okay we're going to look at today the
summary of what we're going to look at
in this presentation okay so first of
all we're going to look at some barriers
to giving a successful presentation
we'll be looking at some language for
preparing to give effective
presentations summarizing the content of
a presentation we'll also look at some
factors which will contribute to making
a presentation more focused from the
audience viewpoint and we'll examine
some language to talk about
presentations okay so first of all what
is a presentation okay there are two
definitions of a presentation by person
can you write in the box
what what is the presentation for you
what what do you do in a presentation
you can just write that in them the
question bucks
mm-hmm okay so I see here speaking in
front of a group I have an audience
about a specific subject right that's
okay that's coming from Rob right okay
anything else
okay okay let's look at the definition
of what is a presentation okay the first
definition is that it's a talk giving
information about something
for example the speaker gave an
interesting presentation on urban
transport okay so this is a talk and the
second definition is an occasion when
prizes qualifications are formally given
to those who have won or achieved them
okay so the presentation of prizes and
certificates will take place in the main
hall okay so those are the two
definitions of a presentation so where
do people give presentations can you
write that down in the question box
where do people where can people give a
okay while Bubba's answered in workshops
in a job place right and then it saves
it at a school or at work right okay
that's good you can give it a
presentation at work at the University
and the conference hall okay and did any
of you ever give a presentation so if
you have given a presentation what was
the subject of your last presentation
you can just write that in the box
what was the subject of your last
presentation if you if you gave one
okay so George Rhodes entrepreneurship
and Marjorie rode in the human resource
budget okay and I also see an a Rhodes
and a save in a lecture right okay so I
see that many of you have given
presentations oh that's very good and
you already have an idea so we'll move
on now to let's look at reasons for
holding presentations okay now if you
look at this picture
you're going to listen to it you're
going to watch a short video and you're
going to try to answer these questions
who is the presenter why is the
presentation being held what exactly is
he going to talk about and what
conclusions that we draw from the
presentation okay
so I'm going to try to
you can't do it okay we'll see if it's
possible to put it in the chat box so
let me just check
one minute okay Anton the sorry Anthony
they're just okay let's see if it goes
into the chat box okay if you look into
your chat box you should see a YouTube
video okay and if you click that link
you should be able to watch the video
okay so you'll see that in the chat box
you'll watch the video and try to get
these answers
so if you watch the video with a short
video does anybody know who the
presenter is
who is the presenter
anybody know right okay my guru answered
Gilbert okay so if anybody doesn't know
Dilbert is a cartoon character who is a
businessman who portrays a businessman
who frequently makes business mistakes
or errors at work okay so if you looked
at that presentation
what's it clear why is the presentation
being held or what is it going to talk
about did you find any information from
this presentation was it a good
presentation in your opinion
right okay Rob Bob answered no yes right
that's corrected so it was not a good
presentation okay it was right George
also it was not clear why the
presentation was being held or what he's
going to talk about okay and of course
we also couldn't draw any conclusions
okay so it's important to have the
reason for the presentation and there
are some reasons people go to
presentations okay to get information so
look at some of these reasons and tell
me what is the best reason why people go
to a presentation to get information to
go on a journey to be entertained
because they were told to for a free
also made a point of it that Dilbert's
presentation of note information so
that's a really good point
Marjorie right to get information people
go to a presentation to get information
okay and that is something that you have
to think about when creating your
presentations okay
okay next we're going to look at the
audience the audience is very important
and it's important to know who your
audience is so in your last presentation
think about your last presentation and
what's the biggest audience you have had
can just write that down
okay anesthesia said 15 people mm-hmm
and robbed up six students okay mmm
18 yes so that's quite a big number okay
so there when you give a presentation
there are some important factors to
consider about your audience okay and
we're going to take a look at them now
so first of all the audience may be
listening to you in their second third
or fourth language okay so that could
pose a problem okay they may be hungry
or tired because they've traveled a long
way to the presentation so they may feel
jet-lagged and maybe a bit tired to
submission another important factor is
that it's important to know who your
audience is because there may be some
people who are of higher status or more
important position in the company okay
so you want to know who is it
audiences and there also may be some
people in the room who are experts on
what you are presenting okay the mood in
the room could be positive or negative
and finally it's important to remember
memory and attention okay
so the way that you structure the
presentation should take these factors
into account okay you should always
think about your audience okay so let's
look here at a graph and this is a graph
of remembering information okay so
information rapidly decays over time so
if you go to a presentation and you
remember six pieces of ideas the number
will decay over time so that's something
that you need to remember because you do
not want to overload the people you want
to try to minimize the information and
choose the good points to keep the
audience interested and to attract their
memory and attention okay also if you
take a look at this graph you can see
that the people will usually remember
more at the beginning
and at the end of a presentation so this
is why you need a very strong beginning
and neither ending with a summary which
reviews the points of the presentation
and this can help the memory ok so this
is coming from cognitive psychology
about memory and intention ok ok so
let's look at some tips ok about giving
a good presentation
ok can you just write in the in the box
any tips that you know up for a good
presentation since you have done
presentations there any tips that you
can think of offhand
some advice or tips for giving a
mmm okay now Olga I feel this all right
okay right just in general some tips
right okay summarize to you view more
right good anesthesia
hmm okay Rob I'll tell a joke very good
yes right if you tell a joke you can
break the ice okay and you know make the
people feel comfortable mm-hmm okay so
those are some good points okay let's
look at some other things it's important
as I said before to have a beginning a
middle mmm okay also to decide on the
level of formality so you want to know
if it's going to be a decide if it's a
formal or an informal presentation okay
introduce yourself tell some information
about yourself and then you want to tell
the story so start with some basic
information okay
tell the audience the destination why
they're there and take them through the
steps okay so it's like a story at the
end review your conclusions okay you
want to make sure that the audience
takes away the necessary message and
give a summary and conclusion at the end
okay finally at the very end of course
you can take questions from the floor
okay so these are some tips or advice
for giving a presentation as well as
what you said telling a joke is a good
idea also and also summarizing okay this
is the presentation journey okay so here
we have some points
okay decide what you want to say to your
audience okay make sure you choose and
prepare the equipment to make sure your
presentation is interesting find out
exactly who you're talking to practice
your presentation and be sure that the
presentation is well structured check
the room you are going to talk in okay
all right you're going to listen now to
a presentation okay and while you listen
you're going to match these ideas sub
sections of the presentation okay so
when I am finished
during the presentation I'm going to ask
you to match these ideas with the
certain sections okay and also try to
just listen to what is the presentation
about okay all right welcome giving a
presentation can be a nerve-wracking
experience for many of us no matter how
small or large the audience today will
look at some things you can do to
prepare yourself to give an effective
presentation one which will keep
attention focused and make sure that you
get your content across and remembered
first of all it's important to know your
audience how many people are going to be
there where are they from
are they external to your company or
colleagues what information and feelings
do they want to lead with how much do
they already know secondly the venue is
important to make sure you visit it
prior to your presentation data ask
yourself where will they sit where will
I stand what do they already know how
will I organize the space where will I
place any equipment I'm using make sure
your objectives are clear in your mind
this will help you prepare effective
interesting and informative material
don't forget you want your audience to
remember something informative and
interesting this will also help you to
design a well-organized presentation and
a well-organized presentation is easier
to understand
your audience will want to leave having
learned something useful and new next
make sure the presentation has a
beginning a middle and an end number or
bullet points separate points as this
will allow the audience to follow what
you are selling saying a well-organized
presentation is much easier to
understand however remember that you
shouldn't read these points to your
audience you should speak to your
audience not the board there are many
kinds of audio-visual aids you can use
from the whiteboard or flipchart
to Microsoft's latest PowerPoint package
or other software whatever you choose to
use make sure it suits your audience's
needs and be sure that the material is
interesting finally have some notes of
your most important points perhaps on
cards if this helps and once again
remember to speak to your audience it's
a good idea to practice your
presentation out loud so you can check
your timing maybe in front of someone
you know ask the colleague to give you
feedback and don't be afraid to ask for
advice okay so this was a presentation
if you look if you can write in the in
the answer what was this presentation
right okay
about effective presentation mm-hmm yes
and Rob tips to make a good presentation
right and Cal so Anastasia mm-hmm okay
right so that is correct yes this was
about what you have to consider mm-hmm
there's a good point this this
presentation was about how to give it an
effective presentation right and we're
going to try to look now at the
presentation and we're going to match
the sections with the different phrases
so let's take a look here at the
presentation okay here it is
and I'll go back to the slide before so
remember I just want to let you know
that all of the vocabulary and the
answers to the questions are going to be
sent to you in a PDF file in a few days
okay so you will receive the vocabulary
as well as the answers to the questions
okay so if we look at the first
expression it says it's important to
know your audience okay so which which
one of these would would we match with
that section
right I'm Isuzu okay see right find out
exactly who you're talking to
okay okay the next expression and red is
secondly the venue is important to the
venue okay oh sorry okay just a minute
sorry yes I see it M okay sorry am ia
your name was cut off from the list okay
right okay okay
secondly the venue is important too
right okay so which of these phrases
would that go with
okay the word is the venue MooMoo okay
Anna wrote and wrote some F check the
room you're going to talk in right so
then you would always be the location or
the place okay the next one is make
certain your objectives are clear in
your mind okay
right okay show an roads and okay so
robot Road II these for the presentation
is well structured okay okay well the
objectives could be makes make certain
your objectives are clear
it could be a right decide what you want
to say to your audience
that's your objectives right but of
course also II the presentation should
be well structured okay alright but
probably yes decide what you want to say
that's the aim or goal your objectives
okay the next one is a well organized
presentation is easier to understand
right okay right he makes
the presentation is well structured okay
loss structures are well organized
okay there are many kinds of
audio-visual aids you can use
right okay make sure you choose and
prepare the equipment mm-hmm okay and be
sure the material is interesting
right okay ba could be make sure your
check the room the equipment and make
your presentation interesting right it
can also be e it's well-structured
mm-hmm and finally ask a colleague to
give you feedback
okay after colleague to give you
feedback okay we see an array a and C
okay feedback feedback while also C over
okay find out exactly who you're talking
okay feedback is comments or ideas or
opinions how you do your presentation so
it could also you know really it could
be be practice your presentation okay if
you practice your presentation in front
of a friend or colleague then you can
get some feedback comments about how it
is okay okay so all of these answers
will be coming to you on the PDF file
okay so you'll have those to check and
you will also see the presentation okay
alright so this is a very well
structured and organized presentation
and there was some language that we use
but first let's review the presentation
journey okay
first plan ahead structure your
presentation okay it's important to have
a structure to it okay next understand
and connect with your audience okay
use visual aids to underline your
message okay you can use PowerPoint
whiteboards or any other type of visual
aids use effective presentation
project a positive attitudes and then
anticipate likely questions okay so it's
always a good idea to have some answers
ready for some likely question that
might come up at the end of the
presentation okay okay so we have some
language that we use in presentations
and I'm going to relate it to
presentations I'm going to dictate I'm
going to say these words twice just try
to remember these words okay so listen
carefully and then try to remember them
I'm going to ask you to write them in
the box in a few minutes okay so just
listen carefully audience audience
audio-visual aid
visual aids
be informative be informative structure
structure then you then you objectives
well organized well organized feedback
feedback body language body language and
signposting signposting
okay so can you right now any words that
you can remember
can you write them down in the box right
okay Marjorie wrote audience
the informative right rama objectives
menu structure menu
okay good and you got many of them
audience maybe aids the informative well
organized objectives right feedback okay
and body language right so okay that's
very good okay all of these words that
you wrote down all of these on poor
teens in relation to a presentation okay
so let's go through them here so we have
audience okay so it's very important to
know your audience okay it's important
to know who the audience will be if it
will be a formal or informal
presentation if the audience will be
experts in the field and what kind of
people they will be okay audio visual
aids as I've said before is also very
important this can enhance your
presentation so you can use PowerPoint
whiteboard or other types of visual aids
okay of course it's important to be
informative if the presentation should
contain information okay and have a
structure to it
Venu Venu is the location of the place
okay and that's important to always
check and to check that the equipment is
working properly okay
the objectives which is also the aim of
the presentation so this is something to
consider when you are creating the
presentation and that it is well
organized okay feedback is very
important okay
feedback is the comments or the opinions
of the people who have listened to the
presentation okay so you can get
feedback after you do a presentation
from the audience and you can also
practice your presentation before and
get some feedback from a colleague or
from a friend after they have listened
to it this can help you to improve
future presentations
okay and then finally body language is
important okay
body language is the eye contact and the
hand gesture that you use okay and of
course yes we have signposting does
anybody know what signposting means this
is an important part of a presentation
so could you write down any signposting
anybody know the meaning
okay Marjorie right now I've been
anybody else
okay drawings okay well drawings and is
probably drawings would be more with
related to the audio-visual AIDS okay
you could put in a drawing signposting
is actually is an effective method a
very effective method or technique to
help the reader follow what you are
it's like guides it's like a guideline
and its language for example first first
of all to begin with okay that's how you
begin a presentation or second next and
at the end we use to summarize in
conclusion okay all right I'll just
write some of them down reflection joy
here okay I'll put them in the chat box
okay so we use this language first of
all first next then finally to connect
the sentences and to help the listener
follow what we are saying okay it's like
a guide okay that's fine posting so
that's also very important when giving a
presentation okay okay right and
structuring aids yes okay
so let's review a presentation how the
structure Philippi journey it starts
with the opening remarks and the
introduction okay
then review the content which is the
material you are presenting the summary
you always want to summarize and review
your points have a conclusion at the end
ok often we can say in conclusion or to
conclude and the closing remarks where
we thank the audience for attending and
finally we take questions from the floor
ok ok so if you look see words try to
remember the words on the list ok we're
going to try to put them in some
sentences in the next slide ok so I'll
just read them again audience audio
visual aids D informative structure
venue objectives well-organized feedback
body language and signposting ok
ok so what what word if you can try to
remember could go into this sentence
secondly the is important too
whoa okay audio-visual age structure and
a road structure right okay yes
the signposting body language okay let's
you all have given the good answers
everybody's chosen a different different
word so as you can see all of these
things are important yes the body
language the venue the structure and we
can do audio visual aids okay but also
the venue yes the venue is important the
location okay
make sure your are clear in your mind
okay before giving a presentation you
should make sure this is clear in your
mind your ideas objectives right Anna
okay write ideas and objectives another
word for objective is your entire goal
what you would like to people for the
audience to go away with okay blank
presentation is much easier to
understand okay so can you remember a
word a well-structured
write a well-structured presentation is
much easier to understand and we can use
well structured or well organized mm-hmm
there are many kinds of that you can use
so when a presentation you can use many
kinds of to enhance it to make it more
interesting right yes Rob audio visual
aids mm-hmm old also wrote that yes this
is very good to enhance the presentation
and to keep the audience's attention
okay you may find that you have some
types of listeners who need to see
visuals okay if they just listen they
they may get tired or you know even fall
asleep so by having some visuals it
couldn't enhance it and keep everybody
interested okay it's important to know
good right yes audience yes it's always
important to know your audience and who
the people are that you're going to
present to okay ask a colleague to give
you so maybe before you give a
presentation to the audience you might
ask the colleague to give you write and
a feedback yes give feedback back and
that way you can improve the next time
when you do a presentation feedback is
very useful okay and finally be sure
that the material is
okay you want to make sure that the
kero that you're using in the
presentation is okay I'll go right well
organized yes that's important and
informative right okay also you want to
make sure the material is informative
giving information so if you can
remember in the beginning of our webinar
the most important reason to give a
presentation is to give information okay
so you want to make sure the material is
informative okay so that's very good
okay so you'll get all of these answers
on a PDF file in a few days okay now I'm
going to read to you the beginning of a
presentation okay because in our next
webinar we're going to continue talking
about the beginning the middle and the
end of presentations okay so this listen
here is the beginning of a presentation
and we will look at this further in the
next webinar okay so good morning
nice to see so many of you here today I
hope you're all comfortable and can hear
me okay the subject of this presentation
is the marketing plan for the next three
there are three main points I want to
cover today if you look at the first
slide you can see them listed here first
I'm going to talk about the new product
rings aimed at the Asian market secondly
I'll talk about each of the products and
our ideas for taking them to market
finally I'd like to talk briefly about
our competition okay so let's get
started as I said the first point is our
product range okay so this is the
beginning of a presentation if we look
at this let's just examine it a little
what is the audio visual aid that they
use in this beginning part
okay right okay right that's good they
used the slide is the audio visual aid
yes but that's audio-visual the slide
right and they also use signposting
right and can you just can you just
write down any any signposting language
that you've seen
yes right Anna wrote first
secondly and finally right okay
Margaret find me right that's good okay
so you can see in this beginning part
that they use some signposting to
connect and to connect those sentences
together as well as audio-visual okay
and this is the beginning of a
presentation okay there was also the
objective which they clearly stated by
saying the subjects okay okay so next
time we will have a look at how to
structure presentations okay in our next
webinar we're going to continue and
we're going to continue with this idea
of how to produce the beginning the
middle and the end of a presentation
okay okay so are there any questions
okay there are any questions you can
write them in the in the box if there's
any questions
okay Ryan not for now right okay
okay so Rob wrote a question how to
manage how to manage your time right yes
well that's also a very good point that
you brought up okay it's very important
to manage the time with the presentation
so one way could be to practice the
presentation before giving it okay in
that way by practicing it in front of a
colleague or from a friend you can see
how to do the presentation and how much
time you need for each part okay that's
probably the best way and then of course
while you're giving the presentation
it's important to be aware of the time
okay so if you start out too quickly
maybe then se you may have to slow down
okay you always need to be aware of the
time okay and that's a very important
point okay
any other your questions okay Robert is
it okay to see to to see your watch okay
if it okay to look at your watch
okay well probably if you're going to
look at your watch it could be okay but
you don't want the audience to to notice
that so maybe you can have a watch or
you know look at it sometimes but
without your audience seeing it you know
just to be cautious of the time okay so
it's always important to make sure that
you're not going too long or that it's
going too quickly
okay so that could be a good point can
have your watch on but you don't want to
keep looking at it okay so that the
audience sees that right
okay any other questions about preparing
presentation or starting up a
now okay well you may think of some
other questions you will receive the
PDFs with the vocabulary and with the
answers from today's webinar you can
take a look at that and we will have
another webinar continuing this topic of
presentations okay so you may think of
any other questions after and you can
ask also next time okay so okay so I'd
like to thank you for your participation
thank you for coming today and I hope
you enjoyed the webinar about
presentations and I look forward to
seeing you again soon okay thank you
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