just look you know I don't even have a
thing that shows me it's just a lens I
don't have like the screen so I don't
even know why the fuck idea is I don't
know I'm fixing or hurting this could be
counterproductive did you chew on that a
little louder than Mickey pants can't
quite hear although I turned the fan off
because I didn't want that background so
now I got I'm just happy it's not my
fingers that's good good good groove
more you over here
you may notice by the way the plant is
gone there used to be a flame here
that's because he finished eating it now
he's moving on to the fake tree uh-huh
love you Mickey buzz yeah all right so a
few days ago I released the videos
telling you that I had a secret blog
channel which by the way apparently it
was like a real shitty secret I did a
terrible job hiding this channel I guess
one time it was linked someone think I
was so cute he sent me a snapchat he's
like this and all I did was type in
Jason and Mickey fans and it poked up I
love you whoever you are with several
hundred of you have found this blog
channel already you're not subscribed by
the way you should really go and find
that about an hour ago
I just released another vlog it was a
wild crazy
Sunday Funday it was like a rooftop pool
party followed by like clubbing out
what's hollywood nightclubs you guys
should definitely check it out it's
really fun and this happened by the way
during that yeah in that cute ah that's
adorable there's a very skinny party a
lot of skin involved are you guys ready
for your winners here we go coming in at
third place at 5:40 p.m. is marvellous
one you have won one of these marvelous
one you have won they're coming in at
second whoo you literally beat him by
one minute
5:39 is Ray Floyd you all know are
winning a supercharger I don't know what
that does today but they say we're now
calling them superchargers so you guys
need to send me your addresses or
whatever p.o box if you don't want to
tell me where you look and make sure I
get that and I will be sending these to
you super-fun now for the grand prize a
one-on-one chat quick more
I feel like some of my friends would see
that and be like that's the prize
congratulations Steven to 5:01 you came
in at 5:35 and then you also left me a
comment saying stay awesome which I'm
gonna I'm going to try to do that thank
you that's a lot of pressure I don't
know that I was awesome to begin with so
now I have to stick to that I'm going to
try making can you not dig into the
chair where do you think your head
there's nowhere to go
why your school day you'd be a good fit
to move a little bit
that's all for today congratulations to
our winners make sure to subscribe to
that Jack Mickey can you please stop it
oh okay all right someone wanted to keep
digging so they're going to be part of
the gabbai are just yeah yeah is LA
thank you everybody who had sound and
subscribe to the channel have fun
watching those vlogs because I'm having
a lot of fun with them and I'm really
not editing out a lot of my life so I'm
going to try to keep this channel is
true as if like I need to come out of my
shell more on this channel I was like
well you are super honest dude are you
shedding oh just what I need with
sweating and heat oh this is terrible
you just watching me fall apart here
with my dog congratulations to our three
winners huh meanwhile first place is
like this looks like a nice environment
to try to get a nice Skype call into
well I will be back tomorrow for food
man Friday it's been a while I'm so
sorry this video went to absolute hell I
just I'm melting here I feel like it's
110 degrees and can't do anymore of this
I love you a lot I'll see you tomorrow
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