Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 5, 2017

Youtube daily May 25 2017

Why are Demandforce and Healthgrade

reviews not as important as Google and Yelp?

So, we see these reviews a lot on

Demandforce and Healthgrade, they're

very popular within the medical industry

practice to practice. However, those

reviews really don't have a lot of

visibility. When people are searching, the

first thing that's going to come up on

Google is your Google listing with your

Google reviews and then generally after

that it's your Yelp listing or maybe

something else after that. But it's

usually not Healthgrades or Demandforce.

Those websites are also generally

not a part of other aggregation sources

so it's hard to get those reviews to be

visible to your patients. And you're

obviously getting a lot of reviews

because you're a great doctor and it's

important to tell people that. So we

recommend pushing people towards Google

and Yelp because those reviews will stay

with you. And, they're going to be more in

people's face as soon as they do the

search so you get a lot better

visibility out of that

For more infomation >> Why Are Demandforce and Healthgrade Reviews Not as Important as Google and Yelp? - Duration: 1:00.


Product Decisions Made Easy with AutomationDirect's Web-store Compare Feature - Duration: 1:16.

Using the compare feature you instantly see the only difference between these is the I/O.

And it's so easy – Let's clear these out and go search on ... servo motors.

Maybe we want to know what the difference is between a 201 and a 201B servo motor.

There are now two items in my compare tool.

I'll click on that and we see the only difference between the two is the 201B has braking built


And if I want to send that to someone, I just hit e-mail.

I'll send it to myself from myself and add a little note.

And off it goes.

The e-mail I received looks like this with my note in red and a link to the comparison.


Let's clear all entries here and do another comparison.

Let's go look at some stack lights and instead of comparing them here, let's drop down

to the item level.

I can still compare from here, but look – now I can scroll through the list of items and

add the ones I want to look at.

Looks like the only difference between these if the number of elements.

And look at this, I can just start typing here to get a full list of all the part numbers

–... what's this P version of the 302?

Ahh it just has a different IP rating.

So easy.

And once again, I can print or e-mail this comparison.

Check it out – at AutomationDirect.

For more infomation >> Product Decisions Made Easy with AutomationDirect's Web-store Compare Feature - Duration: 1:16.


Blitz Tries a New Show: NA Summer Split Predictions ft. Crumbz, Scarra, & Sneaky's Face - Duration: 11:33.

The LCS Summer Split begins in just a couple of weeks. After a close spring playoffs and

TSM's disappointing time at MSI,

is C9 poised to be the strongest team in NA?

I think we're going to see a very similar situation as the last split.

I think both teams have great talent and outside of that they sort of live or die by communication

and decision making.

Really any team could have won the playoffs last split and TSM didn't exactly demonstrate

fantastic decision making at MSI.

So I think we're going to see similar competition between them next split.

I think it's going to be the same thing as last split, but in a different wording.

I think C9 last split heavily underperformed because they kept the same roster so they

were supposed to just dominate the region.

They were a top three split, but they came in and their improvement was not very good,

in my opinion.

You know, sure they had worked with Ray.

I think Impact in general just played really bad throughout the season.

His laning phase was just horrendous but he's still good at teamfighting so people just

tend to overlook his faults.

They working with Ray but he has weird teamfight positioning as well.

And so generally I think C9 is going to come in as a top three contender, but they're not

going to end rank one.

At the end of the day, they're going to have to beat TSM again and twice they have collapsed

in the finals.

Until they can actually get to the point where they can hold their own in a best of series

against TSM, I don't see them coming out ahead in this Summer Split.

Does CLG go up in the power rankings with their Dardoch acquisition?

CLG is trying to get a little spicy, it feels like.

Obviously Dardoch has a reputation that precedes him in game and out of game, and performance

that kind of swings and maybe a personality that kind of swings.

CLG's actually doing a lot of cutesy summer campy teamwork exercises, so I'll be optimistic

about it.

CLG's always been a team that's been greater than the sum of their parts.

That's how I always see CLG.

A lot of people confuse them because they're like oh why do they always underperform or

overperform in certain situations.

I just think in general the way that the coaching staff understands the game is very unique

and they make smarter players.

And I think that in this situation Xmithie had a terrible spring split.

Coming from the biggest Xmithie lover possible, he was the worst jungler or second worst jungler in

the entire region last split and I think any upgrade is an upgrade for them.

I think even with that in mind, they could have been top three last split for sure and

they could have, that would have been really good.

I don't think -- even with an underperforming jungler to the largest degree you can underperform,

they could have been top three.

And this season I think, easy upgrade.

I think CLG will improve with having Dardoch.

But I think the jump is just quite minimal to me, really.

There is so much that CLG needs to work on and I think that one of the big reasons for

Dardoch coming in is that he's 19.

You've got Xmithie, 26 year old, Sejuani becomes meta.

You really can't have that in that team at the time, so it makes sense.

But let's remember that there is a video circulating of CLG playing a great game of don't touch

the floor.

The floor is lava?

The floor is lava.

That's a lot of teamwork.

Is that with or without--

It was with Dardoch yeah.

Some would say he was instrumental in their successful floor crossing.

The way I see it if any team can handle Dardoch, it's CLG.

I think they have some of the best framework in terms of coaching.

Like I respect a lot of team coaching differently.

For instance, I think Parth -- TSM -- he's even gone on record saying that he developed

systems for players, like procedural systems not only schedule-wise but how they get incrementally

better as a team.

I think he's fantastic at doing that.

I think Tony is a player who I have a lot of respect for to be able to not only create

systems but also create smarter players, again and all of that -- he's able to at some points

bring out the best in players and if you're able to bring out an average in Dardoch as

well as keep his mental state sane then I think he's going to be a great player.

I think my problem with Dardoch coming onto the team is similar to a point that Thorin

had made a while ago that I find that Dardoch's synergy really came out when he was on Team

Liquid with Piglet where he was playing with a player that clearly was above his respect

in terms of what he had accomplished.

So Piglet, a world champion, incredible work ethic.

I mean this guy won finals and was weeping because he didn't play well.

So having a player like that, this incredible superstar, I think really works well with

Dardoch, especially

because if you've seen how he interacts with his team he's a very amicable person, always

very friendly, very touchy and that's something that's huge in Korean culture, whereas you

don't have that here in the States.

It's very, very, more secluded.

And I just don't think that's the environment that he really would thrive in.

Like I would want to see him maybe play with Ssumday, like that would be a sick combination.

Just having those two players that can really push themselves to the next level and in CLG,

I don't see that there is a player like that.

I see that they have players that can mold him into that system as opposed to use him

as the pinnacle for what they should revolve the team around.

I don't think he should ever be a pinnacle of the team.

Because I think that he is not consistent enough as a player to be able to do that.

I think in all the teams he's been he's been the focal point because jungle tends to snowball

early game.

He should be a tool, but he should not be the focus.

And that's what CLG is really good at being able to do.

They bring in a lot of tools into the entire bucket and they are able to use whichever

the best tool fits the given situation.

But I feel like you're not sharpening this tool.

Like you're keeping it not as sharp as it could be.

I feel like there's so much potential in this player at 19 years old.

If you pair him with a midlaner that would be insane, like a Bjergsen or a midlaner that

is just really a hard carry as opposed to somebody like Huhi who was more of a supportive

type midlaner that is not as consistent.

Would you not see his potential go further.

I think in terms of midlaners in North America there's none that have available jungle spots.

So you talk about, great, best midlaners you think Jensen, Bjerg, probably you put Froggen

up there.

And you put, what maybe one other player, like Ryu.

But none of these have available jungle spots so actually Huhi is if anywhere probably around

number five or six in the midlane, so I think it's fine.

I understand your argument.

I understand Thorin's argument.

It's the same argument I made for Doublelift.

Doublelift, terrible people skills way back when and over the years he improves steadily,

but when he joins TSM he can't say anything because he has the best player in the region

on his team.

So if he makes a mistake, it wasn't his fault, so I guess I got to deal with it.

That's exactly it that's like how Huni's perceived ego was immediately brought down.

You put him with a player like Faker, you got to shut up because now you are actually

dealing with somebody that is better than you, that can actually show you how to play

the game better.

Who on CLG besides maybe Aphromoo would show Dardoch how to play the game better?

And coaching staff, obviously.

I think of all of them could show him how to play the game better because I think his

understanding the game is not as good as he thinks.

But I think Aphromoo will do it.

I've worked with Aphromoo, he's the person who you expect to be a leader.

I think his relative performance in normal split, not great up until playoffs.

Like the weeks leading up to playoffs he actually played fantastic.

But he's the type of person who's able to lead a team.

I think with him, working with the rest of the team, you'd be surprised.

So you think they're going to make like top three?

I think it'll be top four.

CLG top four.

"Dardoch is a tool" is all I'm pulling out of this.

I love the point of CLG is a team without pinnacles, and Dardoch shouldn't be the pinnacle,

either from lack of experience or even you can see in his past performance.

When a team lives or dies by Dardoch, it never turns out so well.

You wouldn't want to live or die exactly, you would want to just set him up for success.

Think of it like a jungler like the Gigabyte Marines' Levi, right?

The team revolved around him quite heavily, at times could succeed without him.

So when the focus revolves around the player that can really make plays happen then you

have this kind of more, in the meta where the jungler is more successful now, obviously

maybe it gets changed and it's not so effective and it's fine to just have him on the backpedal,


But you still want to be capable of achieving a situation where he has to take charge and

he can carry.

I don't really understand this because it's like OK well, in what facet can you set up

the jungler?

Aside from having all winning lanes, so you just want to play with better players who

win lane.

Well let me look at the team so far.

Aphromoo and Stixxay, they're going to be like third.

They were top three this season, maybe next season when Doublelift comes back they're

number four.

It's still a really, really good botlane duo, they're going to have pressure in the lane.

The way top lane Darshan ended the split I thought super fantastic actually.

His top lane play, aside from when he suicided on Camille, was actually really, really good

going to the of end this split.

I'll put them at like number five.

You know, same thing with midlane, number five.

I think that, and of all the teams that play in the LCS, CLG sets up the junglers the best

because they have usually the most unique and best level ones of all the teams playing.

When you think about in terms of ingenuity and throughout the years creativity on level

ones, CLG has always been the best team to do that.

So I think of all the teams you would maybe want to put him on -- Dardoch would want to

join CLG the most because they tend to set up certain players the best possible, and

jungle is no exception.

I mean I would want to have him kept on Immortals and just revolve the team around him, like

the acquisition of Olleh and Cody Sun were some of the most bizarre things ever and even

Flame had such an underperforming thing.

If they had just kept maybe Pobelter and Dardoch and had the entire three revamped around them,

now you can have a lot more success.

Olleh and Cody Sun were some of the best at their position at the end of the split, in

my opinion.

I think they were top four -- but these are top five, top four, that's not enough.

The thing is it's like, he's not going to be able to join a team that's top three, like

in my opinion.

Well there's imports, just buy players from Korea.

There's so many player, just grab them in.

You have no imports thoughts on Pobelter and Dardoch.

I know.

I'm pretty sure they both got into problems with -- Yeah, of course.

Oh yeah there's problems around, but that's not where we can, we can't really sit here

and discuss that openly.

Yeah, so I don't know.

I don't think Pobelter is the person who will work with him either.

Like you want someone who is able to be flexible, to be able to sacrifice for his lane, for

the jungler.

And Pobelter is a very, very standard midlaner that plays out all the games normally, but

he's very high inconsistency, you know.

I'm telling you, if there's a team that's willing to sacrifice certain areas of their

gameplay to make another player perform, it's CLG.

So you think CLG is just going to sacrifice themselves to make Dardoch be the best player


Huhi usually sacrifices too much, and in fact, part of the reason why his relative growth

happened during this split was because he learned that he was giving up too much in

his lane to make his other teammates better.

That was an issue we had last MSI as well, for some years ago, so yes.

Yeah but this is a split where I thought he really ended up being like a pretty good maintainer.

I think, maybe the ego problems aside from Dardoch that he will -- if any team is going

to help him improve to the highest extent, maybe not make him a world caliber team, but

have his personal growth be as high as it possibly can, I think it's going to be CLG.

For more infomation >> Blitz Tries a New Show: NA Summer Split Predictions ft. Crumbz, Scarra, & Sneaky's Face - Duration: 11:33.


Corporate Cover-Up - Birth Control Devices Causing Serious Health Problems For Women - Duration: 11:17.

There are currently 61 million American women in their childbearing years ranging in age

from 15 to 44.

62% of these women regularly use a contraceptive method, with 6.4% choosing to use an intra-uterine

device or IUDs to prevent pregnancy.

IUDs are small devices that are implanted into the uterus to prevent fertilized eggs

from developing.

Over the last 15 years, IUDs have gone on to make up a larger and larger share of the

birth control market and according to 2012 data; IUDs are the fourth most common form

of birth control after condoms.

IUDs have proven to be amazingly effective and convenient because they can be implanted

once and will remain effective for many years without any interference.

And as the market for IUDs began to grow in the early part of this century, pharmaceutical

giant, Bayer, wanted to make sure that it could get a piece of the profits and introduced

an IUD device in the year 2000 called Mirena.

Mirena is a chemical-coated, soft plastic IUD that proved to be a huge money-maker for


But part of the reason that this particular contraceptive was so profitable was because

Bayer was deliberately over-stating the benefits of their device and not disclosing some of

the rare, but dangerous side effects.

For example, in April of 2009, the FDA had to issue a warning letter to Bayer Healthcare

because its website for Mirena made a number of claims that were simply untrue or unproven.

Bayer was so busy making claims that the IUD was a perfect solution for busy moms and would

increase women's sex lives while making them "look and feel" great, that it forgot to mention

the device is recommended for women who have had at least one child already.

The company also declined to state that the Mirena IUD increases the risk of ectopic pregnancies

-- when a fertilized egg attaches to an area other than the uterus -- And that of the few

women that become pregnant with the Mirena IUD -- half of them have ectopic pregnancies.

And they completely left out the fact that their Mirena IUD needed to be replaced every

5 years.

Bayer also failed to tell women that there was a small risk that this particular IUD

could either break apart or migrate after insertion, causing perforations in the uterus

that would then lead to major medical emergencies.

The FDA might not have put it in these terms, but they strongly implied that Bayer was so

desperate to make their sales pitch to women that they threw all of the warnings out in

order to increase the sales of their alleged miracle contraceptive.

But those weren't the only problems associated with the Mirena IUD.

The chemical coating on the IUD – a form of progestin – was released daily into a

woman's body while the device was implanted.

Later observational studies found out that this chemical, even after the device had been

removed, had a small chance of leading to a form of hyper-masculinity in developed fetuses,

resulting in improper development of the genitalia in unborn children.

Further studies have also shown that Mirena increases the likelihood of breast cancer,

decreased libido, ovarian cysts, and depression.

But again, this information was completely omitted by Bayer during their sales pitches.

They saw that the IUD market was growing rapidly, and they wanted to make sure that Mirena was

the name brand that women told their doctors they wanted.

Joining me now to discuss Mirena's potential side effects is attorney, Larry Jones, who

is handling cases for women injured by this device.

Larry, tell us about some of the damages that this device has caused in women.

Well first let me say thanks, Farron, for having me on the show.

I'm a big fan.

You did a great job of covering lots of different injuries associated with this wonder product,

as Bayer likes to claim that it is.

Really you can characterize the injuries in two different categories.

One is the device-related injuries and the other is the drug-related injuries.

The device-related injuries, as you've mentioned, approximately 1,600 women have filed lawsuits

in the southern district of New York in the federal court there because this device migrated

and perforated their uterine wall all without a sufficient warning to these women, something

that they should have known before they ever agreed to have the Mirena implanted in them.

The other category of injuries is what I call the drug-related injuries.

That is… this is a T-shaped IUD that releases a very potent synthetic progestin, a manmade

chemical into the body.

It does so through a reservoir in the bottom of the IUD.

Now why is that important, you may ask.

Well this was something that if you go all the way back to when Bayer first put this

on the market in the United States, they sold this product to these women's doctors as a

device that had a mostly local effect and released a tiny amount of hormone into their

body, leading to low to no systemic hormonal adverse effects.

That's just not true.

It wasn't true in the pre-market studies.

It's not true today.

This is something that in my opinion has been the entire basis of their marketing campaign

for the last 17 years or so.

This marketing to women who are already hormone averse from their experience taking pills.

This IUD, among the systemic effects, you've mentioned depression.

You also have acne.

There have even been studies that suggest that there's a higher incidence of breast


We've heard with other contraceptives arterial and venous thrombo events, such as DVT, pulmonary

embolism, things of that nature.


These are all the kinds of injuries that you experience with the Mirena IUD that have not

been disclosed throughout the years to women who are going to be using the product.

Well you know, you mentioned the marketing.

Bayer got in trouble with the FDA back in 2009 because they didn't disclose some of

the potential side effects that we've discussed of this device.

What did the FDA tell them back in 2009 when they had to send that warning letter over

to Bayer Healthcare?

Well for some of your viewers, they may not know that the FDA requires what's known as

fair balance.

Basically if you're going to sell your product, you also have to fairly represent the risks

of those products to the folks you're trying to sell to.

You mentioned some of the web paper click ads that Bayer was doing that FDA got on them

about, but they were also doing things such as going out and basically having the equivalent

of the old Avon parties, where they would get a bunch of women together, send a representative

in to talk to these women over wine about how great Mirena was.

Among the things that I believe I remember FDA getting on them about was they were making

claims like, 'This will lead to a more robust sex life,' and things of that nature.

The FDA, to their credit in that instance, told them they need to knock it off and they

needed to tell these women the risks associated with the drug.

Those are the risks that they've disclosed to the FDA.

Those are the things that are part of the warning label.

One of the conditions that has been at my heart, something I've been working on for

the last three years or so, is that this Mirena, this leave and adjust for releasing device

causes a condition known as pseudotumor cerebri, which is pseudo meaning mimicking, cerebri

meaning brain.

Basically a condition that mimics a brain tumor.

This is all very interesting and it's stuff that women who have had this IUD implanted

in them, they need to know all of this.

Right, right.

This condition, in all respects, it mimics a brain tumor.

A lot of my clients, the first indication from their doctors is, 'Ma'am, I'm sorry.

You have a brain tumor.'

My clients go home.

They're thinking, 'Oh my gosh.

I'm going to end up dying.'

The way you rule out the brain tumor is you do imaging.

There's no tumor there.

Then they test the cerebral spinal fluid levels.

What they come to is this condition, PTC, also known as intercranial hypertension.

What you have, Farron, is you have a buildup of cerebral spinal fluid on the brain.

It causes these incredible migraine headaches, puts pressure on the optic nerves of the eyes

and basically pushes the eyes out so that about eight to 10% of all women that end up

with this condition experience partial to total blindness.


There's no fix to that.

I have to ask, this is one of the most important pieces of this, from what you've seen from

the documents in this case, was Bayer Healthcare aware of any of these dangers and they failed

to mention them to the public?

From what you've seen from their own documents, what do we know that they knew about and didn't


Without getting into the confidential documents, I can tell you that they have known about

the association between this injury and levonorgestrel since the early 1990s, long before they put

the product on the market.

It's criminal that they haven't warned women that are using this device.

That is remarkable.

They knew about these dangers in the early 90s.

The year 2000 rolls around.

They still get this thing approved by the FDA.

Nine years later along this timeline, the FDA finally comes out and says, 'Okay.

Well listen, your website is a little misleading.

You shouldn't be doing some of these other things you're doing.

You need to stop that and let women know that it's not completely safe.'

Bayer plays along.

Now we have potentially thousands of women out there who have had this device implanted

without knowing the dangers because Bayer decided they didn't want to tell them.

Now once again, it's a situation where this has to be taken up in court because it really

is one of the last places for American citizens to really get any form of justice whatsoever

when corporations, whether it's Bayer, whether it's Pfizer, whether it's Merck, when these

corporations cover up the dangers and release a product that they know is going to harm

consumers without saying a word.

Larry Jones, thank you for talking with us today.

We appreciate everything that you're doing.

For more infomation >> Corporate Cover-Up - Birth Control Devices Causing Serious Health Problems For Women - Duration: 11:17.


Arrow Season 5 Finale - Who REALLY Survived? Arrow Season 6 Theories - Duration: 6:05.

The Season 5 finale of Arrow brought back a bunch of fan favourite characters for an

epic showdown on Lian Yu and culminated in an explosive cliffhanger.

Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers, it's Jan here and in this video I want to take a look at

that Season 5 cliffhanger ending and see if we can figure out who survived and who's returning

for Season 6.

A quick reminder that my Arrowverse giveaway is still running, so, for a chance to win

any of these Arrow, Flash or Supergirl Funko Pops, subscribe and leave a comment with your

thoughts on the finale or Season 6.

And just be aware that, obviously, there are spoilers ahead if you're not up-to-date yet

with Arrow.

So, this season Prometheus was certainly the villain we've been looking for on Arrow, always

ten steps ahead of Oliver.

I really enjoyed Josh Segarra's performance and his character was so irredeemably bad

that he even killed himself at the end hoping to destroy Oliver's life by setting off the

bombs on Lian Yu to kill almost everyone that Ollie cared about.

As shocking as this was, this is, of course, a comic book show and unless we see bodies

dead and buried, and even sometimes then, it's hard to believe that they are all really


On top of that, various characters that were on the island at the end have already been

confirmed for Season 6 by the showrunners, so let's examine who probably made it and

how they survived.

Actress Katie Cassidy has already been confirmed to return as Black Siren for Season 6 and,

given she was working with Prometheus, it's quite likely she was aware of the bombs that

he'd set on the island, so she probably had a means of getting off the island already


As Black Siren is coming back as a regular next season, I wonder whether she could even

get a main villain role, if not for the whole season, then perhaps at least initially?

And actors Juliana Harkavy and Rick Gonzalez who play Dinah and Rene are also confirmed

as returning for Season 6.

In the finale, we finally see Dinah validated as the new Black Canary by Quentin Lance,

which is nice because Dinah was the original Black Canary in the comics before Laurel Lance

took on the mantle.

But how did she, Wild Dog and the others survive all those bombs?

Remember, Oliver says to Felicity there's an Argus supply ship on the Eastern side of

the island, but that appears to be just minutes before the bombs go off, so it seems unlikely

they could have made it there in time.

However, let's not forget that Slade Wilson is with them, and he knows Lian Yu well and

has just spent many years locked up in a reinforced supermax prison on the island.

So, I suspect Slade probably took as many of them as he could to the safety of the Argus

prison bunker.

Speaking of Deathstroke, given that in the finale Oliver gives Slade Wilson a file with

information on his son Joe, it seems unlikely that the show would open up this thread without

exploring it further down the road, which suggests that there are possible storylines

ahead about Slade looking for his son.

Now, Manu Bennett is currently busy with other roles, so whether he will return or how much

he could return for Season 6 is still unsure.

Deathstroke was a great character when he was a regular on the show and with the finale

cameo of Oliver's mother Moira, who Slade killed in Season 2, it would be amazing to

see Deathstroke return and further redeem himself next season.

Felicity, Diggle, Thea, Curtis, Quentin and Nyssa were also with Slade, Dinah and Rene

at the end, and obviously it wouldn't be a good move for the show to kill off these main

characters in between seasons.

I suspect most of them made it to safety with Slade, but there's always a chance we get

to see a few of them picked off in the opening episode of season 6.

For example, Thea has had a lot less to do this season, so you could argue that she'd

be the most obvious one to go, however, I feel she won't be killed off on the island,

especially as Merlyn may have given his life to save hers.

But could the show pull a similar move to what The Flash did this season with HR and

Tracy, in other words, did they rekindle the romance between Felicity and Oliver as a way

to raise the stakes for her character before possibly killing her off?

After all, Prometheus did say to Oliver, 'it's gonna be lonely without mom and Felicity',

just before he blew up the island.

Or, given the fact that there's little audience attachment to the character, maybe it will

be Samantha, the mother of Oliver's son, William, who doesn't make it off Lian Yu.

A couple of baddies whose fate is less certain would be Evelyn and Talia.

Evelyn was last seen still locked up in the cage and Talia had been knocked out by Nyssa.

Though you can never totally count out a character who's got the name al-Ghul!

Now, let's not forget about another teased-but-not-seen death during the finale: Malcolm Merlyn.

Merlyn took Thea's place after she stepped on a landmine and sent her away with the others

after Digger Harkness, aka Captain Boomerang, and his gang caught up with them.

Thea then saw an explosion in the distance and assumed Merlyn had died, but remember

Slade Wilson's words to Boomerang earlier in the episode: "Assumption is the mother

of all failures".

However, John Barrowman, who plays Merlyn, made a Facebook video shortly after the episode

finished, saying that he won't be back for Season 6 and that he's very sad to be leaving

the Arrowverse.

So, it looks like this is the end for Merlyn then, but at least he was able to redeem himself

somewhat by sacrificing himself for his daughter.

Of course, we're still in comic book territory here so it's possible that the showrunners

decided to have Merlyn's death off-screen to leave things more open for the future.

After all, Merlyn was looking pretty cocky when Boomerang turned up and it's not unfeasible

that he could have pulled Boomerang onto the landmine while launching himself as far away

as he could from the explosion.

And let's not forget this green vial that he wears around his neck.

If that contains waters from the Lazarus Pit, then he could use it to heal any major injuries

from the blast.

Malcolm has returned from apparent death before and has dubbed himself the Magician both in

the TV show and the comics so, even if he did die, we can't absolutely rule out his

return, even if it's only in flashbacks.

So, who do you think survived Lian Yu and what did you think about the Arrow season


Also, what would you like to see happen in Season 6?

Don't forget to comment and subscribe to enter my Arrowverse Funko Pop giveaway.

And if you enjoyed this, do please leave a like and while you're here check out my Flash,

Supergirl and other DC TV and movie videos by tapping or clicking the links here.

Thanks for watching and see you next time.

Yippee-ki-yay, movie lovers!

For more infomation >> Arrow Season 5 Finale - Who REALLY Survived? Arrow Season 6 Theories - Duration: 6:05.



In Player unknown's battlegrounds you're going to come across a lot of different scopes.

Some good, some bad and some even uglier than others.

One particular scope will give you a big advantage and another one will mess up your aim and


Today we are going to check out all the scope in Battlegrounds and the next time you play

your favorite game you will know exactly which scope to keep and which ones to swap.

A lot of guys have requested a comparison between all the different iron sights so let's

start there.

Most people claim that the M416 has the best iron sights of all assault rifles in Battlegrounds

so let's see if they were right.

Let's remove the scope and then we end up with this.

The basic iron sights of the m416.

OK, it's clear for an iron sights, it doesn't block too much of your screen and there is

enough open space next to the very center part of the iron sight that you use to aim,

this makes it easier to track your enemy if he is on the move and you can easily use it

to lead your target.

So far it seems that they were right, but let's compare it with the other iron sights

so that we know for sure.

The m16a4 is thinner so it covers less of your screen, but it's less clear in the

area where it matters, it covers more of the part that you use to aim, in other words it

will be more difficult to track your target and you will have a harder time making small

correction with the center of the iron sights.

The scar L is super thin, it's like an iron sights on a diet, the problem is that it is

way too thick in area that we use to actually aim at our enemy, so good luck trying to lead

your target with this one.

The akm is completely different, the biggest issue is that the weapon blocks most of your

view and in contrast the actual iron sights itself is super tiny.

This works in real life but in battlegrounds it's just way too small.

I find it easier to use the u shaped form that you can see in front of the sight, it's

less accurate but at least I can see it in all situations.

So it seem that the m416 has the best iron sights.

I will compare the m416 with a red dot and I will show you the other ones later in the

top right corner.

One thing that I have to mention with these comparisons is that I sometimes have to use

a different weapon to show a certain scope, this will change the overall look around the

base of the weapon but the direct area around the scope will be the same so focus on that

because it's almost impossible find a 15x scope and all the different weapons at the

same time.

The m416 had a great iron sights to start with but things can be improved, especially

when you find a red dot.

The world around you will be a whole lot clearer now, the dot of the red dot is easy to see

and the black housing if I may call it that is super thin, so it won't get in your way

when you have to lead your target.

When we compare a red dot with an holographic sight then you know why most of you have always

swapped away from the holographic sight, it's just way too big and it blocks too much of

your view.

The holographic sight is good enough for close range engagements but I find that it lack

precision when you try to kill a guy who is further away.

It even blocks a big part of the view around the weapon itself.

Not that you will use that area often but you never know.

Getting your hands on your next chicken dinner depends alot on these smaller details so never

say never.

I have to admit the area within the holographic sight is a lot bigger than the red dot itself,

so it might be easier to lead your target but then the circle and the dot blocks more

of your view than when you just see one dot so you lose precision.

When we compare the red dot with the 2x scope then things get even worse.

Sure you can zoom in more, I will give you that, but I can't see very much any more

of the surrounding area.

I can't even see much of the top of my screen anymore.

Why is this thing so big?

The housing is super thick as well.

Most of the time I will swap away from this scope as soon as I find a red dot, I personally

don't feel that the advantage of the increased zoom outweighs the fact that you can't see

much of your screen anymore.

Both of these scopes are attached on an m416 and for the red dot you character will hold

the weapon further away from you, when you then attach a 2x scope then your character

will bring the weapon closer to you, blocking even more of the view.

Most of us are used to a scope that has a red color, some of us change things around

when we play a game like Battlefield for example but using a green scope in a game that takes

place outdoors most of the time with a lot of green trees doesn't really make a whole

lot of sense.

Would you swap a 2x scope for an holographic sight?

This questions is a little bit more difficult to answer.

They are both thick scopes, and they block different parts of the screen so it will depend

on which part of the screen that you actually want to see.The center of the holographic

sight is definitely smaller than the center of the 2x scope, but that one zooms in more

so it doesn't necessarily mean that you will see more of the area that you are looking


If you watch closely then you can see that the holographic sight is still thinner in

the area where it matters most and it's red so that are definitely 2 key features

that can make a difference.

A red dot vs a 4x scope.

I already know you preference, the 4x right, and gameplay wise it makes sense.

It will give you a bigger advantage over a red dot because it's easier to go for headshots

with a 4x.

But the red dot looks tiny compared to the 4x, right?

I never realized in game that there is such a big difference in size.

The 4x scope blocks a relatively big part of your screen, it comes close to blocking

1 third of your screen.

The great thing about the 4x scope is the magnification, it makes sense in Battlegrounds

and it's probably the most versatile scope you can find.

The magnification hit's a sweet spot for this game, it doesn't zoom in too much so

that it's unusable in close range firefights and it zooms in enough so that you can easily

kill most enemies.

You don't really need more because most of the time the line of sight doesn't allow

that anyway, it all has to do with how the map was designed.

The reticle of the 4x is great because it's very easy to use in battlegrounds.

Red dot vs 8x, I know that it doesn't really make sense to compare them but at least you

saw it once and then we can go over to the 4x vs the 8x, which is more useful.

The red dot looks even smaller than before, and it's pretty clear that you can't see

anything of the surrounding area outside of the 8x scope, but that's not the point,

it's designed to give you a nice zoomed in part in the center your screen.

That's what the 8x scope all about.

The center part of the 4x scope is relatively small compared to the 8x, the center part

of the 8x is almost as big as the entire 4x scope but the 4x still allows you to see the

area around the scope.

The markings on the 4x are very clear and they are a lot easier to use, the markings

or mil dots on the 8x are pretty much unusable, you will have to guess or you will have to

use the practice shot method.

I haven't been able to confirm this yet but apparently the first mil dot on an 8x

scope is 900 meters.

That is why you will have to guess for all other ranges because you don't have a reference

so the practice shot method is probably the best way to go.

The zoom level is much better for the 8x and it's perfectly suited to give a nice headshot

on a stationary target, even if he is relatively close to you, but things become a little bit

more difficult when that guy is running around.

So for a moving enemy who isn't running around on the other side of the map, it's

easier to kill him using a 4x scope.

In an ideal world you would be able to swap the 8x for a 4x and then for a red dot, that

would be perfect, but what do you do when you pick up 3 8x scopes?

It took me a lot of effort getting my hands on all of those, only to come to the conclusion

that it doesn't make sense at all, even 2 8x scopes is way too much for one loadout.

Long range monster but no versatility.

Yes, if you weren't aware, there is a 15x scope in Player unknown's battlegrounds!

The only problem is getting your hands on it.

You can't just pick it up, you will never find it lying around in some remote building.

The only 2 ways of getting your hands on the 15x scope is to pick it up from an air drop

or to steal it out of the hands of a dead enemy who picked it up from an air drop.

I will show you what it looks like compared to a red dot but there is no point comparing


The center part of the 15x scope is bigger than an entire 4x scope, that sais it all


The great thing about the 15x, besides the zoom, is that you can almost use your entire


It only blocks a small part.

Just make sure that you zoom in directly on your target otherwise it might be a little

bit difficult to find him with such a high magnification.

The 8x scope and the 15x scope are very similar, except for the magnification of course.

They both cover the outside of your screen and they have similar markings.

The 15x blocks a lot less of your screen and some of the mil dots coincide with the ones

of the 8x but not all of them, so watch out when you have the luxury to go from one scope

to the other.

Ok guys, you just saw all of the scopes in Player unknown's battlegrounds, you saw

how much of the screen they block and I'm sure that you now perfectly know which scopes

to keep and which ones to swap.

While you are here why not check out one of these videos and as you know Youtube likes

and shares are very helpful to me.

If you think that this video is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to like this video

and to share it with all you buddies?

This was FOG of GAMING, thanks for watching and I will see you in battlegrounds.

Player unknown's battlegrounds scopes.

Battlegrounds scopes

For more infomation >> PLAYER Unknown's BATTLEGROUNDS SIGHTS - The BEST SCOPES in BATTLEGROUNDS - Duration: 8:33.


What Are Your Summer Plans? - Duration: 3:42.

Hello hello my friends! Kaitlyn here! And what are your summer plans?


Are we going to the beach yet?

Surfin' USA do do do do do do do do! This is my own Surfin' USA song.

So summer has always been my favorite time year.

There's warm weather and I can tank tops and shorts.

The days are longer and the sun is usually shining.

And even when it isn't. It can mean some epic storms!

I can go swimming or hiking or just generally have lots of fun outside.

And I always make lots of summer plans for myself.

Now, when I was a kid, and had my summers off from school, I would PACK my summer full of cool things.

I would go to science camp. I taught myself how to sew so I could make these cloth dolls.

I was always writing stories or painting or drawing something.

And I was perpetually building a hideout in the woods despite the risk of snakes.

It was awesome!

And then when I was a little older and went to college, I still had my summers off, and

they were relatively fun too.

I usually spent a lot of time volunteering and still writing and painting.

I did a lot of craft and DIY projects around my parent's house like one year I took

all the lawn ornaments and repainted them to look bright and new.

But man, when you're not in school anymore and you work a job that doesn't take summers off or even

like slow down during the summer, it is a bummer!

But for some reason I still see summer as this time for opportunity.

I don't know if it's that the days are longer so I feel like I have more time.

So as we go into another summer I thought I would take some time to tell you guys about what I have planned

and what you can expect on the channel.

First, I'm going to VidCon again this year! Yay!

Please! Please let me know if you are also going! because

I would love to meet you! Take a picture with, all that fun stuff.

Second, I've been making 2 videos a week since August.

But actually since I got a new job and moved because apparently I'm crazy and react to a high

stress situation by giving myself more things to do!

This is a legitimate problem that I have.

And I love making 2 videos a week.

But I really want to take the summer off.

No! Wait! Not off of YouTube entirely! I just want to go back to 1 video a week for the duration of the summer.

I started this whole thing like, "Oh I'll just make my Tuesday videos something like low-key and not a lot of

work" and somehow through time it has morphed into 2 full production videos a week

and it is wearing me out.

But more importantly, it's been preventing me from getting my other goals accomplished.

Like do you follow my blog?

I haven't written a blog in a month!

This is so crazy!

That's never happened before!

But it's because I've been so worn out and scrambling to get all the things in my

life done on time.

So basically June through August, unless other noted, I will only be making Thursday videos.

Now this will leave me some time to work on other important iIMAGINEblank goals like….starting a patreon!

Woot woot!

So support for me (which is great!) but also cool perks and more interaction for you all!

And working on a website for iIMAGINEblank.

This is something that I've been talking about for years now. But in order to it, I honestly

just gotta trim some of the fat from my life in order to make sure that I have time to devote to it.

I'm trying to be really mindful of my personal and professional needs and do what I think is best.

So yeah for summer break!

Anyway, that's enough about me, what about you guys?

Do you have any summer plans?

Tell me all about them down in the comments!

Plus remember to like, favorite, share, and subscribe if this video made you smile!

See you guys on...THURSDAY!


For more infomation >> What Are Your Summer Plans? - Duration: 3:42.


Hija de la actriz Eva Tamargo estaba con Ariana Grande la noche del atentado - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Hija de la actriz Eva Tamargo estaba con Ariana Grande la noche del atentado - Duration: 2:57.


Valentino Lanús confirma infidelidad de su ex Jacky Bracamontes | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Valentino Lanús confirma infidelidad de su ex Jacky Bracamontes | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:41.


Los looks de Melania e Ivanka Trump causaron burlas en redes sociales - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> Los looks de Melania e Ivanka Trump causaron burlas en redes sociales - Duration: 0:39.


Cristiano Ronaldo defraudó 8 millones de euros al fisco | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:33.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo defraudó 8 millones de euros al fisco | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:33.


Prima de Shakira saca su primer álbum | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> Prima de Shakira saca su primer álbum | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:37.


El matrimonio de Don Omar y Jackie Guerrido | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> El matrimonio de Don Omar y Jackie Guerrido | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:16.


El grupo Intocable reacciona a nuevas medidas migratorias | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> El grupo Intocable reacciona a nuevas medidas migratorias | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:19.


Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer REVIEW & BREAKDOWN - Duration: 21:34.

With just one more season to go after this one

our story is coming to an end...

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