Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily Aug 5 2018

Hello and welcome to Under the Super Scope where we take a look at some of the most famous

games of all time and try to work out if they still hold up today, and this week we're

looking at the sequel to Wind Waker - The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.

Wind Waker ended with unlimited possibilities, all remnants of Zelda's story were basically

torn away.

No Ganon, no Hyrule, no Master Sword.

They could go anywhere and do anything with this follow up.

Then there's the DS a whole new platform that didn't handle like anything that came

before, this is a Zelda game you play entirely with the touch screen for every single action.

Phantom Hourglass could have been one of the most fresh entries in the series packed with

new ideas and a setting to rival Termina but instead what we ended up with was something

a little safe, derivative and packed with glaring design decisions.

Phantom Hourglass is not a good sequel to Wind Waker and in fact, it might just be the

worst Zelda game.

But let's find out why: While the series was thriving in 3D, Phantom

Hourglass took things back to the overhead view and with it introduced level designs

more comparable to that of 2D entries.

The controls this view enabled are what's really important though.

Throughout the entire game Link and all of his interactions are handled with the touch


If you want to move, drag the Stylus around, want to hit an enemy, touch them, want to

talk to someone, simply tap them.

It's an innovative solution and one that works remarkably better than you may expect.

Items like the boomerang and grapple were given new life with the precision of touch

and the result is a solid foundation that would go on to see a much more deserving use

– in the Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.

Phantom Hourglass's greatest problem comes from its puzzle design.

This was actually the first game I ever imported from Japan and I feel this highlighted its

underlying issues.

The vast majority of puzzle elements in this game come down to reading a far too helpful

hint and simply taking notes.

You can take notes at any time by writing on the map which could have had brilliant

effects but when stones simply tell you an order to press switch's in or the order

to enter rooms or the order to insert blocks – it becomes mindless.

One could even argue that by definition, these aren't puzzles.

A puzzle is a game or toy in which you have to fit separate pieces together, or a problem

or question that you have to answer by using your skill or knowledge:

When playing in Japanese of course I only had numbers to go on and I couldn't read

a lot of the text and that's not really a problem with puzzle design in other Zelda


Each one relies on visual design to aid the player – to just tell them the solution

is hardly a puzzle.

In fact most dungeons don't have any text at all, they use environmental hints, patterns

and items to help the player work out what to do.

Even some of the more clever puzzles are completely spoilt by the game.

To open up the path to the first dungeon, you have to cleverly break the forth wall

by blowing on these candles.

If the game reinforced the blowing mechanic earlier with a different context, this would

have been a brilliant revelation for the player to work out.

When you have a stone around the corner telling you to blow though, there's not a single

inkling of challenge.

One way they could have taught this was with the rescue of Astrid earlier on the island.

If they had a cut scene where it shows her blowing out torches to open a door, the player

would then try to replicate that themselves.

Of course the microphone isn't a usual input for the DS and to get players using it they

could implement the Pols voice enemy earlier on in the game – where just like in the

famicom version of Zelda 1, he doesn't like loud noises.

There's only one puzzle in the game that I feel the game doesn't go out of its way

to spoil for the player and that's this one right here.

Your instruction is to get both sides of the map to touch which sounds impossible – that

is until it clicks with you to close your DS.

Some players may even work this out by accident when putting their DS on standby to come back

to the puzzle later.

It's an extremely clever way of breaking the forth wall and one of the rare cases where

Phantom Hourglass trusts you to work something out yourself.

There's a lot of derivative aspects to both puzzle and level design like how practically

every dungeon opens with a small area of puzzle solving that can last anywhere from 20 seconds

to a minute and then bypasses the whole segment with a shortcut back to the lobby.

With it being a portable game, there's certainly aspects to be built around the interest of

time but these kind of shortcuts make segments feel utterly pointless.

In fact puzzle solving basically never requires you visit different rooms.

It's all self contained in its respective area and then goes onto something completely

separate in the next room.

The only exception to this was the Ice Temple where the lobby shortcut was mildly incorporated

for puzzle with a Switch in the centre that you utilise twice.

One you open a shortcut and use a bombchu to flick the switch from the other side of

the coloured blocks, the other you simply hit the Switch before going down the stairs

as your path would be blocked otherwise.

It's incredibly basic compared to previous Zeldas and with this being about as involved

as puzzles get, this really showcases how weak of a game this is.

But obviously you've been waiting for me to talk about the temple of the ocean king.

This is one of the worst ideas to enter The Legend of Zelda.

Let's start with the basics.

The Temple of the Ocean King is a timed labyrinth where you need to solve the puzzle of each

room before continuing to the next.

There are guards manning each floor and if they see you and hit you, you lose 30 seconds

of time.

As a one off dungeon, it's not that bad.

The problem is you come back here after the first dungeon, after the second dungeon, after

the third dungeon, after the forth dungeon and finally after the 8th dungeon.

That's 5 times and each time you start from scratch again with more rooms gradually getting


Sure you have new items which can bypass some of the elements but you're still replaying

the same rooms again and again and again.

What's worse is at the start of the game core temples last between 10 to 15 minutes

meaning it can literally take about half an hour before you're back doing the same rooms

again at the temple of the ocean king.

It doesn't help that they're visually some of the most boring rooms to ever touch

a Zelda game.

Want to be surrounded by the same generic grey walls five times that drag on for too


This is the place for you.

The pacing of Phantom Hourglass is so poor and predictable and even the story doesn't

tie together.

Outside of Linebeck, who is legitimately a fantastic character with a brilliant theme

to boot, Phantom Hourglass' plot comes down to: Tetra is now a generic damsel, go save

her by collecting these items.

It has the mid game finales seen in other Zeldas where you're encouraged to keep going

after a three dungeon payoff – apart from there's no payoff.

Most games will grant you the Master Sword after the initial three dungeon hurdle but

you don't get the Phantom Sword until right at the end of the game.

You're motivation to keep going is simply – oh here's three more dungeons.

Sailing to each island isn't exactly fun either.

Sure, there's an argument to be made that it wasn't fun in Wind Waker but it still

had a vibe.

When sailing through the seas and watching the time of day shift as the music adjusts

accordingly, there's a very relaxing feeling to Wind Waker.

In Phantom Hourglass though not only is everything static but every few seconds an enemy appear

so you can't relax.

You're forced to sit there and watch the world go by as you tap on things every 10


Sailings faster than Wind Waker and the world is smaller so you don't do as often but

it's not what I would call better.

Even the world map is tedious to navigate.

If you try entering the top right portion from the top left portion, you're met with

these annoying rocks preventing you from going anywhere.

So you have to go back to the top right, go down to the bottom right, go to the bottom

left and then finally up to the top left.

Phew – that's far too many steps just to get to one island.

This split overworld would later be used for Spirit Tracks and Skyward Sword but in all

those instances it feels far too artificial in any of these examples.

At least neither of those games make you play through the same dungeon repeatedly to expand

the world.

There's a lot of bad in Phantom Hourglass but there are good parts hiding within.

The progression of item tutorials I feel are always really clever.

The formula is basically: Get item, get locked in a room and work out what the item does,

fight an enemy with that item – iterate upon a puzzle and then continually expand

until it culminates with a boss fight utilising the core mechanics of the item and sometimes

the dungeon.

The progression of the bomb puzzle is pretty interesting too.

You need to throw a bomb which cause a chain reaction with all the other bombs thus hitting

a switch – later we see a similar idea only there's an element of timing to it and then

lastly we see the final evolution which requires two precise bomb throws.

This dungeon is really clever with bombs.

Much like A Link to the Past, you can often see other rooms just in the corner of the

one you're in which gives you indications of hidden walls to bomb.

Finding this solution rewards me with a satisfying 100 ruppees.

There is a problem with these rewards sometimes though and that's that they sometimes are


One puzzle gives me an X to dig but I ended up digging in this spot without even paying

attention to where I am on the map because there's an obvious spot to dig.

So there's a random 100 rupees.

The Ice Dungeon gives you two doses of 200 rupees as part of the dungeon's natural

progression – they aren't even rewards.

Guess where I am in the game with this rupee count?

The second dungeon.

You can pretty much buy everything and still be loaded.

Another area that falls flats is the Goron Temple.

The bombchu item has more use than Ocarina of Time but it introduces an element where

you can Switch between Link and a Goron but this segment lasts 2 minutes and then isn't

brought up again until the bossfight.

Said bossfight does incorporate both the bombchus and the goron which I like a lot but the Goron

element feels undercooked – it's not even used with another character like it is in

Wind Waker.

Maybe that's why it came back as a mini game.

This boss fight is really awesome though – as are a chunk of them.

Basically no matter who you're facing you're going to want to look at both screens.

Some span them for a neat looking vertical aspect ratio and other simply use icons that

are outside of your peripheral vision.

The first boss cleverly have indicators showing what order to hit them and the goron boss

let's you keep an eye on both players – really cool uses.

The latter is also used in the Temple of the Ocean King to always keep an eye on where

the Phantoms are and I think it works very well.

Might be the only thing I like about that place.

Well I like this little bit here too where it teaches you that you can get a phantoms

attention by hitting a wall when you make a noise hitting this Switch.

Cool double objective there.

And that's the thing, everything I have to say about the foundation of Phantom Hourglass

is nothing but solid.

The controls work well, the use of dual screens is great and dungeons have their moments of

being clever – that is when they aren't telling you exactly what to do.

It's the core design around everything else that brings it screeching to a halt though.

There's hardly any personality in this game.

Most islands look like this, most characters don't have character and some of the music

is simply dreadful, listen to this!

Yeah that's it.

Even its better moments come fumbling down.

The third boss only seems to have one phase even though it feels like he should have the

usual three, the clever invisible floor puzzle is reused from A Link to the Past with the

beetle intact – only there's a map showing you exactly where the floor is and you now

carry boss keys around as gigantic items, only they're always like 10 seconds from

the door and there's never any intercepting challenge…so why are we carrying them?

Spirit Tracks would also address this in some cases.

That's not to say that taking notes is a bad concept though.

The scenario where you have to follow a direct path through the fog is well executed and

I like the dungeon that has an overall pattern of Up – Down – Right - Left – even if

it's not used as much as it initially suggests.

It's great for taking notes of items you can't work out how to obtain, solutions

for Temple of the Ocean King to speed up repeat playthroughs or overworld spots that you expect

require a later item.

Phantom Hourglass is unfortunately just one of the most poorly paced Zeldas to be released

by Nintendo and while they could have gone anywhere with the setting, they just kinda

took another stab at Wind Waker's world but without the same sense of adventure.

Next week we'll be taking a look at The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks to see just

how it took one of the worst Zeldas and elevated it out of mediocrity – but until then, Phantom

Hourglass certainly does not hold up.

They translated Zelda excellently to the DS but the underlying designs just aren't good

enough to remain fun and The Temple of the Ocean King just has about everything going

against it.

Repeat playthroughs, a timer, you have to play slowly, tons of invisible enemies – it

just isn't much fun one time, it's especially not fun 6 times.

But what do you think oh Phantom Hourglass?

Let us know in the comments below and of course be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more

from Under the Super Scope and other things gaming too.

Until next time,bye!

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About a year ago, the Governor of Oklahoma, Mary Fallin, issued an Executive Order in

the State, telling authorities to find out just why exactly they have a backlog of thousands

of unused rape kits.

Now, Molly, this is not necessarily something that is unique to Oklahoma, but right now

it looks like we're only seeing Oklahoma finally start to say, we have thousands of rape kits.

We have thousands of cases of rape.


These aren't being used.

What the heck is going on?

And I'm glad Mary Fallin's looking for answers, but there's still too many questions.

You're exactly right.

It seems like the more answers they find to these questions, they're just coming up with

more questions.

One thing that's certainly apparent is that testing evidence in rape cases has not been

a priority for the State of Oklahoma.

Like you said, I'm sure it's a problem with other states as well.

But to have 7,000 untested rape kits, that adds to the trauma, I would imagine, for many

of these victims.

That's not to assume that each and every one is gonna proven to be true, maybe there were

some false allegations, but either way, those victims that really did experience a crime,

they want to know the answer so that they can have some closure in their life and move


The fact that they don't have the funding and that they didn't make it, there was no

statute that dictated when they had to have these tests tested, if you will, within a

certain amount of time, so they just languished and sat there.

These cases went nowhere, and it certainly looks like no one takes rape allegations seriously

and that's not a good thing in this #metoo era.


And you know women, very rarely, even after the #metoo thing, they don't get the benefit

of the doubt.


I mean, it's always, she's making it up.

No, it was actually consensual.

Oh, she was, you know, wearing something.

There's some kind of excuse in nearly every case.

I constantly think of the Jameis Winston issue at FSU.


Oh, she just, he was a famous athlete.

She knew he was gonna make money, so she came forward with these allegations, which actually

happened before he was even on the football team.

But the spin.

But before she even knew this guy was an athlete.

So there's always, whether it's high profile or even low profile, police officers, as you

and I have discussed on the show before, they don't even want to talk about it.

There was the one police station-


I forget where it was, but they had the Wall of Shame they called it, of women who made

allegations that they decided were false.

So they put their picture up on the wall so that women who came in to report something,

that's the first thing they're greeted with.


With, if you're lying or if we think you are, or if we don't want to investigate it, we're

gonna shame you to Hell and back.


Put the burden of proof on the victim and you would think that hopefully in this discussion,

this era where we're talking about these kinds of cases now, that there would be this tendency

to believe, and not in an unfair sort of way-


... but just in a, hey, can we have a balanced sort of way, as opposed to your Wall of Shames

or your attitude that these women did something to bring this on themselves.

But it's interesting because this task force that was compiled, that Oklahoma ordered to

take a look at these untested cases and kits, had a list showing the reasons why they weren't

tested, percentage-wise.

What was interesting to me is the highest percentage was 32% listed as other, with no

explanation offered as to why it wasn't tested.

That's concerning, and then they said 23% were a lack of victim cooperation.

That bothers me, too, because to a certain extent, and I need to become more familiar

with Oklahoma's laws, but police do have, and prosecutors as well, from my understanding,

at least a little bit of leeway in pursuing these cases, regardless of what the victim

necessarily wants if they believe a crime has been committed.

So it looks like it's like they're looking for an excuse.

Well, yeah, and a lot of times, too, they'll make these women jump through obscene hoops.

They treat them poorly, so if you go in there and you get shamed to the point-


... where you don't, you know they don't believe you, it is gonna make you less likely to cooperate,

if that's even the actual reason.

I mean, cops don't like to deal with this.

Not all of them.

Just like not all of them are gonna shoot an unarmed person, but there's too many out

there that do.

There's too many that want to shame these women-


... rather than help them.

And these rape kits were basically designed to take that question mark away.


Is she real, is she not?

Did this happen?

That's why we have these.

That's why you're supposed to use them and the backlog in Oklahoma, 7,000 unused.

At least they're asking for answers but again, this is not unique to Arizona, this is ... Oklahoma,

excuse me.

It's something that can happen all over the country and it is.


I mean, rape kits are going untested all over the country.

Well, and it's interesting because they are gonna pursue legislative funding to get the

rest of these, to get up to speed, caught up on all these tests that haven't been tested

yet, but it does make you wonder.

They seem to be able to fund, state after state after state finds the money that they

need to do whatever the popular or in-the-spotlight issue is of the moment.

And good for the Governor, here, for at least making this a spotlight issue, for trying

to get people on board with it.

Hopefully it will encourage more women to come forward and report.

Hopefully it will encourage prosecutors to pursue these cases and they are getting more

agencies on board who will participate in this testing process as long as they get paid.

Yeah, absolutely.

Well you know what?

There's actually some other good news this week that's mixed in with a little bad news,

and that is that on Wednesday, the plans, the blueprints for printable, 3D guns, were

supposed to be released here in the United States.

August 1st was when this Defense Distributed, this group was gonna unleash these blueprints.

You can make everything from AR-15s to pistols, semi-automatics.

Print 'em at home on your 3D printer.

Untraceable, untrackable.


But luckily we had a judge with enough common sense to step in and say, yeah, we're gonna

prevent this.

At least for now.

They have until August 10th, I believe, but this is utter insanity.

It is utter insanity.

It makes me think that the NRA is somehow funding the software to make this happen,

'cause otherwise why would they want to let anybody dip into their pocketbooks for manufacturing

these human being-killing weapons?

I know, and when you think about the reason we have gun laws and ID checks and serial

numbers on guns is so that we can track who has what.


If it's used in a crime, we can trace it back, get the ballistics, we know it came from this.

When we change it to, oh, if you have a 3D printer, which consumer ones you can get for

about a thousand dollars, well, imagine how much money you can make selling printed guns

in a week?

You can easily pay for a printer.

This seems like something that criminals would absolutely love to get their hands on, because-


... they can fund however many printers they want, make these weapons, go out, sell 'em.

They're untraceable.

You cannot trace them back to a dealer, to a shop, or even a human being.

It's unbelievable.

And they can be used in crimes across the board.

I know, and especially when it's such a hot-button issue because of what happened with Parkland

and obviously we've had any number of mass shootings in this country and the issue of

guns and closing loopholes and how to test for, make sure that somebody doesn't have

mental illness, and that they're following various state rules when it comes to who can

buy a gun and who can't, this takes it to a whole nother level and puts it in the realm

of, again, regulating technology.

Here you have the State of Pennsylvania and other states trying to regulate this technology,

and then you have these plans posted online so now people can access them for free.

In some ways, and I know this dates me, but it harkens back to when online first started

coming around, people were really utilizing it and they were worried about kids getting

plans for bomb-making materials.

Yeah, absolutely.

Look, we gotta take a quick break.

We'll be right back.

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