Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 27 2018

According to new polls out this week, 70% of independent voters here in the United States

say that they would be more likely to vote for a candidate if that candidate supported

action on climate change.

70% of independent voters here in the United States, you know the people who make up that

mythical center.

The mythical swing vote, they do kind of exist.

70% of people who are not registered with a political party say that they're more likely

to support a candidate if that person says they want to take action on climate change.

Only 14% say they're less likely to support someone who wants to take action to help protect

the planet and the country from climate change.

Much like the entire Medicare for all discussion, it turns out that climate change is also a

winning campaign issue.

Now, I ask you this then, viewers.

How many times have we heard candidates out there running ads or mentioning in their campaign

speeches or during debates, how many times have you heard them mention climate change?

Now, I know the Florida governor debate from earlier this week, I know that the first question

was on climate change.

That was astounding that they actually did that.

Jake Tapper did a phenomenal job with that.

But that doesn't typically happen.

That was an outlier, and that's why people knew it happened, because it was so shocking

that they were asked about climate change.

I know the corporate media doesn't like to talk about it, as Chris Hayes himself admitted

on Twitter, the reason the network executives don't like the host talking about climate

change is because it's a, quote, "ratings killer."

But here's the thing.

Politicians might not like talking about it because yes, it is a complex issue and it

does take a little bit of nuance to be able to explain what's happening to the planet


Media doesn't like to talk about it because people tune out.

They don't want to hear about it.

They don't want to listen to it, and it's gonna hurt their advertising money.

But the people actually want it.

The people want action on climate change.

Voters in the United States are ready for the federal government to do something to

protect the planet.

This is a winning campaign issue.

This is something that candidates out there, as we approach the midterms, they need to

be talking about!

Because we know, based on the polling data, based on the available evidence, that people

want action.

They do not want a government controlled by fossil fuel interests.

They do not want politicians who are bought and paid for by the fossil fuel industry or

by the agro-chemical industry.

Groups that pour in millions of dollars every election cycle to buy politicians who go out

there and deny what science is telling us.

They're tired of it!

And the voters want something different.

The biggest problem right now is that we do have one political party, the Republican Party,

that's pretty much made it a staple of their party that they're gonna deny climate change

or deny that human beings are causing it.

Or if they do admit that it's happening, and that humans are causing it, that there's nothing

we can do so we shouldn't do anything.

Marco Rubio recently said that we can't blow up the economy just to save the planet, or

the country, or anything really.

Then we have the Democrats.

They talk a good game on it.

Obama talked a good game, admitted climate change was real.

It was a threat and we needed to do something.

Then he expanded domestic oil production.

Then he expanded offshore drilling.

Then he expanded leasing out new coal mines, as fracking exploded!

Quite literally and figuratively under the Obama administration.

So yeah, it's one thing to talk about the need to stop doing all this, but then you

have to follow through.

That's the second part of that that Obama never really got.

He didn't follow through.

We got a couple good environmental regulations from him, but all of that has already been

undone by the current administration.

It's time to switch.

It's time to do something, and it's time to take action.

That's what the American voters want to see, but unfortunately with too many of the current

crop of political candidates, I don't know that climate action is on the table yet.

And that's a very sad thing to have to say.

For more infomation >> New Poll Shows That Climate Action Is A WINNING Issue For Candidates - Duration: 4:28.


Super Easy HALLOWEEN Costumes You Can Find at HOME 2018 /// TILLY BEE - Duration: 6:23.

Super Easy HALLOWEEN Costumes You Can Find at HOME by TILLY BEE, It's Halloween TRICK-OR-TREAT Season!!! If you still don't know what to be, here's a few easy last minute costume ideas for all your Halloween needs.

Halloween this is Halloween Halloween

this town we call home everyone hail to the pumpkin song

everybody's waiting for the next surprise



that's our job

okay guys so hi so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure

to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you're new so I this was my only

Halloween video this year I just set other videos that I wanted to post that

wore Halloween related and I thought this one was a good one to post because

it is literally almost the week before me

whoa also next week I will be posting a Halloween flog slash get ready with me

for Halloween I love you guys so so so much and don't forget never suppose your


For more infomation >> Super Easy HALLOWEEN Costumes You Can Find at HOME 2018 /// TILLY BEE - Duration: 6:23.


Hydraulic press Press Inc. - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 7:46.

Hydraulic press Press Inc. - New Best Android iOS Game HQ

For more infomation >> Hydraulic press Press Inc. - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 7:46.


GORILLA | Animals for Children | Kids Videos | Kindergarten | Preschool learning - Duration: 6:39.

Welcome to the jungle, Ed.

A kingdom for wild animals.

Bouncing bananas! Look at that!

"That", Ed, is a gorilla.

I've read about them in stories.

Oops, I think she's seen us.

She's okay, Ed. Just relaxing in the treetops.

And having a bite while she's at it.

Why not! The food's good, the view's excellent. Life couldn't be better for her.

There's a lot to munch around here.

Gorillas spend most of the morning and evening eating.

That's half the day gone on food.

It takes a lot to fill their stomachs. Leaves, branches, stems and fruits for breakfast,

lunch and dinner.

What a life. Eating and I suppose snoozing in between.

Sure. It's hard work eating, so naturally, they want to finish off by sleeping.

Easy does it.

Here we are.

Look, one's right behind us.

Pay attention, Ed. Time for some basic gorilla information.

What was that?



Oh, hello. They're just exploring, Ed.

Hi, fellas.

Gorillas. Not your average monkey – certainly the largest primate around. They live in forests,

sleep in nests, interact with one another and have human-like fingerprints. Come on,

let's get some fresh air.

Are you telling me gorillas are close to humans?

Very. Just like chimpanzees, we have a lot in common.

Wow. Look at the size of those arms.

Their arms are actually longer than their legs.

Now that's weird.

Not really. Think about it. They swing around and climb mainly with their arms.

Right. And we move around mostly on our legs.

Nature's smarter than you think, Ed.

Look at that face – full of expression.

And feet almost like hands.

Very useful if you're a gorilla.


Hi! I'm Ed and this is Eppa.


Let's not interrupt their meal. It's bad manners. Come along.




Very impressive. Look, there's one.

And guess what – she's eating!

Surprise, surprise. Another one eating.

What's this chap up to?

Bouncing bananas!

Just playing, Ed. Those two, however…… are sizing each other up.

I thought they were peaceful characters.

Well, every once in a while they do have a little argument, like most families.

Now, this is what I call monkeying around!

Ooh, ooh, ah, ah. Hey, Eppa! Onwards and upwards.

Oh dear, here we go again.

It's a treetop circus!

Woooah-ohhhhh-oyeeeeee-ohhhhhhh! Eppa, where are you?

I don't know about you, Pip Ship, but I think this could get out of hand.

I'm at the top of the world!

Careful, Ed. You're not an acrobat.

This is so easy! One arm in front of the otherrrrrrrrrrrrr! Woooah-ohhhhh-oyeeeeee-ohhhhhhh! Eppa, I'm

flyingggggggg! Woaaaaaahhhhh! Epppppppaaaaaaaa!

What goes up must come down.

I had it under control.

No, you didn't. Just don't try that again. You could hurt yourself.

Hey, look at that. He's got a silver back.

That's why he's called a silverback.



He looks serious.

Well, he's the main man of the jungle so he has big responsibilities. Now, let's

find a spot to land.

Ed, no more antics, you hear. Both feet on the tree at all times.

Aye-aye. Hey, look.

I don't know how she stays balanced!

With her strength and agility. She's been doing it her whole life.

Even so, look at the size of her and the size of that branch.

The trees are very supple, just like their inhabitants.

Look at that, not a care in the world.

Relaxation's the key.

Oh, he-he-hello. We were just leaving.

On our way right away.

Sounds like our cue to go, Ed.

What do you think's going on?

I don't think it's anything we're doing.

Look, it's a silverback

Oh, fantastic

Come on, Eppa.

Looks like a family picnic.

Probably is. One silverback, several females and their kids.

Look at that chap playing the drums.

Play is an important part of a young gorilla's development.

I'd like to get a photo of that little one.

Let's keep us and the gorillas separate, okay.

Too late.


Ed, I'm not going to jump in and save you this time.

Hey there. My name's Ed. Ed, your friend.

And you are just amazing!

Bouncing bananas! What was that?

Bouncing bananas indeed. They're tearing down the trees!


For food of course. Why else? Come in, Pip Ship, come in.

It's time to say goodbye, before we get the same treatment as they're giving the

But his silverback daddy might.

Look how cute he is.

Ooooh. He is, isn't he? You are, aren't you? So adorable. Cute cute cute cute.

Okay, Eppa. I think you've had enough jungle air for one day.

Bye-bye now.

Cheers. Hang tight.

Very sweet.

I'm ready for the next adventure.

You can say that again!

For more infomation >> GORILLA | Animals for Children | Kids Videos | Kindergarten | Preschool learning - Duration: 6:39.


How To Prevent Blackheads? - Duration: 2:25.

Hellow friends, how are you?

In this video I will tell you about how to prevent blackheads...!

Before we get start please subscribe to our channel and press the bell-icon so you will

get notify for new health and lifestyle videos!

Blackheads are blemishes that can appear on any area of your skin, though they are often

found on the face.

These sometimes painful and unsightly blackheads have many causes such as excess oil, dead

skin cells, clogged pores, and bacteria.

Although you can easily treat blackheads, the best way to avoid complicated treatments

is to prevent blackheads from forming in the first place.

How to Prevent Blackheads?

No.1 - Cleanse your skin regularly.

Although blackheads are not actually caused by dirt, gently wash your skin regularly to

remove excess dirt and oil.

This can help prevent blackheads from forming or clogging pores.

No. 2 - Avoid overwashing skin.

Just as it's important to wash your skin, it's also important to not overwash it.

Cleansing too often or too vigorously can irritate your skin, strip its oil, and actually

lead to further skin breakouts.

No.3 - Remove makeup before bed.

Going to bed with makeup or cosmetic products on your skin can clog your pores.

Remove all makeup or cosmetics with a gentle cleanser or makeup remover before you hit

the pillow.

No.4 - Take Shower after vigorous activities.

If you are a very active person, shower after strenuous activities.

Sweating can lead to excess bacteria and oil on your skin that could cause blackheads.

Ok friends hope now you understand how to prevent blackheads.

Thanks for watching, see you in the next video take care, by by.

For more infomation >> How To Prevent Blackheads? - Duration: 2:25.


6 Natural Treatments to Calm Mastitis|HFE♪ - Duration: 12:45.

6 Natural Treatments to Calm Mastitis

Mastitis tends to cause more complications when it is not treated correctly.

Therefore, in addition to using these remedies, it's important that you talk to your doctor.

Mastitis is an infection in the breast tissue that can cause sensitivity, pain and redness in one or both breasts.

It often affects women who are breastfeeding.

 however, in a few cases, it can be caused by other infections that are not related to lactation.

In this article, you'll learn about natural treatments to calm mastitis.

Mastitis can be accompanied by general discomfort, feverish episodes and symptoms similar to the common cold.

It occurs when there is an obstruction in the milk ducts, which causes bacteria growth like Staphylococcus aureus, that is able to enter the breast through the nipple.

While it's not a problem for the baby, depending on the severity of the situation, it can cause problems for the mother when she breast feedsbecause of the uncomfortableness.

So, in addition to listening to your doctor's advice, it's a good idea to keep these natural treatments in mind to calm it.

In this article, we will share the 6 best treatments that you shouldn't hesitate to try if you are faced with this problem.

Take note!. Thyme.

Compresses infused with thyme are a therapeutic tool with anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties that, together, help to accelerate the healing process of mastitis.

Applying it directly to the irritated nipples will calm the pain and redness.


1 tablespoon of thyme (15 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml).


Add a tablespoon of thyme to a cup of boiling water and cover it.

Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes and then strain.

How to use it.

Soak a cloth or compress in the liquid and apply it to your breasts for 20 minutes.

Repeat this remedy twice a day if you find it necessary.


The emollient and antiseptic effects of rosemary can help to calm the symptoms associated with the breast infection.

Its properties diminish the sensitivity and help to stimulate milk flow to reduce the obstruction.


2 tablespoons of rosemary (30 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml).


Pour the rosemary into a cup of boiling water and cover it.

Let it steep for 20 minutes and then strain.

How to use it.

Soak a compress in the infusion and apply it to the affected breast for 15 minutes.

Repeat its use 2 or 3 times a day.


Fenugreek infusion acts as a natural tonic for the skin, decreasing cracks, burning and other uncomfortable symptoms that come with mastitis.


1 cup of dried fenugreek leaves (15 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml).


Add the fenugreek leaves to a cup of boiling water and let steep for 10 minutes.

Filter the liquid and apply it as hot as you can handle.

How to use it.

Soak a cloth or towel in the infusion and apply it to the affected breast for 20 minutes.

Repeat its use 2 times a day, until the infection is cured.

Carrot and honey.

An external carrot and honey mask can help to reduce the burning and sensitivity of the breasts.

The honey has a light antibiotic effect that, when used on the skin, can help to treat infections.


1 carrot 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g).


Blend the carrot until you have a thick paste.

Pour into a bowl and mix it with the honey.

How to use it.

Rub the mask onto the affected breast and let steep for 20 minutes.

Rinse with warm water and repeat its use 2 times a day.


The antibacterial, anti inflammatory and healing properties of marigold help to control the breast infection by calming the pain and preventing complications.


2 tablespoons of marigold flowers (30 g) 1 cup of water (250 ml).


Pour the marigold flowers into a cup of boiling water and cover it.

After letting it sit, strain it and apply.

How to use it.

Soak a clean cloth in the infusion and apply it like a compress to the affected breast.

Let it sit for 20 minutes, rinse and repeat 3 times a day.


The extracts that are released from mallow leaves in a decoction can decrease inflammation and pain caused by mastitis.

After it's applied externally, it improves circulation in the breast tissues and helps to accelerate recuperation.


2 tablespoons of mallow leaves (30 g) 1 cup of water(250 ml).


Add the mallow leaves to a cup and heat it over a low flame for 5 minutes.

Cover the liquid and let it sit until it reaches room temperature.

When it's ready to use, strain it.

How to use it.

Soak a cloth in the liquid and rub it on the affected breast.

Let it sit for 20 minutes and then clean the surface with warm water and a damp cloth.

Mastitis tends to cause more complications when it's not treated correctly.

 Therefore, in addition to using these remedies, it's important that you talk to your doctor.

For more infomation >> 6 Natural Treatments to Calm Mastitis|HFE♪ - Duration: 12:45.


Fruits That Accelerate Weight Loss|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:44.

Fruits That Accelerate Weight Loss

Just as there are foods that you should avoid if you want to lose weight, there are fruits that can make it easier and maximize your results.

Trying to lose weight is complicated.

You might have every intention to prevail but you also feel like eating something delicious.

Maintaining a balance between these two factors isn't always easy.

The good news is that there are plenty of fruits that will help you lose weight.

So you can definitely find one you will like.

Remember, following a balanced diet will help you be healthy and get all the nutrients you need.

Thus, it's best to eat a variety of fruit throughout the day, especially those that are in season.

This way your fruit will be fresh, you'll save money, and you'll get the body you desire.


Avocado is at the top of our list of helpful weight loss fruits because it's delicious, adapts easily to any taste, and is very healthy.

Avocados contain fatty acids, which boost your metabolism, increase your energy, and burn fat.

Additionally, eating them improves skin hydration due to their natural fats and there's no risk will be taken on your cardiovascular health since they contain nutritious fats.

Eating avocados once a day is recommended but if you love them, you can eat them more often.

You can use avocados to substitute creamy and high-calorie foods.

For example, if you want ice cream, you can make avocado mousse or use it as a base for a smoothie.

For a little something extra, add some grains or another fruit from this article.


Lemon is the second helpful weight loss fruit.

It's often recommended to be included in your diet.

In addition to being inexpensive and easy to mix with other foods, it's high in riboflavin, phosphorous, vitamins B and C, and magnesium.

You can lose those embarrassing extra pounds by drinking lemon juice.

 Drink this wonderful options daily on an empty stomach:.


1 Lemon 1 glass of warm water (200 ml).


Squeeze the lemon directly over the glass of water, mix well and drink immediately.

You should drink it immediately because lemon quickly oxidizes and loses its properties.

You can drink it daily without any problems, so don't forget to do so.


Another helpful wight loss fruit is watermelon.

 A 250-ml cup of natural watermelon juice contains only 250 calories.

 Likewise, it contains vitamins A, B, and C, and lycopene.

All of this makes watermelon a very filling and hydrating fruit that prevents cancer and heart problems.

Keep in mind that watermelon is high in sugar.

Even if it's natural sugar, diabetics will have to monitor how much they eat.

It's recommended to eat a medium-sized slice two or three times a week.

You can also try this tea:. Ingredients.

1 medium slice of watermelon 4 cups of warm water (1 liter) 1 Squeezed lemon 5 mint leaves.


Cut the watermelon into small easy to handle bite-sized cubes.

Mix the watermelon cubes, the squeezed lemon, mint, and water.

Let it sit in the refrigerator for one hour.

You can also add ice if you'd like to drink it right away.

You can take it with you and drink throughout the day.


Grapefruit is the last helpful weight loss fruit on the list.

In addition to being filling and delicious, you should eat it often for the following reasons:.

It's low in sugar, so there's no problem if you're diabetic.

Its fiber content improves the digestive process.

You can easily include it in smoothies.

Which weight loss accelerating fruit from the list do you like the most? Did you already know about the positive impact it has on weight loss?.

For more infomation >> Fruits That Accelerate Weight Loss|HFE♪ - Duration: 8:44.


Which types of salt is the healthiest?|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:25.

Which types of salt is the healthiest?

In the culinary world, salt has always been an essential element for making different dishes.

It may even be the most useful product in the homes and professional kitchens and even the world.

That is why it's important to know the different types and which of them is the healthiest. .

Types of salt that we can find.

Normal table salt.

This is the most commonly used salt and sodium chloride is its main component.

It is extracted mainly from a chemical process done at the industrial level.

When it's being made, other minerals are usually added, such as iodine and fluorine, as well as other additives and conservatives.

Table salt is the best seasoning for balancing out flavors while you're cooking.

Unrefined sea salt.

This is obtained through natural processes such as salt waterevaporation. It's composed of chlorine, sodium, iodine, fluorine, among other additives.

Likewise, sodium chloride is fundamental among these components.

It has a grayish color and gives your dishes a more intense flavor than regular table salt does.

This one is much healthier to use in recipes than normal table salt. It is more expensive because it's not as common.

What's even more important than knowing which of these two salts is the healthiest, is using the correct amount in recipes.

Fleur de sel.

This type of salt comes from the top layer of sea salt mines.

A traditional and artisanal technique is used to collect it from the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. It's mostly used in gourmet recipes due to its excellent gastronomic properties. .

It's a hypotonic which means that consuming it won't cause water retention.

If you compare it with other salts, it's low in sodium (15%) and sodium chloride (only 92.9%).

In regard to taste, it's not so intense than other salts, since it easily dissolves in your mouth.

Himalaya salt.

This variety mainly originates from: Pakistan and Latin America, and not from the Himalayas. It has been over advertised for many years because it's high in essential nutrients (84), minerals and trace elements.

This salt is great for bodily functions, which justifies why it is so rare.

Another reason that it has become so popular is due to its pink color, which makes it stand out more.

Types of salt, which is the healthiest?.

Every type has some sort of marketing strategy implying it's the healthiest, most natural and purest.

 The following recommendations can make your selection process more practical:.

Every type contains sodium chloride as an essential element, thus it should not be consumed in large quantities.

Eating extra salt isn't actually necessary because you can get sodium from a lot of foods.

It's mainly used because it gives your food flavor and unfortunately not for its possible health benefits.

The most nutritious salts are those obtained directly from naturethrough artisanal methods.

For example, rock and mineral salts.

Marketing strategies cause natural salt prices to be higher. Obviously, economic interests rule the natural world.

For that reason, it's hard to tell if a natural product is actually worth its price, or if it is simply a marketing scheme.

What about its consumption?.

In conclusion, the problem isn't the salt, but how we eat it and how much of it we use.

 It's important not to overuse salt because it's dangerous for your health.

 Excessive consumption causes cardiovascular conditions, renal insufficiency, gastric conditions, osteoporosis, etc.

Therefore, it's important to know about the types of salts and what kitchen alternatives can replace it.

That way you can choose which one is the best for each situation and which is the most dangerous.Remember that spices and aromatic herbs can be great alternatives.

For more infomation >> Which types of salt is the healthiest?|HFE♪ - Duration: 7:25.


রুযী মুখে দেওয়ার আগে বিবেচনা করুণ | Bangla Short Waz | Abdur Razzak Bin Yousuf - Duration: 1:39.

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