Evolution of Dream League Soccer trailers 2015 to 2019
Which One Is The Best?
100+ best Front Door Flower Pots Ideas - Duration: 14:30.-------------------------------------------
EU billigt Brexit-Abkommen mit Großbritannien - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Preview: I Wish I Knew | Season 1 | THE PASSAGE - Duration: 0:31.-------------------------------------------
Tại Sao Phải Seo Video Lên Top Youtube, Muốn Tăng View Thì Cần Seo Chìa Khóa Dễ Tìm Kiếm Google ? - Duration: 13:37.-------------------------------------------
Making Music and Sound Art with Smart Speakers - Singing With Machines - Duration: 5:19.Today we have come to this really nice space in East London to have a hack-day
workshop where we're teaming up four artists and musicians with four
technologists from R&D and we've tasked everybody with finding something
interesting to do with smart speakers - things like Amazon Alexa, Google home -
that kind of explores their sonic and interaction possibilities as a
instrument or as an interactive sound device of some sort.
It's my first time working with something like this. The idea I had was to be able to do a
kind of duo with an Alexa and to have some sounds coming from from the devices
and some sounds coming from me.
"This is Spencer from BBC Blue Room.
He is trying to make me musical, the poor deluded fool."
Well I came in with some preconceptions and they're being smashed to pieces
I didn't realise there's certain limits about Alexa so that it'll only
play five audio files per interaction with a maximum of 90 seconds.
At the minute I'm going with using SSML and basically use the devices as a
voice sourc or synth kind of thing getting it to sort of speak in tongues a bit, I suppose.
We sort of trying to interfere with Alexa to try and get her to have a
conversation with herself. Today I'm trying to build a voice-activated looper
drum sequencer, so that you can go and say Alexa and a drum track that goes
1 1 2 2 1 1 2.
"Here goes."
(1 1 2 2 1 1 2 drumbeat)
So right now we're we're trolling through APIs trying to look
at exactly what parts of the components of similar systems, similar forms of
algorithmic surveillance and text analysis can we as practitioners pull at
and expose in order to get a bit of a closer view on the way these
technologies are actually functioning.
The collaboration is really important, being exposed to people who work in a different way to
you and have different different ideas about what they want to achieve is
really really really important.
With a musician it's like, well it's a speaker, does it actually have to sit on a desk
It makes you makes you think about it as a different device and different
potential for interacting with.
We've got another 45 minutes of getting stuff
ready then we're gonna have a little break and we're gonna do a little kind
of relaxed performance of everything we've come up with but hopefully we'll
get to see some interesting stuff.
Echo, tell the audience we're ready.
"We're ready."
"Graham, bring in the hi-hats."
(Hi-hats play)
"A song? I'd love to!" (Alexa sings)
"Welcome to MC Lexi. I say Boom and you say Bap."
(Thudding noise)
(Thudding noise)
So our intention here was to
expose some of stuff that's happening in that pause between you talk into the
device and the device talking to you.
"Alexa, are you capable of love?"
"There are people I admire and things I can't do without, but I'm still trying to figure out human love."
(Samples of music play)
"And politics."
"Funky yeah."
I think we've learned learnt loads about different ways
of approaching this type of work that even if it's not necessarily for for musical
things there's tons we can learn for everything else we do with these devices.
Well I think I think like anything the limitations can be strengths and it's trying to find
that sort of sweet spot really.
To get going it really took quite a while and then some
of the technical limitations also ... yes they're forcing you to be a little more creative.
What I didn't really appreciate properly until I started doing such
collaborations with them is that their remit towards the public really changes
what their view is on like what a good product is or what a good output for all
these kind of things are because they really have a real social engagement with what they do.
So out of today we're going to take the work
that everyone's been working on we're going to we're going to use it to
lead the creative conversation around what are the kinds of things should we be doing with voice.
My Talking Tom 2 bath FRIEND is HERE! 24 Friends Angela My Talking Tom 2 Game cartoon - Duration: 15:06.-------------------------------------------
How to get rid of the ingrown toenail! Immediate from 1 to 3 days! You need to watch - Duration: 2:24.wedge wedge cury quickly with this homemade recipe suffering from nail
ingrown learn how to unclog the nail
the ingrown toenails, in addition to being painful is extremely irritating.
uncomfortable one in five people suffer as
ingrown toenail The problem arises when the nail ball
grows on the skin of the finger and causes heredity in many cases.
people is a problem that comes from family trauma sometimes by performing activities
which involve pressure on the fingers as playing ball or even falling
Objects cut the wrong nail the most common cause is this cut wrong
nails in a very short way that can make the skin the child side
on the nail inappropriate shoes shoes and socks very tight fungi
can arise from infections such as disinfect the nail with these recipes
homemade if you suffer from this problem we will
teach three home remedies for treat a baking soda and vinegar
with baking soda vinegar make a peace that passes over the ingrown toenail
leaving for a few minutes and rinse then give twice
per day in 2 hours of clove in 200 ml olive oil mix 30
cloves of clove cook in a double boiler for one
hour after cooling down just paste and put a little glass
apply on the nail twice a day 3 put onion juice in the blender
200 ml water and an onion potato all then kohl and place in a container
so you can insert your finger up to completely close the nail and remove
let it dry and repeat twice a day
if you liked the short video and if subscribe to the channel and do not
share with your friends until Next video bye bye
Польза и вред для здоровья. Основной принцип. - Duration: 13:33.Hello friends
today talk about the secrets of chips
raw food and veganism I will tell you interesting facts statistics I will share my secrets secrets
who have already opened up to me so to speak other cousins of power so let's go
we are all interested in longevity health
happy life we all would like to throw numerically 0 out of the re-start the arrow
return that run whose health you have achieved let's say at 15 years old and can achieve even more
raise the tone unleash creativity
become more energetic unleash ambition to the fullest
the day before yesterday or even the belly of the day before yesterday
overall just upgrade as the computer's operating system
and it's natural that we want to achieve this without any hard training in the manipulation of body and soul
move the approaching sunset indefinitely do not consider in the mirror new wrinkles for this my friends and you need to change
dead kitchen and live
raw foods but for those who are on my channel for the first time I remind you that the main benefit of such nutrition is
in the absence of putrefactive processes in your digestive tract without receiving animal protein
the body is not accumulating toxic substances
as a result, normalized
metabolic processes and negative emotions also disappear
overflowing modern man
cleaning and introducing the menu of raw fruits and vegetables eliminates food addiction
peculiar to fast food consumers for example people
long time practicing raw food becomes
workable and they appear consciousness appears
lightness in all body away fatigue goes away
tired systematic headaches and also hated kilos
already in two or three weeks of a diet, one can lose three or more pounds by three
Now let's talk specifically about the manat level raw foods or the common people of cheese alone and
this food is eating a good monotonous food at a time
in other words, you can eat one because of the product for lunch dinner or breakfast
Well, for example, how I eat I eat two bananas for lunch in the morning can eat an apple and a pear banana shape
or tangerines for the season but strictly something one of this and the same diet, in principle, in my evening a
came up with such a food because a person comes from Switzerland whose name was Guy Claude burghers
most recently in
he called this kind of food instinct therapy
he was only twenty-six years old when he fell ill with throat cancer and
burgher's theory was based precisely on us
us about raw food raw alone and in just four years there is no trace of the disease and it is completely itself
healed in
In 1984 he opened his instinct therapy center near Paris where he healed the sick.
helped people
restore health
but in
1987 convicted
illegal medical practice for many years went the courts of appeal but still in
97, he was sentenced to as much as 15 years in prison
but we all certainly understand to whom it was beneficial
I think that if his practice went to the masses, now the profession of a doctor simply was not
imagine how many people would be left without work
in general, once again, the basic rule is to eat only live food that cannot be mixed with each other.
besides such flavor enhancers like salt pepper pepper sugar and others they are simply forbidden
drink only water and
drinking water
Separately from food this necessarily
This is a very interesting food. Please write in the comments if one of you wants to try it or already.
tried it would be interesting to talk
I promised to present some interesting types of food and here is the second type that you might like or vice versa.
she's called juice we go
this is nutrition with fresh juices
fruit vegetables
sometimes cannabis sesame almond cedar milk can be consumed so on
raw foods are sometimes referred to as liquidity a liquid; Arianism is a way of life in which a person drinks only
liquids solid food completely
excluded from the diet that is females water and that I am above the amount
By the way, I myself would like to try this kind of food. I think for a month you can reach a completely different level of consciousness
of course
nutrition fresh juices
hardly called fasting because in this beautiful liquid
biological active organic substances vitamins enzymes hormones
minerals and many many other nutrients well, besides, I want to say that the juice is the most delicious
component of fruits and vegetables in this
you can see for yourself try to squeeze the juice from apples or carrots and then eat the remaining cake
you will find it easy
so tasteless a computer of fiber, but friends already don't squeeze out juice from meat, so draw conclusions and
so go further you probably all love the sweet among the desserts syroeda menu you should
like smoothies about it of course everyone knows
This is the healthy thing version of the classic milkshake.
The main components are fruits, vegetables and berries.
different fruit and vegetable juices or soy milk can also be added
it can be easily blended at home
here is the same sugar substitute may appear dead
dried fruits such as dates and stevia
naturally helpful and very satisfying
honey is a storehouse of vitamins and
minerals unless of course no one will be deterred by the fact that honey is in principle
burp and
Bee's malice when she collects nectar so vegans, in principle, do not eat honey because this violence over lives
in general, do you know the optimal ratio of dishes in your daily diet according to nutritionists?
who study averages and so 50 percent of the menu is just raw fruits and berries
35 daily ration consists of vegetables and
five percent attacked live Arishki natural honey or dried fruits and one percent is seasoning and vegetable oils
so at least nutritionists say
studying here raw foods
Incidentally, in the ground, your diet can and should be changed a little more, eat more and it is better to warm Lance so to speak.
store fat with frost like a bear before hibernation
Another interesting trick syroedeny it concerns before the taste of bread for syroedov
can be done quickly and easily
we prepare in advance for example we take one glass of flax seeds
fresh corn and one head of coarsely chopped onion 2 finely chopped
Hello today, friends, let's talk about the chips secrets of raw food and veganism; I will tell you interesting facts. I will share my secrets with secrets that others have discovered so to speak to me. So we all are interested in longevity health. Happy life. let the arrow return that run whose health you have reached let's say at the age of 15 and can achieve even more raise the tone open up the creative potential to become more energetic to open up ambitions to the fullest the ear to become better than yesterday yesterday or even the belly of the day before yesterday just update as a computer operating system and it's natural that we want to achieve this without any hard training manipulation of body and soul to move the approaching sunset indefinitely don't count in the mirror new wrinkles for this are my friends and you need to change the dead kitchen and live raw foods, but for those who are on my channel for the first time I remind you that the main advantage of such nutrition is the absence of putrefactive processes for your food evaporative tract without receiving animal protein, the body does not accumulate toxic substances, as a result, metabolic processes are normalized and negative emotions that overwhelm modern people disappear as well as the introduction of raw fruits and vegetables to the menu eliminates food dependence typical of fast food consumers, for example, people who practice raw food for a long time become workable and they appear consciousness appears lightness in the whole body fatigue goes away systematic goals nye pain and just hated kilos already two to three weeks on the diet, you can lose 5 kilos or more
tomato salt pepper if you like
we lay it all on the sheets and the generator and dry for several hours at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees
you can take this bread with you
it is necessary and we will not starve
Here you are all again looking to drool and watch what you are eating so interesting and so go on
interesting secrets and tips
raw foods
first food should be slowly and carefully
chew second after eating can be drunk only after 30 minutes
the same range of funds should be kept before eating
3 food should be consumed only at room temperature.
pulling it out of the fridge, it should stand up and warm up
fourth cooked raw dish
should be eaten immediately they leave the next day as the vitamins tend to evaporate into water and
5 breakfast should be no earlier than 9 00 lunch is light and dinner is early and comprehensive
sixth to satiate the body
essential trace elements
products should be alternated and combined in every way
if you are just starting your way or decide to take a step into this world of nutrition then you will be
interesting menu which I recommend to start for breakfast you can
eat like a couple of bananas or an apple or kiwi
On Alan J, so let's say snack between breakfast and lunch, you can eat nuts for example 50 70 grams
at lunch you can eat green buckwheat
vegetable salad
raisins and dried apricots and prunes fill the dried fruits
70 grams for dinner you can eat
your bread that you made or fruit smoothie
never tried syroedena yet try this extreme menu and describe your impressions in the comments about
By the way, I now have an idea, let's do this kind of weekly marathon right now, start tomorrow tomorrow
a week from write your impressions under this video, I assure you it is quite tasty and satisfying
I personally checked for 6 years
Now I want to believe you a few truths are a dogma of the structure that many already advanced know about
supporters of this food do you know why
raw foodists consider food exposed to heat treatment wrong for the body
friends1 easy spin of the structure says that this garbage interferes with the normal functioning of all systems
it prevents the communication of customers by reducing the strength of the electrical signals transmitted by them to each other
weakening of the power engineers in turn entails pathological disorders
physical body, that is, it turns out a vicious vicious circle
there is another fundamental principle
the truth of which by virtue of and the question by virtue of its simplicity and obviousness cannot be doubted
a living organism should receive live food
The importance of this principle was first noted by Dr. Frank Attinger, who in the early 20th century conducted an experiment
for ten years, he fed one group of cats with raw foods and they all maintained good health and
endurance and the second group received boiled food as a result of which animals developed developed all
human disease is pneumonia paralysis and tooth loss
lethargy nervousness and so on that is, almost all body systems have suffered and
another truth is that
raw foods really makes sense even among ideas
why should the dead child's body be loaded with food and taught him the wrong taste?
to condemn to diseases associated with the so-called good nutrition with macaroons semolina metal feathers with meatballs
already there is an alternative it is given to us by nature itself
it is joy it is pure food when a child is born he stretches precisely to such an idea
and we all probably remember many such stories from childhood when
We wanted to live on how on this form and we were stuffed with pasta crawled and condensed milk
we are all responsible for our children and we can at least give them a chance to try something different than regular food.
we can give him a chance not to be distracted by illness but to create our destiny with joy and love
but that's all dear friends these were some
secrets chips middle ages thorian trunk gadstvo
tips and just interesting facts like scientific and common people
be with you I am leftman bezmens eat properly don't forget to subscribe to the channel not to miss other interesting videos
Good luck to everyone and until we meet again
Chơi tài xỉu bịp cách lắc tai xiu bip báo rung ở sòng co bac tài xỉu - Duration: 11:00.-------------------------------------------
Rival & Cadmium - Willow Tree (feat Rosendale) SUBTITLED IN SPANISH - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
Jak stáhnou Geometry dash FULL version ZADARMO | CZ | NM - Duration: 2:29.-------------------------------------------
GSTVOMXS & Kathleen Nicole - I Just Go (Official Audio) ❤🙂 - Duration: 4:23.When I'm fine, smile so bright, muscles breaking
I'll get down, dance around, legs be aching
When I'm with you, love so true, heart be shaking
I go blind, stars align, I feel light but
Tap, tap, don't be reckless
Remember where your head is
I don't mind, I don't bite, it's that alright?
(Is that alright?)
Tap, tap, don't be careless
That's not what you're expected
I don't care, say I dare, it's alright!
Slow it down
You don't wanna hit the bumps and slip through again
But I say scream and shout
The world is ours, let's take it all in
I see the sun is shining
Hear the music rising
Feel the warm tingle on my skin
(Feel the warm tingle on my skin)
Breathe positivity
Speaking up with ease
I feel alive with who I am
(Feel alive with who I am)
So I just go
So I just go
When I'm done, full of boubt, pressure's rising
Cry my eyes, none the wiser, veins are popping
Well wrap it up with a snap
Gone away, seize the day, make it count but
Tap, tap, don't be reckless
Remember where your head is
I don't mind, I don't bite, it's that alright?
(Is that alright?)
Tap, tap, don't be careless
That's not what you're expected
I don't care, say I dare, it's alright!
Slow it down
You don't wanna hit the bumps and slip through again
But I say scream and shout
The world is ours, let's take it all in
I see the sun is shining
Hear the music rising
Feel the warm tingle on my skin
(Feel the warm tingle on my skin)
Breathe positivity
Speaking up with ease
I feel alive with who I am
(Feel alive with who I am)
So I just go
So I just go
To where, we are, who we are
Yes, I'll be going
Up so high
To the sky, I can fly
I see the sun is shining
Hear the music rising
Feel the warm tingle on my skin
(Feel the warm tingle on my skin)
Breathe positivity
Speaking up with ease
I feel alive with who I am
(Feel alive with who I am)
So I just go
So I just go
So I just go
What Is PPC? Explained For Beginners - Duration: 4:41.Hey, what's up?
My name is Silvio Perez and in this video I'm gonna talk about what PPC is so you can
understand it even if you have no idea what it is I'm talking about.
So let's get started.
First and foremost, PPC stands for pay per click.
And pay per click is a form of advertising.
It's online advertising where you can run these ads on these different networks, and
you will only pay when somebody clicks on your ad.
So unlike traditional media, where you can pay where somebody views your ad, with pay
per click you're only gonna pay when somebody actually clicks on your ad.
So basically what that means is you're only paying for when somebody actually responds
... when somebody actually does something.
So unlike a traditional ad, let's say it's a billboard or a radio ad, you're getting
charged regardless of whether or not somebody picks up the phone and calls you.
With pay per click, with PPC, you're only gonna pay that ad network that you're advertising
on online when they actually click on your ad.
So it's super powerful.
Now PPC, pay per click ... There's a lot of different ad networks out there ... a lot
of different places you can advertise with this form of advertising, with PPC.
But to break it all down, it really lies into three categories of the type of PPC advertising
you can do.
The first category are search ... search networks.
So search networks are like Google, Bing, Yahoo ... These are all different search engines
where you can create these different PPC ads to reach people when they're searching in
Google, in Bing, in Yahoo, for a product or service that you might provide.
So somebody searches, they type these key words into the search bar ... You bid on those
key words that people are looking for and then your ad pops up at the top and you're
only gonna pay when somebody searches that and actually clicks on your ad.
So they search that thing and they see your ad but they don't click, you don't get charged.
The next time of ad network is social.
So social ad networks are like your Facebooks, your YouTubes, your LinkedIns, your Twitter,
your Pinterest ... It goes on and on.
All these different social networks have advertising programs involved in the back end of these
networks so they can make money.
And the types of ads they let you produce on these networks are PPC ads.
So you can run PPC ads on YouTube, on Facebook, on LinkedIn, on Twitter, etc, etc.
And then last but not least, the last type of network that you can run these PPC ads
on are display network.
So the display network is when you go to a website, let's say Forbes.com, and you see
on the side it's all those banner ads on the side of the blog article that you might be
reading or that website that you're at.
All those different ads on the side, those banner ads, that's the display network.
So with the display network you can reach tons of people on all these different types
of websites out there and get your ad out.
So, for example, let's say you are a personal trainer and you wanna reach people that are
interested in fitness.
So great example of a display ad you can run is you can target websites like bodybuilding.com
and put your ad on the side of bodybuilding.com where you can promote your business and reach
So the display network is another opportunity to create these PPC ads and reach more users.
So that is it for this video, guys.
I hope it was helpful.
PPC advertising is extremely powerful.
It's very controllable.
You set your daily budget.
You say how much you wanna pay.
Everything is in your hands.
You just have to make sure that you understand how to tell the network that you're advertising
how to go about and do these things that you want.
And if you wanna learn more about pay per click advertising, if this sounds something
interesting that you'd like to use in your business, then go ahead and subscribe to my
I create weekly content on pay per click advertising.
And in the future, I'm gonna be releasing training series that actually show you how
to go ahead and set up these ads from start to finish on Google, on Facebook, on YouTube
... and that's coming in the future.
So guys, go ahead and click that subscribe button down below.
Like this video.
Share with your friends.
And I hope you got some value from this.
Again, my name is Silvio Perez and I'll see you next time.
Take care.
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