(Episode 105)
- We're off. / - Okay.
Bitna, why don't you stay home?
You're not feeling well.
I was away for very long,
so I should pop in for a bit.
I'll take it easy.
This is why they say couples take after each other.
You two must share some resemblances, too.
We're one in mind and body every day,
from head to toe.
We have similar personalities and looks.
Right, Eunsu?
Yes, Aunt Sunjeong. We're one in mind and body.
You do have good teamwork.
Sumin, is your stomach okay?
Eat more slowly.
You stuff yourself and then get sick.
Have porridge for lunch.
Hurry up and get to work.
All of you will be late.
- We're off. / - Okay, okay.
Be careful so the fruit doesn't get bruised.
Yes, ma'am.
Are you going to work?
Where are you going this early?
The welfare center.
The welfare center?
Do you mean where you did community service?
But you finished all your hours.
I'm not going because they're making me.
I'm going of my own volition.
I'm going to spend my time volunteering now, too.
Why all of a sudden?
There's been a lot of trouble,
and things aren't going smoothly.
I think I should do a lot of good so that Bitna
and my great-grandchild will be blessed.
Good thinking.
You haven't been out much,
since you were preoccupied with Bitna.
Have a good time.
I'll take this.
Leave it. Leave it.
Mr. Park can do it.
It's light.
What is everyone doing...
My goodness.
The fruit is very plump.
She brought them.
Have some. They're very sweet.
I went out of my way to get these
from a place that only sells top-grade fruit.
They're of a different caliber than market fruit.
Markets have good fruit, too.
I'm just saying that I made a special effort,
to share the best with those in need.
Are your knees okay?
You didn't wear them out?
And are your fingerprints intact?
I'm very well thanks to you.
Thank you. Thank you.
I'm not sure if you know English.
Eunsu majored in English education,
so of course I know English.
Stop your nonsense and divvy them up.
We have to go on a food delivery.
There's no time.
Let's go.
Oh, no. Oh, no.
Ow. I'm dying.
This is what happens in old age.
Don't touch me. Don't touch me.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
What will we do?
This is a worry doll?
It's cute.
I can have one, right?
These are for my daughter and son-in-law.
I'll make you one later.
You promise?
When is Ms. Kim getting here?
The coffee is getting cold.
I know. She's later than usual.
You said she went to volunteer.
Yes. She should be here by now.
Mom, where are you?
Who are you?
Okay. Try getting up slowly.
You suffered acute back pain
from suddenly lifting something heavy.
Luckily, there's no bone or muscle damage,
so you'll get better after a few days
with a hot compress and rest.
You gave me a fright.
You were making such a fuss that
I thought you'd snapped your back in half.
Am I really okay?
I couldn't move at all earlier.
My son-in-law may run a small clinic now,
but he was the director of a university hospital.
He's the best doctor in this field.
No need to brag.
I know that he's good.
You're leaving?
Is there a need for me to stay any longer?
I did my part by bringing her here.
I'm off.
Suit yourself.
The car brought me here, not her.
You haven't been coming for your treatment lately.
Are your knees okay?
Yes. The same as usual.
Joints require consistent
monitoring and care,
so it doesn't have to be here,
but please get regular examinations.
Um... Ms. Kim Myeongsun...
She's with Dr. Kim right now.
You can go in.
How did you know I was here?
I called you, but the welfare center...
What happened?
What happened to your back?
I pulled my back trying to lift something.
Why weren't you more careful?
I'll be fine after a few days of rest.
Let's get you to physical therapy.
It'll take a while with the compress and so on.
You go ahead.
How can I?
I'll wait, so go ahead.
Coffee delivery.
Oh, wow, Mr. Yoon. Long time no see.
What brings you here today?
To get Well-Being Doenjang Stew from storage.
You took 5 boxes last week.
They sold out already?
Of course. Many patrons buy them
as they're paying for their meals.
It's doing very well.
And sales are consistent, too.
You'll hit a new record at this rate.
Yes, Aunt Sunjeong.
- Have you been well? / - Eunsu...
Go ahead.
You first, Yeonmi.
I was thinking of calling, but I couldn't.
Thank you.
For helping mom today, too.
Eunsu told me that
you helped her get an innocent verdict.
It couldn't have been easy.
I knew why you decided to do it,
so I felt bad and couldn't call you.
Thank you, and I'm sorry.
You don't have to be sorry.
I did it to help Ms. Oh Eunsu,
but I also did it for my daughter Bitna.
Have you been well?
It's all good then.
I hope you stay well.
You, too.
Oh. Mom.
Where's grandma?
She's getting physical therapy.
How did you know...
Oh. Aunt Sunjeong called,
saying grandma got hurt and was here.
Bitna's grandma brought her from the welfare center.
I see.
I have to stop by somewhere.
Yes, go ahead.
Grandma's physical therapy should almost be done.
Let's go.
My goodness. Did Eunsu and Suho get home okay?
Yes. Eunsu called to say they just got home.
I had them come and go
for no reason at all.
Mom, don't get hurt.
We all panic when you get hurt.
Why did you lift
a box of fruit like that at your age?
I didn't know this would happen.
Did that old hag forget?
Why did she take me there, of all places?
I didn't know she was taking me there.
I came to my senses, and there I was.
Did you run into him?
Yes, when you were getting physical therapy.
You did?
I bought him coffee
at a cafe near the clinic.
He helped Eunsu get her innocent verdict,
so I was thanking him.
For treating you today, too.
Good. I'm glad.
I'm okay now. It doesn't bother me,
so don't worry.
Don't worry about him,
and don't mind me, either.
Why are you acting like you did something wrong?
Please don't.
It's coffee. Would you like a cup, too?
No, I need to sleep.
Oh, my. Don't have it.
It's not good for you.
But I like coffee.
Caffeine is bad for pregna...
It's bad for you right before bed.
But it doesn't seem to affect me much.
Say, Eunsu,
are you experiencing any unusual symptoms?
Not at all.
Are you sure?
You don't feel nauseous,
or get chills like you have a cold?
Not at all.
I'm healthy.
Don't worry, mother.
Oh, okay.
Mother, I'm going upstairs.
How odd.
I definitely had a baby dream.
Are you having trouble breathing?
Do you know how many times you've sighed?
Why are you agonizing like this?
You found your answer a while back,
to accept and honor mother's feelings.
Don't you remember?
I'm just worried.
Things have finally calmed down,
so I worry that another storm is brewing.
Bitna won't be like she used to.
More importantly, give me a clear answer.
If... And this is a big if...
If mother and Dr. Kim still love each other,
what will you do?
I said I'd respect mom's decision.
Then you're all set.
I know it was a tough decision.
But you can't stay hung up
or live in the past forever.
To get over the past,
you must confront it head on, okay?
And we already started it.
We confronted the past and exposed the truth.
You can do as you like from now on,
but let's not be petty like Bitna.
Wow. Did I save a nation... No.
Did I save the universe in my past life
to have met someone like you?
My goodness.
I love you.
Where are you going this late?
Oh. I have plans.
Father wants to see me.
Why, all of a sudden?
I don't know. He didn't say.
Bitna just returned home,
so he must be worried.
- I'm off. / - Suhyeon.
I saw your father-in-law today.
You did? Where?
It's a long story.
Anyway, I'll skip all that.
You see...
Hurry up. I have to run.
Do you know that Dr. Kim, your father-in-law,
was in a serious relationship?
How would you know?
I'm serious. I swear.
Pleased to meet you. I'm Yoon Suhyeon.
Nice to meet you.
Your son-in-law is tall and handsome.
Nothing is going on.
No misunderstandings.
Was that her?
He was dating none other than...
My mother-in-law,
Eunsu's mom.
What? Do you have something to say?
Ah, no.
The lady you introduced me to at the gym...
Is she well?
Why do you ask out of the blue?
Did Bitna say something?
Um, no.
I suddenly remembered.
Out of the blue.
I told you. We're just friends.
remember what I said?
Regarding Bitna...
I said you must watch over her,
since she's your wife now.
Yes, I remember.
I'm very grateful that you took her back
and that you embrace her,
including her shortcomings.
Keep taking good care of her.
I will.
I'm planning something right now.
I'm going overseas as a medical volunteer.
I'll probably be away for 2 years.
Does Bitna know?
Not yet.
I'll tell her soon separately,
so keep it to yourself for now.
I'm so thirsty.
What this noise?
Oh, my. A ghost?
That awful, wretched jerk...
But why does the ghost
sound so familiar?
You gave me a fright.
Hey, Yoon Sumin.
What were you doing here in the dark?
Aunt Sunjeong...
Good grief.
This is a very familiar scene.
Are you copying me?
Aunt Sunjeong, I got dumped.
That jerk.
I'm such a good catch.
Hey, hey. Keep it down.
You'll wake everyone up.
Are you drunk?
I didn't even open this.
I'm only getting into the mood.
You didn't even touch the instant noodles.
Instant noodles are unhealthy.
I'm just smelling them.
What the...
Hey. Either eat or cry.
Do one, not both.
I'm hungry.
Even in this wretched situation,
I'm hungry.
I have to eat something.
This situation is so sad.
So miserable.
Huh? The filling popped out.
I should only eat the pretty ones.
You can have this.
Wow. Hey,
you should give me one that's intact, too.
After acting like Miss Know-It-All...
Who's the guy?
Hey. Is it the twins' father?
This matches better.
Will you tie it for me?
Did you two have a good time without me?
You came home very late.
I had to drive father home.
You treat dad better than you treat me.
I'm about to get jealous.
Father worries about you a lot.
I know.
I'll stop by his clinic at lunch today.
Yes. Go and be a good daughter.
Why am I busier even though I'm not working?
I have to go to Pyeongchang-dong to get my things,
then stop by Aunt Sunjeong's cafe later.
Why the cafe?
She's working on a new drink,
so I said I'd come taste it.
Don't go if it's too much. You don't have to go.
I'm going because I want to.
I'll talk trash about you with Aunt Sunjeong.
Go on down.
How did it go last night? Did you ask?
I was right, right?
What? No?
Father is going overseas as a medical volunteer.
Bitna doesn't know yet.
He gave me the heads-up first,
so keep it to yourself.
He's going abroad?
Then what about mother?
I'm not sure, but I think he's moved on.
But his eyes said otherwise.
You should've seen him.
I don't know about that,
but don't stir up trouble by babbling.
Eunsu and Bitna's wounds are still healing.
This could deepen their hurt.
I don't know.
I thought the opposite would be true.
- Oh, my. Welcome, my princess. / - Hi, grandma.
Have you eaten?
Not yet.
What would you like?
I'll let the housekeeper know.
I'm having lunch with dad later.
You are? Just the two of you?
You and I can eat together next time.
Cut us some slack.
Very well.
Hurry up and get your things.
Oh, hi.
Hang on.
Let me finish this up.
I'm almost done.
Man, it's heavy.
All set.
Why do you have so much stuff?
I got the rest of my things from Pyeongchang-dong.
Okay. I'll take those.
- Huh? / - I'm hungry.
What should we eat?
How about pasta?
Oh... It's the doll you gave me.
The worry doll.
Yes, that's right.
You still had this?
I used it like you told me to,
but my worries didn't disappear.
It's a fluke.
If you're done with it, can I have it back?
You can't take back a gift.
No can do.
Is there a style you're looking for?
I'm not sure.
We'll look around first.
Okay. Take your time.
Seonyeong, isn't he handsome?
You still haven't learned.
A good-looking guy is only trouble for a woman.
You can just tell he's a married womanizer.
Geez, Seonyeong. No, he's not.
He's never been married.
What are you talking about?
Do you know him?
He's a regular at our cafe.
Aunt Sunjeong, I'm here.
Oh. Hurry over then.
What's the rush?
She has indigestion again.
What's this?
A picture?
What an odd-looking picture.
It looks like an apple seed.
An apple seed?
An apple seed...
- Come here. / - Why? What? What?
Let go!
That hurts.
What's this?
Give it back.
What is it?
An apple seed. It's an ultrasound, right?
Hey... What are you thinking?
It's not like that.
I picked it up in the living room yesterday.
It must be Bitna's.
I was holding onto it to return it to her.
Give it to me.
Your name is on this.
"Yoon Sumin" in English.
Do you see it?
Give it back.
Whose is it?
Are you kidding me?
Hey, I'm your older sister.
This is my personal business.
- Give it back. / - Whose is it?
And if I tell you?
Stay out of it.
It's that scumbag Park Hyeongsik, right?
He's dead.
Hey, hey! Yoon Suho!
Hey, hey.
Park Hyeongsik speaking.
Mr. Yoon Suho?
How did you get my number?
Right now?
In front of the house?
Mr. Yoon, why are you here?
What brings you...
Hey, Yoon Suho!
He said he was getting a drink of water.
Where did he go?
Bitna, have you seen Suho?
Where has he gone? Geez.
Your mother made this, right?
I'm going overseas as a medical volunteer.
A medical volunteer?
You understand, right?
What brings you here?
I don't think my dad has gotten over you.
He's going to Africa as a medical volunteer.
Why are you stuffing your face at breakfast?
I'm always hungry these days.
There must be another entity in her belly.
Wait a minute...
You won't answer my calls?
I'll wait until you get here.
No. If you don't come,
I'll go see your parents,
so do what you will.
I must take responsibility for you, right?
Don't worry about it.
I have no desire to ensnare you with our baby.
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