(Dio e Zingaro)
- Hi, I'm Jerry James Stone
and in today's recipe,
I'm gonna to show you how to make
these delicious lemon lime parsley margarita popsicles.
It's a mouthful,
but so are these popsicles.
Anyway, I'm making it
with this delicious honeydew and jalapeno shrub,
which is something that I tasted
when I was judging the SOFI Awards.
The SOFI Awards is one of the best things
that I get to do when it comes to food.
I get to judge, like,
all of these up and coming food makers
out in New York every single year
and it's so much fun.
But I wanna share some of that with you.
So, hey, check out this quick little clip from Brittany
who works for the Specialty Food Association.
She's the one that kinda organizes a lot of this stuff.
She has a lot to say about it.
Let me show you that.
Hi, I'm Jerry James Stone
and I'm here at the Summer Fancy Food Show
with Brittany Bouchard.
- Yes.
- What's your official title at the SFA?
- I am the Product Marketing Director at SFA.
- She really does everything
and we're here in front of the SOFI winners,
this year's SOFI winners,
and can you tell us a little about the SOFI program?
- Yeah, so the SOFI program is set up
by the Specialty Food Association
to really show the "Best of the Best" in our industry.
So, buyers come and look for SOFI Award winners
to really get on their shelves.
We get great industry recognition for them.
So, we've had them in the New York Times,
we've had them in the Oprah Magazine,
they've been on the Today Show.
So, once you win a SOFI,
your product gets on the shelf
and then it soars.
And you really see a ton of increased sales for a bit.
- How many winners are there every year?
- Sure.
So this year we had a 155 winners.
We award them in Gold, Silver, Bronze in New Product
in 39 different categories.
- Awesome, awesome,
and right now I am going to make a great recipe
using one of these products.
So that's basically what the SOFI Awards
and the Specialty Food Association comes down to.
And this shrub is something that I really, really enjoyed,
so I was excited to do a recipe for it,
but let me show you it.
- Okay, so to make this popsicle I'm gonna start off
with a little bit of chopped up parsley here.
Gonna add in some of our tequila,
and then I'm just gonna muddle that around a little bit.
Just to get some of the flavors in.
- So you may be wondering why I have parsley in a popsicle,
but I really love fresh herbs as a way
to sort of blend those stronger flavors
and since I'm using the shrub which has vinegar
and there's tequila in this popsicle,
it's just a really nice way to round out the flavors.
I think you really are gonna enjoy it.
Gonna add in the remaining tequila.
Add in some Grand Marnier.
And now I am gonna add in our sugar.
So when you're making popsicles,
things that are frozen,
if they're sweet,
they need to be sweeter
because when they're frozen,
they actually end up not as sweet.
I'll just mix all the sugar.
Now I'm gonna add in the shrub.
So my popsicle mold holds about three cups total of liquids.
So that's what these measurements are around.
So you might have to adjust yours
based on what your popsicle mold holds.
Now let's add the remaining shrub.
Okay, so now I'm gonna start building my popsicle molds.
I'm just adding in some slices of lime.
It's just a citrus, margarita thing I've got it around here.
It's probably no surprise,
but I love fun margaritas.
And that's the inspiration behind this popsicle,
but if you haven't,
you should check out some of my other margarita recipes.
I have a Mexican Bulldog,
which is like this Corona flipped up inside a margarita.
It's super tasty.
I've also done this avocado margarita.
I love all the weird, fun flavors.
But what I really wanna know
is what you like to drink.
So, leave me a comment
and tell me some of your favorite margarita flavors.
K', we're gonna add in a twist of lemon.
I just want these to be really, really visual.
Add another little twist of lemon in there.
Might need a popsicle stick
to kinda work it all down.
So I like to put the popsicle stick in
after a few hours of having the mold in the freezer.
I do that because when it's just liquid,
the stick kind of goes up and down
and doesn't quite stay where I want it to.
But after it's had a little bit of a frozen layer,
I can make sure that it stays in place.
That's just something that I like to do.
Now I'm gonna add in my popsicle mixture.
I used parsley in this
because I think it works really well
with the shrub and the citrus flavors as a way
to kind of combine everything.
And I wanted to mix it up from using cilantro.
Okay, now I'm gonna go put this in the freezer.
So some people have trouble
removing their popsicles from the popsicle mold.
Here's what you do.
Fill up your sink with lukewarm water,
then you wanna take that popsicle mold
and sort of dip it into the water,
but be careful to not submerge it.
You don't want the water to go over the top
and touch the popsicles,
you just wanna submerge the mold part itself
so it comes in contact with that water.
Do not use hot water.
You don't need that.
Ice is like, colder than lukewarm water,
so that's all you really need
to get those popsicles loose.
Dip it in there,
hold it in for five seconds
and then take the popsicle stick
and give it a little shake.
Don't over work it
'cause you don't wanna break the popsicle stick
from the popsicle.
But just give it a little shake
and try to pull it out.
If you can't pull it out, (snickers)
that's what she said.
If you can't pull it out,
take it and put it back into the water
for a few more seconds.
And just kind of keep doing that,
rinse and repeat for 5 to 10 seconds
until they start to come out.
That's all it takes.
Do not use hot water.
Trust me, it's so much easier.
And, yup, these are ready to enjoy.
How fun is that?
Okay, so, there you go.
Here's these delicious popsicles,
margarita popsicles.
They're made with that tasty element shrub,
the honeydew and jalapeno.
I think it's just a really fun margarita recipe.
I mean, you could leave out the sugar
and just drink it if you wanted to,
but there's a quick little tip
when you're making boozy popsicles
the liquid, whatever liquid amount that you are using,
no more than 20 percent of it can be alcohol.
If it's more than 20 percent they aren't gonna freeze.
So you wanna make sure that you,
that's really, really important.
If you like this recipe,
give me a thumbs up.
If you love to cook,
you should subscribe because, you know what?
I release new videos every single week.
And if there's something that you wanna see,
drop a comment below.
See you guys next time.
(Dio e Zingaro)
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