Wait. I'm not following.
You mean she had a random flashback?
Yeah, right in the middle of breakfast.
I've never seen that expression on her face.
What do you mean?
She seemed happy to remember all those things.
It must've been a very detailed memory.
Did she mention or remember anything else?
No. Just the wedding.
What's your opinion?
This is bad.
That's a terrible sign.
If she remembered that, she can remember everything else.
Even her past?
I mean everything!
She's regaining access to her memories, so to speak.
It really doesn't matter what she's remembering.
If Yolanda gets her memory back or remembers key details,
we're screwed.
We need to speed up our plan and get rid of her soon.
I'd hoped you'd abandoned that plan.
And don't you dare mention this to my father.
It's best if he's unaware of the danger we're in.
Yes, Isidro's men are on their way.
They'll handle the remodeling. Yes.
Is your father there?
Yes, that's right. Don't worry.
We're also working on getting those stamps
for your American passport.
<i> Is that Lemus?</i>
<i> Yes.</i>
Did you mention what happened to Yolanda?
Yes, and he's very pleased.
Put him on speakerphone.
What's up, Doc?
Did you hear what happened to Yolanda?
Yes. Emilio filled me in.
I'm shocked.
Me too.
Well, if you think it's a good thing, then I'm with you.
It's a relief to hear you say that.
What do you suggest?
Should Yolanda go out as Boss Lady?
Yes, it's best if she thinks it's business as usual.
It's good to keep her busy.
What about her other treatment? Should we administer it?
I think we should. Her outbursts persist.
Yes, that's right.
We can all agree on that.
Alright. Sounds good.
We'll have you over as soon as everything settles down here.
Tell me, have the cops tried to get in touch with you?
No, but I forgot to tell you
that yesterday they asked if Duarte had mentioned
Vicente Garrido... or Ana Velazco.
-Right. -Seems she helped him escape.
I have to go. My secretary's calling.
Her time on leave is up too.
I'm not the kind of woman who can lie to her husband
or put an end to things.
Well, then we're in trouble now because I won't give you up.
I want you to be happy.
You're not happy with Chilo and you never will be.
And also... because I love you.
This isn't why I'm here.
I obviously have no one to talk to.
Elvira, wait.
It's okay.
I just can't lie to you or ignore how I feel about you.
Lalo, please stop this!
What's wrong?
I'm really worried about something,
but Chilo said I should mind my own business.
I'm not Chilo. You can trust me. What is it?
Aunt Clara.
I don't trust her.
Why do you say that?
Don't laugh.
I found a notebook amongst her things.
It's very suspicious.
Ana Velazco is Miguel's sister.
He's the guy who got away. They attacked us.
What are these two idiots doing with him?
I don't know.
You know what?
We should review that video of Cholo.
I'd like to check a few things.
-We'll do it in the study. -Okay.
People write all sorts of nonsense in their notebooks.
Especially people like Clara who've nothing better to do.
No, no...
This is very strange.
Listen, people write notes and other nonsense
in their notebooks, diaries, and journals.
What about it?
Lalo, this is different.
I'm afraid she'll try to hurt the boss or Yolanda.
No way! Where'd you get that idea?
We can't trust her.
She said she'd heard about your dad from Yolanda,
but you know Yolanda never met him.
I'm going to tell Yolanda about this.
You can't do that.
Why not?
I can't tell you.
Aunt Clara isn't a danger to us.
How can you be so sure?
The boss is aware of everything she does.
You understand, right?
No, Lalo. Not at all.
Okay. Listen...
I can't tell you anything.
Just know that the boss knows exactly what's going on.
I'm sure he ordered her to write what's in the notebook.
No one can know you found that notebook.
No one.
No one can know about this.
If Centaur finds out, you could be in danger and...
What's up?
Have you seen the time? You should be at the bakery.
No, I have some time.
I know what to do.
No need to remind me how to do my job.
Don't be late, Lalito.
What's he up to?
What were you two talking about?
He asked me not to do everyone's laundry at once
because then they have nothing to wear.
Oh. Alright.
Don't talk to him.
I'm very busy.
Wait. I'm not done.
Don't talk to him or anyone else.
Know why I don't like to make friends?
It's bad for business.
You people can't dance for s---!
Show some respect for Colombia! Colombians know how to dance!
You're just saying that 'cause you don't know how to dance.
Listen up, Chilaquiles.
Listen, bro, you Mexicans don't know how to use your hips.
This requires small movements.
Got it?
Where's the flavor, bro?
It's in my blood.
Stay sharp.
Where do you think you're going?
-We're hungry! -You are?
If you cross that door, I'll feed you to the vultures.
That's why I left Colombia.
I won't go to the States just 'cause you want me to.
Thank you for your help, sir.
You've been very kind.
Please look after the pretty lady and be careful over there.
I can't protect you from that point on.
Sorry for causing a scene, Mrs. Ingrid.
Stop scaring away the customers, Coz.
You're the one scaring them!
Pay your fee!
I won't give you a dime.
Mrs. Ingrid, that just confirms your lack vision.
Our company's offering you their protection services
so we can all live happily together.
Maybe you're too old to understand that.
You're just too old.
I won't give you money just because you demand it.
Why are you always here? Find another corner!
Why here?
Like that corner?
Or that one! Or wherever!
-Over there? -Yes, there.
They pay their fees.
They appreciate our honorable services.
We're hardworking people. Let us do our job.
However, you have every right to call the cops.
They'll get rid of us.
I apologize for causing a scene.
If you need anything, the guys and I are at your service.
Thank you, Mrs. Ingrid.
I think I found the people who patrol the area.
A neighbor said these guys spend their days here.
<i> I think I found them.</i>
One of them just argued with a woman.
He was very upset.
<i> I'm going to take</i> <i> a closer look.</i>
I hate this damn system! We can't talk to him.
You do realize what he's doing is risky?
Calm down, Gerardo.
You know Gato.
He'll stay away from danger.
Besides, this isn't his first rodeo.
What? He's done this before?
He used to gather information,
but he's never done anything like this.
We're close by.
If something doesn't feel right, we'll head over there.
Calm down.
I'm going to call Cristina. Keep me posted.
It's your dad.
Don't tell him anything!
What's up? How are you?
How's Cristina doing?
She's okay.
She has a headache, so I'm going to buy some painkillers.
Is it serious? Should she see a doctor?
No, no...
The painkiller should do it.
It's no big deal. How are you guys doing?
We're okay.
Gato found a group of dealers and he's gathering information.
Okay. Everything will be okay.
Don't worry.
Take care.
I hate lying to your dad.
Isn't there another option?
There isn't.
If you want to abort, you need an ID.
If you're a minor, a parent or guardian must be present.
Can't we say you're my guardian?
It wouldn't help. We don't have IDs.
We'd have to request one and we're not doing that.
It'd be easier just to tell your dad.
Our only option
is going somewhere they charge for it,
but where they won't ask any questions.
Thing is, how do we get the money?
There, there, honey. It's okay.
We'll find a way to fix this.
We'll think of something. - SÍ.
For more infomation >> La Querida Del Centauro 2 | Capítulo 39 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 14:02.-------------------------------------------
La Querida Del Centauro 2 | Capítulo 40 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 11:27.
I heard something.
I heard something too,
but I'm not getting all worked up.
Chill out!
I'm not going back to Colombia.
I heard something.
Sorry about the scene, man, really.
We Colombians are very thorough.
We have to protect the neighborhood.
We don't want the wrong people coming around
and messing everything up.
Come back tomorrow and we'll do business.
God bless you.
Let my buddy go. Don't be bullies.
Sorry, Gato, man.
We're just working here.
Let me give you some money for your troubles.
Don't spend it on drugs.
Get some clothes or a toy.
Alright, let's go.
Let's go!
Let's go step by step.
We needed a clinic that could help you.
We found one. What's next?
They charge too much.
Because they know we don't have any other options.
We have to think of what to tell Gerardo
so he'll give us the money.
No, he's a dumbass. Don't tell him.
We can tell him it has something to do with the plan.
No, he'll tell Gerardo.
I'll make something up.
I promise I'll pay you guys back.
I don't get why I have to come back tomorrow.
They're going to make you fill out a questionnaire.
They want to make sure you won't back out.
How do you know?
Because I've been through this.
Are you going to tell me about it?
There isn't much to tell.
I hooked up with a guy like Roman,
but he was military.
Actually, he was worse than Roman.
He was disgusting.
Do you regret it?
Hooking up with him or the abortion?
The abortion.
I don't know if it's regret,
but I've wondered a lot about what my life would be like
with a kid.
The decision you're going to make isn't an easy one.
It's yours to make, though.
I don't know, Gato.
If we don't find it, they will.
Instead of giving us merch tomorrow,
they're going to give us gunshots.
It's not here.
Looking for this?
Where was it, ma'am?
How'd you find it?
Stop acting so innocent.
I don't know who you are or what you're up to,
but I'm fed up with seeing Coz shoot
at the slightest provocation.
Do you know what your future holds?
Less than three months ago they hung a boy
younger than you from a pole.
That's what awaits you if you keep hanging out with those...
Why don't you go to school?
Find better company.
And you... stop corrupting minors.
If I see you around here again,
I'm going to call Coz.
You got it, ma'am.
Thank you.
Nicolas, this arrived for you.
Thank you. Put it right there, please.
Excuse me.
Read this...
so you can see the kind of boss you have.
Aloud, please.
"We're sure that in a market teeming with bland biographies
and books about quotidian life events,
Bayon, loyal to his father's tradition,
will know how to stand out."
Did you see who wrote that? Not just any loser.
Crispo Zaragoza.
He never speaks well of anyone. Congrats.
Excuse me.
You always leave without asking if I need
anything else.
How can I help you?
I'm going to give you a chance to work with me.
I already work with you.
I ordered these books because they're a very important part
of the project I'm working on.
They're Pancho Villa biographies,
Centaur's biggest obsession.
Thanks, but I have enough on my plate here as it is.
If Mariana could do it, you can too.
Please read them, write a summary,
and if you can't, let me know...
so I can demote you.
But I can't do all the work I have here and...
I won't take no for an answer.
This is different. It's an opportunity.
You need to empower yourself.
You need to believe in your skills.
I'll put them in the box.
No, leave it. I'm going to use it.
Okay, I'll take them like this.
Do you need anything else?
Listen to me.
You're going to thank me.
I'm sure I will. Excuse me.
"This is the initial payment for the project.
Leticia Solis."
It's all thanks to the lady from the restaurant.
You can tell she's fed up with these guys.
The only thing Lucho and I don't get is how she found
the radio.
How'd she see it?
Maybe she saw you with it?
Why would she help, though?
She put herself at risk.
And for us, who she doesn't even like.
You should've seen the look she gave me.
Plus, Coz scares her customers away.
We can't let her see us pick up the merch tomorrow.
Yeah, she can't.
Because she threatened to rat us out to Coz
about the radio if she saw us around here again.
What are you thinking?
About what Lucho said about the lady.
Maybe it's better to do things the other way around.
What do you mean? You want her to see us?
Get in the car. I'll explain.
-I'll drive. -No.
Alright, fine.
How are you, Rafael? It's Erica.
Hi, Erica.
It's so nice to hear from you.
Same here.
I'm calling because I never thanked you
for the book you gave me.
You don't have to thank me. It was my pleasure.
Sorry if I wasn't nicer.
I just wasn't expecting to find one of my men in your office.
What's going on with that?
You seemed really stressed out that day.
I'm still trying to figure it out.
You know, sometimes I wish I were a farmer,
planting crops or milking cows or whatever.
If you need a partner, let me know.
Are things not okay at work?
Actually, I have too much work.
I haven't even read the index
of the book you gave me.
And now it turns out I have to become an expert
on Pancho Villa for the book Nicolas is writing.
Your boss is writing a book?
He's writing Centaur's biography
and he's got me gathering information on Pancho Villa.
Nicolas is writing a book about Centaur?
I was just as surprised when he announced it on the show.
Plus, I didn't know he'd been researching that topic
for so long.
Wow. That's kind of strange.
are you the type who won't leave work for anything?
Not even to relax for a little.
My friends call me "Erica the Disciplined.
I get it.
I just wanted to invite you out to dinner or something,
but we can do it another day when you have more time.
Yeah, I don't know.
Or have a drink or walk. Anything.
Oh well. Some other day.
Thanks for calling. Take care.
You too. Bye.
So I took the money out and gave it to him.
Without my permission?
There was no time!
The cop was inside the bakery and the merch was in plain view.
Not even Lalo could get near.
She's right about that, boss.
So now we have someone who thinks we're hiding something.
No. Why would he think that?
He's the one who asked for the money.
-Him? -Yes.
He said he had something to do
and would leave me alone and be on his way if I paid him.
You ought to be congratulating her
instead of interrogating her.
She did well.
She kept them from finding anything.
It's not so simple.
Yes, it is.
We already know we have to be prepared if they come back.
We've got them off our backs for now.
Let's get you some tea. They're making you anxious.
What do you think about that cop?
I think he's just a pretty boy.
If you ask me, I would've paid him off just like Leticia.
There's our candidate.
What do you think?
We need someone within the unit,
someone easy to bribe.
He could be the guy who works for us inside Anti Narcotics.
Where's the USB of the video Mariana recorded
on Bianchini's laptop?
I'm my office.
Shall we?
La Querida Del Centauro 2 | Avance Exclusivo 42 | Telemundo - Duration: 2:20.
Vagina box | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 20:14.
<i> I'm bringing my roots with me</i>
<i> Your race or sex don't matter</i>
<i> Let's not talk about it</i>
<i> Not even where you're from</i>
<i> Whenever you need it</i>
<i>And you're blinded by a problem</i>
<i> The light</i> <i> At the end of the tunnel</i>
<i> Helps you get out</i> <i> Of the dilemma</i>
<i> That's my motto</i>
<i> I'm always here</i>
<i> Your race or sex don't matter</i>
<i> If you're sad and distressed</i>
<i> Come right away</i> <i> To "Case Closed"</i>
<i> Your race or sex don't matter</i>
<i> In "Case Closed"</i>
<i> Your problem is fixed</i>
<i> I have spoken!</i>
The French moralist Nicolas Chamfort said,
"Three-quarters of what makes up insanity
are but needs."
Greetings. Welcome to "Case Closed."
So, insanity is made up of our needs.
Let's see how this quote applies to our first case.
Mr. Director, let's introduce the litigants.
We can't cover the sun with a box.
Getting paid for being touched is prostitution.
The problem is not always the actions,
but the misinterpretation of those actions.
Don't mind him. He's a little dumb.
Oh, boy.
Let me see your wardrobe.
"Touching allowed for a tip."
Turn around. Let me see you.
Okay, you'll have time to explain this.
First of all, I'd like to apologize for showing up
in my work uniform.
-This is part of... -She's a pervert.
-You'll see. -Okay, great.
Israel, tell me why you're suing Adriana
and what are your demands.
I'm outraged and angry.
I don't even know where to start.
This woman here is screwing up my son.
She's the mother of my son.
What I want is to get full custody of my son.
I'm going through some difficult times right now.
I have to leave the country in three months
and go back to Guatemala.
We received deportation letters.
-We're both in the same boat. -Here's the deportation order.
-She's doing nothing at all... -You're Guatemalan?
-Yes. -You sound Mexican.
I sound Mexican because I lived in Mexico
until I was five. And by living with this woman,
I picked up the accent and the curse words, too.
So, you two were in a relationship.
-We are, yes. -And we have a son together.
Let me tell you a little more.
I met this person in Mexico.
We fell in love.
We had a son.
Two years after he was born,
I decided to come to this country to make some money.
-Okay. -Unfortunately,
things don't always turn out the way you thought they would.
You think you'll get rich here, but we did everything we could
and went from one badly-paid job to the next,
because we're undocumented. So, we decided to separate.
-Okay. -Because you weren't man enough
to save the marriage.
I was very willing, but it's not easy.
You're not married, are you?
-No, we're not. -Okay. You're not married.
But we separated and decided
to get shared custody of our son.
Last Wednesday, when I picked him up,
I realized... He's a very peaceful boy,
but he'd had a fight with another kid.
I asked him what had happened,
and he told me that the kids at school
were saying that his mom was a prostitute,
so he fought with them to defend
this person's honor.
Look at her.
You can't defend that.
You've both been deported, then.
-Yes. -You both received
a deportation letter.
You're going back to Guatemala. She's going back to Mexico.
Where was the child born?
In Mexico.
So the kid is an undocumented immigrant, too.
He's coming to Guatemala with me.
The boy stays with his mother in Mexico.
You want the kid to go with you to Guatemala.
I want him to have a good role model.
I don't want him to spend another day
with this perverted prostitute.
I might be perverted, but I have more guts than you've ever had.
I'm very proud of my profession. I consider it a profession.
I'm very proud of what I do.
I'm not ashamed of being a fighter.
As a mom, I fight to raise my son.
That's not a good example to follow.
You're here to demand full custody of the boy
so he can go with you to Guatemala.
-Yes. -That means that, eventually,
he'll be cut off from his mom's life.
Because she's a bad person. Look what she's doing.
Our parents should be our role models. She can't be one.
How long has she been doing this?
Three months, ma'am.
I have footage. I taped her last weekend
because it was her turn with the boy.
You could've left a tip while you were there.
If there's a line, it means my goods are good.
Let's watch the footage, please, Mr. Director.
That's my beautiful boy.
You can touch, but you have to give me a tip.
- You're tainting him. - No. He's just helping out.
He's not sick, like you.
-I'm sick? Right. -You're sick in the head.
You're just messing with the boy.
Look at him, poor thing. He's got the alcohol.
Because I taught him how important hygiene is.
Yeah, right.
Look at him.
Look at that pervert. All her clients are perverts.
All right.
Hey, mister, come, come!
-I'm not ashamed. -You're not?
You should be ashamed because you're not man enough
to support your child.
He gives me money every other month.
-No stable income. -I don't have a full job
because I don't have a green card. It's not so easy.
I don't have one, either,
but I have the guts to put on this uniform
and work every day to provide for my son.
There's old people who are disabled and still get jobs.
Old people can't afford to do this job.
Okay, I get it.
This is the only thing she's ever done that upset you
since your son was born? -It upsets me, yeah.
-But is it the only thing? -Yes.
These past seven years, since he was born,
she's been a good mother. -I am a good mother.
-That's what I'm asking you. -Yes.
-She's been a good mother. -Yes, she has.
We're going to a recess now.
is is what I do.
I needed to start doing this
because I'm an illegal here, I don't have a green card,
and it's hard for me. -To get a job. Right.
He brings home some money every other month.
I can't be sure whether my son gets to eat this month or not.
So I had to do this.
We've even slept in the car
because we didn't have money for the rent.
So, it's not fair that this man here now tries to judge me
and accuse me of being a bad mother,
because I'm doing this for my son.
Everything I do, I do for him.
Nobody's taking my son's custody from me
because I'm not a bad mother. He's coming to Mexico.
How much do you make in a day doing this?
About 150, 180 dollars.
-A day? -Two, three hours a day.
Not bad.
And I don't neglect my son. I work while he's at school.
You're naked inside that box.
And people pay you money, a tip, as you call it,
to touch your breasts or your vagina.
Has anyone ever been inappropriate with you?
Yes. I've had sexual offers, which I've not accepted.
Only touching me is more than enough.
There hasn't been penetration.
It's only touching. And I'm not showing anything.
I'm not charging them, either. It's a tip, not a fee.
Has anyone tried to take advantage of this system?
Or is it only normal people who touch you and that's it?
I think that, because I work in a public place,
they don't dare cross the line.
I'm not in a motel, I'm in a public place.
-Your son goes with you. -Yes, I take him with me
because he suffers from chronic asthma,
and he's already had two very severe fits.
I can't leave him with the neighbors.
I don't trust anyone with him.
I won't leave him alone at home, either.
Doesn't it bother you that he's seeing...?
No, because he's an innocent boy.
-He's not sick, like his dad. -She's sick.
He's just trying to poison my son.
You saw him in the video. He's happy helping me out.
He knows he's not doing anything wrong.
And he's very excited because we're going to Disney World.
That's his dream. His father can't even take him to the park.
I make a living like an honest man. What do you do?
You know what I do.
-Do you have any witnesses? -I have one.
Let's speak with Israel's witness, please.
Let me tell you, this idea is not hers...
Oh, please, she's just a holier-than-thou.
I'll tell you later where this idea came from.
-Good afternoon. -Good afternoon, ma'am.
-Your name? -I'm Paola.
-And you are? -I'm their son's, Sebastian's,
schoolmate's mom. -And?
They had a fight in school a few days ago,
and my son's been acting very aggressively lately.
He wanted to go to Disney World, and when I told him we couldn't
because we couldn't afford it... -She's a hard working woman.
-Quiet. -When I told him that,
my son asked me to try doing the box thing,
to let people touch me. So I went to her house,
and told her that she's a dirty sinner.
You just don't do that.
She makes a living in a dirty way.
I have an honest job, and I don't have papers either.
I work cleaning people's houses, mowing their lawns.
-I make an honest living. -We earn money any way we can.
-She's a good role model. - Where I work, there's people
cleaning windshields and all that,
and they just put out their hand and beg for money.
At least I'm offering something in exchange.
I don't have to be naked to make a living.
She's not naked, though.
But she lets people touch her private parts.
Your husband touches yours, and you don't get any tips.
-That's just sad. -My husband gives me money.
Okay. Do you have another witness?
No, you don't have any more witnesses.
-You do, right? -Yes.
Let's talk to the defendant's witness.
Her husband supports her, so it's easy for her.
But I'm both the father and the mother here, dear.
You're a pervert.dea, sh,
and adapted it to suit her needs,
from a Spanish artist
that did something similar with a crystal box.
This artist tries to raise awareness
of women's rape.
"You'll touch me only if I allow you to."
She does this by means of a crystal box,
so that the one who touches it sees its own reflection on it
and realizes that this is the society we live in.
Okay. Now, here's Eduardo. He's here for the defendant.
That's right. I've been seeing her...
Another pervert. Just look at him.
I've been her client for a while now.
What kind of client?
-It's just touching. -Another pervert.
My wife and I both go see her. It's something different for us.
As a couple, it's helped us with our sex life.
She was colder before, but since we met her...
So you consider it therapy?
I see myself as a sexologist without a degree.
Well, it is new, all right.
It's novel, yes, but I'm not sure it works as sexual therapy.
-It can work for some people. -I don't doubt that.
Human beings are...
You look like you want to touch.
-Who? Me? -There's that look in your eye.
I could come closer, if you want.
I'll give you a tip without touching you.
-Thanks. -Because you've used your wits
as best you could.
In this world, sex sells.
People pretend to be so good.
People try to pass off as saints.
But, in the end, we're all perverts.
-And sex sells. -Thank you.
Thank you.
You know how I see it?
Is the boy here today?
-Yes, he's here. -He'll be our last witness.
We'll talk to the boy.
Call Antonia, our sexologist,
and Dr. Madeline Hernandez.
And send in the police officer that's in the back.
The boy's name is Sebastian.
-Hi, Sebastian. -Hi, Mrs. Polo.
-How are you? -Fine.
It's nice to meet you. Come here.
Okay, let me ask you something. Just between you and me.
-You go to work with Mom. -Uh-huh.
What do you think about it?
-It's a normal job. -Normal?
-She's poisoning him. -You're poisoning him.
Let him speak.
-It's his turn to talk now. -You're tainting him.
I don't think you need to talk anymore.
He and I are talking now.
You think it's normal,
but you've fought with your friends over this.
Yes? Why?
Because my mom... They insulted my mom.
Because they insulted my mom.
Now, tell me something.
You love both your parents very much, don't you?
But if you had to choose,
because life is difficult sometimes,
who would you rather live with? -With Mom.
You'd rather live with Mom.
-You see? -What's your job
when you help out your mom? What do you do?
I put alcohol in people's hands so they're clean.
You put alcohol in their hands so they're clean.
-Uh-huh. -Great.
You do a great job.
You can go now.
Go with Roberto.
You see, ma'am?
-He's a clean, innocent boy. -You just saw for yourself...
-Hold on. -He's an innocent.
You heard him, he's not well. You've spoiled him.
Sex sells. Right, Antonia?
Sex sells, yes, but parents need to be held accountable.
This woman doesn't realize the consequences
that her actions could have in her son's sexual development
and... Let me finish.
And in the relationships he'll have.
This boy is being taught that exchanging sex for money
is okay.
He's learning that he can offer his body to anyone.
He's even a potential victim of pedophiles.
He sees that his mom lets people touch her for money
and nothing happens.
He thinks that nothing happens when a stranger touches you.
She's a professional, yes,
but she doesn't understand my situation.
No insults, Adriana. Let her speak.
I'm thinking about
the information she's giving him.
We're not sure whether she's teaching him the right things.
A child needs to be taught values...
First of all, I'm not sure he knows that she's naked.
He doesn't.
-I'm not sure. -He's pure-minded.
Does he know? He knows.
He knows, yes.
If he doesn't, I'm sure his mom has explained to him
what kind of job she does.
Besides, an eight-year-old knows about sexuality,
and that those kinds of things are of a sexual nature.
He won't feel sexual desire until his teenage years,
but he knows... -That is inappropriate.
The problem here is that he's not learning to differentiate
between what's normal behavior and what's not.
He could even touch other kids at school
because that's what he learned at home.
is what she does illegal in any way?
Of course. Whenever there's an exchange of money for sex,
that's considered... -Touching my boobies
is the same as touching my hand. Just flesh.
Besides, she's doing it in front of the kid.
She's made him her accomplice.
-It says "tips" here, not "fee." -It doesn't matter.
If she's being paid...
It's funny, but it's also very serious.
I don't make them pay.
If they don't have money, they just touch and go.
You don't understand anything, Adriana.
It's not fair.
Involving a kid in that activity is a serious crime.
She doesn't realize what she's doing.
Or maybe she does and she just doesn't care.
She's getting her son involved
in a highly sexual, illegal activity.
How come she hasn't been arrested yet?
The original artist gets arrested
in all of her performances.
All of them.
And she doesn't even get a child involved.
I don't care if you need money.
You can't corrupt the morals and ethics of your child.
You're sexually abusing your son.
If you get him involved in something like this,
you're corrupting him,
you're debasing him,
you're abusing him.
He doesn't know.
He's just a child.
As a woman, I understand you're trying to make money
to make sure he's okay. -I'm doing my best.
But you're not helping him by doing that.
It's all I can do.
The child still wants to live with her,
and that's a big problem.
You're a Mexican citizen too, right?
I think it's not wrong for her to do it
as long as she realizes it's not good for her child
and doesn't do it in front of him.
In that case, it's okay.
You heard him, I'm a good mother.
He's just not okay with this.
What you did is wrong, okay?
What you did is wrong. Can you see that?
I'm doing it for him.
Mothers know no boundaries when it comes to their children.
And what's the price? Corrupting your own son?
I just care about his future.
He'll learn you can touch women in exchange for money.
Is that the future you want for him?
He'll learn to respect women. He knows no one touches me
if I don't want to.
They could take your son away from you.
I've made a decision. Your petition has been granted.
I have spoken. Case closed.
We'll be back after the commercial break.
CC: TELEMUNDO NETWORK captioning@telemundo.com (305) 887-3060
The Spice Boys Make Delicious Food | Season 1 Ep. 1 | THE F WORD - Duration: 1:36.
I'm here in Nashville, Tennessee
to meet four childhood friends.
Now, their passion for cooking started at a very young age.
And it's that passion that brought me to their front door.
How are you, sir? Good to see you.
Welcome to Nashville.
You ready for some Southern hospitality?
- I sure am. - Awesome.
the leader of the Spice Boys.
We've got the spice mix over there that they laid out.
GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): Hitesh handles the veg.
And onion salad with spices. GORDON RAMSAY: Perfect.
GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): Hemel doles out the spices.
Sometimes it may not look appealing,
but when you taste it it's phenomenal.
GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): And then there's Sanket.
Sanket is usually-- you know, he
does anything we need him to.
Fetches the ice.
Gordon, I'm the entertainer.
I'm the entertainer.
Is he always like this?
He is.
So you guys grew up together.
And when did this Spice Boys club start?
We've always cooked together.
You know, growing up, you know, football games.
And it just kind of grew.
GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): Second generation Indians.
These four friends were born in the United States.
Their food reflects their heritage.
Part Southern, part Indian, 100% delicious.
It smells incredible in here.
Gordon, that's all Indian houses.
They always smell good.
I know the Spice Girls.
Very well.
You guys are the Spice Boys.
- Spice Boys. - Where did that come from?
Come on.
My wife likes it spicy.
That's what it is.
Oh, stop it.
Can you compete with the best families across America?
Absolutely. No doubt.
We're up for the challenge.
You're up for the challenge.
La Querida Del Centauro 2 | Avance Exclusivo 41 | Telemundo - Duration: 1:47.
Hundreds of threats force Grass Valley venue to cancel Kathy Griffin show - Duration: 1:42.
How to make linguine pasta | Fresh homemade pasta - Duration: 6:30.
Hello everyone, let's see how to prepare linguine.
Ingredients: semolina flour (200g/7oz), water (15cl/5 fl oz) and salt (a teaspoon).
The dough must be hard.
This pasta type cooks in a few minutes.
I hope you enjoyed my video, until next time!
Gender Pay Gap With A 5 y.o - Duration: 4:46.
The Sexy Paesans Make Food That Has Been Handed Down Generations | Season 1 Ep. 1 | THE F WORD - Duration: 1:43.
[guitar riff]
GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): Today I find myself in the middle
of Long Island to meet a very close-knit group
of Italian passionate cousins.
I can't wait to find out what this family's all about
and what brings them all together:
incredible Italian cuisine.
Oh, wow!
GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): I love the warm welcome,
but I'm here to find out if this team is ready for the F-Word.
This is a sexy paesan.
A sexy what?
- Paesan! - Sexy paesan!
- Paesan! - OK.
Is there any chance one of you could talk at a time?
Because you scream!
Who's the best cook in this team?
This is what I eat, breathe, and sleep
every single day of my life.
GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): Melissa is the leader
of this fiery team of Italians.
Christine is her second in command.
This takes a few minutes to boil.
GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): Dawn is in charge of the sauces.
She's the best.
She is the best.
GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): And Rob makes sure everything
is presented beautifully.
Habanero pineapple simple syrup.
Very simple, but potent.
GORDON RAMSAY (VOICEOVER): At the core is authentic Sicilian
recipes, homemade pasta, rich sauces,
handed down through generations.
GORDON RAMSAY: Where did you learn to cook?
I had my grandmother next door.
I had family next door.
Nothing was ever store bought.
Everything was from scratch.
Here's what I'm worried about: we're
going live for 60 minutes.
When we're live, your job is is to cook
for the entire dining room.
These are individual tables.
My reputation is on the line.
Watch me.
I can do it for you.
How to make simple fly in text animation in css3: Css Text Animation Effect - Duration: 6:54.
In this tutorial we are going to know how to create this animated text effect.
Hello and welcome to another new episode of learning simplified.
In this tutorial we are going to know how to create some animated
fly-in text effect using css3 animation.
So far what we have done in our previous tutorial that we have created this
horizontal slider and now we are intending to create this one as we can see, this is
the effect that we are talking about so first of all go to Google and go to
Google fonts.
We are selecting this font here and we are copying this font.
You know how to use google fonts into your project.
If you are not aware with this thing then no problem the link is provided in the
description below, you can always choose to see our previous tutorial and we can see that
this is right over there.
Get back to index.HTML and write below the syntax
where the index.html is been linked to style sheet.
HTML right beneath it, paste this code.
Here it is.
Now we are getting back to stylesheet.CSS, and now this
time we are going to use another selector which is known as h1.
Getting back to google fonts and use this font family as
we can see here, just copy it, get back to your project and press control v, and you
can see that the font family is present fine here.
So now, if we get back to index.
HTML, we have customized our H1 tag, so that is what we are going to introduce over here,
we are going to introduce the h1 tag.
So press control + s and get back to your project and reload now we can
see that this is the thing which is being observed into our Browser and now we can see
that it has already changed its font family.
The font family is the same that we have disclosed over here that we have predicted over here.
This is the font family that has been used into your
but still now it is using the default font colour as prescribed by hTML Browser.
So we need to change this font colour and we need to change the font size.
So that is why we are getting back to our stylesheet.CSS and we are mentioning the font
colour here.
Sorry this is not the font color.
We are mentioning the color here as.. here are some amendments such as the color will
be white in nature, and the width of this h1 tag will be 1000px and it will be in a
centrally aligned condition and padding will be 0.5 em. and the text alignment that means
that text will be aligned centrally and into the central position and another
thing we need to mention the font size.
So we are mentioning the font size here initial font size, and we are mentioning the
font size as 3.5 em.
This is just before the animation is initiated.
So all we need to do we need to reload this page and we can see that this is now ideally
placed over here, placed into the Central position
of our page.
Now all we need to do we need to create the animation property as we can see over here.
So that is why we are getting back to our project and here we
are mentioning the animation.
First of all mention the name, 'bounce'.
Then provide the duration of this animation which
is 5 seconds.
Iteration count will be infinite and the animation behavior..I'm sorry the animation-direction
will be alternate.
So these are the web hack codes, webkit, moz, mS, and the standard syntax that
always comes at the Beneath of rest of the codes.
now we need to create some key frames for the animation which is
known as bounce.
So we need to get back to our project and here we need to create the @keyframes condition
and in this case the animation name is 'bounce'.
So at 0% position, we are using the transform scale
Then at 25%, information keyframe position and its scale will be..
And A 100% keyframe position, the scale will be 0 0 again.
All we need to do we need to copy this code and paste it 4 more Times
we need to get back to our project and we have to reload and now we can see that
the slider and the text animation effects are working perfectly.
Both of them are coming together as we can see here.
It is practically coming out of nowhere and then it is getting a bit larger and then it
is getting a bit smaller and then it is disappearing again as we can see in this text animation
So this is the CSS fly-in text animation effect as we can
Hope you have liked or tutorial.
In the next tutorial we are going to talk on some more about some more text effects
and some more animation effects and will be creating it with example as we can see, and
hope you have liked your video if you have liked it do not hesitate to hit
the red subscribe button . So, hope to see you in the next tutorial.
till then, bye.
Who won the handshake of President Donald Trump? - Duration: 1:31.
Who won the handshakes with US President Donald Trump?
The meeting between French President Emmanuel Macron
and US President Donald
Trump witnessed the two of them shaking hands so strong that the joints seemed white.
Mr Macron told the French media he wanted to "show that he will not have small
concessions, no sympathy, but he also did not want to do too."
Let's take a look at some pictures of the US president shaking hands and even refusing to shake hands with the leaders he has met.