Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 12, 2018

Youtube daily Dec 9 2018

I'm going to start by asking a really weird question here.

You ever tried to obey the cat?

If you haven't?

I. I don't recommend it at all, but let me tell you what happens when you try to give

a cat a bath.

First and foremost, most cats, most average house cats do not like the thought of water.

They do not like being approached by a big giant human being trying to snatch them either.

So when you have a cat and you're in the bathroom with the cat and you got the tub ready to

go, they will try to run.

They will try to flee, but eventually being in such a confined area, they find out they

have nowhere to go, so they backed themselves into a corner, hissing, scratching, clawing,

freaking out because they see the inevitable that is about to happen.

Eventually you get them in the tub regardless.

They can hiss and scratch and bite all they want, but it still happened.

That scenario is what we're seeing play itself out with Donald Trump's tweets this week.

On Friday morning, the president opened his day by tweeting out these asinine, absurd,

unhinged attacks on this special prosecutor.

None of these attacks, by the way, backed up by any evidence whatsoever.

He tweeted out is used well, witch hunt in all caps, followed by an exclamation point

or to talk about all the conflicts of interests from Robert Mueller, talked about the fact

that they're not investigating Hillary Clinton.

All of these attacks that made Donald Trump like a backed up cat in a corner, panicked,

freaked out, scared, and most importantly week, anyone who looks at Donald trump and

thinks, that's a strong man, that is a, that is a man I like, and as a manly man, go read

his tweets.


These are the tweets of a panicked, scared, weak child who sees the walls closing him

or around him.

He knows what's happening.

He knows bad things are coming.

He knows that there is nothing he can do to stop it, even if he were to fire Robert Mueller.

Mueller is covered his bases very well.

Mueller, who by the way, is a Republican.

He is not conflicted.

Why is he not investigating Hillary?

Because he wasn't given the task of investigating.

Hillary Republicans Investigated Hillary for years and years and years and years, and I'm

not even a fan of hers, but I know that she didn't break any laws.

Give it a rest.

You are that backed up, freaked out cat in a corner.

You're terrified.

You're hissing, you're scratching your biting, but none of those can do any damage and none

of them are going to stop the inevitable from happening.

So my message to conservatives out there who look at Donald trump as a good leader and

a strong human being, again, read his tweets.

Are these the tweets?

Have a strong man.

Are these the tweets?

Have a confident man or are these the tweets of a petulant, whiny narcissist who has been

able to get away with every single thing he's wanted to get away with in his entire life

until now?

Suddenly he's having to face the consequences, suddenlies having to be investigated and suddenly

he could lose it all.

The only question that remains is will these attacks on the special prosecutor resonate

with the public among dunks?

Donald Trump's base probably depends on how they view them.

If they view them as the tweets have a weak man terrified about his own future, then they

could lose support.

After all, studies have shown that Donald Trump did appeal more to men who are insecure

in their manhood and thought Donald trump was the vision of what a dude is supposed

to be.

These tweets don't reflect that.

These tweets reflect a very scared man.

So if these insecure men look at that and say, Hey, he's not what I thought he was,

maybe he could actually lose support from it.

As for the rest of the public, the independence, the Democrats and everybody in between, I

don't think they're swayed one way or another with these Donald Trump tweets.

Well, I can't say one way or the other.

They are swayed.

They see the same thing that I see the same thing that most rational people see.

They see a, a weak person who is scared of the future and possibly somebody who's gone

a little bit crazy because that is exactly what has happened with Donald trump.

For more infomation >> Trump's Attacks On Mueller Make The President Look Weak, Scared, And Crazy - Duration: 4:29.


Qué son los Torneos eSports: 🎮 - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> Qué son los Torneos eSports: 🎮 - Duration: 6:20.


Instagram Marketing Tips For 2019 (Grow Your Following FAST) - Duration: 18:44.

What's up guys so in this video, I've got a really good one for you

I've got my buddy Rohan who will show you how to grow your

Instagram marketing following how to monetize it and the best strategies to put in place for

2019 so he's going to talk about a realtor that he's been working with that

Just this past year closed 37 deals all a hundred percent from Instagram. And that is absolutely zero paid traffic

That's all a hundred percent organic. So anyway, guys, I'm super excited to share this interview with you

I'll have Rohan jumping on here in just a second and then we'll dive into the content. Okay, guys, I've got Rohan here, Rohan

Thanks so much for joining me today. I

Think Thank You Brown me. So Rohan here he is

Instagram King as far as marketing goes

He's got a lot of different strategies as far as you know growth and tips and marketing all that

So we're gonna talk about good ways to go through and grow that initial following how you can talk tap into it for lead generation

As well as acquiring new clients. So Rohan if you don't mind just go ahead and tell a little bit about your background

How you got into the whole?

Instagram marketing space and some of the people that you've worked with. Yeah, absolutely

Um, thanks for having you guys looking forward to sharing some Instagram because we've had a chat about this

You know throughout the years have known each other

How I got into the Instagram world was long story short

but in the digital marketer who were coming up on nine years this year and you know

we've seen the progression of Google AdWords in its federal days and I've seen when it was really really easy and cheap to get

It look like going and Facebook email. That was really really good. And then in 2016, I saw Instagram and

A lot of the times people look at a new platform

but don't understand how to monetize it or how to use a growth and their business and

What I saw what Instagram was was amazing for local businesses as well as international

but very very heavily local and I started working with a ton of

Filters and gyms and financial planners and stuff like just helping them get a bit of traction

To see if you know my theory made sense and it made and it literally took off

We along very short and did the exact same thing on my account. I've been able to board. I'm pretty

Decently since then and then you know what?

They realize that Instagram is most people in today's day and age is where it's like it's the new search engine

Is the way I look at it

A lot of people today will go on Instagram search products then go in Amazon and buy it

And they work really handed in and that's kind of why I've become like main Instagram I go to because I still feel

Going into you know, we're tailing in 2018. You're going to 2019 2020 and you're gonna still got a massive arm ahead of them

Where most people don't like monetize it properly?

Yeah, so I mean a lot of those examples were

Local businesses so it still works because like when I see a lot of the big brands out there, they're not necessarily local

It's kind of like a national or international type of brand

So maybe speak to a little bit about these local businesses

And I know you've got a friend that's a realtor that's been crushing on Instagram, which is awesome

so that anyway I just think that's kind of a unique thing that

For a local business be able to go through and monetize and use Instagram like that. Absolutely a lot of a look at Instagram

So like it's actually a very simple platform, you know, you got you can post pictures and videos like that is literally in stories


We're just old pictures and videos and the way I look at Instagram is Instagram

Itself gives you the tools inside of their platform on how to get that local growth

Most people don't understand how to use it in their favor

You know doesn't matter what platform you're looking at whether it's Facebook Instagram snapchat

It doesn't matter a lot of times these platforms will give you the tools

You just got to learn how to use them and let them like you so that they share your stuff more often

For example, Instagram gives you the location services if you know how to use location services properly

You're going to get that reach keywords. For example, the way I look at keywords is back in the day or keywords for hashtags

I've been calling it keywords

Okay, but hashtags in my opinion is like keywords for Google don't you know, most people will go in and hashtag realtor

But when you have to take Realtor your hashtagging realtor around the world, but if you go like I live in Vancouver Canada currently

But if you go, you know, hashtag realtor

Vancouver or whatever summer Bjorn. That's a very niche market

you're going to get a lot of reach because a lot of Realtors is not specific area are only going to work in a

Specific farm area that they're farming the entire time. So if you just become the go-to person there

Yeah, I've got some wicked success stories in JIT

personal trainer that I work with out of Melbourne, Australia

you know helped him use Instagram to grow his following he went from I think when they first took them on use about

7,000 followers in a decent like scarf

Yeah, I mean out around 35 36 thousand followers and growth and majority of this business comes from Instagram

Because using these exact

You know tack take some tips that we've been able to teach type horses sold by Thai in the real estate world

Took him on he was around two and a half thousand followers and I took her money sitting around. Well, I think right now

Last year just to give you some statistical numbers because I know you're holing is not being realistic following in

2017 37 of his deals that he did improv Instagram

Raising and that's all that's all organic. Right? That's not paid advertising. That's organic Instagram a hundred percent of an organic

Raisin doing any boosted post on Instagram and all all this paid traffic was Facebook for last year

Yeah, and then Instagram because you just look

You know used to be listened and understood the concept of how to meet platform beam via review

Most people look at these behemoths and they get intimidated

But it's actually a lot simpler than music totally and one thing

I want to point out there to you said he started out with like 2500 followers and now has

12,000 and it still did you know 37 deals. So especially in these local markets

I feel like it's a common misconception of if you don't have a lot of followers of subscribers or whatever

You can't really make any money

But obviously if you're in a local market

You're not gonna have the hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers like some of these really big accounts

Yeah, but they can still be super profitable if you're doing it the right way

100 percent you got to look at it from a perspective of you know

What does your business serve if your business a local business it serves your suburb or your city?

You don't need anything more than intend to even like sending to let's see

$20,000 because told like your stuff your suburb probably doesn't have I don't depend in California or New York that's complete authority

But the average person depending if you living given in Vancouver, it's a pretty big city

But you know anything more than like 12,000 followers. You really don't need it and if people

Still seem you more more and more. Yeah, could you eventually turn into becoming a show business of building a team?

That's all that's like a vision driven plan

But it's like let's start with where your business is at and just kind of look at you don't have to be the 50 100

200 1 million

Followers and if anything fat actually will intimidate a lot of people in your business locally unless you're going for that international growth

Totally. Well, let's say let's let's kind of give an example. So let's say I'm like a brand new realtor

well, maybe I've been in the real estate business for a little bit of time and

I never done Instagram, but I'm looking to get started

What would be the first like 3 to 5 steps to get started with that and before you jump in there?

Rohan got you guys he gave me he's got this PDF

It's I think it's like over 50 pages of how to get started with Instagram

So we're gonna have that as a hundred percent free download down in the descriptions Will's in the comments section

So you guys want to jump in there download that some 100% for free?

details out a ton of this content we're gonna be talking about

But anyway with that said like if I'm brandy realtor looking to get Instagram marketing

How do I go about getting started getting my first followers my first leads and actually taking it to close deals

Absolutely. So if you're if you're like literally food to me starting to the real estate world number one thing is okay you figure out

Just the typical stuff the most real estate agents would know already fair. You farm area, right?

What are you going after and then from there number one is post consistently, okay

That's number one. It's like literally tried-and-true proven this over and over again

Now when I say post consistently

Get rid of the misconception that you only have to talk about business and doesn't matter if it's business or family

Work I'm gonna build it. I'm gonna talk about specifically from a real estate perspective. So you're selling the

person's largest purchase they want to know that you're more than just a businessman or a business woman that's going to take their purchase to

show them your daily lifestyle show them if you've got kids hanging out with the kids taking the dog for what like the

Everyday stuff that makes your posting a lot easier because now you're becoming relatable

So just are posting once you start posting daily you're becoming relatable

So I usually sprinkle I usually say 70/30 80/20 80% like 20% business % buy for 30 minutes

Whichever way you like to feel cool

Once you start doing that on a consistent basis using stuff like the hash tags that are built specifically for your suburb in your city

Going the longer tail keyword like we used to call it in the Google days along our tail hash tags

You may see a lot less of a reach on it

But that less Reach is actually a big reach for your local area

And then you take that and then you start tagging you want stay

for example

if you're out at a meeting doing a coffee appointment or a listing appointment at a coffee shop and you

Into local coffee shops start paying them mixing that with your hash tags is now giving you double the reach

And you know little things like that in the consistency of adding all threes and everyone consistency. Number two getting relatable number three

using hashtags and a number four locations

So when you say consistency, like what is consistency is that daily weekly couple times a week?

What does that look like to you?

Um, so the way I look at consistency on Instagram is at least once a day minimum

Okay, I mean, oh not more

You know, you don't have to come from

you know have to become the next Alchemist or

You know Shakespeare and write novels and all of your bottom of your captions where some of these people are trying to do today

Just literally just you know having a coffee with a potential new client

introduce the client or having a

Meeting of the coffee shop owner and such and such thing and just kind of want to come and try their specialty coffee

Literally simple things like that


Almost you want to look at from a perspective of what can I do that's high level to get Instagram to work in my favor

But it's actually the simple things and actually make it work a lot better than the high level stuff

That makes me work a lot better because the high level stuff eventually

It's just me you feel are going to catch on to it

but when you go into like you're doing consistently the simple things it just keeps makes your life easier for posting because now you're not

Overthinking what you should be posting and what you should be talking about. You're just literally doing the things that matter in business. Okay, so

is there is there like a

Point where you're posting too much. Could you say at least once a day potentially more serve the spot words like, okay

This is way too much

So there's two parts of post number one is feet, which is it everything that they have on Instagram

Stories, there's never too much stories. Okay, that's one thing that I tell everybody if you guys follow ty

When he's like working Full Tilt, like he's literally the you know Monday to Friday

He's always on his towards the reason being his stories build affinity

It's like having a video chat with someone who's always because people are watching you

So there's never too much of that on the feed part of things

Anything moves in four times a day when you're starting out

It might be too much because then you don't want because you don't want to set off like spam filters and all that stuff on

Site, and you know, lynnster algorithm

But i'd see if you could the ideal number is three times a day when you're starting out

One has a morning one of the after and one of the unique

Yeah, you can do that or if you're assisting can do that or you team can do that and just post one

Three times a day because Instagram has to peak hours and when people are hanging out

You know when they're a lot of the times it's at coffee shops the morning lunch time and then just afford like just around dinner

At nighttime a privilege may allow you to getting in people's face all the time

Your engagement goes up through your feed through your thora tees people said senior stuff more which then starts to become more

followers and in terms of business and

Awesome. So what one last question for you?

As far as like actually like and it's sold by ties his handle, right?

No, so if you guys want to go check that out sold by Thai on Instagram

We'll put that down in the description as well

So you guys can kind of like get a feel for what he's doing and how he's, you know, getting his success there

But as far as his lead generation, I'm not sure how much you know about this

he's does he have like a link to his landing page or website in the description or people messaging directly on Instagram or house like

That from Instagram to actually talking to them in person

He's literally there's the only link he has I'm gonna pull it up right now. Go ahead some work for me

The only link he really has is his website and on his website

There's only like one or two forms. So its majority of its actually people messaging him and having the conversation inside the DMS

That's another place because you know someone messages you respond back because if they're messaging you

It may not be message to you for like oh, can you come to a house?

Evaluation or whatever and messaging you to get to know you they're actually testing you to see want to do business with you a little

Just we'll just ignore those messages because they cost on a lead not a qualified because I'm asking for business

That like you got to like reverse engineer what's going on in their head in that moment, you know

Whether it's them thanking you for a piece of content or how they like that or they giving you a suggestion front of a coffee

Shop just build that relationship with them because it's relationship marketing to its finest to the digital space

Gotcha, okay

So so yeah, go go over those four things that you said a little bit one more time

Just kind of a quick recap here. Yeah, it's a consistency posting consistently

Minimum one if not three. When are you starting off?

This is complete and everybody if you know depending on where you are consisting means different

But at least one times in it one time a day on your feed. I'm

Posting as much as you can on your stories

You know, even if it's like a quick ten second clip, you know, whatever you walk your dog having a good time

You know how to be infront of the weather whatever it is just be you don't try and somebody else number two is being relatable

Is because that's the one thing that most real estate agents in my opinion miss

Everybody's trying to push to be the next number one real estate agent and to be business business business

People are coming to a point where they're starting to realize authenticity is key

And if you're not authentic, they're gonna call you out on it

Number that's number two

Number three is using the hashtags and using longer term like longer tail hashtags those like don't go for like realtor

go for truck like that cash tag realtor, you know Vancouver or

Mainly and how many hashtag sure you do per post?

Um, I suggest insurer allows you to do thirty I believe right now

Off the top of my head. I can't remember but I don't don't think it look like it's a spam

I've said, you know, you'll see a chaos where they'll just go in and put like as many as they can

Yeah, it relatable like less is better but less qualities will spare a bit more, right?

So I take a little bit of time do a little bit of research

Save your hash case and your notes or your Holdings or whatever because you can repurpose them

don't use them in every single post like mix them up every single both because if you start using the exact same thing every time

Instagram knows what you're doing. Oh that mix it up all the time. Now, it's it's

It's getting shown different ways. Like you're you know, you're working you're in favor. Totally number four is

Locations the location tank inside of Instagram phony go pulls something and then you put the location on it

Which is if you if it's in your feed

It gives it to you to take the location up. It's when your story take the location

that is massive because that actually shows up on the explore page and it shows it like a

Like a location feeding people to actually go see that okay

Content all the time there and last but not least the fifth one

I would I would suggest is engaging with people that message like that is literally get totally awesome

Well good stuff, Rohan

Thanks so much man for covering all this and as we talked about there's that PDF literally over 50 pages 100% for free

down in the descriptions wells in the top comment and if you guys want like

Help growing your following and your location and posting all that stuff. Rohan's actually got a couple cool softwares coming out here. And so

Rohan where's the best place to connect with you? I mean they've obviously got that little link to download

Your Instagram marketing tutorial thing, but what's the best way to connect with you?

Yeah, the best way is Instagram I talk to my most active social media platform. I'm huge on the feed in terms of stories

Like I brought in to a point like this is some like what do you guys read the book you'll see I break it down

exactly what to do when you start running into me when you're in advance like

Posting and how to kind of get the app and get them to work for your favor

DM me on Instagram add me on Facebook

read that PDF like literally I've had so many people telling me to turn that into a physical book and sell it and I'm like

I just want to give it to people for free

Just breaking it down to its key. And then yeah if you guys want a software

magnetic growth com

I'm sure you put it in there

Yeah, and if you're getting it, you know, what we'll do is just make sure you guys let me know you're coming from Jason's referral

We'll put the link and them in the in the description below and like that software has been to pretty much helped you

Quote-unquote automate a lot of what we gave you today totally

Yeah, and I mean I like most of you guys if your business owners, you know

You don't have time to do every single one of these things

And so this is going to help you grow that on a complete autopilot

He's got one where it can actually do the posting for you and schedule that all out

so which will be super helpful because that's one thing that's always kept me back from Instagram in the past is just like

consistently posting and the captions and the

Hashtags and all that stuff which obviously as you guys have seen it's key to actually having that gross having that success. So

Anyway, Rohan. Thanks so much man for jumping on and sharing a lot of these details

So if you are a local business

Or even if you're a bigger business if you want to go hit the national scene or international scene

Whatever you're looking at hit up, Rohan

Go download that PDF

that that ebook he's got there's gonna be a lot of gold in there for you to get started and then like he said if

You're intermediate or advanced they'll have kind of those different positions of what you should be doing. So anyway, thanks so much, Rohan

Thank you. Thanks for having me

Cool man, sweet what do you think? I loved it love that. I like I'm like wanting to get into

Instagram now

It's been

For more infomation >> Instagram Marketing Tips For 2019 (Grow Your Following FAST) - Duration: 18:44.


#JRZ18 Spendenthema: Das Helvetas Latrinen-Projekt in Kutupalong - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> #JRZ18 Spendenthema: Das Helvetas Latrinen-Projekt in Kutupalong - Duration: 3:04.


Recorriendo "Sweet home Alabama"... - Duration: 10:34.

Hello fellow travelers!

We are leaving Atlanta in order to visit two of the most important cities in the state of Alabama:

Montgomery, its capital, and Birmingham.

We just passed across the Alabama State line, with a big banner that said "Sweet Home Alabama".

Alabama is one of the poorest states in US and its economy is based on agriculture.

More than 70% of the population is African-American. It has a lot of history about civil rights.

This is the Riverfront. It's one of the most beautiful parts in Montgomery.

This is the Alabama River that makes a meander right here. It's a great area for walking or running.

Harriot is one of the boats that goes upriver. It's a very pleasant plan for the family!

Behind me is Montgomery's Capitol.

In 1861, delegates from all the southern states met here in order to declare their independence from the US

and to create the CSA.

Montgomery has a White House, where the President of the CSA lived

before they moved the capital to Richmond, Virginia.

We are going to visit the Old Alabama Town.

They kept old houses so that visitors can see how life was in those days.

All these buildings are between beginning and mid-19th century.

This is the cotton warehouse.

We have seen a lot of signs like "Cotton Gin"…

we thought "could it be something related to a gin made of cotton???"

But, not at all.

"Gin" comes from "engine".

This machine was a breakthrough because before its discovery they worked cotton with their hands.

It was very difficult to separate cotton from the leaves.

Oh, what cute desks!

Our friends, we enjoyed this visit a lot.

Be sure to reserve some time, the visit lasts at least 2 hours!

We visited the Civil Rights Museum.

Here, in this Baptist church, Martin Luther King served and performed a lot of initiatives in favor of civil rights.

For example, he organized the protest from Selma's bridge to Montgomery

in order to demand the right to vote for African-American people.

More than 25,000 people participated, 35% of them, white.

They risked their life and their career to support human rights.

From this pulpit in the Baptist Church of Dexter Av., reverend King would speak to his congregation.

They said he promoted all his civil rights initiatives in the basement of this church.

Another important figure from Montgomery was Rosa Parks.

She became very famous when she didn´t want to give up her seat in a bus for a white man.

She was put in jail and her act produced a cascade effect called "The bus boycott":

African-American people decided not to take a bus while they didn't have the same rights as white people.

At the end of the day, as Martin Luther King said: "we all are born the same". This is the key.

At last we arrived in Birmingham. We are in our bed&breakfast.

It's like a Victorian house. It's a bit overloaded…

and it's disturbing that there is a swan coming out from the fireplace…

And how about the flying horse?

Let's see the room… I'm sure it's worth it to see it…

Ours is called "Camelot", now you'll see why.

Here it is…

I can't sleep with these three guys here…

Look at the horse… its look is disturbing…

Can't we close them?

But look how beautiful our bed is!

After a whole day driving from south to north in Alabama, we deserve a good meal.

We are going to have dinner in this steak house, Ruth's Chris.

I ate some pistachio and Sandra some chips.

It's true that we had breakfast a bit late because we are not getting used to the American lunch hours

Look, we are going to have dinner at 7pm!

The t-bone we ordered smells great!

Yes, but I don't understand why they cook it with butter!

The meat is succulent.

It's a shame to eat this meat with beer. I miss Spanish wines…

Yes, wines in the US are very expensive, from $50.

We are used to the cheap&good Spanish wines…

This truck just needs to have Duff beer barrels to be like the one that appears in The Simpsons…

How do they climb to the cabin?

We just crossed the border of the state of Tennessee.

We told you here in the States everything is big!

An essential visit in Tennessee is the Jack Daniel's distillery.

We are waiting for our turn.

We took the tour with a tasting…

It's a shame to come here and not to try the 5 different maturation whiskies they have.

I don't think it's a good idea to mix it with coke…

Nobody really knows where that "number 7" comes from. Some people say Jack was the seventh child…

The secret passed away with Jack…

As you may know, the basis of a good whisky is the water.

This is the spring which water is used to make Jack Daniel's.

Filming is not allowed in the distillery.

One of the most amazing things that we learned is its capacity: they produce 40,000 liters per minute!

Maite, you should be very proud of me… I tried the five shots!

What's the difference among other whiskeys?

Once the alcohol is distilled, it passes through some barrels with charcoal. It gives it a very special flavor.

Besides, their barrels are brand new.

They just use them once. This fact is what gives Jack Daniel's that powerful toasted flavor.

Birmingham is the most populated city in Alabama.

It's a very young city. It was founded after the Civil War.

The first iron industries in the South were founded here.

It is responsible for its fast development; in fact Birmingham was called The Magic City.

Maybe the best symbol of the city is the statue of Vulcan, in honor of the iron industry.

It's the second biggest in the US after the Statue of Liberty in NYC. Vulcan is God of Iron.

We recommend that you visit the old iron factory.

We give you the link with more information in the description box.

Here, in Birmingham, we tell you and the State of Alabama goodbye.

You know we will give you a lot of information about the places we were on our website.

You can find us on a daily bases on our social profiles.

See you soon,

For more infomation >> Recorriendo "Sweet home Alabama"... - Duration: 10:34.


Maffy feat. Karol Sęder - Favourite ending - Duration: 3:56.

For more infomation >> Maffy feat. Karol Sęder - Favourite ending - Duration: 3:56.


Kiratto Pri☆Chan 36 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Kiratto Pri☆Chan 36 Vostfr (Pub) (@PrettyTrad) - Duration: 0:30.


Man up, Prince Harry! Heal the rift with Meghan Markle's father ... before it's too late - Duration: 10:32.

Man up, Prince Harry! Heal the rift with Meghan Markle's father ... before it's too late

Like a wounded bear Thomas Markle lurches between pain and anger

His only bomb the tender words he reads over and over again

The Familiar voice of his beloved daughter calling out from between the lines of her Immaculate handwritten script

Daddy I don't express as often as I should

How much you mean to me

Reitz Megan

Everything you do for me has turned me into who I am

And I am so grateful

In one of the last notes she sent

Just months

Before she met Prince Harry

Megan signed off

I love you with all of my heart now and forever

Love being her childhood nickname

Each heartfelt word reveals the true sentiment

Sunset a devoted daughter

Megan love

Thomas Markle is as plain as day

Yesterday he is a pariah

At 74

In failing Health in his Twilight years

He is spending Christmas ostracize

Was by his daughter


Cut off and cast out into the cold by an angry and indignant Megan

The irony will be lost on the new duchess


Has she fine tunes her favorite philanthropic

That causes the charity

As the saying goes

Should begin at home

But to her

Thomas has become an embarrassment and a Rollin public humiliation

Unable to manage and control him

She has pulled up the drawbridge

Behind the castle walls you will not

Cannot be reached

Well Thomas feels wounded Megan fields


She is unwilling to climb down from the battle

Megan's Royal ambition is leaving a large and untidy wake

She has in the past been accused of using people

And then quickly moving on up the ladder

Never looking back

It may be harsh to say she's ghosting her father

The fashionable term used when someone cuts off all communication without warning or X


Thomas prefers to describe her behavior is acting up

But what's certain is that she has approached her new Royal life at Full Tilt

Head down



As Thomas says she was a control freak

But never in a bad way

She was always sweet and kind

Megan's marriage to Prince Harry

Wasn't simply Falling in Love

Although that was the main input

It was a life transformation of unimaginable proportions

A girl raised in a series of Los Angeles with heart


Who reinvented herself as a successful TV actress

Is now Reinventing herself as a princess

Since joining the house of Windsor her personal style has got more Regal and refined

She has made sure social issues are front

And center of her public Persona like her high-profile cookbook launch to help grenfell Survivor

Cruise with Mom Doria

And of course

She plays the Royal wife with a plum

As we have seen on the couple's dazzling tour to Australia and New Zealand

She is as one source says

Putting everything into this is

And is Thomas observe

His perfectionist daughter has always liked to micromanage her life

Megan new arrival in the Royal Circle would be tricky

A divorcee

A woman with history there was always the chance of a disgruntled EX

Speaking out

What no one expected

And what has repeatedly wrong-footed Palace official

Is that it would be her immediate family who would prove to be the headache

Well Doria has been the personification of the

Discretion Megan views her father's Meandering outbursts

During this critical time as a reminder of where she came from

Not where she's going

And right now

She finds it Unforgiven

The post you shared on her old lifestyle blog that it gives a telling insight into how she deals with such Negative X


She quoted Portuguese life coach Jose micker tuxera

Who wrote. I no longer have patience

Times for certain things

Not because I've become arag

But simply because I reached a point in my life

Where I do not want to waste more time with what this pleases me or hurt me

I lost the will to please those who do not like me

To love those who do not love me

And a smile at those who do not want

The smile at me

This philosophy

He still drives Megan's thinking

And has been firmly applied to her father's Behavior

From day one she has appeared to

To play favorites with her parents

Doria got an official Palace scroll announcing their wedding

Thomas didn't

Doria was formally invited to the nuptial

Thomas was

And he was very hurt

When told he couldn't make a speech

Shut the reception

The most Family Feud

It takes a third party

A husband or partner

To intervene

Break the entrenched position

And tactfully suggest the author of an olive branch

Might be the best way forward

Harry should have been at peace

But Headstrong

Unworldly I'm in thrall to his story beautiful wife he did nothing to calm the Brewing storm

Rather than respectfully meeting his father-in-law face

The face before the couple's engagement was announced

He chose a quick chat on the phone

Harry or rather his advisors

Had the chance to bring Thomas into the Royal tent

Before the world even knew Meghan and Harry were a couple

It was a dropped ball that has led us to this point

When only days before the wedding

Thomas foolishly agreed

Descansen photographs

Harry was on the phone again

This time to severely the rating

Thomas recovering from Virgin heart surgery and deeply embarrassed by his action

Pulled out of his daughter's big day

Some Royal Insiders

Suggested affect the surgery to find an excuse

But as we reveal today

You're actually saved his life

From Megan

The joy of her Windsor Castle wedding shared by the world

Was a chance to put all the unpleasantness

Is behind her

She decided to take a time out from her dad

But neglected to communicate that to him properly

Once again

He felt hurt and slighted and reacted angrily in a live TV inter

Right now it's hard to see Megan giving ground

Just in Practical terms she is heavily pregnant

Working with interior designers and armed with Swatch Fabric and paint samples

To redevelop the couple's new home

Frogmore Cottage

In time for the spring birth

She won't be jumping on a plane to Mexico to make peace

He's with her father in those circumstances

But with Thomas and ailing health

Harry needs to man up and fix

What he inadvertently set off in the first place

By failing to show Megan's father the necessary


Only then will Meghan and her father be reunited

Time is a great healer

What time is also something

That we can never have enough

Harry and Prince William spoke movingly last year

Of how they are haunted by their last hurried phone call to their mother

Princess Diana

The evening before she died

They were eager to get off the

The phone because they were having such a great time playing with their cousins at Balmoral

Harry said in an interview

I can't really necessarily remember what I said

But all I can remember is probably regretting for the rest of my life

How short

The phone call with his

It's a sentiment we have all felt in one way or another

A visit we never made

A call not returned

And suddenly the chance

To say what we wanted

This a is gone forever

Megan is at heart a good and generous woman who is ambitious

And to be critical in the reinvention of the royal family for another generation

But what she cannot be is Forever cast is the crumbly unforgiving daughter of the heartbroken and lonely old man

And Harry holds the key to making sure that doesn't happen

Before it's too late

What do you think

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Thank you for watching

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Thomas Markle

Google says he hung up on tents

The drama surrounding Meghan markle's father Thomas Markle

Has taken

In an interview with the mail on Sunday

After a heated phone call

The Duchess of Sussex is father said Prince Harry

He said they will eat you alive

He was right

Michael did not follow the prince's advice

Just a week before his daughter's wedding Marco was a

Xposed for staging company

Supposedly showed him getting ready for the wedding

Michael Todd

In the photos

Michael was in the hospital recovering from a heart attack when the prince called him again

Michael said Prince Harry told him

If you had listened to me this would never have happened

Maybe it would be better if I was dead

Then you could pretend to be sad

Then I have

But in hindsight


He does not blame the prince

Admonishing him

I love them

I wish them well

But as for the rest of it


Kensington Palace

Michael's interview with the mail is the latest in a series of media outbursts

Criticize the royal family for freezing about of communication with his daughter

He claimed it will be his last

Michael Douglas

Good Morning Britain

I told him to give us president

In another interview with the Daily Mail and July

Michael accuses daughter of being cold

Should be nothing without me

Everything that Megan is

She became the woman that she is today thanks to Everything I did for her

Marco Island

And did I get any recognition for


She doesn't even speak to me now

How cold is it

For more infomation >> Man up, Prince Harry! Heal the rift with Meghan Markle's father ... before it's too late - Duration: 10:32.


⚡JohnyBoy - На Шипах (Bloger Bad Cover) (Первый Куплет) - Duration: 1:28.

Yesterday, at the end of July, I visited hell ..

Gone, leaving only the fragrance on things ..

In my opinion, you cannot do this, you hear, Lord.

Look at us, what are we with her "just friends"?

Autumn does not bring joy, only leaves and brushwood.

Do not write to me, forget my address, I want to hear your voice.

And eternal happiness, let them, we are all here designate,

But to her heart there are no more lines of mine ..

I convince myself: "I am not on the nerves, we will become friends, probably".

But my cry is heard from Miami to Bern.

Though the songs for the youngsters we were flying across the sky,

I understand absurdly, wandering in the abyss, to drive that you ran in paradise.

What kind of atrocity, throat burns so disgusting,

It will not be easy for me in the soul, and will be hard on the heart.

I did not think that everything would collapse and pass away like a dream

Blinked, and your finger is no longer choking my ring!

For more infomation >> ⚡JohnyBoy - На Шипах (Bloger Bad Cover) (Первый Куплет) - Duration: 1:28.


Display Port Dönüştürücü Ve HDMI Kablosunun Paket Açılımı, İnceleme | N11 #1 - Duration: 3:51.

For more infomation >> Display Port Dönüştürücü Ve HDMI Kablosunun Paket Açılımı, İnceleme | N11 #1 - Duration: 3:51.


Fruit Noodles English Assignment - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> Fruit Noodles English Assignment - Duration: 2:03.


The Dazzle Cam Clip 3 - Duration: 0:43.

Keeping everything in order is kind of my specialty so running the cafe by

myself should be a piece of cake which reminds me I can't forget about

the mayor's cake the cafe has been really busy today and on top of all the lunch orders I

still have to mop the floor fix the displays clean the dishes oh and the mayor's

coming this afternoon but I'm not worried I got this at least I think I

got this and whenever my friends need help I'll be there for them too. I got this (laughs)

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  1. Прости, Денис, мы всё потеряли.

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