Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily Feb 18 2019

An alarm signal, when we talk about detection of lies, it is an isolated sign that could

mean that a person is lying. However, a single alarm signal does not

usually interpreted as a lie. To conclude, in a detection of

professional lies, that the person lies, it is necessary that a cluster of

alarm signals, that is, 3 or more signals of alarm in the same situation. I am sandra

Burgos, and today I'm going to share 10 signals with you of alarm in the detection of lies.

If you're a regular on this channel, you'll know Pretty much about the detection of lies.

And it is likely that you have already seen some video where I explained to you the importance of analyzing

the behavior in a situation of no lie to be able to reliably identify the

presence of lies.

In case you have not seen it, or do not remember it, I leave the link to the video called "Los

6 Steps to a Professional Lies Detection ":

There I explain in detail how to ensure reliability of a lie detection.

Well, taking that for granted, we're going to throw ourselves for the 10 alarm signals in the detection

of lies.

He affirms with his head while saying "no" or shake his head while saying "yes".

When the body and the voice say different things, always believe the body.

Shows inconsistencies between words and gestures. In the same line as the previous one, if it says

that is glad to see you but you do not see joy in his face, maybe he will not be so happy.

Raises one shoulder, but only one. Shrink a only shoulder is a reflex act produced

for the discomfort that it generates to the body the fact of telling lies.

Their gestures arrive with delay. If he tells you who is very sad with a neutral face and

Then he expresses sadness on his face, once who already said it, it's possible that it's more

Victimization or need for attention sadness real.

Pull your trunk away from you while speaking to you. its body wants to leave the halo of discomfort

that generates him having lied, that's why he lets go lie and go back to lose contact

symbolic with that lie. Smile oddly or exaggeratedly. As well

occurs with other emotions such as enthusiasm or sadness, but with joy is more

habitual. Someone tells you how happy he is for your promotion and your smile is broken

or badly placed on his face. It is possible that be a forced smile.

He touches his nose. The nose receives a current of blood before the fear of being discovered

in a lie, and that produces a subtle itch that will lead that person to touch his nose.

His body remains stiff. The brain manages very bad overall behavior when we lie.

And since he does not usually know very well what to do with the body in that situation, often

chooses to petrify it in an attempt to not screw up.

He touches his mouth. In general, bring your hands The mouth is a sign of nervousness. We are looking for

unconsciously calm down and bite helps us a lot in this sense.

Squeeze the lips and move them to the sides. This gesture is habitual in those who want to restrain themselves

to say something. In this case, it is not necessarily of being lied to, but it's probably not

They are telling us the whole truth.

Did you already know any of these signs of alarm? I've been talking to you about several of

them in more detail in the videos of the last weeks, so if you have not

seen, I recommend you take a look. They are very interesting.

Go now through the comments section and tell me why signs you usually guide

you when it comes to recognizing when someone he lies to you. Do you know concrete gestures that

Do you associate with specific people? That is one particularly interesting part of the detection

of lies that improves the more you know to the person in question.

If you liked this video, click on "I like it" and share it in your networks

social. And if you want to receive more workouts like this, every Tuesday, in your email,

subscribe for free to my weekly newsletter

Remember that you have much more at your reach of what is necessary to be happy. The decision

it's yours!

For more infomation >> 10 Señales De Alarma En La Detección De Mentiras | Sandra Burgos - Duration: 5:34.


Este es el Único Jugo que Puede Quitar la Diabetes, sus Exámenes van a Comprobar! - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Este es el Único Jugo que Puede Quitar la Diabetes, sus Exámenes van a Comprobar! - Duration: 3:32.


Jan Richardson Sight Words | Level G | Of | Jack Hartmann - Duration: 2:47.

Hi, I'm Jan Richardson

And I'm Jack Hartmann

Let's work together and learn our sight words even better

I love learning my sight words

I have fun with sight words

I know lot's of sight words

They help me read and write

Let's learn the sight word of

Here we go

Read it out loud


Read it quietly


Read it in your head


Now look carefully and tell me

What's the missing letter?

Say it before I do



Now look carefully and tell me, the two missing letters


I love learning my sight words

I have fun with sight words

I know lot's of sight words

They help me read and write

Now mix and fix the sight word of

Put the letters in the right order

What letter comes first?


What letter comes last?



I love learning my sight words

I have fun with sight words

I know lot's of sight words

They help me read and write

We learned the sight word of

For more infomation >> Jan Richardson Sight Words | Level G | Of | Jack Hartmann - Duration: 2:47.


《小女花不棄》收視率水漲船高,其實最大的贏家是她 - Duration: 3:25.

《小女花不棄 》這部劇自 開播以來就 受到了網友 一致好評

隨著《知否》 的收官

觀眾們也紛紛 把追劇大軍 的陣地轉移 到了這部劇 上

這部劇之所以 評價會這麼 高

跟主演林依晨 和張彬彬的 超高演技是 分不加的。

在劇中兩 位主演的顏 值演技在線

光是這一點就 能吸引不少 的觀眾。

這部劇的 選角也是身 份大膽

這個角色就是 莫夫少爺" 莫若菲"

這個人物是由 演員刑恩飾 演的

而刑恩其實是 一個女孩子

但是在這部劇 剛開播的時 候網友們都 沒看出帥氣 溫潤的莫若 菲竟然是個 女的! 因此刑恩也 是在這部劇 里圈了不少 的少女粉

就算知道刑恩 是女生

粉絲們也紛紛 揚言要嫁給 她


女生帥起來就 沒男孩子什 麼事了! 據說刑恩 私下里在生 活中

行為舉止和和 男孩子沒什 麼兩樣

所以在劇中飾 演莫若菲也 是非常自然

一點都看不出 有什麼彆扭 的地方

根本就沒有違 和感。

在劇里莫 若菲掌管著 莫家的生意



對女主也是萬 般寵溺

每每在劇中溫 柔一笑

就迷倒一大片 彈幕中的小 迷妹

刑恩把這個男 子演的比男 主角都成功 。


刑恩也是偏中 性的打扮

一直是短髮示 人

再加上她高挑 的身材

穿著簡單的休 閒運動裝

比很多那明星 還要帥氣有 型。


1990年出 生於福建

2016年出 演都市情感 劇《小情人 》在劇中飾 演小白

從而進入娛樂 圈發展。

隨後又相繼出 演了《雲之 凡》裡的宿 星辰

網絡劇《曖昧 偵探》的宮 紫加深了人 們對她的印 象。

在《曖昧 偵探》裡的 角色也是耍 起逼人

被譽為"中國 最帥女生" 。

在《小女 花不棄》中 還有一個很 有趣的角色

那就是"金仙 玉"

金仙玉在劇中 的造型十分 的雷人


但是樣子很不 美觀

跟刑恩相反的 是

一直被網友認 為是男人扮 演的角色

其實是一個女 生。

這個女演 員叫賀勳


但卻一直被誤 認為是男人

因為賀勳的五 官太過剛毅

是長方形的臉 型

所以才會更像 男人。

雖然刑恩 和賀勳都是 在劇中反串 出演

但是贏得的口 碑可是大大 的不同

刑恩可以說是 這部劇最大 的贏家和看 點

因為這部劇她 圈了不少的 粉絲

也打開了自己 的戲路

希望刑恩以後 會更好吧!

For more infomation >> 《小女花不棄》收視率水漲船高,其實最大的贏家是她 - Duration: 3:25.


Individuelle Preise - wie das Shopping der Zukunft aussehen könnte | Amazon, Dynamic Pricing - Duration: 12:33.

For more infomation >> Individuelle Preise - wie das Shopping der Zukunft aussehen könnte | Amazon, Dynamic Pricing - Duration: 12:33.


أموت وينشرح صدري ❤️🎧دمار حط سماعات واسمع💔حصريا 2019 - Duration: 1:16.

For more infomation >> أموت وينشرح صدري ❤️🎧دمار حط سماعات واسمع💔حصريا 2019 - Duration: 1:16.


Game of Thrones Cast In Real Life Name And Age 2019 Then and Now | Game of Thrones Celebrity All - 1 - Duration: 10:24.

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Please Check Video Description For More Details.

Don't Forget to Like, Comment, Share and Subscribe.

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For more infomation >> Game of Thrones Cast In Real Life Name And Age 2019 Then and Now | Game of Thrones Celebrity All - 1 - Duration: 10:24.



Hey what you looking at?

go check out this lick

alright the next one is a chicago blues inspired lick

works on an A7

With like a Chicago feel

So this one works on a A7

and it's kinda coming out of that BB King blues box

right, but it's also using some chromatic in-between notes

So what I'm doing, if I break it down,

Is 8 on the E, hammer on the 9th

pull off to the 8th again

and then

10 on the B,


8 on the B

Hammer-on on the 9th on the B,

pull off to the 8th on the B again,

and then,

9 on the G.

so on the B


Similar thing on the G as well

we go to the 7 on the G

Hammer on to the 8th on the G

back to the 7, pull-off

to the 7 on the G

and slide to the 5 on the G

so, so far, slowly we have

then we do,

7 on the G

5 on the G

6 on the G

and then

skip a string

5 on the E


so we are pretty much using all the chromatic notes in between

that BB King shape

and then

this uhm this basic A minor

pentatonic position

alright that was you Chicago inspired blues lick

So if you're liking this kinda licks

small quick licks to learn

and incorporate in your uh style

please consider giving me a like, a subscribe

hit the bell button

so you get notified of new videos I try to post everyday

hopefully I'll be posting 365 licks

that's my goal

so help me out with that

alright? see ya next time!

For more infomation >> GUITAR LESSON - CHICAGO BLUES LICK - EASY BLUES FOR BEGINNERS - Duration: 3:01.


Медицинские шапочки с рисунком - Duration: 7:59.

This product shook me just as it once shook knitted knee-high socks for boots. Rather, it was not the product itself that shook, but its statistics. She is very impressive. These medical hats with a pattern from one needlewoman on Etsy bought more than 30 thousand pieces (see for yourself on the page All of you probably noticed that the color and comfortable medical uniform is popular in the West, in contrast to our traditional white gowns. Some of our entrepreneurs also noticed this. And at first they began to carry a similar form from the West, and then they began to sew it here. The fact that this medical form is available to us is proved by the heroes of the TV series "Interns", who almost all dressed in this uniform. But such medical caps (one of which covers Lyuba's head from the "Interns") - albeit colored ones - are no longer fashionable. In a fashion now hats with bright color pattern. In the West, all fashionistas from medicine tend to wear just such. The main manufacturer of such hats - the company Scrubs. com from California (USA). And partly her hats reach us - I found one copy in some of our online stores. But to sell such a hat with just one color is nonsense. To buy - you need to have something to choose from. In our most famous online store (which sells almost everything), I found similar hats with a pattern from two Russian manufacturers - Med Fashion Lab and Medis. But in actual fact it turned out to be just caps. Which are not as bright as the western ones. And they are not even regulated by volume! This form is just a cotton cylinder. And at the same time such caps buy! (at the cap in the picture, currently 100 sales). So there is demand. American caps have indisputable advantages next to our caps.     1) Brighter and more varied colors. 2) They are ergonomic. They are all regulated in volume, so they are suitable for any adult head. 3) They are shaped so that even the longest hair can be removed with a hat and the most magnificent hairstyle (and in fact it is for this purpose that medical caps are intended - so that hair does not fall down on patients, on tablets and on surgical tables). They are ideal - and therefore the demand for them is so huge, despite the presence of large producers. Surgical technician Elvia Hernandez, the author of the above-mentioned fashionable medical hats, works at the hospital at night, and in the afternoon she sits down at the sewing machine and stitches her hats, putting on her own hospital and a lot of other hospitals in the US and the world (though assistant). For 5 years she sold them more than 30 thousand, each sold for 7- 20 dollars (the most massive hats cost 12-15 dollars). I think our medical staff will also like these hats. Moreover, the staff is mostly female. And the fact that they are now being offered on the Russian market does not suit them at all. By the way, such caps can be worn not only by medical workers, but also employees of canteens, cafes and restaurants — in their workplaces it is also undesirable to drop hair for whatever it is. In addition, these caps are very suitable for people after chemotherapy and in general for people losing hair for various other reasons. After all, if men have a fashion for bald head, then for women this fashion has not yet arrived. These hats will help them feel comfortable in any setting. It seems to me that they can be worn even by people without hair problems. Just like that, on the street, in sunny or windy weather. They are 100% cotton. The head does not sweat. The wind does not whisk such a hat. Dust on the hair will not fall. Something she looks like a bandana. But, unlike her, she does not tighten her hair and covers her forehead (increasing the volume of her head). Such a headdress can be thrown over the head even simply when you are too lazy to style your hair in the morning, or you are in a great hurry. Or you just spoiled hair in a barber shop. Or you did not have time to wash your hair. Or just want to wear something fashionable. . Previously, our women wore headscarves, and now you can wear such beautiful hats. Unless, of course, someone in our country starts sewing them.

For more infomation >> Медицинские шапочки с рисунком - Duration: 7:59.


رؤى وأحلام | د/ صوفيا زاده | ( التنبؤ بالأمراض فى الاحلام ) | الحلقة مائة وعشرة - Duration: 14:44.

In the name of God the Merciful, peace and blessings be upon the most honorable creation of our master Muhammad and on his family and companions.

He tried to explain it in many people. Is it possible to see a vision of disease alertness, which means that we will receive a particular need in the future? Of course, we are saying that the visions are in a dream.

Praise be to you, O Imam of the debates, O Zakt visions of diseases, which is considered a warning means the means possible one will mean a small bank such as in a matter.

For example, a diabetic patient like himself, he is eating too many sugars such a meaning that he is in a stage not worthless or eat carbohydrates or succession.

It is necessary for our Lord, the Almighty, to be kind to His servants, so that your sleep means that we are in a fever and a keenness of Allaah to wake up or to dream of what we should see in our eyes.

Especially since one of Arif himself is ill and he is really sick and is about to notice that you are still rigid in the subject of what he created and what God created only with medicine.

The meaning of what it means that the Hiji you need but not say to you violin is sweet means you are infected with any need to go to Maine, for example, I tell you I feel.

I am my whole body tired, I do not know my body fractured bone fractured not know how to know where to Minn possible to know the need for blood and possible to know the need and God forbid.

Malicious possible and God forbid need for bone needs of the relationship which means the name of any unknown knowledge of course in the field, but need to concern.

The strength of the brown man or his probability or the like in all the necessities need to be sculpted by Aspot from a woman in a dream is not entertainment but every vision needs my expression and interpretation.

And every dream needs to explain and teach why it happened to people who say you I was a small sweet pleasant repeat the second you are in the first I was a medical doctor to be repeated when I was sure.

Of the repetition, we need to pay attention to the need to pay attention to how many righteous people in their sleep visions indicate the treatment of a particular disease means in one of the son of Sirin.

I saw in my dream that one would tell me to take no, no, no, no, no, of course, Imam Ibn Sirin, one who was a scholar of the Koran was a good interpreter means more inclined to interpretations.

To the Koran, we are the sons of the Koran and the Sunnah and proverbs degree and not know Aarf and the words of the vulgar and all the needs Dvrp her, but he was a specialist in.

The interpretation of the Koran, God is not and no Eastern or Western means olive oil was already sweet in olive oil and then one good Tani in his visions.

He was sick. May God reward you and he will heal him. He means in his tongue, in inflation, inflation swells behind, so he can not close Shafi'e. He is in the sleep of a righteous one.

The mother of the deceased says to him that he has eaten with the water of lettuce and has already done it.

Our master Ayoub Shaf in Minamah is a verse that he is going to wash this lake, and God willing, God will forgive him and actually and pardon him in the Almighty.

The visions are not.

Why vacuum or entertain her education but tell you that modern science has said that dreams are possible as an early detection of diseases and problems to possible afflictions.

Problems of physical problems What are the only early detection Glory to you, O Lord, I mean we are still.

1400 years we are surprised that science does not mean different from the religion religion needs said by the Prophet peace be upon him from 1400 years Deluki Baiji confirmed by science.

Dreams emerged with the emergence of our master Adam and even until I mean eternal forever until the hour so it is the dreams I consider it is intellectual dialogue.

Between the slave and his Lord is not flawless need to stay Keda Aa means innate O group we take care of our dreams and God 's dreams are what is filled with vacuum dreams dreams.

Debates Debate Needs DiD Part of 46 Part of Prophecy Means What Predicts What Will Occur An early detection is a futuristic need in such a way that tells you that if I have a problem in your life.

Of any kind and Bchov Pchov Pnama that he gets any aversion or future means the palms of your mind will get you 1234 Attention if this means you can change as much.

Of course, we said the du'aa ', but it is possible that you are in relationship with Allaah by means of supplication.

You remain in favor of the interest of the sons of Adam and O Bkht Ya Bakht who Bibath Bnamkm good who preaches in his sleep and of course it is OK to explain the imams that the vision good.

May be the skin of the owner may be a warning and the refutation of modern science that he agreed to Islam in accordance with Hindu Islam and China and long generations.

They thought that dreams mean a means of early diagnosis of organic diseases means I mean my agreement with some mean Islam was saying the same as my China.

And the Hindus said to you, I mean, how do you know?

And their beliefs and they studied and varieties of dreams into several diagnostic types, each of which is seen as an organic disease coming or specific means, for example, Bischoff in sleep.

Dreams with ghosts and ghosts and scary scary shapes and dreams of fire and smoke and the need to suffocate the creator of all of them indicative of disturbances in the session.

Blood and heart means the palms of your heart so you need to feel pain, for example, the doctor specialized blood vessels and the heart and arteriosclerosis fully and Baltzl water and heart disease.

I do not have to go to the bathroom, but I do not need to be in a league or permanent means the Lord Almighty.

We will not kill you, and our Lord is afraid of the slave more than the fear of the mother over her son, for example, if she dreams of death or of soldiers, of war and of rough roads.

The rough sea and the difficult trips all warn of disturbances in the functions of the lungs and heart all disorders in the functions of the lungs and heart,

Of course, it is not permissible for them to be classified as such, and God, of course, is to use experts in medicine, and that, of course, a limit of the righteous are the ones who have reached this.

Here we walk on water standing with others and complete the dream in concerts, music, and public and social luxury.

The disease of splenic spleen tends to be permanent in the constant dream of dense forests, high mountains or farms da vie with kidney disease.

It is necessary to return attention and dream of exhaustion, drowning and playing in the torrential water is seen by the liver or kidney diseases Monday dream.

The dream of waterfalls Almnhmr warns of diseases of blood and acute anemia Observed and discharged The Orientalists still believe in the signs de faith form so far.

He says to you, do not such Orientalists, we said them from the Chinese and Hindus countries salvation, they have salvation doctrine in their hearts that he shows you like this remains so.

Bisal was sick if he went to consult Ahlam Tkilu and arrived to mean in the people of my delights to taste dreams in it, it is a feature of life and life.

Basic life of some people extended the study dreams and their relationship to the diseases of the West and the developed world means not so much and not spread in foreign countries.

While we are here in the Arab-Egyptian religious country means in front of the camera denies the existence of dreams and behind cameras dreams remained and dreams.

This science depends mainly on the experiences and observations in all scientific research and observation proved that a definite relationship between dreams and diseases.

Did not show some mean in a relationship confirmed and noted that the injury of the heart and arteries salvation linked to the dreams and dreaded and remained under the item nightmares.

Salvation will tell you that you are because I have many nightmares for him, you will remain the subject of your heart because your heart beats when the dream and the nightmare of reluctance.

On the imagination of the sleeper many times foreshadowing a stroke or coronary heart disease or an explosion or bleeding in the arteries and the strange nightmares continue after the disease.

Becoming less than its beginning means that even after you get the disease after the evil, you mean to continue, but you stay, I do not mean I mean less and the patient is terrified.

In the course of their occurrence, of course, it is dreams as a result of congestion and of course heart and chest diseases and its length along with any need in the chest associated with suffocation.

The smoke of the lips of a cigarette is not known. If you have smoke, know that it is associated with chest diseases. It is noted that cases of brain bleeding or clotting of the arteries.

Before the occurrence of the days of red dreams of red dreams do not mean not knowing Red roses not know red ground red clothes needs a lot of red.

Means a bloody dream in the sense of the right to get in, for example, we see the blood of liquid criminals killed and shed blood and cold noted that the patient of neurological and psychological diseases in a period.

Of dreams scattered or hallucinatory dreams of what gives a warning near the collapse of the psychological either remained the dreams that accompany the diseases themselves.

They all fall under nightmares and one says to you, I pray and fast work for me on all of the whole medicine for him in the presence of nightmares.

To show that he who gets fever high altitude knows the temperature and knows exactly that Gatla before the dreams but is scratched by the Philnebtha means and in many people to say.

It falls under the dichotomy and sorcery, if the group became a basis in developed countries America, Europe and the developed countries are all thinking of this form.

And God willing, God willing I mean, or God, God willing, spread the culture of dreams until the whole world pervades as to be the prayer of the other workshops, Estunny Monday الجاي God willing.

The other symbol is peace upon you.

For more infomation >> رؤى وأحلام | د/ صوفيا زاده | ( التنبؤ بالأمراض فى الاحلام ) | الحلقة مائة وعشرة - Duration: 14:44.


Smart TV LED 55" Sony KD-55X705F - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Smart TV LED 55" Sony KD-55X705F - Duration: 1:17.


АЛИШЕР моргенштерн УДАЛИТ канал - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> АЛИШЕР моргенштерн УДАЛИТ канал - Duration: 2:07.


হিরো দ্য সুপারস্টার এর পর পাসওয়ার্ড শাকিব খান | Her the superstar | Password | shakib khanশাকিব খান - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> হিরো দ্য সুপারস্টার এর পর পাসওয়ার্ড শাকিব খান | Her the superstar | Password | shakib khanশাকিব খান - Duration: 2:11.


কাগজ দিয়ে বানিয়ে ফেলুন রকমারি চুড়ি//How to make bangles using cardboard - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> কাগজ দিয়ে বানিয়ে ফেলুন রকমারি চুড়ি//How to make bangles using cardboard - Duration: 6:24.


Tax Prep Macon (478) 757-1910 - Duration: 1:56.

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