Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 24 2018

-How's everything at "The Daily Show?"

-Everything is great. -Is it three years, now?

-It's been three years. -Hey, congratulations.

-Can you imagine? Three years.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Wow. That's really great.

-And can I just say, real quick...

-Yeah. -...this guy over here

was one of the nicest people to me.

Nobody knew who I was. Nobody gave me a chance.

This guy came, and he pulled me into a corner,

and he said, "Hey, it's gonna be horrible when you start off.

You just keep grinding.

You just keep doing what you're doing.

And at some point, you're gonna look back

and just be, like, "Oh, yeah, that wasn't so bad.'"

And thank you, Jimmy. I mean that.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Three years later... -Yeah.

Now, we're going to Miami.

-Oh, yeah. What is the live show you're doing?

So, a whole week of shows in Miami.

-"The Daily Show" is going to Miami.

-Why Miami? -We travel every year.

We go to somewhere different.

And then, every year, they try to take me

to places like Wisconsin.

And then, I'm like, "Look, man I grew up in..."

[ Light cheering ]

Yeah. Not in winter, though.

There's no "whoo" -- you don't whoo in winter in Wisconsin.

So, I was like, "Can we go to one warm place,

for, like, the winter one time?"

And then, I was like, "Let's go to Miami."

And it's great because, like, there's no many races --

the governor's race, which is gonna be huge.

The midterms are huge.

You have Puerto Ricans that have come into Miami.

It's really one of those places where,

I feel like it's a microcosm

of everything that's happening in America.

So, one week, "The Daily Show," in Miami.

We're gonna get up to some mischief.

-And then, for the midterm --

the actual night of the election --

-We do a live show.

-That's exciting. -That's super exciting.

-Do you know -- you never even know what time

you're gonna air. -No.

You just sit there, and then, like,

you let the votes come in.

-Yeah. -And then, you just watch the emotions.

'Cause we did a live show for election-election night --

like, presidential.

And it was just, like, "What's gonna happen?

This is so crazy!"

And then, it was like, "What -- what is happening?

This is -- this is so crazy."

[ Laughter ]

So -- so, like, I don't know.

And I've never done a midterms live before.

What's great is that you can't, like, hide you emotions.

'Cause we do comedy.

And so, with comedy, what you always try and do is,

you have time to process your emotions,

and then, come tell the jokes.

But when it's happening live, it's in your face.

-Yeah. -Like, the people are seeing it with you.

Like, "Yes, and -- he -- he won?"

-"O-o-o-okay." -Yeah.

And then, in your ear, they're like,

"It's live, Trevor. Say something."

And you're like, "Yes..."

[ Laughter ]

-"You can do it, Trevor!"

[ Laughter ]

Trevor Noah, everybody.

His comedy special, "Son of Patricia,"

will be streaming on Netflix starting November 20th.

For more infomation >> Trevor Noah Brings The Daily Show to Miami - Duration: 2:25.


Lucas Hedges Ruined Dan in Real Life - Duration: 6:41.

-You've had a really great couple of years.

You were Oscar-nominated for "Manchester by the Sea."

-Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ]

-And now, you're in two movies now,

and gonna make your Broadway debut.

It's good to be you right now, buddy.

-Yeah, man. Thank you, thank you.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Good to be here.

-Tell us -- Tell us a bit about you.

How did you get in the business? Your dad was a screenwriter?

-Yeah. My dad is a screenwriter and filmmaker,

and when I was in fourth grade,

he gave me one line in his movie "Dan in Real Life,"

which got cut, sadly.

[ Laughter ]

-He cut you out of his own...? -Yeah, yeah.

He put -- I mean, it was --

My dad is the sweetest person in the world.

So he kind of invented the scene for me

that I just heely down the hallway

and say hi to the main character.

-You heely down the hallway? -I heely.

You know what a heely is? -No.

-You don't know what heelys are? -Is it a dance?

-No, it's like -- they're shoes that you put wheels in the --

-Oh, yeah! I own those. Yeah, of course.

[ Laughter ]

That's how I get around. Exactly.

-Exactly. -The shoes I wear.

Do they have glitter on them? -Yeah, of course.

[ Laughter ]

-That's all my -- all my footwear are heelys.

And they're called heelys. -They're called heelys.

-All you had to do was heely in?

-Yeah. Just heelied in. Said hi and then got cut.

So, uh... [ Laughter ]

-How did you -- How did you mess it up?


I don't know, man. I don't know.

-Let's get deep, man. Tell me what happened.

-I think I actually got really --

I was really, like, mad at my dad

because we had to do so many takes.

So, in between takes I was like, "Dad, are you kidding me?"

Like, "Why are we still doing this?"

-"Dad, I totally nailed my heely."

-Yeah, exactly. [ Laughter ]

-Eventually you ended up in the film.

-There's one -- there's one scene at the end that I'm in,

but I kind of ruined the scene

because I looked directly into the camera.

And the whole --

-That's like the number-one rule, right?

I mean, not really though.

-But my dad -- I think there's some sort of --

it has meaning now that his son

somehow stared directly down the lens of his film

and was like, "I'm here."

-Well, I want to -- we actually have a --

the tiny clip of you making your film debut.

-Oh, okay, great.

-Here's Lucas in the film "Dan in Real Life."

See if you can find him. -Oh, my God.

♪ -This is how it's meant to be ♪

-There you go.

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Fantastic! Look at you now!

-Yeah. I remember -- I remember when we were doing that scene.

I was like -- I kept trying to guide her towards the camera,

and I was like, "Okay, we'll go over here now."

And it's, like, constantly trying to get my moment.

-We're almost on camera now.

Yeah, there we go. Hey. Hi.

That's incredible. -Exactly.

-But here you are in two movies.

"Mid-'90s," directed by and written by Jonah Hill,

who is a buddy of ours. -Yeah.

-We love him. [ Cheers and applause ]

The movie is fantastic. -Thank you.

-Some of those kids are -- oh, my gosh.

I've never heard of them, the skater kids.

-Yeah. Real, real skater kids.

One of the -- The main boy they found,

me and Jonah went to the skate park and this dude is like --

he's like 4'10", and he's like 10 years old

and he's the coolest person in this skate park, by far.


-Like, to the point where I met him, and I was like,

"Hey, like, what's up, man? How is it going?"

Like, I was terrified meeting this guy.

-Meeting this child.

-He's four -- he's like 4'10", probably.

He's probably like my height right here.

-But he intimidate --

But you got to play his mean older brother.

-I think the reason why is like,

he needed absolutely no validation from me.

And the second I saw that,

I was, like, "I need you to like me."

[ Laughter ] "I need you to like me."

-But you're playing the mean older brother.

-I'm playing his mean older brother, yeah.

-And you got to shove him around and stuff.

-Yeah, I got to, like, throw him around and be really tough.

And he's got to be terrified of me.

So we were doing this scene once where I'm really trying to

keep it together and be tough, and at the end of the scene,

Jonah starts giving me some notes.

And then, all of a sudden, he starts giving me notes too.

[ Laughter ]

-The kid there? -The kid is giving me notes.

-Oh, fantastic.

-And I was just like -- -"I got nominated for an Oscar."

-Yeah, exactly.

-What are you talking about, man?

-It was a such a -- My face got red.

I was like -- It was embarrassing, man.

[ Laughter ]

-What note did he have for you?

-It was like, "You're pitching your line --

You're pitching your voice on this line."

I was like, "What?"

And then I was like, "Wait, he's actually right."

[ Laughter ]

-Who is this kid?

Well, you ended up working great together.

-Yeah. Yeah.

-Tell me about this latest one here.

-Yeah. So, this is a movie called "Boy Erased,"

which is based on a book written by a man named Garrard Conley

called "Boy Erased," which is a true story about

when he was sent to gay conversion therapy

by his parents, which is not something --

I mean, I knew it existed.

It's not something I knew much about.

It's -- it's -- So, this was a very enlightening experience,

and, yeah.

-Russell Crowe and Nicole Kidman play your parents.

-Yeah. It's kind of like this Aussie --

we've got this Aussie super team going on.

We've got Joel directing it, Nicole, Russell,

and then Troye Sivan,

who's also this Australian sort of superstar, yeah.

-Tell us about the website, stoperasing.

-Yeah. There's this amazing new website.

If anybody in this room or anybody watching,

it's called,

and it provides you with a list of amazing websites

and resources and hotlines for anybody in the LGBTQ community

who is really scared right now

and you want somebody to talk to.

Call one of the hotlines.

There are people there 24 hours, who just want to listen.

I was with two people from the hotline last night actually,

and, yeah, if you're scared and just call.

-You have someone to talk to.

-Yeah. Yeah, it's special. -That's very cool. Absolutely.

Thank you for mentioning that. [ Cheers and applause ]

I want to show everyone a clip.

Here's Lucas Hedges in "Boy Erased."

Take a look at this.

-Sit down. -But I'm not angry, and --

-Yeah, no.

-And there are some things that upset me.

-But you are. -You let me down.

-You're angry. -Why do I have to be angry?

-Just sit. Sit down.

-I'm not a dog!

And I don't think anyone is responsible for me,

so I don't see how it's gonna help

picking someone to blame or hate.

-If you don't hate anyone,

Jarred, then where is all this anger coming from?

-Because you're making me angry.

-There you go! I want you to use that!

-I'm not going to pretend I hate my father.

I don't hate my father!

-Jarred, you do!

-You don't know me!

You're all crazy!

-Hey! -All of you!

-Just -- Jarred.

-You're in my chair!

There you go!

-Jarred! -I hate you!

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Lucas Hedges, everybody.

For more infomation >> Lucas Hedges Ruined Dan in Real Life - Duration: 6:41.


Sky Gets the Crew Fired Up 'Sneak Peek' | Black Ink Crew - Duration: 2:32.

This calls for a song right now. Everybody need to calm down

And needa just smile now.

We're going on a little trip

You ever seen wrestling when they take the guitar and just hit him with it

and his head go like BOOM!

Today is about to be a good day. Y'all ready know how much I love them water slides.

I'm all for it

Bring it on! I'm definitely not feeling this

Mandatory trip nonsense having to spend the weekend with Alex

who's about to be awkward (bleep) He's still being cold as ice.

this tokie bitch stole Jada's job

if she even blink at me funny.

I'm going to give her a mandatory ass whoopin.

Team. Builder counslor Sky reporting for

Duty campers. How's everyone doing today.

When Cesar bestowed to me the honor of leaving the weekend

annual retreat.

I knew I had to pull out all the stops

because the trip to New Orleans was crazy.

So we need to come together as a team and just chill out.

These right here are for you guys to get yo

Together. leave it just like that. The union of the head

And the band.

Will Protect You From stupid

and it will also give you the power to party all night! baby!

I need all the powers. Do you fee l it?She's right, were a team!

Is that rain? yeah.

For more infomation >> Sky Gets the Crew Fired Up 'Sneak Peek' | Black Ink Crew - Duration: 2:32.


Gigi Hadid Debuts the FAO Schwarz Toy Soldiers Uniforms She Designed - Duration: 6:50.

-Every time you come on, I always talk to you

about something that you did, that I saw a picture of you

and I go, "Oh, that's pretty cool

that you did some cool fashion thing."

-Or you're making fun of me. -Well, no, no.

-It goes both ways.

-Never. No, no, no. In the nicest way.

I want to know about this new bag

that you've been rocking on the red carpet,

'cause everyone's going to be into it.

-Well, that's actually from the Brandon Maxwell show

from Fashion Week, and I collect mini bags.

I'm obsessed with mini bags.

So, I got to wear it on the runway,

and I was really excited.

And, Jimmy, I brought you -- Come on!

What are you talking about, man?

-I brought you a mini bag from my collection.

-Oh. -This is my mini Teddy bear bag.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Really? -Yeah, so, like, I have so many

mini bags, so I thought I would bring this one.

And I also thought I would bring this one for you

because -- -Oh, my gosh! That is --

-And open it. See what's inside. Open it from the bottom.

There's another surprise inside.

-[ Laughs ]

-It's a mirror.

People are always like, "What do you fit in your mini bag?"

I'm like, "Lots of things." -So it's not a real bag.

It's more of a mirror. -No, that's a mirror.

But, like, in mini bags, you can put, like, lipstick,

keys, credit card, and, like, I just realized

when you have a big bag all the time

and you look at it at the end of the week

and it's like Mary Poppins' bag.

Like. you have stuff that you are never going to use.

Like, a first-aid kit, like, random stuff, so I feel like --

-My wife has that bag. I mean, yeah.

We actually are raising one of the kids in her bag.

-Yeah. Exactly. -We feed it every --

-So, the mini bag is like an edit

of, like, what you really need in life, you know what I mean?

-Dude, I love this. Thank you so much.

This is so rad.

-Yeah. You can have that for your pocket.

-It's just for my pocket. It's perfect.

[ Cheers and applause ]

I will always keep you close to my heart.

Thank you. -No worries.

-I want to talk about this FAO Schwarz thing.

Because it's my favorite toy store. I love it so much.

I used to go every year. -Me too.

-Since -- I mean, I moved to New York

for "Saturday Night Live" probably 20 years ago.

But I used to go all the time and then --

and just play and pretend

to do the big keyboard, the Tom Hanks keyboard.

-And now you can take your girls, 'cause it's reopening,

and it was my favorite thing as a kid.

I feel like when you're a kid,

you don't always remember maybe the toys that you get.

But an experience like FAO Schwarz,

I feel like when all the big toy stores started to close down,

there's not a place that you can go

and experience that with your kid and give something to them

that they're going to remember forever.

-If you've never been to it, it's opening in 30 Rock,

in this building right here in New York City in Manhattan.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Yeah. You got to go.

November 16th it opens.

And you just go and just, again...

"Go ahead, buy something." But you don't have to.

-Yeah, and there's more experiences than even before

at the other one.

There's, like, child adoptions, so you go and get a baby doll,

but you have to go through an interview to make sure.

-But they're a doll. -Yeah.

-Okay, good. -Yeah, yeah, dolls.

-Take it to the next level at FAO Schwarz.

-If you take your daughters, they're gonna have to do

an interview to see if they're a fit parent

to adopt the doll.

Really? -Yeah, so there's, like,

little things like that that are really fun and awesome.

-But there's always that guy that's always

throwing the planes around your head.

-And the plush center with, like, the big --

My favorite was the giraffe.

And I have my FAO Schwarz nails on tonight.

-Look at that. That is the coolest.

-I put a giraffe on my thumb.

-That giant thing. That giant doll.

But, then, how did you get now involved?

Now, they called you and they go,

"Hey, we know you design jewelry and design..."

So they said, "Will you design..." what?

-Oh, yeah. So, I forgot we haven't told them.

-No. -Ha!

So, they called, and they were like,

"We are going to have someone design the soldier uniforms

for the first time. Will you do it?"

So the soldiers standing outside of FAO Schwarz

will be my design.

-That's the greatest.

That's in front of the whole thing!

Are you kidding me?

-Thanks. -I'm geeking out.

-And what I'm really excited about is they are going to have

female soldiers for the first time.

-Come on, man. This is giant.

We have a video of you just sketching this

because you would draw it on your iPad.

-Yeah, so, my first sketch was on --

with colored pencil on paper, and then I take a picture of it.

And then on my iPad, I did the rest of the sketch.

And this is the original sketch.

So, obviously from here, we've taken it

and edited it down with the FAO Schwarz team.

-We're going to debut it tonight.

-Today, yes. -I'm very excited to do that.

-Show 'em. -Quest, a little drum roll?

[ Drum roll ]

[ Cheers and applause ]


Come on. -Thanks.

-I love this. Like, "Come on. Welcome!

Come on in!"

-And...the hat!

-Wait. The hat. The iconic hat?

-Yeah. -Can I try it on?

-Yes, please. Oh, my gosh, Jimmy!

-This is going to be wild. -So, the hat -- My --

[ Cheers and applause ]

Thanks, Jimmy. -This is great.

-So, yeah, the clock --

The clock is, like, the,

you know, classic FAO Schwarz symbol.

We can talk seriously with one another now.

-Yeah, I was going to wear this anyway.

-And it has the FAO Schwarz clock.

-When I go out at night, I want no one to bother me,

so I put on a hat so the press, the paparazzi --

-It's a really low-key thing to wear.

-This is -- I feel important. -Yeah.

Do you feel like you want to go guard

the FAO Schwarz, all the toys?


[ Cheers and applause ]

-I am so excited for this toy store. I can't tell you.

And you're the perfect person to design this.

-Oh, thank you. It's so fun.

It's such an honor and, like, something

that I really genuinely grew up loving,

so it was just so exciting that they asked me.

-Gigi, every time I have you on, we talk hamburgers.

-We do, Jimmy.

-Because we share a love for hamburgers.

-We do, and it's creepy,

but every time I eat a burger, I think about you.

-I think the same about you, too.

I go, "Wait. Is this Gigi worthy?"

-Yeah, we're like, "We --

I need to have a good one for the next time I go on "Jimmy,"

'cause what if it sucks?"

-No, but every time -- We've been like 2 for 2 so far.

-And I brought --

Jimmy, because last time it was you, so we have to alternate.

-Yeah, that's right.

-So this is from 4 Charles Prime Rib...

-I've heard about this place, but I've not been.

-...that I just tried recently and I thought about you,

so I brought it this time.

-So, 4 Charles Prime Rib.

We have to have a good-luck bite, a good-luck burger.

-I wore white and red lipstick, so --

-Don't worry about it.

I think I have a napkin in my purse if you need it.

-Oh, I have a mirror! I can use the mirror to touch up.

If you need anything. Yeah, of course.

-Okay, great. -Cheers.

I love you, pal. Thank you for coming.

-You're the best. Love you. -You are the best. Bye.

[ Cheers and applause ]


Gigi Hadid.

You can see Gigi's design at the new FAO Schwarz store opening.

November 16th here in New York City.

For more infomation >> Gigi Hadid Debuts the FAO Schwarz Toy Soldiers Uniforms She Designed - Duration: 6:50.


Wanda Sykes Can't Help But Talk About Politics in Her Comedy - Duration: 6:35.

-You were out on the road recently.

You did a free show in Detroit. -Yes.

-With Billy Eichner. -Yes.

-This is "Glam Up the Midterms."

You're trying to get people to register to vote.

-Exactly. Exactly. We were just there Sunday.

The event, it went great.

You know, a lot of people turned out.

But the only thing -- you know,

it's supposed to be, you know, nonpartisan.


-It's almost like don't tell people who to vote for,

just tell people to vote.

And I'm like, look, I'm a black lesbian.

I'm pretty sure you know who I'm voting for.

[ Laughter ] -Yeah.

-I mean, you ain't gonna see me walking around like Kanye

or nothing like that, you know? [ Laughter ]

I'm on my meds. -Yeah.

That's what everybody says about you.

[ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah.

-Yeah. -Yeah.

So I was like, "Okay, I'll keep it nonpartisan."

-I think like a lot of people,

you're prone to talk more about politics with issues

like family separations... -Right.

-...with issues like voter suppression.

Have you found, as a comedian,

you're drawn to be more politically minded now?

-I mean -- To me, I feel like if you don't talk about it

then it's like you're ignoring the elephant in the room,

you know, who tweets all the time.

-Yeah. -Right, you know?

[ Laughter ]

It's like how can you, like, leave your --

you know, watch TV,

you leave your room seeing something crazy,

and then you go on stage and act like nothing happened that day?

You know? -Right.

-And this voter suppression thing is ridiculous.

You know, they're making going to the polls feel like

you going up to the new hot club

and hoping your name is on the list.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

-You know, you're like, "No, check, check.

Mike told me I was on the list tonight.

Can I get a plus one?" [ Laughter ]

It's awful.

-Your new special is called "Oh Well."

That's what you're touring with now.

-I'm touring with "Oh Well." That's the name of my tour.

-How did you come up with "Oh Well" as the title?

-Well, 'cause it feels like

that's the mode of the country right now.

Whatever happens, everyone's like, "Oh, well."

[ Laughter ]

Hey, the president's being sued by porn stars.

Hmm, oh, well. What you gon' do?

What you gon' do? That's -- [ Cheers and applause ]

Oh, well. -Yeah.

And are you still actively trying out new material

when you go out?

Is that something you do when you go on the road?

-Yeah, yeah, you have to try it out.

So, you know, for the special, it makes --

see if it's gonna stay in or not.

So, yeah, I'm still trying out material and everything.

-That's great. That's exciting. -Yeah, it is, it is.

-Always makes going on stage thrilling.

-Yeah, it's exciting.

When they don't laugh, then it's not so exciting.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

-Then it's like, "Oh, well, okay."

I'll take that one back to the shop.

That one needs new wheels.

-They're saving you from putting in the special.

-Exactly. Exactly. Exactly.

-We commiserated in the past.

Both of our wives are very active and outdoorsy.

-Yes. -And you and I are not.

-Oh, no, we're not. -Is that still happening?

Are you still getting dragged out to the great outdoors?

-Yes, yes. It's awful. -Yeah.

-It's awful.

And we were in Tulum in Mexico.

And I discovered that I am not first-responder material.

[ Laughter ]

We were walking back from the ruins, the temple.

And, you know, and I had seen, like, a snake out there.

And, you know, it was all -- you had iguanas and stuff.

So on the walk back to the, you know, back from the thing,

I'm in front of everybody.

And I heard, like, some scuffling.

And then, "Aah," a scream, right?

I -- pew!

I took off running. [ Laughter ]

I took off running.

And I got at least about 12 feet, Seth, before it hit me,

like, "Hey, jackass, your whole family is behind you."

[ Laughter ]

"You just left your family, your kids."

And what happened?

My mother-in-law hit a tree and fell. Yeah.

And so then I had to run.

I ran and it hit me like, "Your family, your family."

So I turn around and I see her on the ground, right?

So then I acted like I was going to go get help.

[ Laughter and applause ]

-Very well played.

-But you can use my tricks, though.

-What are your tricks? -Here's the tricks.

'Cause your wife, they like going to the beach and all that.

-Yeah. -Yeah, we hate that.

-Yeah. -We hate that [bleep]

-It's no good. -It's no good.

So this is what you do.

Always leave something in the room so you can go back.

Yeah. I mean, for real. Just leave stuff.

Like, one time I showed up to the beach.

And I started taking my shirt off.

I was like, "Oh, oh, I forgot to put on my swimsuit."

[ Laughter ]

That's a good 45 minutes.

I'm telling you, just leave stuff on the way to the beach.

Just kick a flip-flop in the middle of the street.

And then go, "Oh, oh, I lost a flip-flop.

I got to -- I don't know what happened.

It felt like I had it on. I don't know.

I got to go back to the room to get my flip-flop."

-Genius. Thank you. -Yeah.

-This is an incredible gift you're giving me.

-I know, I know.

-You've been taking selfies.


-And is it safe to say this is new, this is a new skill?

-This is new. This is new.

-I'm not -- I don't want to be too judgmental.

But it's obvious to me that you're not --

you're doing it at your shows, and this is great

because you have an enthusiastic audience behind you.

It's a great place to take a selfie.

This is a selfie.

And is it safe to say that's -- [ Laughter ]

-Yeah, that's -- that's me.

-Yeah. -Yeah.

-This one is a little bit better.

-I'm in the shot there. -Yeah, you're in the shot.

-I got the shot. Yeah. Yeah.

Except that the room was, like, over here too.

But that's all I could get in there.

That's it. That's it. -You did one as well.

Where is Count Basie Theatre? Where is that one?

-That's in Red Bank, New Jersey. -That's Red Bank, New Jersey.

[ Audience cheers ]

-And so you had a couple of --

You posted a selfie to Instagram.

And you had a couple Trump supporters leave a show here?

-Yes, yes. They left the show.

And I'm like, "I don't know why you're here in the first place."

-Yeah. -What the hell?

[ Laughter ]

Why would you come to Wanda Sykes' show

if you love Trump?

-You're not gonna have a good time. You know?

-But it was -- This is very nice

because on your Instagram, you did say, basically,

"As for the Trump supporters who walked out, too bad.

You missed a lot of great..."

-Dick jokes. -Dick jokes. Yeah.

-Yeah, yeah. [ Laughter ]

-Yeah, that's nice. [ Applause ]

You were thinking about them.

Even to the end, you were thinking about them.

-I was. I was thinking about them.

-I am always so happy to have you here.

-Thank you.

-I can't wait for the next special.

Enjoy the road. -Appreciate it.

-And come back anytime, all right?

-All right, thanks so much.

For more infomation >> Wanda Sykes Can't Help But Talk About Politics in Her Comedy - Duration: 6:35.


David Cross Was Interviewed by the Secret Service - Duration: 3:27.

-You got visited by Secret Service on your tour.

-Well, vis-- Yeah.

"Visited" is the polite way to put it, yes.

[ Laughter ]

Yeah, they were mandated to come to me and interview me.

-And what were the chain of events that led to that?

-I had done a show in Salt Lake City which has...

[ Whispers ] ...a bunch of Mormons...

-It does, yes. [ Laughter ]

-And I upset the Mormon community,

who are known for their wonderful sense of humor.

[ Laughter ]

And so I upset them with this thing that I did and said.

And then, I made things worse by not apologizing

and kind of doubling down on it.

Then they sent people to my show,

and then the people that came to the show

reported on it and put out this ridiculous --

They took every inflammatory thing --

And if you know my stand-up,

there's all kinds of topics I mention

and just throwaway references like, "He made fun of

the Holocaust and abortions and Nazis."

They made it sound like I was holding a rally, you know?

[ Laughter ]

And so then, that got picked up by all the right-wing media,

like "Breitbart," "Daily Caller," all this stuff,

and then it got picked up internationally,

and then all these people read it and were like --

Oh, because I also -- "They said part of his --"

I'm paraphrasing it.

"Part of what he suggested to, uh, um...

how to act with his political enemies

is to violently beat them and urinate and defecate on them."

And people were like, "Well, surely the Secret Service

must be involved. Sounds like a threat."

And enough people responded to that,

called the Secret Service so that they then had to

waste their precious time and resources taking them away

from protecting the President,

which is not the worst thing in the world.

[ Laughter ]

And came and had to visit me,

and they could not have been cooler.

-Oh, really? -Every step of the way --

'Cause I dealt with different people.

They were all totally cool.

They were like the cops --

You know when you see cops in the, like, Permit Patty

and the woman who, you know, called the cops

on a 9-year-old kid selling lemonade without a permit

and all that [bleep] you know?

And they were like -- When you see cops,

they kind of -- You know, it's obligatory.

They're rolling their eyes, they're apologizing,

"We had to do it. I'm sorry."

They were like that. They were totally cool.

-And, yeah.

And not a lot of people get to meet Secret Service

on just a regular day.

-And not a lot of Secret Service get to meet David Cross so...

[ Laughter ]

-Everybody wins. -Everybody wins.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Kind of a theme tonight. We're talking about

the importance of voter registration.

You're doing a really cool thing with Let America Vote,

which is, again, about registering people to vote

in the upcoming midterms.

-Not just registering them but to fight voter suppression,

and like what's going on in my home state of Georgia,

which is disgusting, and -- And it's --

Yeah, so $5 from every ticket for these shows

goes to Let America Vote.

-That's great. That's awesome you're doing it.

It's always a pleasure to see you.

For more infomation >> David Cross Was Interviewed by the Secret Service - Duration: 3:27.


David Cross Has Some Dark Fatherhood Jokes - Duration: 5:04.

-It's been a while since you've been here,

and I know it's been a while because you have a 20-month-old,

and you didn't have it last time you were here,

so it's been at least 20 months. -Yeah.

[ Laughter ]

-Congratulations. -No, she's 12.

-She's 12 years old? [ Laughter ]

-Oh, you're talking about the kid.

I thought you were talking about the dog.

-Oh, yeah. [ Laughter ]

-I just go to -- Yeah, yeah.

No, there's a -- Yeah, what do you call it?

A -- A -- A baby thing. -Yeah.

[ Laughter ] -Yeah, yeah.

-You and your wife, Amber Tamblyn,

had a baby, a little girl. -Yep.

-And you took your -- -For now.

-Well, okay. -I'm not pressuring her.

-Oh, okay. -She can do whatever she wants.

-Oh, good for that. Yeah.

-They can do whatever they want.

Sorry. I got to get with the lingo.

-Yeah, there you go. -I don't know what it is.

-You, uh... You took her on tour.

-Aww! -Aww! Look at that.

[ Audience "Awws" ] -Come on.

-Look at you guys surfing the world wide web together.

That's fantastic. -Yeah.

-So, she went on tour, and this is a proper tour bus, yes?

-Yeah. My wife, Amber,

came out with a book, called "Any Man,"

which is great. You should get it.

[ Laughter ]

And the book was released the same time that the tour started.

And we did this just completely coincidentally the last tour

where she had a book come out when I was touring,

so we all went out, and she would do

bookstore readings/signings, and I'd do the show that night.

And, you know, we consulted a bunch of people,

like, "How long can you leave an infant on their own?"

[ Laughter ]

And they were like, "A week is too much."

[ Laughter ]

So... [ Laughter ]

So, yeah. We had the bus,

and we had a crib constructed in the back, and we all went.

We were out for 2 1/2 months. -That's fantastic.

What a great amount of time to spend as a family.

-Yeah, every day. I saw my kid every day.

-It's great.

It's harder to do than you would think.

I mean, if you work all the time.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

-Obviously, you're a comedian, you have a kid now.

Do you find that you have fatherhood material

now that you have a child?

-It hasn't occurred to me.

[ Laughter ]

But, yeah, I have some very dark jokes about that.

[ Laughter ] I do.

Except, I will say this.

If you're coming, we've only got like

eight shows left in the tour, but all the jokes were written

when she was 1. So in this set, she's 1.

-Okay, gotcha.

-Don't be thrown off when I say...

-Well, you can still say 1-year-old

when they're 20 months, right?

Can't you, or no? -No, that's a lie.

-Yeah. [ Laughter ]

It is weird how you -- I guess you go 1,

and then you have to do all the months until 2,

and then you stop. Right? And then you just go...

-And then you never mention their age again.

No. 'Cause it looks bad on you.

It makes you look bad. -Yeah, well it makes me older.

Yeah, and I don't like that. -I get it.

-Your show, you're touring with a show called Oh Come On.

How did you come up with the title Oh Come On?

-I didn't, actually. The audience did.

[ Laughter ] They did.

No. Let me explain.

I -- I've never put a set together from scratch, you know?

And I went out, and I had several months

where I was just gonna get a set together.

So I would go out, and three nights a week, Brooklyn,

go do shows where I was just talking with notes and stuff,

and I taped the sets and transcribe them

and go, "That's a bit.

That sounds like it could be a bit."

And then, as the set was developing,

I would have Q&As with the audience after the set.

I would say, you know, "Too many of this joke?

Should this come here? What about this bit?

What did you think about that?"

And I had a couple ideas, and this happens every tour.

I had a couple ideas for what I wanted the title to be,

and I suggested one of them, and the audience,

like, en masse is like, "No! Boo! Boo!"

[ Laughter ]

And they were right.

It was a terrible, pretentious punny name and awful.

And I was like, "Wow, okay. What about this?"

And they booed that.

And then I said, "Well, what do you think?"

And then two people, independent of each other,

in two different parts of the audience one night

at The Bell House in Brooklyn, both said, "Oh, come on,"

at the same time, and it references something,

a bit in the set, and it also kind of speaks --

It has a general, like, "Oh, come on," you know,

for our times today.

-It's also a wonderful --

I feel like that nobody has a good crowdsourcing story,

and the fact that you actually went out

and trusted your audience to give you feedback

is a really nice, lovely thing to hear.

-Yeah, and I only charged them 5 bucks for that session.

-Right. [ Laughter ]

-So it's smart. It's good for them.

It's only costing -- They paid to get in already.

-Yeah. -This way, you know,

it's just an extra $5 from everybody

if you want to pipe up, you know.

If you want me to hear your sound.

-An extra $5. -Yeah, yeah.

For more infomation >> David Cross Has Some Dark Fatherhood Jokes - Duration: 5:04.


Light Painting - KineMaster Tricks - Duration: 3:02.

We've imported our base video (Media) and our light streaks (Layer > Media) right here.

Tap Chroma Key, then Enable to see the streaks without the green. We created these to match the video.

Tap Layer then Media to load the heart video. Drag the handles to make it full screen.

We can sync this to the front, but you may need to take time to sync green video.

Tap Chroma Key, then Enable to remove the green.

We're going to do some positional fine tuning...

Let's move the heart! Tap Keyframing. Move the heart and the playhead to make the heart float and fly away. We'll be making a keyframing tutorial soon!

Review and export. This device only has two video layers, so we'll export now and create a new project. Tap No Thanks to save with a watermark.

Open a new project and load the video we created.

Let's add an explosion.

Add the explosion video. Enlarge and time it to when the heart leaves the screen.

Use the chroma key sliders and the color Adjustment tool to get the right look!

That's it!

For more infomation >> Light Painting - KineMaster Tricks - Duration: 3:02.


Cristiano Ronaldo - I AM LEGEND│HD - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo - I AM LEGEND│HD - Duration: 1:44.


Jessie (2011) Cast | Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Jessie (2011) Cast | Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 3:25.


Witch Is Out | Halloween Cartoons | Scary Rhymes For Children | Farmees - Duration: 30:09.

"Farmees watch out!

The witch is flying!"

She can turn you to a rat lock you up inside her hat..

Make the trees run after you drop your bed into a zoo..

Find you wherever you've been Get running it's Halloween...


Look the witch is out everyone scream and shout

Look the witch is out everyone scream and shout

In her hand she's got a wand If she touches you ..

You are gone....

She can turn you to a rat Lock you up inside her hat...

Make the trees run after you Drop your bed into a zoo..

Find you wherever you've been Get running it's Halloween..


Look the witch is flying All the babies are crying...

Look the witch is flying All the babies are crying

In her hand she's got a wand If she touches you...

You are gone....

She can turn you to a rat lock you up inside her hat

Make the trees run after you drop your bed into a zoo

Find you wherever you've been get running it's Halloween..



For more infomation >> Witch Is Out | Halloween Cartoons | Scary Rhymes For Children | Farmees - Duration: 30:09.


vremya i steklo e boy | Время и Стекло - Е_Бой - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> vremya i steklo e boy | Время и Стекло - Е_Бой - Duration: 5:48.


ASMR Custard Pudding~ プリンの作り方レシピ - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> ASMR Custard Pudding~ プリンの作り方レシピ - Duration: 6:06.


"Shilpa Shetty" Ne Media Ke Samne Udaya Apne Husband Ka Mazak | Raj Kundra - Duration: 1:04.

"Shilpa Shetty" Ne Media Ke Samne Udaya Apne Husband Ka Mazak | Raj Kundra

For more infomation >> "Shilpa Shetty" Ne Media Ke Samne Udaya Apne Husband Ka Mazak | Raj Kundra - Duration: 1:04.


How To Download Donkey King Full Movie In Urdu 2018 || ڈونکی کنگ فلم دیکھنے کیلئے ویڈیو دیکھے - Duration: 2:09.



For more infomation >> How To Download Donkey King Full Movie In Urdu 2018 || ڈونکی کنگ فلم دیکھنے کیلئے ویڈیو دیکھے - Duration: 2:09.


How much I don'T LIKE pumpkin, BUT I just fell in LOVE with this CAKE! - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> How much I don'T LIKE pumpkin, BUT I just fell in LOVE with this CAKE! - Duration: 2:47.


কত দিন পর পর মিলন করা উচিৎ। বিজ্ঞান কি বলে এ বিষয়ে জেনেনিন Know what science Best Talk Natural Way - Duration: 4:11.

Science Tips

For more infomation >> কত দিন পর পর মিলন করা উচিৎ। বিজ্ঞান কি বলে এ বিষয়ে জেনেনিন Know what science Best Talk Natural Way - Duration: 4:11.


Home Remedies with Spearmint Leaves|HFE♪ - Duration: 10:09.

Home Remedies with Spearmint Leaves

Even though spearmint is known for its digestive properties, spearmint tea has many other benefits that you can enjoy to help with other health problems.

Spearmint leaves, known scientifically as Mentha spicata, are herbs with relaxing and medicinal properties that can relieve various problems.

 In addition, just as peppermint, spearmint can effectively fight bad breath.

Spearmint for digestion This plant helps relieve stomach problems by relaxing the smooth muscles in the digestive system.

Ingredients ½ cup of spearmint leaves (100 g) ½ cup of green tea (100 g) 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g) 4 cups of hot water (1 liter) Utensils One large glass jar Preparation Pour the liter of hot water into the glass jar and add in the spearmint and green tea.

Cover and leave to sit for an hour.

After, strain and add the honey or a sweetener of your choice.

Mix well.

Strain the tea again, put the top on and shake.

Leave to sit for twenty-four hours.

Drink two cups (50 to 75 milliliters) each day after meals for one month.

Spearmint remedy for a clean liver Spearmint is a powerful medicinal plant that's loaded with benefits and properties for a healthy body.

For the second remedy on our list, we'd like to teach you how to use spearmint to treat hepatic problems at home naturally.

This incredible natural remedy will also help you improve your overall health.

We have no doubt that once you know all of its benefits, you'll always keep this herb around at home.

Ingredients ½ cup of fresh spearmint (100 g) Zest of one lemon 8 cups of mineral water (2 liters) 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g) 1 citric fruit of your choice (orange, guava, lemon, etc.) Preparation Mix the two liters of mineral water with the fresh spearmint (previously washed) together in a pot.

After, bring the water to a boil and boil the water for five more minutes.

When five minutes have passed, remove from heat and leave to cool.

While the water cools, juice the citric fruit of your choice and the add the juice to the mixture.

Mix in the lemon zest.

Sweeten with pure honey to finish the tea.

In order to enjoy the benefits that this tea offers for the liver, drink one cup every morning on an empty stomach for one week.

After, rest from the treatment for one week then start over again.

Spearmint remedy for stomachaches that you can make at home Home remedies that make use of spearmint are great for fighting gas, intestinal cramps and other many other problems that can effect our stomach, preventing us from enjoying feeling our best.

Ingredients ¼ cups of spearmint (50 g) 1 cup of water (200 ml) 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g) Preparation Heat up the water.

When it starts to boil, add the spearmint leaves.

Remove from heat and leave the water to cool for a maximum of 15 or 20 minutes.

Strain the tea and remove the leaves.

Add the teaspoon of honey and enjoy.

We recommend that you have a use this remedy two or three days a week.

(Two times a day: one on an empty stomach and the other before going to bed) Spearmint for cough The flu, colds, allergies and other viral or bacterial infections are among the main causes for coughs that we just can't seem to stop.

Though there are many medicines available that can help you stop your cough efficiently, you can always complement them with a home-made spearmint remedy to help speed up your recovery.

Ingredients 5 tablespoons of spearmint leaves (75 g) 1 cup of mineral water (200 ml) Preparation Wash the spearmint leaves thoroughly to remove any particles.

Bring the mineral water to a boil and add the spearmint leaves.

Remove from heat and cover, leaving to cool for 15 minutes.

Strain and sip slowly.

We recommend having a cup after recovering from a cough to prevent relapsing into it.

Spearmint remedy for earaches Spearmint is a plant that's not only special for its lovely aroma and relaxing properties, but it's also makes the perfect natural and effective remedy for earaches.

In addition, spearmint combines perfectly with conventional medication and helps earaches feel better quicker.

Some problems can become quite uncomfortable and might even seem like a flu or cold symptom because of the earwax accumulation in the inner-ear.

Ingredients ½ cup of spearmint (100 g) 1 cotton ball ½ cup of water (100 ml) Preparation Heat up the spearmint leaves in the water.

When the water is boiling, remove from heat and let cool for 45 minutes.

Take the cotton ball and dip it in the water.

Apply 3 drops of the water into the affected ear.

Relieve migraines with spearmint There are many men and women who suffer from frequent headaches and they often ask how to soothe their pain by using natural ingredients? Fortunately, there are a multitude of plants that can treat the resulting problems that come with a migraine.

Migraines might even cause nausea, vomiting and light sensitivity.

Ingredients ½ cup of spearmint leaves (100 g) One cup of mineral water (200 ml).

Preparation Bring the water to a boil and, when ready, add the spearmint and remove from heat.

Let the infusion cool for 15 or 20 minutes.

After 15 or 20 minutes, strain and sip slowly.

Spearmint will be a huge aid for when you want use home remedies to fight common health problems because it's a plant that's rich in relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties.

For more infomation >> Home Remedies with Spearmint Leaves|HFE♪ - Duration: 10:09.


Lub neej ib vuag. Ib tug Ntxhais hluas pawg ntseeg pheem phom hu. Xftsavcheejlis 2018 - Duration: 4:47.

Nkauj hmoob lis 2018

For more infomation >> Lub neej ib vuag. Ib tug Ntxhais hluas pawg ntseeg pheem phom hu. Xftsavcheejlis 2018 - Duration: 4:47.


How to get healthy, voluminous hair|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:01.

How to get healthy, voluminous hair

If you want healthy, voluminous hair, nourish it from both the inside and the outside to strengthen it and take care of factors that may be weakening it.

It's normal with all of the handling, products, and styling tools, for your hair to get weak and lifeless over time.

What isn't normal is doing absolutely nothing to take care of it, and that's exactly what we'll address in this post.

How can you get healthy, voluminous hair?.

Fortify your hair.

First of all, it's very important to not waste any more time when it comes to weak, lifeless hair.

There's still something you can do about it.

But something that does not have a solution is if you let it die completely and don't do anything about it.

The first thing that we recommend is that when you first notice that your hair is getting weak and brittle, you change the hair products you're using.

  At this point, it's best to look for products that are ideal for rebuilding your hair follicles, since that means your hair will grow strong from the roots.

Some of the most recommended "rebuilding" products are those made with arginine, a compound that's ideal for strengthening the strands of your hair.

Feed your hair.

The weakening of your hair is not only caused by external factors.

There are also internal factors such as genetics or hormones that, over time, can make your hair lose vitality.

One way to address these internal factors is by eating a good diet, one where your body will get the nutrients it needs to give your hair vitality and grow correctly.

These are nutrients that you should have in your diet if you want beautiful, voluminous hair.

Iron and copper. Be sure to include foods in your diet such as spinach, nuts, seafood, wheat pasta, oats, eggs, basil, avocado, strawberries, figs and sugar-free chocolate. They will keep your hair looking great.

Vitamin B. Foods such as tuna, natural yogurt, potatoes, kale, brewer's yeast, and turkey breast will help keep your hair from falling out and turning gray.


Found in pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, watermelon and dark chocolate.

Other nutrients that you should keep in mind when you want to nourish your hair are: vitamin E, dairy products rich in vitamin B5 and omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in especially high amounts in cold water fish.

Homemade treatments to get voluminous hair.

Homemade remedies are never a bad idea if you're well-informed.

The advantage is that the ingredients in these remedies are easy to find and are generally fairly budget-friendly.

Here are some of the best homemade treatments to turn your lifeless, weak hair into brilliant, voluminous hair.


Thanks to its high collagen content, gelatin is one of the best ingredients for strengthening your hair.

At the same time, it gives hair volume and thickness.


2 tablespoons of flavorless gelatin powder (20 g) 1 cup of hot water (250 ml) 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 g) 4 drops of essential rosemary oil.

Preparation and application.

Add all of the ingredients to the hot water, except the gelatin.

Once they have dissolved, add the gelatin and wait until the mixture has the right consistency.

To apply it, wet your hair with warm water, apply the mixture, and then cover your hair with a shower cap.

After 30 minutes, rinse your hair with plenty of water.

You can apply this remedy twice a week to increase the volume of your hair.

Mayonnaise, aloe vera and tomato hair mask.


1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel (15 g) 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise (40 g) Pulp from a ripe tomato.

Preparation and application.

Add all of the ingredients to a bowl and mix well with the help of a fork until you have a well-mixed, somewhat thick cream.

To apply it, wet your hair, spread the mixture onto it and let it sit for 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, rinse your hair with plenty of water and use your regular conditioner.

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