Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily Aug 6 2018

Hey PAW Patrol super fans!

Time to see how much you know about Skye.

Question one.

What vehicle does Skye fly when she takes to the sky?

[clock ticking]

You guessed it!

It's a helicopter!

This puppy's gotta fly!

You are an amazing pilot.

Next up: what does Skye love to say?

Is it "let's take to the pie",

"let's take to the sky",

or "let's take to the French fry"?

[clock ticking]

Yeah! It's "let's take to the sky".

Let's take to the sky!

OK, next question.

Is Skye afraid of eagles or beagles?

[clock ticking]

If you guessed eagles, you're right!

I'm not a fan of mean eagles.

But, this puppy's gotta fly!

Last question.

What's in Skye's pup pack?

Is it rings, wings, or springs?

[clock ticking]

Yep, it's her wings!

Ruff! Wings!

This pup's gotta fly!

Great job, super fan! You really know your stuff.

Great job, everyone!

You can watch more PAW Patrol in the free Nick Jr. app!

For more infomation >> How Well Do You Know Skye? 🚁 Take the PAW Patrol Super Fan Quiz! | Nick Jr. - Duration: 1:33.


Copy paste per month ₹30,000 earn without investment || Google shortlink URL work 🤑🤑🤑 || online - Duration: 2:04.

For more infomation >> Copy paste per month ₹30,000 earn without investment || Google shortlink URL work 🤑🤑🤑 || online - Duration: 2:04.


Tony Robbins: This Is Why You're Not Happy (very motivational) - Duration: 14:06.

I think the more important skill if you

ask me is to have an extraordinary as

the art of fulfillment it's an art it's

not a science because there's a science

to making money I don't care who you are

if you do certain things you're gonna

have too much financial stress you do

other things you're gonna have an

abundance there's a science there's a

science to your body everyone hears

biochemically different different genome

but there's certain fundamental patterns

that if you and I follow them you're

gonna have tons of energy in the field

good if you break them you're gonna pay

the price and have low energy or disease

but fulfillment is an art what's going

to fulfill you is differently at first

and next you're not gonna learn that

from anybody else you got to find it

because success without fulfillment is

the ultimate failure and I get those

phone calls all the time for the multi

billionaire entrepreneur or politician

or business person or a person just won

their Academy Award and they're

depressed and they can't tell anybody

because they got all their goals but

they're not fulfilled because they

really don't have that sense of meaning

in their life they went for something

and they got it they achieved and if you

doubt this what I'm saying is relevant

to you or us or anyone just think about

about a year and what a month ago we

lost what I consider be a national

treasure robbing wipes how many of you

loved robbing lives look around keep

your hands up look and most you didn't

know him almost every no worries on the

world people love robbed boys by the way

was he graded achievement oh my god that

guy he said he want to make become a

great comedian he did that I want to

make the world laugh he did I want to

make my own TV show he did I'm one of

the number one TV show he did it I want

to make movies he did I want an Academy

Award for not being funny not his skill

set drama and he did it I want a

beautiful family he did it and then he

hung himself

make everybody happy but yourself not a

good plan so if I had a gift to give you

it would be maybe make a different

decision and a decision is that no

matter what happens in your life you're

gonna live in a beautiful state a

beautiful state and that could be happy

that could be grateful that could be

being generous those are all beautiful

states aren't they it could be curious

it could be fun it could be playful

you're not limited to one state but it's

different than suffering and most people

suffering and all suffering I've ever

seen I've traveled 100 countries I've

dealt with presence of countries and you

know presidents of businesses CEOs I've

dealt with people in prison I got with

you name average people suffering always

comes because you're obsessed about

something related to you

you can only be depressed if you're

focusing on yourself so now I'm

depressed cuz my kids and and they're

not doing well no you're depressed cuz

you feel you've failed your kids it's

about you it's about how you think you

what you should have done or shouldn't

have done or what someone did to you or

didn't do to you in the past or the

future which don't even exist so I have

a simple goal my goal is help people

make a decision that says I don't know

what's gonna happen you might get a

divorce even though you don't think so

you might find a family of your family

with cancer you might have your house

get burned down or have a tornado go by

and if you live in the same place that

happens every two years and you move

back we should talk but some people seem

to do that for some reason you can't

control those things I can't control

those things I don't want those to

happen to you or anybody I love or

anybody who's even a stranger to me but

they're going to happen true not

positively just the truth so if that's

gonna happen I say make a decision now

that says I'm gonna live in a beautiful

state and I'm gonna find beauty and

whatever Life brings me because life is

too short not too


I care about you the fact that you're

not happy has nothing to do with what

you have or don't have the fact that

you're not happy is that your life

doesn't match the way you think it

should be and you have some idea of how

you think it should be and worse if

you're this depressed that for all this

time you feel like you can't do anything

you have no power to change it you feel


what's any of your life you really feel

happy about I want to think about it for

a moment truthfully

what's an area in your life today that

if you wanted to be happy about it you

really could feel proud about you could

feel like scenario you're doing darn

well in and if you're really hard on

yourself there's still an area what's an

area I want you to think of it right now

I want you to think of that area whether

it's your body or your finances or your

career or your intimate relationship or

your relationship with your kids your

relationship with your Creator whatever

it is I want you to think about why are

you happy with that air of your life

right now today why are you happy with

that area of your life right now today I

really think about whenever you're happy

with the air of your life it's because

right now your current life experience I

call your LC or life conditions

conditions of your life your life

conditions in that area match or equal

to your blueprint your story your belief

about how life should be in that area

when your life conditions when your life

conditions the way you're living your

life today does not match it doesn't


your blueprint your story of how it's

supposed to be then you're gonna have

disappointment frustration or pain if

your life is way different than the way

you think it's supposed to be you can

have enormous pain if it's a little

different you might feel stressed when

your life conditions don't match your

blueprint you're gonna have pain but

here's when you suffered well who here

has been through the dark night of the

soul who's been here in a situation

where you feel like like like life your

life isn't worth living or we feel like

a pain that just will never go away

we have an identity we have a story of

how we're supposed to be and if life

somehow gets in the way of that story we

feel pain but if we feel we have no

control that's when we go into suffering

see it's one thing to say my life

doesn't match my blueprint I gotta lose

weight that might stress you out or my

life doesn't match my blueprint I'm not

in a relationship I gotta get in one I

might motivate you even you might not

like it but you're gonna find a way

together with or my career doesn't

matter I should be you could change it

but when you start believing that your

life doesn't match your blueprint and

you have no control to change it you're

helpless that's when people suffer and

so this week for your breakthrough it's

a chance for you to start to take a look

at your blueprint anywhere you're really

having pain Hey look if you're doing

great in some area of your life

celebrate of course and I'm sure there

are many areas you are but life is

really a series of growth spurts I mean

two things in life make you feel alive

growing and giving because here's your

choice watch this now if you're

suffering if you're in pain your life

doesn't match how you think it should

day and you think you're helpless to

change it

now you have only three choices choice

one blame something these are three

choices when life doesn't match how you

think it should be blame something an

event someone else or yourself as we

talked about earlier in the series blame

games just destroy you there's no

progress in the plan for the moment you

feel okay but nothing changes what are

your real choices you only have two

choices in life if life doesn't match

your blueprint you either have to change

your life that is you gotta say you know

what my body isn't there I'm gonna go

work out my relationship is in there I'm

gonna change you know I'm not making

what I gonna make I'm gonna retool I'm

gonna get a new skill I'm gonna go back

to school I'm gonna start a business I'm

gonna do something you have to do

something to change your life or in

order for you to be happy if you can't

change your life you're gonna have to

change your blueprint usually a life and

requires a little bit of each does that

make sense and if you've changed your

take change your life and change your

blueprint you can have an extraordinary

life because all of us are gonna have

times in our life when what we want or

think life should be like isn't gonna

match how life really is those moments

if we blame our life goes into pain if

we change we can change our life and

match our blueprint but we have to also

know when it's not within our control

and that's how we're able to make a

shift we change what our story is for

our life what our expectations are not

by lowering them but by changing what

that model really is because your

blueprint is just a projection of what

you think you need to be happy but as

human beings were notoriously

ineffective at knowing that's gonna make

us out so much what we think we're gonna

make us happy we get there we go is this

all there is so many things that we

think are gonna make us miserable we can

never deal with we go through it we can

handle it we're not good at projecting

these things

why don't you fulfill your blueprint

regularly why don't you figure out how

to do what you always

you always dream to live a certain way

and now you live in that way living that

way living that way ever again

well the human nervous system human

spirit needs to grow so pretty soon

you'll get bored with that and you'll

come up with a new blueprint that's part

of the part of life that's exciting

see if you and I are from this day

forward are gonna be happy just remember

we've said it takes two things grow and

give a meaningful life comes from

growing that sense of progress and it

comes from having life not just be about

me but about we doing something that

makes me feel connected to other people

besides myself that growth that sense of

contribution fills a deep spiritual need

that we all have if you are unhappy in

your life you've got three choices

really to blame that's not a choice it's

not gonna work don't blame someone else

don't blame you that don't blame

yourself just figure out what you're

gonna do to change your life change your

blueprint you're gonna have to rewire

what's going on inside and that's what

we focus on as well so I hope this

journey has been an interesting one for

you I hope that's opened up your eyes to

what it takes to go from where you are

to where you want to be it takes

changing your emotional pattern to

change bringing presents to your life it

takes realizing you have no problems

compared to somebody else and putting

your life in perspective it takes the

ability to deal with those extreme

stresses that happen in your life by

questioning your limiting beliefs it

takes for you to be able to figure out

how to deal with crisis and how to turn

it around

it takes facing your fear it takes

pushing yourself through what used to

stop you it takes putting yourself in a

position where you connect to what's

more important than just yourself what

you value than just yourself and it

takes I think in this case also the

ability to realize that no matter what

happens to you you're more than that

moment you're more than the story you

think you're supposed to be and that

even when you're not matching what you

think you need to be maybe there's a

reason for that maybe you're having to

find a different part of yourself that's

gonna fulfill you in a much deeper level

sometimes failing to get your goal gives

you your destiny I can't tell you how

many people have known over the years

who have an idea but they thought their

life was supposed to be like and they

didn't achieve it they got miserable and

upset and frustrated and one day an

opening happened and they went oh my god

thank God that didn't happen sometimes

not getting your blueprints the best

thing that ever happened because the

disappointment drives you to find

something more important inside of you

or not getting it makes you look for

another aspect of your life a spiritual

aspect of a family aspect a physical

aspect if you can just trust that life

doesn't happen to you it happens for you

then you can find in any situation a

benefit that can take your life to the

next level I don't care if you're Frank

and Kristen I don't care if you're you

know Mandy and Scott I don't care if

you're Joaquin and Kim every one of us

in our life is gonna feel faced

situations where it feels like we have

total trauma something that's been taken

from us the real question is what are

you gonna do with it some people just

live in the story of what they don't

have and they have the right to do that

if Frank and Kristen lived in pain and

felt bad we'd all say they have the

right to do it it's a difference doing

what you have the right to do and what

you deserve to give yourself and others

we have the ability to transcend

whatever happens to us there's something

called post-traumatic growth very few

people know about it two people go

through the same stress one's destroyed

the other grows what's the difference

the people that grow will not give up

they don't have any excuses they find

the way to break through whatever it

takes and when they do three things

happen number one they realize who they

really are and what they're capable of

they realize there's so much stronger

than they thought they were and number

two they deepen all their relationships

you want to know who really cares about

to who you love and who loves you go

through some tragedy go through some

hard times all your Facebook friends go

away your real friends your real family

shows up for you and you show up for

them and it deepens your relationships

and the third thing happens if you could

push yourself through and break through

whatever challenges life gives you is

each time you ever break through to get

stronger and it almost like builds a

psychological immunity in you where

suddenly all of a sudden it's like stuff

happens you know stuffs gonna happen and

you're not scared of it anymore cuz

after you've been through a stroke after

you've been through you know losing the

use of some of your body or senses after

you lose a family member and you break

through to that you get to the other

side it's like give me your best shot

life it's almost like there's this

psychological immunity that says I'm

ready for whatever life will give me I

don't want challenges but if they're

here I know I can handle them that

strength of spirit is what creates a

sense of freedom and joy in life and

that strength of spirit basically comes

from living a life where you are

constantly a never ending thing you way

to improve yourself and to help others

and never settle for less than you can

be never settle for less than you can

give or you can share




For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: This Is Why You're Not Happy (very motivational) - Duration: 14:06.


Live PD: Get Out of the Car (Season 2) | A&E - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Get Out of the Car (Season 2) | A&E - Duration: 4:36.


Akshay Kumar Lifestyle, Family, House, Cars, Net Worth And Biography 2018 - Duration: 9:56.

Akshay Kumar Lifestyle, Family, House, Cars, Net Worth And Biography 2018

For more infomation >> Akshay Kumar Lifestyle, Family, House, Cars, Net Worth And Biography 2018 - Duration: 9:56.


NASA's TESS Catches a Comet - Duration: 1:37.

[This is early data from the testing phase of NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).]

[It captured not only a comet, but also a number of other interesting features.]

[NEOWISE Comet C/2018 N1]

[Notice how the comet tail changes direction.]

[This change is due to the solar wind.]

[These are variable stars whose brightness changes over time.]

[All the other fixed spots are stars. Their appearance results from image processing that

makes the comet and variable stars more visible.]

[TESS even saw a faint wisp of reflected light coming from Mars.]

[Last, but not least, this view is filled with asteroids. They're visible as small moving white dots.]

[Quickly running the video back and forth makes their movement more apparent.]

For more infomation >> NASA's TESS Catches a Comet - Duration: 1:37.


Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - August 04, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 21:54.

For more infomation >> Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - August 04, 2018 | NBC Nightly News - Duration: 21:54.


Nightcore - Losers - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:34.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Losers - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:34.


Are Term Limits For Congress Unconstitutional? - Duration: 3:37.

I want to take a question from Twitter right now.

If you have a question, you can send to us using the hashtag: #AskROF.

This one came in a couple days ago.

It's actually directly pointed at something I have addressed in the past, which is my

support for term limits for members of Congress.

Here's the question.

It comes from Daniel Pareja, @nobthehobbit.

It says, "#AskROF, you say you support term limits, @farronbalanced, and haven't heard

a good argument against them.

But what about the fact that they're inherently anti-democratic?

They literally prevent voters from electing the person of their choice if that person

has served too long.

By that logic, using the exact same argument that you are using, presidential term limits

would be deemed un-democratic.

If you wanted to vote for somebody that had already served two full terms, you couldn't.

So no.

I don't buy that argument either.

I appreciate you taking the time to ask it.

I understand what you're trying to do here, but again, I don't find that to be a good


We have a government system set up in such a way that we do not have kings or queens.

Anyone who can wield too much power over the entire country.

Checks and balances, I believe it's called, and when you have someone who serves for,

I don't know, 30 years in the Senate like John McCain, 25 years in the House, 24, 20?

That person gains so much power that they basically become an unstoppable force with

unstoppable influence over Congress, and over the President of the United States, and being

there for so long, they get to direct people because of all the power they amass over time.

That is how it works.

You amass more power over time.

You also end up with control over who gets placed in the judiciary.

So, some of these people that have been there for so long, they have almost absolute power.

It doesn't matter who the President is.

It doesn't matter which party controls the chamber.

And that's the problem.

When you have somebody that's been in DC for 20, 30 years; they know all the lobbyists.

They know who they work for, they know their family histories, they become good buddies

with them.

They lose track, and this is the most important part; of what's happening back home, what's

happening outside that DC bubble, because they only make occasional trips to do some

campaigning or to go on vacation.

They're not back home, living.

But if we were to take people, average people, and give them a shot ... And also, for the

record, it basically makes them unbeatable in any re-election that they come up to, right?

Somebody who's been there for 30 years, very unlikely that they're just going to get voted


It does happen.

Very unlikely, again.

So they have absolute power.

They lose track of what average Americans are going through.

They spend all their time in the DC bubble, hobnobbing with the lobbyists and all the

rich folk, and they forget.

We need to make it more representative.

Switch people out, get people with different life experiences.

That is why I support term limits.

Thank you for your question.

We'll be right back.

For more infomation >> Are Term Limits For Congress Unconstitutional? - Duration: 3:37.


5 Signs of an Online Scam: Red Flags to Look for When Looking for Work from Home - Duration: 13:27.

- Hey, Angie Nelson here from

Today we're going to be talking

about a really important subject,

and that is how to avoid work at home scams.

Now, a lot of people come to me,

and they're usually in either one of two camps.

They either think that everything is a scam

when it comes to work at home jobs,

or they're willing to give almost anything a shot

in order to make the big bucks,

without giving it much thought,

or kind of avoiding those red flags at all costs.

So today we're going to be talking

about what some of those red flags are,

and why they should indicate that a potential job

is actually a scam, as opposed to something legitimate.

And please make sure you stay to the end of the video

to find out how you can learn more

about some great jobs that we know to be legitimate

that you can apply to with confidence.

Now the first red flag that we're talking about today

is the one that usually gets people into a lot of trouble.

And that is what I like to call the stink test.

When you are looking for a work at home job,

you're going to run into a lot of things

that really sound too good to be true,

and that should be your first indication of a scam.

If there is a job that you come across

that is really easy easy work,

that requires minimal brain power,

it's just kind of going through the motion,

and it sounds like it's going to be super simple,

but the job's going to pay you a whole lot of money,

it's probably a scam.

There's just no reason to offer a lot

of these entry level positions

with a really big hourly rate.

There's a lot of competition in the online world,

and a lot of these companies today

are able to outsource some of these

really entry level tasks overseas.

So there's really not any reason for them

to offer something like data entry

with a $75 per hour hourly rate.

Now another thing that you want to keep an eye open for,

something we're running into right now,

is the supposed employers asking you

to open an account somewhere in order to receive payment.

I've heard of them asking you to open an account,

and maybe buy a gift card at iTunes,

or maybe do a wire transfer, something like this.

It's really fishy, this isn't something that you

would run into with a regular, traditional employer,

so it should raise a red flag to you

if you're running into it with a potential online job.

Why would you need to open an iTunes account

to get paid?

There's really no reason for it,

and it should be a signal of a scam to you.

Now the reason that this gets people into trouble

in most cases is because we seem to see

an influx recently of these potential employers

wanting to do interviews on things like Facebook Messenger

or in some other kind of a chat situation,

and what happens in these instances

is these turn into a really high pressure situation,

and they're trying to make you do these things

before you have the opportunity to give it a second chance,

or give it some extra thought,

or maybe do some more research

into who you're applying with.

That should be a big red flag to you.

If you are in one of these positions

where somebody is putting a lot of pressure on you

to give some personal information,

or to open an account somewhere,

or to do something else and it has to be right now,

that should be a red flag,

and it should also raise a red flag to you

if you're getting one of these people contacting you

that's wanting to do an interview

by Facebook Messenger or a chat box somewhere,

where you're not really knowing who you're speaking with.

Why would they be conducting an interview like this?

If a company is going to want to conduct an interview with you,

it's going to either be on the phone

or in many cases these days we're seeing it

being a video interview where they want

to chat with you face to face.

I don't trust chat boxes, and neither should you.

The reason that you shouldn't trust those chat boxes

is because you don't have any idea who you're speaking with.

Anybody can set up a chat box or a Facebook page,

or a Facebook profile and say that they're working

for a company when you have no way to know for sure.

And that is something that should

really be a red flag for you.

If these people are trying to hide their identity,

if they're sending you to a website to apply,

but there's no contact information on that website,

there's no physical address, there's no phone number,

those are all things that should

make your gut instincts give you a little bit

of a red flag there, that you need to proceed with caution.

You should always have a way to contact a company.

You should always be able to do some extra research on them.

In many cases, that's going to be coming

from that contact information that you're able

to find on their website so you know

that they do have a physical location somewhere.

Now a big scam that I'm seeing a lot

in my community right now is a mystery shopping scheme.

What's happening is that these people

are receiving money orders or cashier's check

in the mail from companies that they haven't heard of,

or done any work for, and it's coming

with a list of instructions that they need to follow,

and the first thing they need to do

is go cash this money order or cashier's check.

Well if you haven't done any work for a company,

they're not going to send you a blank check.

That's just plain and simple the way that it is.

Because how are they going to guarantee

that you're actually going to do the work?

No legitimate company is going to send you

just a huge thousand dollar check

in hopes that you're going to perform some kind of task.

It's not going to happen.

If you're receiving a check or money order in the mail,

that should be a huge red flag for you.

In most cases what these companies want you to do

is go cash that cashier's check or money order,

and then you're supposed to buy something,

and in most cases you're supposed to send back

the remainder of the money to them.

Well what happens is that by the time

that your bank finds out that this money order

or cashier's check is fraudulent,

you've already sent money back to these people,

and those people are gone,

and now you're on the line for this check

that you've cashed,

and you're also going to be out any money

that you sent to them,

because you're going to be responsible.

You're the one who cashed the check.

Your bank's either going to take it out of your account,

and even if you don't have an account,

you're probably going to need to

give this check cashing place your I.D.,

in order to cash the check,

and they're going to sue you for that money,

and it's then going to be your responsibility

to turn around and sue whoever it is

that sent you this check.

But the problem is that person's gone.

They probably sent this to you under a fake name,

or a fake company address, and you're never

going to be able to track that person down.

But you're going to be on the line

for whatever amount it is that you have cashed

in the first place.

So don't fall into this, if you don't know

who the company is and you're all of a sudden

receiving checks in the mail out of nowhere,

don't cash them.

You can do some investigation online

to find out who it is, or take it right back

to your post office and let them know that you've

received this money and you don't know

where it came from.

They'll be able to help you out

as far as getting it tracked down and reporting it

if it is actually a fraud.

Now some things that you can do to protect yourself

from these work at home scams is do your research.

There's a lot of research and reviews

that are available online, all you have to do

is open up your Google search and start

checking out the companies that you're applying to.

You can check the Better Business Bureau.

Another place that I love to check is Glassdoor.

Glassdoor allows the independent contractors

and employees of a company to leave their own reviews

about their experiences working with the company.

Now we are talking about reviews,

I do want you to take them with a grain of salt.

One thing you always need to keep in mind

with online reviews is that happy people

don't usually go out of their way to leave them.

Usually the people that are complaining

are going to be people that are just doing that,

they're complaining, they have a complaint

against the company so they're making sure

that someone else is listening to them,

and a lot of times what we see with these reviews

are really personal things, individual experiences,

and we're all unique so our experiences

are going to be different.

Maybe they had a problem with their supervisor.

Maybe they didn't get along,

they had different personalities,

so they didn't mesh well in a working situation.

Maybe the hours weren't good for them,

or the scheduling didn't work out.

Those are all things that maybe

they weren't good for that person,

but maybe they'll work out perfectly for you.

So when you're looking at for reviews online,

I want you to make sure that

you're not looking for excuses.

I know we get in that position often times

in our head where we're scared of moving forward

so we kind of look for any excuse we can

to not have to take that next step

that's outside of our comfort zone.

Do your research, read the reviews,

but always keep in the back of your mind

that that's one person's experience.

Your experience could be totally different.

Now if you are running across those red flags

of people not getting paid for work that's been performed,

or maybe there's some other big serious issue,

definitely keep those in mind when you're moving forward.

But if it's just someone's personality conflict

or a scheduling conflict or things like that

that are unique to one person,

please just take them with a grain of salt.

Another thing that you can do is make sure

that you're keeping your job search to legitimate sites.

I've spoken about Flexjobs in several videos,

that's a very legitimate job board

in order to source leads.

They do all the research for you,

they make sure all the positions

and the companies are legitimate,

and they do have some kind of a flex capacity,

so that is a good place to keep an eye on for leads.

It is a paid job board but they do make sure

everything is on the up and up,

so you can just get in their and apply

to jobs with total confidence.

Now those are just a few of the scams

that we see quite frequently online,

and a few red flags that you should watch out for.

There are hundreds if not thousands

of totally legitimate companies out there

that are looking for work at home agents,

so don't think that everything that you see online

is going to be a scam.

It's not, it's just a matter of doing your research,

and also listening to your gut,

that's something that we should all be doing,

if something sounds too good to be true,

it probably is.

If someone is trying to force you,

back you into a corner and you have to make

a decision right now, that's going to be a red flag as well.

And also if something just seems fishy,

if they want you to sign up

for some weird account somewhere,

or if they are wanting you to perform an interview

over something like a Facebook Messenger

or some other social platform messenger,

those are things that should be red flags.

You should always be able to take your time

and do your research and that's something that companies

should be really open and transparent about.

They should let you know who they are,

who you'll be working for,

what kind of work you'll be performing,

and what you can expect to be paid.

Those are all things that you should be able

to get some information on

before you go ahead and give out any personal information.

Now if you have any further questions about scams

or maybe you want to share your experience

with one that you've ran into,

feel free to leave me a comment before.

I'll also leave you some additional links

to some more information and where you can

do some additional research in the description below.

Now if you liked today's video,

please give it a like and share it

and make sure you're subscribed to my channel

so you'll get notification of the next video.

Until then, I wish you best of luck

in your work at home job search.

For more infomation >> 5 Signs of an Online Scam: Red Flags to Look for When Looking for Work from Home - Duration: 13:27.


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Easy Vinyl project featuring the Martha Stewart Cricut | Michaels - Duration: 1:11.

- [Narrator] I love to add my personal touch to everything.

Don't you?

The Martha Stewart special edition Cricut Explore Air 2

makes it easy and fun.

You can cut many materials including adhesive vinyl.

Choose your design and customize it with ease.

Ready, set, make.

The fine point blade cuts cleanly every time.

Use as many colors as you want.

There are countless options to choose from.

Just remove the excess vinyl, apply transfer tape,

and place your decoration.

See how the different colors line up exactly?

Decor with a professional finish.

Want a different look?

Just peel it off and start all over again.

Have fun.

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Escape to Wild Idaho - Duration: 2:42.

- [Narrator] When I was young all my favorite stories

were about the wild places.

Untouched wilderness with winding rivers and big valleys

that made you feel you were apart of something much bigger.

Now in a world of concrete walls, cubicles, and screens,

I daydreamed about these places and often wondered

if they even exist anymore.

But there are dark skies that are untouched by city lights.

And nothing for miles but you, a quiet lake,

and the mountains.

Where the day wakes you up with the sun.

And a promise.

- Good morning. - Morning.

- [Narrator] Of an adventure.

(inspiring music)

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