Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 2, 2018

Youtube daily Feb 22 2018

I'm just a firm believer in, you're always being prepared for your blessings.

Because blessings are huge.

If I hadn't got prepared to get so many no's and to get closed on so many times,

I wouldn't be able to appreciate all the heavy, heavy, heavy great things that happened.

So it was all preparation.

I got into music because I joined a kid band when I was thirteen years old.

We were, you know, touring as a kid band, and we would just do cover songs.

We were like going out to LA and doing song, then coming back to class in our show clothes

still and our suitcases.

We were on America's Got Talent when we were sixteen years old.

Piers Morgan: When you went a bit crazy, it was a bit crazy, but that is part of your magic,

that's why we love you.

You are a very, very talented performer.

So, don't be disheartened.

We lost, but we were so happy to, like, have gotten that far even,

or even been on the show in the first place.

So, that was a cool no that was still a yes.

I definitely thought that that was who I was gonna be with forever.

These are my brothers.

It was just me and five boys.

We were six kids, you know, traveling up and down California in a van,

sleeping in the same hotel rooms.

The manager was just shitty.

I went to a meeting with the rest of the band, and we were just pulling up contracts,

and I was the only kid who pulled up by myself to this meeting with things underlined, like,

you said you would do this and this was supposed to happen and this didn't happen.

I literally walked away from the table after the meeting and said,

I never want to be a part of this, I never want to do this again if this is what the music industry is.

Having a great time and living your dream, and it being crushed due to, you know,

morality issues, is heartbreaking.

I literally went back to high school and got two regular jobs.

I worked at Hot Topic, I worked at a burger spot, like I was selling weed.

I was at the burger spot, being a waitress, writing songs in my head.

It wasn't for me.

I decided, like, I kind of have to step out on a limb here, and I'm willing to risk not

being financially stable and not being able to provide for myself, but I have to go out

and chase my dream in some type of way.

Hey, this is Kehlani.

You may know me from the band Poplyfe.

I came in fourth place on season six of America's Got Talent.

Now I'm working on some solo stuff, you know, still pumping out these covers

and making some music.

My manager reached out to me on Twitter and was like, yo, you got like a couple songs

here and three, like, I want to come hear some more if you're down.

He had just moved to LA, I had just moved to LA.

And like, we both didn't really have anything.

I played him a couple of my tracks, and he literally came back the next day like and

was like, yo, you don't have to call me your manager, but I six month plan and if you're

down, and I change your life in six months, let's talk about something.

I was like, okay, and in six months we dropped my first mix tape and went on my first tour.

I've toured like, maybe like four or five times, I've been to most countries and places

I didn't even think I would have a passport.

And I get to provide for my family, and I literally cannot wish for anything else.

Hello, I'm Kehlani, and I'm going to sing Hero by Mariah Carey.

I would tell her to keep in mind, like, things are coming, so don't beat yourself up too

hard that you keep getting somewhere good and then falling, and then getting somewhere good and

then falling, and then getting somewhere good, because those falls are going to make the

rises so much better.

I'm Kehlani, and this is how I made it.

For more infomation >> Kehlani - This Is How I Made It | Episode 7 | Cosmopolitan - Duration: 3:01.


LinkedIn Speaker Series: Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew McAfee, and Reid Hoffman - Duration: 1:17:36.

For more infomation >> LinkedIn Speaker Series: Erik Brynjolfsson, Andrew McAfee, and Reid Hoffman - Duration: 1:17:36.


👉 Here's The EXACT LINE I Used To Start A Conversation In My Elevator 3 Minutes Ago... - Duration: 7:26.

In today's video, I'm gonna teach you the ONE LINE that you can recite to anyone

when starting small talk that's gonna have them eating out of the palm of your

hand... no I'm not, but you know what I'm gonna tell you? A line I used three

minutes ago when coming up for my elevator so you can see what you need to

do to engage people in small talk I put a video out a few weeks who have called

the compounding value of small talk I'll put a link right here we haven't seen

that go back and watch that it's gonna be a good prep for this but I want you

to hear what I say and I want you to think in your head Wow barons a social

coach and that's all he said I can do that I can probably do better than that

I want you to realize that these are the things I use in my own life everything

you learn on my channel are things that I use there's nothing this strategy

online and it sounds great these are things I use every single day if you run

into me in the street you'll probably pick up on a few things that I've used

that I've taught you that's awesome right I'll put the money where the mouth

is now if you haven't gotten the social invincibility checklist it's free it's

right here this is gonna teach you one small thing about small talk the social

invincibility checklist gonna get you a nice broad paint stroke of how to

improve social you can go to charisma matrix comm forge /s I checklist and

download yours there all right so what I'm doing I'm going out to the elevator

I got my trash with me or I'm a big trashcan filled up and I go into the

trash chute dump my trash in there and there's like all kinds of junk going on

in there there's like there's all kinds of like bags of trash and pizza like

normal but this time there was like a full wedding cake that didn't even look

like he'd have been cut into it's like three layers high it was like leaking on

to the trash for some reason under the ground in this apartment complex people

have something where they just feel entitled to not even put their bags down

the trash chute so they just open it and throw it in there it's pretty ridiculous

but anyway so I walk out of the trash you have it thrown mine down the chute

and I see a girl who lives on my floor that I've never met before right so we

get in the elevator together what do I say what am I gonna say what's the

genius line I'm so nervous why is she gonna like me what can I say that's so

funny and smoke all I said was mana trash shoots a mess

today okay is that hard no I'm talking about something that just

happened what else could have I said man I opened up my were the s'mores cold out

there today anything anything at all but how do you think I said it I didn't say

man the trash treasure is dirty no I said it company like it was a great line

man that trash dudes a mess today right a good delivery because what I'm saying

doesn't matter I do hope you'll say all the time the words you say don't matter

I'm saying it confidently okay so what she said back I didn't remember when she

said that she's like yeah she's like it's bizarre how people just stack their

their bags of trash and that whole thing right I was just going down two floors

and it was over in the conversation was over fine

not genies can you do that can you do that can you tell someone what happened

the last five minutes of your life that's a reference if you have nothing

to say what did you do in the last five minutes well I went to the trash chute

well I opened my window and got some fresh air you know two things that I

could comment on and comment on competently okay now one other thing

that I want to point out that sounds very easy and that's good that's the

crux this video I want you to understand you can say anything as long as deliver

confidently and the next time I see her maybe tonight maybe in a week maybe in a

month there's gonna be way more familiarity there's gonna be that

rapport it's gonna be easier to actually build a friendship off of that or you

know just get to know somebody a little bit better but what a mistake I don't

want you to make is what I have been tempted to do in that instance

I actually was I had I had actually a lot of really good things to say cuz

that like that wedding cake that was still in there that was melting on there

it's like a three layer wedding cake that's pretty interesting I that's a lot

more interesting than the trash chutes dirty but if you don't know someone how

did that sound it how do you think that would have sound of us said to her man

you know I was in there the trash room was absolutely crazy there's like a

wedding cake in there it's too much it's way too much coming at her she's just

trying to size you up she's trying to feel your energy and and I say she cuz

it was a she but if it was a he would be the exact same thing don't bombard

people with a bunch of complicated stuff cuz they're gonna wonder why is he

telling me this right people understand small talk is there to break the ice and

start a conversation but if you start spewing all these different things man I

was walking down the walking up a hallway and I walked in the trash chute

there was a melting a melting wedding cake in there what's going on she's

gonna be like oh yeah super super aggressive right it's too much going on

so so so rest assure that not only do you not need some fancy thing to say but

sometimes dumbing it down I knew I only had do floors and have a long time to

talk I never talked before is even better so now take that stress out of

your mind of having to come with something to say and realize sometime

the seemingly Dumber more basic stuff is actually better than the stuff that you

think may be better because it needs some great story it doesn't need to

start she doesn't care about the wedding cake either right she wants to see what

you're all about with that first line so dumb it down don't ever go too far by

saying more more things the less the better and if she wants to engage and

let's say we were going walking out to our cars together well then you can can

you continue the conversation and if she's like yeah she's like it's crazy

let's talk about what you might want to say at that point she says yeah that's

crazy people just throw the bags in there now

we're still walking I might get off I'm saying yeah you know I've seen some

really wild stuff in there before but today I may have taken the cake I pry

shouldn't say that's pretty ridiculous but this one it's the worst ever there

is a melting wedding cake coming down melting all over the top floor that

that's have you seen anything like that that's appropriate because you have

buy-in from her right she's responded to you but if I would have started that's

way too much for one line you got to give her a chance to respond back into

ping and to get comfortable with you so that's a very basic thing mixed with the

very advanced thing but how important do you think this is almost every single

person that you're gonna meet maybe you're gonna date maybe you're gonna

have a relationship with maybe you're gonna work with maybe you're gonna do

business with it's gonna start with a small talk line unless you're introduced

by a good friend which oftentimes is a small talk line hey you know this is

berrin he's a he's a social coach just moved to Newport Beach okay well that's

going to help but then say hey man what kind of work do you do

it's gonna be small talk so you need to understand this

people who hate small talk too bad you got to do it if you want to meet people

there's no special you can moonwalk in and turn your head and then you can just

bypass small talk I'm a bub small talk I don't want to I think it's a waste and

gets a waste of my time I'm not gonna sink to it cool man

have fun you're not gonna meet people people aren't gonna like you you got to

accept the reality don't push back against it just cuz you don't like it

alright that's my that's my Sermon on the Mount for that by the way you see in

this video if you haven't seen this one you gotta watch this one next I'll talk

to you over hey it's Barron welcome to the charisma matrix listen I don't care

if you were born with no charisma or feel like you're awkward socially

because it doesn't matter here on this channel I'm gonna teach you all the

advanced social skills that you need to get what you want out of life

For more infomation >> 👉 Here's The EXACT LINE I Used To Start A Conversation In My Elevator 3 Minutes Ago... - Duration: 7:26.


Asociación Nacional del Rifle se queja de la politización | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> Asociación Nacional del Rifle se queja de la politización | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 6:03.


Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 22 de febrero de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 21:48.

For more infomation >> Noticias Telemundo Mediodía, 22 de febrero de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 21:48.


Entra en funcionamiento el satélite Paz | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> Entra en funcionamiento el satélite Paz | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 0:40.


How to Request Manual Video Review on YouTube - Duration: 2:52.

good morning good evening good afternoon good night YouTube warriors internet

crochet geeks Street view people mat viewers drivers Google drivers and

everybody on YouTube ok I want to show you guys now this is strange

ok on my video how to make money on YouTube

it says not suitable for most advertisers so I got it says limited or

no ads and so I'm gonna show you guys how to request a review let's click on

this first and see what that is no it doesn't do anything

what kind of reminds me oh it took me there oh ok well you go ok so I can do

it either place so I can I can click there or I can click let's go back down

here or I can click here so both of them will take you to where you need to go so

I can click here or I can click here to request review and it's going to go to

the same place and so it's going to take me over to the monetization setting here

so it says so it says monetization status limited or no ads due to content

identified as not suitable for most advertisers your video remains fully

playable and is eligible to earn subscription revenue from YouTube bread

advertisers avoid placing ads on videos that don't align with their brand for

example they may choose not to advertise on content that's sexually suggestive

includes badly which or is considered controversial what can I do if you think

our automated system got this wrong and your video is suitable for all average

advertisers you can request them and you want to review so that's what I'm going

to do right here it says request a manual review so I'm going to click that

I need to check this box right here it says I confirm my video is suitable for

all advertisers it says request review right now we are only able to review

videos with at least 1,000 views in the past 7 days we'll review your video when

it reaches that threshold and give you a final decision you

within a week and so I'm going to submit for review and then we will see what

happens we'll see what happens and you know what after this I'm going to show

you guys I want to show you how to set a Drake's - so I'm going to do another

video for that so I'll probably make another video here okay so I want to

thank you guys so much for watching please smash and hit the thumbs up

button share this video with your friends subscribe leave comments

suggestions ideas I love you guys lots and I'll see you soon peace love

marijuana and avocados the green life

For more infomation >> How to Request Manual Video Review on YouTube - Duration: 2:52.


« Laeti­cia Hally­day on va tout faire pour l'étran­gler, l'as­sé­cher finan­ciè­re­ment » - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> « Laeti­cia Hally­day on va tout faire pour l'étran­gler, l'as­sé­cher finan­ciè­re­ment » - Duration: 3:05.


« Même le chien Laeti­cia Hally­day s'en est débar­ras­sée » l'an­cienne cuisi­nière de Johnny - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> « Même le chien Laeti­cia Hally­day s'en est débar­ras­sée » l'an­cienne cuisi­nière de Johnny - Duration: 2:46.


Das letzte Wort: Einer lacht immer | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Das letzte Wort: Einer lacht immer | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 1:48.


Shoaib Ibrahim and Dipika Kakar - Lovely Moments Of Dipika and Shoaib's Marriage | Shoaika | - Duration: 4:16.

For more infomation >> Shoaib Ibrahim and Dipika Kakar - Lovely Moments Of Dipika and Shoaib's Marriage | Shoaika | - Duration: 4:16.


3 signings that can take Liverpool to the next level - Duration: 7:45.

3 signings that can take Liverpool to the next level

We asked one of our writers, which three realistic signings would you make in order to make Liverpool title challengers next season?.

Liverpool supporters crave that elusive Premier League title, and just a few more top signings could make that dream a reality.

Jurgen Klopp will have Naby Keita arriving this summer and if the manager can add a trio of high-quality players in key areas, the Reds can continue their progress under the German.

Strengthening the spine of the side is key for me, and here are three players I believe can make all the difference.

Allison (Goalkeeper).

Loris Karius deserves real praise for a sizeable improvement in recent weeks, but there are still doubts about him going forward.

It is only fair that he has between now and May to show he can be Liverpools first-choice goalkeeper, but there is still a lot of convincing to do.

You only have to look at Man United to see how priceless an influential keeper can be – who else is absolutely sick of the sight of David de Gea? – and Allison would be the perfect recruit.

Brazils No. 1 has been described as the Messi of goalkeepers by former Roma coach Roberto Negrisolo, which says all you need to know about his brilliance.

He is an expert shot-stopper and a renowned sweeper-keeper – he made six saves in Romas 2-1 loss to Shakhtar Donetsk on Tuesday, and enjoyed a passing accuracy of 89 per cent – and at 25, he still has years ahead of him.

Liverpool have been hotly-tipped to make a big-money bid for Allison this summer, and if they get a deal done, he could easily be their most significant defensive signing since Pepe Reina.

Recent reports have suggested that Klopp will keep his faith in Karius, but that feels like a risk.

A great keeper can win you 10 points a season.

Stefan de Vrij (Centre-Back).

The acquisition of Virgil van Dijk is massive for Liverpool, and in his short time at the club, the defence has already looked far more secure.

The Reds still lack a top-quality partner for the 26-year-old, however, with Dejan Lovren, Joel Matip and Ragnar Klavan all not good enough to feature regularly.

Many names have been thrown into the hat when it comes to summer arrivals, but one who could be a very shrewd purchase is Lazios Stefan de Vrij.

The 26-year-old will leave the Serie A giants on a free transfer at the end of the season, and if reports are to be believed, Liverpool will scrap with the likes of United and Arsenal for his signature.

Not only is De Vrij a highly impressive centre-back, he is also a compatriot of Van Dijks, meaning a fearsome pairing could be formed for both club and country.

We have seen how effective that can be at Tottenham, with Toby Alderweireld and Jan Vertonghen superb alongside one another in recent years.

There arent many available world-class defenders around in the modern game – most of them are tied down to their current clubs – but getting De Vrij on a free would be a masterstroke.

There is no guarantee that he would come in and be a game-changer, but his age, reputation and lack of a fee make luring him to Merseyside a no-brainer.

Sergej Milinkovic-Savic (Midfield).

If the name Sergej Milinkovic-Savic doesnt ring a bell right now, in the next few years it will.

The Serbia international is regarded as one of the most exciting young midfielders in world football, and Lazio will do very well to keep hold of him.

A box-to-box player who can run at opponents, out-muscle them and beat them in the air with his imposing 6ft 4in frame – an average of 2.

5 aerial wins a match is highly impressive – he would add so much to an often one-dimensional Liverpool midfield.

Admittedly, his passing is seen as the weakest area of his game, with a 79. 3 per cent accuracy far from earth-shattering in 2017/18, but that rawness will subside as the years pass.

With Emre Can looking almost certain to leave Anfield this summer, a major reinforcement will be required to team up with fellow new signing Naby Keita.

Milinkovic-Savic fits the bill to perfection, and if you think Can is a player blessed with great potential, the Lazio favourite is on another level.

It would be a huge buy if Liverpool could get it done, particularly in a long-term sense, but with many of Europes powerhouses hovering ominously, it will be tricky.

Lets not forget that Lucas Leiva is now at Lazio, however, so the Brazilian can do his best to persuade both Milinkovic-Savic and De Vrij to join the Reds.

Marko Grujic can hopefully have a similar influence when he and Milinkovic-Savic meet up for international duty.

Possible Liverpool XI next season: Allison, Alexander-Arnold, De Vrij, Van Dijk, Robertson, Henderson, Milinkovic-Savic, Keita, Salah, Mane, Firmino.

For more infomation >> 3 signings that can take Liverpool to the next level - Duration: 7:45.


80's Inspired Hairstyle - Duration: 8:08.

For more infomation >> 80's Inspired Hairstyle - Duration: 8:08.


Come riempire e tenere il sac à poche - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Come riempire e tenere il sac à poche - Duration: 4:02.


How to Draw Cake With Candles | Learning Colors for Kids by Drawing Cake | Cake Coloring Pages - Duration: 3:11.

How to Draw Cake With Candles | Learning Colors for Kids by Drawing Cake | Cake Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> How to Draw Cake With Candles | Learning Colors for Kids by Drawing Cake | Cake Coloring Pages - Duration: 3:11.


HBL PSL 2018: The Opening Ceremony 2018 || Pakistan Super League Dil Se Jaan Laga Do - Duration: 10:14.

HBL PSL 2018: The Opening Ceremony 2018 || Pakistan Super League Dil Se Jaan Laga Do

For more infomation >> HBL PSL 2018: The Opening Ceremony 2018 || Pakistan Super League Dil Se Jaan Laga Do - Duration: 10:14.


How To Cast Smartphone Screen To PC [2018] - Duration: 1:26.

Hello folks Welcome back to iSpecss

this video is on how to cast your android smartphone screen to your windows PC

So before we Start up this video get subscribed to this channel and click on the bell icon

and never miss an other update from ispecss.

First connect both your smartphone and PC to the same wifi network or connect your PC

to your smartphone wifi hotspot.

then search for connect on your PC and open it, then open cast setting on your android

smartphone and select your PC.

thatsit, now your android smartphone screen will broadcast on your Windows PC

hope this helped and you end up liking this video.

if you do toss a like for this video and while your down there,subscribe to this channel.

thanks for watching.

bye for now and lets meet again in our next video.

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