Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily Aug 7 2018

Let's get to some news here.

I saw that President Trump is now on vacation

at his New Jersey golf club

and he won't be back in the White House until August 13th.

He's basically like your coworker

who uses up all his vacation days

'cause he knows he's about to get fired.

You know? It's like, "I'm gonna go right now.

I'm gonna go quick."

[ Cheers and applause ]

And you can tell Trump was excited to get away.

Check out what he was saying before he left. Watch this.

-♪ Vacation, all I ever wanted ♪

♪ Vacation, have to get away ♪

♪ Vacation, meant to be spent alone ♪

-Oh. Wow.

[ Cheers and applause ]

He loves The Go-Go's. He loves The Go-Go's.

I didn't -- Yeah.

But Trump was very busy this weekend.

On Saturday night, he spoke at a rally

in the auditorium of an Ohio high school.

After listening to his speech, the school's English teacher

was like, "Be in my office Monday morning. Okay."

-"Covfefe?" -"Not a word."

I saw that during the rally,

it seemed like it was pretty hot inside.

I don't know if you saw this.

Take a look at what Trump said about it.

-Now, it is rather hot. Here's the good news.

You walk out, you lose about 10 pounds,

and you say, "That was really very good."

That beats going to a gym, right?

It's hot!

So much for my brand-new beautiful suit.


[ Laughter ]

What? I...

"It's getting hot in here!

Take off all of your beautiful suits!

I love Nelly."

"I love everyone on 'Little House on the Prairie.'

I love everyone."

Hang on. Can we see Trump's face again?

[ Laughter ]

He looks like a caramel apple that was left out in the sun.

It's like -- Face is melting!

[ Applause ]

At another point in the rally, Trump talked about the elite

and explained why he's more elite than the elite.

Check it out.

-And then you hear, "The elite has just said..."

The elite? They're more elite than me?

I have better everything than they have,

including this.

[ Laughter ]

-"Including this!

Whatever this is called. Whatever this is called.

I have that, too, that.

I have better everything!

Better ingredients, better pizza. Papa Don's."

[ Laughter ]

[ Applause ]

You guys hear about this?

On Friday night, Trump sent a tweet insulting LeBron James.

Check it out.

Yeah, President Trump called Don Lemon

the dumbest man on TV.

Trump was like, "There's only room for

one dumb Don on TV.

That was me. 'The Apprentice.' 2004-2015."

[ Cheers and applause ]

Guys, tomorrow night is the premiere

of an all-new season of "Bachelor in Paradise."

[ Cheers and applause ]

I think it's funny.

If you meet someone on "Bachelor in Paradise,"

it's the only situation where you lie

and tell people you met on Tinder.

Do you know -- That's a true thing. That's a true statement.

[ Applause ]

Some tech news.

I saw that the Amazon Echo will now notify you

when it learns the answers to your old questions.

It backfires when you have friends over,

and Alexa says, "To answer your question,

Cialis is covered by insurance."

And you go, "Who? The kids. Heh-heh!

The dog must be using, uh..."

You guys see this?

During a San Diego Padres game the other day,

a woman started dancing on the jumbotron.

And her son looked pretty embarrassed.

Take a look at this.


[ Laughs ]

The mom was like, "Relax.

I'm just practicing for when I chaperone your prom.

No big deal! What's the problem?"


And finally, I heard about a new trend

where people are combining drinking beer with working out.

Yeah, it's called getting kicked out of Bally's Total Fitness.

You guys, we have a great show tonight.

Give it up for The Roots!

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Insults LeBron James, Beer-Drinking Workout - Monologue - Duration: 4:26.


Between the Lines: "I Just Saw Your Text!" - Duration: 2:35.

-♪ Between the li-i-ines ♪

-So -- so, here's a recent news story.

"Disney is getting rid of all plastic straws by next year."

Let's see what that really means.

"Parents at Disney will now have to drink white wine

straight from Moana water bottles."

Yeah. -"I brought it with me."

-It's only $30 -- It's only $50."

All right, here's another story.

"Triple Crown winner Justify has retired at age 4

after making $3.8 million."

Let's read between the lines.

"You are now jealous of a horse."


He's only 4.

This next one is something I've heard a lot of people say.

They say, "Would you like you receipt printed or e-mailed?"

Let's see what that really means.

"Would you like to throw away a piece of paper

or delete an e-mail?"

Whichever one you want to do...

-I'm good. -...for a pack up gum. Yeah.

Let's take a look at another story, here.

"Each year, Americans spend a total of $30 billion

online while drunk."

Let's read between the lines.

"You now remember why you own 4 cordless back massagers."

I was wondering what that was.

My back was sore.

Here's something you see a lot --

"I just saw your text!"

[ Laughter ]

It's all -- that's too real. -Yeah.

-It's all too real. -Close to home.

-Let's see what that means.

"I just decided to answer your text

I definitely saw 5 hours ago."

[ Stammering ]

"I just...I turned my phone off for 5 hours."

-"I left it in my car."

-Here's an entertainment story --

"Chris Pratt is dating Katherine Schwarzenegger,

and is officially off the market."

Let's read between the lines.

"Wait, there's a girl Schwarzenegger?"

We didn't -- Did you know that?

-I didn't know that.

-Here's something else people say --

"We should get drinks." Let's see what that means.

"I can't commit to eating a meal with you."

"I don't know you that well."

-Some Moana wine? -Here's another story --

"The News York Times says face tattoos are no longer taboo."

Let's read between the lines.

"A New York Times writer got hammered

and woke up with a face tattoo."

"Uh, everyone is getting face tattoos.

The Pope is considering one, too."

And finally, "Your Uber is 5 minutes away."

Let's read between the lines.

"Your Uber is driving around the same block 40 times in a row,

and will then come get you."

That was "Between the Lines"...

For more infomation >> Between the Lines: "I Just Saw Your Text!" - Duration: 2:35.


25 Best New iOS Games of July 2018 | PlayScore - Duration: 10:58.

July has been such an amazing month for the iOS.

Horray for mobile gaming!

What up players, it's Raine from Whatoplay, and today we have 25 awesome new iOS games

released in June 2018 that just received their Playscores.

The playscore is an average of gamer and critic ratings.

When a game only reaches the minimum requirement of critic OR gamer reviews, it receives a

Provisional playscore.

We have a long list ahead of us, so let's get going, starting with

Nishan Shaman It's a completely free game from six university


Wow, good job, you guys!

It stars,the titular character Nishan Shaman, a legendary female figure of the Northeastern

Chinese lore.

It's a story-driven rhythm game with a deep respect of the culture of the Chinese minority

tribes with a Playscore of 8.67

Identity V

It's always halloween in this side of the mobile hemisphere.

NetEase Games' latest release just might be the first aysmmmetrical horror game on the


Play as survivors together with three other teammates, or become the ruthless hunter with

a lust for blood.

It has a PlayScore of 8.67

Absolute Drift

A racing game that will let you hone your drifting skills on the fly.

Enter their pastel-colored minimalist tracks and overcome the obstacles with your sly steering.

An ios port of a PC title, you can get all the modes, car customizations, and events

for a fraction of the price.

It has a Provisional PlayScore of 8.73

SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Dx2 SEGA brings us another title to the demon

collecting RPG series that is Shin Megami Tensei.

Here, you play as a Demon Downloader, otherwise known as Dx2 (D-Two) who can summon demons

from a smartphone app.

Collect demons to battle and to take pictures with in real life.

It has a Playscore of 8.72

Slashy Knight

Take on a bitesized RPG experience in the blocky lands of the Slashy Knight.

Play as Knights, Panda Samurais, or the totally copyright-proof Ganderp the Blue, and save

the the world against a storm of ogres, skeletons and more.

It has a Provisional PlayScore of 8.75

The Eyes of Ara

Marvel at the majesty of a mysterious castle in this award-winning adventure puzzle game.

Step inside the ghostly halls and awaken the myriad secrets that have lied undisturbed

for decades.

A minimalist puzzler that's been praised for its remarkable storytelling, it has a Provisional

PlayScore of 8.75

Wizard's Words

Show off your spelling sorcery in this addictive word game from Playgendary.

Find words amid a grid of lettered tiles and sharpen your vocabulary with every level.

It even houses a range of languages for them nerdy polyglots.

It has a Provisional PlayScore of 8.76

Super Drop Land Fall in love with this platformer that will

drop you in on a vertical adventure.

Collect coins and stars while flipping down and away from ghosts!

This free to play title from Lamington Games has a Provisional Playscore of 8.77

Food Fantasy Combine Restaurant Management with RPG, sprinkle

a dash of anime goodness and what do you get?

This amazingness that is Food Fantasy!

It's filled with so many delicious noms that will surely get your tummy growling.

It sure did for me.

Anyway, it has a Provisional Playscore of 8.77

Diamond Diaries Saga King, the creators behind the behemoth that

is Candy Crush Saga is at it again with another addicting puzzle linker game.

This time, instead of matching candy, you're making precious jewelry by linking charms

of the same color together.

You know the drill!

It has a Provisional Playscore of 8.78


This next one is spoopy.

DERE EVIL EXE is a retro style platformer with a thrilling story.

You play as Knightly as he goes on a journey through this stunningly strange pixel world.

Beware of the dangerous creatures lurking in the dark!

DERE EVIL EXE has a Playscore of 8.79

New Star Soccer Manager Playing on the field is too much work for

my lazy fingers.

Managing the team however -- now we're talking.

This is all about realistic strategy -- it's so real that you can even go to the locker

room to motivate your team during half-time.

It has a Provisional Playscore of 8.79

The Walking Dead: Our World THE ZOMBIES ARE UPON US -- and you can find

them by looking through your phone's camera.

Defend yourself and your families and friends by fighting these undead walkers in the streets

and in your neighborhood.

Just don't forget to watch where you're going!

It has a Provisional Playscore of 8.8

DROLF Drolf is a one of a kind golf puzzle game.

Just like any other game of golf, the goal is to somehow get the ball into the hole.

The twist here is that the path isn't always so clear.

So get creative and draw your own path!

Now the title makes sense.

It combines Drawing and Golf.


It has a Provisional Playscore of 8.8

Boxing Star Enter the ring and do anything and everything

it takes to K.O. your opponent!

You can and must train as hard as you can, but sometimes, you just gotta get yourself

some custom gloves to become the Champion!

Boxing Star recieves a Provisional Playscore of 8.8

Rock of Destruction!


There's nothing like the amazing feeling of destroying anything and everything that

comes your way.

As you destroy more and more buildings, you get bigger and bigger and more capable destroying

even more!

Rock of Destruction receives a Provisional Playscore of 8.8

Battlelands Royale Yep, yet another battle royale has made its

way to our iphones and ipads… yaaaay.

What makes Battlelands Royale different from the others is how quick the games are!

Just 3-5 minute battles between 32 players to maximize the carnage!

It has a Provisional Playscore of 8.8

Motorsport Manager Mobile 3 The third in the Motorsport Manager lineup,

this is the ultimate race team strategy game on the iOS!

Just like the previous generations of this game, you must build your own team from scratch

and train them up to be the best!

It has a Playscore of 9.05

Asphalt 9: Legends The sequel to Asphalt 8: Airborne is here

and it's making its big bro proud!

On top of all the awesomeness we have come to expect from the Asphalt series, for the

first time ever, you can form a club with like-minded racers and collaborate so your

club can rise to the top of the leaderboards!

It has a Playscore of 9.12

Hidden my game by mom 3 If you say you can't relate to this game,

you are lying.

Mom has hidden your game once again and so you much search the room to find it!

Your mom is one creative lady at hiding things.

Thankfully, you are her child and you are just as imaginative.

It has a Provisional Playscore of 9.48

Tales of Thorn: Global Next up is an action packed RPG that promises

to be as fair as possible.

Instead of buying powerful gears, you have to actually skill up your custom characters

and have good strategy.

For that it has a Provisional Playscore of 9.58

STAR OCEAN: ANAMNESIS Square Enix brings to the table yet another

anime style RPG.

In this you are a captain shot out to the outer reaches of space due to a malfunction

in your ship.

Thankfully, there's this mysterious woman who can summon heroes from time and space

to help you come back home.

Another timey wimey game from Squenix that has a Provisional Playscore of 9.75

Furistas Cat Cafe Live your best cat lady life in this cat cafe

simulator by Runaway.

Become the ultimate Furista by building and running the best kitty friendly cafe you can

to please both your customers and your cat overlords.

It has a Provisional Playscore of 9.77

Onmyoji Arena In this time, humans and demons coexist.

Unfortunately, evil spirits pose a threat as they begin their quest to dominate the

human world and the demon world.

Fortunately, a band of gifted humans who capable of bridging the two worlds are willing to

sacrifice their lives to save us all.

An epic game that has a Provisional Playscore of 9.79

Last but definitely not the least, MapleStory M


The hype was real with this one!

Maple Story has finally made its way to mobile gaming!

Relive the MapleStory Experience as you play as any of your favorite MapleStory Explorers

from Dark Knight, to Knight Lord, and even Corsair!

This MMORPG for the iOS has a Provisional Playscore of 9.79

Mid: WHEW!

Okay there's more to come, but before we continue, if you want even more games, you

can go to our website,, to check out the complete and updated game lists for

every platform.

Alright, let's continue!

And that is all for today's video!

I wanna know which one was your favorite?

Please let us know in the comment section!

Also, don't forget that we have all the links to the games we mentioned in this video,

as well as our links to some other places on the internet like our Facebook Page, Twitter,

and Instagram in the description box.

Don't forget to subscribe!

We'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> 25 Best New iOS Games of July 2018 | PlayScore - Duration: 10:58.


President Moon calls for deregulation in financial sector to foster new businesses - Duration: 0:37.

In keeping with his promise to cut red tape,...

South Korean President Moon Jae-in took a first-hand look today at the country's financial

technology, or fintech, industry.

The President tried out the Internet-only banking services that entered the market only

a year ago.

He said they need to be given room to grow... and encouraged investment in that sector.

He also noted that while they've brought new competition into the financial industry, regulation

has made things difficult for them.

The President urged lawmakers in parliament to work on deregulation too, saying they should

support innovative growth in finance and new industries through legislation.

For more infomation >> President Moon calls for deregulation in financial sector to foster new businesses - Duration: 0:37.


Apni Shaadi Ki Khabron Par Pehli Baar "Priyanka Chopra" Ne kiya React | Nick Jonas - Duration: 1:31.

Apni Shaadi Ki Khabron Par Pehli Baar "Priyanka Chopra" Ne kiya React | Nick Jonas

For more infomation >> Apni Shaadi Ki Khabron Par Pehli Baar "Priyanka Chopra" Ne kiya React | Nick Jonas - Duration: 1:31.


UN Security Council adopted new guidelines aimed at speeding aid to North Korea - Duration: 1:57.

The UN Security Council has adopted new guidelines to speed up aid deliveries to North Korea.

The Security Council decided to act because its sanctions have had the unintended result

of holding up shipments of food and medicine.

Lee Seung-jae reports.

The United Nations says around ten million people in North Korea need food and other

assistance,... while about 20 percent of North Korean children are stunted due to malnutrition.

While UN sanctions imposed on North Korea in response to its nuclear and ballistic missile

programs exempt the delivery of humanitarian aid,... the UN's humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock

told UN members following his trip to North Korea last month,...

that one effect of sanctions has been "quite substantial delays" in the procurement, shipping

and delivery of aid supplies.

In response, the Netherlands,... which chairs the Security Council committee monitoring

sanctions against North Korea,... announced on Monday,... that none of the 15 council

members objected to new guidelines aimed at speeding up aid deliveries to the North.

The guidelines recommend that governments and NGOs submit any requests for exemptions

in a letter,... containing ten specific elements.

The elements range from providing detailed descriptions and quantities of the items to

be imported,... to naming all parties involved in the delivery of goods,... and showing what

measures ensure the aid is "used for the intended purposes and not diverted for prohibited purposes."

The sanctions committee says it will try process the exemption requests as quickly as possible

to avoid any delays.

With a population of about 25 million,... North Korea faces chronic food shortages,...

as well as a dire lack of drugs and medical equipment.

Despite the ongoing sanctions on the North,... the new guidelines should bring new hope to

those in need.

The guidelines will now be sent to all 193 UN member states.

Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> UN Security Council adopted new guidelines aimed at speeding aid to North Korea - Duration: 1:57.


Vinícius Júnior Skills & Goals || Vinicius Junior Real Madrid - Duration: 4:41.

Vinícius Júnior Skills & Goals || vinicius junior real madrid

For more infomation >> Vinícius Júnior Skills & Goals || Vinicius Junior Real Madrid - Duration: 4:41.


제주 실종여성 발견 부부 싸움, 이유가 뭐야? | News KR - Duration: 2:52.

For more infomation >> 제주 실종여성 발견 부부 싸움, 이유가 뭐야? | News KR - Duration: 2:52.


Wonderful Tonight (subtítols en anglès, català i castellà) - Duration: 6:37.

For more infomation >> Wonderful Tonight (subtítols en anglès, català i castellà) - Duration: 6:37.


Евангелие дня «Как совершать служение в соответствии с волей Божьей» - Duration: 19:26.

For more infomation >> Евангелие дня «Как совершать служение в соответствии с волей Божьей» - Duration: 19:26.


Krishna Bhakta Sudama | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Biswajit - Duration: 1:33:42.

Smoking is injurious to health, it causes cancer.

Smoking is injurious to health, it causes cancer.

Consuming alcohol is injurious to health.

Consuming alcohol is injurious to health.

"Are you listening dear?"

"Krishna and Sudama."

"You both put both your hands together and promise.."

"..that throughout life you both will remain friends."

"You will keep the respect of the word Friendship."

"You both put both your hands together and promise .."

"..that throughout life you both will remain friends."

"You will keep the respect of the word Friendship."

"You both put both your hands together and promise .."

"..that throughout life you both will remain friends."

"You will keep the respect of the word Friendship."

"Say who goes unmarried during the Holi."

"Do you know that?"

"Say who goes unmarried during the Holi."

"Do you know that?"

"With the red color holi everyone's forehead is colored."

"With the red color holi everyone's forehead is colored."

"Say who goes unmarried during the Holi."

"Do you know that?"

"Say who goes unmarried during the Holi."

"Do you know that?"

"In the forehead there is vermillion."

"If anyone see so who will come near?"

"In the forehead there is vermillion."

"If anyone see so who will come near?"

"Will think other women."

"Will think other women."

"Who will give colours?"

"Who will stop anyone who will want o hit the water gun?"

"Who will stop anyone who will want o hit the water gun?"

"With the red color holi everyone's forehead is colored."

"Say who goes unmarried during the Holi."

"Do you know that?"

"Say who goes unmarried during the Holi."

"Do you know that?"

"Holi, holi its holi."

"Holi, holi its holi."

"All the body has been coloured and I am getting the fire."

"All the body has been coloured and I am getting the fire."

"Holi, holi its holi."

"Holi, holi its holi."

What is the matter?

You yourself was lost somewhere.

And asking us..

I was dreaming.

Dream and that too during daytime.

What was mother Yashodha herself was feeding you butter?

He was not eating.

Was flirting. With Radha.

Sometimes flirt with us too.

In dreams.

How will he play?

In the heart Radha is there.

And Radha is spread in all the body parts.

If you do not trust us.

Then will we tear our heart and show.

Not today.

Some other day. In the dreams.

Krishna you have killed my husband.

I too will not let you live.

And who will help you to survive.

His house home everything I will burn into ashes.

Cruel Kansh has died but his queen Asti her cruelty is increasing.

All her anger is on Krishna.

He has killed Kansh so.

Take this. - Come, Sudama.

I'll drop you at the Gurukul and return before evening.. your mother will be alone at home. Let's go.

How long will this cruelty go on? - Till the..


We too will leave Gokul and go away.

No dear.

This is our ancestral home. We'll die here.

Be safe son.

Listen to Guru mother.

Do not go alone.

If you need anything tell to Guru Maa.

Do not worry about anything mother.

You know that there my friend is there.


Be careful.

King Kansh's queen Asti's order.

Who will take the name of Krishna.

He is the enemy of the queen.

Enemy of the queen.

Stop the name of Krishna.

Stop the name of Krishna.

Why to stop the name of Krishna father?

Be quiet.

All the sides are the queen's people.

You'll be in trouble if they hear this. Let's go.

Come, Basab Thakur.

Sudama, how is your mother? - She's fine.

I'll take your leave, Gurudev. - Goodbye.

Sudama is here. Let's go.

Sudama is here.

What are you doing?

You're troubling him again?

What's this?

Ananda naru (sweets). Has mother sent these?

I love these sweets.

Sudama from today you will sit beside me.

Be careful.

queen Asti's order.

Stop the name of Krishna.

What happened? - What?

No dear. If I sit near you. I will get punished.

Chi should you fear the cruel?

Cruel will get punished and the universe will get cured.

But you need to be fearless. Understood.

More you fear. you will become weaker.

Remember this.

You make arrangements to kill Krishna.

Kill Krishna. - Yes.

He is still alive.

This I cannot accept.

But see.. - I do not want to listen to any but.

You call Bokasur.

Friend be safe.


Kali Durga.

Do you know Guru Maa?

The monster came to swallow my friend with such a big mouth.

Your friend is not ordinary dear.

He has killed Kansh and finished the sin.

Mother Yashoda. Really is very fateful.

Friend. - Let me eat.

But this is.

So sweet it is.

Krishna come dear.

Do not do in such a way.

Your family is waiting for you.

Mother Yashoda is worried.

What is the matter friend? - Nothing.

Mother Yashodha has called him Sudama.

I will not go.

You will disobey mother's words.

Will you go. - Me.

Gurudev if Sudama goes along with me then I will go.

Say that way.

You will not leave your friend and go.

Okay then.

Sudama go along with him.

Dear Sudama.

Stay along with your friend.

That I will stay.

We both are like each other's shadow.

Right friend? Come.

No need to be extra smart.

We come Guru Maa. - Come dear.

Be good and stay both of you.

Dear Sudama see that your friend does not have any problem on the way.


Both of them cannot stay apart.

This is called friendship.

In future people will admire this friendship.

Gopal.. how are you, my son?

What had happened at Gurukul?

Heard that crane monster ran to you.

Friend has killed him.

He is my Gurubhai.

Sudama. My friend.

Stay alive dear.

Have a long life.

So long you have walked. Your face has dried up.

Go, go now have milk.

What are you seeing? Whoever mother see. She feeds her milk.





Where did you both go?

I have brought butter for you.

Where is mother? - There she is.

Very angry she is.

Stop. Come.



Okay mother say why it feels good if you are angry?

Being naughty.

I am very hungry.

Please give me some food.

You are hungry. Giving.




Okay. Eat friend.

Why will he eat?

For him butter is here.

You will have that what cow eats.

No mother.

Whatever friend will have that only I will have.

Give friend.

Today we will promise that whatever we get we will divide that and eat.


Give more butter mother.

This is finished.

Gopal. Tell truly and say.

Who are you?

Your son. - Gopal.


Leave me mother. Am I a kid?

For mother son is always a kid.

Isn't it mother?

He does not know anything.

Come let me show you Brindavan.


Queen. - All of you are worthless.

Has killed Bokasur.

He is so powerful. Yes. - People say..


A small kid and for him whole of Matura is afraid.



Send Agasur.

Tell him that he should not return to me without taking..

.. the news of death of Krishna to me.

Okay my queen.

Go, go you all hide.

Run, run.


Save me save me.

Save me.

Save me save me.

Hare Krishna

Save me save me. - Hare Krishna

Save me save me.

Save me save me.

Save me save me.

Save me save me.

Save me save me.

Save me save me.

Hare Krishna.


Hare Krishna.

Hare Krishna.

Hare Krishna.

Hare Krishna.


Ooh god father. - Listen.

Come. Come near to me.

What had happened in the field?

Nothing father.

Listen Gopal only by arms you cannot rule the nation.

If you need to finish the cruel and violence.

Love sympathy and non violence is required.

That is why I think.

You all should complete your learning of warrior ship and study.

So tomorrow only you return back to Gurukul.

What is happening? Study a bit.

Who has become big by studying?

For that you will not study.

You study. Brahmin's son.

Will ring the bell by telling Ang bang.

Will recite the mantra. You will need it.

And you. - I am a cowboy.

Will take the herds to graze and..

Great Krishna. Great.

Great is your flute.

So beautiful.

It seems love, truth, sympathy and calmness's rainfall is happening.

Where did you learn this rhythm friend?

I don't know.

It seems someone tells me. Will you teach me.

You will not be able to friend.

Lot of pain.

For you I will be able to do everything friend.

Teach me please.

What will you give the guru fee?

Whatever you want. - Okay.


Then go at Guru Maa's room Cholla Bhajja is there.

Bring that. I am hungry.

If guru Maa comes to know about it.

Steal and bring. - Steal.

If you cannot steal the cholla then.. will you steal the heart by blowing the flute?

Okay. I am bringing.

Who? Krishna.

What Guru Maa?

Why were you going to that room?

To steal Cholla Bhajja. - Steal.

I have stopped stealing.

Mother Yashodha was telling me. Stealing is a sin.

But what is Sudama doing that side.

That I do not know. - Where is he?

This side he went.

This side. Come, come.

Sudama. What is this? Stealing.

In ashram what never ever happened. That you have done.

Very bad.

Your punishment.

Guru maa. - Go.

Go to the jungle and collect the woods from the forest.


Sudama. Friend.

Sudama. Sudama.

Sudama. - Leave me.

You are angry on me.

You will not speak to me.

You got me punished.

I become small in front of Guru Maa.

I am not capable to speak to you.


You are very big.

I am poor, poverty stricken.

What will I do by getting angry on you say?

It's a sin to our friendship to think our self small and big.

This is the name of friendship.

You make me fool and make me low in front of elders.

No friend no. I was testing you.

How much do you love me?

You love is selfless.

It's difficult to know you.

Now come lets quickly collect woods and return back home.

Rain can come.

You go this side and I will go that way.














"Please come back."

"Where did you get lost, my friend?"

"Come to me. Please come."

"Please come back."

"Please come back."

"Where did you get lost, my friend?"

"Come to me. Please come."

"Time passes."

"Come to me. Please come."

"How will I go home without you?"

"Come to me. Please come."

"What do I do now?"

"Please come back."

"Both of us came to this forest together crying."

"When the storm raged, we got separated."

"I'm sad, sacred and only want to cry."

"Come to me. Please come."

"Time passes."

"Please come back."

"If I go home without you.."

"..everybody will be worried for you."

"If I go home without you.."

"..everybody will be worried for you."

"They'll think Sudama wet back without Krishna and wonder.."

"..where are you."

"Come to me. Please come."

"Time passes."

"Please come back."

"Please come back."

Where were you lost Sudama?

Do not cry.

I cannot see your tears.

Have you got hurt somewhere friend.

Yes. In stomach.


Give me a bit of Cholla Bhajja.

What happened? Give.

Not there. - Not there.

I was hungry.

I had it. - What?

Had it without giving me.

This is your friendship. This is your love.

They way you did not give me.

From today I too ill not give you anything.

Okay then I too will never ask for me anything to you.

Yes. Never will I.

Look what happened.. look what I said..

I hurt his feelings.

Why are you so heartless, my friend?

I didn't give you the fried chickpeas as they were stolen.

You knew everything yet..

Sudama, come and have dinner.

I'm not hungry. - I'm not at all hungry.

I'm very hungry.

Uncle Gokul.. - Sudama, you've to go to Gokul.

I won't go. I won't go anywhere,

Your mother is waiting for you.

You must go if your mother calls you.

Please wait for some time, I'll feed him.


Friend, please tell me once to stay aback.

Please tell once.

I cannot stay without you.

Tell me to stay.

Do not cry Sudama.

Make your heart strong.

Friend. - Come friend.

Come Gokul uncle.



Mother. - Dear.



Mother. - Dear.

Sleep dear. Good boy.

Where are you going with the bag husband?

Preach the name of Krishna.

If queen Asti comes to know then.

Mother told me during the death time.

Truth is the winner I universe.

No one can stop the name of Krishna.

Still then why are you not going to your friend Krishna once?

What do you want to say?

You will meet as well can be able to say our condition too.

No Lakhi.

I cannot ask anything to him.

I have promised. - Promised.

Did not understand.

What to know?

Then listen.

At guru Ashram.


Had it without giving me.

This is your friendship. This is your love.

They way you did not give me.

From today I too ill not give you anything.


Me too will never ask from you anything ever.

Yes. Never.

"Oh dear people."


"Everyone say Krishna."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Krishna, Krishna. Harey Krishna."

"The name of Krishna is the eternal place."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"In this name all the pain get cured dear."

"All the pain and sadness get cured dear."

"All the health issue gets resolved."

"The name of Krishna is the eternal place."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Krishna is on the earth."

"Krishna is on the water."

"Krishna is in flower."

"Krishna is on fruits."

"With the blessing of Krishna all survive."

"Krishna is the life."

"The name of Krishna is the eternal place."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"In the name of Krishna what does not happen?"

"If Krishna helps then what does not happen?"

"Meditate him your pain will be finished."

"All day and night all the time."

"The name of Krishna is the eternal place."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Shyam Sundor brightened is he."

"Krishna is truth. He is calm."

"You will cross all the boundaries."

"Will the help of Krishna."

"The name of Krishna is the eternal place."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Say everyone tell the name of Krishna."

You staying in my kingdom.

Staying with my food.

You preach the name of Krishna.

The name which is as bright as the sun.

As sweet as the flower.

That name need not be preached by anyone.

It gets preached by itself.


I do not want to listen his act from you.

If you start preaching my name instead of his..

..I can set you free.

Whatever is true. That I cannot leave.

What is the name of disobedience do you know that?


What can be there apart that?

It's there.

There is.

Your son. Wife. I will burn them all to death.

No one will be alive.

Tell me how it will happen?

No no. That cannot happen.

Happen. Can happen.

If you do not listen to me.

Many things can happen.

I can listen to you.

But you have to answer to me one thing.

You can take life that I know.

Can you return that?

No one can.


Remember two words.

In life there is nothing apart than two truth.

One is death.

And the other is name of Krishna.

Harey Krishna.


Sushil. Subodh. Get up dear. There is fire in your house.

Mother what will happen? - Come. Come fast.

Go safely.


I am bringing mother.

Sushil. No, no.

I am coming mother. - Subodh.

Subodh no.

Subodh no. Leave me.

Brother. Brother. - Leave me.


Brother. Brother.

Brother. Brother.









Take the idol.

Hurry up, brother.

Let's go.

Come this side. Come this side. Come.

Sushil. Subodh.

We have brought the idol.

Army chief.

I had said that I will revolt against injustice.

Chief minister. You.

I too said that I will create the truth and justice.

Then is this your justice? - Justice will happen.

Sudama will surely get free.

Come army chief.

Harey Krishna. - Harey Krishna.

In this life I have not done the right work ..

.. if I cannot stop the injustice.

Then what is the use to be alive?

Don't you see that..

..a crowd has gathered outside the palace demanding Sudama's freedom?

Why is the noise?

People have come to the palace.

And you all are standing and looking.

Army chief. - Queen

It's not right.

It will be better If we free Sudama.


I will free Sudama.

But remember.

One day I will make him a beggar of the street.

"My lord dear is not cruel.

No ones fate should ever get burnt in such a manner.

My lord dear is not cruel.

No ones fate should ever get burnt in such a manner.

You have taken away everything.

What else will you take say?

What else will you take say?

What pain else will you give me lord say?

Will give me lord.

Cry calls ooh lord.

No ones fate should ever get burnt in such a manner.

My lord dear is not cruel.






Everything got burnt in fire and everything got finished.

Now what will happen? Where will we go?

Lakhi. - Its burning a lot mother.

After night only day comes Lakhi.

This is the law of nature.

Come, come. Come along with me.

What has happened brother?

Whatever happened good only happened.

And whatever will happen. Good only will happen.

Why does god give pain to the painful more?

Pain and happiness. This always remains, Denu.

Change is the rule of the world.

Have heard that your Krishna is very rich.

He is the king. - No Dinu.

He is the rich of rich.

King of all Kings.

Super powerful.

Then to the poor and ..

Does not help them why?

Who has said that he does not?

See all these.

I am feeding you. Eat.

I can see Krishna in your form.

I am a normal human being.

To do something for you is my duty.

This is the desire of the human Dinu.

If everyone all the rich understand their duty ..

..and help all the poor people.

Then no one will get pain in the world.

No one will be poor. Family will be brightened.

You are great Sudama.

With the touch of your feet my hut has become pure.

I am honoured.

I do not why I have liked today's food a lot.

Everyday food is coked similar way lord.

Today's matter is only different.

Today I have cooked by myself lord.

Will cook more better.


Anger, lady and cooking gets better on and on.

Army chief why is Sudama's children and wife still alive?

Don't you know my orders.

Hare Krishna.

Hare Krishna. - Army chief - Queen.

Chief minister.

What is all this?

What is all this?

Hare Krishna. - No, no.

Hare Krishna.

Hare Krishna. - Hare Krishna.

Oh mother it is paining a lot.


Was not able to make arrangements for the milk.

Have told one of the doctor and have come.

He is coming right now.

Hey lord.

I am not been able to see such a condition of our kids anymore.

This unfaithful mother brought then to this world.

If you loose courage.

Then what will happen to me Lakhi.


Who is that mother whose courage will not break in such a situation?

The whole world is a slave of the situation Lakhi.

People should be content in all situation..

..and be content with whatever they get.

Husband. You are knowledgeable.

You can say so.

But this innocent children.

What will I tell them and give courage?


You have called me.

Yes. Tanadas.

You make arrangements to give punishments to Sudama.

Army chief, minister all have betrayed.

They have fooled me and are preaching for Krishna.

You do not think about anything queen.

Sudama is a revolutionary.

And that is Krishna revolution.

But I can do one thing. - Do that only.

Do that only Dhanodas. - Okay.

Don't cry dear.


Subodh's injury not getting cured by then such a bad condition of Sushil.

Now what will happen?

For Shushil I am very worried.

But I am unable to think about any solution Lakhi.

What will I do?

You say.

In the house there is not a penny there.

Sudama Thakur.

Dhano das Ji. What a fate of mine?

Means. - I was thinking of you only.

My son is very sick.

If you kindly help me a bit.

Please do not ashamed me Thakur.

This is my duty.

You're very generous and kind.

I have one request, Thakur.

Your this mud idol..

I will give a value to it.


Do you know the value of it?

Mud idol and its value..

The value of that mud idol Is made with mud only.

Sudama's this body.

Then with your own eyes.

I will not give. - Good.


Husband. Husband.

Leave my husband.

You are helping Sudama. - Husband.

Mother I am not been able to anymore.

Husband what will I do?

What will I do?

I am coming Lakhi. I am coming.

So in front of your own eyes your wife and son.

I will not still give. - Good.



You went to purchase the idol of the god.


What you do not understand regarding that do not speak?

Das ji is there. - He has come.

Hey come, come.

I knew you will come.

You have won Dasti.

I have lost.

Give the doll.


One request.

Keep my friend with care.

He does not have any problem.

He is my own.

If he gets pain.

I will not be alive.

Chi. What have you done?



Shame of you.

If by selling me you can be happy friend.

Then that only happen.

But. - Lord.

Today it seems that today any devotee..

.. has made a crack in the temple of the lord.

The devotee is losing his devotion.

From the body the soul is getting detached.

Sometimes such a time too come.

Where not only human's soul even the world too get detached.

But devotee's devotion and Brahmin's worship never gets detached.

Cannot happen.

Your this mud figure.

I will give the value of it.

Mud doll and for that value.

No, no.

I cannot sell my friend and save my child.

I am a sinful.

You forgive me friend.

Forgive me friend.


Even knowing his heart still you..

What kind of act of yours is this?

Feeling strange.

Looking at your friendship.

Diamond if rubbed does not get dirty rather its shines more.

If gold given o fire.

That does not become iron.

Becomes Kundan. - So sad he is.

Who will save him? - Krishna will save him.

You all.

We are Brahmin.

Coming from Dwarka. - Dwarka.

How is Yadhopati?

How is Yadhopati? - Good.

Tell him that Sudama too is good.

Krishna Bhakt Sudama.

Lord. - Lord.

With lot of goodness got to see you.

Please accept some help from us and make us honored lord.

Thank you. - Thank you.

Mother is burning a lot. - You will be good dear.

Be patient a bit.


See Subodh I have brought offering for you.

Brother. - Come sister in law.

Has Dinu Da free? - No.

How are kids?

For last three days they are without food.

No one want to help.

Take this sister in law. Take the offering.

You should not say no to offering.


In front of other's kids you did not do any justice to your own kids.

I've acted after thinking, Lakshmi.

Listen.. when the soul becomes weak..

..we must take refuge under the supreme soul.

Hey Krishna.

Hey Krishna.

Lakhi I am doing something.

I am doing something.

Hey Krishna.


Name of Krishna stop.




Mother. I am coming right now.

Bring milk for you. Bringing milk.


Will you give something. - No.

Mother. - Mother will come now only Shushil.

Mother will come now only. - Mother.

Brother will you help me something.

Mother. - Mother will come now only Shushil.

My dear brother.

See dear.

See I have brought milk for you.

Mother. - Shashi.

""In mother's lap dead son."

"See with two eyes."

"You are with the face turned back lord."

"Why in that way?"

"See with two eyes.""


No Lakhi.

Loss profit.

Life and death all are in the hands of the fate.

Listen we had relation with Sushil for these few days.

Be patient Lakhi.

How will I keep patient?

I am a mother.

He had taken birth from my womb.

With my blood I had grown him up.


You must console yourself by taking care of your other children.

For you friend Sudama not doing anything.

Because Sudama is his great devotee.

And to give pain to his devotee is his prime responsibility.


Nothing as such.

I. I how will I make you all understand?

What is that thing which has suck you deep in your feelings?

And Sudama in the mashes of poverty.

If you want to know then. Listen.

Once at Guru Ashram.

What you ate?

Without giving me.

This is your friendship. This is your love.

Okay as you did not give me.

Then from today I too will not give you anything.

Okay I too will not ask for myself from you any day.

That is a childhood event.

Such ego do not suite you.

This is not my ego rather Sudama's wheel of fate.

If lord want.

Then it can change too. - No.

To change the fate is not even in the hands of Bidhata too.

In the wheel of fate.

Sri Ram too had to go to exile.

Creator Shivshankar too had to give away Sati.

"Shyam Sundor.." - Stop this name.

Why dear?

Krishna is enemy to our queen.

My Krishna is not any person's enemy.

He is the enemy to cruel and injustice.

So you will not leave that name.

Things to leave are theft and sin.

In which ill fate happens.

Krishna's name brings goodness.


Kingdom's such a powerful person with whom you alone want to fight.

With whose support?

Brother if my being staying alone puts you into so much of tension then..

"Everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Tell the name of Krishna."

"Everyone tell the name of Krishna."

"Tell the name of Krishna."

He will not obey in such a way. Beat him.

" This is the fight between strength and devotion."

"In the fight between strength and devotion."

"Let me see who wins and looses?"

"Let me see who wins and looses?"

"The eternal name of Krishna let me see who can snatch it from this mouth?"

"The eternal name of Krishna let me see who can snatch it from this mouth?"

"He is the creator of this world."

"He is the creator of this world."

"The eternal name of Krishna let me see who can snatch it from this mouth?"

"The eternal name of Krishna let me see who can snatch it from this mouth?"

"Aswa Keshamman Damodarm Krishna."

"Basudevam Hari."

"The tri bhuban ruler you have barjan that you have stopped."

"You all at the finger tip will understand that he is as deep as sea."

"The tri bhuban ruler you have barjan that you have stopped."

"You all at the finger tip will understand that he is as deep as sea."

"If you take his name."

"Then all the sin get removed."

"The eternal name of Krishna let me see who can snatch it from this mouth?"

"The eternal name of Krishna let me see who can snatch it from this mouth?"

"Aswa Keshamman Damodarm Krishna."

"Basudevam Hari."

"There is no relief who does injustice."

"For them he finish them."

"Sin has been removed as Ravan and Kansh."

"In the storm people get abolished if anyone gets too high in ego."

"In the storm people get abolished if anyone gets too high in ego."

"The eternal name of Krishna let me see who can snatch it from this mouth?"

"The eternal name of Krishna let me see who can snatch it from this mouth?"

Harey Krishna.



Harey Krishna.

Harey Krishna.

Go. Tie him to the tree.

Stop the name of Krishna. - Husband.

Harey Krishna. - Husband.


Leave them.

Leave them.

Leave them. Khoka.

Leave me.

Leave me.


Leave me.

Leave them. Subodh.


Even the lord of death couldn't take away a pious woman's husband.

Let me see what snatches away my husband from me.

"Keshwamam Damodaram Shri Dharma Madhavam."

"Keshwaman Hari."

"Keshwamam Damodaram Shri Dharma Madhavam."

"Basudevam Hari."

"Keshwamam Damodaram Shri Dharma Madhavam."

"Basudevam Hari."

"Keshwamam Damodaram Shri Dharma Madhavam."

"Basudevam Hari."

Now queen Asthi's sin and injustice has crossed the limit.

Lord from the pain of your friend how long will you keep yourself away.

Devotion does not mean that whole of ..

..the life he will keep his tears rolling.

Who will say that you are sea of affection?

Who will say that you relief everyone's pain?

Who will say that you are friend of all?

Your heart is not a heart.

Who's heart is not getting disturbed in friend's pain.

Your heart is not heart.


Who does not melt by anyone's pain.

No, no.

Please do not tell me in such a way.

Do not say in such a way.

Mt heart is not of stone.


How will I tell about by heart?

Whom will I say the pain of my heart?


If once he stands in front of me.

I can cut my heart and show.

That in the temple of my heart his picture is still intact.


Friend of mine.

Friend what happened?

What is the matter? Tears in your eyes.

Do not cry.

I cannot see tears in your eyes.

You do not cry friend.

What is your pain tell me.

To remove your pain I will give my life.

But you do not cry friend.

Do not cry.



My friend is crying in such a way?

Someone has given him pain.

I am going to Dwarka.

From so long I was telling you to go.

For your friend what shall I send?

What will I send? Yes.

Here. I am giving.

In this there are some coconut ladoos.

Take them.

"Despite being ruined, he'll go to his friend."

"Sudama left behind everything and overcame all obstacles.."

"..and goes to meet his friend."

"All the people of the world come and see whom you say friend?"

"Sudama walks."

I'm very happy today. My friend is coming.

My friend Sudama..

He is coming to meet me.

After many years two friends will meet each other.

Yes. Let's make arrangements to welcome him.

Friend what is this?

Ooh that's nothing. What happened?


Let me see.



Beat. Beat him.


Friend. - Friend.


All the news of the house are good.


Children. Sister in law. All are good?

Yes everyone are good.

Has send something for me.

No. Show me. - No no friend. Leave that friend.

How will I leave?

Gift of my sister in law. And leave that.

Wow coconut Ladoos.

Wow so tasty it is.

It seems that sister in law has given all the affection in this.

Heart is feeling to give a kingdom of the earth.

Wow such a satisfaction I have never got.

Now I feel as if to give the kingdom of the Patal too.

Okay lord.

Keep something for us too.


Have you seen friend.

The nature of the lady is selfish.

Eat friend eat. Start. Eat.

What kind of bed is this?

Not getting asleep.

Where have I come and slept.

Lord. - Lord.

I do not feel to leave you and go.

But for children.

My heart is getting disturbed.

For children for heart is getting disturbed ..

..or are you getting reminded of sister in law.

Is all like you?

Ooh yes friend.

I forgot to get you introduced to your sister in laws.

Sister in laws.

She is Rukmini.

Is her habit.

She is Satyabhama.

The way you look her she is not so.

She is Jambanti.

Her heart is like the pear.

Friend she is Kalindi.

As deep as Yamuna.

She is Netrabindra. Leave.

She is Satta.

Fitting she is got as gift from maternal house.

Friend she is Bhadra.

To destroy all the good work that's her duty.

She is Lakhana.

Like thorn she pierce that's her habit.

Friend eight-eight queen.

All these are just part queen.

16100 more are there.

Hare Krishna.

Courteously friend now please make arrangements for me to go.

Will go.




What is the news?

Harey Krishna.

Harey Krishna.

Harey Krishna.

Harey Krishna. - No.

Harey Krishna.


"Say ooh dear tell the name of Krishna."

"Say ooh dear tell the name of Krishna."

"Syamal Sundar Deb Kanti."

"Krishna peace."

"Crosse all the sea."

"And fulfills all the desire."

"In the name of Krishna is all the holly place."

"Say ooh dear tell the name of Krishna."

"Say ooh dear tell the name of Krishna."

"Say ooh dear tell the name of Krishna."

"Say ooh dear tell the name of Krishna."

"Say ooh dear tell the name of Krishna."




Lakhi. What is all this?

I am telling.


You. - Yes me.

Sudama you remember by having the coconut Ladoos.

I had given this boon.

You will never ask for anything.

You have always tricked.

And you have always remained as a devotee.

But only yours.

Only yours.


"Will keep the respect of the word of friend."

"Throughout life we will remain together."

"Will keep the respect of the word of friend."

"Throughout life we will remain together."

"Will keep the respect.."

For more infomation >> Krishna Bhakta Sudama | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Biswajit - Duration: 1:33:42.


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Who was Ibn Sina? - Facts and history about Persian physician Ibn Sina or Avicena. - Duration: 3:06.

Who was Ibn Sina?

Persian polymath Ibn Sina (Avicenna) is being honored by Google Doodle in middle east.

Ibn Sina who is also known as Avicenna, was born in 980, He was a Persian polymath and

the most important doctor and Islamic philosopher of his time.

He wrote about 450 works on a wide range of subjects, and about 240 have survived, including

150 on philosophy and 40 on medicine.

His most famous works are The Book of Healing – a philosophical and scientific encyclopedia,

and The Canon of Medicine – a medical encyclopedia.

He is also known as Ibn Sīnā and Pour Sina which means "Son of Sina" in English.

His full name in Arabic is Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Sīnā.

In English, he is usually called Avicenna, his Latinized name.

Ibn Sina's Early life: Avicenna was born near Bukhara, which at the

time was ruled by Samanid dynasty.

His father was a government official and his home served as a meeting place for men of


Avicenna had educated teachers while growing up.

By age 14 he had mastered many subjects and had already memorized the Quran.

From the age of 14 to 18 he taught himself because he could not find a tutor to provide

more information that he already knew.

He began to practice and learn about medicine at 16.

He also learned about law and natural sciences.

He was good at all of the subjects but he had a talent for medicine.

Sometime before he turned 18 years old, he cured a Samanid chief.

Because of what he did he was allowed into the libraries that were taken care of by the

Samanid dynasty princes.

By the age of 18 he had become a master of the most important works of science in his


Also, his reputation as a doctor had grown.

At 20 he was regarded as one of the wisest people of his time.

Ibn Sina's Writings:

Besides philosophy and medicine, Avicenna's works includes writings on astronomy, alchemy,

geography and geology, psychology, Islamic theology, logic, mathematics, physics and


Ibn Sina's Later life:

From 1015 to 1022, Avicenna was a high official and doctor to the ruler of Hamedan.

After the ruler of Hamedan died Avicenna was put in prison.

He was released four months later when Hamadan was captured by Alā al-Dawla, the ruler of


Alā al-Dawla only captured Hamadan for a short period of time.

Avicenna escaped, disguised as a dervish, to Isfahan to work for Alā al-Dawla as a


In 1030, the Ghaznavids attacked Isfahan and some of Avicenna's work was lost and possibly


He died during an attack on the city of Hamedan.

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