the strata Soros if you want to check out my unboxing on that same thing with
the Tran Adan you cut a few bands and this guy is free and this is a big trend
at on you're looking at this okay maybe normal slice but these wings flip out oh
all of a sudden we are not normal-sized anymore all of a sudden we are huge I
mean that is a big awesome listen to his sound - Wow I like the
flying action is really good movement for one let me show you some of the
earlier ones they have so this here is the classic TriNet on it's still on mate
by Mattel Jurassic world but they made it look like the original Jurassic Park
one so this one very little wing movement and as you can see the new one
is almost three times the size so that new one is totally awesome I love the
look of the new one ah let's go ahead and take a look at it so the wings here
this is where the wings move up and down you get like full movement you get full
movement with the wings so it's not like a little bit of action like the last one
I showed you the wings really cool dark blue like red and gray type color you
could fold the wings in any time so it's not permanent so if you want to store
this guy and not damage his wings you could easily fold it in or if you just
need a smaller profile on him the action button is right here it blends right
into the dinosaur which is really cool well I guess you wouldn't call it
traning on a dinosaur but you know I I still consider them dinosaurs if they
live during the dinosaur age to me I consider it a flying dinosaur but hey so
uh the head moves up and down sideways it's on a ball joint here so you got
360-degree movement you could turn his head like that the mouth does open and
snap shot a really cool detail I mean this guy's like ray
like grayish blue color they painted the tongue pink really cool-looking and I
think well I think you could look you can stand this guy up if you fold his
wings in the right direction look at that
ha ha ha standing trended on that is the first time I had a Tran Adan toy I've
got pretty much all of them from Jurassic world in Jurassic Park the
first Jurassic world the second in Jurassic Park and none of them stands so
that is awesome here you've got the Jurassic world logo here you've got the
skin code the battery the speaker like I said I'm just gonna take a quick look at
the Surat asaurus in case you haven't seen the wave 2 Stratos or its really
cool I did a full review of battle on this
guy fuel and check that out so there you have the action features right I'll be
back he's got the horn moving arms legs great
movement everywhere he does not have the bullet holes that you've had
so there's a quick look at him and so now let's go ahead and add our other two
dinos to our drastic world facts
okay so here I have the app this is the Jurassic world facts so if that's an app
you want to look up it is available on Android and iOS and you go ahead and
scan the dinos in like I said I already gave you guys a 38 Dino scan points
before this one and you have sound there they gave you a dinosaur the meat week
time or food on but we already have the majority of the dinos so you just go
ahead hit the Scan button and scan right off the pictures I included so here is
so ankylosaurus 101 so he looks identical to the actual ink lea soros
toy that is so cool it's like it came to life let's poke him
a few times that usually makes them angry G swings his tail at you so you
get a good look at his actual movement it's just thirty nine sixty eight so
there is 68 okay thank Leah Soros is 32 feet long larger than an army wall a
recreational vehicle a big travel home to see on the highway
she eats as many plants each day as a modern elephant does she has bones
growing on her skin a living armor so what is on her skin here our bones that
is really cool awesome let's scan in our Pteranodon
and there is our awesome credit on so this is trended on six of seven so this
one looks exactly like art ranted on that we have let's get some fact while
actually with cooker a few times let's agitate er come on do something trying
to run this one okay there I guess she just flies off wheel there you saw her
beak is formidable piercing and scratching weapon there tres isn't for
combat but is simply for looking impressive on land she walks on all four
legs that would be creepy looking if you've seen that in real life okay then
we could go to our collection our collection says forty of 68 but uh
usually they don't include the newest one so I believe we have 41 of 68 dinos
well let's check them out really quick so this one we have died more food on
one of three Allosaurus one of one ankylosaurus one of one Baryonyx one of
two blue one of three blue two of three blue three up three so I do got all the
velociraptor blues Carnotaurus one of one tyrannosaurus one of one so the
strata soros is already scanned in there from when i opened it they're locking
soros one of six two of six three of said
dime or put on one of three 2x3 Gallimimus one of a two of a three of a
four of eight I already have half the gallon on mrs. Herrera Soros one of you
in the raptor one of two and I do got the new grab and draw in the Raptor so I
do got both in director so in the Raptor - of - but nice if they included a
different animation metric an thesaurus one of one I think that's the first Dino
I opened from this series model ophisaurus 101 Mosasaurus one of one
Pachycephalosaurus one of two - up - and turn it on
107 four of seven six of seven looking the one we just open Stegosaurus one of
one Stiggy malach one of three sukima miss one of one Triceratops one of two
Triceratops - up - so you got both Triceratops Tyrannosaurus 1 up - and the
baby t-rex - of two Velociraptor one of 11 - of 11 for of eleven five of eleven
six of 11 so I got almost half of those and then we are on to the Baryonyx
in the other ones let's see what I'm missing I'm missing Baryonyx
Dilophosaurus four of six
Dilophosaurus five of six six of six Dimetrodon 101 you could if you click
here you could get a flair if you want to check it out well it's not a detailed
picture or anything and then let's see what else the head Gallimimus five of a
six of eight seven of eight eight of eight camarasaurus 2 of 2 min mini tip
waters wait what is a mini wall and then also sinus era tops that's awesome and
then proto Sara
okay that looks almost like a raptor
Protoceratops not trying it on 2 of 7 3 of 7 5 of 7 7 of 7 and spinosaurus 101
now what I really want to get that guy's just he has not arrived in the States
yet diggie malach to a 3 and 3 of 3 loss raptor 3 of 11
seven of 11 8 of 11 9 of 11 10 of 11 11 / loving it yep that's it so we are
missing what I think about 140 150 160
160 a about 27 dinos I believe so we have 41 of them here already that was
awesome guys if you guys enjoyed that video please go ahead click like drop me
comments also let me know what else do you want to see I do have over a
thousand videos guys the majority are drastic world Jurassic Park
Godzilla King Kong transformers Power Rangers Ninja Turtles Scooby Doo and a
lot more go ahead check out the playlist on my channel or for more fallen Kingdom
videos check out the playlist at the end of this video you guys are awesome and I
will see you soon in today's secret word is the word
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