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Nhật Ký Đời Tôi ( Thanh Sơn ) - Quỳnh Như | MV OFFICIAL - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
Bruder Tractor Farming Action for Kids, Combine harvester corn transport! - Duration: 14:11.Bruder toys | RC tractor
Working group will ensure inter-Korean relations to achieve North's denuclearization: Pompeo - Duration: 0:40.U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says... the relationship between South and North Korea
is important to denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.
In an interview with KFDI News in Kansas on Sunday,... Pompeo said...
there are many elements to the North's denuclearization... and that Seoul and Washington's new working
group aims to achieve it by ensuring good inter-Korean relations.
He admitted that negotiations with North Korea will take time,... but said the Trump administration
will be patient and make sure the regime continues to refrain from testing nuclear weapons and
Pompeo added that economic sanctions on the North will stay in place.
Baby Playing With Dog Couples - Dogs Babysitting Babies - Duration: 3:30.Hi Guy! Thanks for watching. Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE our video.
Two Koreas to kick-start on-ground survey of North Korean railways this week - Duration: 2:15.Last week, the UN Security Council were said to have approved a limited sanctions waiver
for the two Koreas' joint railway inspections,... and over the weekend, it was revealed that
Washington also got on board with an exemption for its own sanctions against Pyeongyang.
With the waivers in place,... the on-site survey for the railyway project could start...
as early as this week.
Oh Jung-hee explains further.
The two Koreas' railway connection plan -- which has been completely suspended since August
-- looks to gain speed... with a couple of exemptions made to the international sanctions
over the weekend.
According to several government sources on Sunday,... the U.S. decided to allow an exemption
to its unilateral sanctions against North Korea for the inter-Korean rail inspections...
after a bilateral discussion with Seoul.
This comes after the UN Security Council approved a limited sanctions waiver on its North Korea
sanctions last Friday.
With a breakthrough to the months-long deadlock,... the two Koreas are currently discussing the
schedule for a joint rail survey in North Korea... and Seoul expects it to kick-start
this week.
"We are currently discussing the matter with the North.
We are getting ready so that the joint inspections can begin this week."
For the inspections, a South Korean train and research team will be moving up North.
They will go test the western Gyeongui Line first... and then the eastern Donghae Line.
The overall process is expected to take about 20 days.
Once the joint inspections are over, South Korea views that Seoul and Pyeongyang will
be able to hold a ground-breaking ceremony, within this year AS PLANNED,... for linking
and modernizing their rail and road networks.
And that, possibly in mid-December.
But for the inter-Korean rail and road project to move further down the track, additional
lifting of sanctions are needed both from the UN Security Council and the U.S.,... as
the recent waivers, for now, apply only to the on-site survey.
And that will require further coordination between Seoul and Washington... as well as
stronger signs of denuclearization from North Korea.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
BABY SHARK - Nursery Rhymes and Baby Song Play Doh for Kids - Duration: 3:35.Hi guys! Thanks for your watching! Please subscribe and watch best videos.
11 Startling Ways to Use the OXO Deep Clean Brush Set (Product Review) - Duration: 10:15.What is one of your favorite cleaning tools?
That's a great question, and we're going to talk about that today.
Hi, there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner.
This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question,
and I get to help you find an answer.
Now, today we're going to do a product review on two of my favorite products from OXO,
and it is the deep brush cleaning set.
These are two tiny little brushes that I'm going to show you how we use them, and what
they're designed for.
But, back in the olden days when I started my company, all we had that we were able to
use were toothbrushes, because these little brushes didn't exist.
So we used a toothbrush, and I don't know if you can see this, I'll try to get up close
here so that you can see that the bristles are all frayed, and they mush down when you
try to use them on things like grout.
Okay, so, this is what we used, because this is all we had.
Now, the bristles of a toothbrush are nylon, and somewhere along the way, the dental association
decided that the bristles should be soft, instead of hard, so that they wouldn't ruin
people's gums, because that's what toothbrushes were designed to do.
They were not designed to be cleaning tools and used for grout.
Okay, so, several years ago they stopped making the heavy-duty bristles for the toothbrushes.
That's when I turned to OXO to look for something different.
All right, now, OXO's been around for 25 years, they're an amazing company, and they have
all kinds of really interesting things, from cooking to bake ware, all the way down to
little bottle brushes that you use to clean out a baby bottle with,
and even potty chairs for kids.
Now, their specialty is they have good grips.
Everything that they have with a handle on it has a really good grip, whether it's made
of silicone or it's made of some kind of a durable resin, their stuff is really super
durable, and they're looking for a better user experience.
That's what they're all about is a better user experience.
So, they've got a whole entire line of products, and they're actually a subsidiary of
Helen of Troy, which is a publicly traded company,
but they are really emerging into the cleaning
market with some fantastic tools that have become quickly my favorite products.
All right, so, these little tools are very, very durable bristles, and they're good for
all kinds of things, like cleaning grout or cleaning around the sides of faucets.
I'm going to show you a bunch of different ways that I use them.
But these are small enough, you'll see, compared to the toothbrush, the toothbrush has a much
longer handle, and these are a little bit smaller, and so these fit inside your pocket,
if you're wearing cargo pants, or they fit inside any apron, so they're very easy to
carry with you at all times, and I do.
I use them all the time because they're so amazing.
So, let's go check out how we use these.
Now, if you're like me, you have keyboards in your house, and using the smaller of the
two brushes, I like to clean the keyboards with this brush.
The bristles are not as tough as they are on the bigger of the two brushes, but there
are four rows of bristles, the two on the outside are smaller than the two in the middle,
which create a triangular pattern, which makes it real easy to run your brush between all
the different rows of the keyboards and get out all the food and crumbs and junk that
might have fallen in there when no one was looking.
Another great use for the OXO smaller brush are the corners of six-paneled doors.
After you've dusted the door, a lot of times there'll be junk, dust, gunk that has settled
in the corners and they're hard to get out.
This little triangular brush is super in the corners by just brushing in an outward position,
and that cleans out all the gunk without soap and water.
Another great use for the smaller of the two brushes is detailing your car.
The smaller of the two brushes with the triangular top is great for the area between the door
and the window where the window rolls up and down.
Also, in the little buttons in the door where you have the locks,
or the chairs go up and down.
Those buttons also tend to collect a lot of gunk.
On the opposite end of the smaller of the two brushes there is a little orange piece
which is like a rubber spatula, and that's great for digging out little things like food
and bits of grime that have settled in the buttons and around the intricate areas of
your vehicle.
It's excellent for detailing your car in all the little nooks and crannies, especially
on the dash board.
Another great use for the larger of the two brushes is cleaning the vent on the overhead
air conditioning vents.
A lot of the air filters will collect dust and grime, and although we can change the
air filter, the grime settles on the little grates, and that's very difficult to get out,
but with the larger of the two brushes, you can clean that right out without any extra
soap or water or cleaning solutions.
Washing machines and dryers also collect a lot of gunk right inside the door, and with
the smaller of the two brushes, that triangular brush head is great for getting in all the
little nooks and crannies of areas where gunk has collected, and that could either be soap
or grime or dust or lint or whatever.
And then, also, to turn the end around of the smaller of the two and use that rubber
spatula part in areas that normally you could not reach.
Also, you want to check the seals of the doors and make sure that there's no lint build up
so that the door seals properly.
One of my favorite uses for both of the brushes is the bathroom sink.
There're all kinds of grime that just builds up around the bathroom sink, whether it's
toothpaste or it's soap or its junk or whatever.
The very first thing that you want to do is you want to get the areas where the sink meets
the solid surface countertop, because there's a lot of grime that builds up underneath there,
even though you cannot see it.
So, you want to just run your brushes underneath there, and then I turn the smaller of the
two brushes around, and use the rubber spatula part to clean that rim out, because, even
though you can't see that there's a bunch of junk, it usually collects junk there, and
it's easy to clean out with the help of these two tools.
Now, while we're here in the sink, I want to take the smaller of the brushes, and I
want to clean the drain.
This is where we spit our toothpaste out, it's where we wash soap down the drain.
It collects all kinds of stuff and bacteria, and often creates a little pink ring.
The brush brushes that out without any additional chemicals.
Now, we've just sprayed the back of the sink, so I'm going to use the larger of the two
brushes, and I'm just going to rotate brushes here, and I'm going to get all around the
faucets and behind the faucet, and the area where the solid surface countertop meets the
back splash.
And now, here, I'm going to do a mulligan while I have this small brush in my hand.
I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to clean the electric toothbrush, because that's always
nasty, and it always looks better after it's clean.
Then I'm going to wipe everything down, and voila!
The sink is as good as new with the help of these two brushes.
Now, we talked about the larger of the two brushes replacing the toothbrush for grout.
Let me show you what I mean.
I'm using just a mixture of OxiClean and water, and I'm using the larger of the two brushes,
which has a flat head, and that brushes right into the groove of the grout, and after leaving
this for a couple of minutes, we're going to have spectacular looking grout.
Now, not part of regular maintenance cleaning is the window sills between where the window
and the screen meet, but there's usually a lot of junk and gunk back there, and you'll
want to remove the screen first, then you'll want to vacuum out the debris with the hose
of your vacuum, and then you'll spray the area, just to loosen up all the debris, and
then you'll use both of the brushes, starting with the larger brush first.
You want to scoop out and scrub out as much of the debris as you possibly can, then you'll
go back to the far corners with the smaller of the two brushes and that triangular head,
and then once you have all of that done, you'll turn the brush around and you'll use the rubber
spatula part, wrapped inside a paper towel, to clean out the last of that debris.
And how can we forget about the shower door?
Ugh, it's usually nasty.
And this is a two-brush job, as well.
We're going to remove the mat.
We're going to spray the area at the bottom of the door, then we're going to start with
the larger of the two brushes and we're going to scrub all the largest areas first.
Then, once the areas around the base on the inside and outside of the shower door are
clean, we're going to use the smaller of the brushes and we're going to turn it around
to the spatula edge, wrap it inside a paper towel, and we're going to clean the gunk out
of the bottom rim where all the water drips, and then turns into mold.
All of the bristles in the vacuum attachments can be cleaned.
Well, first, you clean out all the hair and whatever, then you can use either of your
brushes to brush the brushes and the edges of your vacuum attachments.
This removes all of the hair, dust, debris, anything that's caught to make your vacuum
attachments look as good as new.
The brushes are super easy to clean.
You can either soak them in just a cup of hot dish water, or you can put them on the
top shelf of your dishwasher, or you can just run them under hot water and brush the brushes
against each other to loosen any debris that may have stuck in the bristles.
Alrighty, now that you've seen how I use these brushes, I'm sure you can understand why they're
a couple of my favorite.
With the price tag of $6 or $7 for a set of two, it's a little bit more expensive than
a cheap toothbrush, but it's going to last you forever.
It's a great investment in your cleaning business, and I'm going to leave links in the show notes
so you can see where to get a set for yourself.
Also, they make great gifts, so, if you have a house cleaner in your life, don't forget
to pick up a set for them, as well.
And every house cleaner, every maid service, every Airbnb, every homeowner that has little
nooks and crannies that you need to clean between, these are your tools.
Now, I'm going to give this set, this set, the Savvy Cleaner seal of approval.
And I want to hear all about your experience with these.
If you use this set, leave your comments in the notes below, because I want to hear all
about it.
I want to see if you're a fan of the little OXO brushes.
All right, until we meet again,
leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.
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Funny Dogs Wake Up Their Owners Out Bed - Funny Dogs Compilation 2018 - Duration: 10:03.Hello everyone! Thanks for watching. Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE our video.
Wish you a great start of a week filled with motivation and inspiration of the work.
【アイデンティティーv】第五人格 困った時は庭師にお任せ 初心者様必見 - Duration: 9:30.-------------------------------------------
Hilarious Bulldog Puppies And Babies Playing Together - Cute Baby Videos - Duration: 3:49.Wish you a great start of a week filled with motivation and inspiration of the work.
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Euro Truck Simulator 2019 Tanker Driver (by Yojoy Games) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 7:20.Euro Truck Simulator 2019 Tanker Driver (by Yojoy Games) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ
អូនបើកភ្នែកឡើងទៅមើលថ្ងៃលិចពីរនាក់「♪ COVER」by Sovan Noreak Heng - Duration: 2:15.Please subscribe for more videos
The Camp Fire is a Capitalist-Created Disaster - Duration: 4:45.The Chico organizing committee of the Democratic Socialists of America calls for democratic control of power utilities and an end to the barbarous practices exploiting unhoused and incarcerated communities.
The Camp Fire currently decimating a large swath of Northern California started under conditions of critically high wind, low humidity, and dry fuel
but the response to this fire and its aftermath point to a different but equally disastrous situation being fueled by destructive capitalist enterprises at the expense of unhoused and other exploited communities.
Northern California's energy is supplied by Pacific Gas & Electric
a government-regulated monopoly
They maintain power plants, and lines that provide electricity to over 5 million Californians, and pipelines that supply natural gas to over 4 million.
But PG&E's history of poor maintenance and resistance to life-saving infrastructure and improvements has forced Californians to pay a steep price for their utilities
In 1999, PG&E caused the Pendola Fire, which burned 12,000 acres of forest land, including habitat for endangered species.
76 structures were destroyed.
In 2010
A natural gas pipeline under San Bruno California exploded killing 8 people.
Last year in 2017
PG&E equipment and infrastructure sparked numerous fires across 8 Northern California Counties
burning over 8,000 structures and killing 44 people
and this year, 2018
The Camp Fire
Indications so far point to PG&E infrastructure again as the cause of the Camp Fire.
So far the town of Paradise has been wiped out
with over 10,000 structures destroyed
The death toll is currently at 76
with officials still searching cars and homes for human remains
Over 1200 are missing.
<b>It is both the deadliest and the most destructive wildfire in California history.</b>
<b>While this ecological calamity unfolds, the human toll of this disaster has yet to be fully discovered.</b>
<b>PG&E has proven it cannot or will not provide energy to Northern Californians safely.</b>
<b>The time has come for a public take over energy utilities and an end to fossil fuel exploration and development.</b>
<b>while retooling our infrastructure for green energy</b>
<b>Just days prior to the start of the Camp Fire, the Chico City Council reinstated the anti-homeless Sit/Lie ordinance.</b>
<b>Now Chico is flooded with refugees from the Camp Fire disaster and shelters all over town are overwhelmed while night temperatures are dipping into the 30s and 40s, and unhealthy air quality has become a daily concern.</b>
<b>Housing is a human right, not a commodity.</b>
<b>Regardless of the cause of one's displacement, all people deserve a safe place to stay every night.</b>
<b>This also comes on the heels of Enloe, a huge complex of medical facilities in Chico issuing notices terminating their contract with Anthem Blue Cross.</b>
<b>Chico residents insured with Anthem were directed to the nearest</b>
<b>medical facility that accepted their insurance which was Feather River Hospital up in Paradise</b>
<b>In the wake of the complete annihilation of Paradise, Enloe was forced to temporarily accept Anthem Blue Cross policies.</b>
<b>This again shows the inhumanity of the for-profit medical insurance industry and the desperate need for Medicare for All.</b>
<b>Lastly, as in all California fires</b>
<b>CALFIRE has deployed thousands of inmate firefighters</b>
<b>paid mere dollars per day</b>
<b>These volunteers leave the confines of prison cells to live in "Conservation Camps" throughout the state.</b>
<b>They work year-round on projects</b>
<b>of all kinds, and in the summer they form the backbone of CALFIRE's manual fire labor force</b>
<b>These incarcerated workers face a brutal choice</b>
<b>work for next to nothing or sit in prison</b>
<b>Upon release</b>
<b>they are often blocked from employment by the same agencies that use them because of their criminal records</b>
<b>We must end mass incarceration</b>
<b>and the brutal forms of exploitation it perpetuates throughout our society</b>
<b>The destructive nature of capitalism and the inhumanity of the institutions it perpetuates have been placed in stark relief against the flames of the Camp Fire.</b>
<b>The deteriorating infrastructure of private utility companies which may spark the fires</b>
<b>the insurance industry profiting from them, and the mass incarceration complex using incarcerated workers</b> <b>to put them out are elemental to the capitalist system that exists at the expense of us all</b>
<b>Chico DSA stands in solidarity with all of the exploited communities that the Camp Fire has impacted and resolutely against the few who choose profit over humanity.</b>
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