Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily Aug 7 2018

Ok gather around and i will tell you a very special story

There was a farmer who had a dog, And Bingo was his name-O.




And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a dog who loved to play In the park all day




And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a dog who loved to swim And splash in the pond




And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a dog who hid his bone In the neighbours garden




And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a dog who chased his tail Round and round he went




And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a dog who barked at cats Howling and bawling

And Bingo was his name-O! "

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O! "




And Bingo was his name-O! "

Bingo, where is that dog ha? there he goes chasing his tail again...

We will catch you later everybody...

For more infomation >> Bingo Dog Song | Little Eddie | Cartoon Videos For Children - Duration: 1:03:15.


Loveratri Ke Trailer Launch Par "Salman Khan" Ne "Ayush Sharma" Ke Debut Par Kahi Badi Baat - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Loveratri Ke Trailer Launch Par "Salman Khan" Ne "Ayush Sharma" Ke Debut Par Kahi Badi Baat - Duration: 2:33.


திருமணமான 35 நாளில் குழந்தை பெற்ற மனைவி கணவர் என்ன செய்தார் தெரியுமா ? Latest Tamil Seithigal - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> திருமணமான 35 நாளில் குழந்தை பெற்ற மனைவி கணவர் என்ன செய்தார் தெரியுமா ? Latest Tamil Seithigal - Duration: 2:15.


How to Ask Do You Need a Housekeeper? - Duration: 7:12.

Angela Brown: How do you ask a homeowner if they need a housekeeper?

That's a great question, and we're going to talk about that today.

Hi there. I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.

This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,

and I get to help you find an answer.

Now today's show is brought to us by

and it's no surprise that this is a hub where house cleaners and homeowners connect.

It's not just house cleaners either.

It's actually professional organizers and landscapers and people who service the home.

So there's a homeowner, and he's got a house with lots of responsibility, and he has a

business, and he's super busy, and he's like help, I can't do my own grocery shopping,

and I can't mow my own yard, and I don't have time to clean my house, and I need some help.

So, he goes to

and he types in whatever it is he's looking for,

a house painter, pest control, HVAC, somebody to fix his heating and air conditioning,

a house cleaner, whatever.

They look for people they need that come help them at their house,

All right, here's the question from our house cleaner.

Speaker 2: How do I ask a homeowner if they need a housekeeper?

Angela Brown: All right.

This is a trick question, because if you ask anyone do you need a house cleaner, the answer

will always be ... ta-da, no.

No, I don't.

Because they're not in the market to buy a housekeeper or a house cleaner.

When they are in the market, then they will be asking.

So there's a really fine line of how do you get in front of the person who's buying.

The answer is you don't because how do you know when someone's buying?

So if you wait until that moment where someone says hey, I need a house cleaner, you're already

a day late and a dollar short because they've already gone online, and they've probably

already called someone, and they probably already have some bids set up where somebody

is going to come to their house and give them a free estimate.

So what happens is if you let people know that you clean houses, and you let them know

again and again and again, this is called marketing.

And you cannot be in business unless you market.

I know there are a lot of house cleaners that think they can just show up and clean houses

and by referral only, they will work.

Okay, if you are amazing at what you do, that is true.

But there's also this underlying current of marketing that goes on.

There are things as a business owner you have to do every single day to keep your brand

out in the market so that when somebody is ready to hire you, they can then jump on the

phone or jump on the internet, find you on HouseCleaning360, and close the deal.

But they're not going to hire you until they need you.


It's like needing a new pair of shoes.

You're not going to run to the store and buy a new pair of shoes because someone said,

hey, there's a shoe sale going on.

If you don't need shoes, it doesn't apply to you.

And the same goes with house cleaning.

And so there's no way you're going to know when people need your service.

But if you run a flier and then in the same neighborhood, a few months later, you run

another flier, and then a few months later in the same neighborhood, you run another

flier, these people have a few versions of your flier, and they will hire you when they

are ready, okay?

A lot of times people will use things like where they say I'm searching

for a house cleaner.

And then the neighbors that have hired you that are happy with your work, they will jump

on go oh, you should choose my house cleaner.

So the neighbor's recommending you.

The neighbor's doing the heavy lifting.

It's not you going, "um, hi, I'm Angela, and I'm hoping that you need a house cleaner."

They're going to go "uh, no, I don't."

People are not asking someone and just saying hey, do you need a house cleaner.

The answer is always no.

A better question is "who do you know who..." and then get very specific.

I know a house cleaning woman, and she specializes in moms with new babies.

So she says; "Who do you know that's pregnant or has new babies?"

and they're like "oh, two of my neighbors."

"Do they ever need an extra hand?

I know sometimes moms get real harried with a new baby, and there's no time to sleep,

and they're just burned out, and they just need an extra set of hands."

"Oh yeah, I was talking to my neighbor the other day..." and "hey, would you give her my card?

If she needs my help, I'm available, but I only have one opening."

And then you let your neighbor know.

You're not going to the lady, knocking on her door, going "hey, are you harried?

Are you burned out?

Are you under slept and you need some help?"

That might be the case, but if she's not looking, she's not going to be receptive to you.

You're a salesman.

But if her friend goes to her and is like; "Oh my goodness, you're not going to believe

who I just talked to, I just talked to this house cleaning lady that I met in our neighborhood.

waiting at the school bus for the kids.

And she said she has one opening, and she specializes in moms with new babies."

The lady will go; "well, that sounds like me.

I need her help. Do you have her card?"

"I do, here it is."

And it's an organic conversation that happens between your neighbors that are in the neighborhoods

where you work and not you.

This is not you going door to door going "hi, do you need a house cleaner?"

And I know house cleaners that have been successful at that, but if you do go knocking door to

door, you better very well be prepared for the no soliciting signs, and some people may

slam the door in your face.

But you're going to get really, really good at selling because in order to prevent doors

from getting slammed in your face, you got to have some kind of amazing sales pitch.

So if you're not great sometimes selling, and you're not good at asking questions, ask

everybody you know, hey who do you know who has new babies or whatever the area is that

you specialize in.

And my recommendation is that you do niche down, and you do specialize because if you

just have general house cleaning, that's like general anything.

Hey, do you need to go to the store?

Well, for what, you see?

You don't just go to the store to go to the store.

You go to the store because there's something specific you need.

You ran out of milk.

So when you go to the store, you're looking for milk.

It's not just I'm going to go wander around the store and see if something pops up.

That's not how people buy.

So if you just hey, I'm a general house cleaner, do you ... you know.

That's not how people buy.

So you want to make sure that you're very specific about what it is you offer, and then

do it on a regular basis.

Marketing is part of your business.

It's a huge part of your business.

And it doesn't have to cost a lot of money.

There are a lot of things you can do that build your brand that keep you visible in

the public eye that it's just again and again and again, so that when people are ready to

hire a house cleaner or a housekeeper, who is the first person that comes to their mind?

And if the answer is you, you're hired.

So my suggestion to you is be the first person that comes to their mind, and that is how

you ask someone if they need a housekeeper.

All right, that's my two cents for today, and until we meet again,

leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

For more infomation >> How to Ask Do You Need a Housekeeper? - Duration: 7:12.


Κρύων - Προβλέψεις - Duration: 15:23.

For more infomation >> Κρύων - Προβλέψεις - Duration: 15:23.


The Pill And Depression | What You Need To Know - Duration: 13:42.

For more infomation >> The Pill And Depression | What You Need To Know - Duration: 13:42.


Markus Söder unbeliebtester Ministerpräsident -NewsEpress- TV - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Markus Söder unbeliebtester Ministerpräsident -NewsEpress- TV - Duration: 10:28.


דבר אלוהים | אלוהים עצמו, הייחודי ח' אלוהים הוא מקור החיים של כול הדברים (ב') חלק 1 - Duration: 31:21.

For more infomation >> דבר אלוהים | אלוהים עצמו, הייחודי ח' אלוהים הוא מקור החיים של כול הדברים (ב') חלק 1 - Duration: 31:21.


🔥Automatic machine for packaging in doy pack packages DP-30 extra video 1 - Duration: 4:26.

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For more infomation >> 🔥Automatic machine for packaging in doy pack packages DP-30 extra video 1 - Duration: 4:26.


TOO DEAR LEO TOLSTOY - Duration: 17:52.

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Please like, share and subscribe my videos,

Please like, share and subscribe my videos,

For more infomation >> TOO DEAR LEO TOLSTOY - Duration: 17:52.


もっとタイヤ点検を! 安全運転の大前提 オートバックスの診断アプリも〈PR〉 - Duration: 11:41.

For more infomation >> もっとタイヤ点検を! 安全運転の大前提 オートバックスの診断アプリも〈PR〉 - Duration: 11:41.


✅ Victoria Beckham, svelato il segreto della sua linea - Duration: 3:22.

 LONDRA – Victoria Beckham, una delle stiliste più cool del pianeta, a 44 anni mantiene una linea più che snella: su Instagram ai suoi 21

8 milioni di followers ha rivelato che fa palestra almeno due ore al giorno, [blitz clicca qui – Oggi, App on Google Play] a colazione mangia un mix di cereali con latte di mandorla e alcune gocce di un dolcificante liquido aromatizzato

 Il dolce segreto della si chiama "Sweet Drops", la stevia all'aroma di cioccolato, priva di calorie

Ma cos'è che differenzia la stevia in gocce dagli altri dolcificanti? Sostituisce lo zucchero in modo sano

Aspartame, saccarina, sorbitolo e sucralosio sono derivati chimicamente e possono lasciare un retrogusto amaro, mentre l'estratto di stevia è ottenuto dalle foglie essiccate della pianta della famiglia del Chrysanthemum originaria del Paraguay, dunque una dolcezza di origine naturale

 L'edulcorante estratto dalla pianta di stevia ha un potere dolcificante 200 volte superiore a quello dello zucchero, ma non contiene calorie

La personal trainer Louise Parker, che ha tra le sue clienti famose Kate Middleton, sostiene che la stevia sia un elemento essenziale delle sue diete

"E' ottima per dolcificare tutto, si limitano le calorie e nel fine settimana ci si può concedere uno strappo senza sentirsi in colpa: una fetta di torta o un bicchiere di vino", ha detto al Daily Mail

     Prima di lanciarsi nell'acquisto di decine di bottigliette di stevia in ogni aroma possibile è bene sapere che potrebbe esserci un problema

Alcuni studi dimostrano che i dolcificanti possono confondere il corpo e il cervello e, sebbene contengano calorie zero, potrebbero comportare un aumento di peso

   I dolcificanti artificiali, dicono alcuni esperti, danneggiano il delicato equilibrio dei batteri nell'intestino

Ciò fa scattare l'attività ormonale che può condurre a trattenere il grasso. Amelia Freer, nutrizionista che segue anche Victoria Beckham, avverte che "l'uso regolare di edulcoranti incoraggia le papille gustative a desiderare più zucchero"

Quando ricevono segnali dell'arrivo di cibi dolci, il corpo prepara un afflusso di glucosio, innescando una serie di risposte ormonali e metaboliche pronte a gestire un aumento di zucchero nel sangue

 Ma se non arrivano alimenti zuccherini, a quel punto l'appetito e il desiderio di cibo vengono stimolati

Molti nutrizionisti consigliano di usare gli edulcoranti con parsimonia allo scopo di ridurne gradualmente la dipendenza

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