Thornbury House, A Low Cost And Compact Family Home By Bent Architecture
¡José Manuel Figueroa se burló de Giovanni Medina! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
Descubre la mejor forma de armar la lonchera de tu hijo | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:01.-------------------------------------------
Recetas de cocina: Lonchera saludable para tu hijo | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 7:15.-------------------------------------------
ONE Hack to Jumpstart a New YouTube Channel - Duration: 17:22.what's going on guys today I'm going to teach you how to take a new YouTube
channel and really blow it up
all right guys jumping right in now now this stems from a question I've got from
somebody that I network with who has just started their own YouTube channel
and is really struggling to get any traction so obviously I was in this
position at one point and a lot of other people that I talk to have been in this
similar position and they need to know what to do I'll link his channel down in
the description it pretty much deals with everything that's health wealth and
wisdom overall so check it out it's a great channel and with that being said
let's jump in and now I'm gonna give you a couple different ideas on how you can
grow your channel really from you know just beginning because it can take a
while to get traction it can take a while to get those initial subs but if
you know what videos to target bring more eyes onto your content you can
obviously get a little bit of a you know an acceleration factor so to speak in
the beginning so I've done a video on this in the past I also dropped that
it's pretty much how to 10x or YouTube views I'll drop that in the description
below I'll also drop that as a card above my head right now now this is a
full direct response to that question that I got from his channel and I really
want to kind of touch on how to run ads specifically here if you're not
implementing those other things from the other video so if this specifically our
first forum Russell's gonna upload this on my other channel BG media innovation
but I'm not gonna actually do that the reason being is because I kind of want
to try this you know this kind of question and answer specifically on my
main channel and see the response that I get so you know potentially other people
have questions like this I'm always looking for you know content ideas you
know I can go ahead and do that and create a video around that specifically
for them a and B just hopefully you know obviously helping out other people and I
think that this is a you know vast problem that a majority of people are
you know kind of facing and so for that reason I decided to upload it on this
channel enough about that though I'm gonna pretend that that we're trying to
boost my YouTube you know video essentially where YouTube channel here
BG media innovation you know which I just basically started and have used
essentially to upload content and answers to you know questions like this
so if I were specifically in this position and I was trying to build up
this channel like I said I could use the the things and target you know specific
views and video like I talked about in that other video
but if I wanted to kind of get that initial boost what I would do is I could
promote my videos and instead of you know just getting you know 15 views 6
views 15 views maybe a hundred views here and there on some of my videos I
can go ahead and I could promote them with 5 bucks a day on Adwords and what
what that would essentially do is it would bring more eyes more views and
more potential subs on my content however that being said it might and
stick with me here initially when you start it's obviously gonna bring in more
views but when you stop it's actually gonna hurt your channel for about a week
or two sometimes three now I've done an entire video on the reason why this
would hurt your channel I'll drop that as a card up above my right above above
my head chases up above my head right now if you want to check it out and I'll
also drop that video in the description it's just a cautionary tale to
understand what's happening and why and then obviously you can power through it
for those two to three weeks but it's very very worth it to promote your
videos initially when you're starting out if you want more eyes subs and views
on your content so enough bullshitting around let's jump right into it so if I
wanted to you know basically promote this video which is buying a dark web
mystery box or buying a mystery box off the dark web what would I go ahead and
do well this video specifically if I wanted to go ahead and do this let's say
hypothetically I wanted to promote this video what I would do is I go into
Adwords now you can obviously go into AdWords if you have your own AdWords
account another easy way that you could potentially do this and I'm not actually
uh obviously subbed in to biji median right beat it yeah BG media innovation
right now so let's actually go in there and what you could basically do is you
can go into creator studio and obviously you're gonna need an AdWords account to
basically do this but what I would do is you come in here to the edit or you can
go to video manager and there's a bunch of these drop-down you know obviously
choices here and what you're gonna do is you're gonna hit promote and that's
gonna take you to the same place with YouTube ad work YouTube ads on Google
AdWords and this is something that I've done you know probably on maybe 30 to 40
videos in my past and it's actually significantly helped now like I said it
does give you that initial boost which is great when you're first starting but
off of that it does hurt your channel after you stop for about a week or two
so this is gonna take me to a brand new campaign to promote this video which is
literally what I just clicked on you know when I was in my video whatever
video manager so name it whatever you want to name it obviously I'm just
running through this this is only for you to pretty much know in your AdWords
so maybe I would name this mystery box now that I'm gonna go with a budget of
Daley and we'll just go five bucks a day because that's what I recommend it to
you you don't need to spend a lot to do this and that's probably gonna bring you
anywhere from five hundred views to about a thousand views if you really get
a low CPM or cost per view or whatever is CPV so start and end dates start as
soon as possible and don't set an end date I think that was fine and little
caveat here AdWords recently changed about a week ago they've changed and
updated to their new AdWords you know overview and overall setting
I haven't actually ran ads on AdWords so it is a little strange and looks a
little bit different but just bear with me it should be relatively similar
so networks obviously is your next like I said we're gonna go here and start as
soon as possible and no end date obviously come back and once you see
that you know you're happy with this the the you know the views and stuff you can
come back and turn it off if you want to set in an innate pretty self explanitory
just set the end date I always just come back and turn it off manually so YouTube
search results yes YouTube videos yes video partners on the network on the
Display Network I always click no because I just want to promote my videos
on YouTube on other channels and other videos that are similar I'm going to
show you all that here in a second next all languages I only really speak in
English so I go in English because I don't have subtitles and you know
translate whatever it is that the translations or whatever on my videos so
I always just pick English obviously that varies depending on what your
you're doing and your channel and everything like that so locations I'm
gonna say all countries and territories obviously that speak English and have
English people that are viewing her English speaking people that are viewing
it the maximum CPM this varies obviously but I would recommend going
no we're above six cents hypothetically you want to get one at like one cent or
two cents or three cents but I would recommend going no more than six cents
standard inventory pretty self-explanatory obviously do you want
to maximize the inventory by showing it on sensitive content or just you know
limit it make sure that none of the content is you know sensitive that
you're showing it on the whole Jake Paul thing you know with the Japan whatever
video I was just pick standard cuz I don't really care as long as it's
putting people you know my video in front of people's eyes that are more
inclined to want that and like and sub and view videos in the future I'm all
good with that I'm not running you know a specific brand here where I'm
marketing to you know children or something like that so obviously
excluded content you can exclude some content here it's up to you all
different you know all all varies with the person same thing here you know you
can pretty much exclude different types you can put it out off on games live
streaming videos or just embedded YouTube videos which is basically
YouTube videos on another site I'm not gonna do any of that I'm good with all
those so the ad group name I'll just name it the same thing here just for the
sake of going fast the Matt like we talked about before maximum CPV so I'm
gonna go six cents now obviously you were gonna want to get it a little bit
lower than that but just that's your maximum and you know clearly you can you
can adjust it as is I'm just given six cents
demographics now this plays a part for you know most people if you go into your
YouTube analytics you can pretty much check your demographic and who's
actually responding to your to your stuff the most now if you're a new
channel and you only have like 100 subs or 200 subs or whatever chances are this
isn't gonna be that accurate so I would just keep it pretty broad so that you
can kind of see who's responding however me specifically and like I said go into
your analytics and just check your demographics right here it's pretty
self-explanatory now I know specifically that all most of my content it's pretty
much males it's about 90% males and it's about I think it's like eighteen to
forty or eighteen to to late 30s so we're gonna exclude all these and keep
it male from 18 to 44 now I don't care about parents or not parents around
or anything like that and I don't care about household income necessarily for
this video now audience what their interest in habits are so you can
obviously you know come in here and type different different uh you know going
it's the same thing with running ads on Facebook you know this is your interest
targeting this is you know what what all that stuff your demographics you just
handle this is your interests targeting you can go through this if you want my
specific me specifically I don't do this you know on a lot of my the videos that
are promoting because I'm gonna show you why in a second so keywords obviously
same thing you can go through and add keywords so if you're dealing with
passive income go ahead and do that if I wanted to do mystery boxes I could do
that you know dark web mystery boxes I can do that same thing dark web mystery
box whatever that just gives you an idea I don't usually do that but you can add
a couple if you want just make sure that they're you know pretty much tailored to
your video that you're promoting topics same thing placements now this is
something that you're gonna want to touch on this is exactly why I don't
necessarily worry about any of these because I'm gonna simply advertise my
video on someone else's video specifically or their channel it's that
simple so buying a mystery box off the dark web well specifically if I were
gonna advertise this video what I would do is I'd come back into Google Adwords
and I would look for other videos on YouTube really fast that are all dealing
with mystery boxes that are getting a lot of views so mystery box just type
that in well this is a dark web mystery yeah this is dark one mystery box so
let's go dark web mystery box now obviously you can tailor this around to
whenever you're doing so if you're teaching about health obviously
specifically to you you know then you would want to go ahead and search you
know specifically what your video is on health wise if it's about wisdom
specifically same thing so it's hard to kind of give a broad example of that but
just tailor it to your specific video and then search YouTube for popular
videos like that and you can advertise all in there so these are obviously the
most popular you know mystery box videos so what I would do is I'd come up here
let's mute this so that we don't hear them and come up here and I'd probably
pick you know maybe 10 to 15 of these I'm just gonna grab for for the sake of
grabbing for so we don't waste your time and
then what I would do is I would copy the URLs so YouTube videos and see this is
where it's different never used to be like this enter multiple placements
there we go so boom enter copy this URL boom
enter copy this URL boom enter and like I said you can do that with about 10 to
15 different videos and then what happens specifically let's say
hypothetically that this video right here was one of the ones that I just
copied you know was this video then you see how there's an ad in front of this
video well obviously it's not gonna show an ad ad on this one that kind of sucks
but alright it's not gonna show me any ads on any videos cuz I'm trying to
teach that right now but clearly you know what I mean the ads that pop up you
know where you have the skip thing in the beginning of those videos that's
basically you're putting that ad for your video on that you know specific
video so you're literally putting your video in front of their video as an ad
that will bring more people to your content if people click it obviously
they'll come to your thing it'll increase your views and obviously
hopefully increase your subs another place that we're gonna put it
and that's I'm gonna talk about that here in a second is you know this if I
can just uh how do i X out of this so you don't see it there we go
so up next right here you'll see that this is suggested well you can also put
an ad right here on the right right here so that will so be another ad sometimes
you'll see these here and there and your video if this was a mystery box video
that's really popular you could also bid on this ad right here
so that people when they're watching you know this video are more inclined to
click your video and then thus watch it because they're more inclined to like
mystery boxes and want to watch another mystery box video and then they're
pretty much coming to your channel in your video right there you know as a
normal video and has the opportunity to like it subscribe you know watch more of
your content and so on and so forth so that's basically how you do it that's
specific videos now I'm gonna add those four placements and you'll see here that
that's a mystery box all those mystery boxes or what I'm you know basically
putting ads on so the ads that forget what they're exactly called it's the
right before the video and on top of that to add to the right of the video
like we just talked about now you can also do this with YouTube channels so
specifically if I were making I just made an Alex Becker video a couple days
ago if I wanted to put my house Becker video on an Alex Becker channel I could
pretty much just put it on his channel it's pretty simple
same thing enter the the right here and just enter his channel homepage it's
pretty easy I believe you used to be able to search it too and I'm not sure
if you can anymore oh yes you can so it's pretty much that simple I could put
it on his video if I wanted to do that obviously I'm not going to but that's
pretty much you know how you do it I like to bid on the channels and I also
like to put the ads on the videos really pretty simple and then obviously the
last thing that you're gonna want to do once you've set everything up you set
your demographic you've set your bidding you've said you know your audience and
any keywords or topics that you want to put in as well as your placement on
those specific related videos then you're gonna come down and create your
ad so you're just simply gonna grab your URL and put it in here and that's pretty
much what you're gonna do now in-stream ad is the that is the one before so the
one that you can skip so when you load a video that's the one that you skip
initially that's in scream at in-stream ad I always been on that and then
they'll give you a little bit of a you know kind of a preview of what that'll
look like see here it has says skip and your your ad will be playing and the
visit advertiser here as well as down here RB will be clickable to your
channel or your video obviously you can you know put that whatever you want so
this is where you're gonna put that in so I'm gonna make it you know the ad
take people if they click on it to that specific video you can also bid on a
video discover your ad I like to do that too which basically is the side like I
said the the specific if we look right here look just like we talked about
those ones on the right or the ones right below on the bottom it's up to you
to decide what you want to do you can obviously set up multiple campaigns
where one is doing one for maybe 250 and the other one is doing this the other
for 250 and see what works better for your video you know and your specific
channel it's pretty self-explanatory pretty easy just for the sake of this
I'll show you in it well I'll show you a video discovery ad because in-stream ad
you don't really have to do anything you just put the display URL and where
it actually goes and then you pretty much save and continue' it's really
really easy for a video discovery ad you're gonna need to write a little bit
of copy but it's also very very easy so if I were you know obviously putting a
headline I might you know you have three lines right here to work with so you
might say dark web mystery box gone horribly wrong why would someone send
that something like that it's random but obviously it's not showing you a good
example of this right here but there's usually three lines just like this so
it'd be dark web mystery box oh here it wait no no that's not it but that's
pretty much it you have the the title of the video and the thumbnail right here
and then if these three lines and it's pretty pretty self-explanatory and then
you would just save and continue' after you obviously put your ad name in there
and yeah continue your campaign on add approval
and that should pretty much once they approve it it will go live now it's
really really easy like I said it's a little bit of a different overview
because they've switched AdWords recently I hope that I kind of put that
you know easily digestible for you so clearly if you have any questions drop
them down in the comment section below and I'll answer them for you or shoot me
an email I really just wanted to upload this for you but hopefully this helps
other people as well
ISTJ: Secrets to Making Friends - Duration: 5:55.-------------------------------------------
Olive Garden Launches Year-Long Pasta Passes - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Laura Benanti to take over Eliza Doolittle role in 'My Fair Lady' - Duration: 1:34.-------------------------------------------
Legendary Guitarist Ed King Passes Away At 68 - Duration: 2:06.-------------------------------------------
Adhawk Partnership - Duration: 13:56.(energetic music)
Today is the very best day there has ever been
to be in the floor covering business.
Smart Partnerships, outstanding products, Exceptional ROI.
How you doing Todd, welcome to Sarasota.
I see that you've settled in very nicely
with your short pants.
Todd is the CEO of AdHawk in New York City,
he's down here on vacation and he was gracious enough
to come spend some time during his vacation
and hang out with us at FloorForce.
- Yeah, I got to get out of the snow,
we had, I think, eight inches of snow in New York.
So coming down to Florida, had to rock the shorts.
- Awesome man, so let's get into it.
So, for people who don't know Todd's story,
Todd was a Googler, worked at Google
and worked on the AdWords team.
And I gotta ask the question, what prompted you,
what inspired you to start AdHawk and actually jump
out of the work heaven environment?
- Yeah, so a little on my background,
and then I'll get into that.
So my confounder and I both came from
the AdWords team at Google, there we worked
with, you know, thousands of small businesses,
helping them grow their AdWords accounts
from a couple hundred dollars a day to a couple thousand
to tens of thousands of dollars a day.
And our job was to help them do that profitably.
Google's a great place to work, right?
You can sit on beanbags, you get a free lunch.
There's really nothing not to like.
The real honest truth is, if you wanna have a bigger impact,
if you wanna do more than just your day to day job,
you wanna kind of get into the grind a little bit,
have an impact with individual businesses,
dive a little deeper, really help them explore
the opportunities outside of just Google,
you obviously can't do that within Google.
So, for us, we knew that Facebook was important.
We know that AdWords is important.
We know that websites are important for customers.
And it's really, you're kind of pigeonholed
a little bit while working at Google.
- What would you say to a flooring retailer who says,
hey man, I've tried AdWords, I've actually done it twice.
It doesn't work in my market,
and it just doesn't work for us.
- Yeah, I would say a couple of things, right?
When people come to us and say that,
we're able to look under the hood
and within a couple of minutes, identify why it didn't work.
So, the first thing I would look at,
if you think it doesn't work in your market,
I would really look at yourself in the mirror and say,
did I give this a professional and expert level setup?
Was I optimizing this every single day or every single hour?
Or did I just watch a YouTube video online
and try to get this set up?
So, at it's core, was it set up correctly?
I think something we've done really well for customers
that say that is do an audit, right?
Data speaks for itself, so we can look in the account,
and say, hey, here are the five reasons why it didn't work
and actually give you an honest answer
if it's gonna work for you in the future.
But I've seen AdWords, I've seen AdWords specifically
in this industry work for over 700 retailers,
so I'd be really hard pressed to say it doesn't work.
Now, you might get a higher CPA based on your location
just because it's more competitive
or you might get a lower CPA in your location.
But to say it doesn't work and you can't do it profitably,
I mean look at Google, right?
They're a massive business, we see hundreds
of flooring retailers doing it well.
You just might have to take a different strategy
than what you're typically used to.
We have some retailers that search campaigns
work really well.
We have some retailers where marketing works well,
call only ads, Gmail ads, and that's also part
of why you need to work with, you know, an expert.
Because there are so many options out there.
Almost too many options that, yes,
search might not work for you or marketing
might not work for you, but you need to know
all of the options that are available
before you just say, this isn't going to work.
Because the truth is, if this
isn't gonna work, then what's gonna work?
You're not gonna advertise in the Yellow Pages anymore.
You know, Google really is where people do their searching,
they type in, flooring store near me.
Or they type in, you know, buy hardwood flooring,
you need to be there.
- So Todd, I think we have about 700 flooring retailers
that we now work on together with AdWords.
You know, and I think about this all the time
and we do a lot of testimonial videos,
but in your mind, does any story stick out
as one where we really did have an impact on one
of these flooring retailers that you wanna talk about?
- Yeah we actually had a flooring retailer come to us,
that you brought to us, I think about two years ago.
They were managing themselves,
they were kind of hesitant to work with us, if you remember.
But they came to us, I think their CPA
was about 60 dollars per lead.
Came to us and the account was done pretty well, right?
It was optimized well but we knew for sure
that if we put technology and algorithms to the account,
we could see better performance.
And I remember, after about two months,
after, you know, we were working together
on the account, we saw the CPA drop
from about 60 dollars to 35 dollars.
And when I looked at how that was done with our algorithm,
I mean we really leveraged the data
that you guys provided us on the location level.
So what happened was, they were targeting this one city
but what they weren't doing is using
what's called location bid adjustments
across all the small neighborhoods.
So instead of targeting one city with one bid,
what we were doing was targeting over 150 neighborhoods
with individual bid adjustments
that were changing on an hourly or daily basis.
And then, on top of that, with some of the information
you guys provided us, we were actually
layering income levels on top of that.
So we kind of leverage the power of demographics
of customers that we have at scale that you provided us
on top of the bid adjustments we're able to do in AdWords
and we saw the CPA decrease by about 50 percent.
- We do AdWords right now
with about 50 percent of our clients.
So there's 50 percent of our clients,
over 500 of them have never done AdWords,
have never done digital marketing.
So, being that you're an ex-Googler and you're here,
I'd love to hear just the basics
from a very high level view, how does AdWords work?
And if you've never done it before, what should you expect
in your first endeavor of advertising on Google's platform?
- Yeah, so AdWords works, when someone types something
into Google, there's text ads on top
of the Google search results.
Now the really awesome thing about AdWords is
it's pay per click, sometimes in the industry known as PPC.
And what that means is you only pay when a customer
actually clicks on your ad and gets to your website.
So you don't pay for customers just to see it,
you know, you think about billboards
and other things like that, you're paying for impressions
or people to see it, they're not actually physically
visiting your store or visiting
your online store, your website.
Whereas with Google, you're actually paying
for someone to come to your website.
So it's a much more qualified visit
than your typical billboard or
Yellow Pages ad or something like that.
Now once you launch your first AdWords campaign,
I gotta be honest, you shouldn't
expect results three days in.
Anyone that promises you that is selling you snake oil.
You know, once you launch your AdWords campaign,
it takes time to optimize it, find the right audience
because we don't wanna just get you leads.
It's important to get quality leads,
if they're not quality leads, your phone will ring
with people asking you nonsense questions
and kind of wasting your time.
So, I tell all retailers and businesses
that are just starting up, the first 30 days
is all about data gathering.
Making sure we have the right data on your customers,
on the demographics, on what a qualified lead means to you.
You know, 30 to 60 days is really optimizing
and trimming the fat, trimming all the wasted spend,
really narrowing focus in
on the most qualified customer for you.
And then from then on out, I would say about 70 days
or so on it's kind of a race of, how can we push the needle?
How can we move the budget?
How can we get more leads into the funnel?
And that's kind of how we look at it,
but again, the really great thing about AdWords is,
at bare minimum, these people are clicking on your ad,
going to your website, and learning more about you.
Sometimes we can track these leads, right?
If they call you, we can track that lead.
If they fill out a form, we can track that lead.
If they don't do either of those, we can run retargeting
which is when that ad follows them around the internet
and says, hey, don't forget we offer
this really awesome flooring, come back to our website.
But I think the one thing that I've heard most
from retailers is they've seen their in-store traffic go up.
So a customer can go to your website, click on your ad
and decide, alright, this is really awesome,
I'm not gonna call them right now but I'm going that way,
I'm gonna pass their office when I go to work tomorrow,
maybe I'll stop in their store.
So there's this brand initiative with Google,
with AdWords as well, this brand awareness
that isn't very trackable but from what we've seen
over the last, you know, couple of years,
it's pretty impactful.
- The number one question I get from retailers
when we're having a conversation about AdWords is,
I'm a retailer, I've never done AdWords.
It scares me to death, what should
my budget be to start doing AdWords?
- Yeah, it's definitely a tough question
and we definitely get asked this a lot.
I think, in order to come up with your budget,
you should first look at what is your goal, right?
Like what are you trying to accomplish?
Is it five qualified leads every month?
Is it 20 qualified leads every month?
And then based on that, we have a ton of historical data
from the 700 somewhat retailers that we're working with,
you know the conversion rates that,
you know, we see on the website.
We can analyze the website traffic,
the cost per clicks in the location
and then we can actually back out an answer
to what the budget to be based on all of that.
Now, you know, if I was hard pressed to give an answer,
I would probably say a thousand dollars a month
is a good target to start.
But that said though, Google takes time to optimize, right?
We need statistically significant data
in order to make good decisions and in order to optimize
to decrease the cost per lead over time.
Now if you're spending 500 dollars a month,
we might not have statistically significant data
for six, eight, or even ten months.
However, if you're spending a thousand
or two thousand dollars, we may be able to get to that
maximum level of optimization in just three or four months.
So, really what I would tell anyone who's thinking about
starting on AdWords and, you know, trying to figure out
what their budget should be, I would focus
on your goals rather than the budget.
And then from the goals, the FloorForce team
can kind of do a deep dive in your website traffic,
the demographics of your customer,
the cost per clicks in your city.
And they can actually back out a number
of what your budget should be.
And we've done that for a lot of customers
and we've seen, you know,
pretty good success doing it that way.
- When Todd came for the interview,
he said to me, can I get to do a fun fact?
(both laugh)
So what is the fun fact that you would like to share
with our audience here at FloorForce?
- Yeah, I've had to practice fun facts for awhile,
you know, working at Google, you do a lot of ice breakers,
you do a lot of these games to get to know people around you
and the fun fact I always go with is,
I have over 140 brothers and sisters.
- Wow, what is that?
- So when I was growing up, my parents did foster care.
So, from about the age of 12 to 18,
we had different people living in our house,
and that was either one day, sometimes it was a week,
sometimes two people actually stayed with us
for over a year.
I still keep in touch with as many of them as I can.
But when I tell that fact, I get the same type of look
from you which is like, how in the world do you have
that many brothers and sisters?
But yeah, it was definitely impactful for me growing up
and it's something I hope to continue later on in my life.
- That's awesome, that's really cool.
Thanks for coming while you're on vacation,
hanging out here at FloorForce.
Tell your girlfriend, thank you for letting you come
at seven o'clock in the morning and hang out with us.
I think it was insightful, I hope everybody
got value out of this conversation
and we hope to have you back.
- Yeah, thanks so much for having me
and I know, a couple months ago,
we brought a couple of FloorForce retailers
out to our office in New York.
We actually gave them a tour around Google,
did a little digital marketing summit.
I'd love to make an offer to anyone watching this video,
if you sign up with FloorForce and end up,
you know, getting online with digital advertising,
we'd love to take you on a tour of Google in New York.
Our doors are always wide open, so please feel free
to come by, reach out to John,
I'm sure he could help get that set up.
And for anyone that's still considering getting online,
I'm willing to offer any FloorForce retailer
365 dollars in free AdWords spending.
- Who's paying for that?
- We're gonna split it.
- Deal.
- So, any customer that's thinking
about spending money online and is hesitant about it,
again, we are going to comp your first 365 dollars
in ad spend and on top of that, please come to our office
in New York, we'd love to tour you around Google.
And in the next few months, we're gonna put together
a FloorForce AdHawk summit at Google
for FloorForce customers only.
- Thanks, Ben.
- Yeah, take it easy.
- Good seeing you.
Klein ISD: Welcome Back! 90 Seconds - Duration: 2:09.Welcome back, Klein ISD family!
Thanks for tuning in to our second episode of 90 seconds for this year
I love the first days of school. The year lies ahead with hopefulness and endless
possibilities. And as those hopes and possibilities come to life, we want to
take time to celebrate them this year. One way we do that in Klein ISD is
with this short weekly broadcast. Used to share some of the great moments that
happen in our classrooms at our schools and in our community. Walking around our
campuses these first few days we saw lots of ways that our shared vision, that
every student in Klein ISD enters with a promise and exits of the purpose, is
coming to life. And we know there are lots of wonderful moments still to come.
So follow our social media hashtag, #MomentsInKlein. Use that hashtag to
share the moments you see as well. And speaking of moments... Take a look at some
of the first-day moments shared with us this year on the first few days of school.
Isn't that awesome?!? Thank you for all you do to make moments that matter for our students.
Have a great rest of your week!
¡Aprende a relajar tu mente después de un día de estrés! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:06.-------------------------------------------
Get 50¢ Corn Dogs Today at Amarillo Sonic Locations - Duration: 1:18.-------------------------------------------
Verizon slowed down California firefighters' data plan during wildfire crisis - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Understanding the depth in color: Advanced color scheme - Duration: 10:42.Color plays a vitally important role in the world in which we live.
The appropriate use of color helps us to set our moods and emotions.
It can sway thinking, action and reaction.
Use of color even guide and direct us what to do
when there is no written or verbal communications.
So, we cannot just ignore or stay away from color, even though we want it.
Learning color has never been easier and this is why my series of episode on color
which I am publishing in my channel.
My aim is to give a general idea about color.
In my first episode, I have covered how we see color,
what are the primary and secondary color, how we can make tertiary color,
color wheel, and basic idea about color theory.
If you did not watch the first episode on understanding the depth in color,
you can click on the card above to watch that video.
If you watched that video first and now watching this,
you are in a right track to start our journey to learn together the advanced color theory,
color scheme and tools we can utilize for appropriate use of color.
So without further ado, let's get started.
[TecHour Music]
To understand the color harmony and color scheme,
at first what we need to know is about color wheel.
We have already covered this chapter in my first episode.
The fast and easiest formula about color scheme is Monochromatic.
This is considered the easiest because
Monochromatic color scheme are obtained from a single based hue
and extended using its shades, tones and tints.
In this scheme colors are also created using value and saturation.
The next color scheme we have is Analogous Color.
Analogous colors are groups of three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel
such as red, orange, red-orange as warm color and blue, green, blue-green as cool color.
Selecting three color next to each other in the color wheel
and creating any document sharing a common color with the one being dominant color,
color artist can create their graphical designs.
The next comes Complimentary Color Scheme.
Colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel
are considered to be complementary colors.
The high contrast of complementary colors creates a vibrant look
especially when used at full saturation.
This color scheme must be managed well so that it is not clashing.
The great example of such color combination is Christmas color
where high contrast red and green is being used.
The next color scheme we have is Spilt- Complementary color.
The split-complementary color is a variation of the complementary color scheme.
It has one based color and two colors adjacent to the complement.
The split-complimentary color scheme is a good choice for beginners,
because it is difficult to mess up while playing with color.
Triadic is the next color scheme we have.
A triadic color scheme uses colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel.
Triadic color scheme tend to be quite vibrant
when they are the combination of primary and secondary color.
Using triadic color scheme should be carefully balanced
and let the one color dominant and other colors as complement.
Last but not the least color scheme is Tetradic.
Tetradic color scheme is created using four colors arranged into two complementary pairs.
In this color scheme, color artist has various options to use different colors.
Tetradic colors works well when one color is dominant and other colors as supplement.
The designers must have attention between warm colors and cool colors while designing.
This is all about theory to understand color scheme well.
Now I will show you practically how you can use this color scheme in your design
using the tool called Adobe Color.
To use the colors appropriately and explore various colors in one place,
you need to open your browser and search for adobe color.
Just click on the first link and sign up to create your own color scheme.
If you do not sign up, you cannot use your created color theme later
when you open this website again.
When you logged in, you will find a color wheel in the first page.
In the left top corner, you will see adobe color cc written
and there are three options available for you.
Create, Explore and My Theme.
In the first option 'Create' you can make your own color scheme
and save it for the future use.
In the second tab 'Explore', you can find various colors
created by other color artists or graphics designers.
You can download them, edit them or save this color scheme for your theme
with slight changes in the theme.
In the last tab 'My theme' you can save your own theme
and use them for other graphics design.
When you select 'Create' you will get 7 different options from the drop-down menu
including Analogous, Monochromatic, Triad, Complementary, Compound, Shades and custom.
I will gradually show you how you can pick your own scheme from here
and use them in your design.
Firstly we will select Analogous color and we will see in the color wheel,
we have one base color and four supplement colors.
Moving the base color anywhere in the wheel, you can select any favorite base color
and other supplement colors for your design.
Decreasing the base color indicator, you can make your color more dis-saturated
or increasing you can make your color more vibrant.
This way, you can make your analogous color scheme and save it in you 'My theme' library.
You can copy hex code from here and paste it in your design for the same color.
Alternatively you can copy the RGB value and use the same code for your design
to get the same color you have chosen from this scheme.
We will now select the change color harmony
and chose monochromatic color scheme from drop-down menu.
You will see one color indicator in the color wheel.
As monochromatic color has one indicator,
we can change the tone, tint and shade to get various colors.
You can also change the value or saturation to find different colors from this color scheme.
The next tab we have is triad color scheme.
When we select here, we will find three indicators in the color wheel.
Changing the indicators in wheel, you can chose our desired color.
Alternatively we can change the tone, tint, shade, values and saturation
to get the exact color what we are looking for.
The next color scheme we have is complementary color.
As complementary color has two opposite indicators.
We can chose opposite colors and changing the tone, tint, shade, value and saturation,
we can create different color scheme and save them for future use.
Next we have compound color scheme.
Compound color schemes are almost the same as complementary scheme.
Instead of using colors that are opposites,
it uses colors on both sides of the opposite hue.
The next color scheme we have is shade.
As shade has one indicators, we can decrease the shade
or increase it to make the color more vibrant.
We can chose any favorite color and coping the hex code, we use the color for our design.
The last color scheme we have in adobe color is custom.
You can create five indicators as wish and create five different colors for the scheme.
These are the options we have for change color harmony.
We can select any color scheme from here and save the color in my library by clicking here.
We can rename the color scheme from here.
I will keep my color for this theme.
In the explore option, we can chose any particular color scheme
and edit them to make own scheme by clicking edit copy.
we can set one color as base color, we can create own theme.
Copying the Hex or RGB code we can use this color directly to our design.
We can also save this particular theme in our own library.
The most interesting option we get in adobe color is importing image
and set color scheme from your own image.
To do so, we need to select here 'import image'.
Select your favorite photo from which you would like to pick color scheme.
When the image is imported, you will find the colorful portion of the image
are automatically being selected and you can use this as you own theme now.
You can create your color scheme from this image by clicking here change color mood.
You can chose bright, muted as cool color, deep or dark color as color scheme.
You can select color from the image with our choice
by dragging the plus icon anywhere in the image.
You can also save this color scheme in the library for future reference.
When you save your theme from an image, if you logged into your account,
you will find all you saved theme in your adobe collection
such as Photoshop, light room, illustrator, premiere pro, after effects and so on.
You can use this saved theme in your deign from this library
synchronized with all adobe applications.
This is all about color scheme
and how we can create our own color scheme with adobe color.
I hope you like this video published in TecHour channel.
Hit the like button, if you do so and comment below how you find this video.
Share this video with your friends in social media
and most importantly subscribe the channel for upcoming videos.
I will see you in my next video.
Till then stay fine and be creative always.
I am Lingkon Serao, Signing off.
134529600 - Replacing Your Frigidaire Dryer's Fastner Screw - AP3844504, PS1145975 - Duration: 6:23.Hi, my name is Bill and today I'm going to be showing you how to replace the fastener
screw on your dryer.
The reason why you might have to do this is because the screw is lost or damaged.
For this repair, we'll be using a screwdriver with a T20 Torx bit and a Phillip's head screwdriver.
Warning: Before doing any repairs, please disconnect your power source.
So, this is the dryer we're going to be using for this demonstration.
It's a Frigidaire, keep in mind you might have one that's not quite exactly the same
as this, but the same techniques still apply.So, we're going to open up the door here.
So, you can see right here that we're missing our fastener screw, and that's going to hold
the bracket and on the inside.
So, what we're going to do is we're going to get the door off.
And to do that, we're going to need to take out the two Phillip's head screws right here.
Now that we've got the screws out, we can lift up on the door, and then, with this one,
you just get it out, and it might take a couple tries, but, you're really moving this piece
right here, which fits nicely into that hole.
So now, to get the two halves of the door apart, we're going to be removing these pan
head screws.
And, now that we've got all these screws out, you should just be able to lift the top half
right out from where the bottom was.
So now, we have the two halves apart, you'll see we have this big piece of plastic right
here, and to get that off, we're also going to need to remove these screws here.
And, you'll see that once you got the screws out, that plastic piece just drops right out,
and now we're going to carefully lift up, and hold the glass there in place so it doesn't
fall out.
So, you'll notice here that we've got a bracket that's holding the glass in place here and
I'm just going to push up slightly, you'll see that there's nothing on top.
What actually happened was when the screw came out, or broke off or whatever, the bracket
that was holding this piece in place just fell down on the inside of the plastic there.
So now, we can replace this bracket by getting our new screw and screw in place.
So now, you can grab your new OEM replacement fastener screw, and if you don't have one
already, you can find one on our online store.
So, now we'll out our bracket in place here, and we'll line up the hole and go to the other
side and screw in our fastener screw by hand a little bit, and once it's in place, set
the door glass down, nice and gentle, we're going to be using a V T20 bit, you'll see
that in the middle, it's got a hole in it, because the screw that we're screwing in also
has a protrusion right in the middle, the special screw, so we need this special bit
to screw it in.
So, now we'll tighten up our screw, and once that's nice and tight, you'll see that the
glass is securely in place now, it's not going to fall out.
So now, we're going to line up the large plastic piece here, with the holes here and here,
and we'll screw this back in now, once you've got those lined up, you can flip it over,
and you're going to want to hold it in place with one hand, while you start to screw, it'll
otherwise fall out, so we'll just start that by hand here, and we'll do the same thing
on the other side.
We're going to push up on the plastic from behind, get our screw started in there, and
now that we've got those in place, you can take the screws up.
Now, we can put the two halves with the door back together, so we're just going to line
up the screw holes and once you've got everything lined up, you can screw it back together.
Now, we've got the door to put back together, we'll put the hinge back onto the frame here,
and you're just going to line up that square peg with the square slot, drop it in, and
then you're going to line up the screw hole and screw it back in.
And, once you've got that screwed back into place, you can close your door, and your repair
is complete.
Finally, don't forget to plug in your appliance.
If you need to replace any parts for your appliances, you can find an OEM replacement
part on our website:
Thanks for watching, and don't forget to like, comment, and share our video.
Also, don't forget to subscribe to our channel.
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