Shocking And Unknown Facts About Shah Rukh Khan | You Didn't Know About - Duration: 5:26.Shocking And Unknown Facts About Shah Rukh Khan | You Didn't Know About
Easy Belgium Tourist Visa Without any agent 2018 - Duration: 5:40.
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The 100 | Inside The 100: Damocles - Part Two | The CW - Duration: 1:18.-------------------------------------------
Trump's Twitter Meltdown May Have Proven Collusion - Duration: 2:58.This past week in Donald Trump Essentially tweeted out in admission that he knew about
the potential collusion taking place between his son and Russians during a meeting at Trump
Here is the tweet, and we'll get to why he tweeted this in a moment, but let's start
with the actual tweet itself.
"Fake news reporting a complete fabrication that I am concerned about the meeting my wonderful
son Donald had in Trump Tower.
This was a meeting to get information on an opponent.
Totally legal and done all the time in politics and it went nowhere.
I did not know about it".
The reason Donald Trump tweeted this out is because over the weekend, stories began breaking
that aids to Donald Trump have been telling the press that the President is afraid that
his son accidentally broke the law by going to this Trump Tower meeting.
Now, the administration's defense of this meeting, at least in the very beginning, was
that Trump Junior was meeting with attorney, Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya, who
we now know actually has ties to the Russian Intelligence Community.
He was meeting with her to discuss adoptions.
That was actually what was in the memo dictated by Donald Trump on Air Force One as a response
to a story by the New York Times.
And here in black and white on Twitter on Sunday morning, Donald Trump admitted this
was a meeting to seek dirt on our political opponent.
And, yes.
Those kinds of things do happen all the time.
He's right about that, but he's wrong about where it comes from because, yeah, people
hire opposition researchers.
They pay independent firms to do things like this; totally legal, does happen all the time.
They don't meet with foreign agents to try to get help in a U.S. election because that
is illegal, but you just admitted that that is what happened.
There is little doubt in the mind of any thinking rational human being that collusion happened.
I mean, the President basically admitted it right there on Twitter.
You cannot continue to deny that there was at least no attempted collusion, but when
you're talking about something such as conspiracy, it doesn't necessarily have to have come to
The fact that they attempted to make it happen is all you need to secure a conviction at
this point.
Trump Junior's in hell of a lot of trouble.
Donald Trump is also now in a hell of a lot of trouble because he is such a moron that
he can't keep his mouth shut for five seconds, and instead feels the need to constantly get
out there in front of the public and implicate himself and his family in further potentially
criminal activity.
Dance Moms: Dance Digest - "Buckle Up" (Season 4 Flashback) | Lifetime - Duration: 4:56.-------------------------------------------
Mountain Men: Jake's Dogs Might Be in Danger (Season 7, Episode 3) | History - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
30 Seconds with Auli'i Cravahlo | Disney Style - Duration: 0:41.[MUSIC PLAYING]
INTERVIEWER: Where are we right now?
I am filming the music video for my song, "Live Your Story."
INTERVIEWER: Who inspires you the most?
My mom, definitely.
INTERVIEWER: Which Disney Princess
song do you listen to the most?
"Almost There" from "Princess and the Frog."
INTERVIEWER: Do you ever get stage fright?
All the time.
INTERVIEWER: Can you sing us a note?
If you were a Disney Princess, who
would be your animal sidekick?
Pua, definitely.
INTERVIEWER: What advice would you give your younger self?
Believe in yourself, just a little bit more.
INTERVIEWER: What's your go-to boomerang?
See ya.
Top 10 Scary Vietnamese Urban Legends - Part 2 - Duration: 10:58.Hello everyone and welcome back to Most Amazing Top 10, my name is Danny Burke and this is
the Top 10 Scary Vietnamese Urban Legends - Part 2 … I was so happy to see how many
of our Vietnamese fans enjoyed the last video I did - hopefully I did a good job. I saw
a lot of encouraging comments and so thats why I thought I should return for some more
creepy stories from Vietnam. Lets get into it.
Starting of at number 10 now we have The Daughter of Hui Bi Hua. This is a famous story that
comes from Saigon. In 1934, 3 buildings housed the family and business of Hui Bi Hua - he
was a real estate magnate who reportedly owned about 20,000 properties in the city. Needless
to say, he was very rich. Of these 3 buildings, the main one was the family mansion. His daughter
contracted the leprosy and was confined to a bedroom on the upper floor for fear of it
spreading any more. Back then, many people believed leprosy was more of a curse than
a disease. Perhaps due to this reputation, the family made an announcement that the girl
had suddenly died from a -mysterious illness- … they quickly arranged a public funeral.
The girl was still alive though, her meals being slid under the door. She lied like this
for years until the loneliness drove her mad and she took her own life. These days, if
you speak to the right people, you can still visit that house. Its now the cities museum
of art. Visitors swear they see the ghostly figure of the girl roaming the halls of the
building - when night comes, they hear the sound of someone crying, it seems to come
from a room on the upper floor …
Next up at number 9 we have To Lich River. This river in Hanoi has always been known
as narrow and pretty dirty - but in 2001 it gained a much more sinister repuation. On
September 27th, a construction team was dredging the river near An Phy Village when they discovered
some strange ancient relics. They saw seven wooden panels buried under the river, positioned
so it resembled a polygon from above. There were bones nailed to them and between the
wooden piles they also discovered gold plated objects, some pottery, elephant bones, knives
and copper, all of which the crew pulled up. Then, strange things kept happening to the
construction crew. The construction work was affected when one of the crew mysteriously
plunged into the water, never to be seen again. Then, some of the workers present suddenly
fell to the ground and remained unconscious for hours. A week after the incident, a series
of catastrophic events started to happen to the team and their families which ranged from
accidents to illnesses to death. The remaining workers walked away from the project. A few
weeks later, the company invited four spiritual experts to the site to help solve the mystery.
It was revealed that the items they pulled out were part of a long buried ancient structure
guarding the area. A monk was called in to help but he died a month later from an illness.
Scientists were stumped as well. A local professor said that the skeletons and artifacts were
most likely offerings which had now been disturbed, resulting in a powerful curse. The villagers
restored the relics and put them back where they were found. Rumour has it that the curse
has been lifted, at least for now ...
Next up at number 8 we have Room 216. This one comes a forum user known as Taycaoco.
He said said that in early 2014, he was staying with his wife in the Vien Ngox Canh hotel
in Saigon. They were staying in room 215 and were woken up at 2:30 in the morning by an
argument next door: room 216. Voices shouted, objects smashed - there was banging on the
walls. They heard heard the door slam and someone run down the stairs. The other person
banged the walls a few more times and then, out of nowhere, tried to get into their room
- Room 216. They froze on their bed - the banging stopped - and then, a pouring sound.
It sounded like someone was emptying a bucket outside. He ran to the door with a bottle
in hand but when he suddenly opened it - there was nobody there - no liquid either. They
barely slept that night out of fear - in the morning he went to the front desk but they
said nobody has been in that room for days. They told them what they saw but the staff
insisted. They argued for a while until the staff said they suddenly remembered - another
guest had forgotten their key card and was banging around. They knew he was lying - he
looked down in shame. The waitress told them she overheard their conversation and said
they werent the first guests to complain about strange goings on. She told them there were
cameras in the hallway. They asked at the front desk and the staff agreed to show them
last nights tapes. At 2:30, nothing happened for 5 minutes, then at 2:35, he saw himself
open the door of the room and look out into the hallway before going back into the room.
They were freaked out, they knew they had seen something. What was going on in room
216, and why were the staff trying to hide it?
Moving on to number 7 we have the Da Lat house. This house has intrigues and scared locals
and tourists alike. The large, empty villa lies in Vietnams central highlands. Legend
says its a ghost house. They say that during the colonial French rule, French soldiers
who were stationed in the villa conducted despicable acts against the locals - their
pained souls now remain in the house. Then, during Americas Vietnam War, an army officer
was killed by the Vietcong. Her wife lived in the house when she heard the news. She
was so distraught she hung herself from the roof, adding her energy to the already creepy
building. In the years since then, there have been stories of people being taken there to
be murdered - to the point where shrines have been set up to honour the dead, which arguably
make the whole place even creepier …
Next up at number 6 we have Nguyen Thi Minh Khai High School. This high school dates back
to over 100 years ago, built during the French colonization of the country. For many decades,
people have talked of the student ghost. They say its a girl, dressed in a purple ao dai
which is a piece of traditional Vietnamese costume. Its the ghost of a girl who supposedly
committed suicide at the highest floor of the clock tower situated at the schools center.
Rumor has it that an altar to the girl was put somewhere in the school but its location
is closely guarded. That may be because of the strange goings on around the school. Students
often report seeing the purple ghost along with strange lights at night and weird noises
coming from the rooftop. Recently, the school made major changes to the building which seems
to have curbed the ghostly sightings, at least for now …
Moving on to number 5 now we have The Footprints. This one was shared by a forum user known
as STR WRZ. He said that he was born in Australia but would often visit family in Vietnam when
he was a kid. On one such trip, he was staying with his great aunty. Her house was behind
a riverbank and got cold at night. One day, his parents and siblings went to a relatives
grave to pray. He chose to stay at home because he was ill and it was hot outside. He was
watched TV with hyis great aunt. She was falling asleep when suddenly she sat upright. He asked
her what was wrong. She said she had just seen someone walk through the front door and
go upstairs. He thought she was seeing things and didnt give much thought to it. That night
he and his siblings shared a room upstairs. He found it very hard to sleep and every time
he did he would wake up straight away. On the 4th attempt he woke up and decided to
get some fresh air. When he was done he walked through the front door to see a little girl
running up the last few steps of the stairs. He was shocked. When he got up the stairs
there were a pair of wet footprints outside the room they were sleeping in. There were
no footprints leading out either. In the morning his sister told him that everytime she had
fallen asleep she kept dreaming of a little girl opening the bedroom door and just standing
there until she would get scared and woke up. They asked some neighbours who told them
that the owners of the nearby farm lost their daughter in flash flooding a few years ago.
For them, that was settled, they had seen her ghost, and she had definitely seen them
Next up at number 4 we have The Delivery. In this story, a young girl visits a store
called Big C Hai Phong. She orders a refrigerator for her house and tells them to deliver it.
A little while later, the delivery man takes the refrigerator to her house and knocks on
the door. An old woman opens the door. She says there must be some mistake. She refuses
to take the refrigerator and said that nobody here ordered it. Naturally, the delivery man
is confused. He takes out his delivery notes and shows it to the woman. She cans the paper
and looks at the name, age and address of the girl on the receipt. Suddenly, she bursts
into tears. It was the name of her daughter who had died months before in a traffic accident.
The delivery man went back to the store and confronted the person who took the order - he
thought they were fooling around. The cashier swore the girl was real though, he even produced
the exact amount of money used in the transaction, proof, he said, that the girl had bought the
refrigerator her Mother so desperately needed …
Next up at number 3 we have Ho Da. In English, this place is called Stone Lake. Many first
time visitors report an uncomfortable spooky feeling when they first arrive - and there
may be something to that. Although it may seem pristine on the surface, some locals
warn against swimming there, saying its cursed. There have been an unusually high number of
deaths there. In a 5 year period, more than 24 people were found dead at the lake - far
higher than youd normally expect. Some say its just a dangerous hangout spot, that the
cliffs are very high and the water very deep. Others disagree though, they say that death
in this number must be the work of the paranormal - they say the lake is haunted, and a malevolent
spirit is pulling people to their watery graves …
Next up at number 2 we have The Organs. In 2009, a rumour began spreading around Vietnam
that police had found a grave of 7 children had been found in Gia Lam. The bodies had
no organs in. Legend says that some people were going round and killing kids on the street
in order to harvest their organs and sell them. One mother who was interviewed by the
media said she always went out alone to have breakfast but since the discovery of the grave,
she decided to take her children with her - even though their home was 150 meters away.
She wasnt alone in this fear - some communities are now acutely aware of these gruesome rumours
- they may not be true, but theyd probably tell you better safe than sorry.
And finally at number 1 we have The Rock Ape. This one comes from a book written by Kregg
P J Jorgenson. He was a Vietnam veteran who told a scary story from the 6 man unit he
was in during the war. One day, they were taking a break after a hike through the jungle
with their heavy backbacks. As they rested, they felt a strange presence in the jungle
around them. Everything seemed quiet - to used the old cliche - too quiet. Then, some
trees about 15 yards away began shaking violently. At first, they thought it was the enemy. The
soldiers readied their weapons and waited. However, instead of enemy soldiers, a head
emerged from the trees. It was oblong with a face covered in reddish hair. It had a huge
mouth and dark, deep set eyes. The startled soldiers watched the rest of the body step
forward - a 5ft tall muscular creature stood there on two feet, carefully watching the
men. At first they thought it must be some sort of very big orangutan - but then one
of them pointed out that orangutans arent native to Vietnam. As they argued about what
it was - the creature slinked back into the jungle.
Well guys, those were some more scary stories from the fascinating country that is Vietnam
- my brother lived there for like 6 months and he loved it - the more I hear about it,
the more I want to visit, maybe even visit some scary places - who knows - all I know
is to thank you as always for watching, my name is Danny Burke and Ill see you all in
the next video.
How I Got 1000 Subscribers On Youtube In 5 Steps - Duration: 7:45.How I Got 1000 Subscribers On Youtube 5 Steps.
What's good Wealthbuilderz it's yah boy DeVaughn back again with another video
And today I'm going to explain how I got 1000 Subscribers on My Youtube channel.
Let's go!!
Before we get started make sure you subscribe to the channel
for more videos every Sunday, Monday And Thursday.
We talk about making more money, saving more money
and building a better you and business
Real quick let's talk about why getting 1,000 subs is so important.
It's important for 2 Reasons.
To be able to get approved by Youtube to get ads on your videos.
You want to make some passive income.
The 2nd reason is to get social recognition from your pears.
Numbers count.
Most people won't consider what you say unless you have social proof.
For instance you wouldn't watch this video if I didn't have 1000 subs or more right?
If you want the pdf I created that goes into more detail
on how I got to 1000 subscribers and you can too?
Then click the link below and the pdf will be magically sent to your
email inbox.
Ok so with that being said.
Let's break this 1000 subs thing down in 5 Steps.
Have a real Youtube channel.
You must have content.
You can't expect to get a 1000 Subscribers with no content.
Record videos that people are searching for.
If you have a vlog channel you must do trending news.
If your channel is about sports you need talk about sports news.
I personally talk about How tos.
How to do this and how to do that.
People search for this stuff and when they find you
they will subscribe if you deliver the content they like.
Promote your videos in different Facebook groups that are focused on YouTube.
You can go as far as creating your own group also.
This is a great way to accelerate your subscriber count.
I go into more detail in the free pdf below.
Create a intro video for your YouTube channel.
This video should be short and to the point.
No longer then 2 minutes long.
Include a short bio and channel description on the side.
People want to know who they are subscribing to
Leave thoughtful comments on trending videos, music videos and videos that are in your niche.
You should constantly be seen on different videos.
The more you are seen the more you are likely to get subs.
Leave comments on commercial videos by fellow YouTubers.
You want to be seen by big groups of people.
2nd bonus.
Try to respond to other people who leave comments on those videos that you
leave a comment on.
This is exactly how I built my Subscriber count
to 1000 fast.
Yes I know it might seem like work but hey all you actually need to do is spend an hour
a day for this to work.
Make sure to get that free PDF below where I go into more detail about
how I got 1000 subscribers on Youtube.
Thanks for watching it's yah boy DeVaughn Signing off for How I got 1000 subscribers
on Youtube.
Do remember Wealthbuilderz Make more
Save more Build More
5 THINGS TO BRING TO THE BEACH WITH LYNNE RAE PERKINS - Duration: 0:53.Hello, I'm Lynne Rae Perkins, and
I've written a book called Secret Sisters of the Salty Sea.
So here are my favorite things to take to the beach.
First of all, you're gonna need a towel to dry off after you go in the water, but
also so you have something to sit on.
Or if you get a little bit chilly, to wrap yourself up in.
I think you need to take something to float on, although maybe not.
Maybe you could just go in the water and just use yourself, just jump in the waves.
I like something to float on.
You need to take sunscreen.
You need to take some snacks.
Or if you're going to a beach where they have little food stands,
you need to take something to buy snacks with.
Snacks are an important part of the beach experience.
And the most important thing of all to take to the beach is friends.
Have fun.
Man charged with murder at back-to-school event - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
NYT Hire In Boiling Hot Water After Her Worst Tweets Go Public - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
LGR - Using a Floppy Disk Drive on a Smartphone - Duration: 12:33.Greetings and welcome to an LGR thing! And today I was just thinking about
modern smartphones and tablets and other such devices. They're pretty neat and
smart and things. But you know what they could really use? Floppy drives.
Yes. That's right. Floppy friggin disks and drives to go
along with them. And you know what? I think we can accomplish that!
So to do this all we really need is: a phone, I'm gonna be using my Note 8. It's not
sponsored, it's just what I have. And a floppy disk drive and in particular a
three-and-a-half inch floppy disk drive that runs using USB. One that I have
applied a woodgrain coating to, because of course I did! And yeah, I don't know
what brand this is, what it is. Pretty much any of them should work, it's just a
generic one I got from Goodwill. And we'll of course need a floppy disk to write to
and read from. I have a high-density three and a half inch disk here that we
can fill with all sorts of unscrupulous nonsense. And last but definitely not
least is one of these USB connectors, or on-the-go
cables or adapters, whatever you want to call them. In fact this one I haven't
even opened yet. It actually just came packaged with my phone, which was quite
nice. It's just an on-the-go, OTG adapter and this will allow you to convert the
USB portion of your phone, in this case it's USB C, to USB Type A. You know, full
sized USB port. So I'll just plug in the OTG adapter right there on the end
of the USB cable of the floppy disk drive, plug that into the phone, and
you'll be able to see the light come on. And if we plug in a disk...
[floppy disk noises]
Yeah. We get floppy disk noises as the phone is attempting to read from the
disk. And at the moment there's nothing on it so let's go ahead and take care of
that on a Windows 98 PC. So I'm going to be
using the recently-rebuilt Lazy Green Giant to write some stuff onto the disk.
[click keyboard typing]
And we have an installation here for Commander Keen Episode One: Invasion of
the Vorticons. The shareware episode, which will easily fit onto the disk itself.
[more typing]
[disk drive writing sounds]
"Thanks for installing the shareware episode of Commander Keen!" You're quite
welcome, early 90s installation program. So we have the game installed on the
disk right there, so we should be able to run it like this. And it of course will be just
fine, because why wouldn't it be. So yeah let's go ahead and do the same
thing on the phone and see what happens with a floppy drive attached to it!
[click, shunk]
Okay, now that the disk is full of things let's plug it back in and see what happens.
[floppy drive read head noises]
It could take a little while here for it to read what I believe is the
entire contents of the disk. It may actually be loading everything directly
from here into memory, just so it knows how to read it from the filesystem.
And there you go it shows up as a Y-E Data USB drive. And so you can tap there
to transfer the files and these are all the ones that we just copied over. And of
course being that these are meant for MS-DOS, like, if we're trying to open an
executable it's like, "oh you don't have any apps that can do that." Well I
actually do, so let's go and open one of those apps. For this I'm going to be
using an app called Magic DOSBox, which is just a DOSBox variant made for
Android. And I find it to be quite nice. It is a paid-for app, or at least this
version is, but in my experience it's about the best
DOSBox version for Android at the moment. You can see I have jewel of the jungle
already installed but we're going to add the version of Commander Keen that we
copied over to the floppy disk. [disk loading sounds]
And it's already seeing something there. Now the
way this version of DOSBox works is you configure each individual little icon, or
program, to show up on your main menu by going through here. And you select all of
the different features that you would normally in DOSBox. In particular we're
just going to make it boot directly into this game. And I'm gonna just leave it on
the disk, I don't even want to copy it over to the internal memory of the phone
or anything. Global settings... So if we go into here we can show the detected
storage devices and we have this one right here which is the floppy disk
drive. It says it's read-only access, so if we hit "request permissions" this
brings up the Android request permissions thing. We have "nonsense."
I just hit select there and we'll see if we can do anything with it now. Yes,
we can, we have full access to "Disk 0" as it is now, zero point zero gigabytes!
So we'll go back here and do the "plus new game" and now we should be able to choose
the floppy disk. Yes, we can directly right here, Disk 0. So we'll just choose
the main folder here and that is that. We'll type in the name, Commander Keen 1.
And it's already enabled it for us on the main menu here, so if we wanted to
in Magic DOS Box we can adjust all sorts of other settings. We do want the PC speaker
because, that is what that is. No sound card, we don't even need to bother with
that. We could even change the icon if we wanted to, so if we want to give
Commander Keen a nice little display on our menu we could do that. But this is
probably the more important thing for this individual program, which is
choosing the main program. Which is going to be keen1.exe, so there we go.
So now when we tap this we should just go directly into Commander Keen Episode 1.
Booting directly from the floppy disk. Yep it sees it there in the DOSBox
command prompt. And there we go.
Wow. That's awesome!
This is the first time I've actually loaded something directly from a floppy disk
and not just like, copying it first over into the internal memory. This is really
cool, let me get the camera a little more adjusted. Check that out. So we can't
actually tap on the screen or do anything unless we were to configure it
to be able to do that. So we can add virtual buttons or we can just bring up
a virtual keyboard here. Press Enter. Could start a new game.
[chuckles to himself] Yeah. [PC speaker noises play]
And obviously this is not ideal [laughs] Even the virtual buttons that this program has,
while impressive in their own right, they're still not particularly great.
So I can add like a virtual joystick, or really keys, over here. And then I can
apply some other keys. And yeah you see how this is, you just sort of add
different keys to your screen that you can tap on at will.
[squeaky Keen gameplay sounds]
Uh so yeah. It's...
I don't like touchscreen controls on like any game really, unless is a game meant for
just tapping only. But you know like, this is why I'm not a fan of emulated games
on Android, iOS. So you either have to plug in an external controller to really get
some sort of good experience, in my opinion. Or we could try plugging in an
actual keyboard. And this is an IBM Model M. It has a PS/2 connection. And if you
remember some time ago I did a video about plugging in one of these into an
Android phone just through one of these little USB PS/2 adapters. That's totally
doable but of course we only have the one port, so that means we're gonna need
a USB hub. This is something I admit I have not yet attempted. But I don't know,
in theory it should work. So I just grabbed a cheap hub online and I should be able
to just plug stuff in here and and make things happen. Okay, plug in the
keyboard right here, the disk drive right there, adapter right there. And then we'll
see what happens when we plug it into the phone. Suffice to say, do not try this
at home. I cannot be responsible if you over voltage your phone or something.
[phone notifications play as devices are recognized]
So that's a good sign, we've got the USB floppy drive attached, and then physical
keyboard settings popping up here. Which that looks good.
[clicking arrow keys]
And yeah you could see me hitting left and right on the arrow keys, the keyboard does
appear to be working. So let's try it with DOSBox. I really need like, a stand
or something for this. Hmm. Can I just put it there? You know I'm just gonna put it
there. All right, once again I have not tested this yet so I don't know how well
this program is meant to work with a physical keyboard. But let's just open up
Commander Keen and see what happens. Once again loading directly from that floppy
disk, which amuses me endlessly... and it seems to be doing it at the, you know,
a pretty good comparable speed to like an actual PC of the time. If it were
connected to it physically, internally in anything, so. Okay let's see--oh it works
perfectly! [laughs] Oh yeah. Yeah this is how I would hope to play DOSBox on a phone.
With the friggin Model M keyboard and an actual floppy drive loading from
actual floppy disks. [PC speaker sounds]
Oh it's wonderful! [just laughs, amused at the silliness]
Oh man. Excuse my giddiness but--nah man!
Embrace my giddiness because I am genuinely having fun with this! This is
so cool! Dude. "Quit to DOS." Let's try Jill of the Jungle. I know it's not on--oh hey
we're right back to DOS. Hi there, DOS. Yeah anyway, let's exit out of this.
Now I just want to try Jill of the jungle for, well. Yeah, see I had the
virtual things installed and I just don't want to do that man. Get rid of
those. Goodbye screen widgets, I don't need you anymore.
[Jill music plays] Yeah.
Jill of the Jungle.
On Android! Not loading from floppy disk, but if I wanted to I really could.
Okay, well at this point now I guess I'm just sort of getting off track.
I'm just amused--oh wrong button. I am just amused by anything that involves
plugging in like, legacy hardware to modern hardware. And I know it's like,
it's built to do that. On the surface it's not impressive, but there's still
something amusing about--dang it--about seeing it in action. All right well, that's
pretty much it for this video. I just want to show that it is indeed possible.
And not only that but it works pretty well. In fact, it looks like it does cache
stuff to internal memory in some way. I mean, I guess I would expect it to.
It would do that normally on a regular PC if you're just running something
directly off of a floppy, it copying into RAM. But I was kind of surprised, curious,
whatever, seeing if it would do it even within the emulator here when I "turn off"
the emulation. And it seems to, like now the floppy drive is not plugged in,
nothing is plugged in, so it's not copying everything directly. Probably
just had it saved to its own internal RAM so that it doesn't have to load it
all completely off the floppy disk at first. I don't know, I'm just guessing.
Anyway, thank you very much for watching this little experimentation. Perhaps
you've already seen this done before. Maybe you've done it yourself, you've
been doing it for years and this is nothing new. But for me, it was at least
something a little different. And if you'd like to see my older video where I
covered plugging in a Model M into an Android device you can click that or
stick around to see any of my other videos, there's new ones every week.
And as always thank you very much for watching!
Poetic Lace - Clap It Up (Official Music Video) (@PoeticLace) - Duration: 3:59.♬
Clap your hands all you people!
Shout to God with voice of triumph!
For the LORD Most High is awesome!
HE is a great king all over the earth!
United Untied, you have been chosen to translate this message through the fine arts of human video.
God so up-tempo like an instrumental, It's time to murder this beat, call it incidental,
Premeditated murder should I call it that, The Holy Spirit said Lace go kill that,
I'm feeling that tell me girl did you get that,
I text back saying girl I can't hit that, Change my life baby girl yea He flip that,
They can't recognize me saying is that, P-Lae bringing change like a pocket,
Juice running through my soul like a socket, I heard the devil yelling Lace just stop it,
No sir God got me, locked in, That's right, poetic assassin,
God tell me go get em' then I make it happen, Put the Scripture to his dome ain't nobody laughing,
Now they repenting for their sins, forgiveness asking,
Make it clap for the Holy Ghost,
Let Him fill your whole body then we make a toast,
Put your blessed hands in the air then we cheer,
Jesus Christ in the building, the Champs here, Yea I'm feeling my Lord, that's right,
Looking for a better King, no sight, Hallelujah was the war cry all night,
Worship God in the Truth demons take flight, Wait, bring it back for my Samsons,
Messing with Delilah should abandon, Laying down with ol' girl got your hair cut,
Now you lost your strength, for what,
STD's a broken legacy, You say it felt good but it's temporary,
Sin brought death and it stole yo key, You were bought at a price and that cost ain't free
Beat for your lust, nailed for your lies,
Man we wouldn't see the light if the Son didn't rise,
He say man I got to church dawg I know I'm straight,
That's a got darn lie, hell's gate, Make it clap it for the Truth,
Covered in God's grace man I'm feeling bullet proof,
One time for the name, Jesus, All power in the God, I trust,
I must, say this, How gone win when you ain't right with Him,
What chu gone say when the King comes again, You traded His name just to live in yo sin,
Sex on Monday, lies on Tuesday, abuse on Wednesday, Bitter on Thursday, theft on Friday
drunk on Saturday, Sunday you in the church house,
But you ain't repent and yo tithe was some lent,
Cause you spent all yo money on them thangs that's for rent,
Status went up but you're near judgment, Yea you gained more fame but you're backbone bent,
Transform we need to Optimus Prime,
Decepticons we've been fighting for a long time,
Dark nights no batman can save us, But the power's in Christ that God gave us
What is man that God is mindful,
He wrote a love letter it's called the Bible, Turning water into wine, casting demons into swine,
You will never meet a man that can do it this fine.
King of all kings, Lord of all lords!
HE's the one true God every knee must bow. Please help me praise His holy name,
GLORY TO GOD man I'm so unashamed!! Make it clap for the Holy Ghost,
Make it Clap for the Most High, Make it clap for the Son of God,
His name is, Jesus the Christ…
Clap it up…
♬ Claps ♬
Charming Cottage Retreat Gets A Makeover on Mayne Island, British Columbia - Duration: 3:06.Charming Cottage Retreat Gets A Makeover on Mayne Island, British Columbia
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