Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 24 2018

-The midterms are just two weeks away,

and Trump is taking them very seriously.

In fact, he seems pretty worried that the Democrats

might take over the House,

so he's doing everything he possibly can to sway voters.

He even tried recording a message to voters,

but it didn't really go as planned.

We actually have the outtakes from the recording.

-Really? -Take a look at this.

-My fellow Americans,

the halftime vote is in two weeks.

-Uh, Mr. President, they're called the midterms.

Let's try it again. -What did I say?

-You called them the halftime vote, but they're the midterms.

-I was wrong. It's actually called the midterms.

-My fellow Americans, the midterms are in two weeks,

which is just a few days away.


-Ladies and gentlemen, voting in this erection is very impotent.

-Cut. -What was wrong with that?

I've been very busy on the campaign trail.

Last night I was with beautiful Texas Senator,

beautiful Ted Cruz.

There's a rumor he's the Zodiac Killer.

Fake news.

Have you ever met Ted Cruz?

He looks like either the guy from "Halloween"

or the fish man from "The Shape of Water" movie.

-Okay. Let's -- let's try and focus.

-The beautiful, beautiful fish man.

I'll give you other reasons to vote Republican.

For example, I will put snack machines in all cafeterias

with -- read my lips -- free juice boxes.

Who's with Donny?

We'll work around the clock to invent a Saran wrap

that doesn't stick to itself.

What if I promised that I won't smile like this?

And trust me. We really will build that fantastic wall.

And how are we gonna pay for it?

Two words -- Mega Million.

$1.9 billion, all wall, all the time.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter ]

-Cut, cut.

-And remember, if we win the House and the Senate,

you're welcome, but if we lose,

it's everyone else's fault but mine.

Thank you.

God bless you, and God bless...


-The United States. -The United Shtatesh.

-No, the United States. -The United Shtaesh.

-All right. Forget it. We'll fix it in post.

-God bless -- -The United States.

For more infomation >> Donald Trump's Message to Midterm Election Voters Outtakes - Duration: 2:18.


Tonight Show Polls: Which National Disaster Should the President Focus On? - Duration: 2:10.

-♪ "Tonight Show" Polls ♪

-This first poll asks, "Which national disaster

should the President focus on?"

50% said hurricanes, 30% said forest fires,

20% said Kanye. -Wow.

[ Laughter and applause ]

-This poll here asked,

"How are you getting ready for the cold weather?"

30% said "Clearing the leaves out from the gutter,"

30% said, "Buy new snow chains for my tires,"

40% said, "Gaining 35 pounds

and napping for four months like a bear."

[ Cheers and applause ]

This next poll asks, "How do you remember your passwords?"

58% said, "By writing them in a notebook,"

41% said, "By saving them in my browser,"

and Post Malone said, "By tattooing them on my face."

[ Laughter and applause ]

This poll asks, "What's your favorite creepy TV show?"

10% said, "American Horror Story,"

12% said, "The Haunting of Hill House,"

78% said, "Dancing with the Stars: Juniors."

[ Laughter and applause ]

Next, they asked, "What is your favorite fall activity?"

20% said, "apple picking,"

20% said, "Instagramming while apple picking,"

20% said, "Watching people Instagramming

while apple picking," 20% said,

"Watching Instagrams with people Instagramming

while apple picking," 20% said,

"Watching people apple picking while watching Instagrams

with people apple picking."

[ Cheers and applause ]

Next, they asked, "What's the first thing you'll do

if you win the $1.6 billion Mega Millions jackpot?"

70% said, "Quit my job,"

20% said, "Take a long vacation,"

10% said, "Light my desk on fire,

flip everyone in the office off,

and yell, 'See ya later, suckers!'"

[ Cheers and applause ]

This last poll asks, "If you can go anywhere

on vacation, where would it be?"

20% said Paris, 20% said Rome,

Democrats said, "The past."

There you go. That's all we have for "Tonight Show" Polls!

For more infomation >> Tonight Show Polls: Which National Disaster Should the President Focus On? - Duration: 2:10.


Amber Ruffin Addresses Megyn Kelly Asking if Blackface Is Racist - Duration: 3:56.

-This morning on her show,

Megyn Kelly invited a panel of guests

to discuss whether or not it's racist

for white people to wear blackface on Halloween.

Take a look.

-But what is racist? -But --

-Because -- Because, truly, you do get in trouble

if you are a white person who puts on blackface on Halloween,

or a black person who puts on white face for Halloween.


-Like, back when I was a kid, that was okay.

There was a controversy on "The Real Housewives of New York"

with Luann.

And she dressed as Diana Ross.

And she made her skin look darker than it really is.

And people said that that was racist.

And I don't know -- I thought, like,

who doesn't love Diana Ross?

She wants to look like Diana Ross for one day,

I don't know how, like, that got racist on Halloween.

-Now, commenting on the racially charged issue of blackface

is not something I'm comfortable doing.

-But I am!

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Cheers and applause continue ]

First of all, I heard about this,

and when I went to watch it,

I started typing in, "Megyn Kelly defends blackface."

It auto-filled "Megyn Kelly defends Brett Kavanaugh,"

so I knew, no matter what, I was about to watch a terrible video.

And I was right.

Megyn said,

"I don't know how blackface is racist on Halloween."

[ Sighs ]

It's not racist on Halloween.

It's racist every day.

There is no magical day

where you can wear blackface with no repercussions.

Unless all of your friends are white,

and I'm guessing all of Megyn Kelly's friends are white.

[ Light laughter ]

Speaking of a bunch of white people, this panel.

White, white, white, white. [ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ] Ooh, so very white.

How are you gonna have a bunch of white people sit together

and figure out what's racist?

White people don't get to decide what's racist.

If I punch you, I don't decide if it hurts or not -- you do.

And it won't because I'm not punching no white lady,

because I don't want to go to jail.

[ Laughter ]

Megyn Kelly said, "Blackface wasn't racist when I was a kid."

You're 47.

Racism wasn't invented 40 years ago.

40 years ago,

they were just getting into the swing of it, baby.

[ Light laughter ]

Today, it's perfected.

You may think the meanest thing I could do

is call Megyn Kelly's words racist,

but, really, the meanest thing I did

was tell everyone she's 47... [ Light laughter ]

...which, if you round up, is 50.

She's 50. Tell everybody.

-Amber, that's ageist. [ Laughter and applause ]

-I'm kidding.

She's 60.

-Amber! -What?

I'm 103.

I just look this good 'cause black don't crack.

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Applause continues ]

[ Applause continues ]

Look, Megyn Kelly asked a question,

and here's the answer --

blackface is racist

because it turns black people into a costume

and divorces them from their humanity.

We're people, not costumes.

But more importantly, it ignores the severely racist context

in which blackface was introduced into this country,

and actions don't exist separate from their context.

[ Sighs ]

[ Cheers and applause ]


I agree!

Megyn Kelly issued an apologize later,

but she wouldn't have had to do that

if she had invited a black person into the conversation

in the first place.

But, honestly, you shouldn't need a black panelist

to explain to you

[bleep] you should have figured out 57 years ago.

-Amber! -Whatever.

[ Cheers and applause ]

She's 75.

But for someone... [ Laughter ]

...for someone with a morning show, Megyn Kelly,

you sure are late as hell.

[ Audience ohhs ]

-Amber Ruffin, everybody. [ Cheers and applause ]

Oh, oh. Here she comes. And there she goes.

For more infomation >> Amber Ruffin Addresses Megyn Kelly Asking if Blackface Is Racist - Duration: 3:56.


Trump Calls Himself a Nationalist, Megyn Kelly Defends Blackface - Monologue - Duration: 2:48.

-Let's get to the news.

President Trump held a campaign rally for Senator Ted Cruz

in Texas last night and spoke for 76 minutes,

marking the first-known instance of in recorded history

of people yelling, "Bring out Ted Cruz!"

At a campaign rally last night, President Trump

referred to himself as a nationalist,

adding, "Use that word."

Wow. So he's just openly using the word nationalist.

I don't want to say that Donald Trump is a Nazi,

but I will say... [ Ding ]

...Pat, I'm ready to solve that puzzle.

During a segment on Halloween costumes on her show today,

Megyn Kelly defended wearing blackface, saying,

"Back when I was a kid, that was okay."

Wow. Say what you want about Megyn Kelly,

but she looks great for being 200 years old.

At a campaign rally yesterday,

former President Obama appeared to criticize President Trump,

saying, "Unlike some, I actually try to state facts.

I believe in facts.

I believe in a fact-based reality, fact-based politics.

I don't believe in just making stuff up."

Replied Trump, "I just had a three-way

with Jessica Biel and Abe Lincoln."

The horror movie "Halloween" broke box-office records

this weekend, bringing in $77.5 million.

It's the second time Jamie Lee Curtis

has made us crap our pants.

Yeah. That's...

my favorite joke of the night, guys.

According to reports, a condo building here in Manhattan

has voted to remove the words "Trump Place"

from its name starting this Thursday.

Luckily, they found a less-offensive name

by just rearranging the letters.

[ Cheers and applause ]

An auction house in New York today

became the first to sell a piece of art generated

by artificial intelligence, and you can barely tell.

According to a new study, 25% of students

from Arizona State University say they have experienced

clinically significant levels of stress

as a result of the 2016 election.

The other 75% said, "What? Who won?"

For more infomation >> Trump Calls Himself a Nationalist, Megyn Kelly Defends Blackface - Monologue - Duration: 2:48.


【MUKBANG】 Eating Hiro's Excellent Curry At Hachijojima High School! The TV Champion Winner![Use CC] - Duration: 5:18.

hello it's kinoshita yuka


i'm now in Hachijojima

i think all of you know about this...

It takes about an hour to arrive here

from tokyo to Hachijojima

when i arrived here, the weather was so surprising, hot and nice

tokyo is so cold, and because the weather in Hachijojima is nice, i'm so happy

and this time i'm going to eat plenty of yummy things here in Hachijojima

i'm looking forward to that !

let's start eating !

jaan, do you know where am i ?

i'm now at the only High School in Hachijojima

and this is the place where we are going to eat the curry

this is how it looks like the school

this is so nostalgic

look at the class, isn't so cute !

this is the place where everyone doing their best

and because i'm going to eat here, i'm a little bit nervous, and i'm looking forward to it

jaan, thisis the curry that we are going to eat for today

this curry is the TV champion program Winner

it's Hachijojima Hiro's curry

looks so tasty !

here is grilled cheese cream curry

and this is beef curry!

looks so tasty

looks at all of this Ashitaba and Pumpkin over rice !

Ashitaba and Pumpkin are main ingredients in Hachijojima


let's start with beef curry

waaa, that's plenty of meat

ah, look at this chunk of beef here

huge and looks tasty !

mmmmm! !

soft and tasty

the taste of curry is strong and yummy

now with Ashitaba

mmmm! !

the texture is crispy

and here is Pumpkin


really sweet !!


and Ashitaba's aroma is so nice as well

i haven't eaten Ashitaba before now

and now if i'll remember that i ate Ashitaba, i'll remember myself in school

it's spicy and hot a little bit

and the sweetness is strong and this is so tasty


because the weather is hot, i turned the Air Conditioner on

it's a little bit noisy

next, grilled cheese cream curry

they made this curry especially for winter

winter's plates are always creamy

is there almond here !

that's plenty of cheese

and rich with vegetables

mmmmm! !

it's a flavor that combine the taste of curry with cream stew

this curry is so creamy

and cheese goes so well with it

and the vegetables is sweet and yummy

mmmmmm! !

as i expected, this curry is not hot and spicy at all

from here i can see a really beautiful view

the view here is so elegant

the last bite, itadakimasu


gochisousamadeshita !

Hachijojima Hiro's curry was so tasty

beef curry was so tasty

and grilled cheese cream curry as well

i haven't eaten i similar taste to this before

going to Hachijojima island to try Hachijojima's curry is really the best think

and eating at school is so nostalgic

when i was young if I knew about this school in Hachijojima, i'll definitely want to come here

and you, why you don't visit Hachijo-jima to try the special curry here as well ?

it was so tasty

And as always thank you for watching !

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 Eating Hiro's Excellent Curry At Hachijojima High School! The TV Champion Winner![Use CC] - Duration: 5:18.


Just Follow Your Headlights! New Tech Predicts What's Coming - Duration: 1:06.

Driving in the dark can be a nerve-wracking experience.

The all new Ford Focus features lighting technology

designed to make night driving a more comfortable

and potentially safer experience.

It's the first car that can read road signs and lane markings at night.

And match the headlight beams to the situation.

The system widens the beam at junctions,

to give drivers a better view of the road ahead

and enables drivers to see pedestrians and cyclists more easily,

when approaching a dark junction.

This marks a stark contrast

with the night driving visibility of previous years.

The system also curves the lights ...

before the driver moves the steering wheel.

The new Ford Focus ...

makes driving at night ...

as easy as driving in the day.

For more infomation >> Just Follow Your Headlights! New Tech Predicts What's Coming - Duration: 1:06.


Trump nennt Flüchtlingsbewegung Angriff aufs Land und gesteht ein: "Ich bin ein Nationalist!" - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Trump nennt Flüchtlingsbewegung Angriff aufs Land und gesteht ein: "Ich bin ein Nationalist!" - Duration: 2:45.


ALIEN BABY STOP WOLFOO 💝 | Cartoons for kids - Duration: 13:00.

Welcome to Wolfoo - Official Channel

Enjoy watching this new episode :))


Thank you for your coming!

Please like, share and subscribe for more Wolfooooo!

For more infomation >> ALIEN BABY STOP WOLFOO 💝 | Cartoons for kids - Duration: 13:00.


Lemon Lime & Parsley Margarita Popsicles - Duration: 7:05.

(Dio e Zingaro)

- Hi, I'm Jerry James Stone

and in today's recipe,

I'm gonna to show you how to make

these delicious lemon lime parsley margarita popsicles.

It's a mouthful,

but so are these popsicles.

Anyway, I'm making it

with this delicious honeydew and jalapeno shrub,

which is something that I tasted

when I was judging the SOFI Awards.

The SOFI Awards is one of the best things

that I get to do when it comes to food.

I get to judge, like,

all of these up and coming food makers

out in New York every single year

and it's so much fun.

But I wanna share some of that with you.

So, hey, check out this quick little clip from Brittany

who works for the Specialty Food Association.

She's the one that kinda organizes a lot of this stuff.

She has a lot to say about it.

Let me show you that.

Hi, I'm Jerry James Stone

and I'm here at the Summer Fancy Food Show

with Brittany Bouchard.

- Yes.

- What's your official title at the SFA?

- I am the Product Marketing Director at SFA.

- She really does everything

and we're here in front of the SOFI winners,

this year's SOFI winners,

and can you tell us a little about the SOFI program?

- Yeah, so the SOFI program is set up

by the Specialty Food Association

to really show the "Best of the Best" in our industry.

So, buyers come and look for SOFI Award winners

to really get on their shelves.

We get great industry recognition for them.

So, we've had them in the New York Times,

we've had them in the Oprah Magazine,

they've been on the Today Show.

So, once you win a SOFI,

your product gets on the shelf

and then it soars.

And you really see a ton of increased sales for a bit.

- How many winners are there every year?

- Sure.

So this year we had a 155 winners.

We award them in Gold, Silver, Bronze in New Product

in 39 different categories.

- Awesome, awesome,

and right now I am going to make a great recipe

using one of these products.

So that's basically what the SOFI Awards

and the Specialty Food Association comes down to.

And this shrub is something that I really, really enjoyed,

so I was excited to do a recipe for it,

but let me show you it.

- Okay, so to make this popsicle I'm gonna start off

with a little bit of chopped up parsley here.

Gonna add in some of our tequila,

and then I'm just gonna muddle that around a little bit.

Just to get some of the flavors in.

- So you may be wondering why I have parsley in a popsicle,

but I really love fresh herbs as a way

to sort of blend those stronger flavors

and since I'm using the shrub which has vinegar

and there's tequila in this popsicle,

it's just a really nice way to round out the flavors.

I think you really are gonna enjoy it.

Gonna add in the remaining tequila.

Add in some Grand Marnier.

And now I am gonna add in our sugar.

So when you're making popsicles,

things that are frozen,

if they're sweet,

they need to be sweeter

because when they're frozen,

they actually end up not as sweet.

I'll just mix all the sugar.

Now I'm gonna add in the shrub.

So my popsicle mold holds about three cups total of liquids.

So that's what these measurements are around.

So you might have to adjust yours

based on what your popsicle mold holds.

Now let's add the remaining shrub.

Okay, so now I'm gonna start building my popsicle molds.

I'm just adding in some slices of lime.

It's just a citrus, margarita thing I've got it around here.

It's probably no surprise,

but I love fun margaritas.

And that's the inspiration behind this popsicle,

but if you haven't,

you should check out some of my other margarita recipes.

I have a Mexican Bulldog,

which is like this Corona flipped up inside a margarita.

It's super tasty.

I've also done this avocado margarita.

I love all the weird, fun flavors.

But what I really wanna know

is what you like to drink.

So, leave me a comment

and tell me some of your favorite margarita flavors.

K', we're gonna add in a twist of lemon.

I just want these to be really, really visual.

Add another little twist of lemon in there.

Might need a popsicle stick

to kinda work it all down.

So I like to put the popsicle stick in

after a few hours of having the mold in the freezer.

I do that because when it's just liquid,

the stick kind of goes up and down

and doesn't quite stay where I want it to.

But after it's had a little bit of a frozen layer,

I can make sure that it stays in place.

That's just something that I like to do.

Now I'm gonna add in my popsicle mixture.

I used parsley in this

because I think it works really well

with the shrub and the citrus flavors as a way

to kind of combine everything.

And I wanted to mix it up from using cilantro.

Okay, now I'm gonna go put this in the freezer.

So some people have trouble

removing their popsicles from the popsicle mold.

Here's what you do.

Fill up your sink with lukewarm water,

then you wanna take that popsicle mold

and sort of dip it into the water,

but be careful to not submerge it.

You don't want the water to go over the top

and touch the popsicles,

you just wanna submerge the mold part itself

so it comes in contact with that water.

Do not use hot water.

You don't need that.

Ice is like, colder than lukewarm water,

so that's all you really need

to get those popsicles loose.

Dip it in there,

hold it in for five seconds

and then take the popsicle stick

and give it a little shake.

Don't over work it

'cause you don't wanna break the popsicle stick

from the popsicle.

But just give it a little shake

and try to pull it out.

If you can't pull it out, (snickers)

that's what she said.

If you can't pull it out,

take it and put it back into the water

for a few more seconds.

And just kind of keep doing that,

rinse and repeat for 5 to 10 seconds

until they start to come out.

That's all it takes.

Do not use hot water.

Trust me, it's so much easier.

And, yup, these are ready to enjoy.

How fun is that?

Okay, so, there you go.

Here's these delicious popsicles,

margarita popsicles.

They're made with that tasty element shrub,

the honeydew and jalapeno.

I think it's just a really fun margarita recipe.

I mean, you could leave out the sugar

and just drink it if you wanted to,

but there's a quick little tip

when you're making boozy popsicles

the liquid, whatever liquid amount that you are using,

no more than 20 percent of it can be alcohol.

If it's more than 20 percent they aren't gonna freeze.

So you wanna make sure that you,

that's really, really important.

If you like this recipe,

give me a thumbs up.

If you love to cook,

you should subscribe because, you know what?

I release new videos every single week.

And if there's something that you wanna see,

drop a comment below.

See you guys next time.

(Dio e Zingaro)

For more infomation >> Lemon Lime & Parsley Margarita Popsicles - Duration: 7:05.


Ear wax removal | How to Clean Your Ears - Duration: 6:40.

How to Clean Your Ears

Your ears can become clogged when too much earwax accumulates inside them, which can

decrease your hearing ability.

This video will teach you how to clean your ears and get rid of this excess wax.

The easiest way to clean your ears is to mix warm water and 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Tilt your head and pour the solution into your ear slowly.

If you hear fizzing or popping, it's working!

After 5 minutes, drain the solution by turning your head to the side.

Rinse your ear by gently squirting lukewarm water into your ear canal, then tilt your

head over a towel to drain.

Keep reading for medical remedies and advice on how to recognize an ear infection or perforated


Method 1: Cleaning at Home


Be sure you don't have an ear infection or a perforated eardrum.

Cleaning your ears under these circumstances can be extremely dangerous, so do not use

this method if you even suspect a problem.

Instead, schedule a medical appointment immediately.

Symptoms of an ear infection include: • Fever.

• Vomiting or diarrhea.

• Green or yellow drainage from the ears.

• Persistent and severe ear pain.


Make your own wax-softening solution.

You can purchase a carbamide peroxide cleaning solution at your local pharmacy, or you can

make your own.

Combine warm water with one of the following and mix well:

• A teaspoon or two of 3-4% hydrogen peroxide solution

• A teaspoon or two of mineral oil • A teaspoon or two of glycerin


Prepare an applicator (optional).

You can simply pour the solution into your ear from the bowl if you don't have an applicator


However, if you do have one around, it can make the process a little tidier and easier.

• Use a large plastic syringe with a plastic tip, a rubber bulb syringe, or even an eyedropper.

• Fill the applicator with the solution.

Draw up enough so that the applicator is more than halfway full.


Tilt your head to the side.

The cleaning process will work better if your ear canal is as close to vertical as possible.

Allow the ear you're cleaning to face upward.

• Lie down on your side, if you can.

Just be sure to put some towels under your head to catch any excess solution.


Put the solution slowly into your ear.

Make sure the solution is room-temperature.

Then, pour it from the bowl into your ear, or position the end of the applicator a few

inches above (not in) the ear canal and squeeze 5-10 drops into each ear.

• If you used hydrogen peroxide, you may hear a fizzing or popping sound.

Don't worry, this is totally normal!

• If you can, you might want to ask another person to do this step for you.

It'll be easier for him or her to make sure the solution is actually getting into your



Allow the solution to work for a few minutes.

Keep your head tilted to the side and give the solution some time to break up the earwax.

Five to 10 minutes should be sufficient.

• If you used hydrogen peroxide, allow the solution to work until you no longer hear

fizzing or popping.


Drain the fluid.

Hold an empty bowl under your ear, or put a cotton ball up to the outside of your ear.

Tilt your head slowly, and allow the liquid to drain out.

• Be careful that you don't push the cotton swab into your ear — simply hold it lightly

against the outside of the ear, so it's positioned to catch the fluid.

• You can use this solution up to 2 times a day for up to 4 days to soften the wax prior

to removal.


Flush your ears.

After the wax has softened, use a rubber bulb syringe to flush out loosened earwax.

Gently squirt lukewarm water (at body temperature—98.6°F (37°C) into your ear canal.

For very stubborn wax or for people with very small ear canals, an enema bottle filled with

clean, warm water may work better than a bulb syringe.

• Pull on the earlobe out and up to open up the ear canal.

• Do this over the sink, tub, or other container: it's a messy operation, and you may flush

chunks of earwax out.


Irrigate your ears again.

With excessive buildup, it may be necessary to repeat the process twice a day for no more

than four to five days.

• Don't drain your ears too often.

Doing so could damage your eardrum and the sensitive skin in your ear canal.


Dry your ears.

When you're done flushing, place a towel over your ear, and tilt your head to the other

side to drain the water.

Gently pat the outside of your ear with a towel, then repeat the process on the other


• If this process does not completely remove your ear way, follow up with a healthcare

professional within 3-5 days for irrigation.

Method 2: Seeking Medical Remedies


Visit your doctor.

If you can't clear the blockage on your own, make an appointment with a medical professional.

He or she can tell you in a couple seconds if you have a blockage, and perform a quick

procedure to flush your ears.

You might be experiencing the following symptoms: • Persistent earaches.

• Muffled hearing.

• A feeling of fullness in your ear.


Use an over-the-counter solution.

To manage long-term earwax problems, your doctor may suggest using over-the-counter

solutions containing carbamide peroxide every four to eight weeks.

• Brands using carbamide peroxide include Murine, Debrox, Auro, Mack's, and GoodSense.

• Your doctor may also suggest prescription ear drops containing trolamine polypeptide

oleate, or Cerumenex.



The doctor may flush your ears with a water pick or bulb-type syringe to clean out smaller

blockages (lavage), or may remove larger blockages in part with an instrument called a curette

or by using suction.

It doesn't hurt at all, and in just a few minutes, your ears will be safely and thoroughly

cleaned—and your hearing will be startlingly better.


See a specialist, if necessary.

Talk to your doctor or an ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) if you have frequent and

troublesome buildups of earwax.

For more infomation >> Ear wax removal | How to Clean Your Ears - Duration: 6:40.


Mining Simulator - New Best Android Game HQ - Duration: 4:36.

Mining Simulator - New Best Android Game HQ

For more infomation >> Mining Simulator - New Best Android Game HQ - Duration: 4:36.


Schmeichel picks out Arsenal's best player vs Leicester - it's not Ozil or Iwobi - Duration: 4:00.

 Leicester City goalkeeper Kasper Schmeichel has singled out Bernd Leno for praise following Arsenal's 3-1 win at the Emirates Stadium on Monday night

 The Gunners were forced to come from behind against the Foxes to extend their winning run to seven games in the Premier League and 10 across all competitions thanks to Mesut Ozil's equaliser and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang's brace

 Although, as pointed out by head coach Unai Emery in his post-match press conference, the north London outfit were made to suffer by the visitors inside the first 30 minutes

 Before Ben Chilwell's cross was turned into his own net by Hector Bellerin, City had threatened through Kelechi Iheanacho in particular, while James Maddison was pulling the strings from a number 10 position

 What has somewhat flown under the radar is the brilliant save from Leno to deny Harry Maguire

 The England international must have thought he scored when headed towards goal only for the German international to get down sharply and push the ball away from danger

 Watching that save from the opposite end was Schmeichel and he's pointed to that moment as well as Rob Holding's handball incident which went unpunished as reasons for Leicester's defeat

 "It is a cliché of a game of two halves," Schmeichel told Sky Sports. "We were by far the better side in the first half and their keeper was probably the man of the match

 "If he hasn't pulled off the saves he has then they are in no position to go on and win the game, but then we got no help from the official

 "I have never seen a clearer penalty. It is tough to take because we were so good in the first half, but yes in the second we have to do a lot better than we did

We weren't at it.  "We didn't start well in the second half. It carried on all the way through

Yes, we spoke to the referee but, you know, he can't go out again and give the penalty

 "That is the kind of thing. They hit the post and it goes in, we don't get that

The fine margins weren't with us and that is unfortunate.  "You go away from home to the Emirates and you have to have the officials getting the big decisions right

 "Who knows what would have happened after that. Again it is disappointing when it is so obvious

 "It was a game of two halves and in the second half we weren't good enough. It's as simple as that

"  Whilst Leno's save was impressive, many Arsenal fans and media alike praised Ozil and Alex Iwobi for their performances at the Emirates, with the latter being named man of the match by Sky Sports

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For more infomation >> Schmeichel picks out Arsenal's best player vs Leicester - it's not Ozil or Iwobi - Duration: 4:00.


(Fluid257) Camera went on strike But you should see it - Duration: 1:53.

Now it has had an effect

these different details

on the relatively small picture

I'll show you from close

There are quite a few cells here

then we have here

what fascinates me now

this red line with this one cell

then we have here

slightly larger cells

then comes this yellow stripe

with this red border

then we have something nice here, I think

this cell section

so cool



I hope you like it too?

who now has a shorter video

maybe you take a look at it? Fun!


then I would say that was mine

I wish you something and see you next time. Bye, bye

For more infomation >> (Fluid257) Camera went on strike But you should see it - Duration: 1:53.


POOR MAX MAGIC| Pencilmation Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 2:00.

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For more infomation >> POOR MAX MAGIC| Pencilmation Cartoons for Kids - Duration: 2:00.


Oye Tippa Run! - New Best Android Game HQ - Duration: 2:28.

Oye Tippa Run! - New Best Android Game HQ



For more infomation >> Oye Tippa Run! - New Best Android Game HQ - Duration: 2:28.


Science States Intelligence Is Inherited From The Mother|HFE♪ - Duration: 6:30.

Science States Intelligence Is Inherited From The Mother

Much has been said about what makes a person intelligent.

The truth is that science has shown that intelligence is closely linked to a mother's genetics.

This isn't a myth. Children actually inherit their intelligence from their mothers.

Science has confirmed it. We've all heard before that intelligence is inherited from fathers.

However, it was recently proven that you've got your mother to thank for your intelligence.

Cognitive abilities are carried on the X chromosome. The mother's X chromosomes provides more information for the development of thought-associated brain structures.

How Did Experts Conclude That Children Inherit Their Intelligence From Their Mothers? Researchers studied mice and realized that there are "conditioned genes" which behave differently depending on whether they came from the mother or father.

Scientists gave mice doses of maternal and paternal genes.

The hypothesis was clear: if the genes were essential for embryo development, it was logical to think that these genes affected both organ and brain function. They were divided into two groups: mice with extra doses of maternal genes and mice with extra doses of paternal genes.

Mice with Large Heads Mice with extra doses of maternal genes developed bigger brains but had tiny bodies.

On the contrary, mice with extra doses of paternal genes had small heads and overdeveloped bodies. The scientists then began identifying which genes came from the mother and father.

They eventually detected that certain areas of the brain had more maternal cells and others had more parental cells. However, scientists discovered that the cells with more paternal genes accumulated in the area of the brain involved with power, strength, and sex.

In contrast, cells with maternal genes accumulated in the area of the brain that manages language, thought, memory, and intelligence.

Recent Research In his book Sex Linkage of Intelligence, American scientist Roberth Lehrke suggests that a chunk of the cognitive component of a human being is directly linked to the X chromosome.

Also, he proved that women are twice as likely to inherit cognitive traits because they have two X chromosomes.

Lehrke explains that all women have an "unintelligent" and a "very intelligent" X chromosome.

However, there may be women with two "really intelligent" X chromosomes, as in the case of the woman with the world's highest IQ, Marilyn vos Savant.

In the case of men, the Y chromosome doesn't have a role in cognition.This means that a Y chromosome together with an "unintelligent" X chromosome may produce a mentally retarded person.

On the contrary, IQ develops together with a  "very smart" X chromosome.

What Percentage of Intelligence is Inherited? You're reading this article to know whether intelligence is inherited from the mother since studies have shown that about 45% to 55% of intelligence is hereditary. That means that a large chunk of intelligence develops if there are appropriate personal and family conditions.

Other Factors That Influence Intelligence Values Perseverance, effort, discipline, commitment, and interest in learning are factors that influence a child's intelligence as time goes on.

Autonomy A child's independence is essential as it helps the cognitive process run smoothly.

The child needs to define and determine the things they want without being forced to make decisions under pressure.

Confidence A child who's confident in their skills can solve any problem that arises in their life, thus developing analytical skills in any situation.

Emotional Bond Children who are more attached to their parents tend to overcome frustrations in their lives more easily.

In this case, there are studies that also favor the mother and her maternal love.

Final Thoughts Intelligence is really complex and should be stimulated to achieve satisfactory results. Parents have to contribute to the child's cognitive development.

Also, a good stimulation through challenges that foster the child's cognitive development will contribute to their desire to excel. Now that you know that intelligence is inherited from the mother, do intellectual exercises with your child so that you both improve your skills.

For more infomation >> Science States Intelligence Is Inherited From The Mother|HFE♪ - Duration: 6:30.


Как выйти на новый уровень дохода с курсом Престиж Честный обзор - Duration: 10:18.

For more infomation >> Как выйти на новый уровень дохода с курсом Престиж Честный обзор - Duration: 10:18.


How To Make Traditional Neapolitan Flan|HFE♪ - Duration: 9:32.

How To Make Traditional Neapolitan Flan

In this article, we'll talk about a delicious, fast and simple recipe for this sweet dessert that we know you'll love.

This is a special recipe for those who love desserts. It's really easy and quick to to make and will have you salivating in delight. Would you like to try a traditional Neapolitan flan? Flan is a dessert used in the majority of world cuisines.

This is due to the versatility of this dish which means it can be made with all sorts of combinations of ingredients.

This dessert originates from Roman times, when they began to domesticate chickens and incorporate eggs into a range of recipes.

Its first name was Tyropatinam.

Then, during the Middle Ages, people started to make a mixture of eggs, milk and honey, which was eaten during Lent. Over time, ingredients like pepper were substituted for caramel (due to the processing of sugar cane).

Flan is a French word which traditionally means flat cake.

It was given this name in the seventh century when it became popular to make.

As a result, this dessert is considered to have European origins and to be several centuries old.

This delicious delicacy is made from ingredients like eggs, milk, sugar, cream cheese, and a fairly thick layer of caramel made with a bain marie. Find out in this article how to make traditional neapolitan flan.

Traditional neapolitan flan If you are planning a romantic dinner or a special gathering, this recipe is ideal for the occasion. It is quick to make and very simple. We recommend you try this delicacy in the company of a lover of cheesecakes or flans.

Ingredients 6 whole eggs.

Cream cheese (380 g).

1/2 cup of water (110 ml).

Rind of one lemon (3 g).

A can of condensed milk (397 ml).

1 cup of evaporated milk (225 ml).

1 cup of granulated white sugar (approximately 200 g).

Method Firstly, take a flan or cake mould, put the sugar and water in it, and put it over the heat until the sugar melts and it forms golden caramel.

Avoid mixing it with a spoon so that it doesn't crystallize.

After this, move the mould around to spread the caramel onto the sides and put it to one side.

Then, put the cream cheese, condensed milk, lemon rind, eggs and evaporated milk into the blender.

Blend these ingredients until they are well mixed.

(This step can also be done by hand with the help of a whisk).

Next, put the mixture into the middle of the mould with the caramel in it.

Put it into the oven on a bain marie at 180 ºC until it sets and the surface turns golden.

Cooking it on a bain marie involves covering the dish with tinfoil and putting it in a bigger bowl with enough water for the steam to cook it.

After this, take it out of the oven and put a cloth over it so that it cools and retains as much moisture as possible.

Once it is cold, use a knife to un-stick the sides and turn it out onto a dish.

Remember that the mould contains liquid so you need to turn it out onto a suitable dish.

Neapolitan flan with strawberries This is a very popular variation on the traditional neapolitan flan, and is equally delicious. All you need to do is add a few strawberries to your recipe and a touch of vanilla essence.

Ingredients 6 whole eggs.

10 large strawberries.

Cream cheese (150 g).

1/2 cup of water (110 ml).

1 cup of evaporated milk (225 ml).

1 can of condensed milk (397 ml).

4 teaspoons of vanilla essence (20 ml).

1 cup of granulated white sugar (approximately 200 g).

Method Firstly, pre-heat the oven to 180 ºC.

Then, heat the sugar with the water in a pan, keeping stirring it until it melts.

Stop stirring and wait a few seconds until the sugar turns golden.

Immediately take it off the heat and pour it into a flan or cake mould.

Move it around to spread the caramel up the sides.

Then, blend the strawberries with the evaporated milk until you have a uniform mixture.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with the condensed milk.

Add the vanilla and the cream cheese, and continue beating it until all the ingredients are well mixed.

After this, add the strawberry mixture and beat it all well.

Pour it into the mould with the caramel which by this stage will be hard.

Finally, put the mould into a larger bowl and half fill it with hot water.

Bake it over a bain marie until it sets and the surface turns golden.

This will take approximately 45 – 60 minutes.

For more infomation >> How To Make Traditional Neapolitan Flan|HFE♪ - Duration: 9:32.


lakshmi devi kataksham tips in telugu | goddess laxmi tips on airflow news - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> lakshmi devi kataksham tips in telugu | goddess laxmi tips on airflow news - Duration: 1:37.


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