Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

Youtube daily Feb 20 2019

10 Ridiculous Abilities People Mistakenly Claim They Have

Perhaps after watching too many superhero movies, and wanting to spice up their lives,

people like to imagine that they have all kinds of powers, which others, or at least

most people, simply lack.

Whether it's a 9 to 5 commuter who thinks they are far better than most drivers who

have ever lived, a person who thinks they have superpowers because they are good at

drinking, or something similar, they all have the issue in common that they either have

inflated a commonly required skill they and others have to use every day into something

special, or they think they have a skill that simply doesn't even exist.


People Who Think They See Auras Probably Have Synesthesia

Some people think they see visible auras around others, and claim it tells them about how

good a person they are or the like.

However, a Dr. Jamie Ward is not convinced.

She had a patient who had synesthesia, and would see entire colors spread across her

field of vision when hearing the names of her loved ones, and when she saw them in person,

she would see visible auras of varying colors.

Dr. Ward believes that this could be a clue to what is going on with people who claim

to be able to see auras in others.

Dr. Ward believes it is likely some form of synesthesia where the person strongly associates

colors with people, and creates the illusion in their brain that there is a color surrounding

the entire person.

There is no evidence that there is any kind of energy field around someone that could

make an independent aura, so this theory makes a lot of sense.

Someone with synesthesia would be likely to associate colors very strongly with different

people, and may even see a visible effect, using their subconscious to decide the color

based on how they judge that person.


Being Super Good At Multitasking Isn't Even A Thing

People love to brag about multi-tasking, but the truth is it isn't even real.

You actually cannot do two thing at the same time, as your brain simply is not capable

of doing two tasks at once.

When you think you are multitasking, you are actually rapidly switching between the tasks,

as your brain tries to juggle all the extra and unnecessary sensory input you are throwing

at it.

What this means is that your brain is now basically being overloaded, kind of like if

you have too many programs running and are using too much RAM -- your brain is going

to get bogged down and you are actually going to be far slower at getting anything done.

You simply won't be the efficient maestro that you think you are, and are actually more

likely to make mistakes while multitasking than not, because you are splitting your focus.

It may sound efficient, but if you have to correct mistakes later or redo shoddy work,

you may realize it wasn't worth it.


The Ability To Tell When Random People You Don't Know Are Lying To You

This is a classic power that many, especially in law enforcement, think they have.

However, studies have shown most people aren't better than 50% when it comes to guessing

based on "judgment" alone.

For those who really think they can do this subconsciously, they should be careful to

make snap judgments.

You don't have a superpower, it is just your brain making judgments based on the context

and information it has at hand, but there are a lot of things missing and you could

be mistaken and cause unnecessary strife.

Now, you may potentially be quite good at sussing out lies from a close friend or family

member, but that is quite a different situation.

Those people are people you know very well, and they may have tells they don't even

realize you can exploit -- even in these cases though, you should still be careful not to

read too much into your own ability to detect lies, you still may be wrong.

The truth is most experts who are actually good at catching people in lies, are simply

using the technique of listening carefully and looking for inconsistencies in your story.


Picking Up The "Energy" And "Vibes" Of People Around You

Some people like to claim, sort of similar to the aura power, that they can feel people's

"energies" around them.

Some say this stresses them out in a crowd, and some have even claimed to be energy "vampires"

who feed by going out into crowds and enjoying that delicious crowd energy and the "vibes"

it supplies.

A lot of people who think this like to feel they have a special power that others do not.

The more boring truth is that similar to people's belief in aura's, people who believe they

can feel people's energies are just making judgments in their head about the people around

them, and the state of the crowd, and internalizing that as positive or negative feelings.

There is no special energy to pick up, but from birth human's learn to read people's

faces and body language naturally -- if you are worried about someone's negative energy,

it is likely just your brain warning you that something seems a little bit off about their



Being A Really Great Driver Who Is Much Better Than All The Other Horrible Drivers

One of the most commonly acknowledged facts in the United States of America especially,

is that most drivers think all other drivers are mostly pretty terrible, but think that

they themselves are well above average.

While most people chuckle at this fact, they still go away thinking that they are one of

the people who is truly above average, and don't realize the joke may be on them, as

they chuckle about all the "other" bad drivers.

The obvious issue with this national American delusion is that by the very laws of statistics,

there will always be an average, and most people are going to sit pretty close to it,

more or less.

This means that unless you have driven professionally for many years, odds are you're not significantly

above the average of anyone.

Especially if you are young, have little experience driving, and little to no experience driving

professionally of any kind, thinking yourself far above the likes of most drivers is pretty


The fact of the matter is that most of the time you think someone else is a much worse

driver than you, they probably made a mistake you have made before, or were unfamiliar with

the area.

More often than not your belief that everyone is far below you on the driving skill totem

is very mistaken.


Being Able To Discern News And Political News Far Better Than Anyone Else

America has a problem today where many truly cannot tell the difference between real and

fake news.

Part of the problem is the independent mindset of Americans, many of whom stubbornly believe

that hearing about something, and having an opinion, suddenly makes them an expert, and

that they don't need to listen to or consult actual experts about the subject.

Many Americans are simply uninterested in what an expert take on most things are anymore

-- they would prefer to hear from someone who seems more like a regular joe, saying

something that sounds an awful lot like their own point of view so they don't have to

feel challenged whatsoever.

However, people should keep in mind that just because you listen to news or politics regularly,

doesn't mean you understand all of the subtleties of the subjects being discussed, or are suddenly

an expert on the matter.

We aren't saying you should simply listen to one expert and take their word for granted,

but reading up on several expert opinions, and then reading more background on the subject

to better inform yourself will do you more good than you can imagine.

The various experts out there you can listen to though, are not simply watching political

news more than you.

They often have a degree in a field called political science which makes them an expert

and helps them parse complicated political ongoings that would confuse many of us.


An Amazing Sense Of Direction That Beats Everyone Else's

This is another situation where a common skill that everyone must use, is misinterpreted

by some people as something special they can do far better than others.

While reading a map in this day and age or really being able to know your cardinal directions

almost instantly would certainly be good skills to have, most direction know it alls don't

even have those skills, they just think they have some innate compass.

However, humans don't really have the special kind of directional sense that some animals

do, and rely on our brains to read maps or follow patterns that we previously knew.

If the person who claims to be so great at directions does not know the place he is leading

you through, he is unlikely to be much better.

To make matters worse for those who think they are directional experts, nearly everyone

is using a GPS at least for backup to some extent these days, and GPS has been proven

to weaken your directional and navigational skills over time.

If someone is truly better at direction it likely is mostly learned, as they have figured

out patterns that help them find their way in any situation, perhaps even at a young



The Ability To Become An Instant Expert At Anything With A Simple Google Search

One of the most infuriating aspects of the internet age is how so many people now think

they have this ability to use "google-fu" and suddenly be a master of anything.

These people don't even take the time to do the level of a minor book report of work

on the subject they are looking into, but are now convinced they have the answer.

Once they have "the answer" they don't listen to any competing information, and are

incapable of learning further about the subject.

What people are forgetting is that if you really want to know you need to understand;

which requires more time reading expert opinions, reading up on background information, and

pouring over research studies and the like.

There will often be competing sources on anything, and you may even see multiple experts with

different opinions.

Humans like to make judgments and resolve things -- the brain simply feels more satisfied

-- but it isn't really good for us overall.

Sometimes the best decision is to actually not form such a strong opinion that you won't

feel right about changing it later, but to leave your mind open to many different possibilities.


People Who Think They Don't Get Hungover At All May Want To Lay Off The Booze

A claim you will hear from young people in college, sometimes young people in highschool,

and older people who have a serious problem with booze, is that they can drink, and drink

and drink and they just don't get hungover.

Now, there are some people who actually have extra functioning kidneys they were born with,

and those people actually can metabolize alcohol to an extra degree, but this is absurdly,

remotely rare.

Most people who are making the claim are simply mistaken about the damage they are doing to

their bodies.

The truth is that if you are a drinking a lot over a short period of time, you are doing

temporary damage to your body, that it now has to repair.

You have toxins that your body has to remove by working them through your natural waste

system over time.

If you drink heavily and feel hardly anything in the morning, it doesn't mean you aren't

hungover, but that you have a drinking problem, have built up a tolerance, and are used to

most of the ill effects enough that it has become normal for you.

There are many organizations that can help people with alcoholism and you are not alone

-- there are always people who would be happy to share strategies online or in person, and

it's never too late to stop drinking.

The truth is that if you drink heavily on a regular basis, and truly feel you aren't

even getting hangovers, you have become far too accustomed to the constant stream of booze

in your bloodstream, and you need to give your poor liver and kidneys a break.


The People Who Think They Are The Whisperer Of All Animals Are Just Good With Theirs

A huge amount of people worldwide love animals -- cultures have been keeping cats and dogs

since about as far back as we can record history, and we have reason to believe they have been

domesticating them for far longer.

Even people who don't own pets still find them to be adorable, and you can't go anywhere

on Facebook without seeing some adorable cat pictures or the like, usually upvoted mindlessly

by everyone who comes across them.

Seeing as many, many people own a pet, it may not be surprising that most people seem

to think they are an expert not just with their pet, and not just with their type of

pet, but with every type of animal imaginable.

These are the people who see a dog or a cat, and instead of just enjoying its presence

and petting it, have to go on to anyone in listening range about how great they are with

all animals, until you wish they would just stop talking and move on to another subject.

These people will often make thoroughly obnoxious displays, where they make all kinds of weird

sounds, or other movements, that they somehow think are going to make the animal just come

straight for them.

These people forget that their own pet responds to these things because they trained it to

at a young age, and like humans, most animals are very, very different.

While there are real animal behavioral experts out there, unless that is your career, you

are probably not suddenly a beastmaster of taming your new neighbors cat.

And quite honestly, just owning a pet doesn't even necessarily make you an expert at taking

care of that specific one creature that you own.

Taking care of animals is hard work, and doing it right takes a lot of practice, trial and


For more infomation >> 10 Ridiculous Abilities People Mistakenly Claim They Have - Duration: 11:25.


¿Está bien que Geraldine Bazán contara su verdad? | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> ¿Está bien que Geraldine Bazán contara su verdad? | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 8:43.


📺[Tuto] la peur de publier une vidéo sur #YouTube - Duration: 2:46.

Have you ever been afraid to publish a video ? If the answer is yes, this tutorial

could interest you.

Hello everyone, it's Lou's screenshot tuto. Whenever I

publishes a video I'm faced with five main fears. We will see

together how to fight them. The first fear and that of utility. AT

every time I tell myself that the subject has already been treated an incalculable number

of times that I also tell myself that this video is not original. To overtake

this fear, it must be said that each person has his

own way of telling the same history

and if the video is only useful to one only one person will be that already.

Then comes the fear of not being the height technically. However

today with a simple smartphone he is possible to make media of

quality. If the image is important the sound is in

capital revenge. Today on youtube a lot of videographers displays a

almost professional quality. Not to not be discouraged you must remain humble

and tell yourself that on the platform of many people still appreciate

the contents proposed by amateurs. Personally I am always in

professional activity so I have a reputation to heal.

Especially since my channel is recorded under my real name. My editorial line

therefore contains few controversial topics: Politics, religion, sexual identity, I

make sure to address very little of these topics on my channel

this being due to my job that asks me to wear a

certain neutrality vis-à-vis these topics. I guess at a certain stage

the videographer may be afraid to disappoint His public.

I tend to believe that to renewing that is part of the risks to

take. Finally whenever a video is edited

and we never really she will be received. the last fear

is the one to be trollé, mocked, mocked. Since the moment when

we expose ourselves it is possible to receive some

derogatory comments and if that is unpleasant and unflattering for

the ego tell yourself that we do not die. You

have the opportunity at any time to delete comments that you

displease. Mostly bad

remarks come from people who do not do not know you Under the mask of

their anonymity, she pours a hatred that is not you

besides not specially intended. Be careful not to confuse

the trolls with the critics actually constructive that will allow you

to improve your content. It is possible that I forgot some of your fears

so do not hesitate to tell me in comments what is holding you back

before publishing a video and if this video has you more, a like

share it, subscribe, if you are subscriber operate the bell to receive

new notifications. See you soon for a new tutorial.

For more infomation >> 📺[Tuto] la peur de publier une vidéo sur #YouTube - Duration: 2:46.


"Kate del Castillo vs El Gobierno Mexicano" | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> "Kate del Castillo vs El Gobierno Mexicano" | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:27.


1098657 - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> 1098657 - Duration: 4:19.


Three tips for international PPC in the education sector | Need-to-know - Duration: 2:35.

Most students nowadays are highly influenced by the information they find online

when they're deciding which university to study at.

For this reason, it's very important that online advertising forms a key part of your digital marketing strategy,

especially if you're trying to attract overseas students who might not be exposed to your offline efforts.

This video will highlight three important things you need to consider

when doing international PPC in the education sector.

Firstly, make sure you use appropriate calls-to-action in your ads.

"Learn more", "read more", "request information" and "get started" are all good calls-to-action in the education sector.

In contrast, "sign up" and "buy now" are unlikely to produce very good results.

Be aware that some calls-to-action are more successful in some markets than others.

For example, "request information" and "read more" work best in Chinese-speaking markets,

whereas "learn more" works best in Spanish-speaking markets.

To be sure that you always use the most appropriate call-to-action for the market,

make sure you conduct fresh research for each country you're targeting.

Secondly, make sure you're running your ads on the most appropriate search engine for that market.

Whilst Google is the main search engine in most markets, it's not true for all of them.

In Russia, it's Yandex; in China, it's Baidu; and in South Korea, it's Naver.

Be aware that advertising specifications like character limits and match types are different on the different search engines,

so make sure you research these beforehand to make sure you're doing it right.

And thirdly, make sure you research any local restrictions that might be in place.

For example, some countries have movement bans in place that restrict the flow of students.

There might also be special advertising rules that ban the use of certain words.

Make sure you check these beforehand to avoid wasted time and delays in getting your ads live.

Can you think of any other international PPC tips for the education sector?

Let us know in the comments below!

And remember, we have an in-depth guide about international PPC in the education sector on our Know-How platform.

Check it out using the link in the description.

For more infomation >> Three tips for international PPC in the education sector | Need-to-know - Duration: 2:35.


5 Bộ Phim Kinh Dị Cực Mặn Sẽ Khiến Các Cặp Đôi Khóc Thét - Duration: 10:20.

5 extremely salty horror movies and heavy movies about couples will make you feel like FA is the luckiest

Note, the movies in the song are not for couples with pink hearts.

A new year comes, and then Valentine's Day is over, you're still lonely, desperate to find the other half to vote for you? Don't be sad, everything has a price!

Enjoy being single, free, happy and pure when you can. Because it is hell to know what is waiting for you behind a love relationship.

The following titles depict the most horrifying dark things that can happen to a couple that you dream of are hard to imagine.

Be prepared to face the horrific obsessive movie scenes like sex addiction by demons, BDSM, pregnancy of demons ... even a girl there ... teething bite.

1. Rosemary's Baby

Scene of Satan raping Rosemary is considered one of the scariest scenes in cinema history.

Rosemary's Baby is a horror film by Polish director Roman Polanski based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Ira Levin.

Rosemary's Baby is always on the list of the best horror movies of all time. The film tells the story of a young couple in New York City, USA in the 70s.

The wife Rosemary (Mia Farrow plays) and her husband Guy Woodhouse (John Cassavetes) are enjoying their honeymoon. They moved into a luxury apartment to start a new life and Rosemary became pregnant.

Here, they meet strange neighbors. Rosemary was puzzled as the elderly couple, who were downstairs neighbors, were anxious, caring for her and her husband, something unusual.

Ever since meeting those strange neighbors, Guy's career has also risen to the wind, his opponents mysteriously die.

The coincidence caused Rosemary to fear that her husband had done something shady

Finally, when the fetus in the abdomen grew bigger, Rosemary also discovered that her husband had secretly sold her body to the devil, and the pregnancy in her belly was the blood of Satan.

2. Basket Case (Quái Vật Trong Giỏ)

Typical titles of low-budget horror movies

With production costs of only $ 35,000, Basket Case is just a "homegrown" product that director Frank Henenlotter did primarily because of his passion in 1982.

However, the abominable abusiveness to the point of its obsession has made the film a favorite.

After debuting, Basket Case is often chosen to be re-aired on TV in late-night feature films of many American television stations over the years.

Not only that, in the early 2000s, it was still reproduced in DVD format over the past 20 years and sold very well.

The Basket Case tells about a twins, the younger brother Duane Bradley and Belial Bradley are him, while Duane has a beautiful masculine body, Belial is a monster with an extremely disgusting shape like a block of beef fat land.

When they were born, their bodies had been stuck together but a doctor who had operated on them separated them. Belial was very unhappy about this. After growing up, the two brothers sought to kill the doctor.

Duane often carries Belial in a rattan basket for fruit. They rented a room to live in, they were still peaceful until Duane began to fall in love

With his eye-catching appearance, Duane can catch beautiful girls, he is dating a sexy girl named Sharon. Belial is very jealous and everything terrible begins.

3. Teeth

One of the first indie style "gore horror" movies

Launched in 2007, Teeth was not very successful in sales but became famous many years later when the indie trend became flourishing.

The film exploits an ancient concept called "Vagina Dentata", or "vaginal teething".

The story is about Dawn O'Keefe, who is a pious Christian. One day she went out with her friends at the church and was attracted by the handsome Tobey.

They go swimming together and enter a beachside cave to heat up. Here, Tobey attempts to rape Dawn

While fighting against him, Dawn accidentally activates the "defense mechanism" which is the sharp teeth inside the vagina, biting Tobey's penis.

After escaping, Dawn went to see a doctor to learn about her strange ability. This doctor also took advantage of the opportunity to rape her and continue to be the victim of a toothed vagina

So, after many sexual assaults, Dawn becomes more and more skilled in using her strange powers.

If she volunteered for sex, the teeth would not activate, otherwise, when someone intentionally attacked, they would rise up to protect their master.

Gradually, Dawn can "turn on / off" the defense arbitrarily, she can through sex to punish bad guys who want to harm women.

Teeth is appreciated for conveying the message of calling for women to defend themselves against violence and sexual assault and to give praise from critics at the 2007 Sundance film festival.

4. Gerald's Game

An obsessive opposition version and rich in the philosophy of 50 Thai Shades

Perhaps Gerald's Game is one of the most famous names in the film industry in 2017, the film was adapted from Stephen King's novel and directed by talented director Mike Flanagan.

only that much is attractive enough for viewers. Gerald's Game was released on Netflix in September 2017.

The film opens with the couple Jessie (Carla Gugino) and Gerald (Bruce Greenwood) leave the city to a remote countryside to "warm up emotions"

Both hope that when spending time together with perverted BDSM games will help the marriage that has been cold for the past 11 years become more new.

The unexpected thing happened when the couple argued bitterly when Jessie refused to cooperate after Gerald handcuffed her to the bed.

The two began to argue and Gerald suddenly died of a stroke due to the side effects of the Viagra positive medicine he had taken earlier.

Trapped on the bed, his hands were cuffed, Jessie was in a secluded country house the nearest neighbor was miles away.

Alone and exhausted, the old fears returned to haunt Jessie, recalling that she had been sexually abused by her own father in the past.

Jessie is enraptured by hunger and lack of water, while half-dreamed and half-awake she meets a horrifying hallucination of a demonic entity called "moonlight man" threatening to harm her.

Gerald's body also stood up to question Jessie, who knew it was an illusion but could not resist. In the end, only the survival instincts and the strong will will help Jessie escape the danger.

For those who admire Stephen King's novel, the Gerald's Game adaptation is a must-see because it is so realistic that the author of the series is amazed and gives praise.

5. Antichrist

Many viewers panicked and fainted in the theater when watching the Antichrist at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.

Be prepared before watching, be aware that you have been warned!

Lars von Trier's antichrist is considered the most horrifying, haunting and disgusting in this list

The film was conceived from the negative thoughts and madness that Lars von Trier himself faced during the treatment of depression.

Released at the Cannes film festival in 2009, more than half of the experts and critics left midway through the movie, the rest felt severely assaulted, they did not regret swearing at von Trier. later

Antichrist always tops the list of the most controversial movies of all time.

The movie begins with the context that the couple experienced unspeakable pain when their young son Nic fell to death while climbing the bedroom window sill.

they came to a wooden house in the deep forest in hopes of finding peace between nature. This is where the couple usually camped when Nic was still alive, they called it "Eden" - the Garden of Eden.

The wife (Charlotte Gainsbourg), who was severely depressed after her death, had treated for a while at the psychiatric hospital but was not really effective.

The husband (Willem Dafoe) as a therapist is forced to use psychotherapy to help his wife recover, but he does not know the dangers waiting for him in this remote place.

The film, which is more than 2 hours long and full of sexual violence, depicts the heroism of the heroine more seriously over time.

Proportional to that is the demonic phenomenon encountered by the husband, a deer running through the fetus dangling from the tail, a talking fox is tearing herself ...

Antichrist has an opening composition, three main films (grief - pain and despair) and an end to the increase in negative emotions and image disgust. by part

The husband (and the audience) began to vaguely see that Satan's hand is lurking in the darkness to manipulate everything.

The film has artistic slow motion scenes, beautiful angles, charming actress Charlotte Gainsbourg and Willem Dafoe in their best time, they are beautiful.

But what is going on is extremely devilish and cruel to exceed the tolerance that makes viewers feel chaotic mind.

The "chaotic reign" theme in the Antichrist is also what Lars von Trier's director wants to convey to reflect the most negative things that always exist in life.

subscribe for me, thank you

For more infomation >> 5 Bộ Phim Kinh Dị Cực Mặn Sẽ Khiến Các Cặp Đôi Khóc Thét - Duration: 10:20.


This AI Learned Image Decolorization..and More - Duration: 4:38.

Dear Fellow Scholars, this is Two Minute Papers with Károly Zsolnai-Fehér.

Whenever we build a website, a video game, or do any sort of photography and image manipulation,

we often encounter the problems of image downscaling, decolorization, and HDR tone mapping.

This work offers us one technique that can do all three of these really well.

But first, before we proceed, why are we talking about downscaling?

We are in the age of AI, where a computer program can beat the best players in Chess

and Go, so why talk about such a trivial challenge?

Well, have a look here.

Imagine that we have this high-fidelity input image and due to file size constraints, we

have to produce a smaller version of it.

If we do it naively, this is what it looks like.

Not great, right?

To do a better job at this, our goal would be that the size of the image would be reduced,

but while still retaining the intricate details of this image.

Here are two classical downsampling techniques…better, but the texture of the skin is almost completely


Have a look at this!

This is what this learning-based technique came up with.

Really good, right?

It can also perform decolorization.

Again, a problem that sounds trivial for the unassuming Scholar, but when taking a closer

look, we notice that there are many different ways of doing this, and somehow we seek a

decolorized image that still relates to the original as faithfully as possible.

Here you see the previous methods that are not bad at all, but this new technique is

great at retaining the contrast between the flower and its green leaves.

At this point it is clear that deciding which output is the best is highly subjective.

We'll get back to that in a moment.

It is also capable of doing HDR tone mapping.

This is something that we do when we capture an image with a device that supports a wide

dynamic range, in other words, a wide range of colors, and we wish to display it on our

monitor, which has a more limited dynamic range.

And again, clearly there are many ways to do that.

Welcome to the wondrous world of tone mapping!

Note that there are hundreds upon hundreds of algorithms to perform these operations

in computer graphics research.

And also note that these are very complex algorithms that took decades for smart researchers

to come up with.

So the seasoned Fellow Scholar shall immediately ask - why talk about this work at all?

What's so interesting about it?

The goal here is to create a little more general, learning-based method that can do a great

job at not one, but all three of these problems.

But how great exactly?

And how do we decide how good these images are?

To answer both of these questions at the same time, if you've been watching this series

for a while, then you are indeed right, the authors created a user study, which shows

that for all three of these tasks, according to the users, the new method smokes the competition.

It is not only more general, but also better than most of the published techniques.

For instance, Reinhard's amazing tone mapper has been an industry standard for decades

now, and look, almost 75% of the people prefer this new method over that.

What required super smart researchers before can now be done with a learning algorithm.


What a time to be alive.

A key idea for this algorithm is that this convolutional neural network you see on the

left is able to produce all three of these operations at the same time, and to perform

that, it is instructed by another neural network to do this in a way that preserves the visual

integrity of the input images.

Make sure to have a look at the paper for more details on how this perceptual loss function

is defined.

And, if you wish to help us tell these amazing stories to even more people, please consider

supporting us on Patreon.

Your unwavering support on Patreon is the reason why this show can exist, and, you can

also pick up cool perks there, like watching these videos in early access, deciding the

order of the next few episodes, or even getting your name showcased in the video description

as a key supporter.

You can find us at, or, as always, just click the link in the

video description.

Thanks for watching and for your generous support, and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> This AI Learned Image Decolorization..and More - Duration: 4:38.


Meghan Markle's Famous Friends Join Her For Night Out In NYC | TODAY - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle's Famous Friends Join Her For Night Out In NYC | TODAY - Duration: 2:45.


¡Saca de tu vida "eso" que no te hace feliz! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> ¡Saca de tu vida "eso" que no te hace feliz! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:57.


¿Qué hacer si tu hijo es un 'niño superdotado'? | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué hacer si tu hijo es un 'niño superdotado'? | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 6:26.


Los hijos de Hernán Hernández también quieren ser famosos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Los hijos de Hernán Hernández también quieren ser famosos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:45.


Подготовка к яркой коллекции кожаных юбок из различных оттенков кожи. Элегантный фасон юбка-карандаш - Duration: 21:37.

For more infomation >> Подготовка к яркой коллекции кожаных юбок из различных оттенков кожи. Элегантный фасон юбка-карандаш - Duration: 21:37.


Prince Royce será el mentor del #TeamWisin en 'La Voz' | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Prince Royce será el mentor del #TeamWisin en 'La Voz' | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:53.


FOOi Makes Fundraising Easy - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> FOOi Makes Fundraising Easy - Duration: 1:27.


কলকাতার নারী মনে ঝড় তোলা শাকিব খানের টেক্কা শীর্ষ তারকাদের সাথে! shakib khan desirable | otv bangla - Duration: 2:47.

Shakib Khan Bhaijaan Elo Re Movie

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Jishu Sengupta, Dev, Jeet & Shakib Khan.

For more infomation >> কলকাতার নারী মনে ঝড় তোলা শাকিব খানের টেক্কা শীর্ষ তারকাদের সাথে! shakib khan desirable | otv bangla - Duration: 2:47.


Lena Headey habla sobre el final de "Game of Throne" | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Lena Headey habla sobre el final de "Game of Throne" | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 4:06.


Meghan Markle realizó una inesperada visita a Nueva York | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:45.

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle realizó una inesperada visita a Nueva York | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:45.


भारत ने इन पाकिस्तानी सितारों पर लगाया बैन, अब नही कर सकेंगे कभी बॉलीवुड में काम - Duration: 2:34.

भारत ने इन पाकिस्तानी सितारों पर लगाया बैन, अब नही कर सकेंगे कभी बॉलीवुड में काम

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