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64 | Um Susto para não Esquecer / Krka National Park (Croácia) - Sailing Around the World - Duration: 19:21.-------------------------------------------
How to Find a Mentor - My #1 Recommendation 🤩🤩 - Duration: 4:16.miss Susie had a steamboat the steamboat had a bell miss Susie went to heaven the steamboat
went to hello operator, give me number nine, does anybody remember that song as a kid?
What's up guys welcome back to my channel Kel Preston where I help you escape away to your dreams while laughing.
On this channel we talk about the journey to self-awareness through having a healthy mindset, good habits, and new ideas of course
So consider joining the community, click that subscribe button and Bell notification, and come become an escaper.
Quickly the blessing of the day is going to be that I am blessed to have a job.
So many people complain about having a job
but I went through so much adversity being here in Japan not being able to find a job because I'm a foreigner, and because I don't
have a bachelors. It just really taught me to like be really appreciative of what I have.
And now the universe has blessed me with an amazing job. Yeah girl.
So on this channel in the month of August, we are going to be talking about
self-awareness, but in today's video we are going to talk about
No Tana, we're gonna talk about Escaper mentors. Then what is an escape or mentor?
Well, let's first look at a definition of a mentor. A mentor according to Google is an experienced and trusted adviser
I don't like the definition of that. Liz Zernik Do not make fun of my accent.
Quickly, If you do not make it to the end of today's video
There is a free pdf of today's worksheet that is going to be covering over the topic that we are talking about today
I think that made sense
anyway, the definition of an Escaper mentor is
Anybody who is giving value to your journey and personal legend.
So basically like there's an infinite amount of people that can become your escaper mentor. So many freaking people
think that you have to like have a personal connection with somebody or you have to pay for somebody to be your mentor.
But honestly, that's just like something that's so unsound to me. Allow me to let you in on a little secret.
Books and the internet are your best friend.
Books are cheap and information on the Internet can be free.
So here's a list of some of my amazing escaper mentors. Jesus Christ, Buddha
Gandhi, Paulo Coelho, my mother,
My sister, Gary Vee, Lewis Howes, Gay Hendrick, the tooth fairy
No, but on a serious note guys. Notice among this list
there are people that are still living, people who are technically myths, people
I have a personal connection with, and people who don't know me but they contribute massive value to my personal legend
However, all of these things have one thing in common, and that's a spirit. Now
I'm not saying you have to believe in spirituality at all.
But what I am saying is that you probably should believe in somebody other than just yourself. If you only rely on yourself
how do you expect to learn and grow? This is why I think having Escaper mentors is important.
So in the description box down below I have provided another free PDF worksheet for you guys.
what I want you to do is to print this out and write down at least six Escaper mentors. And if you don't have
that many right now well again, the internet exists.
Also for the people who will be using my worksheets
I highly recommend to just like grab a folder and like start putting your worksheets in it and collecting them up.
I feel like it looked like the Cryptkeeper right now
And also, don't get it twisted Rebecca, we're in this community together
I'm not only creating these worksheets, but I'm also doing them myself. Anything I make content on
I'm also doing for my own self awareness journey as well.
Let me know in the comments down below who is an Escaper mentor that you have?
I want to know provide it a lot of us can see your comment and maybe acquire a new Escaper mentor and acquire some more knowledge
Definitely like and share this video If you think it'll help somebody out on their self-awareness journey
If you're new consider subscribing and becoming an escaper with all of us.
um I'm gonna go backflip in lava and be reincarnated and
DIY Toothpaste Fluffy Slime!! No Shaving Cream, No Glue, No Borax! MUST WATCH! Part 3 - Duration: 4:35.Please making subtitle contribution to your country
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Self-esteem, often known as self-worth or self-respect is a main reason behind personal success.
With no self-esteem, people can become highly demotivated and stressed towards a lot of
failures in life without living their lives to the fullest.
Then again, too much self-esteem too can harm your life by destroying personal relationships.
Very high levels of self-esteem will create a narcissistic personality that will be disliked
by the others in your life.
It is very important to balance it out in between, so let us find some ways to keep
us on the right level.
Number one.
Learn to let things go.
If you find something that makes you anxious or uncomfortable from the start, it is the
best to disconnect yourself from that.
It is very important to invest your time and everything into things that boost your motivation
into any matter.
Number two.
Take the driving seat in your life.
If you let your emotions control your life, you will undoubtedly become the backseat rider
and emotions will drive you anywhere.
Managing your life without allowing emotions to control your life will help you to develop
a better and a positive attitude.
Number three.
Keep a compliment jar.
You do not have to do this forever, but for a month, try to write one thing that you like
about yourself every day then put it into the jar.
Write everything you love about yourself, even your eye color and the best hairstyle
or the thing you do every day.
At the end of that month, open the jar and read all the compliments that you have written,
and this will help you to reflect on them.
Number four.
Live in the moment.
Low self-esteem is mostly a problem of having too much emphasis on things that cannot be
changed or events that are too far away in the future to predict.
IF you start putting yourself down by thinking that you are not fit or talented enough to
face the times far ahead, give up on those negative perceptions and start living for now.
Number five.
Beware of your negativity.
Sometimes through the times you socialize or deal with your day-to-day activities, you
will come across moments in your life that you feel that you are so negative about.
Take a deep breath and take a little moment off to respond to them with positivity.
Number six.
The "If" question.
A careful look at your situation and objective view of yourself will allow you to feel more positively.
With a positive feeling, you will always promote positivity.
So, ask yourself if someone else were in your position, would you make him or her feel negative.
Number seven.
Talk to yourself.
Take a moment every day off to talk with yourself like an adult.
Converse and find out why you feel like you do?
And how you can make the moment better without any verbal onslaughts.
Number eight.
Start a meditating plan.
Relax yourself a little to have some inner peace so that you can drop all your anxiety
related issues to become more positive.
Free your mind from everything for a brief moment, do this at least 15 minutes every day.
Number nine.
Maintain a journal.
Sometimes it's best to put your feelings out in a healthy way.
So next time, write all you feel in a personal journal and close it off without rereading it,
open the journal the only when you need to write again.
Number ten.
Stop judging.
People with low self-esteem tend to be negative in other areas in their lives.
If you ever find yourself criticizing and making negative comments about others, stop
this act at once.
Train yourself to be more positive and bright towards all areas in your life and to others.
These are some easy ten ways to maintain your self-esteem.
You can practice these easy ways without much hassle.
So thank you again for watching and see you again with another educational video soon.
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Cẩm Giang : Mừng Tuổi Mẹ .Đại Lễ Vu Lan Báo Hiếu & Dâng Y tại Tịnh Xá Ngọc Bửu - Duration: 5:11.-------------------------------------------
If You Know The Benefits Of This Herb You Will Amaze!! - Duration: 3:22.Apple Sangha is used in a whole gamut of home remedies that offer something for everyone
Along with curing acne and easing arthritis pain this stinky tangy
Sour tasting liquid can also tree also treat several health issues that are unique to women
To reap its many powerful benefits always look for a raw unfiltered
preferably organic apple cider vinegar that contains the mother because of its
Unpasteurized State good bacteria and enzymes are still present and boost its healthy properties
This type of vinegar is made in a two-step process
First crush apples are exposed to yeast which ferment the sugars and turn them into alcohol in the next step
Bacteria are added to the alcohol solution which helps ferment the alcohol and turn it into acetic acid
Acetic acid is one of the main active compounds in apple cider vinegar
It also has colic acid
catechin evocate a chain chlorogenic acid caffeic acid
Picou marek acid and for ralick acid health benefits come from its antioxidative
antimicrobial and the tumor and the obesity and the
Hypertensive and cholesterol-lowering properties all these properties and nutrients make apple cider vinegar
Highly beneficial for women here at the top five apple cider vinegar
One Pure's acne acne is a common problem in women according to the American Academy of Dermatology
more than 50% of women between the ages of 20 and 29 and more than
25% of women between the ages of 40 and 49 suffer from acne two pieces arthritis pain
Arthritis is a joint disorder in which one or more joints become inflamed
There are more than 100 different types of arthritis and related conditions
according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC
Women are more likely to develop osteoarthritis the most common form of arthritis
Than men especially after age 53
As this weight loss
Obesity is a big problem among women
according to the World Health
Organization more than 50% of women in urban Latin America and Caribbean are overweight BMI greater than or equal to
25 or
Obese BMI greater than or equal to 30 while in Africa and Asia Pacific the likelihood of being overweight or obesity
Rises with wealth levels in urban areas for treats polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS
Polycystic ovary syndrome PCOS is the most commonly occurring hormonal disorder in young girls and women of reproductive
Age especially those between the ages of 18 and 44 5
reduces bad cholesterol
One can have high cholesterol
However, women after menopause are at a higher risk, it is due to their increasing age as well as the hormonal changes associated with menopause
menopause also increases the risk for heart disease among women
If you liked the video tell us in the comment and share with your friends and for more recipes and tips subscribe to the channel
Origami Ninja Star (eight-pointed) Tutorial (Hyo Ahn) - Duration: 25:13.Hyo Ahn's Origami
Eight-Pointed Origami Ninja Star Copyrighted by Hyo Ahn
Level: Intermediate Base: Regular Octagon
Published on July 17, 2014 at www.origami-make.org
If you need text instructions, turn closed captions on!
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We will be using a 20cm x 20cm square paper here but you can use any sized square paper.
Prepare to apply a diagonal valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply a diagonal valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to apply another diagonal valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply another diagonal valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to turn the paper over.
Turn the paper over.
Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to apply a vertical valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply a vertical valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to apply a square-fold consisting of two valley-folds and one mountain-fold.
Apply a square-fold consisting of two valley-folds and one mountain-fold.
Prepare to apply a kite-fold consisting of two valley-folds.
Apply a kite-fold consisting of two valley-folds.
Prepare to turn the model over.
Turn the model over.
Prepare to apply a kite-fold consisting of two valley-folds.
Apply a kite-fold consisting of two valley-folds.
Prepare to cut the paper with a pair of scissors.
Cut the paper with a pair of scissors.
You have completed making a regular octagon.
Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.
Apply a horizontal valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to open the paper.
Open the paper.
Prepare to rotate the paper by 45 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 45 degrees.
Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.
Apply a horizontal valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to open the paper.
Open the paper.
Prepare to rotate the paper by 45 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 45 degrees.
Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.
Apply a horizontal valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to open the paper.
Open the paper.
Prepare to rotate the paper by 45 degrees.
Rotate the paper by 45 degrees.
Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.
Apply a horizontal valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.
Apply a horizontal valley-fold and then unfold.
Prepare to open the paper.
Open the paper.
Prepare to apply four mountain-folds and then unfold.
Apply four mountain-folds and then unfold.
Prepare to apply four valley-folds and then unfold.
Apply four valley-folds and then unfold.
Prepare to apply an outside reverse-fold.
Apply an outside reverse-fold.
Prepare to apply an outside reverse-fold.
Apply an outside reverse-fold.
Prepare to apply an outside reverse-fold.
Apply an outside reverse-fold.
Prepare to apply an outside reverse-fold.
Apply an outside reverse-fold.
Prepare to apply an outside reverse-fold.
Apply an outside reverse-fold.
Prepare to apply an outside reverse-fold.
Apply an outside reverse-fold.
Prepare to apply an outside reverse-fold.
Apply an outside reverse-fold.
Prepare to apply an outside reverse-fold.
Apply an outside reverse-fold.
Prepare to twist the mountain-folded crease lines.
Start twisting the mountain-folded crease lines.
Start pressing the model down while holding the mountain-folded crease lines.
Prepare to start to pull two opposite-sided crease lines in the opposite directions.
Do the followings: (a) Carefully and slightly pull two opposite-sided crease lines in the opposite directions. (b) Rotate the model by 45 degrees in the counter-clockwise direction. Do as many as of (a) and (b) to flatten the top.
Be sure to make the flattening will be symmetrical so that the center shape be a eight-pointed star.
Keep flattening the top until the shape becomes of a octagon.
Start pressing the top with your thumbs.
Iron the top with thumbs to make it completely flat.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a mountain-fold.
Apply a mountain-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a mountain-fold.
Apply a mountain-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a mountain-fold.
Apply a mountain-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a mountain-fold.
Apply a mountain-fold.
Prepare to apply a valley-fold.
Apply a valley-fold.
Prepare to apply a mountain-fold.
Apply a mountain-fold.
Repeat both valley-fold and mountain-fold to the rest of the flaps.
Prepare to turn the model over.
Turn the model over.
Prepare to apply eight mountain-folds.
Apply eight mountain-folds.
Prepare to turn the model over.
Turn the model over.
Congratulation! You have completed making an eight-pointed origami ninja star.
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