Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily Jan 26 2019

-There's a lot to celebrate here,

because "Man with a Plan" is back February 4th on CBS.

Very funny show. Congrats on that.

-Thank you. -Season three.

-Season three.

-But also, "Friends" was brought back to Netflix.

And that was a giant deal. You know what I'm talking about.

[ Cheers and applause ]

People were riled up! -They were?

-We had enough! -Yeah.

-Don't you threaten -- Don't threaten

to take "Friends" off my television.

-It was funny. I didn't know it was going off of Netflix.

-Oh, really? -I read that in the paper,

I was like "Oh, [bleep]." -[ Laughs ]

-You're like, "This is a bummer for me," yeah.

-And it was like a big thing. "No, we want it back."

I was like, "Oh, great."

-Do you think the show is almost bigger than it ever was, or no?

-You know -- -I watch it every time

it comes on TV or anything, I always watch it.

I love it. -No, you don't.

-I do. -Do you?

-It's like, yeah, it's like that and "Seinfeld," too.

It feels like comfort food. It makes me laugh.

I love you. You're great.

-I have a hard time watching it these days.

-No. -Yeah,

because it makes me feel like I'm 100 years old.

[ Laughter ] -Really?

-It's been off the air for like --

15 years ago, it ended. 15 years ago, it ended.

-I know, but it was such a crusher.

It was so fun. -It was fun.

-It was so good. -It was a blast.

I'll tell you, we had a good time.

-You did have fun. [ Laughter ]

-It was pretty fun.

-Did you know when you were auditioning for Joey

that you were going to get that part?

You were like...

-You know, I went in a bunch of times.

Then it got down to, like, me and this other guy,

this one other guy and me at the final call-back.

And so I go in there, and they give you, like, a breakdown,

like, a little basic description of who the character is.

And this was, like, an Italian-American

struggling actor in New York. -Yeah.

-So I go in for the final call-back.

And this other guy --

and I don't mean any disrespect to the guy,

but he's, like, dressed as a cowboy.

[ Laughter ]

-Wow. -And I was like,

"Well, one of us is way off base."

[ Laughter ]

-"One of us is not getting this part."

-When I see -- I'm like -- -"I hope it's you."

-I'm like, "Didn't get the memo, or you didn't get the memo."

-"One of us." -"One of us."

Yeah, so... -Wow, that's pretty cool.

-And then, you know, luckily, knock wood, it went my way.

-And the rest is history. Yeah.

I always ask, did you ever take anything from the show

as, like, a souvenir? Just be like, "You know what?

I'm just going to take this 'cause it means something"?

-I took from the show -- it's funny,

I took a [bleep] ton of cash.

[ Laughter ] -No, no, come on, no, I --

♪♪ [ Cheers and applause ]

-Sorry. -Thank you, Netflix.

-Yeah. No, you know what I have that was really cool?

You know how in Joey and Chandler's apartment

we had the foosball table?

I have the actual ball from the table.

The foosball. I mean, it's --

I have it in my toolbox somewhere.

Why it's in my toolbox, I don't know.


-But I ended up with the foosball.

And the other thing I took was, you know the Magna Doodle

that was on the back of the apartment door?

It always had things written on it?

Well, there was -- so I clipped that at the end.

And I couldn't fit the couch in my car, but --

[ Laughter ] -You tried.

-But the Magna Doodle was cool,

because there was this one guy, Paul, on the crew

that he was the one that always drew whatever was on there.

And he wasn't one of the writers,

he was one of the electricians on the show.

He just happened to be the artist that --

-He'd surprise you? -...that kind of drew

always something relevant to the story that week on the thing.

So I stole it and gave it to him, so he's got it.

-No. -That was kind of cool, yeah.

-Good for you. That's awesome. That's great.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Could have sold it for a lot more, but...


For more infomation >> Matt LeBlanc Reveals the Friends Props He Stole from Set - Duration: 3:24.


Matt LeBlanc Rewatches His First Acting Job from a PSA for the Constitution - Duration: 4:49.

-Do you like coming back to New York?

I mean, I know you moved here.

You're from Boston, but do you --.

-Yeah, I started my career -- I started here.

This is where I studied.

It's nice to come back to New York.

-'Cause you --

I heard some story where your mom was like,

"Oh, don't -- please don't move to New York."

'Cause it's rough. Struggling actor and --

-My first apartment in New York was pretty --

it was about as big as your desk.

-Yeah. Exactly.

And you shared it with five people, yeah.

-No, I was alone, but the toilet and the shower

were down the hall that you shared with like...

-Yes. questionable people...

[ Laughter ]

...who were also hard on their luck.

And I remember my mom -- I had been living in this place

for, like, I don't know, about six months.

And my mother, you know, came out to visit me to check on me.

And she stayed in this little room with me.

-Just cried.

-She was like, "Come on, Matthew, please come home."

[ Laughter ]

-Please, please. -Please.

-"Please God, get him a job.

Please, get him a job." -"Please come home."

-But you did pretty well there, right?

You got a job? -Yeah, my first --

I was here one week and I got my first, like, commercial.

-Do you remember what it was?

-Yeah, it was a public service announcement

for the Constitution.

[ Laughter ]

-Why? -What is that?

Yeah. Okay.

I go, "What am I doing?"

"It's a good thing. It's a union job."

-What, to remind people that there is a Constitution?

-I guess so. Yeah.

Maybe we should do another one.

-Yeah, exactly.

[ Laughter and applause ]

-I don't know.

[ Laughter ]

Oh, my God. -Was it a big part or no?

-Um -- -You know what?

I'll let the audience judge, 'cause we actually

have the commercial. -Oh, come on.

-Here's Matt LeBlanc in his first acting job.

It's a PSA for the U.S. Constitution.

Take a look at this.

-Can I have your attention?

Raise your right hand and repeat after me.

I -- -I --

-Do solemnly swear --

-I do remember that. -You do?

-Yeah, I remember that.

-And apparently I had curly hair.

-Yeah. You sure that was you?

-I think. I got paid for it.

[ Laughter ]

But the funny thing about that was, so I think it was a SAG,

the Screen Actors Guild union job, so the day rate,

was, like, I think $300.

-Not bad. -Yeah. That's what I said.

So I was like, "Right on. 300 bucks.

I worked for like four hours. Awesome."

-Yeah. -Then the manager that I had

said, "That's great. Now you can join the union."

I was like, "Okay." She goes, "That's $800."

[ Laughter ]

"What do you mean that $800?

I got a job, and I'm $500 in the hole?"

-How does this work? -"I don't like this career."

-You got to change the Constitution. Yeah.

Something. Come on. -"It's good, good.

You need to be in the union." "Why?"

-Exactly. -No, I wasn't in the union.

Nobody was mean to me. It was fun.

-Oh, my gosh. Well, here you are now.

"Man with a Plan," super funny by the way.

-Well, thank you. -Well done

on the writer's job as well.

-And your buddy is on it with us, Kevin Nealon.

-Kevin Nealon's one of the funniest human beings

I've ever met. -And handsome.

[ Whistles ]

-Yeah, he is a good lookin' dude.

-I'll tell you that guy is so hard to work with,

because I cannot keep a straight face.

He just cracks me up.

-He's one of the funniest people I've ever met.

-Everything, anything he does makes me laugh.

-What is the -- if people haven't seen the show,

can you set it up? And what's happening this season?

-Okay, so "Man with a Plan" is about a guy played by me.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-All ready we're in. -That's about it.

-That's about it. That's perfect.

-Yeah, no. So he's a guy who -- he's a husband.

He's a father. He's a son.

So there's three generations on the show.

And he's a bit old school.

And his dad thinks he's not old school enough.

And his wife thinks he should be more modern.

And he's, you know, struggling to keep everybody happy

in this sort of new-age world of parenting

where nobody gets the belt anymore.

-No. -You know what I mean?

And he's like, kind of tried --

all he has to go by is his experience growing up

with his dad who was, you know, in Vietnam.

And he's tough and this and that.

But this season on the show,

we decided to start working together,

my wife and I, and flipping houses.

So not only are we married and live together

and raise our kids together, but now we're working together.

-Working together. Oh, wow.

-Turns out that's a lot of time together.

[ Laughter ]

-It's one too many things together, yeah.

-A couple too many things together.


-So there's a lot of funny things that happen

as a result of that.

And the Lowell character, he gets divorced.

So he becomes more involved in our family

because we feel bad for him.

And also Kevin Nealon's character,

his wife is now a regular this year on the show.

So we see a lot more of her, which is great

because it helps unlock his character a bit more.

You know, it's funny.

It's a story about a family

and hopefully people can relate to what we're doing.

It was fun. -They definitely can.

And you guys have great chemistry on the show.

The whole cast. -It's fun.

-It's well done. -Yeah, we got a good group.

For more infomation >> Matt LeBlanc Rewatches His First Acting Job from a PSA for the Constitution - Duration: 4:49.


Quick White Chicken Pulav Recipe for Tiffin | चिकन पुलाव बनाने की विधि | My Kitchen My Dish - Duration: 6:54.

250 gms Rice washed & soaked for 30 mins

Chicken 250 gms

Add oil 1 cup in heated pan

Add Shah Jeera/Elachi/Cloves/Mace

Add Ginger Galric paste - 1 tsp

Add all powder spices

Add green chilies

stir and cook

Add chicken to pan

Add salt to taste

Add curd - 1 bowl

Add finely chopped 2 Tomatoes

Add green peas 1 bowl

Add 2 glasses of water

Add soaked rice after water boils

For more infomation >> Quick White Chicken Pulav Recipe for Tiffin | चिकन पुलाव बनाने की विधि | My Kitchen My Dish - Duration: 6:54.


Italien: Salvini bestreitet Fehlverhalten bei der Festsetzung von Migrantenschiff - Duration: 1:34.

For more infomation >> Italien: Salvini bestreitet Fehlverhalten bei der Festsetzung von Migrantenschiff - Duration: 1:34.


This path is TIGHT!! Dancing Line - 'The Faded - Original' 100% Completed - Duration: 11:13.

How's it going guys, this is Yeow here.

What you're hearing right now is me talking after I record the following video.

So this is my first time trying to record my voice while playing the levels, and...

Because I never talk alone in my room before

The whole recording is very awkward...

And the volume is very low, the commentary was very bad.

It was a disaster.

And when I'm trying to edit the video, I....

Honestly, I feel very cringy so I ended up recording another sound (which is this one)

to cover up the front part of video.

So anyway, I'm to the topic

I haven't played Dancing Line for past few months already

So I had 10 unfinished levels right now

Starting from 'The Faded - Original',

which I think from the list, is the second hardest level

All the way to 'The End', by theo5970

Actually before even recording this video, I've done my recording for for other levels,

which are these, and

It went well until when I try to edit the video, all the sounds, all the voice

is not there. So it's like just a video without sound

I have no choice but just delete all of them to Recycle Bin

Ok, so....

In this video, I will be playing 'The Faded - Original', and

Now the rest of the video will be me talking while playing. Hope you enjoy :)

Come back to this one

Okay, right now why I'm seeing is

The cube go on the wall of a building.

I assume that's what's inside a level

Okay, that's a gem I missed...

Okay, this is dope!

I haven't watched any other gameplay,

because I want to try out myself..

Oh well... Let's try again..

So there's a first gem right here, I believe...

right here

How to get that?

Do I need to go up the building?

Is it go inside the door?

I think this is it..?

Ah... okay, I know what to do already..

Let's try from checkpoint first, I need to see the whole level..

It's okay,

I have 1000 cubes


I think is...

Ok, just let the gem go first..

Wow, okay

*Some unnecessary lip-sync*


Okay, it's the same beat so it's not that difficult..


I need to stay to the left, I think...

This is 70%??

There's more??

Oh my god

Oh my god! Seriously..

Okay, that's it ..

Let's start over


Let's use the other (skin)

Teddy~~ you are here~~

Oh, yeah forgot already..

Do I need tap on the see-saw there?

Okay, I'm back...


83% I'm almost there..

First try, let's go!

Two cakes..

Let me practice this one first..

Okay, let's go

There we go! Finally...

Ten gems, three crowns

Three cakes

And that's all...

That's all for the video guys

I Honestly don't know what to say in the video

Because this is my first time

talking while playing the level...

Let me know what are your thoughts for this type of video

and make sure to comment down below

on how can I improve.


See ya~


For more infomation >> This path is TIGHT!! Dancing Line - 'The Faded - Original' 100% Completed - Duration: 11:13.


Fej És Vállak - Testrészes dal 🖐 HeyKids - Duration: 34:26.

For more infomation >> Fej És Vállak - Testrészes dal 🖐 HeyKids - Duration: 34:26.


Le Tracteur chanson 🚜 Comptines pour bébé - HeyKids - Duration: 38:33.

For more infomation >> Le Tracteur chanson 🚜 Comptines pour bébé - HeyKids - Duration: 38:33.


Must Watch New 😂Funny Comedy😂 Video 2019_Try Not To Laugh_FunnyVines420 Episode 23 - Duration: 10:55.

Must Watch New Funny Comedy Video FunnyVines420 Episode 23

For more infomation >> Must Watch New 😂Funny Comedy😂 Video 2019_Try Not To Laugh_FunnyVines420 Episode 23 - Duration: 10:55.


How To Make Chocolate Cake With Step By Step Instructions | Amazing Cake Recipes - Duration: 10:19.

How To Make Chocolate Cake With Step By Step Instructions | Amazing Cake Recipes

Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!

For more infomation >> How To Make Chocolate Cake With Step By Step Instructions | Amazing Cake Recipes - Duration: 10:19.


【交友】大忌!這5種玩笑說出口,直接絕交!|閨蜜秒變陌生人|再要好也不能說的事 - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> 【交友】大忌!這5種玩笑說出口,直接絕交!|閨蜜秒變陌生人|再要好也不能說的事 - Duration: 8:11.


Baby shark dance song for children, Chanson de bébé requin pour enfants - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Baby shark dance song for children, Chanson de bébé requin pour enfants - Duration: 2:14.


Wind Hero (by Naxeex LLC) - Trailer Game Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 5:02.

Wind Hero (by Naxeex LLC) - Trailer Game Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

For more infomation >> Wind Hero (by Naxeex LLC) - Trailer Game Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 5:02.


Lagu Rohani Kristen Terbaru 2019 - Arti Simbolis Murka Tuhan - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> Lagu Rohani Kristen Terbaru 2019 - Arti Simbolis Murka Tuhan - Duration: 6:56.


ソロモン第6話【モンストアニメTV/シリーズ第30話】 - Duration: 9:31.

Wisdom of the Mystic Monarch

Episode 6 Dark Machinations

Lord Malkuth.

I apologize for the wait.

So, how are things?

To tell you the truth, our goal is yet to be achieved.

I apologize.

Use whatever means are necessary to awaken that power.

Then bring it under my command.

If you can't do that, I have no use for you.

Yes, my lord. Leave it to me.

Would you like some of this?

Hah! As if I'm going to accept charity!

You don't want any?

It's so good, though.

This is pita bread, right?

It brings back so many memories.

Well, I mean...

Even if it's human food, outright refusing it

may not be the most proper thing to do for someone as respected as myself.

So you want some, then?

Just shut up and give it to me!

Wha' fe heff i'zis flaffor?!

This springy texture,

velvety and soft in my mouth,

almost sticking to my tongue,

with an aroma that entices from start to finish!

This is... This is...


What is this gooey, viscous substance?!

You mean the cheese?

So fis i' call'd "cheese"?

Iff so tasty dat I armost paff'd on'ta fe afferliffe.

I was so wrapped up in the incredible deliciousness of the cheese

that I didn't notice until now,

but there's a really great smell coming from over there.

Smoke over Lecillia? Why?

Isn't that obvious?

Sorom'n, wai' for me!

I thought the Scyzari Empire's army had to pass through here

in order to get to Lecillia.

Well, you've got a point.

There's no way I wouldn't have noticed them if they had come this way.

As long as it's nap time for the entire country, those saps are all goners.

We have to hurry!

Why are there soldiers from the Great Sands here?

We were supposed to be allies!

Oh, yes. Nice, nice.

Let your anger swell more!

More! Keep firing!



I am Solomon, granddaughter of the First King of Lecillia!

I request an explanation as to why the Great Sands is trying

to invade Lecillia!

Our alliance with Lecillia was negotiated by the First King.

Now that he and his successor are dead,

that pact is worthless!

This can't be...

The deal only made sense because of that powerful barrier.

Don't stop!

Keep firing!



Curses! Let's turn that brat into barbecue!



For more infomation >> ソロモン第6話【モンストアニメTV/シリーズ第30話】 - Duration: 9:31.


আমাকে আসামির কাঠগড়ায় বসান, বললেন খালেদা জিয়া-ঘটনাটি জানুন-Songbad 24 - Duration: 4:21.

আমাকে আসামির কাঠগড়ায় বসান বললেন খালেদা জিয়া-ঘটনাটি জানুন-Songbad 24

For more infomation >> আমাকে আসামির কাঠগড়ায় বসান, বললেন খালেদা জিয়া-ঘটনাটি জানুন-Songbad 24 - Duration: 4:21.


BEDAVA TELİFSİZ MÜZİK PART#7 (ücretsiz fon müziği) - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> BEDAVA TELİFSİZ MÜZİK PART#7 (ücretsiz fon müziği) - Duration: 4:46.


Pokémon go hack for all versions in 2019................ - Duration: 9:03.



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