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Honor Play vs OnePlus 6: GPU Turbo review | PUBG test | benchmarks - Duration: 12:11.hey this is sreehari from mr. phone and today we are doing a first detailed
performance comparison and for that we have the lovely honor play with us
honorably was just released by Huawei and we are pitting it against the very
popular the hotshot Android phone the one plus six so without any further ado
let's jump into this video if you're one of those people who like playing games
on your phones subscribe to our channel if you don't like playing games on your
phones you could still subscribe to our channel
since this was our first real performance comparison just like our
camera comparisons we wanted to be as meticulous as possible and for that we
have followed a certain set of standard procedures that we'll be following for
all our performance comparisons in the future so here's how we did it first we
ran three benchmarks namely and to do seven Geekbench four and three D marks
slingshot to see how these smartphones performed when tested on different
parameters that was followed by a 20-minute gameplay of pubsey on both
these phones the data for which was recorded by an application called game
bench which will give us accurate analytics on fps battery drain and
heating now the one plus six that we are using for testing has eight gigs of RAM
the Snapdragon 845 and the Adreno 630 GPU now the honor play has a kid in 970
chipset which is a flagship chipset from high silicon coupled with four gigs of
RAM on our model and a man EG 72 MP 12 GPU this GPU also comes with a special
GPU turbo feature which is one of the main reasons we are doing this
performance comparison and I'll talk in detail about it while we are doing that
performance comparison so now with all that out of the way let's go to war so
we began the tests by running some benchmarks starting with antutu and the
owner place code a respectable two hundred and seven thousand six hundred
and eighty nine but the one plus six just blew it out of the waters with the
score of two hundred and eighty five thousand which is just nuts now this was
completely expected because the carried 970 is more than
you're old when it comes to chipsets while the 8:45 is the latest and
greatest offering from Qualcomm but there is a very interesting thing going
on here last year's flagship from Qualcomm the
Snapdragon 835 in the 1 + 5 t scored 186 thousand somewhere around hundred and
eighty six thousand which means that this is a significantly more powerful
processor than last year's flagships this is also interesting because this
wasn't the case last year with the same process of the kid in 970 inside phones
like the owner view 10 so the honor of utens code only around 165 thousand
170,000 which means that while it's the same processor Huawei has worked hard on
it to improve the performance and it certainly shows now moving on we went to
Geekbench for after antutu and we see similar results the oneplus 6 earns a
single core score of 2421 compared to and 1895 on the honor play this is again
expected because the cryo 385 cores inside the snap lock in 845 are much
more powerful and mature compared to the cortex a 73 cores inside the keren 970
chipset coming to multi-core the same difference is reflected the oneplus X
comes in at eight thousand five hundred and eighty four and the honor play comes
in at six thousand five hundred ninety-one both these processors have
eight cores but still the massively powerful cry of 385 codes put the 8:45
in a different league itself that said the score of the honor play is no slouch
obviously when compared to the 845 it's a little bit low but when compared to
last year's flagship and even the best flagship radios like the note aid the
Samsung S II the Google pixel 2 and even the 1 + 5 t Rihanna play scores higher
which means that while it isn't anywhere close to the 845 it's still better than
all flagship released last year and the price is still half of what they cost
now after one year of price depreciation so that's really impressive
moving on to 3d mark where we tested slingshot used to primarily test out the
GPU the oneplus 6 uses the Adreno 630 GPU again a beast
compared to the mali g7 TMP 12 inside the honor play well the results
certainly agree the six cores of whopping six thousand two
hundred and seventy one and the honor play scores a little over half at 3501
well what's all this fuss about GPU turbo then right well I asked the same
question after looking at these results and the one reason that I could think of
was the GPU turbo might not have been activated for the 3dmark test so GPU
turbo has only been optimized for certain games so for example it's only
been optimized for pubsey and mobile legends as of now they are obviously
working to bring the support to more applications and more games
so basically GPU turbo is on when you're playing pub G but off when you're
playing as a faultline this probably is the case right here so GP turbo hasn't
kicked in when this benchmark was running hence the much lower score that
right now seems to be the only explanation also for the FPS numbers
because the FPS numbers on the honor plate topped out at 20 FPS compared to
of hopping 47 FPS on the 1 + 6 now that we've looked at all three benchmark
scores the one thing that's evident here is that the kilian 970 inside the honour
play is no match to the snapdragon 845 inside the oneplus 6 with scores too far
away to even compare that said the honor play in each of these tests called much
higher than any of the 2017 aka static in a 35 flagships including
the 1 + 5 t all these facts when considered along with the price make the
honor play are still really okay now that we've analyzed the benchmark scores
let's see how they translate to real-world usage now for this test we
played 20 minutes of pubsey again not because we love pubsey because we do but
mainly because the EPO turbo is optimized only for two games being pub G
and mobile legends so board for more is coming and actually Huawei which is on
as parent company is working on bringing more developers on board so that they
can get more games into the GPU turbo umbrella now
we also used game bench during this gameplay to record all the different
stats from FPS values heating to battery train and the results are more
surprising than you can imagine unfortunately we couldn't test without
GP o turbo out of the box because there's no way to turn it off so we
can't really compare GP turbo off to GP o turbo on but here is a comparison of
the honour play with the 1 + 6 20 minutes of pubsey gameplay
both the phones had a maybe an FPS of 40 which was expected from one place from
the 3dmark sling short test but the honor play I was surprised to see that
the honor place graph looks exactly similar to the 1 plus 6 impressive both
the phones also had an FPS stability of 96 and 97 percent on the honor play and
the 1 plus 6 respectively again something the CPU turbo promises and
clearly delivers on variability index in the FPS chart is the average of all
variations from median fps and even that is 1.06 on the 1 plus 6 and 1.2 it on
the honor play not really that different it's in stark contrast to benchmark
results where they were playing in different links altogether and here
there's very little separating the two both also drew very similar amount of
power from their lithium ion packs however on a plane and listen to this
very carefully is expected to give you 4 hours and 13 minutes of continuous
gameplay back before the battery drains out which is significantly higher than 3
hours and 23 minutes of continuous playback on the 1 plus 6 this is in part
due to the slightly bigger battery in the honor play but there's more to the
story the difference in battery size isn't
worth or most an extra hour of playback which means there's definitely something
else at play and that something else is gpo turbo for sure the maximum
temperature on the honour play touched 42 degrees compared to 39 degrees on the
1 plus 6 and if you were to play pop G at the same high settings with HDR
turned on you would get similar kind of performance on the 1 ballistics and the
honor play so a considerably better battery performance on the honour play
and slightly better thermal management on the 1 plus 6 although the one thing
that we have to note here is that the oneplus X is made out of glass and the
honor play is completely made out of metal so metal obviously dissipates heat
better so while the oneplus X doesn't get as hot the honor play cools down
quicker so basically the three primary things gpo tobu promised was if be a
stability check battery drain check and heating I think they've covered most of
it and I'm really happy and very impressed to see how well GPO dobo has
really picked up that processor truly the honor play is suited for gaming
because GPU turbo gives a fresh lease of life to the Molly G 72 MP 12 GPU
this is a part of kid in 970 and this Mali GPU was originally meant to compete
with the Adreno 530 last year but with intricate tweaks and a little bit of GPO
turbo boost it can how actually compete with the Adreno 630 which is crazy if
you think about it in fact a benchmark test by the website called notebook
check dotnet reveals that this cpu can only achieve a maximum of 32 FPS on pub
G but we ourselves have noticed that it achieves 40 fps without breaking a sweat
therefore GPU turbo not only improves battery efficiency but it can also
improve the FPS which is very cool also a little thing that I noticed is while
the CPU usage for the oneplus 6 was only around 11.5 6% the iana play used around
seventeen point eight seven which is almost 18% which means that the Mali GPU
is somehow taking the help of the processor probably for GPU turbo in some
way or basically maybe that is GPU turbo to perform at par with the Adreno 630
also probably one of the reasons for the higher temperatures now coming to ram
performance the one thing I have to tell you is that the one plus six we had had
eight gigs of RAM and the honor play we have for the testing is a 4 GB RAM model
since they both use low-power DDR 4x RAM with the 1 + 6 Ram clock a little higher
there is not much difference in performance which goes to show that
having more or even double the RAM in this case doesn't really affect the
gaming performance as such so now we are done with our testing and our first
gaming comparison and all I can say is that the honor play is very very very
impressive and it compares very well with the 1 plus 6 as you saw in its
tests and I am stoked now the one classics that we used for this testing
was an 8 GB RAM model with 128 GB storage it costs 40,000 rupees and the
horribly that we used was a four gig RAM model and I never in my wildest dreams
thought that I'd say this about the 1 + 6 but the owner play costs almost half
of what the 1 + 6 cost the 1 + 6 is a true flagship no question about that but
the honor play is significantly more value for money if you play a lot of
games is the honor play a good phone to buy otherwise well for a dancer you'll
have to wait for our full review that's coming soon so stay subscribe hit the
bell icon so that you know as soon as that video drops also very
interesting videos coming up the miedo launch is on it so please stay
subscribed and hit that Bell again if you don't want to miss any of those
videos so I guess with that we come to an end of our first detailed performance
comparison please let me know what you thought of this in the comments section
below also if you have any feedback or you think that we missed out on any
performance area or gaming area to test out please let us know that in the
comment section we'll be more than happy to take that feedback and make our
performance reviews even better for the future videos to come I'll also be doing
a full review of the honor place so please stay subscribe to our Channel and
also hit the bell again so that you know as soon as that video drops I'm very
sure that there will be a lot of discussion about this performance
comparison on a Facebook and especially on our whatsapp group so if you want to
join that conversation there is a link in the description join our whatsapp
group I am sure that you'll be more than happy to be there so I guess that's it
for this one thank you so much for watching
this is sreehari from mr. phone and i'll catch you in the next one
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Mr. Strange Kanji's Japanese Kanji lesson 3 - Duration: 5:01.Ikuman
Mr.Strange Kanji
Hey, I'm Hossy
Mr.Strange Kanji class starts now.
Lesson 3
I guess he will come in a weird way
As I thought, he came in a weird way
Okay, I am a teacher, Mr. Strange Kanji
I like strange things
Really like strange things
I will start a strange KANJI lesson
What kind of kanji?
Hossy, look
10%, 20%
30, 40, 50, 60, 70
80, 90
100%! Oh! he was transformed!
100% Kanji
100% Kanji
A hundred
Ah, I want a thousand yen
What? A thousand yen?
That's right
I would like a thousand yen.
I want a thousand yen
I want a thousand yen
What do you have in your hand?
The prefectural symbol of Chiba
For more information see the SYMBOL DANCE1 Japan Geography
Advertisement for the video of this channel!
The prefectural symbol of Chiba
The prefectural symbol of Chiba
A thousand (sen, chi)
What kind of kanji?
I really wish for a thousand yen
Are you still saying that?
I really want 1,000 yen
I really want 1,000 yen
What? Mr. Strange Kanji is round!
That's right
I'm round.
Just too much
Too round Mr. Strange Kanji
Too round Mr. Strange Kanji
circle, round, yen
What kind of kanji?
What happened?
A suicidal attack
Crush King of syogi
Crush King of shogi
What is it?
Oh, now it is a ...
That's me.
I knew it, Kanji
Kanji ball
Kanji ball
King of shogi, ball
What kind of kanji?
what? It is dark
what is happening?
Midnight now.
Kanji, where are you?
I'm here.
Oh my god!
In the middle of the night, Kanji in the center
In the middle of the night, Kanji in the center
Kanji is always strange
Thank you. I'm happy.
Despite saying you are weird, you pleased with it. It's really strange.
ha, ha, ha
Strange forces fill my body.
The power of pleasure broke the school.
Strange forces fill my body.
Strange forces fill my body.
Medium, middle, center, in, during
Today's lesson is over
See you
See you
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See you next time
See you next time
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