hi YouTube okay we are looking at how to
analyze in Google Trends president
Trump's first 100 days because
apparently it's his first 100 days who
really cares he's doing a terrible job
in some senses but at least the one
thing I can say is like with health care
he told them to do something or be done
with it so anyway um but we want things
to be better don't we anyway let's go in
here um okay so the relevant articles
are making America great again
gauging 100 days of Trump the these are
the articles that are coming up as Trump
calls for wall a look at the world's
barriers and Trump's 100 days a chaotic
discovery of power says April 29th marks
100 days since President Trump took
office and people are turning to Google
to search for what he's done so far and
what it comes to so ok so this is the
search and interest in Trump since he's
um of taking office so you can see how
its plummeted
it was way up here and it's plummeted
way way down there so people are
apparently are less interested in Trump
than what they were before it says the
top trending questions on Trump since he
took office from January 20th is how
many executive orders has Trump signed
what countries did Trump ban how many
days has Trump been in office why did
Trump bomb Syria and what has Trump done
so far as president yes that's what we'd
like to know and so here's the search
interest on some of the political issues
at their highest ever on Google since
Trump took office so search interest in
daca I think that's Daca is that an in
search interest in Syria so some of
these issues have come up higher
actually that's probably good for us to
take notice and what kind of leader we
don't want um possibly because uh you
know I mean some of these things aren't
helpful for us as American citizens
it says in fact search interest in
President Trump is higher in his first
hundred days than President Obama in 2008
so that's fair that's fair right there
so more and more people are actually on
the internet that's what this is saying
is that there's more people on the
internet searching for things then back
in 2008 and so there has been a big
shift in transition and and that's one
of the things that I've noticed and to
me that's why that's kind of why when I
think about this advertiser ban when
when they're doing this advertiser ban
on YouTube to me it's the advertisers
throwing a temper tantrum because they
know people have shifted online and they
don't want to shift online and so
because the thing is they're doing
things worse than what US as youtubers
are doing on YouTube so so they're
taught they're being very very
hypocritical so this is probably a good
statistic even though we don't have to
like Trump we don't have to like him as
a president that's our freedoms to not
like him as a president we just don't
have to okay see the breakdown of some
of the most searched political issues on
the h-1b visas Syria immigration LGBT
and health care so these are the top
issues right now you have health care we
hope that health care goes up they're
talking about immigration where maybe
they're talking about this stuff to push
health care down lower possibly that's a
possibility that's just my thinking is
that when there's things that are really
really important then they talk about
other things yet yes they're important
but though overemphasize things and this
might be part of the oh when they talk
about fake news stories and things like
that they'll overemphasize things to
push down something that's important and
that can be what's happening here with
health care so yes these things are
important yes we're a nation of
immigrants and people's rights are
important you know LGBT rights are
important so is health care affordable
health care for everyone so let's
go down here and it says the
most-searched issues since Trump has
taken office on January 20th and okay so
that immigration hb1 visas Syria
abortion and daca and so okay we need
health care we need health care up there
more trendy queries the Trump tax plan
lepen NAFTA Jared Kushner and Michael
Flynn and so yeah I think that's
probably it for right now and we'll see
what happens so over time next year we
should have some tent poles right here
there's a little tent pole here there's
a little tent pole I don't know what the
things are that have happened here looks
like a little tent pole so we might have
some within the four years that he's
president we might have some little tent
poles and things that pop up that that
are related to something and today is
April 29th is going to be the White
House Correspondents Dinner so that
probably should pop up let's look here
the White House
correspondents I spelled it wrong
correspondents but let's do the spell
check so I spell it right
Correspondents Dinner as a search term
okay Oh see this is okay this is what I
was talking about with the tent pole so
we've got the tent poles right here we
got the tent pole of May first the tent
pole do you see that so the this is a
tent polling trend so the White House
Correspondents Dinner itself is a little
trend and so this shows you here here's
the one over here so this one wasn't as
popular in 2017 well well all the datas
not in that's probably why so all the
data is probably not in yet and so let's
go down here but that's it for right now
and so I want to thank you guys so much
for watching please ring my bell ring my
bell to follow me and subscribe receive
email notifications and I want to thank
you guys so much for watching thumbs up
this video share it with your friends
see you guys soon peace love and avocados
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