Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily Oct 28 2018

everybody has their hooks you know some

people it's their business their

finances you know what that could hook

it's like their identity is tied to that

for other people if their body they just

feel like it's impossible they can't

change anything they they've gone to

learned helplessness where they just

have literally learned that they're

helpless they can't do anything about it

because they failed so often but if I

had to pick one that probably is most

fraught for people overall it's really

intimate love and romance because you

can control your business to some extent

you can control you you can control your

finances to some extent right by your

choices but you can do everything you

want to do in an intimate relationship

and it can still blow up in your face

because you can't control another human

being and if you could you have no

relationship so and I also think that if

there's a story that all human beings

have it's the story of fear we all have

what we're after but everybody has fears

and I've been with you know four million

people now from a hundred countries over

these you know 33 34 years I've been

involved with people now and I can tell

you all roads lead to Rome whatever

you're afraid of you're afraid of

failing or succeeding or whatever the

case be it really comes down to a fear

that we're not enough and if we fear

we're not enough our ultimate fear is if

we're not enough we won't be loved who

can produce that fear in you're more

than somebody whose love you crave

somebody that you really want them and

they all of a sudden don't love you as

much anymore

it crushes the soul so most people have

these plans like I'll be successful and

then I'll know I'm enough regardless of

what someone else does to me or you know

I'll be strong enough for physically

beautiful enough but of course all those

things are relative and under the blast

so getting people to have the courage

and the faith to realize their there is

no security in life and there's no

security relationship there's only what

you can contribute there's only what you

can create and getting people to that

place is not an easy thing to do but

when they do it it opens up a whole new

universe because when somebody's in love

you know what's wrong with your life you

know nothing you know what a beautiful

morning doesn't matter you're silly as

hell but when they don't have that well

in their life and everything else is

going well they still come to that empty

place inside at the end and that's the

place where the most successful people

on earth

clients of mine you know everybody

thinks it's so incredible that's where

they're lonely still very often and

that's the area that got a really big

into help someone did I usually have a

story that happens to them very young

which is kind of a a Baxter assemble

element that is still present in them 10

20 30 years later and preventing them

from exercising those talents well

nothing is preventing them but they

choose to go back to that story right

because how many stories to be having

our lives but we have certain seminal

ones that have so much emotion wrapped

up into them so much pain so much hurt

or so much excitement that they shape us

and everybody's got those I always say

change your story change your life

because whatever your story is becomes

the shaper of all your perceptions what

you're going to try or not try do or not

do the problems most people are so

addicted to telling that same story over

again it does become their prison and so

the answer is yes I think the oldest

story is that all of us were loved

unconditionally we're born you know that

even if you thought you have the worst

mother in the world because you know if

the baby doesn't have someone willing to

love them that is means take care of

them above their own needs there's no

rewards for a mother who at all for all

that stuff for father you know we feel

it because we're on drugs we got

oxytocin in our body as soon as we're a

woman's pregnant or her father's there

and he sees this child that biochemistry

changes in us and we love that kid even

though it looks like a lizard doesn't

matter we know it's our kid so but that

doesn't last forever there's a stage in

your life where you could yell scream

throw stuff smack people and you still

were taking care of in love and there's

a day when that oxytocin wears off and

suddenly somebody yells at you or hits

you or even worse ignores you and that's

the moment when the ultimate story is

what do I do to get that attention back

what do I didn't get that love and so

some people you know they suddenly try

to crawl or walk anybody goes look

Johnnie's walking and the story is I'm

an achiever I do things so I'm

significant enough to get attention to

love some people break stuff and people


I destroy stuff that's my story that

I'll get unconsciously the some people

know they go they make some noise and

everybody laughs make some no the

comedian's born so that story that

experience becomes the story of what

I've got to do when I feel uncertain

that I'm significant enough to be worthy

of attention and love in this life and

I'm oversimplifying it obviously because

we've had a lot of series of stories in

our lives but if we can go back and

reclaim whom we are today instead of

living an old story everything in your

life changes and that's a part of what I

do I would call President United States

calling you remember all these people

who really successful extremely talented

did they all have backstories that ran

them did they all have some element in

them despite their success it was still

in the back of their head still telling

them you're not good enough you are good

enough for some some elements of their

life that wasn't working because of that

well I don't always get the call because

somebody's got you know some emotional

problem or challenge you know when the

president called you gave me a lot of

crap for what I said to him at time

which was I said something like you know

I'm really appreciative of your calling

and but I'm not a fan at that stage so

you still want to hear from me I'd love

to come and do some coaching with you so

I was rather direct with him but know

everybody's got parts of their life that

shaped they way they look at today and

how they behave today everybody does

everybody has a back story and multiple

back stories questions which one's

running you now but when I'd say the

common back story for the successful

people is hunger something produced

drive in them if you say what's the

difference in human beings and how they

perform and how they show up it's not

intelligence or ability you can find

somebody have plenty of intelligence and

ability they don't maximize they can't

fight their way out of a paper bag and

then you find this other person that

finds this hunger inside you have it I

have it almost anyone we know who has

done something they're proud of in their

life or they feel good about in their

life they had to get through all the

obstacles they had to get through their

own limiting stories and so there had to

be something they wanted more that

hunger often comes from a story of

frustration or pain or desire and

finding that touchstone and igniting it

is how you often can take somebody who's


in Hungary and really help them to

change your life do you think that

people are empowered when they hear that

somebody of death I statue also has some

of those same problems of some of those

back stories it again it's a great

question some people are some people use

it as a reason to hang on the road story

because they go Bill Clinton has that

experience you know if Tony Robbins has

that experience then what the heck am I

gonna do and that's that's part of the

challenges is I remember one time I was

fascinating my own sister something was

going on it was challenging and

everything else I said you know how come

you didn't call me and she goes well

because you're Tony Robbins well you can

handle it situation I have some

experience one of my boys my son Josh

won tie this is amol dad you're Tony

Robbins right people make up this story

because they don't know the real

backstory you and I know each other's

back stories you know that we didn't

just show up this way we've had a lot of

gifts in our life but we've paid the

price to do it and we found a way to add

value throughout life and that's why we

have the privilege to be here but if you

start thinking that everybody's messed

up and it gives you excuse to stay

messed up versus my view is let me tell

you what these people overcame to be

where they are that's what I'm more

interested in so that you and I have

something to aspire to

cuz stories will there give you some

form of aspiration some inspiration or

they give you an excuse to stay where

you are or even make it worse when I see

you on stage on television on any you


you always do on purpose full of

enthusiasm full of you know appreciation

the gifts

was there anything that you were

insecure about when you were growing up

that you felt oh my god

this is gonna dis contribute out you

know yeah or it was something that you

one thing how many of the one thing you

want I have trained myself with

certainty not just with stories by

focusing on when I did succeed and

building those stories but honestly by

building into my body that's certainly

physically like driving into myself I

had so many fears I had minestrone soup

acne on my face is in high school I

didn't feel attractive I was I was 5-1

my sophomore year in high school that's

a scary thought isn't it that's a scary

figure 10 inches in a year well the next

guy that met you a year later that's a

scary thought oh well what's the scary

story you know I was with you when I

found out you know I had a tumor that

made me grow like that I have no idea so

you know you go from five one to six

foot six to now six seven people say

what's the difference I always say

personal growth but it was a lot of

personal growth right I mean like not

only physically going through but what I

went to mentally and emotionally to make

that happening so I had I was the little


I wasn't that strong I had a quite a

mouth I wouldn't take squat from anybody

and like senior guy come to me and get

in my face but I had a mouth on me

wouldn't take it but I was slow and not

that strong a good combination but I

overcame it mostly by saying in the end

if I find a way to add enough value to

somebody else's life I'm totally sincere

in raw they may doubt it all they want

but if I do that for year after year

decade after decade and then Chile I'm

gonna get through to them and my life is

kind of panned out out there's a large

number of people millions of people our

demo serum that way many of what you

thought who is the idiot

this motivator the big tooth guy but

then they see me work my guts out for

someone and really cred results day

after day year after year and they

started to come maybe the guys you know

the real thing

you know that's people get to judge that

by results rather than by discussion I

did that I did my story and that's gonna

have another time then family of my

bubble vulnerable moments this high bit

I got to when I was born when you

revolted that's the right needy that's

when you need yeah and so yeah I do

think that's true the interesting

element is that sharing the fact that

you enjoyed you know perfect and born

that way and we already know you're

ready to go from the go yeah it's

important because I think most people

don't realize that they have the ability

to tell a different story to transform

themselves well the best way is not for

me to tell my story you know that's self

inflation that's not my goal my goal is

I think you know is to show people

actually making that change happen you

know when I do a film and you see this

person stand up and they're suicidal and

then you watch them turn around and then

the people do the follow-up three years

later five years later and you see this

person's life still change when people

see that over and over again or they see

relationships come together that are

ending or they see guys that were

struggling in business and now they're

guys so successful and they saw the

moment it happened and they see the

follow up and they hear from the guy

then it starts to penetrate people that

there's no free lunch but there's some

strategies that can accelerate your

growth massively and your sense of

fulfillment your sense of enjoyment cuz

if you succeed but you're not fulfilled

you failed so those are the two missions

that are trying to do not so much with

my story but with thousands actually

millions now stories of other people

well as a storyteller one of the magic

things that I watched you in the

audience I learned from you was there a

great story listener in other words the

idea is that you don't just hear people

you get people and when people feel that

they've gotten that they're really heard

in that unique way empathetically they

engage in a different way

is that a talent that you learned or you

just felt you had or did you did you

really work on it or was it something

that you perceived and how important is

that skill in a creating a relationship

that is successful well our last

question last a lot of questions there

how important is it to be able to really

listen I mean I think communication is

hearing what's not being said and if you

don't have that and all you do is take

the words you're gonna have a disastrous

intimate relationship you're gonna

probably have some really disastrous

business relationships because most

people don't speak what they're really

feeling or saying most the time they're

either scared - afraid - or they're

hiding their agenda because they have

another agenda and most of us have a

pretty big BS filter in the world we

live in today but it's more than that

it's not saying what are they biessing

the other thing what are they really

feeling what's underneath this what's

really going on and that's really

important to me I don't care about the

audiences I was you know thirty thousand

percent audience it's been advertised

audience they did yesterday was like

less than three thousand people in Las

Vegas it was it's a

business group this long room as far as

you can see you know over there at the

Wynn Hotel and I'm on these big screens

and there's guys way in the back I

didn't get the guns back I get off the

stage and I'm proud I walk through the

crowd I'm there I'm talking because what

I want to do is I want to look at your

eyes and I want to feel what's going on

see it I want you to know I'm not some

guy over there on the stage it's just

talking at you I'm gonna engage you in

at any moment I can strike and have that

conversation and so produces a different

energy in that room

it's not some passive listening and it's

not with me either the minute they speak

I'm now suing in on what they're feeling

and I'm also saying how does who else

does this relate to in the room and how

can I use their story to help other

people simultaneously so if you ask me

the listening part is better than the

storytelling part you can entertain

people as a storyteller but you can

transform people if you can really

understand what their needs are listen

sometimes just by listening alone

people's lives can change your stage

when you're dealing coaching people


how important is it to really be

interesting who are you talking with as

opposed to be interesting telling your

story I think that one is anybody's

honest knows the answer that question

right but knowing the answer and

behaving that way that's a big

difference right we all know that if

you're interesting you might have a

relationship that's on the surface but

if you're interested you're gonna go

deep because you're gonna follow up and

ask questions and the person is not just

gonna feel gotten or some fancy term

they're gonna feel that real connection

that's happening can we live in a world

where there's so little raw reality

reality television we all know is

bullshit right so what is real anymore

and those people are so good at

presenting that I think most people they

brother seem to screw up they'd rather

see a presentation that's not as refined

so the Hildur is something that's real

underneath it but I think if you're

interested in them you don't have to

work on the presentation side because

people can see the start stops that are

really real and more importantly they'll

feel that connection with us so you know

your your whole thesis in life is

understanding through the stories what

drives everything in life it's what

drives the influence of another human

being but the understanding of that

person's story is more important than

your ability to formulate your story

that's why I think in your book one the

most valuable things Peter is the back

story because sometimes you can find

that back story in advance sometimes you

can't but if you're watching and

listening and asking questions the back

story will show up right in front of

your eyes if you're engaged with that

person if you've got some rehearsed

little talk you're gonna do you're gonna

be in your head instead of being here I

call it up time if you're an up time I'm

in you now to do that I have to know

enough things and have a large enough

bank account things I've investigated or

I understand or I've talked about that I

don't have to worry about what I'm gonna

say I've got so many like you've got so

many life experiences that I have a good

idea what I want to talk about but then

when we get here it changes when I was

in at this seminar the other day I had

this whole thing I designed and I'm a

I'm not so I think things through I

design and then I never do when I design

my team it's the big job

you drop the script I drop the script

because when I step out there I'm here

and go nope that's not what's needed

right now and that's also why never

or I have been bored out of my mind if I

was 33 34 years doing this stuff and I

was doing the same stuff I've got pieces

I know work stories are examples

I'm not even planning to use it but when

I get out there I could see no it's

nothing else and so it becomes art and

alive and finish them devoid you have a

tape recorder otherwise I'm just do

that's right well you know it's great

she said the whole thing you have to

prepare ferociously ferocious and then

you're gonna drop your script because

you want the spontaneity you want the

aliveness you want the essential city of

things happening yeah but when you see

somebody telling their story and you're

decoding it or they're a business person

if they're not authentic does it shine

through no matter what they say well I'd

love to say yes but I'm I know I've got

the wall full of Mines and that would be

a lie but I would say most of the time

at this stage of my life only because

unfortunately we've all been

disappointed so many times that we have

a little part of ourselves it's like

it's all BS and unfortunately that can

become a filter you know actually seeing

somebody experiencing somebody because

you have all your presuppositions right

there running your life instead of being

here now but I'm a little bit more

trusting so I probably stay with a

little bit longer I've had so many

people you know make up a story about me

and never met me

because I don't so my style I talk about

that's just me I'm passionate you know

even I get together like I've ever been

you know other people stand around and

watch the two of us go have lunch at the

house or go skiing or whatever and so I

love that

I love the speed of our interaction cuz

my brain works so fast so some people

don't trust that it's fast talking

salesman is their metaphor for it as

opposed to a passionate son about

something which is what I really am

you're gonna sick son of a bitch I love

you thank you I love you so much Steve

For more infomation >> Tony Robbins: Change Negative Thoughts For Success (MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO) - Duration: 17:18.


Live PD: Selling More Than Ice Cream (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Live PD: Selling More Than Ice Cream (Season 3) | A&E - Duration: 3:22.


Nerf Blasters for Kids Nerf Mega DoubleBreach Nerf Accustrike Alphahawk - Duration: 5:20.

Nerf Blasters for Kids

For more infomation >> Nerf Blasters for Kids Nerf Mega DoubleBreach Nerf Accustrike Alphahawk - Duration: 5:20.


How Many Years Should a New Smartphone Last!? - Duration: 3:10.

Sadly, smartphones are not made to last forever. They can last a for a long period of time,

but exactly how long really depends on when you consider your phone �dead.� Some people

consider their phone dead when the phone will won�t turn on anymore. Some other people

consider its life to be over when it takes forever to open a new app, or when they simply

can�t update to newer software.On average, most people keep their smartphones for 2-3

years before selling or buying new phones, and there�s a pretty good reason why.

Like everything smartphone relatet we beggining this with well know Apple vs Android battle.

According to Apple, new iPhones should last a minimum of 3 years. On the other hand, Android

phones seem to be designed to last at least 2 years, but with so many makers of Android

devices, that number can different. Can your phone last longer than 2-3 years?

Yes, apsolutly! It all depends on how well you take care of it� and whether or not

you have patience. While you can prevent physical damage to your phone, over time the performance

will still slow down. Most of the time the answer is: updates. And

the other answer can be old hardware. When new OS are released and apps are updated,

older devices begin to struggle. Most updates are designed to increase and improve performance,

but somethimes it does the opposite. Some updates are designed to take advantage of

the newer, faster technology in the latest phones. Unfortunately, this will slow down

the older phones. I mention in the begginig that Apple say that

their phones should last 3 years� but their warranty says otherwise. While in most cases

iPhones will last 3 years, legally speaking Apple won�t stand behind them for that long.

So if you phone stop working after one year, keep watching this video because you may find

some solution.Dependng on the condition on your phone, you can still sell it on second

hand marked and make decent amount of cash. When it works, but runs slow: sell your phone.

On the other hand, if your phone is dead and won�t turn on anymore, you can still make

some cash! Try selling it on sites like eBay. Many people will purchase old smartphones

and use them for parts. Just make sure you specify what�s wrong with the phone and

don�t mislead any potential buyers! And when no one else wants to buy your phone,

just recycle it.If your phone is really old and you can�t find anyone that wants to

purchase it from you, it�s time to think about recycling it. Electronic devices should

be not thrown away, but there are many places such as Best Buy stores, that will recycle

them for you!

For more infomation >> How Many Years Should a New Smartphone Last!? - Duration: 3:10.


ASMR Eating "OREO ICE CREAM & Sweet Potato Cheese Homemade" Mukbang Party - Duration: 10:04.

ASMR Eating "OREO ICE CREAM & Sweet Potato Cheese Homemade" Mukbang Party

For more infomation >> ASMR Eating "OREO ICE CREAM & Sweet Potato Cheese Homemade" Mukbang Party - Duration: 10:04.


Billionaire In The World Increase in Khmer | Success Reveal - Duration: 2:53.

Billionaire In The World Increase in Khmer | Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Billionaire In The World Increase in Khmer | Success Reveal - Duration: 2:53.



For more infomation >> EL VALENCIA CF UNIÓ A ESTA PAREJA DANESA PARA SIEMPRE - Duration: 1:43.


10 Things You Should Know About Dubai Princess,Sheikha Mahra 2018 - Duration: 2:25.


Get up I miss belly on the side, I don't want always was oh

Sweet Jesus and leading us. Love is all we ever trust

Through the wastelands through the highways so my shadow through the sunrays and

Along the way melodies we haven't played I don't know

Go in around these walls to create a song

We'll go through the wastelands through the highways through my shadow through the sunrays

For more infomation >> 10 Things You Should Know About Dubai Princess,Sheikha Mahra 2018 - Duration: 2:25.


Keown make interesting comparison between Lucas Torreira and Arsenal legend - Duration: 3:14.

 Arsenal legend Martin Keown has outlined the one clear similarity between Lucas Torreira and former Gunners captain Patrick Vieira

 The summer signing from Sampdoria is already a firm fan favourite following a succession of impressive performances in central midfield since making his first start of the season in the Europa League against FC Vorskla

 Regarded as the ball-winning midfielder which the north London outfit have lacked since the days of Gilberto Silva and Vieira - although Francis Coquelin briefly looked like being the answer - and is beginning to make an impact alongside Granit Xhaka

 Ahead of the win over Sporting CP, the Switzerland international commented on how Torreira's presence has helped to improve his own game

 Torreira's performances aren't going unnoticed by former players either.  In fact, Keown is of the opinion that the 22-year-old's ability on the ball is similar to that of Vieira - whom the former defender played alongside from 1996 to 2004

 "Lucas Torrerira goes 360 degrees," Keown said on Football Focus. "He doesn't go back to the defenders

He wants to pass it forward. He's a midfield player.  "Like I had with Vieira, he never gave it back to me because he knew I couldn't do anything with it, but he wants to play

 "They all break from there."  In other Torreira-related news, the midfielder admits he is relishing making a name for himself at Arsenal

 "It's a great challenge and a new challenge for me," he said. "I'm the kind of person who likes to fight for these things, to always be fighting my way up, like my dad always tells me

I am so happy.  "I'm getting to know London and taking on the challenge of learning English so I can communicate with my team-mates

That's something that's not only important for football but also for life.  "The team is doing very well and we achieved a positive result [against Sporting CP] which was really, really courageous

The important thing now is to continue growing and to continue showing this."   Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from football

london via the free app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Keown make interesting comparison between Lucas Torreira and Arsenal legend - Duration: 3:14.


মাত্র ১ টুকরো খান পতন ছাড়াই স্ত্রীকে মজা দিন সারা রাত । Eat Honey & Garlic For Healthy Body - Duration: 3:54.

Share This Video

For more infomation >> মাত্র ১ টুকরো খান পতন ছাড়াই স্ত্রীকে মজা দিন সারা রাত । Eat Honey & Garlic For Healthy Body - Duration: 3:54.


Draw My YouTube Life - Vicky - Duration: 14:00.

In November 28th, 2016, I posted my very first video online.

"Why did you post that video?"

was the question that people who watched it, carefully asked me.

In all truthfulness, I don't have one defined reason or intention.

I left a job two weeks prior to making that video,

the job that paid well but I chose to leave because it wasn't fulfilling and rather disappointing,

and more than that, I wanted to do something else.

I wanted to write.

I honestly thought I could write a book.

I wasn't certain about all the details, but I had this vague but strong determination that I will write.

And a week prior to posting that video, the idea came pouring into my head

and even before giving second thoughts to it, I wrote them all down as it came.

All of them.

I was soo focused on it that I even forgot to eat.

It took me three entire days to finish an 8-page-long article.

And then I realized 8-page was too long,

and there were parts that I didn't feel so comfortable sharing.

The other things I was sharing were already very personal and took a lot of courage to share,

so I removed those parts and after reconstructing and size cutting,

the final draft became a 4-page article.

And then I was certain I need to make it into a video.

I felt scared, of course, but I just did it.

I don't know. It just happened.

And it was fun.

I used an old camera at home that I never used that much before,

and I could afford to buy a good microphone.

My friend helped me film a video at my house and

I hired a person to teach me how to use video editing program for one whole day.

And the video was ready.

It's funny because while I was making that video, I never second-guessed my decision,

but right before posting it, I was so nervous

and thought "Do I really need to share this?"

I even sent the video link to three of my friends and asked what they thought.

Anyways, it eventually happened.

The video was up. People watched it.

And… everything was fine.

I mean, it shocked and puzzled some people

but also some of my old friends and even complete strangers sent me kind, loving and encouraging messages

through Facebook, comments, Kakao Talk etc.

But the best part about sharing that video was the after effect,

and by after effect I mean all the video ideas that came after making that video.

Because sharing the first one was the hardest mountain to climb,

the mountains that came after it felt relatively easier

and I felt more comfortable putting myself out there than I would have otherwise.

And, I genuinely enjoyed it.

YouTube was my very first official and public creative outlet,

and what felt amazing to me was that I can share my thoughts and ideas to people

even without being an official writer or being a famous figure.

Adobe Premiere Pro, the video editing program, was like my sketchbook

and my raw footages and all the effects and functions Adobe has were my crayons.

With my crayons and sketchbook, I made my pieces of art.

For many people, it might be just a YouTube video, but for me it was my art

that I put so much work and love into.

And then… there was a problem.

Somewhere along the line,

I became too focused on creating "important" contents, whatever that means,

and that prevented me from being open to creating "not-important" contents.

How I defined important back then was putting a lot of work,

sharing the message that has some kind of values in it,

and I couldn't dare think about doing vlogs, inviting a friend to my video etc.

In hindsight, I think I wanted to make my YouTube channel a sacred place,

like this is not where the fun stuff happen but only the serious stuff,

which is totally the opposite to the first message that I started my YouTube channel off with.

I mean I still liked doing it,

but it slowly killed the initial joy,

and it was sometimes discouraging because of some side effects that my YouTube videos brought me with.

And I want you to know that I'm not saying this as a bitter regret.

This is just an honest contemplation about my past and

all I'm saying is it could have been better if I did things differently,

not that it was a complete misery.

So 2017 went like that,

nothing too special, just constantly making contents, me constantly working many different jobs to stay afloat,

trying to deal with life issues and all that.

And then 2018 came and I made a decision to go to China.

There was one determining factor that led me to make that decision at that point in my life.

But I don't want to share that openly.

A part of me used to think being honest is sharing every single detail about my life to everyone.

But now I know that's not really necessary.

. I have my own privacy, other people in my life have privacy too, so I won't share that.

Anyways, I decided to go to China,

and that was I guess a big turning point in terms of how I think about my YouTube channel.

While I was in China, I felt less pressured to make "important" contents,

because I simply didn't and couldn't care about what was going on in the online world.

I mostly cared about what I'm gonna do today here in this foreign land

that I was so unaccustomed to and where everything was uncertain.

Survival in the real world was my main concern.

Not to mention, YouTube doesn't work in China and even with VPN there's limit.

So that was the first time in almost a year

when I had little to no attachment to "YouTube" and "important contents,"

and I shared whatever I could and naturally felt like sharing.

So sharing my experience as a KTV girl took some guts because

because I knew that was going to shatter the "good girl" image I seemed to have established on YouTube unintentionally.

But it was also freeing

and made me realize many new things that I hadn't been open-minded enough to learn before.

So my trip to China has been quite a big shift in the way I see things and see myself

and reminded me of a lot of things that I have forgotten.

It's true that YouTube took a large part of my life,

my attention and energy all these years although number and money wise it has never been big.

It was always small.

The most viewed video on my channel doesn't amount to 300,000 yet,

and I know that's considered nothing in this game.

But regardless, it did have a huge impact on my life and that's an undeniable fact.

I was able to express myself like nowhere else, and I never regret starting it.

However, I have to be brutally honest that it did mess up my head sometimes.

And I want to talk about that more .

I recently read the book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" and it could not have come at a better time.

We live in a society where we think we need to be important, happy, and successful,

and I am definitely guilty of promoting those things.

In my earlier videos, I use a lot of those words.

And don't get me wrong.

My intention was pure. I really did want to spread out the message that

we are all equally great in different ways

and I wanted to share what I learned through my experience that I believe to be truthful.

However, words, as positively influential as they can be,

can also have side-affects

in that it makes us get attached to those words

rather than letting it serve as a signpost to guide us to a certain concept and perception.

And my own words messed me up in that way.

I got attached to the word "happy" "extraordinary" "enlightened" and "important"

without me even realizing.

I think it's good to promote something positive and we need more of that,

but I think it's equally good to not get attached to that positive.

Back to the book, the subtle art of not giving a Fuck,

although every single part of it was amazing and truthful, the part that struck me the most was this one:

"The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience.

And paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negative experience is itself a positive experience."

It means wanting positive experience is a negative experience

and accepting negative experience is a positive experience.

If you're angry, you're angry, if you're happy you're happy,

if you're lazy, you're lazy,

if you like to do something, you like to do it,

if you don't like it, you don't like it,

if you enjoy your time, you enjoy your time,

if you don't enjoy your time, you don't enjoy your time.

If you want to sing, to dance, read that book, to go for a run, spend time with that friend, go somewhere, you do it.

If you don't, you don't.

That acceptance is far more important and should come before everything else.

The message that I was trying to share in my first video was

I became happier after I realized I'm none of the labels.

I'm not a something, something person, because I am just what I am in my present moment.

That's who I am.

I am not a smart person, I am not a tall person, beautiful, ugly person, person who achieved/failed this or that.

I'm just a nothing but how I am right now.

And I slowly forgot this while being on YouTube and trying to "matter."

One of the reasons I love watching videos on YouTube is,

it's inspiring to see people's natural growth and fun.

And some of the people I follow are wildly successful and talented,

but it's not just their success or talent that inspires me;

it's people's natural growth, natural struggles and pain it took them to get there

and more than that, their current natural self, whoever that is, I find charming and beautiful and inspiring.

You see, it's good to have a dream,

but I think it's also good to be not attached to your dream.

Just like what I said about words.

Let it be a guide, but not the ultimate, one and ONLY destination.

You shouldn't be a slave to your dream because

although your dream can be a good driver, it's a bad master.

Just like money.

If you have a dream, have it. If you want something, want it.

Just let it be.

Let yourself be before judging.

That's the art that we can first master. Being ourselves. Not trying.

As this book puts it, not giving a fuck so that you can give a fuck in better things.

We're almost nearing the end guys. Just one more thing before I wrap up.

Let's talk about death.

We live in a society where it's all about the result.

We focus so much on the result.

But what is the result really?

There's no result other than death.

Death is the final result of our whole life, thus of everything.

Therefore, every result that's not death is a process.

Your highs will turn into lows,

once the problems solved another problem will begin,

you earn money and then you spend it,

it's all life's cycle and then at the end of it, there's death.

So nothing is a result.

And being mindful of this changes the way you see yourself, what you do,

and what you consider worthy of your attention.

And I should admit I forgot about my own mortality as I was focused on the vague "results,"

and that fed my fear to grow bigger blocking me from taking healthy actions that I could've taken.

I was talking about adventures in my videos, but I don't think I was being adventurous enough,

at least not in the way I meant it.

Although my fear had legitimate reasons and cause just like any fear,

I should not have let that rule over me. But I did.

So that's it! Draw My YouTube Life video.

It's not a happy or unhappy ending, because there's no ending, really,

unless YouTube breaks down and shuts down all channels,

but even if that happens,

what I experienced and learned being on YouTube will carry over to whatever I do next.

It always works that way, whether we realize it or not.

Thank you so much for watching.

And I'm sorry again I haven't uploaded Q&A video yet,

but I think this video covers some of the questions that you guys sent me.

I'll see you on the next video.

For more infomation >> Draw My YouTube Life - Vicky - Duration: 14:00.


Sunday Morning Weather: Pleasant today, colder/active this week - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Sunday Morning Weather: Pleasant today, colder/active this week - Duration: 3:42.


Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald - "Dumbledore Needs Newt's Help" - Duration: 0:41.

Why can't you go?

I cannot move against Grindelwald...

It has to be you.

Well, I can't blame you.

in your shoes, I'd probably refuse to...

-What. It's late.

Goodevening, Newt. -Wait, no...

Oh, come on.


For more infomation >> Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald - "Dumbledore Needs Newt's Help" - Duration: 0:41.


Adventaria: Survival & Mining Game - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 4:48.

Adventaria: Survival & Mining Game - New Best Android iOS Game HQ

For more infomation >> Adventaria: Survival & Mining Game - New Best Android iOS Game HQ - Duration: 4:48.


콜라겐 생성을 증가시키는 자연적인 방법➤# 1 트 렌딩✅ - Duration: 10:19.

피부의 탄력을 어떻게 회복할 수 있을까? 더 많은 것을 읽으십시오 »

For more infomation >> 콜라겐 생성을 증가시키는 자연적인 방법➤# 1 트 렌딩✅ - Duration: 10:19.


Entering InTo Enclosed Spaces - Duration: 11:59.

Would you enter an enclosed space if you knew there was a madman there with a gun

waiting to kill you no of course he wouldn't

can you explain then why more than 200 of your fellow Mariners each year enter

enclosed spaces and died there knowing that toxic gases may be present and that

the atmosphere may not contain enough oxygen to support life both these

conditions are just as lethal as a madman with a gun you may not find an

easy explanation but we can they invariably ignore the strict safety

procedures which control such entries

because enclosed spaces are dangerous spaces these control procedures

recognize only two types of entry entry for operational reasons whether

pre-planned or incidental and emergency entry when a life may be threatened

it is worth repeating and closed spaces are dangerous spaces

the most common areas on board ship are peek tanks double bottom tanks

cofferdams duct keels fuel and ballast tanks cargo

spaces and the spaces adjacent to them so what should you do if the need arises

to enter an enclosed space what you must never do is simply you must never enter

an enclosed space on your own and without an entry permit and without

informing someone of your intent you must never do this even if you're trying

to save someone's life you too could die in the attempt what you must do is

follow the safety measures in force on your ship first you must inform the mate

or the relevant head of department of your need to enter an enclosed space he

in turn will consult the master before a permit is issued they will give you a

special permit to enter and a card listing all the necessary precautions

which must be taken before entry

they will also give you a checklist to take off so that nothing is left to

memory or chance

the next step is to open the enclosed space carefully anticipating pressure or

vapor surges

then begin ventilation of the space as soon as possible if you have one an air

mover can speed up the process

the mate then checks that all test equipment and safety gear are taken to

the entry point

the standby breathing apparatus harnesses lifelines lights and other

safety gear must be ready for use

the late now double checks at the enclosed space has been ventilated long

enough to ensure that entry is safe

no flammable or toxic gases should be present and the oxygen level must be

normal these checks are made at both openings of the enclosed space with the

probe well inside the space

then a copy of the entry permit is posted near the entrance to show that an

authorised entrance is in progress

the items on the checklist are verified again and the system of communication is

arranged and tested

the person entering should take handheld measuring instruments and an emergency

air supply for added safety

now that all the safety checks have been completed the mate allows the entries to

take place

the mate remains at the entrance to supervise the process and a support team

should be ready in the vicinity in the event of an emergency

mate tests the communication system gain and informs the master that an entry is


yeah that's accurately


meanwhile the ventilation must continue

that is the way to tackle safely and operational entry into an enclosed space

let's recap on the rules that must be followed

remember that enclosed spaces are dangerous spaces

obtain an entry permit I always ventilate the compartment prior to entry

and test the atmosphere to ensure that it is safe to enter

ensure that the standby emergency equipment works properly have a

responsible person standing by at the point of entry and finally make sure all

communications work properly




there may be times when an emergency could arise during entry in this case

the procedure center is controlled by different rules

here for instance the responsible person at the entry point has tried to

communicate with the man inside the tank as he could get a no reply the

assumption must be that an emergency has arisen the man's life may be in danger

he does not go in to investigate he raises the alarm and requests immediate

assistance from the backup team

the ship's emergency response procedures swing into action an emergency entry

into enclosed spaces is not taking place

Oh Johnny long time

to seafarers don't self-contained breathing apparatus and check again that

the cylinders are full but the pressure is held in the system that the whistle

works and that an adequate seal exists between the mask and the face these

preparations are supervised and assisted by another person these procedures must

be practiced regularly as part of the ship's safety drill

when the men are ready to enter the officer at the entry point briefs them

as to the situation and how they may find the victim as quickly as possible

in this case a supply line to an electric lamp may guide them to his


even though this is an emergency entry it must be done in a controlled manner

some man who was allow little extra room for the BA sets so assistance is needed

at the entry points

once entry is made the officer of the watch is notified

a channel of communication is open at all times but the two rescuers must be

allowed to concentrate on their search

fortunately in this case the cause of the emergency was a slip and concussion

the points to remember for an emergency entry are if you suspect that something

is not right do not go in to investigate raise the

alarm and call for immediate assistance

at least two cents of breathing operators should be ready for entry

testing and dawning of these must be practiced frequently by all ship's

personnel and finally brief the backup team


once the injured man has been rescued the emergency team mr. Doug

keep to the safety rules controlling entry into enclosed spaces stay alive

and sweet dreams

For more infomation >> Entering InTo Enclosed Spaces - Duration: 11:59.


Xin Lỗi Anh Quá Phiền - Đông Nhi | #XLAQP [Official MV] - Duration: 4:29.

For more infomation >> Xin Lỗi Anh Quá Phiền - Đông Nhi | #XLAQP [Official MV] - Duration: 4:29.


SCORPION vs Funny Buddy | Kick The Buddy - Duration: 7:22.

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