Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily Aug 7 2018

-Performing "I Like Me Better"

from his project "I Met You When I was 18,"

give it up for Lauv!

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ "I Like Me Better" plays ]


-♪ To be young and in love in New York City ♪

♪ In New York City ♪

♪ To not know who I am but still know that I'm good ♪

♪ 'Long as you're here with me ♪

♪ To be drunk and in love in New York City ♪

♪ In New York City ♪

♪ Midnight into morning coffee ♪

♪ Burning through the hours talking ♪

♪ Damn ♪

♪ I like me better when I'm with you ♪

♪ I like me better when I'm with you ♪

♪ Mm ♪

♪ I knew from the first time ♪

♪ I'd stay for a long time ♪

♪ 'Cause I like me better when ♪

♪ I like me better when I'm with you ♪


[ Cheers and applause ]



♪ I don't know what it is, but I got that feeling ♪

♪ Got that feeling ♪

♪ Waking up in this bed next to you ♪

♪ Swear the room, yeah, it got no ceiling ♪

♪ If we lay, let the day just pass us by ♪

♪ I might get to too much talking ♪

♪ I might have to tell you something ♪

♪ Damn ♪

♪ I like me better when I'm with you ♪

♪ I like me better when I'm with you ♪

♪ I knew from the first time ♪

♪ I'd stay for a long time ♪

♪ 'Cause I like me better when ♪

♪ I like me better when I'm with you ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]



♪ Stay awhile, stay awhile ♪

♪ Stay here with me ♪

♪ Stay awhile, stay awhile ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Stay awhile, stay awhile ♪

♪ Stay here with me ♪

♪ Lay here with me ♪

♪ Eh-eh, Ohh ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

[ Applause ]

♪ I like me better when I'm with you ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I knew from the first time ♪

♪ Long time ♪

♪ 'Cause I like me better when ♪

♪ I like me better when I'm with you-u-u ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ I like me, I like me ♪

♪ Look who you made me, made me, oh ♪

♪ Better when ♪

♪ I like me better when I'm with you ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Come on! Thank you!

Thank you so much!


[ Cheers and applause ]

"I Met You When I was 18" is streaming on Spotify

and Apple Music right now.

For more infomation >> Lauv: I Like Me Better - Duration: 3:58.


Finn Wolfhard Teases New Additions to the Stranger Things Season 3 Cast - Duration: 4:15.

-"Stranger Things" by the way -- I want to say congratulations.

-Yeah. -Get nominated for 12 Emmys?

-Yeah, yeah, it's a lot. [ Cheers and applause ]

-12! -Yeah.

-Dude. -12!

-That's major. -Yeah.

-That's a dozen, man. Absolutely.

-I know. It's a -- It's a classic dozen.

[ Laughter ] A classic baker's dozen.

-Hey, man, that's 12 more than Jimmy Fallon got, so...

[ Laughter ]

-Geez, man. -[ Sniffles ]

-You okay?

-What's up?

-What's, um... What's on your mind?

[ Laughter ]

Is it just 'cause of the Emmy nominations or something else?

-Oh, it's just bunch of things.

I don't know if I feel like getting into it right now,

but it's like... [ Laughter ]

-Hey, pretend they're not here. No one's here.

It's just me and you. -No, dude.

You're -- You're in the room in your boxers, okay?

Chill out and relax, you know?

-Everyone in this crowd is naked.

-And then, what you say in your speech -- Every--

[ Laughter ] -Everyone.

-Everyone's in their boxers. -Look at that.

-Look at that. Everyone's naked.

-Right, see? -Yeah.

[ Cheers and applause ] Just tell me.

-Look in the top row. -Look at everybody.

I mean, look at them. -See?

That makes your job better. -Are you -- Are you happy?

[ Laughing ] All right. -[ Laughs ]

-Just tell me what's -- -I never got that.

-Just tell me what's going -- I never got that, either.


-All right, but what's going on, man?

[ Laughter ]


-The worst question ever, yeah, yeah.

-It's like, "So, what's going on in your life, man?"

-So, what's going on, man? Tell me.

-That's awful. [ Laughter ]

Oh, my gosh.

-Uh. Uh. So, uh...

[ Laughter ]

You get nominated for these -- these -- these Emmy nods.

Do you get excited about that? -Yeah.

-Or are just going, "No, back to work, season 3 -- let's do it."

-Yeah. Well, we all kind of knew --

We all found out while we were shooting, and so...

-Well, that's fun. -Yeah. It was good. Yeah.

-You with the gang. -Yeah, a little clap.

Actually, I came here late, and so, I, like, came in,

and all I heard was clapping, and then...

-You're like, "Oh, my gosh. My birthday?"

-I'm like, "What's going on? Is someone pregnant?"

[ Laughter ] Like...

-You're like, "congratulations." -Yeah, congratul--

I mean, and then -- and then, I come in --

I'm like, "Oh, uh..."

Or the -- the A.D. got me.

He's like, "Oh, they're gonna announce the Emmy nominations."

I'm like, "Cool."

And I get in there, and, like, everyone's working.

I'm like, "Oh, they're not gonna announce it?"

They're like, "No, they've already done it."

And I was like, "So, um, do -- do it again, though."

[ Laughter ] -You're like, "Do --

So, I missed out, so I wasn't part of the -- the group."

-"So, this is -- this is mine now.

This is for me." -[ Laughs ] Yeah.

It's like, "I wasn't part of the group photo

with the whole crew,"

and they got together like -- ow!

-Yeah, just Photoshop me into it from, like, a different event.

-[ Laughs ] That's all your -- That's all your life.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

-Now you can't even celebrate that.

-Yeah, can't do it.

-Well, it's got to feel good. -It's great.

-Season 3 -- you're shooting it now?

-Yeah. -Done with it?

-In the mid-- No, in the middle.

-Whoo! -Yeah!

[ Cheers and applause ]

Yeah. We're in the middle -- We're in the --

We're in the middle of it. It's going good.

-Any -- Any -- Any -- Anything you can drop here?

Any -- Any scoop? -Um. Oh, man, Jimmy.

-Any new -- new cast members? Any --

-Yeah, yeah yeah. We got -- We got some new cast members,

some incredible people. -Oh!

-Yeah, yeah. -I got that out of you --

I got that out of you pretty quickly there, yeah.

[ Laughter ] -Yeah, dude.

-Some new cast members there?

-I'm an open book when it comes to you, Jimmy.

-Thanks, man. -Anything --

Anything you want to know. -If you need, like, a --

like, a weird uncle or something, than tell me.

[ Laughter ]

Show up on a bicycle. -That's sweet.

-[ Laughs ] -"Want to go on a bike ride?"

[ Laughter ]

You find me in the woods somewhere.

Like, "What is that dude doing?"

Well, I'm just saying -- I'm very available.

Anyway... [ Laughter ]

Let's talk about "Dog Days," my friend.

-Yeah. -So, this is Ken Marino.

-Ken Marino directed it. -Super fun dude.

-Yeah. -He's a funny dude.

-Yeah, that was, like, the big, big reason I did the movie,

'cause he's just such a big hero of mine.

He was like -- He's responsible for, like,

"Wet Hot American Summer." I don't know if, like,

the crowd knows "Wet Hot American Summer."

-Yeah. Of course. Yeah. [ Cheers and applause ]

-It's one of my favorite comedies of all time.

So, I had -- like, I had do it.

And, also, I just loved the script and everything.

-Yeah. -But it's a fun movie, yeah.

-Do you want -- Do you have to set this up at all?

Do you know the clip at all? -Yeah.

Yeah, this is a clip from my movie "Dog Days,"

and I'm delivering... [ Laughter ]

And's that's it. -There you go.

All right, here you go. [ Cheers and applause ]

Finn Wolfhard, "Dog Days"! Here it is.

-♪ ...toe ♪

♪ She broke the needle, and she can't sew ♪

♪ Walkin' the dog ♪ [ Dog barks, whimpering ]

[ Doorbell rings ] ♪ Walkin' the dog ♪

-Large pepperoni? -You're late.

It's it's longer than 30 minutes,

isn't it free?

-No, I think that's from the '80s.

[ Dog barks softly, panting ] -Stay.

-No offense, but is your dog pregnant or just super fat?

-Goodbye. -Wow, that's exact change.

There's no tip? [ Door slams ]

-♪ Walkin' ♪

-This is why kids don't like old people.

-♪ Walkin' ♪

-Finn Wolfhard, everybody! -Yeah!

For more infomation >> Finn Wolfhard Teases New Additions to the Stranger Things Season 3 Cast - Duration: 4:15.


Stranger Things' Finn Wolfhard Has His Own Vinyl Album - Duration: 4:25.

-How have you been? Did I miss you this summer?

Were you in -- -Yeah.

Well, I was a lot of places.

I honestly don't even know what state I'm in right now.

-Yeah. Well, you're in -- We're in Maine.

That's where I do the show.

"Tonight Show" was always from Maine.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like somewhere --

We're in the Amish --

We're in the Amish part of Pennsylvania.

-We are in New York City.

And you were just here with your band at Irving Plaza.

-Irving Plaza. Yeah. -Dude, how fun is that?

-It's the best. -Well, tell me about the band.

-Oh, yeah. There's -- There it is.

Yeah, I have a band from Vancouver that I'm --

where I'm from.

-Calpurnia. -Calpurnia.

[ Cheers and applause ] Yeah! Like...

-Calpurnia. What is Calpurnia? Is that a --

-Calpurnia is the character from "To Kill a Mockingbird"

that we kind of --

All the band and I, like, love that book,

and so we thought that she was super underappreciated,

hat character in general.

-And just look at this vinyl. This is awesome.

-Yeah, it's super cool. I'm very proud of that.

-How cool is that? Yeah. You have a vinyl?

I mean, come on, man. -Yeah, it's really cool.

-Yeah, because a lot of people, they come out with new things.

They don't have vinyls. -Yeah.

-But you got 'em, man. -But I got 'em.

-Yeah. -Yeah. I'm special.

I'm unique, you know?

-Are you into vinyls? Do you have a collection?

-Yeah, yeah, I collect. I collect.

-You do? -Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-How many do you have? -Oh, man.

Um, I have like -- I don't even know.

Maybe like a hundred or something like that.

-Wow! You're getting up there.

-Yeah! Yeah!

Let's hear a round of applause for myself.

[ Applause ] Yeah.

-You know who you should ask about vinyls, is Questlove.

Questlove probably -- How many vinyls do you have?

-Eh, I'm up to a hundred...thousand.


-He has a hundred thousand records.

-Hundred thousand? -Hundred thousand records. -Yeah.

-I'm -- I'm up there. -Yeah, he's got like --

He's got like three or four.

-I've got like a hundred. Anyways...

-Well, I might have one.

Oh, I got one for you right here.

This is a good vinyl for you.

-Ooh. -Yeah.

[ Laughter ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

It's a Grammy -- Grammy Award-winning album.

That's a Grammy Award-winning album for you right there.

You don't have that, right? -Uh, no, Jimmy, I don't.

-[ Laughs ] Dude, that really hurt my feelings.

That was a trick question. -Yeah.

-I really wanted you to say, "Of course! I have four copies!"

You're gonna totally play that, right?

-Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Here you go.

-Uh, you know, I was playing with it today --

Sorry. I was playing with your album today.

[ Laughter ]

Sorry, man. -Dude.

-I'm sorry, man. -Come on, man.

-Come on, dude. -Where's my -- I'm 15, man.

-Grow up a little bit. Grow up. Grow up, man.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah. Grow up.

-Grow up, dude. -Grow up.

-Get your head out of the gutter, man.

-Dude, what's going on, man?

-What's wrong with you? -What's going on?

I was playing -- Well, I was playing with --

-Seriously. What's going on? -Hey. Hey. Are you happy?

No, are you -- -But what's going on with you?

-But are you happy?

[ Laughter ]

-That's like the most --

-No. What's going on? -What's going on with you?

-Are you happy? Hey. Look at me.

But are you happy?

-But -- No.

-Buddy, look at this.

So, I get this out, and I go,

"I need something for my walls in the living room."

-Oh, sweet. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-It comes with a poster. -Yeah!

-How rad is that?

[ Cheers and applause ]

-I want to put a heart -- I want to put a heart over this.

-You do? -Yeah.

-Yeah, you like that dude? -Yeah.

-You guys just get together -- But you play Irving Plaza.

Dude, that's a legit place. -Yeah, yeah.

We were super lucky to book that place.

-Look at this. Look at this.

This is such a rock-'n'-roll move.

That's you. I mean, come on. How cool is that photo?

You got to frame that one, man. -Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah. -Were you excited?

Were you nervous getting in there?

-Yeah. I mean, we're always kind of nervous going into it.

But then when you get up there --

I mean, probably just like you, you kind of lose it --

you lose yourself in the music, the moment, you own it.

[ Laughter ]

-You always -- Once again, you're confusing me with Eminem.

Once again. -Oh! You're not --

-You've done this every time. I'm not Eminem.

-You're not Marshall? -No, I'm not Marshall.

You got that -- "Take care, everybody!"


Yep. That's it. -Imagine if I thought you were

Eminem the whole time, like, just planting Eminem references.

-Yeah, and I'm like, "I don't know what he's talking about.

I don't get anything he's talking about."

But that's pretty rad that you get to do that.

That's really fun. -We were really lucky, yeah.

For more infomation >> Stranger Things' Finn Wolfhard Has His Own Vinyl Album - Duration: 4:25.


Lester Holt on Trump Calling Journalists the Enemy of the People - Duration: 4:32.

-Welcome. -Thank you.

It's been a while. It's great to be back with you.

-And I'm so always flattered and honored that you come up

right after you finish your job,

because you just finished taping "Nightly."

-I stay after school for you. -Thank you so much.

You know, we always have this problem

where stuff happens late in the day.

This seemed to be one of those days

where you probably had to cover some of the Manafort trial

and some of stuff that happened in the later part of the day.

-Yeah, it feels like -- you know,

we used to talk about a 24-hour news cycle.

Now it's down to about two hours.

-Yeah. -And it's, you know,

we always get the broadcast set and we're feeling good about

where it is, and then usually about 5:00,

something falls out of the sky and then we're, you know,

we're on to the next thing.

-I assume you and your team have gotten

a little bit better at handling it

as this two-hour cycle continues to get shorter and shorter?

-You know, as I say, that's how we roll.

That's what we do. -That's wonderful to hear.

This is the thing that keeps coming up

that I always want to ask you about.

You asked Donald Trump a question,

a pretty normal question in an interview

about the firing of James Comey.

It is now the most replayed clip

because this is where he basically admitted

that he did fire Comey because of the Russia investigation.

Did you know when that was happening,

when he was giving that answer, that it was newsworthy?

-I knew the interview was newsworthy.

I know he was opening up about something that, you know --

and it just happened a few days earlier.

From the time we booked the interview and arranged it

to the time we actually sat down,

the middle of that is when the Comey firing occurred.

So we knew the thrust of the conversation

would be about that.

I wasn't surprised by his forthrightness.

That's who he is. He tends to own things.

I'd interviewed him, you know, going back

to the "Apprentice" days, so I wasn't shocked.

You know, he continued to talk.

And I continued to try and make sure I was clarifying

because sometimes in interviews, you know,

things happen very quickly

and someone will listen to one little thing.

"What did he mean?" I wanted to make sure

that I understood exactly, you know,

what his position was.

But I will say every journalist wants their work

to have some impact.

It is a little surreal.

I'll sit in my office sometimes and look up

and see clips of that again.

-It's also interesting, one of the reasons

I think it endures as well, not just from the information,

it was not a "gotcha" question.

And it was a very politely conducted interview,

even when you interrupt to ask for clarification.

It seems like you're trying to help him

make the point he makes, which is then the point

that is being used against him so often.

-Yeah, and I appreciate that. [ Laughter ]

I appreciate that.

I mean, I tell people, any journalist would have

asked virtually the same questions given the timing

of when that interview happened.

They were -- you know, it was pretty obvious

that we needed to understand why this firing had occurred.

And he was, you know, as I suspected he would, he owned,

you know, his position on that.

And, you know, they were --

ended up getting a little more time than I thought.

You know, sometimes in these kind of interviews

when you've got a big, important person,

you're playing the clock.

"Okay, I want to get this question, but I better jump

to the next one because I may run out of time."

-Sure. -This mental gymnastics

is going on the whole time.

But in the end, you know, we got a good amount of time

and got to explore a lot.

-Do you think based on that, he has hesitation

of sitting down with you again, because it went so badly

for him in retrospect? [ Laughter ]

-Oh, I mean, I don't know.

I mean, you know, I don't know whether he thinks it went badly

or, you know -- it's not for me to judge.

-He thinks it went badly for you.

He did tell me that. [ Laughter ]


I would obviously welcome another chance

to sit down with him.

That opportunity has not --

you know, has not knocked on my door.

-Well, you are -- I hate to break this to you --

you are a member of the media,

and you, as a collective, as has been explained to me

by our President, are an enemy of the people.

And he's recently tweeted that you are dangerous and sick.

Is it strange to be representing a profession right now

that the President of the United States

is just full bore attacking on a daily basis?

-You know, I let the --

I let the "fake news" stuff roll off my back.

It's not fun.

But I think most people understand

an organization like ours,

and a lot of the organizations under fire,

have been doing this for decades and decades.

And we've earned a lot of trust with our audiences

and a tradition of excellence.

So I let -- I let that roll.

I think where I draw the line, though, is the safety

and well-being of my colleagues.

And "enemy of the people" I think crosses a line.

I think it's reckless. I respectfully ask that it end.

And that's what I have to say about it.

-I also respectfully...

[ Cheers and applause ] ...ask that it end.


I will say, I have some bad news for both of us

based on how respectfully asking is working.

[ Laughter ]

For more infomation >> Lester Holt on Trump Calling Journalists the Enemy of the People - Duration: 4:32.


Lester Holt Wants to Form a Wedding Band - Duration: 3:59.

-So, you wanted to do this for a long time

and you have been at NBC for a very long time,

but your first efforts to join the

National Broadcasting Company did not go great.

You applied for a job and you saved the letter from 1977.

-Still just a little bitter. Just a little bitter.

-Yeah, I guess if you still have it.

Here, you see, right here it's very -- "Dear Mr. Holt,

thank you for your interest in WNBC.

I was impressed by your credentials.

However, it's not exactly what we're looking for at this time."

But then, "Good luck with your career --"

that was very nice," yeah.

-That meant a lot to me,

and luck and fortune have come my way.

-Yeah. It was nice for them not to put career in quotes.

I always feel like that's...

-But, you know, that was a big --

By the way, look at the date -- August 11, 1977.

I was two months out of high school.


-I was --

-Yeah, that was -- You were far too unqualified.

-I was into moon shots, in terms of my career and just, you know,

throwing stuff out and sending tapes around.

That was my radio days.

That was back when they had WNBC radio.

-And you got your start in radio, as well, yes?

-I did.

Yeah, I was a disc jockey,

a weekend disc jockey, in Sacramento.

And, you know, so I did Saturday and Sunday,

midnight to 6:00 a.m.

And then they offered me -- When I started college,

they offered me a chance to work full time if I would do news.

And I was like, "How hard can that be?"

Turns out, pretty hard.

But they put me in a Jeep Cherokee

with police scanners and two-way radios,

and I hit the streets and started covering news

and I never looked back.

-And you came of, obviously, in age in broadcasting

that is a little bit different now,

whereas everything is -- Any mistake you make

as a broadcaster is sort of immediately a viral moment

that, thanks to YouTube, everybody sees.

Are you thankful that you didn't have that time?

Do you think back and say, "Oh, there are at least

seven things I am glad --"

-It's interesting you bring that up, because, sometimes,

people ask me -- They'll say, you know,

"What was your most embarrassing moment?"

And I honestly can't remember,

because most of them occurred pre-YouTube.


-And, you know, back then, I could do something stupid on TV,

and people at home are like, "What an idiot.

What a moron."

But, you know, by the next day, they forgot about it.


-Now they click it on. They show everybody at work.

"Hey, did you see this guy last night?"

And it becomes a thing.

And so I really feel sorry for young people

trying to make their way in this business

or any, you know, business where you're putting yourself

out there every night.

It's tough, because you can't live past those moments anymore.

-Yes. It is -- It's very interesting, that idea of how

people used to see [bleep] on TV all the time and then just --

-You can say that? -Uh...

Oh, no. That's gonna be my moment.

-Yeah. -Yeah.

It's gonna be my moment now. That's the one they're gonna...

So, last thing.

You've obviously had this --

This has been an incredible act in your career.

Your next act,

what you have planned for when you're done being newsman,

is not what I would have expected.

What's your dream next chapter? -You really want to know?

-I do. -You really want to know?

'Cause people think I'm gonna write books and all that.

I want to form a wedding band. -Okay.

-You know, I'm a bass player. -You play bass. That's right.

-I want you to think for a second.

When's the last time you danced?

I'm gonna bet it was at a wedding reception.


-A cover band at a wedding -- People are having fun.

You've got 2-year-olds. You've got grandma dancing.

It's a happy moment.

It's a happy thing.

And I think, "What a great job that would be."

The only downer -- you've got to work weekends.

-I think there's another downer.

You have to listen to all the speeches.

-That's true.

-And imagine how -- You've been at weddings where

you've known the people,

and imagine how terrible that's been.

-But it doesn't matter whether you know them or not.

When that awkward moment -- When that guy's talking about,

"Remember that time," and everyone gets that, you know,

-Yeah, you'll feel it.

Even if you don't know them, you'll feel it.

-There's my book. -There you go.

-Wedding band. I'll write a book based on that.

-I will read that.

And I'm sorry I'm already married.

You know what? Knock on wood. I hope I don't have to.

If I get married again, I'd love to have you be the band.

-All right. All right. Let's do it.

-Thanks for being here, Lester. Lester Holt, everybody.

For more infomation >> Lester Holt Wants to Form a Wedding Band - Duration: 3:59.


Wassermelonen-Salat mit Ziegenfrischkäse, Pinienkernen und Tomaten | REWE Deine Küche - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Wassermelonen-Salat mit Ziegenfrischkäse, Pinienkernen und Tomaten | REWE Deine Küche - Duration: 4:35.


Arabian Oryx Biography || Oryx Animal || Baby Oryx - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Arabian Oryx Biography || Oryx Animal || Baby Oryx - Duration: 4:43.


Homescapes Level 895 - How to complete Level 895 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:32.

"Homescapes beat level 895"


For more infomation >> Homescapes Level 895 - How to complete Level 895 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:32.


World's oldest, 29,000 year-old net sinkers found in Korea - Duration: 0:30.

Fourteen fishing net sinkers found in a Korean cave could be the oldest of its kind in the


Radiocarbon testing suggests the ones found in Maedan Cave in Jeongseon, Gangwon-do Province,

are around 29-thousand years old, placing them in the Upper Paleolithic Era.

According to the excavation team from Yonsei University Museum, the limestone sinkers are

the earliest archeological evidence of fishing by mankind.

Previously, 10-thousand year old fishing net sinkers found in Japan and South Korea were

thought to be the oldest.

For more infomation >> World's oldest, 29,000 year-old net sinkers found in Korea - Duration: 0:30.


NASCAR CEO Takes Leave of Absence After DWI Arrest - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> NASCAR CEO Takes Leave of Absence After DWI Arrest - Duration: 2:02.


Bologna explosion: Blast from crashed gas tanker sent out 'extremely violent' shockwave... - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Bologna explosion: Blast from crashed gas tanker sent out 'extremely violent' shockwave... - Duration: 6:14.


Καταγγελίες για κύκλωμα εμπορίας κυνηγετικών σκύλων - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> Καταγγελίες για κύκλωμα εμπορίας κυνηγετικών σκύλων - Duration: 2:12.


Toàn Cảnh Đại Lễ Vu Lan Báo Hiếu & Dâng Cúng Pháp Y tại Tịnh Xá Ngọc Bửu (25/06/2018 al) - Duration: 2:19:11.

For more infomation >> Toàn Cảnh Đại Lễ Vu Lan Báo Hiếu & Dâng Cúng Pháp Y tại Tịnh Xá Ngọc Bửu (25/06/2018 al) - Duration: 2:19:11.


Korea to hold public hearing on Korea-Russia service and investment FTA - Duration: 0:25.

A public hearing was held as Korea prepares to start negotiations with Russia on a service

and investment free trade deal.

The trade ministry says the session at COEX Convention Center, brought together interest

groups, experts and researchers.

They discussed the economic feasibility and direction of the potential FTA.

The move comes after Seoul and Moscow agreed to launch such negotiations during President

Moon Jae-in's state visit to Russia in June.

For more infomation >> Korea to hold public hearing on Korea-Russia service and investment FTA - Duration: 0:25.


X!好衰!首次扭蛋PK就輸了一支手機 feat.瑀熙 - Duration: 17:01.

For more infomation >> X!好衰!首次扭蛋PK就輸了一支手機 feat.瑀熙 - Duration: 17:01.


ПРОБУЮ новые лакомства для кошек и собак Smaczaki (Смачаки). Вечноголодная Алина. - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> ПРОБУЮ новые лакомства для кошек и собак Smaczaki (Смачаки). Вечноголодная Алина. - Duration: 1:45.


South Korea was world's seventh highest consumer of electricity in 2017: Data - Duration: 0:30.

China is the world's biggest consumer of electricity.

According to Enerdata, Beijing sat atop the standings, using nearly 57-hundred tera-watt

hours last year, followed by the U.S., India and Japan.

Data compiled by the London-based firm shows, South Korea is seventh on the list... at around

5-hundred-34 in 2017.

The rate of increase has been rising fast since 2015.

Industries using the most power in the nation include the steel, petrochemical and semiconductor


For more infomation >> South Korea was world's seventh highest consumer of electricity in 2017: Data - Duration: 0:30.


S. Korea says suspected coal shipments did not violate sanctions - Duration: 2:29.

For the second time in just a couple of weeks, there are reports of a vessel suspected of

carrying coal from Pyongyang possibly being docked in a South Korean port.

Seoul's government responded.

Neither cases violate any UNSC resolutions.

For details let's turn to Lee Ji-won.

Suspicious vessels continue to dock in South Korean ports, despite recent alerts and an

investigation into reports that North Korean coal has been imported to the South illegally.

VOA reported on Monday that,... according to the website MarineTraffic,... a Belize-flagged

ship, the Jin Long, docked in the southeastern port of Pohang on Saturday and is believed

to still be there.

Satellite images show the ship had docked last week at the Russian port of Nakhodka

, near Vladivostok,... and next to it was a black material, believed to be North Korean


And though satellite images do not clearly show whether the coal has been unloaded in

South Korea..., VOA says there is evidence that the ship did unload coal somewhere.

But South Korea's foreign ministry says this does not mean anything illicit was done.

"The Jin Long was carrying Russian coal when it arrived last weekend, and an inspection

of the vessel shows no UN Security Council resolutions were violated."

The spokesperson said this is according to an initial review of documents related to

the ship and its cargo.

This was also the case for another Belize-flagged ship, the "Shinning Rich," just a few days


That vessel came into South Korea's western port city of Pyeongtaek last week,... but

with the ministry saying it carried no illegal goods,... it left for China on Saturday.

However, there's still some skepticism about the ministry's statement.

A Radio Free Asia report Monday cited a North Korean person working in trade as saying there's

a Russian company that fudges documents to disguise the North Korean coal as its own.

But when the ministry was asked if it's certain that this is not the case for the coal brought

in by the Jin Long,... the spokesperson said he would not make any prejudgements.

Meanwhile, the South Korean government is reportedly almost done with its investigation

into 9 cases related to North Korean coal allegedly brought in illegally.

Some of that coal is, in fact, known to have been unloaded.

If true, these acts would likely be severe violations of UN Resolution 23-97.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

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