(calm music)
Ray and I have been together over 20 years,
we were high school sweethearts.
I spent 17 years in the United States Marine Corps.
I was a Staffing Seal when I left.
(helicopter whirs)
We were checking some vehicles,
making sure everything was good to go
before we went into Baghdad.
And I had a moment, and I had this sat phone
so I gave Melanie a call.
I just had a very ominous feeling, and
we ended up having to get off very abruptly
and I didn't learn until later that they had been
taking enemy fire, there had been an IED.
A couple of the guys, including Ray, were injured.
They were medevac'd.
(helicopter whirs)
(calm music)
Upon his return, we did not know the degree
of his injuries, because he was exposed to
several IEDs, close-range fire, grenade blasts.
16 face surgeries, two knee surgeries.
He's had four surgeries on his spine.
I'm blind in one eye.
I don't have hardly any feeling below my knees.
According to his spine surgeon,
he had the spine of an 80 year old man.
He has hearing loss, his jaws,
upper and lower jaws, and those are all titanium.
And he has a mouth full of implants.
We were on a vacation to Florida,
and we had to cut it short to come to a
Round Rock Express game because he was being honored.
We were told they were gonna come interview us
during one of the innings, and the camera crew came over,
and then slowly more people started to come,
and Ray is asking me, like,
"Who's here? Like, there's someone famous around here,"
We looked on the screen, and there were people behind us,
holding up a picture of a house.
And, we're all in shock.
We're like, wait, wait, what?
Staff Sergeant Coffey, we have a very special announcement
for ya, we want-we want you to know that earlier today
you were selected by Operation FINALLY HOME to receive
a custom, mortgage-free home, built by Henley Homes,
up in Georgetown, just right up the road.
It was just an emotional rollercoaster.
They just kept thinking about all the things
that were gonna change, and they were
so overwhelmingly thankful, and so happy,
and there was lots and lots of crying on both ends,
I saw a tear from my dad's eye, I swear.
It was there.
Well, guys, we're welcome y'all here,
we wanna get you inside and show ya
all the things that've been done.
Welcome home, here it is!
(happy music)
Oh wow, oh!
Oh wow.
Oh, I'm gonna cry.
Oh wow!
We kept your sofa, so it was your favorite.
We gave you a little recliner.
Oh, yah.
It's perfect.
When we walked in it was a complete shock
to see the entire main living space transformed.
(calm music)
Cody, this is so cool.
Way different from when it was before.
Way better, just feels so much better.
A lot brighter, a lot more calming.
To this day, when we drive into the driveway,
his face lights up.
This house was definitely a game-changer.
He's working to be a better person himself,
to take care of himself, and so that's making all of us
hopeful that, you know, we can get back
to where we were, and be a family again.
Thank you guys, just thank you doesn't really...
All of us, I think, appreciate what you've done
to the house, and just wanna say thank you.
I love you.
(calm music)
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