Rocky IV (1985) Cast: Then and Now ★ 2018
OVNI en forma de Búmeran es impactado por un enorme rayo - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
Hey, Democrats – Don't Try To Play Nice With Republicans! - Duration: 4:38.Ever since the Democrats won the house back in the midterms, you know, new class coming
in in January, there was a lot of arguments on the left that kind of died down a bit,
but whether or not Nancy Pelosi should be the new speaker as she was previously the
speaker of the Democratic majority, she wants to be.
Again, she does seem to have the best credentials to do this, but anyway, there was a lot of
argument about whether or not she would be progressive enough and I understand that argument
and I have my own doubts about her as well in that front.
But here's the thing, and this is what Pelosi needs to remember because it's fairly obvious
at this point.
She's going to be the next speaker.
You can't compromise with the Republicans.
Not even once, not even a little bit.
There are no compromises to be made with these despicable, deplorable human beings who have
spent the last few years sucking up as yes men to Donald Trump and who spent the previous
eight years obstructing every single thing the Democrats needed to do.
And I think that's the biggest problem people have with Pelosi is they're afraid she's going
to compromise.
I have that same fear and that's why I'm trying to say this is as rational and clearly as
Democrats cannot compromise.
There is no compromise to be had with these people.
When you look at what happened in the midterms, the wave of progressives that are coming into
the House of Representatives, the policies that they ran on the.
We're not taking corporate money platform that they ran on.
That's what the public wants.
The public wants universal healthcare.
They want debt free college.
They want infrastructure spending.
Those are not areas in which Republicans are willing to negotiate or compromise and the
public doesn't want to see that either the best move the Democrats could do right now
other than kicking Schumer out of leadership.
Because that dude is a compromised machine.
He will give away the farm just to go and have a three day weekend, which we saw several
times in recent months when he agreed to green light a bunch of trump judicial appointees
because he wanted Democrats to go home and campaign.
It was a long weekend.
They wanted to get out of there.
Go on.
Yeah, you have your judges destroy the judicial system.
I want to get home and have some dinner.
That's what Schumer did.
So Schumer is a lost cause.
He is a horrible corporate Democrat that needs to be removed, uh, from a leadership position
immediately Pelosi could fight Pelosi, might be the leader the Democrats need.
But that's only if we continue to push only if we continue to say do not compromise.
We have already seen, and this is before they are even sworn in as representatives Pelosi
start to bend in the progressive way.
And that's what needs to happen.
The only compromise Pelosi or any leadership a leader should be making in the Democratic
Party is to move further left.
That's what the public voted for them to do.
That's what the public wants to see.
And if it means having Republicans voted against this legislation, then so be it.
Use that as your platform for the next election.
Tell the voters they could have had debt free college.
They could have had medicare for all the Republicans voted against it.
And rather than compromise and give you a crappy piece of legislation that they're going
to pick apart, we wanted to give you the full thing because you deserve nothing less.
And if Republicans aren't willing to do it, then please put somebody in office that's
going to help us do it.
But that person, I guarantee you is not going to have an (R) next to their name.
That's the message the Democrats need to be sending.
Get back to being the party of the people.
Get back to being the party of FDR, pushed for this green, new deal.
But under no circumstances are you to compromise with these horrible republicans who wanted
nothing more than to see Obama fail.
And now they're elevating Donald Trump and pushing the worst, most right wing anti-consumer,
anti-American citizen legislation that we have seen in a long time.
There's no compromise to be had with those people.
And if Pelosi can stand her ground and only bend when it comes to the progressive wing
of the Democratic Party, we may just have a shot at some really good government.
But if she goes soft, if she starts compromising with Republicans, they can go ahead and kiss
2020 goodbye.
Thanksgiving GRWM Chit Chat /// TILLY BEE - Duration: 7:47.Thanksgiving GRWM Chit Chat /// TILLY BEE - Hey Guys! I filmed myself getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner. I also share a few snippets of my life relevant to the moment - things I'm going through, thinking about - - AND questions I have for you guys! Please comment with your answers, I'd love to hear what you have to say!!
hi hi guys what is that I need was this okay let's get this party going so it is
currently 1236 Thursday November 22nd which aka
is Thanksgiving so oh so today's video is going to be a blow-up video it's not
even a global video it's literally a transformation video you know I'm
getting ready for Thanksgiving with all my family a lot of family of nine people
my family including me I my mom my aunt my uncle my Nana my Papa and my three
cousins nine people what eight people plus me um yeah so I need to get ready
I've been contemplating getting ready for a very very long time now for about
like an hour and I finally decided I'm gonna do it I'm gonna you know talk to
you guys you know tell you about my life lately um cuz I feel like I haven't been
able to talk to you guys for a very long time so let's get crackin so fun fact
about me today I have been in a super crappy mood I couldn't tell you why
either which is sucks because I don't know why things are happening in my life
lately a lot of like difficult things that I've been trying to not really
think about because they're very frustrating things that I can't you know
do anything about so I'm trying to just like let them go and let them be but you
know that's hard especially for me that's hard for me I am the type of
person who likes to kind of have control of the situation and I'm try really hard
not to but I just I do which is not something but not a good quality I don't
know what my beauty blenders just real quick so excuse me anyway so yeah like I
was saying and I'm just kind of I'm like not like like depressed or anything I'm
not saying that I'm just saying like it hasn't been the most easiest time of the
year for me don't nothing like I'm super sad or whatever like I'm fine
so like I'm saying I just wasn't and I didn't move this morning and
I'm trying to like turn that around all all morning and really think about the
positive and think about how lucky I am to be here with all my family in this
beautiful house and really just try to focus on that and it's been really hard
I don't really know why about I'm trying to really take today and like think
about everything I'm really grateful for which is so much like I'm so lucky and
I'm so grateful for everything I have which everybody should be doing right
now and I know when this is up Thanksgiving will be over but I really
hope that you spent your Thanksgiving being with your loved ones and telling
them that you love them because you should always tell the people you love
that you love them and not waste any time
who else is ready for herself I'm ready for Christmas so hi
how have you guys been you know that's what I want to know that's what I need
to know school it's I don't want to talk about actually school has been a lot
more difficult than I was expecting actually usually it was school it's
weird it has always been like don't like school because of drama but this year I
don't like I like going to school but like I rather be home sleeping and I
don't know I just feel like there's other things I would love to be doing
with my time instead of working on homework that makes sense but I still
appreciate it so I'm thankful that I have a amazing education that I am able
to go through and have this home that should just be like complaining with
Tilly you know um so in my past q and A's people have asked me what my
celebrity crushes I just didn't like I use how you guys I've been asked what my
celebrity crushes and I have never had one until now
um I have I have celebrity crush um his name's Cole Sprouse he's pretty
dang cute update my new favorite shows a river down and I finished it and I can't
with the new episode promos they are intense as can be in a it's raining so
hard outside so that's what that sound is do we love this right thing yeah so
I've been watching a video that's best bicycles proccess my celebrity crush but
um it is so good like when it first came out it looked not good at all to me and
they're like raving about it and like what what um so I never watched it so I
just watched it until like I just hopped on the trend I'm telling you so newbie
as they say no one says that anymore do they not that I know of a bathroom I
need to claim I was talking about Riverdale
so usually I hate like murder mysteries and stuff like that but oh my freaking
gosh it is so good it is one of my new favorite shows
guarantee you know how like on Netflix I was like this staple shows like Parks
and Rec and friends and the office that will forever be your favorite shows and
then you have like little shows that we're like oh my gosh is my favorite
show right now like Gossip Girl or 90210 or what's the Sabrina one I haven't
watched that Sabrina the which one there's that and then there's like what
else is there they're just like random shows that like popular but you don't
watch like um Pretty Little Liars like they're not like staple favorite shows
you know but um for me Riverdale is now one of my favorite staple shows so a lot
of you guys been asking me to do another in a smart video do you want me to I
will did you like that I have so many questions Wow oh what'd you think about
that I don't know how I feel about it but apparently you guys really like this
so maybe I should do another one no you're talking very loud I think it's
funny because I started off this video kind of kind of deep honestly kind of
kind of kind of scary and I'm sorry lately I haven't been contouring my nose
and it's Lauren just putting bronzer on it cuz I think it looks thank you maybe
I'm starting a new trend I am NOT ready to eat all that food for Thanksgiving I
just realized that like I'm not hungry at all but yeah I think I'm eating in
like two hours so hopefully my grade by then do you guys like Thanksgiving food
cuz honestly I don't really like Thanksgiving food I don't care if you
like my hate on me I honestly don't really like Thanksgiving food it's weird
okay I'm gonna actually put on eye shadow for once in my life okay I'll
just put on like my is wet
I don't know my hairbrushes so who are they talking to on the phone
my hair's gonna not gonna look cute today definitely talking to someone on
the phone I don't know anyone I'm being left out I feel very left out
hey guys so I'm filming on my blog camera right now because my big camera
died and it is actually hours later and we're getting ready to eat I had sort of
a mental breakdown earlier today so that's why my makeup is kind of
different I didn't feel like doing it much more so yeah I put my hair down and
just enhance the waves yeah so I'll show you my outfit now this is my outfit you
guys this this is the only big mirror in the house so this shirts for five to one
belt is from Amazon and my pants are from brandy melville and then my shoes
are just black beanie so that is kind of it for today's video I hope you guys
enjoyed and yeah if you guys want to see this whole entire trip make sure you
stay tuned to my vlogmas which is weird weird that I'm coming out this week one
because I'm gonna be doing weeks instead of days I just feel like that's more
interesting for my life because it's pretty boring but um yeah so that's kind
of it I love you guys so so much and do not forget next up as neophyte
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Prince Harry reveals the real reason Charles walks Meghan Markle down the aisle - Duration: 11:48.Prince Harry revealed real reason Charles walked Megan Markel down the aisle before Megan Markel and Prince Harry tied the knot on May 19th
2018 there was much speculation over who would walk the royal bride down the aisle
With all the drama between the duchess of sussex and her father thomas Markel including him bailing on the wedding altogether
She was in need of someone else to take his place
Luckily Prince Charles didn't hesitate to step up and take on the job himself the moment between Markel and Charles proved
Just how sweet their relationship is, but we never knew exactly why he was the one to walk her down the aisle
But now Harry revealed the real reason his father had the honor of accompanying his bride
Charles would do whatever Megan needs in a new BBC documentary Prince son and heir Charles at 70
Harry reflected on a conversation he had with his father
I asked him to and I think he knew it was coming and he immediately said yes, of course
I'll do whatever Megan needs and I'm here to support you. He said Harry also noted for him
That's a fantastic opportunity to step up and be that support and you know, he's our father
Of course, he's going to be there for us. Camilla parker-bowles called it a lovely gesture during the wedding
Harry could be seen whispering a subtle thank-you to Charles for walking Markel down the aisle
It's safe to say Camilla parker-bowles was impressed by her husband's kind gesture and Harry's gratitude
I think that was very touching
She revealed in the documentary sitting where I was you couldn't hear what he said but afterwards watching it on the television
I think it was a very it was a lovely gesture
Charles even held hands with Markel's mother Doria Ragland during the ceremony and it didn't go unappreciated by Parker Bowles
Seeing my husband actually take the bride's mother by the hand to sign the registry. It's something that moved everybody
She said it's the things he does behind the scenes that people don't know about
I don't think people realise quite how kind he is. Harry voiced how grateful he is for his father
The media may not always been in Charl his favor, but there's no denying
He's been a good father to Prince William and Harry over the years Harry pointed out in the documentary. I've been brought up
Well, you've gotta say thank you. He added just because he's my father
That doesn't mean I can just sort of go. Okay. That's all I'll take it from here
I was very grateful for him to be able to do that
Markel partially walked herself down the aisle while Charles had the honor of walking Markel down the aisle
We can't forget that the royal bride broke boundaries by walking herself halfway down in a stunning sight to see
Markel made her way down the checkered floor in her 16 1/2 foot long silk tall veil and givenchy wedding gown all by herself
This was the first time many bride had made such a bold move in a British royal wedding after making her grand entrance
She met Charles at the choir where the royal family was seated from there Charles
Led Markel the rest of the way to meet her groom. Thank you for watching the video
What do you think about this?
please leave your thoughts in the comment section below and
Do not forget like and share the video with everyone if you feel this video is useful
Prince Charles Camilla and Megan the new Dutchess of Sussex laughs together at the Prince of Wales's birthday party
For the first time at this afternoon's garden party Megan will be addressed in a Royal Highness hrh in public
Prince Charles and Camilla Duchess of Cornwall are joined by Harry Duke of Sussex and Megan Duchess of Sussex
Megan's nerves at her first public outing were quickly offset by a
Light-hearted moment when a bumble bee flew and the Prince Harry's ear during his speech sending her into a fit of few pills
William I draw inspiration from everyday
The Duchess of Sussex was given a warm welcome into the family with Prince Harry
Explicitly referring to the garden party as a family celebration during his speech
Megan enjoyed only a brief private getaway with Harry following their wedding at Windsor Castle on Saturday
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex smiles for the cameras along with Charles and Camilla at the birthday celebration today
People will be expected to curtsy to the new duchess of sussex and color ma'am at the garden party
The Duchess asked her father-in-law to accompany a part of the aisle for the st. George's Chapel service
The garden party sees more than 6,000 people descend on the grounds of Buckingham Palace for music and speeches
Prince Harry speaks to those gathered for Charles is 70th birthday celebrations while Camilla and Megan listen
The garden party saw more than six thousand people all from the charities and military associations
most closely linked with the prince descent on the grounds of Buckingham Palace
Asked whether Megan would be insisting on royal protocol being enforced Kensington Palace declined to comment
Prince Harry speaks as Charles and mekin listen at the garden party at Buckingham Palace this afternoon
To get involved in issues we care passionately about and to do whatever we can to make a difference
in fact many of the issues
Megan the Dutchess of Sussex walks with her husband Prince Harry as they attend the garden party this afternoon
Prince Harry has offered an increasingly public insight into his relationship with his father this year
The newlyweds look delighted to be in attendance of the garden party despite sacrificing having a full honeymoon to make it
Garden parties now allow the Queen and other members of the royal family to recognize and reward public service
Once inside the garden party around
27,000 cups of tea are served
20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 slices of cakes are eaten
Prince Harry Duke of Sussex Prince Charles Prince of Wales
Camilla Duchess of Cornwall and Megan Duchess of Sussex
Megan looked elegant in a dress by gold and hat by Philip Treacy for the blocking and palace garden party
Megan's outfit today comes after she stuns royal fans with her wedding dress by British designer Clair white Keller
The former suit star swapped the handbag
She usually sports for a pale pink clutch bag and in her most surprising departure from her typical style
done two parrots low-noise sheer tights
Charles will actually turn 70 on November 14th with this the first public celebration of the milestone
The Duchess of Cornwall shares a joke with the new duchess of sussex at the Buckingham Palace garden party today
The Duchess of Sussex holds her hat at a garden party at Buckingham Palace in London this afternoon
Megan is said to have met Charles frequently in private and found they had a great deal of common ground
Megan and Charles are said to have found they have much common ground in terms of their charitable interests
Guests enjoyed music speeches and of course a customary cup of tea and cucumber sandwich
Harry and his new bride Megan worked closely with Prince Charles on the choice of music for their big day
Megan proudly shows off her rings. She holds her clutch purse at the Prince of Wales's 70th birthday celebrations
There is clearly a growing bond between 36 year old former actress Megan and her new family
Prince Charles poke with pretend the Sherpa of the Sherpa Heritage Museum project during the garden party
Megan smiles as she attends the garden party at Buckingham Palace today in her new role as Duchess of Sussex
Harry and Megan's wedding ceremony on Saturday and Windsor was hailed as reflecting the diversity of the UK
today's teas 70th birthday patronage celebration will see the royal family joined by members of the public the
Duchess of sussex is at the event celebrating charles charitable work and association with military regiments and units
Garden parties have been a fixture of Buckingham Palace since Queen Victoria's time
Prince Harry and Megan Markel returned to duty this afternoon delaying their honeymoon to honor Prince Charles
Megan Markel leaps Kensington Palace in London to head to a garden party at Buckingham Palace today
Prince Charles waved to well-wishers as he arrives for a garden party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate a 70th birthday
Megan is at the event celebrating Charles's charitable work and association with military regiments and units
The Duchess of Sussex smiles as arrives for a golden party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate the 70th birthday of Charles
The Duchess of Sussex is seen leaving Kensington Palace to attend the Prince of Wales is 70th birthday celebrations today
It is likely be a strange experience for the new Duchess. Not just because she will never have seen anything like it
How do Single Family of Veterans Survive with income Inequality & $00 for Social Security Records? - Duration: 10:42.okay I have a question here how do people who are senior citizens or women
by themselves actually afford to live in the Savannah Georgia area if their
Social Security retirement at the age of 65 you know say that they're divorced or
something and they don't or they've never you know or somehow that they
haven't paid in a whole lot their whole life to Social Security or they've been
relying on someone else they were in a relationship and they got out they have
a Social Security slash Medicare record like mine where it says zero for many
many years when you were a support role to someone so how does this person
survive here when over half of their Social Security earnings at the age of
60 65 which mine is one thousand and seven dollars a month how would you pay
for your rent say if you couldn't afford to buy a house where you don't own a
house and then factor in global warming which I actually agree with because I
believe that water currents shift over time that the earth tilts I also believe
that building houses in the swamp has also been a major factor you know
bringing in landfill is contributing which which we already know that garbage
creates methane gas and so when you dump landfill into swamp swamp itself the
swamp becomes decomposition of forests and you know water areas creates gas too
so how would a person afford to live here by themselves that's what I'm
asking and so they've been marketing these places to retired older folks see
there's a place right there that looks kind of dilapidated and crappy a house
and I wouldn't even be able to afford to live in it in a house and and the truth
is nobody wants to live in an apartment I know I don't I don't know old person
wants to live in an apartment it's horrible
I've lived in apartments before it's horrible no person should have to live
in an apartment and then you don't have health care currently we don't have any
health care it's not affordable my husband is using his retirement money
taking it out of his pocket to pay for doctor's visits and medication at this
time in the state of Georgia and and so yeah so so those are just things you
know either a male or female you know and so you know various you know why why
should people who are in their 60s have to live with someone else why should
they that's what I'm asking and so you can see right here the places are
inflated this is the old dilapidated part of Savannah - this is the old
dilapidated part of Savannah with crappy houses and areas that flood all the time
and but but yet at the same time I'm thinking we have for example the United
States military which they're there money goes you know if they're renting
it goes to pay for a landlord's house but if the military wants to have a
house they have to become a landlord in order to pay for it which is kind of
fucked up I think and then they then they say that they have low interest
loans which the which low interest just simply means that they pay a lower
interest rate than other people but they still have to take out a loan and the
most amount of money is paid at the top of the loan anyway the interest and so
you know and it can be become burdensome so for example if there's a place like
Savannah or any military installation that let's say the military installation
pulls out of town and move somewhere else there goes the rental business
there goes the rental business so what happens to that soldier being able to
rent his house to other soldiers which is what they've been pitching now not
only that we also have the traveling nurse
the medical personnel the corporate networks of people who rent and then the
corporation's get huge tax breaks you know that might be government
contracting companies who relocate people you know like my husband was
brought down here on a corporate move and that's similar to the military in a
sort of way but the military is the government so the military everything is
socialized and paid for now I realize some people you know like have different
circumstances in the military but and then you also have the college kids of
college kids and teachers you know transients so so this area is like a big
transient community of people who come down here and you know and and then the
prices are based off of the military which is the military you know the the
majority of people in the military which would be an e5 you know that that base
pay which they're going to get different rates like 1200 to 1500 and I'm thinking
why is it that they give them different amounts to live in like what shouldn't a
person be able to live in a nicer place without cockroaches and rats and mice
and you know a shitty house that's got mold in it like what why why is there
anti diversity in military housing to the type you know like where where
officers would be treated better you know just because they've gone to
college I mean I actually went to college for free myself off the Pell
Grant but I'm qualified to be an officer which is public affairs you know right
now I'm qualified but yet I can't get into the military unless I get a waiver
because I'm too old too old they have a job apparently that's you know so I mean
that's you know anyway but I just wanted to share that with you guys that none of
this makes any sense which it's anti diversity towards older
people all over the place and so so we've got all this tax payer money
that's being funneled out you know it's like it you know for the corporations
when it's tax breaks and that's the same thing when I look at my Social Security
Statement and all those years are zero yet I've
been a contributing factor to the military you know it is a support you
know support and but yet zero I have zeros all on my Social Security
Statement zeros for Medicare and so every time that I have you know no money
coming in whatsoever even though I cared for my kids all those years but yet this
is the dilemma that I ran into when I went to look for a job I actually ended
up it would cost more to pay for daycare then then the job actually paid and
that's how it always was you ended up paying more for daycare than what the
job itself actually paid so you'd have to be in a really really really high
paying job in order for it to bet benefit anybody who is low income and
even then tax breaks don't help tax breaks wouldn't help me as a military
stay-at-home parent and I'm saying parent because I know that the men are
feeling slighted too so the stay-at-home parent could be a male or a female and
I've seen plenty of stay-at-home dads who were in the military a lot of them
not just a few a lot of them over the decades and so even around here you see
some stay-at-home dads too so it's common for dads to stay at home and take
care of their children nowadays and so it's not helping them either because
then they're at home and they're getting a zero so there are spouses out working
and they're getting a zero you know and and so like how how does that help women
you know so if you're you know and then separate single people so merit you you
have to be married so marriages are incentivized yet single people who are
not capable of actually being able to pay for anything so currently marriage
is incentivized and individual single people so so it's kind of like the jobs
you're saying well we you know we we work so we're accepting women now even
though we know that there's not enough jobs so the ball is in our court and so
we're gonna fuck all of you over and not pay you living wages or pay you
anything you know anything at all but yet we're taking your taxpayer money
we're adding on all these fees we're inflating the price of everything
and recently someone on the boob tube recently said they said that America has
been inflated for the past hundred years in hindsight I'm kind of actually
believe that that you know everything is inflated because it's like you know when
you think of the military has cost the cost of living allowance was just called
Cola corporations have corporate growth and so so if they factor in corporate
growth corporate growth which the only way that they could get corporate growth
as if people have more babies that would be the only way other ways if people
have less children then that means there's less money coming into the
coffers so if that's the case then then corporate growth is a sham it's a scam
and it's not sustainable and so if wages are stagnated flat and corporate growth
keeps going up high the money has to be coming from somewhere so anyway that's
my opinion so that that corporate growth is a is a scam and they're just
purposely raising the prices for their own pockets and so yeah you know cost of
living doesn't have to happen it doesn't it does you know I mean things can be
evened out and more fairly across the board for everyone
whereas right now there's only certain people who are getting benefits right
now and everybody else is being left out that's just how I see it that's my
opinion so anyway that's it
Bolt Craziness Parody Reaction - Duration: 5:19.Drop like on this video if you guys enjoyed comment down below your thoughts in your opinions about the video, make sure to subscribe
With host indications on so you stay down fight on every single video also follow my social media
So they tuned for updates for incoming videos. Thank you
Hello everyone doing here and welcome back to another reaction video, so we'll be reacting to a bulk craziness priority
After I upload two videos today
there won't be no videos tomorrow, but there will be
videos on
Tuesday, so, please make sure that that I may put in the pin comment
Down in the comments below the pin comment if I remember so
this is really short and plus I don't care if it's really short because like
After I make two videos then I have to go with my dad
I'm gonna go see the new movie wreck-it Ralph bricks the Internet
So yeah, that that will seem pretty cool. So with that one either ado
Check out their original video first before you come back and see my reaction
So let's get the started in three two one
My god, he's wild with that man. Oh
My god
How is that possible oh my god ball craziness
Our family guy, I love family guy
Oh my god, oh
My god, oh
Oh my god
Thank you for watching whoa, this was way too crazy
So I hope the guys
Please make sure to drop like on this video come down below if you guys enjoyed it or not
Subscribe to the channel as we're on a road
to 7 punch of subscribers
So make sure you guys turn on that post on vacation Bell. So you guys will stay notified on every single video
Yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you guys
In the next video. Goodbye, everyone
AXEER | Bein El Naseib - Soot Fel Zahma - Duration: 3:55.-------------------------------------------
Asus will rollout Android 9 Pie update for the ZenFone 5Z in January 2019 - Duration: 2:03.asus has just announced that the Android 9 pie update for the zenfone 5Z
is scheduled for end of January 2019 this new update will arrive through the
OTA system and will bring in several new features that have been introduced by
Google in Android Pie including a context will pop up volume bar and the new
magnifier feature for easier copy/paste when the update rollout begins users
will just have to tap on the update notification to commence the download
and then tap on install to begin the installation the device will reboot
twice during the installation of the update so accordingly do not turn off
the device until the home screen appears the update may take up to a week to
appear on devices from its rollout a sus is delay on the android 9 pie update for
its flagships sets a bad precedent for the flagships
successor customers looking to purchase an affordable flagship do focus on
software upgrades as a key feature in the competition namely Jamie and oneplus
have been giving significant attention to their current flagships on this end
while the assassin phone 5z does make for a compelling alternative a sus also
needs to step up its upgrade game if it wishes to capture significant market
share in regions like India
Big Riddles ... The Legend of Zelda / Nintendo - Duration: 8:31.-------------------------------------------
Wreck Challenge 2 (by SM Games & Apps) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 9:23.Wreck Challenge 2 (by SM Games & Apps) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ
Vô tình cover Đôi khi tôi vô tình nhìn thấy anh - Duration: 4:12.-------------------------------------------
The Dazzle Cam Clip 1 - Duration: 0:20.Grandma Nana is going to be so surprised when she sees the banana bread the only
thing we love more than making it is eating it
I've never made it without her helpful for them I hope I can do it well there's
not much time left but I'm going to try again but this time I got my friends
helping me
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