-Every time you come on, I always talk to you
about something that you did, that I saw a picture of you
and I go, "Oh, that's pretty cool
that you did some cool fashion thing."
-Or you're making fun of me. -Well, no, no.
-It goes both ways.
-Never. No, no, no. In the nicest way.
I want to know about this new bag
that you've been rocking on the red carpet,
'cause everyone's going to be into it.
-Well, that's actually from the Brandon Maxwell show
from Fashion Week, and I collect mini bags.
I'm obsessed with mini bags.
So, I got to wear it on the runway,
and I was really excited.
And, Jimmy, I brought you -- Come on!
What are you talking about, man?
-I brought you a mini bag from my collection.
-Oh. -This is my mini Teddy bear bag.
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Really? -Yeah, so, like, I have so many
mini bags, so I thought I would bring this one.
And I also thought I would bring this one for you
because -- -Oh, my gosh! That is --
-And open it. See what's inside. Open it from the bottom.
There's another surprise inside.
-[ Laughs ]
-It's a mirror.
People are always like, "What do you fit in your mini bag?"
I'm like, "Lots of things." -So it's not a real bag.
It's more of a mirror. -No, that's a mirror.
But, like, in mini bags, you can put, like, lipstick,
keys, credit card, and, like, I just realized
when you have a big bag all the time
and you look at it at the end of the week
and it's like Mary Poppins' bag.
Like. you have stuff that you are never going to use.
Like, a first-aid kit, like, random stuff, so I feel like --
-My wife has that bag. I mean, yeah.
We actually are raising one of the kids in her bag.
-Yeah. Exactly. -We feed it every --
-So, the mini bag is like an edit
of, like, what you really need in life, you know what I mean?
-Dude, I love this. Thank you so much.
This is so rad.
-Yeah. You can have that for your pocket.
-It's just for my pocket. It's perfect.
[ Cheers and applause ]
I will always keep you close to my heart.
Thank you. -No worries.
-I want to talk about this FAO Schwarz thing.
Because it's my favorite toy store. I love it so much.
I used to go every year. -Me too.
-Since -- I mean, I moved to New York
for "Saturday Night Live" probably 20 years ago.
But I used to go all the time and then --
and just play and pretend
to do the big keyboard, the Tom Hanks keyboard.
-And now you can take your girls, 'cause it's reopening,
and it was my favorite thing as a kid.
I feel like when you're a kid,
you don't always remember maybe the toys that you get.
But an experience like FAO Schwarz,
I feel like when all the big toy stores started to close down,
there's not a place that you can go
and experience that with your kid and give something to them
that they're going to remember forever.
-If you've never been to it, it's opening in 30 Rock,
in this building right here in New York City in Manhattan.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Yeah. You got to go.
November 16th it opens.
And you just go and just, again...
"Go ahead, buy something." But you don't have to.
-Yeah, and there's more experiences than even before
at the other one.
There's, like, child adoptions, so you go and get a baby doll,
but you have to go through an interview to make sure.
-But they're a doll. -Yeah.
-Okay, good. -Yeah, yeah, dolls.
-Take it to the next level at FAO Schwarz.
-If you take your daughters, they're gonna have to do
an interview to see if they're a fit parent
to adopt the doll.
Really? -Yeah, so there's, like,
little things like that that are really fun and awesome.
-But there's always that guy that's always
throwing the planes around your head.
-And the plush center with, like, the big --
My favorite was the giraffe.
And I have my FAO Schwarz nails on tonight.
-Look at that. That is the coolest.
-I put a giraffe on my thumb.
-That giant thing. That giant doll.
But, then, how did you get now involved?
Now, they called you and they go,
"Hey, we know you design jewelry and design..."
So they said, "Will you design..." what?
-Oh, yeah. So, I forgot we haven't told them.
-No. -Ha!
So, they called, and they were like,
"We are going to have someone design the soldier uniforms
for the first time. Will you do it?"
So the soldiers standing outside of FAO Schwarz
will be my design.
-That's the greatest.
That's in front of the whole thing!
Are you kidding me?
-Thanks. -I'm geeking out.
-And what I'm really excited about is they are going to have
female soldiers for the first time.
-Come on, man. This is giant.
We have a video of you just sketching this
because you would draw it on your iPad.
-Yeah, so, my first sketch was on --
with colored pencil on paper, and then I take a picture of it.
And then on my iPad, I did the rest of the sketch.
And this is the original sketch.
So, obviously from here, we've taken it
and edited it down with the FAO Schwarz team.
-We're going to debut it tonight.
-Today, yes. -I'm very excited to do that.
-Show 'em. -Quest, a little drum roll?
[ Drum roll ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
Come on. -Thanks.
-I love this. Like, "Come on. Welcome!
Come on in!"
-And...the hat!
-Wait. The hat. The iconic hat?
-Yeah. -Can I try it on?
-Yes, please. Oh, my gosh, Jimmy!
-This is going to be wild. -So, the hat -- My --
[ Cheers and applause ]
Thanks, Jimmy. -This is great.
-So, yeah, the clock --
The clock is, like, the,
you know, classic FAO Schwarz symbol.
We can talk seriously with one another now.
-Yeah, I was going to wear this anyway.
-And it has the FAO Schwarz clock.
-When I go out at night, I want no one to bother me,
so I put on a hat so the press, the paparazzi --
-It's a really low-key thing to wear.
-This is -- I feel important. -Yeah.
Do you feel like you want to go guard
the FAO Schwarz, all the toys?
[ Cheers and applause ]
-I am so excited for this toy store. I can't tell you.
And you're the perfect person to design this.
-Oh, thank you. It's so fun.
It's such an honor and, like, something
that I really genuinely grew up loving,
so it was just so exciting that they asked me.
-Gigi, every time I have you on, we talk hamburgers.
-We do, Jimmy.
-Because we share a love for hamburgers.
-We do, and it's creepy,
but every time I eat a burger, I think about you.
-I think the same about you, too.
I go, "Wait. Is this Gigi worthy?"
-Yeah, we're like, "We --
I need to have a good one for the next time I go on "Jimmy,"
'cause what if it sucks?"
-No, but every time -- We've been like 2 for 2 so far.
-And I brought --
Jimmy, because last time it was you, so we have to alternate.
-Yeah, that's right.
-So this is from 4 Charles Prime Rib...
-I've heard about this place, but I've not been.
-...that I just tried recently and I thought about you,
so I brought it this time.
-So, 4 Charles Prime Rib.
We have to have a good-luck bite, a good-luck burger.
-I wore white and red lipstick, so --
-Don't worry about it.
I think I have a napkin in my purse if you need it.
-Oh, I have a mirror! I can use the mirror to touch up.
If you need anything. Yeah, of course.
-Okay, great. -Cheers.
I love you, pal. Thank you for coming.
-You're the best. Love you. -You are the best. Bye.
[ Cheers and applause ]
Gigi Hadid.
You can see Gigi's design at the new FAO Schwarz store opening.
November 16th here in New York City.
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