Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily Nov 27 2018

Today we're making fresh lemon curd

It is super delicious guys

super easy to make you won't believe how quick and easy this comes together and the flavor is

Way better than what you can buy in the store in a jar. It's fresh. It's got the nice balance between

Sweet and tart and you can use it on a whole bunch of things one in particular is my lemon

Tiramisu recipe so it'll take it to the next level. I'm rockin Robin and I'm gonna show you how to do it right after this.

So our ingredients for this recipe is as follows, we'll need some organic lemons nice and fresh. Use organic

That way we'll have less pesticides because we're going to be using the zest as well as the juice. We need a little butter

I like to use the best butter I can find which is pasture-raised and we'll need some sugar and some eggs

Okay, so we're going to start off here by juicing and zesting our lemons

It's easier if you go ahead and zest them first

So I'm going to zest all three lemons that I have here into a bowl

Don't go too deep into the the skin

You don't want to get down to the white part too much because it's bitter

So just you know a swipe or two with your zester and you're good to go and just rotate it around.

If you want your curd to be really smooth you're gonna want to leave the zest out

although I recommend putting it in because you get so much good flavor from the

Oils and the skin that it just seems to be worth it to me

So I'll leave that up to you. Now that the lemons are zested. I'm just gonna go ahead and juice them

So I'm using just this little tool here

it's like a little individual juicer works great when you just have a few lemons to do you can just

Put it right in there and squeeze and I've got this going

Over a little sifter here to catch any seeds

So it doesn't get into my juice

And we'll just go ahead and juice these up.

So we want about a half a cup of juice so we'll measure it out till we get that. Almost there.

So now when take my saucepan and add the eggs to the pan

And we're gonna add the sugar. Take a whisk and blend it two together.

And we're gonna add the zest

The butter and the lemon juice and we're gonna head on over to the stove.

And I'm gonna put our stove on medium low heat.

We're gonna cook this over medium-low heat for about eight about eight minutes, you know

Give or take a minute or two now

Some people say not to use or not to cook in a metal pan because the metal tastes transfers to your curd

Well, I haven't had that problem. I use a really nice stainless steel pan here, and I've never had that issue

However, I am using a wooden spoon so I would suggest using that.

You're also gonna want to stir this pretty much continuously the whole time so that it doesn't burn.

so after about seven or eight minutes

You're going to notice that your sauce is thickened up quite a bit

And when you take your spoon out of it, you'll notice that it doesn't run when you wipe your finger across the sauce.

So that's it guys it only took about eight minutes to make this. That was it

That's how long I cooked it and I did notice

I have a few little lumps in my curd from the egg that kind of cooked a little bit

So there's an easy fix for you

Piece of cake here. We'll just put a little strainer in our dish and

I'm just gonna pour it right through there willing to do it when it's still you know warm

Just makes it easier because it does thicken up as it cools.

And that will strain out any little lumps that you might have and then we'll just push it through and it comes through nice and

easy all

Right, so let me give this a taste

Love that sweet tart combination the lemon is so fresh. This is really delicious guys. Perfect

You can use it on toast

You can use it on pound cake or any other recipe dessert recipe that you you know want to use a little lemon

flavoring in there

And you can certainly use it on my lemon tiramisu recipe that I just made so check that out. It's also very customizable

So if it's a little too tart for you, go ahead and add a little more sugar

I like my stuff a little on the tart side with less sugar

But this is definitely adjustable. So make it to your liking. I hope you enjoyed the video

If you did, you know, leave me a comment

Let me know if you're gonna try it or if you have tried it and what you think about it

I'd like to know that so and also if you want to subscribe to my channel

Go ahead and click that subscribe button and the bell next to it

That way you'll be notified when new videos come out and we'll see you next time. Take care

For more infomation >> How To Make Lemon Curd | Rockin Robin Cooks - Duration: 5:33.


Die SPD am Abgrund | Zur Sache! Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Die SPD am Abgrund | Zur Sache! Baden-Württemberg - Duration: 4:37.


Lorna Has A Flashback | Season 2 Ep. 8 | THE GIFTED - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Lorna Has A Flashback | Season 2 Ep. 8 | THE GIFTED - Duration: 2:05.


La Guardia Nacional de López Obrador - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> La Guardia Nacional de López Obrador - Duration: 4:38.



For more infomation >> PXEE TV MECANIQUE #11 : COMMENT PREPARER SA MOTO - Duration: 18:08.


Trump's Trade Wars, Corporate Greed Just Cost U.S. Another 15,000 Jobs - Duration: 3:22.

On Monday it was announced the General Motors is going to be closing at least five plants

across North America for here in the United States, one in Canada, in slashing upwards

of 15,000 jobs, 15,000 jobs.

They're cutting 15 percent of their entire workforce here in North America because according

to the company, Donald Trump's trade wars have just made the cost of us steel and other

things needed to make cars.

They're just too expensive and we've got to cut staff.

We've got to cut salaried employees who have great benefits.

We have to get rid of them because Donald Trump's trade wars have made the cost of our

raw materials too expensive to turn enough of a profit.

That's only partially true.

Yes, Donald Trump's trade wars are harming the automobile industry.

They're harming a lot of industries here in the United States.

Farming is tanking right now because of these trade wars, so there is a little bit of truth

to that.

The other side of it that GM is not talking about is plain old corporate greed.

That's what's really behind this decision to cut 15,000 people right here at the holiday

time because you see General Motors so profitable that they got $514 million dollars from the

uh, Republican tax cut that was passed last year, 514 million in additional savings because

of that tax cut on top of that over the last few years they've actually gotten $50 billion

dollars from the US government to make sure that they keep running.

It was part of the auto industry bailout and subsequent bailouts that happened after that

$50 billion dollars.

So yeah, I understand that trump's trade wars are hurting you.

It's making the cost of raw goods go up, but you're already passing those costs along to

the consumers.

You're not technically paying that we are and now 15,000 workers in North America are

paying for it with their jobs because you don't want to be honest about what's actually


Yeah, it's super easy to blame trump for a lot of things.

And I understand.

Again, part of it isn't his fault, but most of it is corporate greed.

Most of it is the fact that your CEO and your shareholders want more money in their pockets

and they don't care how many thousands of lives they ruined in the process of putting

that money in their pockets.

The government is bailed you out countless times again to the tune of $50,000,000,000

and that's still not good enough for you.

General Motors, this is capitalism here in the United States, folks, it doesn't exist.

Know the free market, the doesn't exist.

The invisible hand of the government is actually a tight grip from corporations on the government.

Corporations are calling the shots.

GM goes and says, I want to bail out, and they get it.

They say, we're going to lay off 15,000 workers after you gave us 514 million in tax cuts

and there's nothing you can do about it, and they're 100 percent right?

Because corporations like gm and to many others in this country have absolutely overtaken

our government to the point where our elected officials, at least the ones in office right

now, are 100 percent.

The puppets of corporations like GM.

For more infomation >> Trump's Trade Wars, Corporate Greed Just Cost U.S. Another 15,000 Jobs - Duration: 3:22.


Nightcore - Let me down slowly (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:38.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Let me down slowly (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:38.


How To MASTER Instagram Ads For BEGINNERS In 2019 - The COMPLETE Instagram Advertising Tutorial - Duration: 25:33.

In this video

I'm going to break down the three different ways to market your business on Instagram how to use the Facebook Ads manager

Advertise how to advertise within the mobile app and also probably the most cost effective way to market and advertise your business

leveraging other Instagram influencers

All right. Now if you guys are brand new here to my channel

My name is Jason Wardrop and I teach you how to generate more leads

Make more money and grow your business

And if you guys want a free bonus from me

Then right down below in the description as well as in the top comment section

I have a 100% free Facebook Ads mini course where we do dive into

Facebook advertising as well as Instagram advertising and I have a little cheat sheet for you guys

And also if you guys are brand new here

Make sure you subscribe because we launch new videos every single week and how to generate more leads

Make more money and grow your business

So hit that subscribe button and also if that notification bell so you will be notified every time

We launch a new video. So with that said guys, let's talk about the three core ways that you can market and grow your business

Leveraging Instagram now Instagram obviously is one of the hottest social networks out there right now

So it's a great place to go and connect with your different customers

But the thing is Before we jump in and like we just want to start marking our business on Instagram

We got to think about what business were in and where our ideal client. Our ideal customers are actually hanging out now

There's a lot of customers

There's a lot of potential clients on Instagram

But you got to make sure that it matches well with your business before we dive into things


So there's three key ways to go through and actually market your business

Leveraging Instagram so that you can become a master when it comes to Instagram advertising, right?

so the first way to go through and market your business on Instagram is

Leveraging other social media influencers. So if you think about your market, whatever market you're in there are other

influencers with

Massive followings where if you're just getting started you might not have any following whatsoever or you're following might be very small so it's kind

Of hard to get that organic growth generate those leads make that those sales for your business

So what you can do is go find of their social

Influencers on Instagram that already have a following and typically you can reach out to them. So send them a direct message on your phone

And then say hey, how much does it cost for a promotional pulse?

So for example, let's say I'm gonna jump over here on Instagram

Just kind of show you how this works

A lot of this has to be done on your mobile phone and it's a lot easier to do on your mobile phone

But just for the sake of this example, I'm gonna be showing you guys right here on my desktop

But let's say that you are in the fitness industry

So we're gonna come up here to the search bar and more likely you already probably know the top

Influencers in your market, and if you don't you definitely should get to know them

So let's say we're in the fitness

So we'll just type in Fitness up here and it's gonna pop up some of these different Instagram influencers

So for example like Christian guzmán right here

I know he's a fitness influencer and we're gonna click to his profile and you can't do this on a desktop device

But you can do it on your mobile phone. You can direct message Christian and ask


How much does it cost for a promotional post and typically most?

influencers are gonna have different rates as far as how much it cost to have a post up for a few hours or

Even for a full 24 hours, typically what they'll do

Is you give them an image with the post or whatever link you're wanting to send people to and now they'll leave that post up

For about 24 hours and then they'll take it down. So they'll delete the post

But basically if you want more time, then you can pay more for a longer period of time

Or if you want multiple posts

Then you can go through and say you'll pay how much would it cost to have like 5 posts within the next?

72 hours and they'll give you these different rates and all of these different influencers are gonna have different rates

but the reason why this is super powerful is because a lot of times if you come over here and you look at some of

these different pictures

He's getting 42 thousand likes 240 comments 31 thousand likes

32 thousand likes so you can see how much engagement

55,000 they're getting with each one of these posts

So when it's coming from the actual influencer themselves as opposed to just a sponsored ad on Instagram

Then it's just a lot more beneficial to you and you

Or business and you're gonna get a lot more clicks a lot more leads a lot more exposure

Because they already have that connection with this influencer

and so a lot of times you're able to get that awareness for pennies on the dollar as

opposed to going into the Instagram app and advertising there or even going into the Facebook Ads manager and

Setting up your full Instagram marketing campaign within there, which we'll get to here in just a second

So once again guys you could just come down here

If you click this down arrow, we can see a lot of other influencers

And so usually what I would do is I would go find you know

10 to 15 to 20 other influencers that are in the same exact niche

It's like for example Rob I know he's in this niche as well

and so I would just go through and I would message all these people and ask how much it would be for a

sponsored post on their profile

And typically they're gonna have if they're gonna have a decent sized following like this guy's got four hundred seventy five thousand followers

they're going to have some type of rates in place to be able to just give you right out of the gate and then you

Can go through and track and measure, you know

Is this going to be worth it to be able to get so you come down here?

It's really important to see how many likes and comments that each person's getting because really anyone can go and buy

followers that are like fake followers

But you want to make sure they've got a good

Following but also they've got a good connection with that following

So if they're getting a lot of likes a lot of comments all that stuff, then you want to make sure

that that's happening so that if you're gonna go and invest money into a post is

It actually going to be engaged with are people gonna actually see it or you can actually get clicks to your website

And if that's the case, then it's definitely a worth looking into as far as investment goes

All right. So that is the first way now, let's jump over here. This is kind of Facebook's Instagram advertising page

Which gives you a quick run through and we're gonna hit some of these different points just so you have a basic understanding

Of all the different ways that you can market or advertise your business on Instagram and then we're gonna actually jump into the Facebook

Ads manager and set up an Instagram

Advertising campaign, okay

So right here, there's a few ways that you can go through and create different posts on Instagram that sponsored post

So obviously you could do just a photo ad right you guys have seen these before if you've been on Instagram

It's basically just a picture just like anyone elses account

But it's a sponsored and then we'll have a call-to-action link and then down below it

So there's not going to be any a headline sub-headline or anything like that?

But there will be a call to action and then down below in the actual description area. You can write some text

But if you put a link in the actual description area, it's not going to be clickable

Just like any other link within Instagram, but you can have the call to action when they click on the actual photo itself


so obviously you have video ads the thing you got to remember is that if you're setting up a

Video ad that's going to be both on Facebook as well as Instagram

So the video ad can only be 60 seconds long, okay

now that's really important remember because if you're setting up a video ad on Facebook

You can actually be really as long as you want. Whereas with Instagram it can only be 60 seconds long

So if you're trying to make an ad that's going to be both on Facebook and Instagram

It's got to be less than 60 seconds or else it won't show, okay?


You can have these carousel ads which are really nice especially as far as like if you're doing e-commerce

Product or even if you're in real estate and you're showing a home a listing, you've got multiple photos of that home

People can scroll down and flip through all the different photos and so it's just like an Instagram photo ad

But you can have multiple photos, which is really convenient


And then right here

We've got the story ads which this is basically you can have a photo or a video but Instagram launch stories kind of copying

Snapchat back in the day, but basically it's gonna be at the very top once you jump on Instagram

and so as someone's clicking on the different stories as they're clicking next it'll pop up as a sponsored post between

their friends stores and the next friend stories

And so once again, there is a limit on the amount of time you can have on this video

I believe it is 15 seconds. Let's see if it's got right here

So it doesn't have the time but I believe it's just 15 seconds

so you got to be aware of that and

Also, another thing is if you look at the way that someone's gonna be holding their phone when they're we through their story adds

They're gonna be holding it vertically

So if you're shooting a video ad that you're wanting to promote to everyone you're wanting to shoot that video

vertically on your phone because then if you shoot a

Horizontally, it's just gonna show up kind of small right here

And that's gonna have a lot of black where you're not optimizing the real estate on that phone

And so it's just you want to make sure you know where you're gonna be actually

Showing this video ad whereas like up here. You can make it a box. You can shoot it

Vertically, you could shoot a horizontally. There's a lot more options if it's just in the Instagram newsfeed

All right, they cut me down here collection ads

This one's really good for e-commerce stores as well where you can have a lot of different images

You can honestly on Shopify

You can track based off what products people have looked at and then based off what they've looked at

You can reshow that to that person on instagram

So there's really some powerful things that you can do with Instagram advertising and setting all this up

So like we said earlier there's a few different ways to go about doing this one

you can obviously connect with other social influencers and ask them how much it would cost to do a

Sponsored or promoted post on their page. Typically it only lasts a certain amount of time

but honestly at the end of the day the weight Instagram and even Facebook works is the posts typically are only relevant for about

24 to 48 hours and then it just gets lost deep into the newsfeed so you don't really need anything longer than that if you

Want more exposure then you could just pay for

multiple posts over the course of let's say five to seven days and you can get more people coming in and seeing your business and

Your products and generating more leads. All right, you can also go through and advertise within the Instagram app

So if you have a business profile

Just you make a post and you can hit this promote button right here as you seen and then the way I like to do

It is going into the actual ads manager, which we're gonna do here in just a second

I'll break down and show you guys exactly how to set this all up

But you'll go to the ads manager and it's just like creating a facebook marketing campaign

but instead of choosing to post on Facebook you're choosing to post it on Instagram and obviously if

the creative fits both platforms

Then you can say hey, I want to advertise both on Facebook as well as on Instagram. Okay, so coming over here

Let's jump in and I'll show you guys how to set this up within the Facebook Ads manager to target people just on Instagram

So we'll come over here and on our Facebook page. We'll go to the ads manager

We can access it right here or in the drop down in this right arrow

So we just click on create ads or manage ads?

so I'm just gonna come over here click on ads manager and

This will take us into our Facebook Ads account

Now if you have never created an a Facebook Ads account, it's gonna walk you through the initial creation, but right here

These are your Facebook advertising

Campaigns. Okay. So what we're gonna do first is will click on create to create a new campaign

And at first it's gonna ask us what is our marketing objective

So what do we want to accomplish by creating this advertising campaign? And the cool thing is that

Facebook Facebook is also Instagram. So Facebook bought Instagram for over a billion dollars

So when I'm talking about Facebook, it's the same thing for Instagram

But they have so much data on every single person on their platform. They know their age. They know their gender

They know what they like what other posts they like what accounts they interact with

They know if people are more likely to watch a video on

Instagram or on Facebook and so because they have all this information

When we're going through and creating a new advertising campaign

We can tell

Facebook aka Instagram

Which campaign what what type of objective of what we want to accomplish with this campaign?

So for this example, let's say we are just wanting people to click off to our website

Check out our Shopify store opt-in to one of our landing pages or visit our website or blog or anything like that

We'll click on traffic right here

And that's basically we want people to click from Instagram and go to our site

Okay, so well come over here. We'll name it traffic

Demo, you can really name it whatever you want

but I like to kind of like give it a name of something that I know if I see that later on the road if

I'm looking through all my

Advertising campaigns. I know what it is specifically for so we might even do down

And they call it demo IG for Instagram obviously and then we'll click continue

Okay, and now this is where we're gonna choose our audience of who we want to target and we're gonna choose our placement


So the placement is do we want to show this ad on Facebook do want to show it on Instagram?

We want to show it on the Instagram newsfeed do want to show it in the Instagram stories

Where do we want to actually have this shown? Okay, so we're gonna come up here and give this a name as well

So we'll say IG and we'll say people in

Dallas for example, okay

So right here this traffic website, we don't have to touch anything right here the dynamic dynamic creative right now

We don't have to mess with that to offer anything like that. We'll come down to the audience

And this is where we choose who we want to actually show our post to okay?

So let's say that we are in the fitness space

So we want to show it to you know people that are interested in fitness

So if we come down here, we probably don't want to just say fitness in general because fitness is pretty broad

Like is it gonna be more focus for men or women?

It's gonna be more focused on weight loss or maybe you're trying to get a 6-pack or build muscle anything like that

So we want to actually get a little bit more targeted with our advertising so it's not just speaking to

Everyone out there. So for this example, let's say we have a product or service or something

Whatever it is that is close to since where we've kind of been coming with the whole Fitness route

Let's say it's close to like p90x like at-home workout video training program

Maybe we've got like a little home workout course or something to go through and build strength build muscle get get fit

So we can come in here and for the detail targeting we will type in


Ok, it should have something so we've got about 1.4 million people in this audience

so instead of this Dallas one will say Instagram will say


Alright, so now we'll come down here

And as far as the location really that like I like to typically start out with just the US

But you could go through and do the US and Canada or wherever you're located

Whatever country you're located or wherever you want to have your ideal target customers and then as far as the age goes like p90

is pretty general pretty broad so all this leave that open-ended if you do have a

Specific market, like you're wanting to go through and work with women ages 18 to 30

You go through and put that in there. The one thing to keep in mind when it comes to targeting and your audience size

Facebook typically likes larger audiences and based off of your ad copy and you're creative

So whether it's a video or image Facebook can kind of target who the ideal people are that are more likely to actually engage

With that post and click to your website. So make sure you guys keep that in mind a lot of people

I feel like a lot of beginners go through and they try to get all the interest is like super narrow down super niche

They try to go and get a specific age range and get that exact person super ideal and a very tiny audience

But typically what I found is that your advertising dollars are better spent leaving a little bit more wide open

But giving Facebook just a little bit of direction

So make sure you keep that in mind as you're going through and creating an audience to go through and target

And then coming down here to our placements now, we're setting up an Instagram app

Facebook says that the automatic placements is

Recommended but that means this can be shown on Facebook on

Instagram on their audience network every place that it that Facebook can actually go through and show an ad

And I don't love that because if you go and have a video

It's gonna show up different on your stories on your Instagram newsfeed on your Facebook newsfeed

And so I usually like to go through and select specific

Placements so that my ad creative is actually gonna match up with that placement. Okay

so will come over here will click on edit placements and

I don't want to do anything on Facebook because this is a tutorial on how to go through and mark it on Instagram

So we're gonna uncheck this

we're gonna uncheck audience Network uncheck messenger and we're just gonna focus on

Instagram now

If we wanted to just to show up in the news feed then we just click this and we can uncheck the stories or vice-versa

If we just want to do the stories, we'll click on that and uncheck the feeds

But we want to make sure that whatever creative we're using. So whether it's a or image or whatever it is

It's gonna actually match up with that specific placement. So let's say for this one. We're gonna do an actual newsfeed one

we're gonna uncheck stories and then we'll come down here and we can choose a

Budget of how much we want to spend now we could do a daily budget

so let's say we want to spend five bucks every single day or ten bucks every single day or

We could say hey we want to do a lifetime budget and over the course of the next month

We only want to spend let's say we've got a hundred bucks to go through a thousand

We've got a hundred dollars to go through and spend on our Instagram marketing


but typically what I like to do is I like to do the daily budget because if the campaign is performing well

Then we can just leave it running and if it's not performing well, then we can always go through posit cancel it. Delete it

Whatever we want

So we'll come back here to the daily budget and we'll just run the ad set

Continuously starting today and maybe let's say we're gonna start out at five dollars per day

All right, so five dollars per day, it's gonna be over the course of a month

It's gonna be about a hundred and fifty dollars or thirty five dollars per week. And then as far as the

optimization for ad delivery it's saying link clicks, which let me just kind of break down the difference between link clicks and

Landing page views so anytime for link clicks anytime somebody taps on your ad on Instagram

Facebook will charge you and that will count towards the cost per link clip

But if somebody's in a spot where they don't have a good data or good Wi-Fi or anything like that

Then they might never actually pull up your website your blog your ecommerce store

Whatever you're trying to send them to so if you want a little bit more accurate data of how many people are actually

visiting your website

I like to do Lannie pageviews because that means they not only clicked on the ad but your page

Actually loaded so you want to make sure that happens and that's able to be done with the Facebook pixel

Which I have another video showing you how to create that how to install out how to do everything

So we'll add that up here in the top that you guys can go through and watch that if you're unsure on how to go

Through and create the Facebook pixel install it and everything like but this is going to give you a lot better

accurate data when it comes to tracking people that are actually clicking and

Seeing your website, your cost per landing page view is going to be a little bit higher than your cost per click

But it's just gonna be higher quality information

So from here, we'll could choose landing page views and we'll click on continue right here

And this is where we're gonna actually create the ad of what people are gonna see inside their Instagram

Newsfeed. Okay. So right here

we're gonna choose what Instagram account we want to go through and show it from so if you haven't connected an Instagram account

They're going to ask you to connect an Instagram account and then we can choose the format

Now we talked about I showed you kind of up here. There's a lot of different phone formats. The collection ads the story ads

Carousel video ads and photo ads and so this is where we actually choose this. Okay

So let's say for this example

we'll just do a single image ad it's the most common the most basic but just scrolling through you'll just see an image and

So coming down here

We'll upload an image from our desktop if you already have one you want to use

Or if you don't have one you want to use but you still want to use a professional-looking image

Facebook has a deal with shutterstock where you can have all these free stock images that look really nice. So if we click on this

We'd come in here and let's say we'll type in fitness

Okay, so we'll see like what different posts they've got so this one looks like okay

It's both men and women this might even be a p90x type of workout. So we'll click on that. We'll hit confirm

Okay, so this will be what the image is looking like

This is a little example post of what our ad is gonna look like on Instagram

Okay, so it's going to have our profile picture

it's gonna say sponsored ad and then we can go through and add some more information and you can see kind of like

The Shutterstock and all that stuff here this watermark

Once it goes live that's not actually gonna show up so you don't have to worry about that

Okay, so then we come in here. We type our message

Maybe it's like get our free


workout series

Or whatever it is. And then let's say you our website is we'll just say Google for this example


So we'll just copy and paste this and we'll put it right in. Here's our website URL and

Then I usually like to have for the the call-to-action. I usually like to have learn more

Okay, and you can see the pixels missing from this page because Google doesn't have a Facebook pixel on their page, obviously

but as I mentioned earlier guys

If you want that Facebook pixel tutorial on how to install that on your page and help you with your Instagram

Advertising and the tracking track and everyone that's coming to your page

I'll have that link to the video up here that you guys can go through and check that out and watch how to do that

Before you actually go through and set up your Instagram marketing campaign

Okay, so then from here guys

That's pretty much it

The it's really going to be important what you throw in here into your copy

of what you're actually saying to get somebody to want to click and then also the image the goal of the image is to get

Somebody's stop scrolling and check out what you have to offer and then the actual text right here is to sell them on

clicking so the image is to get them to stop scrolling and

Then the text the goal is to sell them on why they should click not necessarily sell them on your product

That's what your sales page should do. But to sell them on why they should click

Alright, so then from here, all we got to do is hit confirm and you are done. You are good to go

That is how you set up a full Instagram advertising campaign. Alright?

So once again guys if you want my free Facebook Ads mini course

And it goes into Instagram as well as well at my face Facebook ads and Instagram ads cheat sheet

Down below in the description as well as in the top comment

You guys can go through and download that a hundred percent for free

But just as a quick recap of the three different ways to go through and mark and advertise your business on Instagram

You can go through find other Instagram influencers that are in your niche reach out to them

Find out how much it cost for a promoted post

so obviously for this Fitness niche you can go through and find these different influencers and

Think about who your audience is going to be following obviously. These are male Fitness influencers

So that's gonna be different than the female fitness influencers based off your market

Then you can come over here and as shown down here on this page you can ties within the Instagram app

So if you have a business Instagram profile

You can make a post and promote the post

Directly within the Instagram app or my favorite way to do it is going through into the ads manager on Facebook on your computer

Just because you're able to have a little bit more leeway and a lot more

Options when it comes to your targeting your setup and all those different things

So that's really the way I like to go through and do it

So anyway, if you found this video helpful, go ahead give it a thumbs up also drop a comment down below

Let me know what you think. I would greatly appreciate that

And if you guys are brand new here to the channel

Make sure you guys subscribe and hit that notification bell because we launched new videos every single week on how to generate more leads

Make more money and grow your business, right?

So thanks so much guys for watching this complete tutorial of advertising on Instagram

I hope that it helped you with getting started with marketing your business on Instagram and

Even on Facebook and all these different platforms to be able to go through and grow your business

And with that said thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How To MASTER Instagram Ads For BEGINNERS In 2019 - The COMPLETE Instagram Advertising Tutorial - Duration: 25:33.


MELHOR QUE ÁCIDO! Como CLAREAR A PELE em 15 Minutos SÓ Com ISSO! - Duration: 3:08.

this face mask so clear in 15 minutes

Today's secret Japanese whitening you already noticed the beauty of Japanese skin

Is there anything special in the country? for women to have a visual

so beautiful The truth is that food is a

lifestyle make all the difference but Japanese whitening is also

pretty powerful basically revenue is based only on

in an element or rice this recipe is known as the water of

rice learn two recipes for whitening

Japanese from now you will check two

ways to use this whitening Japanese if as much as facial tonic

as a skin restorative cream recipe 1

You will need organic rice from quality as one cup

initially you should put the rice in a bowl and cover with pure water without

chlorine in such a way that the liquid two centimeters above the cereal

stir the rice well and wait a little stir again and the water becomes dark

recipe will be ready put in a well-sanitized glass container with

cover and wash your face with soap normally

so you should apply the water with cotton on the face in the neck and on the lap

starting from the forehead it is recommended that be passed before bedtime and

apply again in the morning before use the sunscreen

the elements that remain within the bottle should be brought to the refrigerator.

which covers two ingredients 3 tablespoons of raw rice soup a tablespoon

of warm milk a tablespoon of honey preparation to produce the

whitening Japanese and should cook 3 spoons of rice put the rice in

cold water take to the fire and cook until it becomes soft with rice water

in another bowl to be used only at the end of the process and thus

the remaining rice will be mixed with the milk and honey move well until everything

stay very well mixed how to use

Wash your face thoroughly before putting the mask apply the mask on the face in

an appropriate amount without excess and then wash your face with pure ordinary water

and with rice water that has been reserved liked to learn these two forms of

to produce Japanese whitening so take the time to share with

your friends on social networks

If you liked the video, leave your opinion in the comment leave your license and

Share with your friends see you later

For more infomation >> MELHOR QUE ÁCIDO! Como CLAREAR A PELE em 15 Minutos SÓ Com ISSO! - Duration: 3:08.


😍 Las MujeresEstán FELICES Con Eso, yo Usé Por 3 Días y Estoy Enloquecida Con el Resultado - Duration: 3:36.

put baking soda in your region intimate discover the reason now you

you may be surprised but an excellent home remedy option for the

candidiasis is about baking soda sodium this happens because the element

can assist in the control of the ph vaginal area around 75 to

alkalizing the ph of the vagina is possible to treat and even end the

dissemination of the yeast fungus that gives rise to the disease and / or

infection in the female intimate region you want to know more about this matter so

relevant to the intimate health of the woman

you are going to watch our video discover the power of this home remedy for the

candidiasis most women already have had to deal with some of the

consequences of candidiasis during his life the most common symptoms are

itching in the intimate part flow in greenish or yellowish hue

redness around the vagina and unpleasant smell from use

correct of this remedy the woman can get rid of all these

problems in a quick and practical way economic how to prepare the remedy

Home for candidiasis ingredients a spoonful of baking soda 1

liter of water preparation mode the recipe is quite simple you should

Mix a tablespoon of baking sodium in a liter of water previously

boiled with the solution ready you you need to wash the affected area with water

then it is necessary to wash intimate with the domestic remedy for

Candidiasis based on bicarbonate correct way is to place the mixture in

a basin or bidet and get comfortable allowing the region to remain

contact with the liquid by up to half hour does this procedure two

times a day until all the signs of the disease disappear

completely alternative there is also another alternative for the home remedy

for candidiasis if you do not count with baking soda is possible

use potassium citrate or even the baking

drops this change becomes viable due to help to alkalize the ph

vaginal thus eliminating the application in the local and the unwanted flow with odor

unpleasantly important the woman who you need to deal often with the

candidiasis should consult your doctor to evaluate the clinical picture how much

before you can also exchange some suggestions on efficiency

of baking soda in combat of the disease during the consultation

has liked to know this home remedy for candidiasis then you can

share this information with your friends and family in networks

social now

if you liked the video of a I like it Enroll in the channel and do not stop

share with your friends until the next video chao

For more infomation >> 😍 Las MujeresEstán FELICES Con Eso, yo Usé Por 3 Días y Estoy Enloquecida Con el Resultado - Duration: 3:36.


First Alert Weather - Duration: 2:58.

For more infomation >> First Alert Weather - Duration: 2:58.


Ian Wright on what Arsenal legend David Rocastle told him about Spurs - Duration: 4:10.

 It's the north London derby this weekend, and Arsenal legend Ian Wright is well aware of its importance

 The former striker spent seven years at Highbury and in that time came up against their bitter rivals at White Hart Lane on nine occasions in the Premier League

 Wright would find the back of the net four times against Tottenham Hotspur during his days as a Gunners player - including the winner away from home right at the start of the 1993/1994 campaign

 Having joined from fellow London outfit Crystal Palace in 1991, Wright wouldn't have been too familiar with the rivalry between Arsenal and Spurs, but he soon would thanks to one man in particular

 David Rocastle, who sadly passed away in March 2001, was best friends with Wright and took it upon himself to explain the importance of the north London derby in a discussion that went on for a number of hours

  "Everyone calls him Rocky, and David Rocastle is the reason I still support Arsenal," Wright recalls in his entry for The Players Tribune

"He was the hero of the estate we grew up on — the one who'd made it.  "The entire estate emptied out the day Arsenal beat Liverpool to win the league in 1989 because we'd all gone out to find a TV to watch Rocky play

He was like a brother to me. We'd grabbed the same buses to and from school in Brockley growing up, and we were adults I'd bump into him every now and again

 "He'd be 16, and I'd be 20, and he'd be telling me, "You're better than the players I'm playing against

You can do it. You've got to try and do it." At a time when no one believed in me, not even myself, Rocky believed in me

 "So when I finished having my medical at Arsenal and he was there, waiting for me, I knew I was going to be O

K.  "Rocky took me under his wing from Day One. Literally, I went round his house after my medical and he did everything he could to look after me

He bigged me up, told me not to pay attention to critics and spent hours explaining how important the North London Derby was

 "He was so serious about the derby. We must've stayed up until 4, 5 a.m. the day I signed, and half the conversation was about how you do not lose to Spurs

 "When I started to meet the fans and stuff they always said the same thing: "Make sure your score against Spurs

You score against Spurs you'll be a legend instantly, doesn't matter what you do after that

"  "By the time I left Arsenal, I had scored against Spurs four times. I wouldn't have been able to do that without Rocky

"  This weekend could mark a north London derby debut for the current crop of Arsenal stars such as Bernd Leno, Sokratis, Lucas Torreira and Matteo Guendouzi

  Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusive from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Ian Wright on what Arsenal legend David Rocastle told him about Spurs - Duration: 4:10.


The Letter V Song | Alphabet Jam | Pevan & Sarah | Learn the alphabet - Duration: 1:43.

♫ It's Pevan & Sarah ♫

♫ Alphabet Jam by Pevan & Sarah ♫

Can you say the letter V?


Can you say the letter V?


Can you say the letter V?


You rock!

There's 26 letters that you need to know,

You can learn them, so let me show you

How to do it, there's really nothing to it,

Pevan & Sarah gonna get straight to it!





Your turn!

You rock!

Can you say the letter V?


Can you say the letter V?


Can you say the letter V?


You rock!

V makes a 'v' sound, v...v...v.

V makes a 'v' sound, v...v...v.

V makes a 'v' sound, v...v...v.

V makes a 'v' sound, v...v...v.

♫ Alphabet Jam by Pevan & Sarah ♫

For more infomation >> The Letter V Song | Alphabet Jam | Pevan & Sarah | Learn the alphabet - Duration: 1:43.


টেলি-পর্দায় আসছে মেগা সিরিয়াল দীপাবলীর সাতকাহন || Mega Serial Dipabli Satkahan Upcoming News - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> টেলি-পর্দায় আসছে মেগা সিরিয়াল দীপাবলীর সাতকাহন || Mega Serial Dipabli Satkahan Upcoming News - Duration: 1:40.


SRA Scholar Curtavia Gill on Becoming a Leader - Duration: 0:59.

Hi, my name is Curtavia Gill and I'm a SRA Scholar and I am, I believe, the class of 2017.

I just want to talk about why SRA is important to me and how SRA has helped me continue to

be a student at the University of California, Merced.

I'm starting my second year here, I'm a psychology major, and I'm very active on campus.

I am on two executive boards while being the president and captain of my own club.

I would like to say that SRA has so much to do with that and my involvement.

Being on this campus, and being far away from home - I'm very family-oriented, SRA has definitely

helped me get more involved, helps me be financially stable, and also been here if I needed any

help that wasn't only about financial situations.

Personally, emotionally, SRA has always been here to help me out, and I feel like that

is why you should definitely donate and support SRA in funding us to go to school.

For more infomation >> SRA Scholar Curtavia Gill on Becoming a Leader - Duration: 0:59.


When YouTube Went Down - Did My Magic Rehearsal Cause it? - Duration: 7:25.

On October 16th, YouTube went down for almost two hours.

Creators were furious. They lost ad revenue, some even called 911 to try and

figure out what has happened, and can it be fixed. There's been many theories and

many conspiracy theories as to why this has happened. But today I'm going to tell

you the truth. What actually crashed YouTube on October 16th, and I'm

going to apologize. And for that purpose I have obscured my identity for my own protection.

Oh look a text from my mom....

Ahhhh crap.

"Me and the Magic Man went for a long drive."

My name is Derek Selinger and welcome to... could turn the light, they know who I am...

And welcome to Magic Inspired

you could stop with the garbling of the voice...they know who I am....

And today we're gonna have a little bit of fun with this event that happened just a little while ago.

As I mentioned YouTube went down for like two hours and the whole world went

crazy, how could YouTube go down? And there was all kinds of conspiracy

theories, things like an asteroid heading to earth, the film that was a spoof was

being disseminated and people were starting to take it seriously, like

War of the Worlds or something. There was another one that

there was a film coming out that would be offensive in Pakistan, so they took

down the internet in part of the world and they crashed the whole world, and

then I've heard some plausible theories, there being something within the code

itself that YouTube was trying to extricate and as they were doing that it

crashed the system. I don't know what happened, the bottom line is it's

technology and technology fails sometimes, but I have a theory as to what

may have happened. You see, on that day I was working on a project to put on

YouTube, where I made a GoPro disappear and reappear, and the whole idea is that

it goes through a wormhole in a time-space continuum and so perhaps it

was my fault. Perhaps doing that routine caused a disruption in the force, a

disruption in YouTube, and it caused it to crash. So what we're going to do is test

this theory, we're gonna see if YouTube crashes. I actually don't want it to

crash, so I actually have a secret weapon to stop YouTube from crashing. We're

gonna go visit my friends Chris and Hanna who live just a floor below me.

And that's what happens when you live near me, is you become my guinea pig

for practicing magic tricks for the YouTube channel. So let's go do some

magic for them about the idea of black holes space-time continuum, and see what happens.

All right...well one of the advantages of...

What's up? What's up Maggie?

It's that magical helper.

She's like I want to see this too. One of the advantages of living in a

condo is you make friends. You make friends, and as a magician the downside

to that is you then have to watch my magic tricks when I'm working on them, so

whenever I'm like working on new material I find friends to practice on.

But now that I've started a YouTube channel it's fair game...all my friends,

family...everybody is gonna be in there at one time or another. And Chris and Hanna

live just a floor below me, so you're the guinea pigs here tonight. And what we're

doing here today is exploring this phenomenon that I was just talking about,

that I was responsible for breaking YouTube a few weeks ago. And opening

this portal which allowed the disruption, and I'm really sorry

about that. So we're gonna actually explore that phenomenon here and to

prevent YouTube from crashing again, I'm actually wearing my flux capacitor watch,

check that out hey...


And my flux capacitor watch so that will

prevent any disruption hopefully from happening as we perform just a bit of

magic here for you guys.

Hanna...what I'd like you to do is

choose a card, make it your favorite card, I want you to have emotional attachment to it.

Pull it right out. Emotional attachment to cards...

I know that's a little odd. Show the camera if you don't mind so they can see it

Good, and show Chris, I don't want to see it.

Got it? Just say the word stop.


Good, throw your card in.

Do you know what a black hole in outer space is?


What is it?


It's nothing. Yeah it's a hole, and they're dangerous right.

Why are they dangerous?

I mean it consumes, you know whatever comes within it's power, within it's pull.

That's right. And that's actually what happened a few

weeks ago is YouTube crashed and it was it was my fault because I was performing

some magic and it caused this disruption, and I'm gonna show you

exactly what that looks like, again having on my watch, my flux capacitor

watch will prevent this from crashing YouTube hopefully. So we're gonna take my

favorite card which is the ten of clubs and place it into the black hole like so.

I just give it a little rub and it'll disappear for just a second

You know what this means?

Means this darn thing doesn't work at all!

Oh, just kidding.

You see but if I take my hand off it comes back. But it doesn't come back as the ten

of clubs it comes back as...

the Jack of Hearts

I know that's a bit strange. Now you may be concerned about the spot on your

table like perhaps I've opened up a permanent, you know portal, black hole

here, exactly...and that may happen. So if you lose something in here,

like if I put the card in the black hole and I rub it will disappear for just a second.

But if I wait too long, see it disappears altogether...

Yeah, so you may lose things in there from time to time, and if you lose

anything of value, like a credit card or something like that, just let me

know, I'll come back, I'll pull it out for you.

You could actually see it go....


So...that's what happened. I promise to be more careful, always wear my flux

capacitor and not to break YouTube anymore. Thank you guys for participating.

Chris and Hanna ladies and gentlemen. Big round of applause from wherever you are.

Well I hope that was fun for you today, to come and hang out and see a little

bit of magic.

Seriously they know who I am you can stop with the...

Chris and Hanna of course, great sports...and Maggie the dog

And this is the danger of living in a building with me as I work on magic tricks or I'm

working on my YouTube channel, I may come visit you and do random magic

tricks. Now I don't think I broke YouTube, so don't sue me Google, because I

don't think it was me. I'm just having fun with the subject matter. But you know

playing with space-time continuums and doing magic you know it could cause

various things... I'd like to thank you guys for hanging out

with me here today having a bit of fun, remember to live bright, and love big.

Did I...did I just break YouTube again?

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