all right guys so I'm doing a little metal detecting today the weather's
pretty good I don't have a lot of good spots that I can get to in the next 30
minutes and I'm a little bit under the weather so we're gonna give it a go for
a couple hours but I'm back to where I found that mercury diamond that and that
baseball area and I'll turn the camera on here in a second and let you know
what I'm doing but we're just gonna go clad searching
today and see what kind of things we could find and we're on school property
so I don't have to worry about getting kicked off a park property today but let's take a
look we're at
all right so I've checked some old maps around here and there's that field that
was part of the school since 1927 but they have the gate closed like they
normally do I got lucky that one time I was able to get in there but this field
I've picked a couple of times but every time I go to punt this field kids come
out here and play baseball and so I end up believing but I think with football
going on right now I'm gonna go ahead and just do a quick hunt on this field
again The Mercury dime I found right inside there there's a little shed that
you can see so only about 20 yards from this area and when I look at the
historical maps this little baseball field out here the backstop is new but
that baseball field been there since since the 20s so this fields been
untouched as far as it doesn't have a bunch of topsail put over it the problem
is there's a lot of trash in this field and so sometimes targets sound good they
end up being aluminum cans we'll get some digs done well see what we find
and because it's gonna be so quite a bit of trash I'll only show you if I pop
open a hole under the coin and if we're having a streak of good coins then I'll
go ahead and do some live digs as well
today was a screaming 81-82 thought it might be a silver dime or a clad dime
but it's an 81 or an 82 d copper penny so we'll take it
second target of the day picked up was a 85 Denver dime we'll take it it was down
about three inches it was giving me an 81 82 just like that
copper penny so I thought and you know in this in this area right here with all
this clay Texas clay usually an 81 82 could be clad dime copper penny or even
a silver dime so you never know you got to dig the 81 82 's and it was a good
repeating signal and it was tight so I knew it was either a dime or a penny for
sure we'll take it I'll keep hunting apologies for not
filming this hunt dig guys we had a nice 8283 signal and when I got the first
part of the plug out it was all sudden 84 85 so whoo he ended up with the
quarter spill they were about half an inch apart in the plug
kind of like this and I should have recorded me opening them but I don't
know it is what it is I'm a little rusty at this so I think it's an 82 and a 97
well take them a couple of quarters we got a zinc penny signal on the plug
pretty sure it's gonna be a zinc II but I want to at least get some of these
hunts done on camera let's see if we can locate this one hopefully it's not just
trash so it says it's over here right on top of it and wouldn't you know zinc
cuttin signal is a bottle cap so three inches down we dug pretty deep
I searched with my pin pointer and I think we got an edge of a coin here
probably just a dime yeah it's a dime that dang 81-82 I was hoping for
something a little better but I'll take a dime what do you do I don't know if
I'll get a date off this right now I'll see if I rub the edge here
yeah I can't see it we know one thing though we know it's after 65 for up to
64 cuz it's clad well this one gave me a screaming good 83 to 84 target down
about three inches and uh yeah I don't know what this is it's a little bit
decorative it's a knob or something but it's not that old it just looks cool oh
well we'll keep digging 84 signal wasn't even that deep not even
that old either looks like it's a state quarter what is that good ol Maryland
all right that's fine more here's one of those odd targets it feels like there's
either two dimes or two pennies or a couple of coins next each other or it's
junk just take a listen
you can hear the two targets or it's a folded big piece of junk or it's a big
ol bolt let me go and get this guy Doug and let's see what we got
all right first target is out it's definitely a dime it's gonna be a modern
one 1996 we'll see put it in the pouch we'll
recheck this area to see if there's a second target
my fee let me take a little better swing when I stand up so that's really odd it
was just that one dime hand I was given off weird signal must have been laying
on its edge or at an angle and it just picked it up weird maybe there's some
rocks above it that just kind of separated the signal but either way it
was just the one time so let's look for some more things all right guys this is
a dying battlefield once again if you remember I was here before and I was
pointing out a lot of Dimes but check this out I just flip the plug over and
what do I see on the ground another diamond unbelievable this one is a 1995
I believe so a lot of 90s dimes if I keep getting these 81 signals I'm gonna
stop filming I just keep digging and we'll give you a wrap up of the clad I'm
pulling out of here but it seems like this is a diamond a quarter battlefield
which is good so let's keep looking and if I get a good signal I'll bring it
back in so this target was down about four and a half inches I got down then I
realized there's a little bit in my sidewall and I don't know if you can see
that property but I flicked out another chunk and this is what I found I thought
it was pretty cool looking the way that it was sitting in this pile here I'm
hoping it's something old it looks like it's copper for sure hopefully it's
something in the 60s maybe for lucky it's a wee penny but I don't think so
nope definitely not a wheaty and it's definitely a copper penny let's see what
year it is
looks like it's gonna be a little older than normal 74 maybe yeah I think it's
74 all right let's keep looking all right guys we had an 83 84 signal figure
this would be a fun one I popped the plug out it splits in two and look what
we got here looking like another state quarter figured uh way to reveal it live
no I saw it wrong definitely maybe an 80s or 90s 1981 I believe could be 87
we'll get it home and we'll know for sure but we'll take it man we must have
four or five bucks here today and I'm not recording everything because I don't
want to bore you guys but we're pulling some goodies out for sure these as far
as Clyde and nothing old but still fun a deep 82 83 Bosnia better than a copper
penny but we found it five inches down gave me an 81 82 at six inches when I
got down to four inches it gave me an 83 I thought I got better but check it out
it's just the 1979 all right keep looking another hole on another set of
pennies and I only thought there was one so they were stacked pretty close to
each other an 82 and a 78 it makes it makes a lot of sense and finally a lot
of 70s and 80s pennies out here late 70s early 80s and that's when they put this
fencing around here to the field and that's probably why we're finding a lot
more modern pennies because this field is closed off and anyone who came by
here probably walks around this fence since then and so we're finding a lot of
the old or the newer stuff oh well steel copper and you can't get mad at
that so we'll add it to the pouch fill in this hole and we might be going to
another spot I'll let you guys know here in a minute
another hole another dad and the target guys in another time stuck in the side
it's gonna be definitely clad because you can see the orange oh well we'll get
a date later put it in the bag a collection of Dimes alright guys we
finished humming that first spot I think I'm gonna cruise on down the hill a
little bit I'll show you guys when I get there and there's another park there's a
lot of traffic a lot of people walking their dogs they always want to stop and
talk kids plan out there so sometimes it's tough to get a good honey and
that's why I've waited and there's no shade cover whatsoever it's totally
exposed it's only like 73 to 75 degrees out but there's not a cloud in the sky
right now so it's just born down on you and I've been hunting for a couple hours
I'm starting to get a little tired but I got a lot of cloud today I'm not gonna
lie I got a lot of cloud so I didn't show all the pines in all the hunts
because I just didn't want to bore you with a bunch of cloud digs but I
realized after checking some of the clips I haven't done a good job of doing
any digs while filming so maybe I'll hit up the spot up and get a couple of those
on the on the video and we'll see alright let's go to the next spot so
here's the park that I'm at where I live it's close to where I live this park was
actually established in 1914 this used to be a sandbox they got rid of the sand
they put in stuff that used to be a swing set and stuff here but they've
gotten rid of it all and I'm not gonna hunt this because right under this is
really hard dirt no one really used this facility because the swing set was
outdated this stuff was outdated and at the end of the day you're digging either
through three feet of little pebbles or you're right at the dirt and it's just
junk and there's a lot of cans and bottle caps in here I've tried it before
we're probably gonna steer clear around the basketball courts I found some
modern stuff those basketball courts are put in I think in the 60s so you can get
lucky and maybe find silver but I have not and then way out down there I've
never hunted because there are always some kids out there playing soccer or
football or whatever but it's empty right now so I'm probably gonna go ahead
and walk that way walk that way but anyway I'll see what's over there we'll
check it out I have pulled a ton of wheat pennies along these railroad
tracks or the least offense that butts up to the creek next to railroad tracks
and that's the railroad track that may our city famous and got it settled in
the 8th in the 1800s so anyway let's see what we can pull out of here today
still operating today
nor strong
all right this is a long train let's get back to sign well new spot more dimes
and I'm gonna be telling you guys I might not go to film too much this stuff
is muddy as can be as you can see let's get all my equipment dirty and I don't
want to get my camera too dirty as well but we'll see let's see what we can do
unbelievable more dimes between the mud and mosquitos out here it's just not
worth to dig I'm gonna head home and do a wrap-up here's the wrap-up we got our
usual amount of aluminum in tin cans we got some bottle caps we did find a
Lowe's key as well as a little tiny buckle not exactly sure what it's for
but it's not old it's not old a couple of pieces of wire an earbud some pull
tabs crazy-looking piece right here we found a nice piece of pewter or
something it's kind of crazy give a good signal found that I knob that you guys
saw during the hunts we got some other miscellaneous pieces and pull tabs as
far as the cordage goes we did find a dollar coin and I just realized that I
didn't have the clip for that so I must have it must have been the random clip I
had where I recorded the camera in my pocket so I must have had it go and
stopped it and then started it at the wrong time so but we did find that we
got eight quarters for two bucks nothing old twelve dimes for a dollar 20 nothing
old we got 24 pennies bunch of copper and some zenki's so 24 cents there we
did find three nickels and I'll take it fifteen cents so at the end of the day 4
dollars and 59 cents in clad not a bad hunt we had a good time hopefully you
enjoyed watching me doing some metal detecting I know I didn't get anything
epic didn't find anything really cool but where I live unless you drive a
couple hours and I didn't have time today based on my feeling and I just
wanted to get out there we just hit up some spots that I know I could find
something even if it was just point shooting if you enjoyed seeing the metal
detecting video with me today I'd appreciate a thumbs up and as always
everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching
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