-"Stranger Things" by the way -- I want to say congratulations.
-Yeah. -Get nominated for 12 Emmys?
-Yeah, yeah, it's a lot. [ Cheers and applause ]
-12! -Yeah.
-Dude. -12!
-That's major. -Yeah.
-That's a dozen, man. Absolutely.
-I know. It's a -- It's a classic dozen.
[ Laughter ] A classic baker's dozen.
-Hey, man, that's 12 more than Jimmy Fallon got, so...
[ Laughter ]
-Geez, man. -[ Sniffles ]
-You okay?
-What's up?
-What's, um... What's on your mind?
[ Laughter ]
Is it just 'cause of the Emmy nominations or something else?
-Oh, it's just bunch of things.
I don't know if I feel like getting into it right now,
but it's like... [ Laughter ]
-Hey, pretend they're not here. No one's here.
It's just me and you. -No, dude.
You're -- You're in the room in your boxers, okay?
Chill out and relax, you know?
-Everyone in this crowd is naked.
-And then, what you say in your speech -- Every--
[ Laughter ] -Everyone.
-Everyone's in their boxers. -Look at that.
-Look at that. Everyone's naked.
-Right, see? -Yeah.
[ Cheers and applause ] Just tell me.
-Look in the top row. -Look at everybody.
I mean, look at them. -See?
That makes your job better. -Are you -- Are you happy?
[ Laughing ] All right. -[ Laughs ]
-Just tell me what's -- -I never got that.
-Just tell me what's going -- I never got that, either.
-All right, but what's going on, man?
[ Laughter ]
-The worst question ever, yeah, yeah.
-It's like, "So, what's going on in your life, man?"
-So, what's going on, man? Tell me.
-That's awful. [ Laughter ]
Oh, my gosh.
-Uh. Uh. So, uh...
[ Laughter ]
You get nominated for these -- these -- these Emmy nods.
Do you get excited about that? -Yeah.
-Or are just going, "No, back to work, season 3 -- let's do it."
-Yeah. Well, we all kind of knew --
We all found out while we were shooting, and so...
-Well, that's fun. -Yeah. It was good. Yeah.
-You with the gang. -Yeah, a little clap.
Actually, I came here late, and so, I, like, came in,
and all I heard was clapping, and then...
-You're like, "Oh, my gosh. My birthday?"
-I'm like, "What's going on? Is someone pregnant?"
[ Laughter ] Like...
-You're like, "congratulations." -Yeah, congratul--
I mean, and then -- and then, I come in --
I'm like, "Oh, uh..."
Or the -- the A.D. got me.
He's like, "Oh, they're gonna announce the Emmy nominations."
I'm like, "Cool."
And I get in there, and, like, everyone's working.
I'm like, "Oh, they're not gonna announce it?"
They're like, "No, they've already done it."
And I was like, "So, um, do -- do it again, though."
[ Laughter ] -You're like, "Do --
So, I missed out, so I wasn't part of the -- the group."
-"So, this is -- this is mine now.
This is for me." -[ Laughs ] Yeah.
It's like, "I wasn't part of the group photo
with the whole crew,"
and they got together like -- ow!
-Yeah, just Photoshop me into it from, like, a different event.
-[ Laughs ] That's all your -- That's all your life.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
-Now you can't even celebrate that.
-Yeah, can't do it.
-Well, it's got to feel good. -It's great.
-Season 3 -- you're shooting it now?
-Yeah. -Done with it?
-In the mid-- No, in the middle.
-Whoo! -Yeah!
[ Cheers and applause ]
Yeah. We're in the middle -- We're in the --
We're in the middle of it. It's going good.
-Any -- Any -- Any -- Anything you can drop here?
Any -- Any scoop? -Um. Oh, man, Jimmy.
-Any new -- new cast members? Any --
-Yeah, yeah yeah. We got -- We got some new cast members,
some incredible people. -Oh!
-Yeah, yeah. -I got that out of you --
I got that out of you pretty quickly there, yeah.
[ Laughter ] -Yeah, dude.
-Some new cast members there?
-I'm an open book when it comes to you, Jimmy.
-Thanks, man. -Anything --
Anything you want to know. -If you need, like, a --
like, a weird uncle or something, than tell me.
[ Laughter ]
Show up on a bicycle. -That's sweet.
-[ Laughs ] -"Want to go on a bike ride?"
[ Laughter ]
You find me in the woods somewhere.
Like, "What is that dude doing?"
Well, I'm just saying -- I'm very available.
Anyway... [ Laughter ]
Let's talk about "Dog Days," my friend.
-Yeah. -So, this is Ken Marino.
-Ken Marino directed it. -Super fun dude.
-Yeah. -He's a funny dude.
-Yeah, that was, like, the big, big reason I did the movie,
'cause he's just such a big hero of mine.
He was like -- He's responsible for, like,
"Wet Hot American Summer." I don't know if, like,
the crowd knows "Wet Hot American Summer."
-Yeah. Of course. Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ]
-It's one of my favorite comedies of all time.
So, I had -- like, I had do it.
And, also, I just loved the script and everything.
-Yeah. -But it's a fun movie, yeah.
-Do you want -- Do you have to set this up at all?
Do you know the clip at all? -Yeah.
Yeah, this is a clip from my movie "Dog Days,"
and I'm delivering... [ Laughter ]
And's that's it. -There you go.
All right, here you go. [ Cheers and applause ]
Finn Wolfhard, "Dog Days"! Here it is.
-♪ ...toe ♪
♪ She broke the needle, and she can't sew ♪
♪ Walkin' the dog ♪ [ Dog barks, whimpering ]
[ Doorbell rings ] ♪ Walkin' the dog ♪
-Large pepperoni? -You're late.
It's it's longer than 30 minutes,
isn't it free?
-No, I think that's from the '80s.
[ Dog barks softly, panting ] -Stay.
-No offense, but is your dog pregnant or just super fat?
-Goodbye. -Wow, that's exact change.
There's no tip? [ Door slams ]
-♪ Walkin' ♪
-This is why kids don't like old people.
-♪ Walkin' ♪
-Finn Wolfhard, everybody! -Yeah!
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