¡Canticos! ¡Vamos a cantar!
[music playing]
- ¡Otra vez! - Again?
In English.
Pon una canción en tu corazón.
[music playing]
You can watch more Canticos in the free Nick Jr. app!
Canticos "De Colores" ("All the Colors") 🌈 Music Video w/ Lyrics | Spanish & English | Nick Jr. - Duration: 2:36.¡Canticos! ¡Vamos a cantar!
[acordes de guitarra]
Ay, a Kiki le encantan las mariposas.
Son tan bonitas y pueden volar.
- ¡Otra vez! - Again?
In English!
Pon una canción en tu corazón.
[music playing]
You can watch more Canticos in the free Nick Jr. app!
Canticos "Sana Sana" ("The Boo Boo Song") Music Video w/ Lyrics | Spanish & English | Nick Jr. - Duration: 2:33.¡Canticos! ¡Vamos a cantar!
En sus marcas.
On your marks.
- ¡Otra vez! - Again?
In English!
On your marks.
En sus marcas.
Ready, set...
Pon una canción en tu corazón.
[music playing]
You can watch more Canticos in the free Nick Jr. app!
Canticos "Arroz con Leche" Music Video w/ Lyrics | Spanish & English | Nick Jr. - Duration: 2:32.¡Canticos! ¡Vamos a cantar!
[suena la música]
Sammy sabe algo muy especial.
¡Cualquier momento puede ser party time!
- ¡Otra vez! - Again?
In English.
Pon una canción en tu corazón.
[music playing]
You can watch more Canticos in the free Nick Jr. app!
Canticos "Las Ruedas del Bus" ("The Wheels on the Bus") Music Video | Spanish & English | Nick Jr. - Duration: 2:17.¡Canticos! ¡Vamos a cantar!
¡Ahí viene!
El bus de Canticos.
The Canticos bus.
- ¡Otra vez! - Again?
In English.
Here it comes!
It's the Canticos bus.
El bus de Canticos.
Pon una canción en tu corazón.
[music playing]
You can watch more Canticos in the free Nick Jr. app!
Is The Earth Your Greatest Enemy? [with Demetri Martin] - Duration: 13:34.- [Ted] Last time on Our Fascinating Planet
A planet was born.
It exploded all over itself
and changed its own face.
It survived its puberty,
killed its dinosaurs,
and then developed its own death defying cycles
to keep its starry insides in check.
But it would leave its human outsides unchecked.
This is Our Fascinating Planet.
(majestic music)
(majestic music becoming pompous)
The story of our Earth
is a story of the life it has birthed and nurtured,
and perhaps nothing has been birthed
and nurtured more on Earth than ...
One of Nature's most valuable resources.
We chase them, we wear them, we play with them,
we taunt them, we laugh at them,
we roast them, we toast them,
we even host them in our homes as pets,
but lying just beneath the surface
of these often ridiculous coinhabitants
of our shared home we call Earth
is a much greater story.
One filled with melodramatic danger and cosmic safety,
all punctuated by glorious displays
of our Earth's lifedom.
The Earth has long used animals to sustain itself.
They dig holes in its soil to ventilate it.
They swim in its waters to hydrate it.
They stampede on its ground to massage it,
and flap their wings in its air,
moving its clouds to shade it.
Animals eat plants to keep them from strangling the land,
and they convert chewed plant carcases into feces,
which helps thicken the Earth's protective crust,
and they urinate on its surface to quench its thirst
and prevent it from exploding.
And when they die, the animals melt into the Earth,
becoming food for plants.
Animals eat plants, which then die
and become food for new plants,
which then also die and become dirt,
which becomes food for the Earth.
Put simply, the Earth would not be what it is today
without its animals.
But the best of these animals is Man,
who just so happens to also be
the worst of these animals.
No conversation about life on Earth is complete
without addressing Man's almost flippant disregard
for his animal neighbors with whom he shares this planet.
Statistically, Man is the most dangerous animal
on the planet.
When you consider mankind's history
and its clever use of things
like jackhammers and atomic bombs,
it's easy to see why.
And Man also ranks highest in conflicts.
And at the same time, Man ranks lowest
in respect for the Earth.
But how did we end up like this?
It's almost as if Man was destined to clash with Earth
from the very beginning,
a process that started with early humans who lived in trees
and soon clashed with each other right out of those trees.
So early Man's first journey,
a veritable leap from the tree to the ground,
was also the first significant step
towards what we call civilization.
Once our species managed to come together on the ground,
we suddenly discovered that a lot of us
didn't like a lot of them, and so there was conflict.
Tribes began to separate,
to sort themselves into warring factions
based on their differences.
Some separations were obvious,
determined by things like hair type
or body smell
or geography.
Specifically, those who were good at geography went one way,
and those who were not got lost,
and as they wandered, trying to find their way back,
they accidentally populated the Earth.
But one thing would prove to separate human beings
from each other more than anything else,
something called ...
Man has long practiced religion, because ...
- It's the opposite, it's easy, you know.
You draw a circle or you wear a hat,
talk about the sun, you know,
maybe you get to burn a woman while she's still alive.
People love that, to set women on fire.
Sometimes you got to kill a bird,
so animal cruelty was always really appealing.
- [Ted] With the advent of religion,
Man took his first real step towards changing the planet.
Early Man's gods not only helped him describe small events,
like a poor harvest or diarrhea,
but also larger phenomena like tornadoes.
Even earthquakes.
All of this could be ascribed
to an invisible source in the sky.
So Man, almost from his beginning,
looked not to Earth for answers,
but away from it and then beyond it,
putting himself and his needs above his planet.
And his gods would be instrumental
in cultivating his disregard for the Earth itself.
There was the Greek god of trash,
the Inca god of killing things for fun,
and the Chinese god of burning whatever you could
whenever you felt like it.
And of course, the Nordic god of Earth rape.
For these gods were the perfect scapegoats.
Perhaps no better example can be found
than the Roman god, Scape.
A goat.
- In every ancient language we see recurring phrases,
like 'the gods made me do it', you know, that ***ing goat!
You know, that kind of thing,
so the goat was very prevalent in households.
People talked about that a lot.
- [Ted] By removing any responsibility from himself,
Man was free to wreak havoc on the planet,
and he would attack the Earth in many ways.
We started by assaulting the Earth's plants.
We began to grow them only to kill them and eat them,
and sometimes to smoke them.
Animals soon became a favorite target for Man.
We hunted, killed, wore and even teased animals,
even turning some of them into our play slaves, or pets.
A barbaric custom that is still practiced
in many places today, this has had dire consequences.
But perhaps Man's greatest assault
has been on the Earth itself, building homes and towns,
digging into the Earth to extract minerals
to make vitamins and jewelry,
and decorating the land in embarrassing ways.
Soon, cities began to rise.
The goal was clear:
remove all traces of Nature as quickly as possible,
and in many places, we've succeeded in doing just that.
We went from living in small straw huts
to living in tall straw skyscrapers almost overnight,
which today of course are no longer made of straw
but of balsa wood and concrete and plexiglass.
These concrete jungles and prairies
have replaced the regular jungles and prairies
that once ruled the planet,
leaving Man today with little choice
but to live and die in his own industrial wasteland.
Today, five in every seven people lives in a city,
and of those, two in every three
are 10 times more likely
to spend the remaining three fifths of their life
in the heart of that city.
And of those, 90% will die in a city,
and of those, 80% will die a violent death in that city,
and of those, 10% will live
in either an urban or rural area.
And so today we find a planet
that is in many places almost unrecognizable.
Animals often look confused or embarrassed
as they enter our habitats, and even worse,
many of them have suffered psychologically
from our overwhelming impact.
- Animals replicate human life.
You'll see human culture as behaving a certain way,
animals go, oh, humans are better than me,
I wanna behave like that.
And you see that a lot, I studied quail patterns,
how quails interact over time, and quails act like people,
and it's disgusting, you know, it's wrong.
But it's fascinating.
And also, we keep animals as pets
because they're not as smart, they're not as intelligent,
we eat them as food because they're objects, essentially.
Objects with a heart, so,
it causes a lot of questions to come up.
- [Ted] And we mock the Earth
by making things like plastic Christmas trees
and wooden ducks.
Man has displayed an almost tragic arrogance
towards his planet.
While we jump for Jupiter and salivate over Saturn,
we are brazen enough to use the very material from the Earth
to make small ridiculous dolls of it, called globes.
On top of that, to get these very materials,
we have penetrated the Earth
and robbed it of its fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels which we burn like witches or dogs.
This has had dire consequences,
namely globular warming.
(flames crackling)
Our planet is in trouble,
there's no question about that now.
And Man, more than any species, is responsible for it.
Fire, once thought to be Man's best friend,
now turns out to be one of Nature's worst enemies.
- [Bernadette] It's like we're
gonna destroy ourselves, right?
But that's something that's seemed really likely
for a long time, and we've made it this far.
- In fact, the future is in our hands,
both our own future and our planet's.
The question is, what do we do with it?
So what does the future hold for our fascinating planet?
The current interglacial period ends,
sending our Earth into another ice age.
Extinction of animals continues to occur
until they are all gone and we all become vegan,
removing all joy from the planet.
Father Earth comes back and we must decide
which Earth we want to live on.
Everything works out,
and we learn to live harmoniously with our planet.
Well that's up to you.
The Earth is not just our home,
it is also our friend and our enemy,
much like a mother or a foster aunt.
We may leave this planet someday or it may explode,
and we will find ourselves
living on small oddly shaped Earthlets
hurtling through space, which will never be as good
as the planet was when it was all together
in one big ball the way it is today.
We don't know what will happen,
only the future can tell us that, but in the meantime,
instead of telling this planet what to do,
as we have for centuries,
maybe we should start listening to her.
And when we do, let's not be so arrogant
that we end up laughing at what she has to say.
(majestic music)
Full Tutorial - How to Move from Blogger to WordPress Step By Step - Duration: 24:27.Full Tutorial - How to Move from Blogger to WordPress Step By Step
Technology Tips Israil blogger website move to WordPress Site easy methord
Bring It: Dance Digest - Stand Battle vs. The Prancing Tigerettes (S1, E5) | Lifetime - Duration: 5:10.-------------------------------------------
DOFUS – Reunification Quest – Trailer - Duration: 1:14.-------------------------------------------
Why am I taking "breaks" 🏖 (not really 🙅) | creativity 🖌🎭 - Duration: 5:33.Sometimes I publish a video every day.
And sometimes not for a long time.
Today I will not only tell you
why this is so,
I will also give you some tips
how you can boost your creativity.
Hello, dear German learner!
I am Mark
and I wish you a lot of fun with this video.
In the last video I have
presented to you all the projects
which I work on.
Sometimes I am very
excited about a project
and I don't want to do anything else
than to work on this one project.
I learned to not resist
this "attraction" of a project
and to use my passion for a project
to develop it further.
If that means
that I no longer create videos,
then that's how it's gonna be
and I don't want to interrupt
my "flow" every time
that happens
and somehow "announce",
that I am taking a break.
I just make videos,
whenever I feel like doing them
(or if I think they are necessary,
to achieve some desired results).
After all, they are free
and I have to live for myself.
If I thought
I had to
make these videos for you,
then I would simply be embittered over time.
To create a video
takes about 10 hours
and only if I do it
with passion and creativity,
it will be a good video.
One person wanted
that I announce every "break"
as a condition for
him donating money to me.
I can't do that.
That's not how my creativity works.
I never know
how long I have to "fill up my creativity tank"
Besides, I never really take a break,
I just don't upload any videos.
Other projects
need my attention
because Authentic German Learning
is more than just videos.
See my last video.
Of course, it's different with my products,
you pay and I guarantee you
a predefined value,
that's how it works.
I have said
that I'll give you some tips
on how you can boost your creativity.
Well, let me summarize my opinion
which I have already revealed:
I think
you should not put pressure
on your creative side.
The creative side is like a child prodigy
that produces beautiful art.
Do you think the child
would produce beautiful art
if you would force it to?
Find ways to fuel your creativity.
I do this
by going for a walk
or by talking to people.
Often, I express my creativity
in other ways.
When I am making videos,
I collect, for example,
consciously and unconsciously, ideas
for my courses
and vice versa.
You never know when an inspiration comes,
therefore, I advise you to always be ready
to write down an idea
and to have a system
to implement these ideas.
Finally, you need
a little pinch of discipline.
Somehow you have to start
and the appetite comes while eating.
That's why I sometimes make videos,
even if I don't 100 % feel like it.
The main thing is, I'm 100%
satisfied with the result.
This was my video about creativity.
What are you doing to "refuel (your) creativity"?
I look forward to your comment.
Bye and see you next time!
DIY Santa Slime | Christmas Crafts | Michaels - Duration: 2:09.Make it Easy Santa Slime
Start with a 5 oz bottle of Elmer's Clear Glue.
Add baking soda.
Add red food coloring.
Add contact lens solution.
Flatten out the slime.
Add fine and chunky glitter.
Work the glitter into the slime.
Add sequins.
Cut a strip from the black adhesive foam sheet.
Use the strip to measure and cut a small foam square.
Wrap the foam strip around the center of a plastic jar.
Place your black foam square on a sheet of Gold glitter foam, and cut a larger square around it (about 1 inch).
Apply to the jar to create a buckle.
Use the lid form your jar to trace a circle onto the back of your red adhesive felt.
Cut our the circle.
Peel the felt from its backing and apply it to your jar's lid.
Use glue to attach one 2 inch red pom-pom in the center of the lid.
Fasten a 1 inch white pom-pom on top of the red one.
Put your slime in the jar.
Kids Pointed Scissors, Pom-Poms, Glitter, Sequins, Adhesive Felt, Adhesive Foam, Glitter Adhesive Foam, Pencil, Plastic Storage Jar, Elmer's Liquid Gel School Glue
Bowl, Baking, Soda, Contact Lens Solution, Food Coloring, Clear Glue, Craft Sticks, Measuring Spoon
Subscribe to our channel and share your projects using the #MakeitwithMichaels
The Best Intake For Ford 7.3L Powerstroke Diesel - Duration: 13:05.Hey everybody my name is Justin welcome back to our BTR Garage today we're going to
be continuing the upgrades for my 2002 Ford F250
this time we have an S&B Cold Air Intake that we're going to be installing onto
the truck to further improve the miles per gallon and the efficiency of the
truck not only in daily driving situations but also when we are towing
so we're gonna go ahead and open up the box check out what we've got inside and
start with the install
all right taking a look at what we have in the box we have what looks to be the
main filter housing very nice large plastic units what is this guy this
looks like the intake tube itself we've got some hose clamps and couplers
and things in here as well go ahead and leave that aside obviously we have our
massive air filter this thing comes pre oil that is an oiled filter so you'll
want to pick up an oil and filter cleaning kits for this particular filter
I'll put the links down in the description for all of this stuff as
well so if you're looking to buy this kits
you can go and pick it all up in the same place and then what do we have here
looks like another piece of the intake tract while it has like a really greasy
not greasy but plastic film on the inside of it I don't know if you can see
the glare or not but a really smooth coating on the inside that's kind of
interesting not sure what this is yet install instructions and some other
pieces another giant gasket for part of the filter and then what is the last
piece here we have this looks like maybe the bottom of the battery tray where the
battery sits because there is a battery on that side of the truck as well so we
have all the parts out from the kit now we got to go ahead and get the OEM air
box out of there and then we can start installing the new S&B filter now before
I go ahead and get started with the video if you are installing one of these
S&B cold air intakes do follow your instructions that comes with a really
awesome set of color instructions actually that's show you how to remove
the stock air box and install the S&B air box appropriately use this video
as a reference but always follow the manufacturer's instructions now we're
gonna go ahead and get started and get that stock air box out of there
now the removal of the stock airbox is pretty straightforward just follow the
instructions everything is pretty simple there is one or maybe two little things
you want to take note of if your truck has the stock electronic restriction
gauge on the intake box we'll show you that here if you have one of those guys
on your airbox you're going to need to relocate it to the new s and B intake
tube which is not drilled for it from the factory you can see here there's a
little round section where you're gonna need to drill a hole in the middle and
put a new grommet which the kit comes with in case you do have that electronic
sensor gauge so now that we have this apart we're gonna go ahead and take that
little gauge off of there that we just talked about prep the new intake tube
and then we can start putting together the s and B air box and getting it
installed back in the truck
so we have just a couple things left to do here after getting the air box
mounted in the truck we have our little restrictor gauge that we took out
earlier we drilled the hole in the side of the intake tube down here we want to
take this and place it back through the grommet simply push it through make sure
it's all the way in there nice and snug we'll reconnect our little connector now
back on the backside of the air box back here you recall in the instructions
there was a little hole down on the back side down towards the bottom where we
put the intake air temperature sensor which we also took off earlier this
little bitty sensor you guys probably can't even see it
we're gonna go ahead and slide that thing into the grommet in the back of
the air box next we have our nifty little see-through air box cover which
goes on the top here and screws in with the provided screws
all right there we go got that cover put on looks really slick last thing we want
to do is just hook up our battery terminals and then I believe we are done
all right the intake installation is complete let's go ahead and take a
closer look at it
now we just have one more thing left to do that is to start it up and see how it
sounds and also make sure we have no crazy leaks going on around the coupler
connecting to the turbo inlet and around the airbox itself alright we're going to
go ahead and start the truck up see if we hear any difference with the intake
so first start is good don't really hear much of a difference
just with the startup
now you can hear it with the engine revs you can kind of hear the sucking of the
air intake now a little bit more actually quite a bit more than before
with the OEM intake
cool well everything seems to be working at least from the inside I'm going to jump into the engine bay and just make sure we have no leaks
or anything like that going on alright so we checked for leaks everything is
good and airtight we're gonna go ahead and take this thing out on the road real
quick and see if I can actually hear or feel any difference with the new intake
installed so far just at idle it sounds pretty normal just like it was with the
OEM airbox on unless of course we revved it like we did inside but
so just cruising through the neighborhood right now pretty slow speed
of course you can kind of hear the turbo making a little bit of the whirring
sound you know that it makes on deceleration or when you let off the gas
that kind of little whistle I do hear that a little bit more
and actually here I don't know if you can hear it over the microphone or not
but like a little bit of a sucking surging sound when you let off the gas
as well we'll see what it's like when we get a little bit more speed going here
all right you can definitely hear the difference now once the turbo spools up
turbo noises are louder everybody loves turbo noises so that's a bonus and it's
not obnoxiously loud which is a good thing
give it a little more gas here and see how it sounds
yes yes you can definitely hear the turbo suck in and spooling as you
accelerate it's a lot more audible than it was in the past but once you ease off
on the gas and kind of slow down it's almost like it's not even there it
sounds pretty normal actually
all right we'll accelerate one more time here even when you let off the gas you
can hear the turbo spooling down I guess you would call that or slowing down
yeah all kinds of new turbo noises that were not there before that sounds pretty aweseome
oh man that is good that's a good upgrade and the nice thing is as soon as
you kind of mellow out and get off the throttle it's just like as if the truck
was stock you really don't hear much of anything all right guys the quick first
sound impression of the S&B Cold Air Intake I like it I like it a lot and
curious to see how this thing is going to improve our efficiency in the end but
for now we'll take it back to the garage and wrap up the video alright everybody
there we go the S&B Cold Air Intake installation is complete for my 2002
Ford f250 if you guys have any thoughts comments
or questions again leave them down below I would love to hear from you I'll put
links in the description for the cold air intake as well as a cleaning kit
that you can get to clean your oiled filter which you have to do once a year
or so or as recommended or as needed overall I'm pretty happy with the
product the installation was pretty much a breeze no real troubles there adds a
good bit of sound to the car and hopefully will increase the efficiency
and miles per gallon of the truck as well as that's what I am looking to do
with these modifications on the truck so this is the second upgrade in my little
engine modification phase for the f250 we have one more left that I'm gonna do
in a different video that is the dp-tuner the final piece to this puzzle
which will unlock all of the optimizations and upgrades that we have
on the truck allowing us to change tunes or change driving performance based on
the type of driving that we're doing whether it's daily driving or towing or
even race modes for the truck if you're into that kind of thing for me I'm
basically looking for towing efficiency and daily driving efficiency so stick
around for that video we'll go ahead and wrap this one up thanks again everybody
for watching I really appreciate it stay tuned for more good stuff coming up real
soon and I will catch you all next time
Andrew Gillum concedes Florida governor's race to Ron DeSantis - Latest News - Duration: 1:26.Andrew Gillum concedes Florida governor's race to Ron DeSantis - Latest News
Andrew Gillum concedes Florida governor's race to Ron DeSantis - Latest News
Forgotten Realms Lore - Halflings - Duration: 6:13.This video is sponsored by Dice Dungeons!
Check out their website (link in the description) for your RPG accessory needs!
Use the code Jorphdan (with a PH in the middle) for 10% off your order!
Hello everybody Jorphdan here the PH is silent.
Welcome one and all, for today's lecture on Forgotten Realms history revolves around
the Halfling.
History does not record exactly when halflings first appeared on Toril, but it was around
the same time as Dwarves, Elves, and Giants.
They first appeared south of Shaar, and few halflings were seen in the early years until
a great civil war occured within the Halfling tribes which spread them out further into
Halflings are short.
They stand somewhere around 3 feet tall and weigh about 30-35 lbs.
They very much resemble humans but with smaller proportions than a typical human adult.
Halfling men can't grow facial hair except for sideburns which is why you don't see
a lot of bearded halflings.
Their lifespan is a bit longer than your average human living into their 150s.
Halflings are fun!
They are joyful and friendly.
They are said to appear deceptively harmless, often beyond the notice of enemies.
Nobody seems to think a Halfling would pose much of a threat, but with their cunning personalities
those people would be wrong.
Halflings live in the now, taking in pleasures around them they focus on where they are and
whom they are with.
Some Halflings become adventurers but in reality they are content to stay home.
Which I find odd because I read that most Halflings are nomadic, and never stay in the
same place longer than 6-8 months.
Halflings love clothing, food, drink, and are enthusiastic collectors.
Many of their most beloved items are those won through skill and daring.
They aren't much for wearing jewelry but they would love to sit down with you and go
through their collection of rings they won in a game of chance.
There are three major types of halflings within the Forgotten Realms.
The Lightfoot halfling, the strongheart halfling, and the ghostwise halfling.
These sub races of halfling were once various tribes that lived in Luiren and the surrounding
At the time this was unsettled wilderness and the three nomadic tribes defended their
woodlands against intruders.
Corruption set in around -100 DR when an evil spirit entered the forest.
A ghostwise halfling cleric named Desva started worshiping the evil deity Malar.
Desva became leader of the ghostwise tribe and led them into darkness.
Glorifying violence and bloodshed the ghostwise halflings became feral hunters killing everything.
They painted their faces as skulls and some of them even learned how to take the shape
of werewolves.
Lluirwood, the forest just north of Luiren was chaos and bloodshed until -68 DR when
another halfling named Chand became the warchief for his people.
He struck an alliance with the tribes and united the Strongheart and Lightfoot clans.
They fought back against Desva and the Ghostwise halflings that worshiped Malar.
For three years the war raged until Chand defeated Desva in -65 DR.
This time was known as the Ghostwars.
The remaining ghostwise halflings, of which there were not many left, were exiled from
the forest but those who turned their back on Desva and Malar were allowed to stay.
Many left and settled in Chondalwood, taking an oath to never speak until they had atoned
for their savagery.
They have since reconciled their sins but the Ghostwise Halfling still don't talk
much, being very careful with their words when they do speak.
The Halflings started farming, and cultivated the land around Lluirwood creating a great
Halfling empire in Luiren.
Predominantly stronghearts live here but a few lightfoots and even some ghostwise halflings
have made their way back to Luiren.
These halflings became farmers, and crafts folk, even some merchants as Luiren grew.
It was after the Ghostwars that many Halflings left the area and settled west in Faerun.
Choosing to live in cities populated by Dwarves and Men, finding new homes for themselves.
Ghostwise halflings today are often barbarians, rogues, druids, rangers, and even clerics.
All halflings have a wanderlust but Ghostwise Halflings keep their nomadic lifestyle within
the borders of the Chondalwood forest.
Many Ghostwise Halflings do not have relations with other humanoid races unless necessary.
They avoid others, experts at hiding within the forest.
Lightfoot halflings are the small folk that Faerun is more familiar with it.
They are the most numerous and well traveled of the halfling subraces.
After the Ghostwars a large chunk of the lightfoot halflings left Luiren, they were horrified
what Chand and the stronghearts had done despite the problems the Ghostwise halflings were
You'll find lightfoot halflings often take up the profession of rogue or bard in their
They adopt the culture of the people they are with, there are those who live among humans,
and those who live with other halflings.
Since the spellplague the kingdom of Luiren sunk into the Great Sea.
Making Amn the nation with the greatest concentrations of Halflings.
They became successful merchants, and craftsmen within Amn.
However during the Sundering the waters receded and many halflings have started populting
their home of Luiren again.
Finally the strongheart halflings.
They are native to Luiren and have remained in their homeland after the Ghostwars.
Before the wars the stronghearts were very nomadic like the lightfoots but after the
conflict their lifestyle shifted.
The stronghearts became very solidified in their community and their land.
They realize they must be able to defend their homeland at a moments notice.
Gnolls, and terrible beasts lurk in the woods surrounding Luiren.
The strongheart halflings have learned from bitter experience that it's best to be prepared.
You players must be prepared for anything, and Dice Dungeons is here to help you prepare
with RPG accessories for your games!
Dice Dungeons has some great products like a variety of metal dice in different designs,
such as their Imperial and Primordial sets.
They even have glow in the dark dice, and unique products like Inspiration coins.
Which is a great way to remind you as the DM to hand out inspiration and your players
to remember they have it.
They have durable cloth battlemaps that are a quick way to throw down a campsite, or ruined
Check them out today and use the promo code Jorphdan with a PH in the middle at checkout
for 10% off!
Earlier I said I'd like to run a dwarf only campaign, now I'd really love a halfling
only campaign.
Maybe set your game during the Ghostwars and have a group of halflings sent by Chand to
sabotage the Ghostwise tribe allowing victory during the war.
That's part of the fun of the Forgotten Realms is going back and playing or recreating
those older battles.
I hope you enjoyed this look at Halflings and the Ghostwars.
If you did give it a thumbs up, and subscribe for more videos.
I release new ones every Wednesday.
I'll see you again in the next one!
The Best Photoshop Extension Panel you Don't Know About - Duration: 8:28.today I want to share with you what's probably the best Photoshop extension
panel that you've never heard of as a landscape photographer something that I
tend to use quite frequently in Photoshop are luminosity masks.
luminosity masks allow you to target different areas of your image based on
how bright or dark those areas are so if you look at this image for example I may
want to target this dark area here and increase the saturation increase the
contrast in it to make the color stand out some of the light areas for example
though they may be a little bit too bright and prevent you from seeing the
detail in them so you may want to reduce those now the problem of luminosity
masks is that they're not really easy to create let me show you what I mean if I
go to the channels window and I want to create my first mask I could hold down
my command key and click on the RGB Channel and that will load the luminance
values of that channel as a selection and I can then save that as a new
Channel and here we have alpha 1 if I want to create a mass snow that targets
even lighter areas but ignores the other areas I have to know create a new mask
from this and I can do that by holding down shift alt and command and clicking
on that channel this time if I save it you'll see that the areas that in the
previous mask work live sort of mid told and no darker meaning that they're not
selected and I can continue that process
so each time on creating a mask that targets a lighter and lighter areas in
the image if I want to go and target darker areas I have to create a new
series of masks so let's go back to the first mask I created and we'll load that
again and this time I need to create a new mask from it I'm going to invert it
an immediate way I've done it wrong I've created a problem because I didn't
remove my selection at the start so I'm going to have to go back and undo that
and now I'll remove my selection then I can actually invert it and now I can
start the process again
and so each of these masks will target different areas of the image depending
on their tones and that is a set of luminosity mass and as you've seen it's
very easy to make mistakes now you can remove some of that by creating actions
that will automate it but that leaves you with another problem you've got all
these channels that exist then in the image and they all add size and bloats
to the image files the alternative approach to creating masks is one of
creating them on the fly you create the mask that you need as you need it and
this is where this new piece of software comes in
it's called mask equalizer it has series of sliders that represent the tonal
range from darks through to lights and then you've got these sliders that you
can move up and down now as you move them up and down what you're doing is
you're creating a mask so here I've got a selection of the very darkest tones in
the image and also the ones that are almost as dark now that I'm moving these
sliders around is creating a mask for me on the fly and you can see that here the
darkest tones are now black and the lighter tones are white in the mask now
that's probably the reverse of what we want for selecting these areas here in
this area but all we have to do is click on our mask and use the properties
window and invert it and now we've got a selection at the very darkest areas in
our image now let me just load that mask
now when I add a new adjustment
the mask is now added to that adjustment and now I can actually target
adjustments on to the areas that we were looking at now the darkest areas of the
image have now got this very strong contrast adjustment and I've applied to
them so you can see that the area here has become intensely red and contrasted
because of the adjustment in the curves layer and the sames also happen to them
the foreground here which now appears sharper and it really is as simple as
that if I find that I want a different mask I can go back to eat my mask and
now I can go back to my mask equalizer and this time I could use maybe
different selections here and I'll use that to select the lighter areas of the
image and then we can target those with an adjustment as well now the thing is I
don't have to just use the luminosity values it gives me access to go for the
red green blue or even saturation of the image and that will allow me to create
these masks and you can turn a mask preview on or off as you're creating
them as well as turn on the effect I'll turn off the effect then you don't even
have to use the sliders individually as I have here you can go for one of these
presets so we've got the shadows we've got mid-tones we've got the highlights
or we've got the very useful shadows and highlights and of course once you've
created one of these masks you can either use it like that or you can go to
your properties window for the mask and then you can invert it and you can
feather it and you can change the density
interestingly though the mask equalizer itself will actually also give you some
of those features if I pull down here you can see we've got the ability to
adjust the contrast of the mask and we've got a feather option and we can
reduce the density of the mask so all of these things are easily available in
that very very simple interface and that's what I really like about this
it's a simple interface that gives you access to very very powerful masking
features straight away you don't have to go through the complicated process of
creating masks or have lots and lots of masks in your channels window you only
have the mask that you're actually working on personally I find this a
great improvement over creating all those luminosity masks and channels and
the ability to target individual tones in this way is very very flexible and
powerful and if you want to know the company that's behind this mask
equalizer I'll put the details down below in the information I'll also
stress that I'm in no way connected to the company and I've paid for and bought
this software myself I actually bought it as part of a bundle didn't think I
was going to need this masking tool and when I tried it I was simply blown away
by how useful it was I hope you found this interesting I'm Robin Whalley
you've been watching the lenscraft I'll see you next week for another video
How to draw KAR 98K Gun from PUBG - Duration: 2:40.How to draw KAR 98K Gun from PUBG
Startup Grind Event Vol 3 - Duration: 4:22.It's interesting because we have a very amazing HR related tool. That's so romantic.
Companies in Greece in the field of HR, Like Workable is kicking the ass (sorry for my French), for the last couple of years.
And you guys are coming out you know and changing the game.
So why do you think, you know, Greece is giving birth in this HR-related startups?
I didn't have it mind that Greece as a birth mother of HR startups.
But I strongly believe that we have an issue with our human resources in Greece.
And what I consider as an issue and not a problem, is that we have untapped potential in Greece.
And actually we are not doing anything to untap this potential.
We have great engineers that they are conquering all the world, they're everywhere.
We have great resources allocated all over the world but we don't have the whole structure not only to keep those people.
Because ok in brain drain - you bring those people back.Do you have a plan how not
make them leave again the country? so I strongly believe that each one of us if
he goes to cafeteria and discuss about something or there is a debate on
Facebook that is not (speaking Greek: to opio den einai sinithismeno ton Ellinon). The first thing is about health care is
about education and it's about work.
So because in health care we don't have many possibilities to change things yet and education even more.
I strongly believe that it begins with the Human Capital.
And how about, you know because it's...
We can collaborate with Workable and change OAED. That would be awesome!
OK, I will leave you guys some space later on.
So my question was more about investing in the B2B space. Because most of the Greek startups we see them
investing and trying to solve B2C problems. So in how did you approach investors and pitch a B2B solution in Greece?
And how did they find it?
Our period of time was the worst thing, Ilias is laughing, my co-founder is sitting over there.
It was the worst period of time because actually we launched our company two months before capital control.
So and being incubated in a Greek bank, Eurobank.
It was the worst coincidence in time, having to do something like that.
The first thing that we did it's something we've been questioned a lot.
Why our website is co.uk. We are not based in UK, we are based in Greece.
But we changed the domain name because every time we were sending the pitch decks and they would see
it was owiwi.gr. The approach that they had, international investors was
extremely bad the first months. So we just changed the domain name by sending them.
Secondly when you..I mean it's not about Greece or abroad. When you are
talking about B2B business or enterprise business startup solutions.
You have to accept them at me that you have very big sale cycle. So
when you are aware of that and you go in a business plan that it has incorporated
a part for the safe side will be doubled in terms of the conversion that you were following.
Your strategy is different. But indeed it was extremely hot let's say
having a marketplace startup or B2C startup. ANd it's more difficult to have
a B2B startup. But it has many many other good aspects. The very what you have in
mind is that you should be very conscious, from the first time. Because
we have seen a lot of startups founders that they begin with B2B and because they say that
B2C is sexy. They are like, OK we can also tap the B2C. You have to be pretty clear
because if the investor understands that you are not balancing right among those two
the strategy is cloned.
[Preview EP 2] Encounter EP 2 Preview - 남자친구 2화 Eng Sub || #NoiseDaily - Duration: 1:46.Subscribe to Noise Daily
Easy Norway Skilled Worker Visa & Seasonal Work Permit & Settlement 2018 - Duration: 11:14.Subscribe Now
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Odkrywamy Fotowoltaikę: niezależnie od opinii – to działa! – Odcinek 2 - Duration: 9:05.Welcome to another video!
With IKEA, we will discover all the secrets
and take a deep look at photovoltaics in Poland.
Did you know that in Poland residential photovoltaic
systems are actually worth investing in?
If the answer is yes - great, let's move on!
If the answer is no - stay with me and I'll tell you
more about the cost-efficiency of photovoltaics.
Let's take a look at
how a photovoltaic installation actually works, what it is made of
and what are its components.
And most importantly - does it pay off?
I will answer all those questions. Let's start with the basics!
As you already know (even if you're not sure, your intuition is right),
most of the electricity in Poland is produced
by burning coal.
Coal contributes to as much as
87% of electricity generation
that's quite a lot.
For comparison - only 7%
of electricity in Poland comes from renewable sources.
Did you know that coal has many applications in medicine
and new technologies?
ts properties can be used in a different way,
much less burdensome to the environment.
Let's leave the coal to the future generations and use it wisely.
Instead, we can use
another common element
Silicon is the second most abundant element on our planet
after oxygen. 90% of photovoltaic modules in the world are produced from silicon.
It is currently the best available raw material,
however, new and better technologies are constantly being developed.
Production of photovoltaic modules from crystalline silicon requires a long,
complex and energy-intensive production process.
A by-product of the process, as is the case in many energy-intensive production processes,
is high emission of carbon dioxide to the environment.
In fact, carbon footprint is
left in the environment whenever we use any
electric household appliance.
However, in regard to the carbon footprint, the photovoltaic modules are different from all the other products.
Why is that?
By nature, they are zero-emission sources of electricity
and as such they actually remove CO2
from our environment.
German Fraunhoffer Institute has recently published
a study according to which carbon footprint from
the production of photovoltaic modules is neutralized after
1.5 to 3 years from their installation.
A complete report is available at the Institute website - you can find the link in the description.
OK, so we've got a module.
What else do we need for our photovoltaic system to work?
An inverter.
A device that converts direct current into alternating
current used by all household appliances.
As you might have guessed, without the inverter, the modules will only be an expensive ornament.
What does the inverter look like?
The one used in your home is a small electrical cabinet
typically installed in a cool and dark place (e.g. a cellar or a garage).
You do not need any special skills or knowledge to use the inverter
it works automatically, without human intervention.
You can, however, monitor its performance.
Many manufacturers let you download a phone app to monitor the operation of the system and the inverter in real time.
You can see how much energy is produced,
used and stored.
Apart from the system performance monitoring in real time, the app will provide information for previous days and months.
You can access information on your energy usage, how much energy is produced and when, how much is fed back into the grid, and how much is used.
It is an extremely useful device
We know the key components of our
photovoltaic system But do you know how it actually works?
Production of electricity from the sun is possible thanks to the photovoltaic effect.
What's that?
When the sunlight (photons, to be more precise)
hit the photovoltaic cells, an electric potential difference
is generated, i.e. electric voltage, and a direct current
starts flowing through the circuit.
The current is fed to the inverter,
converting it into an alternating current with parameters corresponding
to the parameters of the grid the inverter is connected to.
From the inverter, electricity
is then fed to the main electrical panel of the building,
from where it directly supplies all appliances,
and the surplus of energy is fed to the grid and stored there.
Now all you need to do is to use your household
appliances and enjoy lower bills.
That's a simple and general principle of operation of photovoltaic systems.
Remember, whether you use electricity generated by your PV system
or bought from the grid - the energy quality is identical!
Simple, isn't it? You might ask:
OK, simple, but what's in it for me?
There is no simple answer.
Mainly, because the benefits from such investment will affect several areas of your life.
Let's start with the savings.
Those will depend on several factors.
First, answer some general questions:
Am I the owner of the roof?
Most offers on the market will allow installation of the photovoltaic modules
if you're the owner of the house and the roof.
Is the building where I am planning the installation connected
to the grid ? It is a key factor.
Is your roof facing south, east or west?
Great! At our latitude, the best option are south-facing roofs as they have the most direct sunlight exposure.
East and west-facing roofs will also work very well.
North-facing roofs are the worst option,
however, they can still be used for the installation of photovoltaic systems.
Keep in mind that the cost-effectiveness of north oriented system would be heavily
reduced and it would greatly depend on the roof pitch.
What is my roof pitch?
Assuming that the roof is facing south, the perfect pitch would be approx.
35-36 degrees.
The more the direction deviates towards east or west,
the lower the pitch should be.
I can already see you smile when I am asking you about your roof pitch...
Not many people know the answer.
Don't worry, there are apps for that!
You can find them online, to check the pitch of your roof for free.
Links to some of them are in the description.
There is yet another question
how much annually do you spend on electricity ?
The answer will determine your annual energy demand and the number
of modules required to meet this demand.
Based on all those factors, we will calculate the final size, cost and output of your system
and your savings for the next 25 years that's the usual warranty period for the modules.
Why 25 years?
It is based on the long-term outdoor tests of the existing systems and the laboratory tests,
where new materials for photovoltaic modules are developed and tested.
Another key benefit of the photovoltaic system is the sense of security.
How come?
The sense of security comes from at least a partial independence
from the energy supplier and thus constantly rising prices of electricity.
Your photovoltaic system guarantees you a fixed price per kWh
over time. A traditional model of energy production
from fossil fuels is based on a simple rule
the less raw material is available, the higher the price.
As a result - the more energy from the traditional power plants we use - the higher the cost.
The dynamics of the photovoltaic market is inversely proportional.
The more photovoltaic modules is installed in the world, the lower
the production cost s.
and thus the lower
the installation or servicing cost
Another benefit that photovoltaic systems bring
is how they help our natural environment.
For example - installation of
a 4 kW photovoltaic system will affect the environment
in the same way as planting 138 trees.
Photovoltaics is the future - not only as technology,
but also as a way to care for a better life for us and future generations.
Thanks for watching and see you soon!
How much can I save with a photovoltaic system?
How does photovoltaics work?
How much will a photovoltaic system for my home cost?
All the answers can be found in our videos
links in the description.
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