Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily Jan 30 2019

Google AdWords, so in this video, I'm gonna break down how to go through and run Google AdWords campaigns

I'm gonna show you guys two different campaigns

That have worked extremely well for me in the last 30 days and even last several months and so right here guys

This is my Google AdWords account so you can see in the last

30 days or so last 30 days December 26th

January 24th spend about seven thousand dollars a little over seven thousand dollars at about three thousand conversion

So leads generated at a cost about two dollars and 38 cents per lead, which honestly is pretty good

and so I want to go through and show you guys all this but with complete transparency guys, I

A fraction of the amount that I do over on Facebook

so this is inside my Facebook Ads account that I've spent last thirty days about seventy seven thousand dollars, so

Just take that for what it's worth that I've spent a lot more on Facebook Ads

So if you guys want my full Facebook Ads mini course, I'll have a link down right below this video to that the opt-in

See exactly how I run

Advertisements on facebook as well as Instagram and a lot of different strategies there

But this is all about Google Adwords

And how to go through and run your ads right here on Google and I'm gonna show you guys

two different campaigns that work extremely well and some of the targeting that I would highly recommend

now from the 7,000 dollars just to show you guys my

Tracking because I like to be completely transparent on this channel here show you guys everything that's happening. So I tracked everything on a day-by-day

Basis as you can see here, and it seems probably like you look at all

These numbers seems a little bit crazy and it seems like I'll that's a lot of work, but honestly

It only takes about three minutes

every single day to go through and update this especially when you have the spreadsheet all laid out like this, so

You can see right here

This is ad spend. So this is ad spend for just the month of January

that's why right appears is the last 30 days because

Taking a little bit of December is about seven thousand dollars

And this is a little bit lower about six thousand dollars and haven't you know updated with today?

It's not live update up-to-date stuff because I haven't track because I tracked the next day going back

It's about six thousand dollars

but if you look at total revenue generated, so I've got straw and PayPal separated and I've got revenue and cash separated because

Revenue is if somebody buy something on a payment plan

Obviously that's projected revenue that you could potentially make in the future whereas cash collected

That's like what you have in your hands day up which a lot of marketers just talk about revenue

But you need to understand where your cash is at versus your revenue or else

It's going to be very difficult to really go through and grow your business

although the revenue numbers are extremist exciting so you can see right here from the

$6,000 been able to generate about twenty three thousand five hundred dollars in total revenue

So that's like a 4x ROI right there, which is pretty good

And then you've got total cash is about twenty thousand now most things I've been pushing this month have not been

Payment plans so you can see that's only a three thousand dollar difference right there. And so

Six thousand to twenty thousand. It's like a three and a half X ROI

Which is pretty good and then at the end of the day, you've got your profit and loss of revenue on cash

So about fourteen thousand dollars made so far this month

with Google AdWords and then guys once again

This tracking I have separate tracking for my Facebook Ads. This is all just my AdWords

tracking now the reason why I'm spending a little bit of time showing you guys this is to go through and show you that like

I'm not just making some random video about how to go and you know run AdWords

I actually know what I'm doing and

I've made some money doing this and this is just for this month for this new year and so you can see right here

Revenue generated profit loss after the six thousand dollar ad spend is accounted for seventeen thousand dollars

fourteen thousand dollars right here and and honestly guys six thousand dollars is really not that big of an ad spend when you kind of

compare it to like seventy seven thousand dollars here in Facebook and

what money you can actually make so my goal this next couple months is really ramp this up for you and

And I'll make another video for you guys then

But I made a video last year on AdWords and did really well. You guys really enjoyed it

and so I figured I'd go in and make another video because

Google they've changed a lot of the advertising platform

what to do what not to all that stuff and so first before we jump into the campaigns

I just want to go through and break down some of the targeting options and

These are going and showing you like how you can create custom audiences just like you would on Facebook

So custom audience would be let's say if you have a YouTube channel like I do

Anyone that has watched your YouTube videos and you want to subscribe to your YouTube videos or let's say you don't have a YouTube channel

But you have a list of leads or a list of customers or people that visit your website

We can create custom audiences of all these people and these perform

extremely well

And then also on top of that I'm gonna show you guys how to do all this here in just a second

You can create what is called a similar audience

So it's an audience that's similar to like, let's say your buyers all your buyers

And so Google will go out and find people that have a similar income demand

Income demographic age or interest or different things like that

maybe they're visiting similar websites to those people that were your past buyers is the same concept as a

Facebook look-alike audience and so in order to do that what you're gonna do is just come over here to tools

You're gonna come over here to audience manager. It's under the shared library

So this is kind of the new format when I shot this video last year in 2018 about a year ago

It was completely different obviously because Google has updated their total user interface

So we come here click on audience manager and that you can see these are all my different

Audiences that I have and you got the size the size on search. So like when you're typing into Google com and

Let's say well type in

Basketball shoes. Okay, like what is the audience size of people actually typing this in for your ads right there and then

for YouTube

Okay, so you can see these are a little bit different sometimes a lot of times are the same but you see right here

13,000 and

12,000 and then on display

This is like the little ads that show up as banners on let's say like a blog or some other websites

You've got 18,000 and then so you can see how these numbers all differ a little bit and then Gmail

How many of those people are Gmail users that you can actually advertise to these people inside of their Gmail in box?

Okay, so that's pretty cool and really quick guys before we jump in any deeper for those you guys might be wondering

What is a Google ad what does it look like so you can see right here? It's at the top of the search results

so you've got right here it says ad ad or if we go over here to

YouTube and let's just type in let's just maybe type in basketball shoes right here and

usually there's going to be so on this one there actually wasn't but typically there's gonna be an ad right up here at the very

Top just like on the Google search. So that's where your ads are actually going to go show

So let's just jump back over here to the audience's

So in order to create a new audience

All you gotta do is click on create an audience and you can create a website one a YouTube user

So this is gonna be anyone this viewed your videos like your videos subscribe your channel

customer list

This is probably what most of you guys are gonna be using as far as uploading any contacts you have

Pass leads for your business or buyers or anything like that

You can upload their email address phone number any other data right there. So this one and then website visitors

These are gonna be two of the most commonly used

Audiences for you all that are watching this video right here

So you kind of give it a name you say hey visitors of a page

So then you go through and basically say, you know, hey, I want people that have visited this exact website

So like if it's your blog or specific page in your blog or website?

or whatever it is and you can say hey anyone this visit in the last 30 days we could change this number up maximum is

540 days or if you want to say hey

I only want people that visit the last seven days and last week you can do that as well now jumping back over here

I want to show you guys the two campaigns that I've been

Running and that happen to working very well for me

You could see I've got $2 and 38 sent leads, which honestly that's kind of tying in some other

Campaigns are not focused on leads and set numbers a little bit higher

That's probably sub-2 dollars in all reality

If we come here look at some of these campaigns some of these are the costs for conversion right here

You can see those are not actually going after generating leads

So I'm spending money and it's not going for leads which it accounts into that whole two dollars and thirty send mark right there

Okay. So what we're gonna do is come over here to the campaign's

And we're gonna click on new campaign

Just like this and so what you want to do is kind of go through and decide what you want to achieve

With your advertising that you're going through in placing. So I like to go and generate leads with my business

That's kind of the primary thing of any business because the leads obviously you can then go and result into sales and honestly website traffic

Is good, but you're usually getting people to your website because you want to generate a lead

So I like to just go and run the leads campaign right here

And then what I like to do is I like to go and do the video campaign

so I like to do a lot of

YouTube video ads because you're able to build a deeper connection with

People through video as opposed to just like a bunch of text and so kind of like on Facebook where you can have an image

with your ad or a video with your ad

This is the way you're able to build a little bit deeper rapport as opposed to just having text on a page. However

Obviously that works as well, but I'm just this is one of the two campaigns. I'll be showing you in this video

So if we click on video

click continue here and

Then we give it a name so we'll say demo

campaign and choose a budget now

the thing that I found out what I used to do is go through and spend like

$100 a day starting out on each new campaign that I was doing but the thing is that happens is

something called ad fatigue

So if you have an audience size of let's say a hundred

Thousand people or a million people or whatever it is

If you're spending a lot of money, you have to go through and rotate those ads more often

Whereas I kind of like to go and spend around forty to fifty dollars

So let's just say forty bucks for this one and then have multiple ads

So like you've probably seen it like on Hulu or some of these other companies that have all these ads on their platform

Where you see the same?

Commercial over and over and over again and it just starts to get annoying and you start to kind of like just tune out that

Commercial tune out that company whereas if you spend a little bit less money

But you have multiple ads rotating through then it's going to be a lot better user

And your brand's gonna have a lot better appeal to the person viewing it. Okay, so then I'm coming down here

I usually like to do starting out like five bucks a day if you wanted to really go through and start getting promoted

Instantly you can do and say hey I want each lead. So this is the target CPA so cost-per-acquisition

That's how much you're willing to pay for one new lead

okay, so I you know, you can start out at ten bucks and then lower that to five bucks as it starts running and

Then right here YouTube videos do all YouTube videos languages if you're speaking English

I would highly recommend putting in English right here


Just because you don't want it to be like going to people that are not English speakers and then obviously based off your business

you could be wanting to go through and target just the US and

Or if you're trying to do a broader market but English speakers only you go through and say, you know United States, Canada

New Zealand Australia South Africa

United Kingdom a lot of these different ones and just type these in right here, okay

So I like to go



I want to do all countries and territories because then it's just like Google has so much data

So many people visiting their site all the time that you're gonna get a lot of low-quality information

Where is your cost per leave might be very low

But the quality of those leads are gonna be a lot lower than what you're probably looking for in your business

So for this example, I'm just gonna leave it at United States and then inventory type

I just leave it at standard inventory

You can kind of mess with these and kind of play around

That's a big thing is you got to go and mess and test and just see what works best for your business with all this


Excluded content. I usually go through and exclude all of these

And then coming over here I check all of those exclude mature audiences

additional settings

This is where if one person just like you can spend all

$50 with just one person if they're going through and watching tons of YouTube videos and

They just keep seeing your ad keep seeing your ad you can spend your fifty bucks just like that often one person

Which is not very effective

So we want to do frequency capping right here and do cap impression frequency

So this means that if I put in two right here

That person is only going to see your ad twice a day max and then cap view frequency. I

Only want them to see it once max per day, okay

So these are kind of like the impressions of what?

I like to do the number of views and so that you're not having the same person

It might be binge watching a bunch of YouTube videos

Seeing your ad the whole time and maybe they never opt-in or they do opt-in

But you spent all 50 bucks on just this one person. It's not very efficient. It's not very effective

Okay, and so then ad schedule you can choose what days or what time of the day or whatever you want right here

But I like just do all days. Just run it

Continuously throughout so there's not like a time of day or a specific day that you know

I've found that like really works the best

to make it worth it to go through an only show at certain day sure certain time of the days however with your business that

Could be very doable and that connection really makes sense. So then coming here we name this an ad set

So now we come in here we give this ads group a name. So we're just gonna call this demo right here

and then what I like to do is you have all these different options of like the

Demographics you can choose by demographics or their audiences or you can say hey

I only want to target people who are typing in this keyword like basketball shoes or something like that

We're topics placements

You've got all these different options

But I usually like to come over here to audiences and these are kind of your custom bodies

These are the ones you're going to see the best results with so like I like to go through and first

Mark it to anyone who's already watched my youtube videos because that means they've spent a little bit of time with me watching the videos

Hopefully build some rapport some trust. They like what I have to offer and everything like that

And so they come down here and we will choose how they interact with your business this

Remarketing and similar audiences. Okay. So now I can come down here

and if you've uploaded a list you've got this combined list right here if you want to say

Hey people would visit my website. You've got website visitors right here. So if I say all visitors so you can see

32,000 people

Let's click on that and then coming down. I'll choose a YouTube video that I want to go through the market

So just for the example, let's just choose this one. This guy's video

And we'll just throw this URL in right there

And obviously I'm not gonna go through and fully promote this video because I wouldn't want to go through do that. But

Now what you're gonna do is put in the URL of where you're trying to generate leads, okay?

so one of the pages that I like to go through and generate leads to is this little Facebook Ads training which you know

I've got a link to this down below right below this video that you guys can go through and check out all my facebook ad

Streams well walk you in detail step-by-step how to generate leads how I'm spending

You know a good amount of money every single month at a profit obviously and so what you all do is just take this URL

Paste it right there. Oh, that's the display URL, right? Oh right there

okay, and

Then we'll come down to the call-to-action and this display URL guys. It's really just gonna be the same as this

Okay, you don't really need to mess around with that. It's not a big deal

And then the call-to-action I would just say something like download and I would be in this video whatever video I put in here

It's probably gonna be a video of me saying hey click below to download the you know, Facebook Ads cheat sheet or whatever

It might be and so then we come in here and notice you only have 15 characters and 10 characters here

So get my Facebook Ads

Something like that right and then we come down give it a name

Facebook Ads hit save and continue

Then it goes to the review process and once it's reviewed it usually doesn't take too long usually a few hours

Sometimes it can take as much as 24 to 48 hours. I've even had it where it's taken even several days

Google's process of reviewing ads sometimes a little bit crazy, but that's just that's the way it is, right, so

usually if your ads not starting some things that you can do is

come up here and

on this cost-per-acquisition

Increase this so if you're only saying I only willing to pay five dollars per lead

well, maybe they haven't started running your stuff because somebody else is willing to pay ten Perley and

Google Ads is all based off of a bidding system. So if there's let's say a hundred

Advertisement places and you have ten advertisers and they're all willing to spend more money than you

Then your ads not gonna show until all of their bathe daily budget has been used up. You're just gonna get the

Leftovers of whatever is left over to be spent and shown for your ad


so keep that in mind if your ads not showing it's not necessary that your

daily budget is too small is that you're not willing to spend enough for that advertisement space because once again

It's all a bidding game. Okay

So this is the first one that I would highly recommend doing that is going through and generating leads with your Google AdWords

AdWords campaign and this is leveraging YouTube videos now if we come back over here

Just cancel out of this leave

Another one. I like to go through and run is you can see right here

These ones are at 15 bucks a day. And the reason why I like to run these is because if you look at your

CPM so your CPM is the cost to show your ad to

1,000 people. Okay, and when you're running a lead generation campaign

Just like I showed you guys usually your CPM is a little bit higher

but obviously we're going for leads and so

It's usually fine because then we're able to go through and remark to them through email marketing or text marketing or whatever phone calls

but I like to go through and throw in some of these other campaigns fifteen bucks a day and

I'll show you guys how to go through and set this all up here in just a second because

I'm able to get my business exposed to a lot more people. So if we come back over here to this AdWords tracking

You look at my CPM right here. You can see the days that I'm running these types of campaigns

I'll show you how to set up right here in just a second see two dollars

So two dollars and 20 cents to show my ass to 1000 people

Okay, and then it kind of creeps up a little bit here

Then I shut those campaigns off which I'll show you guys how to set up here in just a second

And look it jumped up to 16 dollars fifteen fourteen fourteen

And then I turn it back on and jump down to three and four dollars right here

Okay, so if you want to go through and get a lot of exposure to a lot of people

This is a great way to go through and set that up. So if we come over here to new campaign

We're going to click on product and brand consideration

okay, and once again

You can either do a display ad I like to do video ads

Because I'm trying to go through and lots of times promote my videos that I've got on my youtube channel

And so we'll click continue

And so we'll just give this a name so demo once again like on these ones because I'm not going for leads

I'm just going for exposure

I usually don't want to spend as much money per day, but obviously that's up to you and your goals

so I'll do about 15 bucks a day and

Then coming down here

I just like I want still

just English speakers, and then if my if I'm targeting a specific country or specific set of countries and

With my other my lead generation ads then I'll want to also target those same countries right here

So I'll just keep this here at united states and then standard inventory just like we did before

Excluded content. I'll just uncheck all these like I did before

excluded types embedded live videos

Mature audiences in additional settings we can come over here and on frequency capping. I don't necessarily do this because

The more my my ad can show on this type in front of as many people as possible

That's what I want. That's my goal here with this type of ad campaign that I'm sitting on

okay, so the ad group name will just give it a demo again and

Then for this one

lots of times like you

can if you're trying to go through and you're trying to get people that are already familiar with you just to continually see you and

Get that exposure

Then you want to go and just do the audiences the remark now

This is just like I showed you now if you're trying to use this to

Expand your audience trying to get more people to know who you are. I locked lots of times like to use key words

So like for example if I'm gonna go through and say hey

I want people to be able to opt into my facebook ads cheat sheet right here that I've got up right here

But I want more people to see my my videos before they come in and opt-in

Then I might just type in a keyword of Facebook ads

now if I go over to YouTube and

I do a quick little search for Facebook ad

I've got this little plugin. It's called keywords everywhere

And it says there's a hundred and sixty-five thousand people per month searching for the term Facebook Ads

So that's a pretty good audience. And if they're typing in Facebook ads, they're probably wanting to learn about Facebook ads

And so if I type that in right there then that is I want to target just these people who are typing in Facebook ads


And then coming down here my cost per view

I would usually start out at about ten cents

But once again if you're not getting views on your video

Then you might want to jump up to 20 cents and then you can lower it down from there. And then let's say

Let's just choose one of these Facebook ads videos

We'll pull out here. Here's one of mine right here

15,000 views pretty good

So we'll grab this

Unless say I want to promote this video

And I will come back over here. Just paste this in and

Instead of an in-stream ad like I did before so that's like before video plays on YouTube. It'll show that before I'll do a video

Discovery ad. Okay now that those are the ones where it's like if we type in

Facebook ads like we did this last time

So search query Facebook ads up pull this up

It's right up here. This is gonna show up. This is what a video discovery at is, right?

There is you see like Fred lamb right here how I made 7.1 million with my ecommerce store

This is basically kind of like an ad showing up on a Google search or anything like that, but it's in YouTube's search

So you've got that right there? Okay, so then we come down here. Give it a headline

really whatever, you know like


Do you get started with?

Facebook Ads

Watch now or something like that. Obviously, you would put a little more thought into actually what you're saying right there

Give it a name and hit save and continue' you see right here

The average cost per view 6 cents to 14 cents

Which I think right now I'm getting on this one about 6 cents

So on the lower end

So that's kind of nice and then how many views?

potentially per day with the budget that we're willing to spend how many impressions all that stuff and so it's

how much of your budget you're gonna actually be spending based off of your

Maximum cost per view bid right here. All right

so anyway guys

Hopefully that was helpful as far as kind of walk through to these different campaigns that I've been running that have been working extremely well

As you guys can see here by these numbers. This is just my AdWords tracking

And so I'm saying to the Facebook Ads mini-course and then I've got some products I sell on the back end of that

So that's where these sales are coming up from from strike from PayPal all that stuff

So hopefully this made sense and then also if you guys want my free Facebook Ads training

I've got that down in a link below

And also if you guys comment down below I box also got a Google AdWords cheat sheet that I'll be able to share with you

so comment down below

Let me know that you guys want it and I will message you and I'll send that over to you guys as well

and once again, if you guys found this video helpful, it'll greatly appreciate it - give it a thumbs up and with that said

Thanks so much for watching and I'll talk to you all later



Russland: Kreml unterstützt Maduros Bereitschaft für den Dialog - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Russland: Kreml unterstützt Maduros Bereitschaft für den Dialog - Duration: 2:19.


VFD Multispeed - WEG CFW300 Variable Frequency Drive - Duration: 6:07.

Let's setup a WEG CFW300 drive with three digital inputs to control 8 different reference


Maybe you have a drill press and depending on the material that you are drilling or the

bit style you are using, you want to be able to select with a switch which spindle speed

you want without having to dial in the correct speed manually.

Well … that's what this Multi Speed option is for.

Given 1 to three digital inputs you can select up to 8 possible predetermined frequencies.

It's easy to do, but there are a couple things you need to be aware of when implementing

multispeed so let's do a couple quick examples, so you can see what to watch out for.

Before we get started though, let's reset the drive to factory default so we are all

starting in the same place.

I'll set this up using the free WEG WPS software because it's easier for you to

follow along.

My PC is connected to the drive via the optional USB module.

You don't need the free software or the optional module – you can do all of this

from the drive's built in HMI keypad.

I'll even give you a summary list of parameters at the end, so you don't have to remember

all of this.

I've already created a configuration and a resource, and I'm connected to the drive.

For this demo, we'll operate multi speed in local mode, so I'll search for local

and we see that the local reference frequency source is set by parameter 221 and it defaults

to being controlled by the HMI.

So, we'll change the local reference frequency to being controlled by the multispeed function.

Now we just need to assign digital inputs to control the multispeed.

This is where it gets a little tricky.

This chart in section 7.2.3 of the user manual is your best friend because it tells you everything

you need to know.

These parameters hold the 8 possible reference frequencies that we will be able to select


If I search on Multi I see the default values are these, so I'll add those to the chart

here as a reminder.

These default values are for the 60 Hz factory reset we just did.

They will be different if you reset the drive to 50 Hz factory default.

So just be aware of that.

The key thing to note here though, is only these digital inputs can be used for bit zero.

These digital inputs can be used for bit1 and these digital inputs can only be used

for bit 2 - the most significant bit.

For our first example, let's use these to control multi speed.

I'll search on DI and set DI1 to multi speed, DI3 to multi-speed and DI4 to multi-speed.

Again, because they are predefined, the drive already knows which one is gonna control which bit.

That's it, except it looks like we have a configuration error.

Hmmm .. what is going on?

Remember, whenever you get a configuration error, go to parameter 47 – it'll give

you a pretty good idea what's going on.

Looks like this is telling us that either parameter 224 – that's the local mode

run stop - or 227 the Remote Mode Run/Stop, are trying to use the digital inputs we are

using for multispeed.

If we search on local – it's not using any digital I/O except the multi-speed stuff,

we are using.

That's ok.

So, let's go look at remote.

Ahh ... remote is expecting digital inputs to control the forward and reverse and the

Run Stop.

There's the issue.

We're using DI1 for multi-speed, but remote mode is expecting it for run stop.

So let's make the remote run stop controlled by the HMI for this demo … wait for the

change to take effect – that can take several seconds depending on how busy the drive is,

there we go, the screen just updated, AND look, the Drive no longer has a configuration



So, if we turn all three bits off, and hit run, the drive runs at this speed.

If we enable bit 0, then the drive runs at this speed.

Turn that off and enable bit 1, we get this speed.

Enable bit 0 and 1 and we get this speed, etc.

We can now select one of 8 preset frequencies.


And by the way, don't forget, you can monitor the digital I/O either through this parameter

– that number appears in HEX, OR via one of the wizards.

Now, we used the default speed values in this demo which if I search on multi we can see

those here - but you can change these to any of thee to any value you want, and the minus

sign indicates direction.

Let's change the value one to a minus 3 Hz.

Wait for the screen to update … again that can take several seconds … there it is.

Now when I flip bit 0, the motor runs in the opposite direction.


The WEG Drives have a secondary multi speed feature.

We set our Digital I/O's to Multi Speed.

If instead, you had set them to this 2nd ramp multi speed, then multispeed would use the

use first set of ramp parameters to control the drive during startup and shut down, and

the second set of ramp parameters to control how the drive changes between frequencies

while the drive is running.

It's just one more way you can refine how multi-speed operates.

Be careful, when using this feature, don't set parameter 105 to a 1 – that will force

the second set of ramp rates at all times – which isn't what we want here.

I used these discrete switches in this demo, so you could see which bit I was controlling.

Would you do it like this in your setup?

Probably not.

Most of the time you would use a PLC or some other kind of controller to control those

bits, perhaps even with an HMI.

Here is a summary of the parameters we used in this video.

And really all we did was tell local mode it's frequency will be controlled by multispeed,

we setup the 8 present frequencies and we configured the three digital inputs to configure

which of those frequencies we want to use.

Click here to learn more about the WEG CFW300 variable frequency drive.

Click here to learn about AutomationDirect's free award-winning support options.

And click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you will be notified when we publish

new videos.

For more infomation >> VFD Multispeed - WEG CFW300 Variable Frequency Drive - Duration: 6:07.


Macau Visa Not Required 2019 - Duration: 4:39.

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For more infomation >> Macau Visa Not Required 2019 - Duration: 4:39.


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Sniper Master : City Hunter (by Charm Tech.) - Trailer Game Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

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Cruise Tips, Tricks & Hacks What To Really Expect On A (CRUISE) - Duration: 21:19.

First time cruisers, what to expect is your big question. We've got you covered with

cruise Do's and Don'ts, as well as, Cruise Ship Tips and Secrets. We are here to prepare you

before you go, with what to expect and what you should know about cruising. Coming up in this video, right now.

Welcome to Budget Smart Travel Tips. We're your hosts. I'm Stephanie Masoner and I am Randy Masoner.

We are here as your personal travels guides and we highly recommend cruising, because it is one of our favorite things to do.

First of all, just to clear up any confusion. Like the airlines, cruise ships seem to have been

given a bad rap lately about being dangerous. They are actually very safe

and with over 20 million people cruising each year, the safety and crime rate is

extremely low. And cruising in its self is one of the best budget saving options out there for vacationing. It is

a great way to travel. And way better than dealing with TSA and a cramp

crowded uncomfortable airplane, unpacking and packing back up to travel to

your next destination. So, instead of traveling to your hotel, a hotel that

travels with you. What could be better than that?

Hopefully, this video helps take the stress out of preparing for your next trip. We have a lot of information

coming your way. For your convenience, we do have a free pdf takeaway to download with all the

information from this episode, so you don't have to take notes. Also, to help your cruise holiday, check

out our other videos on more cruise ship tips and secrets. But, let's cast off and sail away.

Okay, you are looking or have booked your first cruise. Right after booking, you will

receive an email confirmation. Now is the time to start getting ready. So

first thing you need to do, if you didn't include this in your purchase of your cruise is

to check into travel insurance. You may not think about it, but on a cruise it is a must. Travel

insurance isn't too expensive and there is a great link below to shop and easily

compare a large variety of companies and plans all on one website.

Getting close to sailing and before you get onboard, you will need to check-in online. This

usually needs to be done at least one day prior to sailing. Just, sign up for an

account. The cruise lines have an easy step by step check-in process on their

websites. You will need to print out your boarding pass and luggage tags.

Directions say to staple your luggage tags, but we recommend using clear

packing tape over the print and through the handle to make sure it water proof

and more resistant from accidently being torn off.

Don't forget to have your documents ready. Have your identification, passport and other related travel

documents. Depending on where you are going, check to see if you will need a visa.

Just a little travel tip, traveling to Russia a visa is required. However, they

do offer a No-Visa Entry, which is only good for 72 hours and only for cruise

ship passengers. For this, a tour confirmation from a Russian travel

company is needed to go ashore. You are required to depart and return to the

port with the tour. You do not have the option to return to the ship on your own.

So, depending on where you are going, it is good to check and see if they

offer exceptions such as this one. You might even want to pre-book some

excursions. You can even watch our Port of Call videos to give you some ideas

to help plan your days of adventure.

In preparation for your cruise, you might need to plan Parking. Similar to the

airline's park, sleep and fly, there is a little something called Snooze and Cruise, which is great. Parking

can be fairly expensive, but some of the hotels around the ports offer specials

for the cruisers. So, if you are driving your own car to the port, the Snooze and

Cruise deals offer parking during your cruise for a much better rate and it

includes a night's stay, either before or after your trip. They usually, also offer a free shuttle to and from the port.

So, this is something you definitely will want to check into and is very budget smart.

When you arrive at the port, check-in or the Embarkation process is pretty easy

Right there at drop off, there are luggage porters to take your suitcases. It is good to have some money handy, as it is

customary to tip the porters for handling your luggage and safely getting

them onboard the ship. A great thing about cruising, there is no weight restrictions

for your luggage like the airlines. So, if you are driving to the port, you can

take as much as you want. Make sure to keep your hand luggage with you, containing

your valuables, money, important documents, medication and maybe even a swimsuit. Also

some cruise lines let you bring one bottle of wine per person. So, check their

policy on alcohol after you receive your cruise conformation. Next, you will proceed through security. The good news is, they

are way nicer than TSA and the que doesn't take as long. After

security, they will guide you to the check-in counters. This is where you will

give them your check-in documents and passport. They will take your picture and

set up your account and you will receive your room key card.

Now, your sailing key card is more than just your room key. It becomes your I.D. to get on and off the

ship. Some listed information on your card is

your muster station, which is an emergency meeting point and dining information

such as dining table number, if there is a set dining time. Also, the key

card comes in different colors, such as silver, gold and platinum.

Each cruise line is different, but the color represents your sailing tier level

of how many trips and days you have sailed with them. As you sail more

with that specific company, the level and benefits offered will go up. So, if you find a company brand

you like sailing with, check out their rewards program to see what

benefits you will be receiving

Another nice thing about your floating hotel, you don't need to carry your wallet and money. You pay with your room key card

This is your onboard credit card. When you set up your account at check-in

you can either give them a credit card or cash for onboard spending. You can

choose who has spending privileges. So, if you are traveling with children, they will

have a key card, but you can choose whether or not they can use it to buy things.

You are now ready to board the ship. Also, an important tip, don't be late, because they won't wait for you.

Two things to point out if you are

traveling with kids. Besides the key cards, the younger children are given a

wrist band to help better keep track of them. Second, kids are very well taken care of on the ships

with activities and they are separated into appropriate age groups.

Most likely you won't see a whole lot of them onboard, as they are kept quite busy by

the staff playing games and such and giving you parents that much needed vacation.

When you first step onboard, your room probably won't be ready. They are usually available after 1.30pm

So, there will be time to enjoy the buffet, have some drinks

soak in the hot tub or take a dip in the pool while you wait. This is why

it is a good idea to pack your swimsuit in your hand luggage. Also, towels are provided by

the cruise line, so one less thing to pack. When you do get into your cabin, they

will deliver your luggage to you. Most of the time, it will be left outside your door

Sometimes it does take a little longer and can be up to the time of casting off. If

it goes beyond setting sail, definitely let your steward and front desk know

that your bags have not arrived to your room. So, they can track them down, if they have been misplaced.

In your room, you will find an itinerary of events for the day. They also deliver your itinerary ever

evening when they turn down your bed and usually along with a towel animal to go with it. They're

so cute! Don't forget to take some selfies with them. Make sure to check the itinerary every day for important

information and days activities that you might like to attend. It will let you know what time

things open and close, show times, when and where music is playing, lectures,

movies and games, like trivia. Depending on your cabin there are lots of

different amenities, but each cabin does come with a small

safe, in which to keep your valuables and important documents.

Shortly before sailing, the cruise ship will perform a Muster Safety Drill and this is

mandatory for all guests. Don't try and hide, because they will know if you don't

attend. They check everyone off by way of their key cards. It is short. They go over what

will happen and where you need to meet, if there is an actual emergency. During

the muster drill is also the time you should inform your drill crew member of any

special mobility needs, if they are not already aware of it. On your key card has

the information of where your muster station is located. If you are unsure

where it is, just ask and they will point you in the right direction. The biggest danger on a ship is

fire. You are not allowed candles, irons or anything that would be considered a fire

hazard. Check the policy of allowed items, again

when you receive your email confirmation. The cruise lines also have very strict

smoking policy and because of the dangers, smoking is restricted to just a few areas.

Gratuities: Tipping is always appreciated, and tips are included on the

bills for point of sale items, such as drinks and upgraded dining, for your

bartenders and wait staff. You do pay a flat rate service charge per day when you are

on a cruise, which is really inexpensive and is different than a tip this

"Service Charge" goes towards the staff to service and take care of all the guests

onboard, 24 hours a day for the entirety of the cruise. So, the service charge

isn't really a discretionary tip that you can take away. More often than not

you will become good friends with the staff. We have Facebooked so many

crewmembers, because they become like family to us. So, if you have exceptional service, you

can tip the staff or give them an extra tip, if that's the way you want to think

of it, at the end of the cruise. And tipping your room steward and wait staff

is not only customary, but proper etiquette.

They work hard, 10 to 12 hours a day, and yet, they are still so happy to see you

and always greet you with a smile. Your gratuity will really mean a lot to them.

Evening Dining: Depending on what cruise line you are on will determine if you

have open "Anytime Dining" or a set dining time for dinner. For "Set Dining", there is

two different dining times. First seating is in the 5 o'clock hour and the second is in

the 8 o'clock hour. If your cruise has a "Set Dining", your key card will have listed your

table number for the main dining room. On your first night of dining, the maitre d'

will check you in using your key card and will seat you. Then, for the rest of

your cruise, you will have the same table, dining partners and waiters, which is a

lot of fun, reminiscing over what everyone did for the day. They do have a dress code, usually no flip flops,

swimsuits, t-shirts or baseball caps. They will turn you away if you are not dressed

appropriately. If you don't want to dress up, you always have the buffet as a dinning

option. Even then, swimsuits are not allowed. There is also room

service available in your cabin, if you don't feel like getting out.

All of the cruise lines have several restaurants and specialty dining. Some do charge a surcharge

but they are not over priced and can still be

considered budget smart. On top of that, it is cheaper than going out at home. If

you have a special occasion, these restaurants do make for a wonderful celebration. For breakfast, lunch and

dinner, they always have the buffet. Just be warned, the buffet can be very busy and people tend to forget their

manners when they are hungry. If you would like a more relaxing experience, there is the option

to have breakfast and lunch in the main dining rooms. There is also "Afternoon Tea"

offered by some of the cruise lines. This is one of our favorite things to do and that is usually

around 3pm on sea days. For all of these, check the schedule for times and openings.

It is important to know they do have some special evenings like Captain's Night

and Gala Nights. These are requested that you do dress up, so bring some formal

attire. You will have the chance to meet and greet with the Captain and his

executive staff. There are also photo opportunities at this time. Since you are

all dressed up, this is a good time to have some the portrait photos

taken of the family or for a special occasion, featuring some fun backgrounds.

Shows and entertainment: Each cruise ship is uniquely different in this department,

but still the same in a lot of ways. There is the main showroom that holds two

performances every night and some ships are better than others. They can be Broadway

styled shows with singing and dancing. Usually there are comedians and magic. Many

times they will bring local guest performer on from the region that you are

visiting to share their culture. The ships have musicians playing around the

ship throughout the entire day. The Cruise Director generally puts on

some interactive shows such as "The Perfect Couple" contest on the main

stage as well as games around the ship like trivia, dance contests and such. The ships do have internet

cafés. There areinternet packages available to purchase, but they are rather pricy per minute and

the internet speed usually isn't that great. They do have an art gallery and there is

also the library and game room for playing cards and board games

There is also dancing and let's not forget karaoke or ping pong. Our favorite is

the ships that have a featured comedy club.

The ships also have casinos and duty free shops onboard, but those are only open when they are out at

sea. There arel avish spas with all types of treatments and lectures. If keeping fit is important to you,

the ships have fully equipped gymnasiums. This is where you will find us every day.

They usually have a running track and basketball court top-side and a covered

walking deck around the mid-section of the ship.

Some of the new mega ships that are coming out with are amazing. They now

have water parks, ziplines, go cart tracks, plus so much more than we can even

mention. Let's not forget the most important activity on a cruise ship,

lounging by the pool catching some rays and doing nothing. There is so much to do. These

floating cities are amazing. There is almost no need to go ashore. So, you can

see that there is a lot to keep you busy, as much as you want to be.

Depending on the cruise line and what port and country the cruise ship is sailing out of, will

determine what language they speak aboard. The crew is made up of many

nationalities, speaking many languages, but English is always spoken. Some ships

will translate announcements up to 5 or 6 different languages. But according

to maritime law for the most part of the entire shipping industry and for

passenger ships, the main language spoken on the Captain's Bridge and among the

crew is English for safety reasons as an industry standard.

Comments: If you have a legitimate complaint while onboard, you can go to front desk and let them know

and they will help you out. It is easy to complain, but if you have a great service,

remember to go and inform the front desk as well. This is how crew members move up

the ladder to better jobs. It really does help them out to be recognized in their job performance

Cruise next: If you find yourself loving

to cruise, don't miss the cruise next presentations.

These are a lot of fun and you get to see what new cruise ships are coming out

and what new itineraries. You will also discover their future cruise promotions,

which can save you a lot of money on your next cruise and maybe get you some

onboard credit. You can check out our other video of how to get Onboard Credit.

But, don't forget to go and meet with your cruise next consultant.

Port days is when you get to get off the ship and go exploring. But, how to get off the ship, you

will either be docked or you will have to tender in. If you dock, it is easy. Just

head down to the gang plank level of the ship. You will go through security, so

bring your key card and a picture ID and you can walk right off. If you are tendering in, this means it's

too shallow for the ship to dock. So, you will be taking a tender boat to shore.

It is free, but you have to get a tender ticket. Your cruise director will

go over the process the night before at the main show. Instructions will also

play on the T.V. or you can read about the process on how they will run the tender

in your itinerary, they leave you every evening. Not to cause chaos, the cruise director distributes

tickets, so not everyone is heading for the tender boats at the same time. When you do head ashore take your itinerary

with you as it will have an emergency number, just in case you need to get in

touch with the ship. Don't be late back though, cause they won't wait for you. You will go through security

again when you return to the ship. So, have your key card ready. If you have bought any alcohol

they will hold on to it until the end of the cruise and then return it to you.

Excursions: You have a few options when it comes to excursions. You can choose to

book with the cruise ship when you are onboard. The plus is that the ship is

guaranteed to wait for your excursion, if it runs late for any reason and will not leave. The downside is you do

pay more through the ship. The second option is to purchase

excursions before you go. In our Port of Call videos, we will give you excursion

ideas and links for some budget friendly day plans. The third option is to book

once you get off the ship. This can save you a lot, but be careful as you have no

guarantee on who to trust. Do your best, at finding the more reputable ones and

maybe some research before you ever leave home. Look for those who are

licensed, insured and maybe even bonded. Also, a good idea if you are renting scooters and

wave runners and such is to purchase their insurance when you rent their

equipment. Usually not too expensive, but does saves on some headaches. If they turn

out to be "not to be so reputable" and try and saying you damaged their equipment in some way, the

small price you pay for insurance helps keep them from making a false claims,

because they are just looking for quick cash. They can really bog you down with the local authorities.

The cruise is now coming to the end. You should check your bill before you get off

the ship to make sure all the charges are correct. They will bill your mandatory

"Service Charge" so you will see that, plus any other purchases you have made. If you see any mistakes go to

the front desk to resolve any discrepancies. It is also a good idea to

check on your bill throughout the cruise, just to catch any mistakes as they may occur.

Disembarking: This is always the saddest part, as your

vacation is over. But, if you have seen your future cruise consultant, you may

have something to look forward to, if you have another cruise in mind. All of the cruise lines do it a bit different, but they will give you clear instructions a

couple of days in advance on disembarking. If you have any questions, special requirements or early flights, go

and speak with front desk. Usually, they will assign you a departure time and

zone to help you meet your needs. This will give you an idea of what time you will be able to leave the ship.

Now, you can either do a walk off early, if you want

to carry your luggage off by yourself. Or you can place your luggage outside your

door the night before and it will be waiting for you in the luggage area off

the ship. If you choose that option, then you can relax, have breakfast and wait

for your zone to be called. When you get off, you will go through customs and then

you will be done. Outside they will have taxis or shuttles to take you to the

airport. If you have a late flight you can book one last excursion through the ship.

When the excursion is over, they will drop

you off at the airport for you to catch your flight home.

After the cruise is over, they will email you a survey to get your opinion on how you enjoyed your vacation. Make sure to fill it

out with your honest opinion, so they can improve where needed or who the

exceptional crew members are. So, if you had some wonderful crew members, make sure to

get their names and give them credit. This is so important for them.

Just a quick note, in booking a cruise, we like using the online booking agency

Cruise Direct. They have a great website and besides listing last minute bookings to

find some great bargains, their website breaks down the cost per night. This is a

great way to manage your budget and helps to find the best deals. They also offer a best

price guarantee and there is never a booking fee and that is why we like

using Cruise Direct. So, check out that link below.

We hope you found this episode helpful. So, don't forget to download your free pdf takeaway with

the information from today's video. If you haven't already subscribed, please hit

that button now, so you don't miss out on any budget smart travel tips. And before you

escape, comment below and let us know where you are heading for your first

cruise or where you went? Thank you so much for watching and

remember, to get more traveling in, don't just be smart, be Budget Smart. Bon Voyage!

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