What is MapReduce? - Duration: 8:18.Hello again, I am Feregrino and today I am going to talk about MapReduce
MapReduce is a programming model strongly oriented to parallel and distributed execution
through multiple computers. It is is mainly used to work with
large amounts of data. Of the order of terabytes or even petabytes
The idea of MapReduce is to offer a simple, fast, scalable and fault-resistant way
to work with large files or with large data sources
well, in the MapReduce terminology these manipulations
are known as "jobs", and that's how I will refer to them from now on.
MapReduce emerged from Google in 2004, it was presented by two
researchers who presented it in a paper
And it was from there that it began to develop in the Open Source world.
This initiative within the Open Source world works within Hadoop,
which by the way, is another great Open Source tool
originated within Google, and if you want I can tell you about in another video,
Well, the reality is that the explanation that I'll give about MapReduce is very simple,
it is just an overview, and strongly oriented towards developers
however if you want to know more about this I invite you to read the paper and
leave your questions in the comment box,
if I can not answer it, I will surely find someone to ask.
Its name consists of two words: Map and Reduce. These two words come from
the good old functional programming. That is the Map and
Reduce functions. So MapReduce is formed of these two stages
of which I will talk more a little bit later.
As I mentioned before,
MapReduce is designed to be distributed among multiple computers
what should be noted, and the great ... let's say innovation that MapReduce presented is
that computers do not need to be supercomputers but can be
computers let's say simple and relatively cheap
that's why when you talk about names are usually spoken of
MapReduce in a cluster context computers, or in other words, multiple computers.
All computers that participate in a MapReduce job
contain an agent that coordinates their resources, known as NodeManager
this NodeManager communicates with the one in charge of orchestrating all the work
nothing less than another computer within the same cluster
which contains a program called ResourceManager, who is in charge
to orchestrate the entire operation of a MapReduce job,
That is, assign the jobs, keeps up to date
of the status of each of the NodeManager and reassign un completed jobs
in case any other node stops responding... among other responsibilities.
As I mentioned at the beginning of the video, the idea of MapReduce is to take a source of
fairly large data, whether from a file, a database, or any other data source,
perform some processing on them and produce some result.
Despite what its name could indicate: The "Reduce" part
does not mean that the file that you generate end or the response that you generate at the end
will be smaller than the file you take at the beginning.
It can be even bigger depending on the work you are going to do.
I will try to describe its operation below:
We can see it in stages. Two big stages and there is another stage that ... let's say that
it is important, however it is transparent for the developer.
The first stage is the mapping stage. From your data input you take a set
of information that have the form of key-value pairs, in this phase of the
mapper you make some kind of processing on the data,
it could be something as simple as separate a chain for spaces, find all
the links contains the web document, etcetera.
The idea is that from the mapper you generate a new set of data; again in the form
of key-value pairs. Here I open a parentheses: it is not necessary for
the keys that you write at the exit to be the same as the same keys you receive from the input.
They can be totally different.
In short, as I said, you generate a new
set of key-value and you write them at the exit of the mapper.
Then follows the Shuffling stage.
Before leaving the mappers, this other stage is executed, and it
known as Shuffling and it takes care of ordering the data generated considering
the keys that you assigned inside the mapper.
Once the phase of the shuffling is over, the data is ready to be
consumed by the reducers.
The work of the reducers begins by recovering the information of the mappers.
Each Reducer will have the task of processing all data assigned to only one key at a time.
In the Reducer we have the opportunity to perform another calculation on the values
but now with the certainty that all the information that we have
it is identified with a single key.
The reducer, like the mapper, has the task of generating a new set of information,
again, this information will have to comply with the key-value form,
which is deposited in a file, which is the output file.
Yes, I know that this whole thing of key-value pairs
may sound a little complicated
however now that I had the opportunity to work on a small project
where the task was to implement a, let's say, very basic version of the first PageRank
algorithm used Google PageRank with MapReduce...
anyway, from this task I realized some key aspects of MapReduce:
The first key is to try to think in parallel
and leave aside the previous paradigms that you may have
what I mean with this is that you should keep in mind that
in the beginning, in the mappers
you may not be able to have all the information that your algorithm may need
The mappers are there to perform some kind of processing
in which you do not have access to all the information at the same time.
And the second key aspect is that, if you want something to run the same server, and you want to
have all that information together is you need to identify them with the
same key coming out of the mappers, so that in the end everything ends up being
executed in the same reducer.
For sure, if you to Google right now...
Well, do not go right now, first finish watching this video.
if you go to Google and search "how to srart with MapReduce"
you will find an example that is the, let's say, the "Hello World" of MapReduce
which is basically a word count.
And I'm going to try to explain it right now.
Imagine you have the following text:
One way to count the words of this text using MapReduce is as follows:
Mappers receive text fragments separated by lines,
the information is received in the following manner;
Each line is a value and the key of that value is the line number within the file.
Inside the mapper we take each line and separate it by blank spaces,
in this case we will not need the key, that is, the line number
we can discard it or simply not use it.
Anyway... we take each line, we separate it by spaces,
and then we take each of those words as keys and we associate "1" as each key's value,
then we write them to the output
The shuffler's task will be to sort (group) this information by key... something like this:
After this has been done, the information is obtained by the reducers...
remember that the reducers will take all the elements associated with a single key
and will process them.
In the reducer, we execute a process that takes all the numbers associated with a word and adds them,
Just so that we can write to the output another key-value pair
where the key will be the word
and the value will be the number of times that word appears in the input file
To be honest, seen from the outside, MapReduce seems simple enough code.
However, it is not until already start programming it that you see the small difficulties it presents,
you even can find the limitations that it might present.
So, while MapReduce is a good way to parallelize and distribute the
computation on large amounts of data, it may not be always the best solution
for example, there are problems that can not be addressed with MapReduce,
also, MapReduce is not geared towards real-time processing,
with MapReduce it is contemplated that you already have stored
all the information you need
And well, that was all for this video, I hope you liked it and you found it useful,
and you know, if you did, give it a Like and share it with someone who could also find it useful.
Also, leave your comments below, I will read them all,
and if they are questions I will try to answer them or find someone who can answer them
Subscribe if you have not done it yet and I'll see you next time.
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Hope you have a great time
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How to Draw a Tree & Forest With Pen & Ink - Narrated - Light Effect - Duration: 4:17.Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial!
I am Leonardo Pereznieto and today we will draw a landscape.
We begin by marking a little circle with dots, this is going to be the Sun
so I leave it white.
Then we lightly mark some sun rays, because we will be drawing the woods
and I want some sun rays that come through.
I´m using a beautiful Kaweco fountain pen.
This landscape will have a big tree that will be closer to us
and everything else will be farther away.
Everything else, except the land where the tree is standing on.
And there will be more trees in the background.
To do them lightly, I use the pen upside down because it pends thinner in this way.
While to do the main tree I flip it and use it the way it is intended.
So that it paints a little thicker because we want this close by branches
to be a lot darker.
I will do most of the shading with hatching and crosshatching.
That is with parallel lines and crossing lines. As you see first I´m making
vertical lines or nearly vertical.
And then I will come through again
crossing them with horizontal lines.
Like this.
Very good!
It does take time and a lot of work to do this, but I find
it very enjoyable and relaxing.
We complete the rest of the branch in this way and then, move onto the
next one.
I LOVE drawing with fountain pens!
They just have an incredible feel to them.
And I cross lines, yet in another direction.
And to make it even darker, now I will doodle to on top of it.
Not on all evenly, but just like the center parts.
The border, especially to the left of the branches, I leave it a little bit
By the way, by the end of this month I will be launching a drawing contest
in which you will be able to win a Kaweco fountain pen, similar to the one that I am
using right now.
So, stay tuned to have the details.
Let´s draw a little bit of foliage as well.
And we are back to the trees on the background.
I flip the pen again to do this... we draw the leaves with a little doodling
And as you see, I´m leaving the sun rays much lighter than the rest.
With the help of a ruler I will straight them out [laughter].
I don´t trace the whole straight lines,
just a doted line on that I can go over it and it doesn´t show as much.
I will sketch more trees and darken most of the drawing.
However, I recommend to darken little by little.
But guess what!
Our big tree in the front is not contrasting enough.
I want it darker.
Therefore, I replace the blue ink cartridge with a black one.
And with this ink I go back and do a couple of more layers
of hatching and crosshatching.
But I don´t want it all plain black either,
we should be able to see the blue in between.
Ok, this is much better!
It´s ready!
If you enjoyed it please give it a LIKE! share it to your friends
and subscribe to Fine Art-Tips.
And I will see you on Tuesday ;)
Subtitled by Grethel Trejo
The Effect of Veganism And World Hunger - Duration: 3:48.Whenever someone comes with the idea of veganism for the greater good, people ridicule him.
They tell him, "Do you know how absurd you sound?"
Their counter-argument is that without animals, humans would face a massive food shortage.
They might even starve to death.
Just the idea of eating a healthy diet gives them a terrible headache.
Their naivety and negligence astound me at times.
Recent reports have shown that animal-based diet is one of the biggest culprits behind
world hunger.
A staggering 925 million people in the world are living in famine-stricken conditions.
Out of these 925 million, 870 million are malnourished.
This famine claims the lives of 2.5 million children every year.
Scientifically, it has been proven that Mother Earth has enough food for the entire lot of
Then, why are we still writhing on the desert of starvation?
Even though there are enough crops in the world to fill the bellies of the entire human
race, most of them are being fed off to animals.
This creates a shortage of plant-based resources, leading to the death of millions of people.
Did you know that a cow needs to intake 15 pounds of its staple food to form just 1 pound
of muscle mass?
Just imagine how many people you could feed on those 15 pounds.
Well-aware of the facts as mentioned above, if we still opt to eat animal products, we're
creating our own coffins.
Buddhists reached the acme of spirituality and greatly believed in preserving the sanctity
of animal-life.
Cow, pigs and chicken are mercilessly slaughtered in slaughterhouses.
DO we not care about their well-being?
Why do we become brutal savages when it comes to animal consumption?
Eating fish and eggs have been linked to a variety of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative
A vegan's blood is 600 times more effective in killing cancerous cells than a non-vegan's
We can't just slip all this scientific evidence under the rug.
We live in an age of enlightenment.
We reside in a knowledge-based economy, but we act like old-age savages who would eat
anything, without giving it a moment of thought.
Wasting extravagant amounts of grain on livestock is hanging humanity dry.
So, the question is, is animal-based diet essential for survival?
Absolutely not!
On the contrary, it is culpable for a host of deadly diseases and indirectly contributes
to world hunger.
Not only can going veganism save the environment, but it can also make us less susceptible to
heart attacks, cancer and other fatal conditions.
In light of contemporary research and scientific evidence, going vegan might be an utmost necessity.
We have to think about the emotional security of animals that are subjected to terrifying
deaths in slaughterhouses.
Shifting to a vegan lifestyle is our only choice if we wish to save the environment
and ourselves.
Spirituality teaches us to be kind to all forms of life.
And we can't just consider animals as inanimate objects.
They have a beating heart and a living soul, just like us.
Discovery of Love | 恋爱的发现 | 연애의 발견 EP 14 [SUB : KOR, ENG, CHN, VI, IND] - Duration: 59:14.I know you worked hard on our four-year anniversary,
but if you don't write back again, you're dead.
And I was too embarrassed to say it then,
but let's spend 10 years and 20 years,
and many more years beyond that together.
I love you.
We went to Busan to watch Yeoreum's favorite group,
Brown Eyed Soul's concert.
(Episode 14)
Dr. Nam, you're staying for lunch, right?
We need to talk.
Hey, let's talk here. Hey!
He's scary when his voice is low like that.
- His voice was low, right? / - Yes.
Why are we out here?
What is it?
I need to have lunch.
What is it?
Is it because Yeoreum didn't come home last night?
Kang Taeha.
Apparently, he and Yeoreum dated.
For a long time, too. For at least five years.
Don't play games. I won't be fooled anymore.
I thought about it on our way here...
Hajin, it's all in the past.
It's not like I thought Yeoreum never had
a boyfriend before me.
We've been together for a year and four months.
It's long enough to figure that out.
As you said, it's in the past, and it doesn't matter.
But it's Kang Taeha.
I told her not to tell you.
It wouldn't have helped for you to know.
Had I known they'd work together for so long,
I would've stopped her.
But who knew this would happen?
You should've stopped her from taking on that job.
They have no feelings for each other,
and Sol is working on that project, too.
How could I stop them?
You don't know how much their shop was struggling.
You know they wanted to do interior.
Even if Yeoreum couldn't tell me, you should have!
Don't you know how sensitive I was about him?
What was the point in telling you?
Would you have felt comfortable if I had told you?
Would you have felt better than you do now?
The three of you fooled me.
Things are finally starting to make sense,
and that upsets me more.
You just watched, when you're supposed to be my friend!
Yeoreum never strayed since she met you.
You know that, and I know that.
What else do you need?
Will you leave her now that you know Taeha is her ex?
Can you break up with her?
How could you say that so easily?
Why are you bringing up something I don't dare mention?
You're right, it's not something I should say. Sorry.
But don't you know Yeoreum?
She knows how she feels if nothing else.
If she had any feelings for Taeha,
she wouldn't have accepted your proposal.
I love you.
I know.
I know that Yeoreum loves me,
and I know that we won't break up easily.
I feel bad that she worries about me and
keeps apologizing as she works with him. But,
she has a box.
While walking here,
so many thoughts ran through my head,
and no matter how hard I try, I can't understand.
Why does she have that box?
What box?
A box filled with pictures with Taeha,
a ring, and letters.
I'm going to kill that brat.
I really don't understand.
I really can't understand.
I try so hard, but I just can't.
It's driving me nuts.
So what will you do?
I need to think about it.
I saw a chair earlier. The design was amazing.
My lifelong wish is to
make a chair that I truly like before dying.
You know that, right?
- Where are you going? / - To work.
Hyowon and Manager Kang went to the furniture expo
in Milan last year, right?
Ask them for the material from the expo.
The living fair and domestic furniture expos, too.
and the winners of domestic furniture design contests.
- Get me all of them. / - What for?
It's for Yeoreum.
I filtered all modern French styles
from material we had.
See if any are worthwhile.
Yeoreum is something else. She could do it on Monday.
She's just like someone I know.
Someone who insists on going to work on a weekend.
Come out.
I am on my way to work.
I will review it and contact you.
- Where is Hajin? / - He went out with Junho.
Did anything happen last night between you and Taeha?
Should something have happened?
We worked, and then ate.
We had a drink while eating. End of story.
We went to that tripe place by Deoksu Palace.
You said you're drawn to Taeha and didn't come home.
Imagine how nervous I was.
What will you do if I cheat with Taeha?
What if I say
"Sol, I'm going to sleep with Taeha."
"I need you to be my alibi." What will you do?
Don't do that, Yeoreum.
You don't believe that I love Hajin, do you?
All you heard was that I'm drawn to Taeha.
There's only one reason
I don't do anything although I'm drawn to Taeha.
It isn't because I'm good or morally immaculate.
It's because I love Hajin.
That's why I'm with him.
So if that feeling changes, will you go to Taeha?
If my feelings change, of course, I will.
Do you want me to stay with Hajin
even if I'm in love with someone else?
You horrible woman.
- Do you date to be nice? / - Complicated brat.
Yes, I'm extremely complicated. Keep that in mind.
I said so many things,
but all you heard was that I'm drawn to Taeha.
You freaked out about my sleeping at my mom's studio.
Where did you go?
We were on a date.
Hajin, go wash your hands. The soup looks good.
Manager Kang and Hyowon aren't answering their phones.
Who would answer a work call on the weekend?
Anyway, this is all I found in the documents room.
They're the winning designs.
I told you we should digitize and share them.
Did you know Yeoreum was selected by the IFDA?
Being selected by an international competition is huge.
Didn't you check when you recommended them?
I thought they were extraordinary for a small shop.
I didn't know she was that impressive.
If she was that good six years ago,
she could've pursued art furniture.
Why didn't she?
Her father passed away right after she was selected.
We broke up, and she quit her job.
It's a waste of talent to leave her like this.
Did you get along when you were together?
Looking at you guys now,
I feel like you two were no joke.
I don't know.
A strange couple?
We fought a lot. We were both greedy and impatient.
But strangely, we were compatible.
I want kimchi.
Why aren't you putting it on my spoon today?
You feed yourself.
Good, Dr. Nam. Don't be too good to her.
Yeoreum, please.
Hi, Taeha.
Thank you for sending me the material right away,
but I don't like any of the stuff you sent me.
What don't you like about them...
I sent everything fitting the concept from what I had.
Did you look through them closely, Sir?
You plan to just copy something.
The material you sent isn't even up to par.
Don't send me what you have gathered.
Find something new.
Be prepared for a long meeting on Monday.
Plan to finish the design here.
How can I design there?
Are you pulling rank again?
If that's what you think, sure.
What is it?
He's always so tough.
He was like that with the wine bar, too.
If stage one of the wine bar went so well
can't he be more lenient with this one?
What did he say?
Let's eat. Let's eat, and then go.
I did love you.
And I've missed you.
I wanted to see you.
Don't make me laugh. You should've said that
when the girl wanted to hear it.
I know I was wrong,
so why don't you give me another chance?
My phone got switched with the guy's from the hotel.
I met him to swap phones,
and I ended up sleeping at his place.
2003, Brown Eyed Soul's first album, fourth track.
- Did you used to like that song? / - For a while.
I need to use the restroom.
Hajin is acting strange today.
Something happened.
Let's not watch the show tonight.
I want to go home. What about you?
Sure. If that's what you want, let's do that.
Come here.
Soak your feet for 10 minutes.
Come sit here.
- Did you know my feet hurt? / - Of course I did.
You walked around for five hours in heels.
You weren't talking
and was punishing me.
If you punish me, I should be punished.
What could I do?
Why did you just take it?
That's not how you are.
Why didn't you say anything although your feet hurt?
You care only about yourself.
Any other time, you would've
manipulated the situation to benefit you.
You can even fake crying in front of me.
Other foot.
Stay still.
Tell me why you're doing this.
I'm going to.
I saw
the box in your room.
The box under your bed.
I saw some of
the contents in it.
I wanted to see more, but I resisted.
I considered taking this to my grave, but I can't.
You two are way too close.
It's over already, so why didn't you throw it out?
You should've either burned it or thrown it out.
Say something.
My patience has hit its limit.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Hajin.
I'm sorry.
Do you know how many times
you've apologized since you met Taeha?
Is that apology the present tense or the past tense?
I don't know
what's in that box.
I didn't open it.
I forgot about it.
I meant to burn it,
but I forgot about it. That's all, Hajin.
I'm sorry.
Don't ever
say that again.
Don't apologize for what has happened in the past,
and don't do anything you'll need to apologize for.
If you want
some time away from me, that's fine.
Don't talk like that.
You should say, "Let's be together even if we fight."
Okay. I will.
Let's be together, even if we fight.
Like today.
- Does it hurt a lot? / - I'm fine.
Once this project is over,
I'll stop working with him.
Okay, please do.
We put this here when we need to work overtime.
But I don't think you will have time to sleep.
- Thank you. / - Thank you.
Look through the rough designs I drew over the weekend.
- You're barely skimming. / - You copied these.
I've seen you do this before.
When you started at the company,
your seniors picked on you and
you'd just mechanically draw anything.
This is the same.
These furniture pieces will go in the townhouse.
It's obvious we'll use softwood
and use pre-cut wood anyway.
Who said that?
To reduce the cost...
Who said to worry about the cost?
It's the same as the wine bar. Look at the contract.
Even if we take a loss, we will pay for the material.
You just produce the best possible furniture.
Why do you want to take a loss?
You're a true salesperson now.
That's why your furniture is the way it is.
You liked what we did for the wine bar.
Did that come from you from the start?
Did you perform your best from the start?
You only advance when I push you.
I never asked you to use softwood to reduce the cost,
and I never asked you to be a salesperson.
Your furniture is just a merchant's furniture.
I thought you'd be making pieces that
I'd recognize as Han Yeoreum's creations
as soon as I see it.
What's the point in taking 100 photos of chairs
when what you make are cost-driven items?
Do it again.
I finished the bed design. Would you take a look?
Why should I?
You should make the best you possibly can.
- Please have some. / - Thank you.
Yeoreum, please.
Hey, Taeha.
What is it? Talk.
I'm so sleepy. I slept for only two hours.
What is it? Talk.
It's me, Yeoreum.
Hi, Hajin.
What time is it?
Are you very busy?
Yes, it's been hectic.
If you were sleeping, go back to sleep.
No, I still have stuff to finish up.
I couldn't say
"I love you."
If love has a process,
what stage are we at now?
Is today
just one of many days
we will spend together?
If we can get past this, will it pass?
I love you.
I love you, too.
Get back to work.
Okay. Good night.
For the first time,
I said "I love you" to Yeoreum
without meaning it.
Do other couples have days like this?
I wonder if they say "I love you"
even when they don't mean it.
How many more days like this will we have?
I wonder if Yeoreum is thinking the same thing.
Let's go out and get a quick breakfast.
Here's the anesthesia.
It will sting a little.
Two club sandwiches, please.
- No olives in one of them. / - Okay.
- Right? / - Yes.
That was so quick.
Here's the one without olives.
Can you finish by tomorrow?
Yes. I'll try to finish by midnight.
I want to go home and sleep in my bed.
I don't even know what day it is.
Do you want breakfast? It's your birthday.
It is.
So I should be with people that I like.
While we were apart,
I always noticed when this day came
and thought, "It's Taeha's birthday."
Why aren't you eating?
Are you okay?
You don't seem happy.
It was so simple.
It was so easy to get rid of.
I don't know why I kept it for 20 years.
You saw from Taegyeong's surgery, right?
It was simpler than his, so you can leave today.
But you may be dizzy from the anesthesia,
so rest more and go when you're ready.
I will.
And stop by frequently so we can check it.
I will.
Did you look into studying abroad?
I took the TOEFL early this year,
so I can go sooner than I expected.
Did you score well?
Of course.
You must be dizzy. Sleep some more.
Yeoreum, come have some birthday cake.
We should have a birthday every day.
Hold on, please.
Okay, start.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to you
Manager Yoon.
Yes? It's time to finish up now, isn't it?
Yes. I think it'll be done by early tomorrow morning.
Do you not know President Kang's birthday?
You know he doesn't care for things like that.
His identification says it's in the winter,
but he won't tell us the date.
This school is good, too,
but isn't this one better?
That school is...
The cost of living will be higher, but that's fine.
take this.
I'd rather you not work before leaving for school.
And study in peace when you're out there.
May I keep in touch while I'm there?
Do you think you'll be lonely there?
No. No, I'm fine.
I do fine on my own.
I just wondered if I could e-mail you at times.
I won't call.
You may be curious as to how I'm doing.
And you're helping me so much,
wouldn't you want to see my report card?
Sure. E-mail me. I will want to know how you're doing.
- Are you okay? / - Yes.
I've been having headaches lately.
It's nothing serious.
Do you want me to send you an audio file?
I recorded the sound of bugs in fall back home.
I listen to it whenever I feel down.
Should I send it to you?
Sure. I'll try listening to it.
Tonight is finally the deadline.
I shall finish by 10.
I changed the chair as you asked...
The leg of the vanity changed, too.
- Yes. / - This is much better.
Before manufacturing begins,
think about doing an overall adjustment.
I was thinking of it.
And this is the information
on international competitions and living fairs.
I'll have Manager Yoon drop them off, so take a look.
I wish
you'd try something different from what you do now.
It bothers me that you gave up on your dream of
making art furniture.
Your dad...
After your dad passed away,
everything stopped.
Your dreams remained as dreams.
Why are you doing this to me?
When we were together,
I wish I was nicer to you.
I wish I understood you more
and loved you more.
I'm sorry.
I can't do much for you anymore.
Right, the cupboard.
I couldn't tell from the blueprint. Where do they go?
The kitchen cabinets.
We want to create hidden space under the stairs.
I took a few pictures.
Hold on.
I can't sing "Happy Birthday",
but happy birthday, Taeha.
Come on. Blow out the candle.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Taeha
Happy birthday to you
- I'm blowing them out. / - Okay.
- Ta-da. / - What is it?
My gift. They're coupons since I have no money.
You have a job now. Let's stop this now.
Sleeping in coupon.
Being late coupon.
- Stop nagging coupon. A kiss coupon. / - Yes.
A hot night coupon. Wow.
There's a blank coupon, too. Think about what you want.
Tell me your wish for the upcoming year.
- A wish? / - Yes.
I wish I could see Yeoreum often
for the remainder of the year.
I want to make a lot of money so that
I can open a studio for Yeoreum.
I hope Yeoreum wins the international design
competition that she's been working on.
Okay, I will win that competition.
- You have to. / - Okay.
- You must. / - Okay.
I can't do anything else, but I can do this.
Your wish for the year.
I wish
I could be Han Yeoreum.
I want to be Han Yeoreum.
I wish I could be you.
I want to know why you waited for me
and why you cried at Nami Island.
I want to know why you cried outside Deoksu Palace.
I want to know
why my pictures are in
that camera.
Because you
will never tell me.
That's why
I want to be Han Yeoreum
and find out what you feel.
If you find out how I feel,
what will you do?
If it is what I think it is,
I'll take your hand and take it to the end.
As far as we can go.
I still
like you.
I still want you, and
I don't want to give you to someone else.
Stay with me today.
You just have to take one step toward me.
I can't go to you.
My dad alone is a reason why.
If I do that to you...
Don't confuse me again.
I wish I could just follow Taeha's lead
and go to another world.
I don't think
my heart will change anymore.
Why are you like this?
Why are you crying?
Why are you being like this?
You can drive, right?
Go home.
Let's talk, Kang Taeha.
Let's stop seeing each other.
- Yeoreum will quit... / - Why are you deciding that?
Didn't you say you didn't want to tie her down?
I didn't want to, but I have no choice anymore.
She's quitting, so deal with it.
You're insecure about her, aren't you?
You're not good enough for Yeoreum.
What do you know?
You love Yeoreum,
but Yeoreum loves herself.
You're happy just having her by your side, right?
But for her,
it's not enough to just have you by her side.
She won't be happy just by having someone by her side.
You don't know what Yeoreum wants,
what her dreams are,
or what she's giving up for you.
You don't know anything.
That's why you're not good enough.
How? Okay.
Weren't you with Hajin?
Why did you cause so much trouble?
They fight every time they come. Every time.
Name, Kang Taeha. Age, 34.
What about you, Mr. Nam Hajin?
He's the president of a construction company,
and he's a plastic surgeon.
They're perfectly normal, but they act like brutes.
Life is too easy for them!
Are you a president of a construction company?
Are you really a plastic surgeon?
- Goodness. / - What's the big deal about love?
Every time they drink, they start growling.
Don't ever come back to my bar.
Is that woman the only girl in the world?
Why did you fight?
It was mutual assault, so there must've been a reason.
Whatever. He threw the first punch.
And he broke my bar.
He got hurt because of him. That's basically it.
A doctor hits people, and
a president of a construction company breaks my bar.
Get your heads on straight!
What's love?
What's the big deal with love?
It's hard enough just to survive!
Hey, lady! Keep it down already!
I'm fine.
You're driving me nuts.
This is a bad year for me.
It's my second time at a police station.
Let's be careful over the next two months.
Tell me why you were crying.
It's the second time.
I won't just let it slide this time.
Explain yourself.
Explain so that I can understand.
stop that job immediately.
grew apart naturally.
Is there such an ending?
Are there really people who break up like that?
If that ending exists in this world,
that's what I want, too.
What are you doing?
Stop right there!
Don't do this, please?
Let's stop.
- Stop what? / - Let's stop fighting like this.
It's so obvious, we'll end up breaking up like this.
How do you know? We may grow closer!
I know.
We'll both reach rock bottom, and it'll end.
We're already there. Don't you see that?
Do you think this is rock bottom? Is this all there is?
I can go lower. I don't care!
How much lower must we go?
How much more do you want to get hurt?
Do you think I'd like that?
How much more do you want to hate me?
It's so clear. Why do you want to go there?
Are you an expert on relationships?
Who taught you about relationships?
I learned from Taeha. Are you happy now?
We've hit rock bottom.
We can't go any lower.
Hey, Yeoreum.
You horrible woman.
I know, Junho is right.
I'm a horrible woman.
I'm an evil woman.
But other than Taeha and Hajin,
who else has the right
to say that I'm horrible?
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Game of Thrones Season 7/8 Q&A Part 2 - Wights Vs. Whitewalkers, Night Kings Chains Explained!! - Duration: 12:31.In this video, I'll explain some other questions about season 7, like the Night King's chains,
HOW he tied it around Viserion, and why didn't he reanimate Viserion in the water etc.
So stay tuned for that..
Hello everyone.
Welcome to UBM, your one stop for book and TV series reviews.
I've already discussed "why the NK killed Viserion instead of Drogon", Benjen's
death and Longclaws eyes etc. in the first part of this video.
In this video, I'll explain more questions without discussing any spoilers.
And since we're not discussing any spoilers here, make sure to add "Spoiler Alert"
in your comment if you wanna discuss them.
I'll post my Season 8 Q&A video on Saturday at 07:00 pm IST or at 09:30 am EST.
I'll discuss all the spoilers like season 8 set photos, possible theories and predictions
etc in that video.
I'll also post predictions about Sansa's fate in the final season soon.
So make sure to subscribe this channel and also click on the bell icon to get a notification
every time I post a video.
So let's discuss the next questions :
7) The 7th question is asked by Sigalit Menashe (I'm sorry if I pronounced your name wrong).
She has asked, "Chains?
Who placed the chains under the water?
The wights?"
Your comment made me wonder from where did the Night King get the chains?
Some people said that maybe the NK had raided the villages beyond the wall and had the chains
forged but in order to forge a chain, he would need fire, right?
And neither the wights, nor the Whitewalkers can work with fire.
So, unless the Night King had some living human beings like Craster working for him,
I don't see how he could have forged a chain.
That's why I think that the chains were made of Ice.
If you focus on the Night King's spear, it looks exactly like Viserion's chains.
They look like metal but it's actually ice.
In the books, the Others aka the Whitewalker's swords are extremely sharp.
They are capable of moving through ringmail as if it is silk.
Even in the show, when Jon had attacked the Whitewalker's spear with a normal sword,
the sword had shattered into a million pieces.
When GRRM was asked what substance the swords of the Others are made from, Martin had answered
But not like regular old ice.
The Others can do things with ice that we can't imagine and make substances of it."
That's why I think the NK won't have any trouble making the chains out of Ice..
8) Which brings us to our next question of "How they tied it around Viserion?"
Abby Tabby has asked, "If his magic does not work under water then how did the wights
go under water to tie the chains.
Wights are also his magic creations it makes no sense?"
Remember the scene where the ice melts and A LOT OF wights go under water?
We know that the "WIGHTS" can move in water even though the Whitewalkers can't.
You can see the signs of it in the Hardhome episode, where the wights were standing in
the water but the whitewalkers stayed far from it and it was proved again when the wights
came out from the water to grab Tormund in "Beyond the wall" episode before the hound
had saved him.
Also, in the books, Jon sends Cotter pyke to Hardhome instead of going there himself.
Pyke sends Jon his reports about Hardhome, in which he talks about "the wildlings eating
their own dead," and he sees "dead things in the woods" and "Dead things in the
By "Dead things" he means wights..
So it proves that the wights don't die under water.
Maybe the WWs magic infused in them outside is enough to keep them alive when they go
under water?
So my theory is that, when Viserion fell in the lake, the Night King gave the chains to
the wights who had already fallen into the lake through the melted ice earlier.
Those wights tied it around Viserion, and the wights standing outside had pulled him
9) Segalit Menashe had also mentioned the NK walking on fire..
Remember how in season 6, when the Night King had attacked the three eyed raven's cave,
he had just extinguished the fire surrounding the cave's entrance?
I think he did the same thing here.
He has the power of ice.
Even fire cannot kill him.
The fire will if it touches him.
10) Why the Night King was ready with the spears?
I've already discussed why the Night King was ready with the spears in my episode 6
review video.
The Night King knew that Dany will come with her dragons and had set the trap for Jon.
That's why they hadn't attacked Jon for a couple of days.
Just like Jon, the Night King was also waiting for Dany and her dragons.
You might say that the wights didn't attack them sooner because the ice had broken, and
they didn't realize that it was frozen again until the hound threw that rock on the wight,
but we're talking about the whitewalkers here.
When the Whitewalkers come, the cold comes with them.
It's so cold that even the tears on people's faces freeze.
If the NK had wanted, he could have made the water of the lake freeze at any time?
But he didn't.
Why do you think he did that?
That's why I think he was waiting for Dany.
Maybe he knew that Dany had left Dragonstone and the attack begun the moment she had left.
As for HOW he could have known that?
I have another crazy theory for that.
I'll post it soon.
11) Davey Boy has asked, "Do you think Viserion is a wight or a white walker?
He was dead, which would indicate a wight, but in that case, couldn't the Night King
just raise him without dragging him out of the water like he did with the wights at Hardhome?
The ones he has touched, like the babies, are now Whitewalkers but they were all alive
not dead like Viserion.
It doesn't make sense to me."
Abby Tabby had asked a similar question about Viserion being a wight or a ww and about the
NK having to touch viserion instead of just raising his hand and making Viserion just
fly out of the water.
And I completely agree with you both, some things in season 7 didn't make much sense,
but I am trying my best to put myself in D&D's shoes, and am trying to think how THEY might
explain these things.
I think I have already discussed this topic with someone a few months ago.
So, here's my theory on it.
I'll divide your question in two parts.
10 (i) I'll explain the first part of your question with a chart.
Let's see the differences between a Wight and a Wightwalker first.
1) When a person or an animal dies and a Whitewalker's magic reanimates them, they turn into Wights.
Whereas when The Night King touches a LIVING creature or when the COTF insert a dragonglass
in a LIVING man, ONLY then a Whitewalker is created.
2) Wights are like zombies, with limited mind or consciousness, whereas the Whitewalkers
are brilliant clever beings.
I've explained in my "Night King's magic explained" and "Bran's Journey videos"
before, about how they have shown intelligence by planning and organizing an attack.
So the wights have some intelligence, but the WWs seem like the masterminds.
3) During the Hardhome scene, we saw that the Wights were able to chase Jon & his people
into Water but the Whitewalkers had stayed away from Water.
4) Wights can be reanimated by any normal Whitewalker, but ONLY the Night King or a
COTF can create a Whitewalker.
5) If you kill a WW, all the Wights created by him will die too.
If you'll kill a wight, only that wight will die.
6) WWs can be killed by either Valyrian Steel or a Dragonglass Weapon whereas Wights can
only be killed by either Fire or Dragonglass, at least in the show.
In the books, even dragonglass is useless against the wights.
Only fire can kill them.
I discussed this topic with Abby Tabby a couple of days ago.
I got confused about whether Valyrian Steel can kill a wight or not since Jon hadn't
used Longclaw in his demonstration in KL.
So, I watched both "Hardhome" and "Beyond the Wall" scenes again.
In the Hardhome episode, you can see that Jon had stabbed this wight with his Valyrian
Steel sword, and later, had held him back with his sword while a wildling shoots arrows
at it.
It made 2 things clear for me.
a) The Valyrian steel's touch does not harm a wight.
If it had been Dragonglass(show wise), or a fire, the wight wouldn't have been able
to bear it's touch.
Even a little bit of fire hurts them a lot.
b) You can see other people like Tormund, the Night's watch and wildlings etc. were
fighting the wights too.
Their weapons were normal steel but they worked just as fine as Jon's sword against the
So, Valyrion Steel is just like any other steel for them.
That's why I am pretty sure now that Valyrian steel sword cannot kill the wights.
7) A WW can control an army of Wights while Wights cannot control anyone.
That's why I believe that Viserion is a Wight and not a WW.
It was also proved in the Season 7 Finale where you could see holes in Viserions wings.
He was just like any other wight whose injuries remain even after they are reanimated.
10 (ii) Let's come to the second part of your question now.
Why didn't the Night King just reanimate Viserion while he was in the lake?
I don't think he could have.
As I've mentioned in my third point, I don't think the WWS can do huge amounts of magic
where water is involved.
While the magic transferred into the wights might sustain them and keep them alive under
water, the WWs magic might not work through the barrier of the water.
Even the wights who were in water at Hardhome were at the surface whereas Viserion was completely
And Viserion is huge, so maybe the Night King needed A LOT of magic to reanimate him, way
more than what he would need to reanimate a dead human.
I think that's why he had to pull Viserion out of the water and touch him to reanimate
So, these were my explanations.
What do you think?
Do you think it makes sense?
Lemme know in the comments.
Anyways, it's time for the comment shoutout now.
Todays comment shoutout goes to My Jolly Sailor Bold, who had said, "I think Dany had the
same psychic bond with their riders as the direwolves had with the Stark kids."
"Also, Dany in the books is a greenseer.
She can see things in the future and Drogon has red eyes the colors of the wargs and the
color of Lord of Light.
I LOVE your theory.
As I've said in my "Who is the Prince that was Promised and Azhor A'hai" video,
I think the three heads of the Dragon are three saviours who will help humans defeat
the Whitewalkers.
And those three saviours are Dany, Bran and Jon.
In the books, we know that both Jon and Bran are greenseers and if your theory is right
and Dany is a greenseer too, it would definitely explain why these three were chosen to be
the three heads of the dragon."
So, what do you think of these theories, don't forget to tell us in the comments.
If you liked this video, please click on the like button below, share the video and subscribe
to my channel.
Have a great Day.
Bye Bye..
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