Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily Aug 7 2018

-And I know that you love dogs because...

-I do. -I saw this photo

that you brought.

This is two dogs in your life.

This is -- [ Audience awws ]

I met this dog.

-That's Pip. He's backstage.

-I saw Pippy backstage.

-And that's Big. -And that is Big.

-He belongs to my daughter and her now husband.

And that -- They just got married.

And that's Pippy and Big at their wedding.


Were they involved with the wedding at all?

-Big -- Big was definitely part of the ceremony.


-But Annie said, "Mom, just this once,

can Pippy not be around?"

[ Laughs ]

-Is he just a distracting, little dog?

-Well, he knew where the treats were

in Frazier's pocket. -Yeah. So, he would -- Yeah.

-He would have gone straight for the treats.

-He would have went nuts. Yeah.

-He got a lot of steak during the dinner, though.

-Come on. This little dude?

-Yeah. -Yeah, he got some steak.

Oh, come on. Look at how cute that dog is.

You've been -- now, I saw

you were at the premiere in L.A. for "The Wife."

And I want to talk about this movie 'cause man,

again, you just knocked it out of the park,

and you're just so good.

You know that. But, I -- I saw you

at the premiere and some photo of you and Rose Byrne,

and I go -- I just love you.

I go, "Explain this photo to me."

I mean, I just don't know.

[ Laughs ] What -- What happened?

-Rosie -- Rosie and I did "Damages" for five years.

-That's right. -And there was a --

there was a proposed poster where I was in the gutter,

and she came out of a car

and her -- her foot was on my neck.

And it didn't make the final cut.

-Yeah. -But that --

So that's a very in joke.

-[ Laughs ] So you knew that she would get it?

-Yes. -You were like,

"Oh, I'm gonna lay down. Do the pose."

-Then I forgot that this is a Valentino dress.

-Oh, my goodness. Good gosh.

-On loan. -On loan.

Yeah. Of course. Yeah. -Yeah.

-Now you don't want to roll around, wrestle with that.

You're like, "No, this is too expensive."

I just love that you do stuff like that.

You told me that while you were in L.A. for this premiere,

an odd interaction happened between a fan and you.

[ Both laugh ]

-Yeah. I was -- I was in the hotel,

and I was in the elevator and the doors opened

and this woman, she had -- she had dark glasses on.

She said...

"Cloris Leachman!"

[ Laughter ]

And I said, "no, I'm Glenn Close."

She said "No, you're not."

[ Laughter ]

And I said, "Yes, I am."

-"Yes I am, actually."

-And then she said, "I meant that!"

-Yeah, yeah. Cloris Leachman?

-Yeah. -Interesting.

-I ran up to my room.

And Cloris Leachman is a wonderful actress.

-Sure. Of course. -But I-I-I found out

that she was born in 1926...

[ Laughter ]

...and she's 92 years old!

[ Laughs ]

And I just have to say...

-She is a great actress -- But yeah.

-...I hope I'm still acting like she is when I'm 92 years old.

-Please. I know you will. But that's just --

Gosh, that just makes me laugh.

For more infomation >> Glenn Close Was Mistaken for Cloris Leachman in an Awkward Fan Run-In - Duration: 2:55.


Glenn Close's Real-Life Daughter Plays Her Younger Self in The Wife - Duration: 4:15.

-Let's talk about this new movie, "The Wife."

This is -- It's kind of a...

I don't want to say, like, well, like a love story,

but kind of is. -Yeah.

-A husband and wife and -- well, family.

-It's a longtime marriage... -Mm-hmm.

-...between two very complex people.

And in that sense, it's a love story.

And everything comes to a head as they journey to Stockholm

for him to receive the Nobel Prize in literature.

She has been very much in the background,

holding his coat and -- for the most of their relationship.

And things change as they get to Stockholm.

-Oh, you play it so well. -[ Chuckles ]

-And it's just so many good moments.

You know how good you are,

but there's a couple of moments where a tear almost flies out,

but then it kind of gets sucked back in here.

[ Laughter ]

I don't know how do you that,

but you're just a pro, man, you're so good.

And I was like, "Ooh man, where --

I go, "Where is this gonna go? Where is this gonna go?"

And then [Inhales sharply]. That's just cool.

-Yes. -And then, uh, the girl.

There's a girl who plays you in flashback scenes,

And I go, "I don't even know this actress.

I don't know her. Do I know her?

She's very pretty. She's fantastic."

And it's your daughter. -My daughter, yes.

-That's your real -- And I've met her before.

-Yes. Annie. -Yeah.

-Yeah, you met her down in Washington.

We were doing the March for Life.

-Yeah, we were down there,

and I was like, "I know her from somewhere."

She's fantastic. -I know.

-Does she -- Does she want to be in --

This is her career? -Yes, absolutely. Yep.

-Really? And you're cool with it?

You're fine with that? -I'm -- Yes.

I'm -- I'm cool with it. I actually am not surprised.

-Yeah. -'Cause she always --

When kids would -- When they would pretend,

she was really it into. -She was really good at that?

-From a very early age. -But, man, she was fantastic.

So, please tell her I said hi. -I will.

-She was great. -When I'd come back

and saw what she did, I was so proud.

-Oh, my goodness. But, man, it just, like --

This is, like, an intense thing,

and you're getting really great reviews,

which you know you get for a lot of the things you do.

For most things, but this is --

They're saying, "Oh, there's some Oscar buzz.

There's Oscar buzz, Jimmy."

That's all I'm hearing backstage.

And I go, "All right, I'm not gonna say anything,

'cause I don't want to do..."

But do you get excited about that?

Do you get like, "I don't know.

It's gonna be fine. Just let me just do my stuff"?

-I try to -- I try to

not kind of put emotional baggage there yet,

because you know this business. -Yeah.

-I only believe something has happened when it happens.

I'm thrilled that there's buzz,

but I'm going to be doing a new play down at The Public Theater.

So I will be wonderfully distracted.

-[ Laughing ] Oh, yeah, so you won't be thinking about this.

'Cause I hate to even bring it up,

but when you just hear that and you go, "Oh,

well, you've been nominated six other times."

You go, "This could be the seventh time," and I don't know.

-Well I've been in this business for 42 years.

-Is that right? -And I figure -- You know?

[ Cheers and applause ] -Yeah. Is that right?

42 years. -Yeah, 42 going on 43, and I --

I haven't had an Oscar yet, and I kind of think it's nice

to be the person who's never gotten an Oscar.

[ Laughs ] -Yeah. No.

-Though it would be nice. -Yeah, that's what I figured.

I want to show everyone a clip here.

Here's Glenn Close and Jonathan Pryce in "The Wife."

Take a look at this.

-Joe, please don't thank me in your speech.


-I don't want to be thought of as the long-suffering wife.

-[ Scoffs ] -You understand that, don't you?

-No, no, no, no. I have to thank you.

Everyone thanks their wife.

If I don't, I'll come off like some narcissistic bastard.

-But you are. -[ Laughing ] Oh, God.

No, it'll be quick, Joanie. You know, one sentence.

It'll be painless. Come on.

-No, no.

-You okay?


-Do what you need to do.


[Cheers and applause]

Glenn Close, everybody!

For more infomation >> Glenn Close's Real-Life Daughter Plays Her Younger Self in The Wife - Duration: 4:15.


A Message to Two Women I Saw at the Zoo - Duration: 3:31.

-Now, we've talked about the news already,

so here to address something more personal,

please welcome one of my writers, Jenny Hagel, everybody.

[ Cheers and applause ]

How's it going, Jenny? -Hi, Seth.

-So, what is it that you want to talk about?

-Well, this weekend, I took my 4-year-old son to the zoo,

and while we were there,

I saw something that really upset me.

-And what was that? -While I was in line

to buy tickets, I saw two straight women

pretend to be gay so they could get a family discount.

-Oh. -Yeah, I'm gay,

and it was very clear that they were lying.

And when the ticket agent didn't believe them,

they started yelling loudly

about how the zoo was not gay friendly.

-Did it work? Did they get the discount?

-They did not.

They had to pay 8 more dollars, and they were pissed.

So, if it's okay with you, I just wanted to take a moment

to deliver a message

to the two women I saw at the zoo.


-Don't pretend to be a lesbian to save $8.

[ Laughter, cheers, applause ]

I thought this went without saying,

but apparently it doesn't.

Apparently, it requires an announcement

and a special graphic.

So don't pretend to be a lesbian to save $8.

[ Laughter ]

I don't think this is something that's happening a lot,

but just in case it is, I thought I should say it.

Being gay is a real thing.

And while it's a wonderful experience for many people,

it also brings some real hardship.

Like when I came out, I had to leave the church

I grew up in because I wasn't welcome there.

I don't want to disparage any church,

so I'll just say that the name of it rhymes with "matholic."

[ Laughter ]

And it's run by a guy whose name rhymes with the Schmope.

[ Laughter ]

-Okay, so quick little question.

How did you know they weren't lesbians?

-Great, great question.

They were each pushing a double stroller,

which means, if they were married to each other,

they'd have four kids.

No one can afford to have four kids in New York.

You'd have to be billionaires!

[ Laughter ]

And if there were two lesbian billionaires

married to each other in America,

I would know about it. [ Laughter ]

-Still, that doesn't sound very conclusive.

-Okay. All right. How about this?

While they were in line, one of them said to the other,

"I've been called for jury duty

five times in the last six months,"

And the other one was like, "Oh, my God. Really?"

If you got called for jury duty five times in six months,

your wife would know about it.

You wouldn't keep it secret,

quietly getting out of it five times in a row,

and then finally think, "I need to tell Brenda about this."

[ Laughter ]

"But I need to wait until we're at the zoo."

[ Laughter ]

-What was your son doing during all this?

-Oh, he was picking his nose.

-Oh. Does he pick his nose a lot?

-Is the Schmope matholic?

[ Laughter and applause ]

Look, I get it.

Everyone wants to be a lesbian.

We're seen as very cool, stylish people

with great shoes and haircuts.

-I don't know if you're known for your haircuts?

-Oh, we're not?

Then why did you steal one of them?

-Touché. [ Laughter ]

-But if there's one thing we can all take away from the story,

it's -- and everyone please say it with me.

Don't pretend to be a lesbian to save $8.

-You got it! Thank you!

-Give it up for Jenny Hagel, everybody!

For more infomation >> A Message to Two Women I Saw at the Zoo - Duration: 3:31.


Trump Attacks LeBron James, Amish Uber - Monologue - Duration: 4:04.

-Let's get to the news.

President Trump, on Friday, attacked NBA star LeBron James

and CNN anchor Don Lemon, tweeting,

"LeBron James was just interviewed

by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon.

He made LeBron look smart, which isn't easy to do.

I like Mike."

Oh, good save, 'cause you sounded super-racist,

until that last thing.

Luckily, everyone knows you can't hate a race of people

if you like one of them.

Former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort's

ex-business partner Rick Gates testified against him

at his fraud trial today and responded "yes"

when prosecutors asked him,

"Did you commit crimes with Mr. Manafort?"

Wow! I guess trials are a lot more straightforward

than movies have led me to believe.

"Now, Mr. Gates, I'm a simple country lawyer, but, uh...

did y'all ever do crimes?"


"I have nothing further, Your Honor."

[ Cheers and applause ]

Rudy Giuliani said, today, that President Trump's legal team

is preparing a response to special counsel Robert Mueller's

request for an interview.

Added Giuliani, "We just haven't cut out all the letters yet."

Vice President Mike Pence met today with

the governor of the Virgin Islands,

which is also what everybody called him in high school.

[ Cheers and applause ]


According to Axios, President Trump is always

on the phone during his working vacations

at his golf club in New Jersey,

and his staff often has no idea who he's talking to...

at least not until the pizza arrives.

[ As Trump ] Well, no, 'cause it's been like 45 --

Oh, it's here. It's here. Never mind.

An Amish man in Michigan recently started

a horse-and-buggy ride-sharing service

that he is calling Amish Uber.

Said his family, "How do you know what Uber is?"

Sources recently told Axios that President Trump

has compared his rally performances

to circus leader P.T. Barnum.

And he's not wrong. Just check out his freak show.

There's the man with no spine...

the human snake...

the world's stupidest boy...

and the two-faced woman.

[ Cheers and applause ] Enjoy the show.

Russia has appointed actor Steven Seagal

to serve as a special representative

on humanitarian ties between the U.S. and Russia.

I sure hope this new job doesn't give him a big head.


Looks like we're way too late.

A Democratic Senate candidate in Alabama is claiming

that a campaign website was hit with over

1,400 Russian cyberattacks in a single week.

"Amateurs," said Bed Bath & Beyond.

In a new poll, 21% of Massachusetts residents say

they have smoked marijuana recently,

while the other 79% said they had smoked "ya mother."

"Oh, yeah, yeah.

I was, uh -- I meant to smoke some marijuana,

but I got sidetracked.

I was smoking ya mother."

And, finally, a group of dairy farmers in Wisconsin, last week,

broke a Guinness World Record

after constructing a cheese board

that featured more than 145 different types of cheese.

Incidentally, "145 Different Types of Cheese"

was also the original title of "The Bachelor."

For more infomation >> Trump Attacks LeBron James, Amish Uber - Monologue - Duration: 4:04.


【MUKBANG】 So Refreshing!! Ultra Huge Ume Shiso Pork Rice Bowl!! [6.6Kg] 14356kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:17.

hello it's kinoshita yuka



i made Ume Shiso Pork Rice Bowl, that's is so refreshing

this is so heavy

my wrist hurt

i really like the ume (pulm)

the pluù really help those who lose their appetite in summer, those who like it they have a good appetite

but i have appetite all time

it's delicious and good

so, let's see the procedure


pork meat

green onion



sesame oil

black pepper

noodle sauce

let's cut the leaves

we cut the green onion

and we do the same with the pulm

bu just looking at it, it's makes my mouth watering

and we cut the pork to a small pieces easy to eat

we add some sesame oil...

and pork

and we fry it with the green onion

noodle sauce


and we add black pepper to make the taste stronger

we add the rice to the bowl

and we add plenty of leaves

what a good smell

and we add the meat

and we add the leaves again

and by adding the pulm...

jaan, we did it

and i made for today 1kg of miso soup with eggplant as well


it's like a garden now

with plenty of pork as well

and because i really like the plums i added a really huge amount of it

looks so yummy


the smell of the ume is so strong

because i like the honey plums i used a little bit of it

the taste of the meat with the sweet plums is really amazing

you can use your favorite kinds of plums

because it's so refreshing and tasty

and it's goes so well with the meat

and the aroma is so good


mixing leaves with rice made it with different texture, and this is so fun to eat


this is so tasty

and its taste with the black pepper is really good

and you don't get tired of it

you can adjust the amount of the plums like you want

and because we added a plenty of green onion, it made the dish so refreshing

the pork is so thick and heavy but it's refreshing thanks to the plums

eating all that makes me sweat

and now with the miso soup with plenty of eggplants

this is so refreshing

but it's so hot

the aroma of the leaves is good and unique


it's really good to eat that in a hot weather like this

the weather is so hot

you will enjoy it even in the hot summer

adding the leaves to the rice, makes it so tasty

i really like to add it

by this the texture will be various and tasty

eggplant soup goes so well with the meat

the last bite, itadakimasu



Ume Shiso Pork Rice Bowl was so tasty

the plums made the taste so refreshing

even with the thick pork

and because we added plenty of leaves, it was so tasty

the taste was so refreshing and light in really amazing way

It is getting hotter from now on, so let's do our best eveyone to not lose it

and because it was so tasty why you don't try this as well ?

And as always thank you for watching

if there's anything You want me to do

please tell me in a comment Section below

if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons

bye bye

all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka

For more infomation >> 【MUKBANG】 So Refreshing!! Ultra Huge Ume Shiso Pork Rice Bowl!! [6.6Kg] 14356kcal [CC Available] - Duration: 6:17.


"Saam Daam Dand Bhed" Serial 7th August 2018 Full Episode | On Location Shoot - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> "Saam Daam Dand Bhed" Serial 7th August 2018 Full Episode | On Location Shoot - Duration: 2:13.


Engineered Destruction: One Year Post-ICO, This Startup is Destroying All Issued Tokens Due to... - Duration: 6:50.

For more infomation >> Engineered Destruction: One Year Post-ICO, This Startup is Destroying All Issued Tokens Due to... - Duration: 6:50.


Mixer & Master, G-Stomper Studio 5.7 - Duration: 11:47.

Hi everyone!

Here's a new video for all lovers of the great application G-Stomper Studio.

Today we're going to talk about the mixer and master functions.

Let's get started.

The Mixer is the place where all audio signals get mixed together to a single audio signal.

Logically it is placed right between the Sampler/Synth modules and the Master section.

Audio mixing is the process by which multiple sounds are combined into one or more channels.

In the process, the source signals volume, frequency content and panoramic position

are manipulated and effects such as reverb may be added.

This treatment is done in order to produce a mix that is more appealing to listeners.

To access the mixer from any screen, use the View menu to navigate to it.

Global channel controls:

In addition to the channel strips the mixer provides a set of global controls for all 36 channels.

Scroll button (>>) to scroll through the Channels (T01-12, T13-24, VT01-12)

VOL/PAN buttons to switch the Channel Faders between Volume and Panorama.

Solo "Reset" to un-solo all channels

Mute "Reset" to un-mute all channels

Channel strip:

Each Channel Strip provides the following controls:

FX Send switch.

EQ switch to show up the parametric 3-Band Channel EQ.

Volume / Panorama Fader (VOL: blue, PAN: red)

Use the VOL/PAN buttons at the right side to switch between Volume and Panorama.

VU Meter to monitor the Channel Output signal (where it leaves the Channel Strip).

FX INS switch to show up the Channel Insert Effects.

Solo switch (the Reset button at the right side is used to un-solo all channels)

Mute switch (the reset button at the right side is used to un-mute all channels)

Channels channel signal way:

The Signal way through a Mixer Channel is the way an audio signal goes when it passes a Channel.

The signal enters the Mixer Channel at the bottom and then passes through all the way up.

1. Mute

2. Solo (overrides the mute if enabled)

3. Insert effects

4. Volume/Panorama fader

5. Parametric 3-Band EQ

6. VU Meter

7. Send Effects

Channel insert effects:

Each Mixer Channel provides two Insert Effect Units, which let you use two independent Effects per Track.

Press the "FX INS" button to show up the Insert Effects for a specific Channel.

By default all Insert FX are turned off, which means no FX are loaded.

Use the dedicated buttons to load Effects to the the Units.

It is very important to remember that the Channel Insert Effects do provide only a subset

of the complete list of FX Types.There are no Vocoders (Vocoders cannot be used without side-chaining).

Note that the "FX INS" button on the Mixer gets highlighted if one or more Insert Effects are in use.

Remember that for more information about the effects available in G-Stomper Studio and how to use it

you can consult the applications user manual.

In the chapter effects you will find extensive information on this subject,

or you could watch the video explaining this chapter.

Channel Equalizer:

Each Mixer Channel provides a parametric 3-Band Equalizer.

Press the "EQ" button to show up the EQ for a specific Channel.

By default all EQ-Bands are turned off.

Each Band can be toggled ON/OFF independently in use of the dedicated buttons on top of the Band.

Notice that the "EQ" button on the Mixer gets highlighted if one or more bands are turned ON.

We'll go into more detail in the operation of the parametric 3-Band Equalizers later on.

Link channel Volumes:

The Mixer Volume Link is a very powerful feature,

which can be used to lower or raise the Volume of all channels at once by moving a single fader.

You can turn it ON/OFF by long pressing the VOL button.

It can save you hours of work when you need to change the volume of the complete mix

(all channels, not the master out).

Let's take a look at it with a practical example:

We all know the situation, when you want to raise the volume of a particular track

and you realize that it is already at max volume (T09 in this example).

The only 'proper' way raise the volume of T09 is to lower all other channel volumes

while keeping the relations between the channel volumes.

The Mixer Volume Link can do this Job without the painful manual adjustment of all channels.

Long press VOL to enable the Mixer Volume Link.

Now move one of the faders (it doesn't matter which you move) to lower the volume on all channels at once.

All other channels follow your movement while keeping the relations between the channel volumes.

In other words, you lower the volume of all channels while keeping the mix intact.

Now long press the VOL button again to turn the Mixer Volume Link off.

Finally raise the volume of T09.

However, it's important to note that there might be channels which are technically impossible to link.

Channels with Volume zero.

Channels with volume automation applied.

Those channels will be locked and excluded from the link.

Lock Mixer:

The Lock Mixer feature is used to lock the mixer to the current setup.

Locking the Mixer can be very useful in live situations, when you've tweaked the Mix for the

currently used environment / speaker system, and you want to keep the setup for the complete live session.

If enabled, all Mixer Channels including Channel Insert FX, Channel Volume, Channel Panorama, Channel EQ,

and the Send FX selection (but not the loaded FX in the FX Chain), are locked at their current settings,

even if you load other Patterns, Pattern Sets or Sound Sets.

Furthermore, if enabled, all Parameter Automations of the locked Parameters are turned off.

It should be noted that the function 'Lock Mixer' is dedicated to be used live/manually,

which means it's not saved with the pattern.

Lock Mono:

The Lock Mono feature is used to temporary lock the complete mix to Mono.

Working in Mono is very helpful to bring a mix to the point,

because you can fully focus on levels and frequencies (not panning) to get clarity and separation.

If enabled, all Panorama settings and all Stereo affecting FX parts are bypassed.

One thing to keep in mind is that 'Lock Mono' does only affect the regular audio output

and the Audio Session Recorder.

It does NOT affect any kind of Audio Export/Bouncing.

In addition, the function Lock Mono is also available in the Master section.

The Master Section is used to finalize the output signal.

Logically it is placed right after (at the output of) the Mixer.

Click on Select View and choose Master/SumFX to show up the Master/SumFX section.

Alternatively you can open this screen by long clicking the FX EDIT toolbar button.

From any screen, use the "View" menu to navigate to the Master section.

The Master Section provides two Sum Effect Units and the Master Out controls.

Master Out controls:

The Master Out provide the following controls:

Pre Sum FX / Post Sum FX

Switch to logically apply the Master Volume, Panorama and EQ before or after the Sum Effects.

Panorama fader

Volume fader

VU Meters to monitor the Master Input and Output signal.

EQ switch to show up parametric 3-Band Master EQ.

Bypass switch

Master Equalizer:

The Master Out provides a parametric 3-Band Equalizer which is applied to the sum signal.

Press the "EQ" button to show up the EQ.

By default all EQ-Bands are turned off.

Each Band can be toggled ON/OFF independently in use of the dedicated buttons on top of the Band.

Note that the EQ button in the Master Out section gets highlighted if one or more bands are turned ON,

furthermore the bypass switch is automatically turned OFF (if it was ON).

Lock Master:

The Lock Master feature is used to lock all parameters in the Master section.

Locking the Master section is very useful in live situations, when you've tweaked the Master section

for the currently used environment / speaker system,

and you want to keep the settings for the complete live session.

If enabled, all Master parameters (including Sum FX) are locked at their current values,

even if you load other Patterns, Pattern Sets or Sound Sets.

Furthermore, if enabled, all Parameter Automations in the Master section are turned off.

It should be noted that 'Lock Master' is dedicated to be used live/manually,

which means it's not saved with the pattern.

Lock Mono:

We've already spoken about this function in the mixer section. This works in exactly the same way.

Low Band:

The Low Band can be used in two ways:

Low Shelf: to lower or raise the frequencies below the cutoff frequency

Peak: to lower or raise a specific frequency (with a variable bandwidth)

Mid Band:

The Mid Band is fixed in Peak Mode, of course with variable frequency and bandwidth.

High Band:

The High Band can be used in two ways:

High Shelf: to lower or raise the frequencies above the cutoff frequency

Peak: to lower or raise a specific frequency (within a variable bandwidth)


The Out section is used to adjust the Out Volume of the signal after it passed the EQ (50%..200%).

Wether you need to lower or raise the output volume depends on the audio signal as well as the EQ settings.

If the EQ settings result in a louder signal (e.g. if you boost the bass with the low band),

then it makes sense to lower the output volume.

If the EQ settings result in a less loud signal (e.g. when you lower the bass with the low band),

then it makes sense to raise the output volume.

Use the VU Meter at the right side to monitor the EQ Output signal.

In some situations it's helpful to have a quick A/B comparison (with and without EQ).

Just use the 'Bypass EQ' to completely bypass the EQ.

Well, that's the end of today's video.

Really hope you enjoyed it and you found it useful until next time.

For more infomation >> Mixer & Master, G-Stomper Studio 5.7 - Duration: 11:47.


Hollywood council votes to permanently remove Trump star from Walk of Fame - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Hollywood council votes to permanently remove Trump star from Walk of Fame - Duration: 2:57.


Αντίμετρα Μόσχας για απέλαση δυο Ρώσων Διπλωματών απο Ελλάδα - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> Αντίμετρα Μόσχας για απέλαση δυο Ρώσων Διπλωματών απο Ελλάδα - Duration: 5:06.


Γιάννος Σωκράτους για Παιδεία - Duration: 6:34.

For more infomation >> Γιάννος Σωκράτους για Παιδεία - Duration: 6:34.


Νέα παρέμβαση Αρχιεπισκόπου στα της παιδείας - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Νέα παρέμβαση Αρχιεπισκόπου στα της παιδείας - Duration: 3:41.


Kroenke wins $2.3 billion battle for Arsenal after Usmanov agrees to sell | News - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Kroenke wins $2.3 billion battle for Arsenal after Usmanov agrees to sell | News - Duration: 4:31.


1999臺糖果翻譯手機S20黃子韜聯名款,開售12個小時已全部售罄 - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> 1999臺糖果翻譯手機S20黃子韜聯名款,開售12個小時已全部售罄 - Duration: 3:33.


Τρίτη ημέρα καταθέσεων για την κατάρρευση του Συνεργατισμού - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> Τρίτη ημέρα καταθέσεων για την κατάρρευση του Συνεργατισμού - Duration: 5:48.


Easy DIY Paper Flowers Making Tutorial - Origami Carambola Flower - Duration: 5:30.

Dear Paper Flowers Lover, Welcome to Origami Flower making tutorial.

I have used 15cm x 15cm square paper for making this Paper Flower.

You can use any size of square paper.

Follow the instructions step by step for making best DIY Origami Flowers.

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