Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily Dec 9 2018

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For more infomation >> Mô Hình Trồng Mít Đặc Biệt|Phá Vườn Cam Trồng Mít Thái|MTPL - Duration: 10:57.


All New Honda CBX900 6 Cylinder 2019 Concept - First Look | 2019 Honda CBX900 Interceptor - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> All New Honda CBX900 6 Cylinder 2019 Concept - First Look | 2019 Honda CBX900 Interceptor - Duration: 2:06.


AMAZING! POLICE STOP PANDO IN SUPERMARKET | Cartoon for kids - Duration: 10:05.

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For more infomation >> AMAZING! POLICE STOP PANDO IN SUPERMARKET | Cartoon for kids - Duration: 10:05.


BETTER BELIEFS For ENFPs and other IDEALISTS - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 11:35.

So imagine you're walking through the park and you see a parent and their

young child and you overhear the parents saying hey Bobby you can do anything you

want in life anything is possible and you walk by and you start to think about

this is this true can Bobby really do anything and whether or not that is true

should their parent be telling them this I'm gonna explore this concept of

limiting and empowering beliefs in this video and at the end of the video I'm

going to share two extremely empowering beliefs for us idealist types that have

served me extremely well in my own life now if you're new to the channel my name

is Dan this is Dreams Around The World here my mission is to help you become

the best version of yourself all while creating the most awesome life possible

for you and those you love so if you're new here do consider subscribing and

this concept of truth when it comes to beliefs is something that's being

discussed more and more I don't know if you listen to podcasts but if you do

you'll hear people like Jordan Peterson or Sam Harris discussing you know truth

what is real and what I want to discuss is not necessarily the truth of a belief

but whether or not it serves us so let's go back to Bobby and this belief that

when he grows up he can do absolutely anything now we all know that's probably

not true right Michael Jordan proved this even the great Michael Jordan when

he made a run at baseball it was like nope not exactly you know going to work

for you right of course we can't do anything I mean on this channel we

talked a lot about personality types enfps infps all this MBTI stuff and of

course part of that is here's what you're really good at and here's what

you're not good at but will that serve you as a belief will studying all the

weaknesses of your personality type and coming out and saying you know I can

never do this stuff I'm bad at this and I'm bad at this and let's have a

realistic game plan for me I think it is hogwash I think that will not serve you

and if you pay attention on this channel when I talk about personality type and I

talk about different types I'm primarily talking about superpowers

how to use your strengths and maybe ways to work around some of our weaknesses

whereas you might find on other channels or just really you know reading

different literature and stuff a focus on like this type sucks at this this

type sucks at that and for me I don't find that that serves a purpose not

because I don't believe in truth not because I don't think there is an

objective reality because in many ways there there is within reason but because

your beliefs will ultimately shape your life yes Michael Jordan eventually found

out he could not play professional baseball at the level that he wanted to

but I'm pretty sure if Michael Jordan didn't believe in himself and believe he

was capable of things like changing sports mid-career then he probably would

never have become the Michael Jordan we know that belief is what got him where

he is today so let's look at this belief I can do anything well let's look at the

opposite of that is I can't do much I can't do anything I'm not that capable

things are hard things are impossible you know if you ask me and I have to

choose between one of those two beliefs for me to believe in for my future kids

to believe and for the people around me to believe in a hundred times out of 100

I'm gonna choose to believe I can do anything yes perhaps not factually true

I certainly can't eat peanuts but I would rather believe that than the

alternative because that is going to put me in a solution-oriented

gold driven mindset if I believe I can do anything then I'm gonna focus on what

I want to do and then I'm like yeah I'll figure out how to do it and you know

what I found a lot of people who are more fact focused they're obsessed with

things being objective and was arguing based on the external factors again I'm

not just missing those I do believe we live in a real world and I don't think

if you visualize a parking spot it magically appears for you but I have

found that people who are really fact oriented often have a lot of trouble

making decisions and making things happen they get lost in their head they

overanalyze way too much they think through every possible alternative every

way something could work out before they even start off going after it where is

it you think hey I can do anything then you're gonna look at things like okay

I can do anything so I want to start my own business so what business would I

want to start you're not thinking what if it fails oh my god this is so hard

did you know that 9 out of 10 small businesses fail you're not thinking

about any of that you're just thinking about what you want to do what would

excite you what your goal is maybe what your vision is five years from now with

your awesome business and that is gonna give you the energy to actually make

things happen to move things forward and then yeah you're gonna hit some

realities at some point but you're probably going to be better off dealing

with them with the attitude of I can do anything including solving these

problems then the attitude of like no I can't do anything this is hard there's

no solution all right I think you get what I'm saying and this brings me to

another extremely disempowering belief that is becoming more and more present

and it's the 1% the anti-capitalist being money is evil now in my part of

the world I'm filming this in Prague where I live you're not gonna find a lot

of people talking about how great communism is because they've lived under

it but in other parts maybe back home in North America this is becoming some

romanticized world and believing that capitalists are evil that all rich

people are bad you know you only get money by cheating and stealing I was up

for dinner last night with a friend who does a lot of investing that's a big

part of his world and yet at the same time he holds some beliefs that are

anti-capitalist that basically most money is received through stealing

through manipulating that's his belief system that's never been my belief

system now I am very confident there's a certain part of the real estate and

finance world the big banks that are just the most evil people in the world

and I'm not a fan but I'm also aware that a vast majority of self-made people

made it through creating value made it through entrepreneurship made it through

actually doing something for society do you really think that all the wealth out

there is people who just like stolen it and never got in trouble you know when

you look at actually you look through the billionaire list like how did Oprah

get rich well she made a show people like it she helps people she got money

rich musicians actors directors they create something

people like it they get money for it same goes for athletes and everyone else

I'm not bringing this up to engage in some debate on the right economic system

or whether or not people who make money or sometimes cheats but think about this

belief if you have to choose your belief and I do believe most of the time we are

choosing our beliefs as we get older as we form our own opinions and you can

either believe that people who have money get it through stealing or you can

believe that people who have wealth the vast majority of them gain it through

giving value and through contributing to the world you have these two beliefs

what effect do you think these beliefs will have on you if you are an honest

person if you believe in giving back to the world and being authentic which I

hope you do if you're a fan here at the channel if that's your belief system and

you simultaneously believe that people have a lot of money are cheats they

steal they manipulate and you believe that you want to be honest and

contribute do you really think you're ever gonna make any kind of money do you

wonder why maybe you have trouble marketing yourself selling yourself

succeeding what are you gonna do you're going to work hard to become the person

you hate doesn't make a lot of sense to me right where you believe that people

who have money primarily yes evil bankers I'm all for that trust me I have

so much hatred in my heart for so many companies and types of people but if you

believe that the vast majority of people who have wealth earned that wealth

through hard work through giving value through contributing on some level then

what's that going to do to your behavior well you're probably gonna work harder

you're probably gonna look for ways to contribute to give value and probably

from my little bit of knowledge of economics and entrepreneurship those

actions are going to lead you to actually earn money to actually

contribute and to actually do something so just something to think about I'm not

here to change your worldview but something to consider if the beliefs you

have whether they're political economic personal what impact are those actually

going to have your actions and is it possible that

those beliefs are holding you back from getting where you want to go because

there's an internal conflict you've created for yourself now I promise that

at the end of the video I would share to really empowering beliefs that have

served me very well the first one I believe I say adopted from Tony Robbins

at some point early in my life which is there is always a way you might not know

the way you might not be on the path but there is always a way so if you know

where you want to go and you are here and you want to be here there is always

a way all you need to do is figure out that way that has been a game-changing

belief for me because then when you struggle you don't change your goal you

don't quit you just say I got to find the way I gotta find a better path

there's always a way I love that belief and ingrain that in your head if you can

if you agree with me that it could be a helpful belief and the second belief is

that those who give value and who contribute are rewarded for it those who

give value and contribute get rewarded for it

I think that's really important because if you believe that working hard and

contributing and giving value will get you rewarded you're going to do it more

and most likely if you've made it this far in the video and if your subscriber

here on the channel and if you're not yet subscribed then you are someone who

wants to give value who wants to contribute to society but if you believe

that only evil people who steal ever get rewarded then why would you bother

giving value why would you bother contributing why would you bother going

out of your way to do something you wouldn't and then you'd hold back those

gifts you have to get the world now keep in mind there are people who don't give

value and don't contribute who also get rewarded sometimes in the short term

sometimes in the long term yes sleazy bankers and these sorts of

people may often be reaping rewards that they do not deserve in our opinions but

that's not the belief the belief is that if you give value and that means people

actually have to want what you're doing or what you're giving or what you're

selling if you give value consistently if you work hard and if you contribute

you will be rewarded those are the two empowering beliefs that have served me

extremely well in my life and I continue to refer back to as

kind of compass on the world do you have any empowering beliefs of your own or

perhaps through this video you've discovered one or two disempowering

beliefs beliefs that may have been holding you back

share them below in the comments hit that subscribe button and the Bell if

you aren't yet a part of this awesome community here at dreams own the world

and until next time catch you soon ciao


For more infomation >> BETTER BELIEFS For ENFPs and other IDEALISTS - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 11:35.


RS- Как сохранить презентацию PowerPoint в формате PDF и JPG? - Duration: 2:37.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. How to Save a PowerPoint Presentation as a PDF and JPG

To run your presentation on computers that don't have PowerPoint installed.

you can save your presentation as a PDF file. When you save presentation as a PDF file it freezes the formatting and layout

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Here are some of the available options. To save the current slide only as a PDF, under Range, select Current slide.

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You can also specify the number of slides to appear in Slides per page dropdown box, and modify the order Horizontal or Vertical.

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Click Publish. Save a single slide as an image In the Slide tab, to the left of your presentation,

select the slide you want to save. Click File. Save As. Select where you want to save your slide.

Type the name of your slide image in the File name text box. Click to open the Save as Type drop-down menu.

Select one of the following image formats for your slide. Select JPEG File Interchange Format for a .jpg file.

Select PNG Portable Network Graphics Format for a .png file. Select GIF Graphics Interchange Format for a .gif file.

Click Save. Review the PowerPoint dialog box, and select Just This One to save your selected slide as an image.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> RS- Как сохранить презентацию PowerPoint в формате PDF и JPG? - Duration: 2:37.


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