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John Legend Performs "Merry Merry Christmas" - A Legendary Christmas (Highlight) - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
One of the Sun's Sibling Stars Has Been Found. And It's Actually Pretty Close - Duration: 9:08.Thanks to the hardworking Gaia spacecraft, astronomers think they've located a star
that formed from the same solar nebula as the Sun.
In fact, this star is a virtual twin of the Sun and it's actually pretty close.
Well, astronomical speaking.
It's been about 4.6 billion years since the Sun and planets formed from the solar
nebula, a huge cloud of gas and dust leftover from the Big Bang, and seeded by heavier elements
from nearby supernovae and neutron star collisions.
Over the course of millions of years, the stars in the solar nebula formed, the most
massive of which died short, violent lives, detonating as supernovae.
The less massive, main sequence stars like our Sun stuck around long enough for solar
winds to blow out the leftover gas and dust.
And then the chaotic gravitational interactions with other stars in the Milky Way caused the
stars to drift apart from one another.
What started out as stellar siblings just drifted apart to lead separate lives.
Just like a human family.
The Solar System completes one full orbit around the Milky Way every 225 to 250 million
In fact, the Sun has only gone around the Milky Way about 20 times in its entire history.
The last time we were here dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
Astronomers are pretty certain the Sun didn't form alone in the solar nebula, but where
did all the other stars go and can we ever find them all?
Some of the most familiar and dramatic objects in the night sky give us a picture of what
the solar nebula must have looked like in the past.
A good example is the mighty Orion Nebula, a region of the sky about 1,300 light-years
away that contains neutral gas and dust, collections of stars and hot glowing gas.
At least 700 different stars are forming within the Orion Nebula.
In fact, astronomers think that there have been at least 3 different waves of star formation
in the Orion Nebula.
Over time, though, the powerful stellar winds and rotation of the nebula will clear out
the gas and dust, shutting down star formation for good.
As it evolved over millions of years, our solar nebula probably looked more like the
Pleiades cluster.
This collection contains about 1,000 separate stars and it's located about 448 light-years
from Earth.
Those stellar winds I mentioned have done their job, and cleared out the intervening
Individual stars are still surrounded by material, but it's being blown away, out into space.
As the stars continue to drift apart from each other, you get something like the Hyades
It's located just 153 light-years from Earth and contains hundreds of stars which are estimated
to be 625 million years old.
It's now just a collection of stars, drifting farther and farther apart from one another,
until eventually we won't be able see them as a collection in the sky.
But the stars in the Hyades cluster are related.
They all have the same age, motion and chemical signatures.
So can we use these similarities to find the Sun's siblings?
The hundreds of stars that formed with our Sun and have now been scattered across the
Milky Way?
Astronomers have tried to answer this question, and tried several approaches, and a few possible
candidates have turned up.
One star turned up in 2014 called HD 162826.
It was very similar in age, but was slightly hotter, 15% more massive and slightly more
rich in metals.
A team from the University of Texas at Austin found the star by searching for specific rare
elements like yttrium and barium.
This was a surprise.
Astronomers didn't expect to find a sibling of the Sun when only a small portion of the
Milky Way had been cataloged.
Just a few thousand stars hidden among more than 100 billion in the galaxy.
But now, thanks to the most recent release of data from the European Space Agency's
Gaia mission, astronomers have much more information to work with.
Scientists working with Gaia released an enormous amount of data in April 2018.
Data Release 2 contained the positions and movements of 1.3 billion stars, with more
coming in the future.
I've done a whole video about the most recent Gaia data release and you should really watch
it to better understand the treasure trove of information available to astronomers.
But it would also be safe to say that I could do a video every week about some new discovery
made by Gaia and never run out of topics to cover.
And international team of astronomers took this Gaia data and matched it up with a comprehensive
galactic archeology project called AMBRE.
This was a collaboration between the European Southern Observatory and the Cote d'Azur
Observatory to catalog the atmospheric chemical fingerprint - or spectra - of more than 230,000
The movements of all the stars from Gaia allowed them to trace back stars that started out
in the same region that the Sun came from.
And the stellar spectra from AMBRE allowed them to find stars with the same spectra as
the Sun.
By comparing these two catalogs the researchers turned up only a single match: HD 186302,
and we'll talk more about this star in a minute, but first I'd like to thank:
Mark Sheeran Bill Nash
Josh de Roos Uhmu
John Gale David McFadden
Ethan McAfee Dan Morris
And the rest of our 825 patrons for their generous support.
If you love what we're doing and want to get in on the action, head over to
As I mentioned earlier, HD 186302 is a virtual twin of the Sun; a G-3 type main sequence
star with a surface temperature that matches the Sun.
It has the same chemical composition of as the Sun in its atmosphere, and it has the
same age, roughly 4.6 billion years.
According to Gaia, the star is located 184 light-years away in the constellation Pavo.
And right now, that's pretty much all we know.
With this discovery made, astronomers are planning to make follow up observations with
the European Southern Observatory's planet hunting ESPRESSO instrument to search the
star system for exoplanets.
This instrument can directly observe planets orbiting other stars, regardless of their
angle, so we don't need the planets to be perfectly lined up from our vantage point.
Although astronomers have found other stars like our Sun, we can only really know their
age, temperature and the chemicals in their atmospheres.
Our knowledge is only skin deep.
But if this star truly formed in the same solar nebula, then it should have had access
to the same mix of heavier elements.
Does this mean you'll get the same kind of planetary system?
Does it increase the chances of finding Earthlike planets in the habitable zone of another star?
Or even with identical stars, do you get radically different planetary systems?
Just like twin studies are incredibly helpful for understanding human beings, a true stellar
twin study will help us understand which ingredients contribute to which kinds of planetary systems.
I suspect HD 186302 will become one of the most studied stars in our region.
I'm sure this is just the beginning.
Astronomers have just scratched the surface with the Gaia data, and future releases from
the spacecraft will help them find even more candidates.
In the coming decades we might eventually learn about dozens of other stars that formed
with the Sun.
Ideal places to test theories about planetary formation and the search for life.
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Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
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It's got pictures, brief highlights about the story, and links so you can find out more.
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And I'll put the links in the shownotes.
And finally, here's a playlist.
Jeff Merkley HAMMERS Big Pharma With New Drug Price Legislation - Duration: 3:37.Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley has introduced legislation that would punish drug companies
here in the United States if they do not lower their prescription drug prices.
Here's what's so brilliant about this legislation that Merkley has put forward.
I love this.
I love what he's doing with this.
If drug companies do not lower prices of prescription drugs for American citizens to the same level
at which people overseas pay for those drugs, then those drugs that were paying the exorbitant
markup on will no longer be covered by Medicaid, medicare or the Va.
Those are some of the largest markets for prescription drug sales here in the United
So basically merkley's legislation is saying, all right, Big Pharma, you want to continue
to price gouge American consumers.
Then you go right ahead and do that, but if you're gonna do it.
We're no longer going to allow a government funded program to buy that particular drug.
You are going to be punished and you could lose as much as one third of your total sales
here in the United States because you chose the price gouging.
American consumers, I mean a third, they could lose a third of their profits if this bill
ever becomes law, and that's the problem.
You've got republicans controlling the senate right now in a about a month and a half, they're
going to have an even bigger majority in the senate, so this piece of legislation is very
unlikely to ever pass that actual chamber, but that's the point.
Even if you can't get it passed, you still have to introduce it.
You still have to push it, and then you have to force the republicans to vote against it.
How is that going to look into years when some of these republican senators go back
to their constituents running for reelection and they're asked the question like, hey,
a miracle he was going to lower prescription drug prices for us and you voted against it.
Could you tell us why you care more about Big Pharma's profits than people dying because
they can't afford prescription drUgs?
It's not gonna work out very well for the republican seeking reelection and democrats
underStand that mercury is a very smart person.
He knowS what he's doing here because either you win and this legislation becomes law and
the price gouging from Big Pharma is put to a stop here in the United States or you win
because you show the public that the era that the republicans care more about Big Pharma's
profits than they do about American consumers.
There is literally no downside whatsoever to this piece of legislation and more democrats
need to take merkley's advice, follow his example, and do the same thing.
We can do the same thing with a medicare for all piece of legislation because even if it
doesn't pass, the republicans have to vote it down and then you've got a great issue
to run on in 20 slash 20 democrats right now appear to be setting themselves up for policy
battles heading into the 20, 20 election and that is exactly what they need to be doing.
They're not going to win on personality.
They're not going to win by telling us, trump is horrible.
Everyone knows that they're gonna win by showing the American public that they care about the
issues that they're working on the issues, but they can't get the issues passed into
laws because of the republican party.
That's how they're going to win in 20 slash 20, and I'm oPtimistic because it seems like
a lot of democrats, with the exception of chuck schumer, seem to be waking up to that
Truth seeker and the matrix - The next age - Duration: 13:14.-------------------------------------------
Staying Single | Baroness von Sketch Show | IFC - Duration: 2:50.I'm not ashamed of it.
I'm not afraid to say it.
And I'm just gonna come out with it.
Tired of being single?
I'm tired of being single.
And the two of you are very lucky.
You know why you're lucky?
'Cause we're both in relationships?
Cece: Because you are both in relationships.
I'm tired and I'm over it.
You know what, Cece? -What?
Pam: I have an idea.
And ah, yes.
Okay, this is Jonathan. -Wow.
Pam: He's six feet tall and not hard to look at.
Hello, Jonathan. -Hello, Cece.
♪ Mama like some of that
♪ Ow, Mama like some of that
♪ Ha, ha, wait, no, stop
That's a goddamn escort service.
Okay okay-
Cece: No, no, no, Pam.
What, I'm gonna pay for penis now?
Pam: Hear me out ladies,
you know how some female escorts,
they provide the girlfriend experience.
They stay overnight with clients,
they go on dates, that kind of thing.
Okay, well, this guy
he provides the boyfriend experience.
Women hire him all the time
to pretend to be their boyfriend for the night.
No shame. Cece:Really?
That's not a thing. -It's a thing!
It isn't. Pam:It's totally a thing.
There's no shame? -Nuhuh.
There's no shame
in paying for it? -Nuhuh.
Pam: No, and you're gonna find out
'cause I just booked it for you.
You are going out with Jonathan!
I'm gonna go for it!
Pam: A boyfriend experience!
Dollars for dicks round.
Dollars for dicks. -Dollars for dicks.
(soft lively music)
I read this fantastic book.
It's called "The Endless Existential Ache".
Oh, I just read a really great review of that book last week.
They said it was like a timeless allegory
for social disintegration.
I wrote the review.
The guy's critique on it was just,
it's really amazing,
you should really read it.
I don't have to 'cause I wrote it.
I wrote the review.
The words that you're speaking of, I wrote.
I wrote.
You know what else you should read?
Um, I don't know if you're big into Chinese sci-fi at all.
Oddly, no. -But there's this book,
it's a bit heady,
but I think you could probably handle it.
(grunting) Yeah.
I just have to get my dress off.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. -Wait, wait!
(moaning and screaming in ecstasy)
Oh, oh oh oh oh. (chuckles)
You came, right?
No I-
don't know how one could.
And I said why an oven mitt?
And he said I'd read about it somewhere.
Cece: Pam!
Jenny, sorry. Pam:Oh, Cece.
Cece: Hello, I-I just I have to tell you,
the date was amazing.
He was rude to me.
He explained my own writing to me.
He did not go down on me.
He left my dinger high and dry
and he split before dawn.
Yes, thank you for reminding me
that my single life is fantastic.
Jenny:You're welcome. -You are welcome.
Here's to buffin your own muffin!
Pam: Buffin your muffin.
Yeah! Pam:Yeah.
How's your shitty relationships?
$0 To 7-Figure Digital Marketing Agency In 2019 - Step-by-Step - Duration: 29:27.In this video I'm going to break down how you can start and grow a seven-figure social media marketing agency
so if you guys are looking to start one completely from scratch from ground zero or if you already have a
Digital marketing agency and you're looking to scale it up to the next level
I'm gonna break down three core strategies and tips as far as client acquisition goes and then I'm also gonna break down
what the team structure looks like
because I think those are the two most important things when you're going through and building out a
Social media marketing agency as far as running ads for clients. It's really not that difficult
the tougher thing is really that team structure and
how to actually acquire those clients at every stage of your business's
lifecycle and if you guys stick with me here to the end of this video
I'll break down
exactly how I grew my marketing agency from zero to over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars per month and
This year. We actually even hit two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars in just one single month
And so I'll break down the exact structure as far as client
acquisition at each point in the lifecycle of your business as well as that team growth and
also because at the very beginning when you start this
It's gonna highly revolve around you you're gonna have to do the sales the fulfillment every single part of the business
You're gonna be wearing multiple hats and then I want to show you guys how you can actually transition yourself out of the business
Potentially one day now. I personally I could work literally the 4-hour workweek like Tim Ferriss says
But I don't want to because one I enjoy what I'm doing
And we're also building something a lot bigger than just a marketing agency
We're building a full-on real estate marketing lead generation CRM software. So let me break down
I've got this whiteboard out here where it's just kind of like with a white sheet of paper I guess and
So we'll break down every single step. So first and foremost guys at first you're gonna be starting out is just a solo entrepreneur
Okay, so we'll draw a little stick figure here
so this is just you and
like we talked about guys you're going to be doing literally every piece of the business the client acquisition the sales the
fulfillment and
The thing is is if you're starting a digital marketing agency
You have to learn to get sales nailed down. I'm one that I absolutely hate sales. I don't love it
I was actually listening to a grant cardone YouTube video the other day
As I was kind of doing some other things and he was talking about how he doesn't even like sales and you think of him
As kind of the sales guys, but he knows that sales have to happen in order for his business to actually run. So
With this whole model everything we're gonna break down
you just have to kind of get that into your head where you're going to become the sales person and
Down here is step three
We're going to show you guys how you can actually leverage out the sales but at no point, can you start out thinking?
Oh, I'm just gonna leverage out the sales
You have to become the sales person or else this is all gonna crumble right before your eyes
So first you're going to be this solo entrepreneur right here starting your marketing agency
And the first thing we need to do before we even acquire clients is we need to pick a niche now
I know this sounds like super routine and just everyone says ah, you know pick a niche and then scale from there
But it's a hundred percent accurate a few years ago when I was first starting my own digital marketing agency
I was basically all things to all people. I was like, you know, you're a real citizen. Yes. I'll work with you
You're an insurance agent of course dead tennis the chiropractor basically because I felt like I just needed money
and so I was gonna I was willing to take on any and every single client and because I served everyone I
Didn't serve anyone right and that's when my business was really struggling
And it wasn't until I saw some really good results in the real estate
Agent the residential real estate agent market and I said, you know what?
I'm just gonna focus on this and I'm gonna say no to other every other opportunity every other industry
And just do residential real estate that I finally saw my business start to really grow and really scale within 90 days
I went from basically zero
$25,000 in just 90 days and that's because a big part of this is going through and leveraging past
Testimonials and past case studies, which we're gonna get to here in just a second
But the first thing and also I know most of YouTube videos you don't really need to do this
but I highly recommend getting out a pen and
paper and kind of breaking this things these things down because
I'm literally going to show you guys step by step everything you need to do what the business looks like from
What the team looks like the client acquisition?
so get out a pen and a pad of paper if you're serious about this and
Take some of these notes so that you can refer back to is your kind of make making your plans or the next several months
Of how to grow taking a look at where you're at in each step of this process and then going from there
So once you have the snitch nailed down
what you want to do is you want to leverage because obviously at this point we haven't really probably made any money and so
We don't really have a lot of money to go through and invest in advertising to acquire clients
So what we're gonna do is we're gonna leverage
We're gonna leverage LinkedIn and then also we're gonna do like let's say we'll save events
And what I mean by events, that's not going to these big events and paying all this money
This is more like social events
Right or little networking events in your community in your area where you can go through and connect with different people
That are going to be your potential clients
So what I'm what I'm saying by Facebook and LinkedIn you're gonna make an initial post and you're gonna say something like hey
I am helping real estate agents go through and generate more leads or whatever niche market
You're going to go through and service, but I highly recommend real estate agents
And the reason why is because one every single person knows a real estate agent
You're either related to one or you got a friend that's one and if for some reason you're thinking well
I don't know any
You definitely have a friend or a family member that know somebody so
as far as working your warm market this you're definitely going to be able to find a real estate agent that that you know,
and you can actually go through and start running ads for so basically you're gonna go to
Facebook and LinkedIn and just make a you know post on your personal profile and say hey
Look, I'm starting a digital marketing agency and I'm gonna help real estate agents generate more lead
I'm looking for a few clients just to give it a trial run you don't have to pay me whatsoever
So you're not going to be receiving money for probably the first 7 to 14 days
I don't really want to make a trial to go for a full 30 days because that's a long time and you're gonna be
Suffering from now if you're working with let's say five clients for 30 days and you're not making any money
It's not going to be any fun
so you only want to do it for seven to 14 days and
they're gonna pay a hundred percent of the ad spend and a lot of people I've actually made a video very similar to this of
How to go through and start from going from zero to ten thousand dollars per month this one
I'm gonna show you guys how you can get to one hundred thousand dollars per month and beyond that but a lot of people in
That video they said well, you know who pays for the ads spin and all that stuff in a trial
You don't want to be paying for the ad spend
There's nothing that could be taking your business worse than you paying for that ad spend
So you're gonna bring them on it's a hundred percent free client
They're gonna pay for the ad spend you're gonna get access to their ads account
Which really isn't that hard to go through and get access to their ads account and then they have their credit card on file
So you're not footing any bill here and then from these posts right here on Facebook and LinkedIn
Usually you can get a few people that are reaching out to you
Messaging you or at least now your friends know and so they'd be like, oh they might tag a friend
that's a real estate agent or you know, even if you're in the dental market or
chiropractic market
Whatever market you're in
They'll tag people that they know and that's why I highly recommend the real estate niche just because there's so many people
That are real estate agents and so many people know real estate agents if you're watching this like well Jason
Why would you say this because won't I be competing with you?
You will be competing me with me. But like the reality is there's over two million real estate agents in the United States alone
So I've got the mentality guys that there's definitely enough to go around
like each one of us can have a thousand real estate agents and there's still be
well over a million people to go through and service so
That that's a big thing right there
and also a lot of times real estate agents or business owners just in general they want to work with somebody that is
Local to their market somebody that they can talk to maybe they know they can meet with in person
And so like obviously I can't meet with every one of my clients in person, but that's obviously not my model
But that's where you know like as far as like competition and you know
Oh, well, like would I be competing? And would that be bad for your business? It really doesn't matter there
Okay, so we're gonna go through we're gonna post on Facebook LinkedIn and then if we're going to any like parties or networking events
Or anything like that
So when we're at these parties we were wanting to keep it simple a lot of times when people talk about their business
They go through and they talk about it for two minutes long
Sometimes I can say hey, what do you do?
They talk about it for two minutes at the end of it. The person's for sure zoned out
They don't they're not listen to you at all and to their ask themselves
What does that person really do? And so what we want to do is just say something like hey
My name is Jason Wardrop and I help real estate agents generate leads and then if they said oh
I know usually what happens when I say that is it like oh I've got a buddy
That is a real stage and I should connect you to that happens almost every single time
I tell people that so it's very simple. Hey, my name is Jason Wardrop
Okay, so state your name they say I help so I helped blank. So if it's real estate agents dentists chiropractors
Whatever business it is I help real estate agents. And then what do you help them do?
Generate leads grow their business, you know set more appointments. So I say generate and qualify leads
Because a lot of times especially when I'm talking to a real estate agent like, okay
Well anyone can generate leads, but I want qualified leads. So I kind of like throw that in there so very
Simply put you talk to people at events. Maybe they're not a real estate agent
But usually they know a real estate agent and guys
I'm just using real estate agents as an example of starting your marketing agency
You don't have to go through and start in this specific industry, but that's where that's the industry. I'm in
I love it, and it's very profitable
But obviously there's other markets you can go through and maybe if you've already started your marketing agency
You can continue in that niche as well. Okay?
So once we go through and we're all by yourself, we're posting on these different networks, and we're attending events
We're getting some of our first clients at this point. We want to get to about five to ten paying customers
Okay. So after the 7 to 14 day trial you should be getting some decent results and from those results
These people are turning into actual paying customers
Now, what do we charge these people at first? Okay
Well after the first 7 to 14 days, you can charge what you feel comfortable with
But I want to charge anything less than $500 per month
I would shoot for more than 1000 to 1500 dollars per month, but sometimes if your skills not fully there
and you don't feel confident charging your friends or family or anything like that a thousand of
$1500 per month then maybe you're in the 500 to $750 range for these first couple of clients
But then as we move on and when you gain more skills
we're gonna increase the amount that we're actually charging people to a thousand of 1,500 because if you think about it, if
You're working. Let's say with real estate agents or with dentists or whatever it is
You got to think about how much they're gonna make once a closed deal goes through
So a dentist when they acquire a new patient, how much can they potentially make over the lifespan of that patient?
And so based off of that how much are they willing to go through?
And invest into marketing advertising to acquire that new client the same thing with real stages
The average real estate agent makes five to fifteen thousand dollars per closed transaction
And so if they're making five to fifteen thousand dollars and they're paying you 1,000 to 1,500 a month plus ad spend
You know
If you're getting one new closed deal for them every single month and you're if they're paying you let's say fifteen hundred bucks
And you're bringing in
$5,000 or $10,000 or even more?
It's totally worth it for them and they're gonna be totally wanted to stick with you and continue doing business. Okay?
So for these first couple maybe it's a little bit lower in that five hundred seven hundred fifty dollar range
but once we go through and get our first couple of clients you want to obviously continue posting on Facebook and LinkedIn and
Talking to people at events
So we don't want to stop this because that's a great organic way to grow our business
And once we actually start seeing results
Those are some of the posts I loved making on Facebook and LinkedIn
about a case study or success story and that can easily bring in a lot more business and if we're doing these like let's say
Once a month you're able to just organically naturally have that growth there
Okay, so step number two. Once you have these first couple of clients, we're gonna go to
What is called a case study so we'll just put CS
All right
So what this is is we're gonna start running a little bit of advertising
Dollars because the idea is we've we've got some clients who are making some money
But we're gonna invest that money back into the business in to advertise to acquire new clients now
We don't have to spend a lot of money could be five to ten dollars per day
But the way this looks right here is we're gonna have a lead magnet
That we're gonna say hey get this case study of how this real estate agent
Did whatever right so it could be a real stage
It could be a dentist could be whatever
but they're gonna opt in to go through and see this case study this value video if you want to call it and
Then on this next page you are going to have let me just draw this out really quick
You're gonna have this video talking about what you've done for these real estate agents
But we're just going to continue with the real estate example just to make it simpler
So now I have to talk about all the different industries here
But what you've done for them and then down here, you're gonna have a button
That is going to pop up after probably about five minutes into the video
So they actually have to watch a certain amount of the video. So pop up five minutes after the video
Inviting them to schedule a phone call with you. Okay, so now they're gonna click on this and this is gonna take them
to a page where they go through and they can schedule a
Call with you. Okay, so they could go like there's a lot of software's out there their schedule wants there's calendly
I like to use calendly
a lot of people like scheduled wants there's a lot of other ones out there where it can go through syncing with your calendar and
Syncing with their calendar and they can choose a date and time that you're available they're available and all that
So it's all great and then after they choose a date and time
what we're gonna do is
Take them to an application right here
Because the worst thing that you want you can do
is go through and have a lot of people opt-in a lot of people sending appointments with you and then them not showing up or
You get on a phone call and there are a hundred percent not qualified. They don't have money. They're really just getting started
They don't they don't know how to go through a new business. So you're just wasting a ton of your time
So that's why I want to take them through a little bit of an application process here about you know
How many deals do they do every single month? How long have they been in business?
Okay, few these key things to find out if it's actually worth your time to go through and talk with them on the phone
Okay. So this is the second step right here is
Facebook ads so we'll just put this right here. We'll put Facebook
Facebook app
- a case study value video opt-in so this is gonna be a lead magnet
But they're just gonna put in their name and their email. We don't need their phone number quite yet
Okay, and then we're gonna send them to the value video
We're gonna explain about what we do for them and guys, we're not selling Facebook ads
Even though we might be starting a Facebook marketing agency
Nobody cares about Facebook Ads all they care about our leads and close deals
Okay, the best thing for any business the the end goal is sales is to make money
And so if they don't care about the way that they make money
They just want to make money and so kind of taking a step back from the sales part is lead generation. They need leads
They need appointments. So this is the same thing that you need you need bleeds right here
You need appointments and then after the appointment, that's when you make the sales
we kind of look at this from your business point of view and we look at their business and
You don't care about Facebook ads, but you care about them because you know, it can generate you leads, but you have a deeper understanding
Then the average business owner, right? So they're like, okay. I just need leads. I need appointments on any sales
I need sales and the way that I'm going to get sales
Appointments and the way I'm going to get appointments is leads and I don't care how I get those leads
I just need them if I'm gonna buy them from like a Trulia Zillow realtor com doesn't matter
But obviously we know that we're gonna be starting a Facebook marketing agency to be able to generate those leads. Okay?
so now the thing is
the reason we want to start with a case study value video like this is because our lead cost is going to be
Significantly less than the next step that we're gonna take. Okay
And as far as what the team looks like here, we're still going to be just a solo entrepreneur here
so we can go through and set this up like with the click funnels or anything like that and then once we get to about
15 to 20 clients once we get to a point where
We literally are just like overload and we don't have time to do the sales. We don't have time to do the fulfillment
We don't have time to do all these different key pieces
That is when you're gonna hire your first person and you're gonna have that person to be outsourced can work virtually
Wherever they want to work. It doesn't matter. Most people on my team. I've actually never even met in person
But I feel like I know that because we leverage zoom. We actually talk every single day
We're kind of going back and forth. And so I feel like I know them all though, pretty much everyone
I actually haven't even met in person. Okay, so
That's what we want to do that next step. So we want to hire someone to help us with fulfillment
And so at this point what we can do is we can make little short training videos showing them
Exactly what we do on the fulfillment side as far as setting up the Facebook ad
setting up the landing page set up the email a text marketing follow up and guys this
Training is going to be used in two different ways
it's going to be used to train new staff members and then second you're gonna get leads coming in here that maybe don't have the
Budget to go through and work with you or they don't want somebody else to do it out themselves
They want to learn how to do it themselves
So now this training we can use it to train new people coming on that we're gonna be hiring
Because as we grow this, we're not gonna just hire one person
We're gonna keep hiring fulfillment people so that you can focus on sales
And then also we can sell this training for fifty to a hundred to five hundred
Dollars to these real estate agents that maybe don't want to pay us to do it
But they want to still learn it or they might not have the budget. Okay
so now that's another way that we can go through and
maximize our revenues from these leads that are being generated and
Increase our profit margins there, okay
So now we've gone through
We've got this case study value video funnel setup to not only have the book appointments with us but to fill out that application
So we're kind of sifting and sorting through all of these leads that are coming in all these people booking
Appointments and if they're not a quality lead guys cancel the call just don't show up. Okay, so all right
So at this point we've got maybe one person that's working for us and now we can go through and we can even scale up
to two to three to four people
now the time that we moved to this third client acquisition
Model is when we have so many calls that we just can't handle all the calls that are coming in. Okay, so that that's what
So we don't move to this until we get to that point. All right, so this third one
this is call all a
Just in time. So JIT
Okay, so we'll just say Wed right there JIT webinar
so what this is is instead of them going through and opting in right here and
Going to a value video which this little button that pops up to go through and schedule a call with us
Doesn't show up for about five minutes. This is about a 30 to 45 minute webinar
It could be 45 to 60 minutes
My mind currently is about 60 minutes long, but it's an automated webinar where these people are gonna have to go through
They're going to register for this webinar
Then they're gonna have to go through and actually watch the webinar and then instead of after five minutes this showing up
This is after about 45 minutes that this call to action is showing up
So they've actually gone through this entire process
they've seen this whole video and at this point we go through and have them schedule a call and
Then fill out the application
Okay, so it's literally the same exact process
the only thing is different are these first two steps and the reason why we want to go through and move to this model is
Because if they have to watch like 45 minutes of our presentation before they actually schedule an appointment
This is a lot higher quality lead. They've already seen the process of what you do how you can help them
They've seen some case studies. They've broken it down. And at this point this person is a highly qualified
Prospect and it's going to decrease the number of phone calls and appointments that you're getting
But these are going to be a lot higher quality
appointments and the reason why we don't want to move
Straight to this part right here is because leads are typically three to four times more expensive
When you're having them opt into a webinar as opposed to just a case study or a value video
So if we don't have a lot of money to go through and put in advertising
We want to go through in our first
Advertising dollars be sending people to this case study or this value video because we can get leads there
For about two to three dollars per lead versus a webinar. They're gonna be about eight to ten dollars per lead
So they're gonna be significantly more
but at this point as we're going through we're getting so many calls and even if we're going through and filtering out the
Applications of like okay this person's good
This person's not and we just saw like overloaded and you at this point are a hundred percent focused on sales
You're not doing any of the fulfillment you have your people doing all the fulfillment
You're just doing sales and then once you just can't take anymore because you're just getting so many calls. We move to this model
We make this video
This video right here is about 12 to 15 minutes long versus this one's gonna be about 45 to 60 minutes long
It's gonna dive a little bit deeper. Okay, and
Then from this automated webinar, we're gonna have them scheduled an appointment with us and then fill out this application
And these people that fill out that application are gonna be a lot more
Qualified for you as you're going through and growing your business
And so now at this point we can go through and we could just have your day a hundred percent booked with phone calls
so you don't have to go through and be like
prospecting people the prospecting is being done by the Facebook ad and
Then we're filtering people out through this webinar right here. And then we're filtering people out even more by they just attend the webinar
They had to attend the whole thing schedule a call with you and then not only scheduled call with you
But they have to fill out this application
We have to look at that application. Make sure they're a good fit
And then at that point we decide if we're even going to spend our time
because these calls are going to probably be 30 to 45 minutes and
You don't have 30 45 minutes to waste on somebody at this point. That is not a potential prospect up here
You have the 30 to 45 minutes because time is not as valuable as money money is way more valuable at this point
Whereas down here it gets the point where you have a lot more money than time
And so that's where you want to leverage your time
And then the fourth step after this and this is kind of where we've got to with our business is you have the Facebook Ads
Going to these webinars this just-in-time webinar
They're signing up for an appointment a call with you and they're going through an application
But then instead of you doing the phone calls you get a first sales guy
And you go train them on how to actually handle those sales calls and how to go through and sign people up acquire those clients
and so then if you do need to go and take a
Vacation or take a break or whatever your business doesn't all go to crap
Okay, so your first team members up here?
Once we get our first team member, it's all about fulfillment
And then you are a hundred percent sales until I would say you are a hundred percent
The only sales guy until you're doing at least 100 grand a month
And once you're doing 100 grand a month
Then you can think
About hiring a second sales guy and then potentially a third sales guy and then a fourth and then go through and really scale this
thing up
But I wouldn't really go through and do that
Until you've got that process I 100%
refined and you're mapping out that whole process of what you do and so a new sales guy can come on and see exactly what
You do and replicate you maybe they won't have as good as a close-ratio
but it's still gonna be beneficial is still gonna be profitable to you because you can finally
Free up some of your time and one last quick note guys before we finish up this video
I know this has been a little bit longer one
But I wanted to really provide you with some of this value
As far as going through and starting your own Facebook marketing agency digital mark agency, whatever you want to call it
That is when you get on a phone call to sell these you want to pre sell three months in advance
Because if you're doing all this work just acquire a month-by-month customer. It's gonna be very difficult
you're not we're gonna be very profitable and
Typically as you guys probably know it usually takes about 90 days to really see the balls start to roll
With the lead generation with the points being said if they're just getting a 30 day trial to you a lot of times the 7
To 14 day trial up here. It's great because you can usually get some leads
But as far as like actually setting appointments and really seeing the needle move it usually takes about 60 to 90 days
And so we want to pre-sell 90 days a three month initial contract. And then after that is just month-to-month
Ok, then at that point you can maybe say hey
It's a three month contract and it's 1,500 bucks a month or if you pay it all up front
Maybe you get a little discount maybe instead of you know
$4,500 over the three months because it's $1,500 a month
Maybe you say hey, it's $4,000 a month
If you pay upfront or 3,500 if you pay upfront because and that'll be more at this point because cash is gonna be super valuable
But as cash becomes less and less relevant, which obviously cash is always extremely valuable
Right, but as your time becomes more value, well, then you could play around with some of these different aspects here, right?
So anyway guys, I hope this video helped you guys as far as going through and starting your own
Digital marketing agency you guys found this video helpful. Go ahead. Give it a thumbs up
I would greatly appreciate that also drop a comment down below
Let me know what you guys thought and if you guys are brand new here to my channel
Make sure you guys subscribe
And hit that notification bell because we launch new videos every single week how to generate more leads
Make more money and grow your business whether that's a digital marketing agency business a real estate business
Whatever business you're in we go through and breakdown a lot of different Facebook Ads concepts and strategies
So you guys can go through check out the other videos on my channel and see I've got a lot of content
Breaking down a lot of this stuff step-by-step whether it's starting your own marketing agency or just Facebook Ads in general or whatever
It might be so
also one last thing I have a
Digital marketing agency a checklist kind of the cheat sheet of how to go from zero to your first
$10,000 per month and I will add a link to that cheat sheet down in the description as well as in the top comment
So you guys can have that
It just kind of breaks down the core concepts and strategies that you need to focus on a lot of that what we cover today
But you guys gonna kind of have that as a cheat sheet as a download
So with that said guys, I hope this video was helpful. Remember first go through organically. It's all gonna be about you
Okay, you're gonna be doing everything post on Facebook LinkedIn events. Remember this simple, my name is Jason Wardrop
I help real estate agents. What do you helping to generate leads? My name is Jason Wardrop help real stages generate leads very simple
then you're starting to get your first clients seven to 14 day trial and then once you get some money in that you can actually
Advertising this is the way you want advertise. Send people from a Facebook ad to a case study
Opt-in have a value video this this button is scheduled call with you pops up after about five minutes
This is about a 12 to 15 minute value video talking about what you do case studies showing
Telling a story about a real estate agent that you helped or whatever market you're in having them 7:00 appointment
Application then once you get to a point where you're getting way too many phone calls that you can't even handle them
Now we're gonna move down to the just-in-time webinar
We're instead of a 12 to 15 minute video. We're going to 45 minute webinar having them sign up for a phone call
Application that's going to decrease the number of phone calls that we have but increase the quality
Dramatically, so it's gonna be a little bit higher cost per appointment cost per lead here
But it's gonna be a lot higher quality
And then at this point once we've got all you're just focusing 100% on sales
You've got a whole team of fulfillment people and then once you hit 100k a month or even more than that
Then at that point you can think about hiring another sales rep and going through and train them up
So anyway guys hopefully this video was helpful. Once again, give it a thumbs up comment down below
Let me know what you guys thought. Thanks so much for watching today, and I will see you all in the next video
Best TV News Bloopers Fails #6 - Duration: and boat show good morning everybody I'm hanging out with my friend John Fox
5 Morning News starts look over there and it starts right now what is that
what is that what is that someone please tell me what's going on we had number
last week Tony Parker of the Spurs was on vacation
and he was renting that's what he was a water-powered
jet that almost took Matt Johnson down with them
Carl DeMaio figure out what to do on all this a bug on me I do have a buzz off
licked it on me I'm sorry but I'll feeling this thing on my neck and I'm
like what is this that's really gross that really just happened it's a cricket
no that's I what is that and if you're not really into the tree lighting thing
you should still come down here because the architecture well the seaports a lot
more than just shopping I mean it's a neighborhood and there's so many
different places you can hang out you can just come and be by the water you
can take you can stop waiting for a second we're gonna showcase that
building back there morning everybody thanks for joining us
this morning on this October 4th I'm Kerry Connelly along with Barry Burbank
I asked Paris it's a good morning for a cup of coffee let's share together
here's a drink coffee the wrong way I keep forgetting to hold a cup you know
it's so cute Barry puts his name on the bottom he thinks someone's gonna steal
it very warm along the coast that that
girlfriend is coming from the north and east sometimes you could just get too
excited and you throw the clicker I got to go pick that up I have never done
that in all my years of television 82 right now at Cancun you got to have this
to keep getting through the maps KDC and standing by live Katie what are you
all right I don't know the kitty knows that we are going to her live right now
let's come back here we're going to go to break and regroup and come back for
you in just a moment oh dear that's frightening it's hard to get this is
just south of the i-4 I 75 exchanged on i-75 let's take you over and show you
our big bridges give you a look at Linda Hurtado hi my god that was random on the
candy bridge a five minute trip across the water it's a six minute drive across
the Howard Franklin and nine minutes for the Courtney Campbell causeway always
nice to see Linda's smiling face late in the afternoon temperatures 5 o'clock
around 65 very comfortable disease 20 what okay take two on that problem with
it okay back in and five o'clock temperature here mostly degree I must
have a weather disease this morning the budget also includes a two and half
percent tax increase I'm going to explain what happened Kirsten just
tripped I'm sorry to call you out but I'm cracking me up we have this little
stage that we stand tiny trip okay moving on Kirsten is I'm standing she's
a good Western Michigan man says his dog ate off part of his toe which may have
actually saved his life listen to this he had an infection in his big toe which
he says he stubbornly refused to have medically treated he's grown
but the judge says what suede the sentencing decisions at least in his
mind where George Thomas has missed opportunities in a tight space which
persuaded him as as he said that staying and doing nothing is as heinous as doing
it all all right we're having technical difficulties as we can see a little
frustration their record morning low temperatures for record low highs if you
will okay we're just not cooling off Shelly Mills looking good out there at
Arcadia lake where Shelly what happened to her there's look at her run
you can't run look at a run that's awesome 83 why is she running so funny
83 with the South breeze at 12 good job all right let's go back to the storm
scanner and see that continued for this week was a trip over there 97 degrees in
Fresno is our average temperature this time of year record is 112 set just two
years ago thankfully we were a lot cooler than what we were two years ago
and in terms of our temperatures that yesterday we hit 94 degrees we're gonna
see temperatures that'll be similar to that again for today and then
temperatures was dead there's laughing at me she totally I
dropped my clicker I'm happy I'm not having a good morning rolled my ankle
drop my clicker it's just one of those days
a whole oak
haha thanks Mike Davis for that impromptu traffic report yeah this yeah
okay I put this story on my Facebook page tonight police in Wisconsin have a
real tongue twister we'd like for you to meet
bezel doo doo zappity bop-bop-bop that's right police arrested the 30 year
old man in a park mr. zapatti bop-bop-bop legally changed his name in
october his mom zippity-doo-dah bailed him out
even police had to snap this picture before pulling the 21 year-old man out
of this gutter on Holi Aloha way know just about everybody is wondering how
did this guy get into this storm drain you can see that it's very heavy just
trying to pull it off and then look at the diameter it's not that big I can get
my hands down in there but I don't know
that's how he got in not sure why the graphic just changed but the graphic
change so now we're going to go to you guys okay it's changing on its own I'm
not really sure what's going on wow it must be New Orleans come on these guys
better play somebody around here's got by their own men maybe maybe they should
feel this feel the pain that we are you kidding me was that she was joking
little jokey jokes no TV because we're in the makeshift studio Thank You
friends for how sorry I shot I was like oh I thought you loved applause thank
you you love the same name now it takes the girl falling on the air live now
what's happening today is they are giving some free school supplies they're
also going to get some free screenings health screenings like your your eye
exams and your ear exams and your dental
oops I hope the electricity didn't go out
yeah no wait a minute maybe coming back on hope there you go
hi again crystal oh sorry about that don't blame it on the okay anyway
back-to-school fair going on you should have pre-registered right you might but
yeah there should hear what's going on in the real so she's back where she is
no she's not
Fox News core bonnet laura ingalls good morning it's
855 5k coach here live live here at the police headquarters back to you route to
get away from this closure Lena back to you all right thank you a cease and
distort deceased and the source desist order has been issued for an asphalt
company in Tucson there is a longtime city ordinance that allows these
businesses these practices to occur only until 10 o'clock at night during the
week and he says and will we're live in Collin County Susie Solis
NBC 5 this was the scene all over carmine Illinois many trees uprooted
right out of the ground many of those landing right on top of homes alright
good afternoon it's a beautiful day out there it is a little on the warm side
let's go ahead and check out the temperatures and despite all the chaos
caused by the fence collapse on the bridge tonight a young couple in love
well we're in the dark but the story goes on that's been clearing up and
should continue to clear throughout much of tomorrow that will leave us as the
Sun sets good excuse me some sunny skies say that 10 times fast so if your
apartment does not have if your apartment does not have air-conditioning
reporting live in the amount to eat in section of the Bronx Darla miles channel
7 Eyewitness News it looks like we saw the brunt of it move out towards the
north there Jeff so looks like we'll be a-okay going caught next couple of days
that's right Chris after opening with a 3 over 70 for Thursday while we're all
over the board here he took Wow coming back to me that's where I Anderson
turned in a 5 / 76 Friday what a squirrel's tail looks like when it gets
wet though don't we
that is a look at your weather now stop
okay thanks Fiona Fox 4 will join thousands
in a walk for healthier babies this weekend the March of Dimes marched for
including okay in fiona will be taking part in this i think all right now let's
celebrate weather for today nothing nothing much to celebrate yeah came back
to some rain last night right Steve good morning
oh whoa sorry
good morning well obviously we're getting a nice break from the rain but
not the flooding this is essentially now a part of the Passaic River in this
neighborhood it rushed in yesterday through the streets and it's really
tough to control a canoe or a boat when you're out in it don't forget that may
fart Mayfest just make sure I lecture you where you're from in New York hey
good morning Harry Harry wake up Harry yeah wake up okay I tell you what we are
going he's yeah he's meditating he's heaven okay okay the daylight hasn't
come on I mean this required some time now I have never seen that let's just
say this that the way this works is they they do a lot of interviews all one in
the early morning a lot of them sing and perhaps obviously here
she wouldn't have been so there was some technical bummer because I was reading
his book last night great book great I highly recommend highly recommend really
want to talk to him cuz he's a great singer great actor is a movie I didn't
watch in college I became a huge fan of yours called the world the flesh and the
devil great check it out but uh was it was eating as REM sleep like he was just
he yeah he couldn't he couldn't hear she couldn't hear ya know and he's kind of
taken in now atop the hour on your Tuesday I think
you're seeing some weather right now good morning everyone it is the 12th day
of October there we are sorry about that so nobody want on with weather and
things like that but we're here yeah and you'll be seeing the weather again
shortly a little less cluttered eyes exactly alright but first let's get you
some news this morning just before 9 p.m. last night nine vehicles were
involved in an accident on i-15 year.the Chubbuck road underpass a loading ramp
fell off of a flatbed trailer headed northbound on i-15 I'm sorry when the
other vehicles hit the ramp and receive degrees of damage to their undercarriage
and tires no injuries were reported at AU State Police is investigating the
crash with assistance from the Bennett County Sheriff's Office and Pocatello
city police all right we're trying to figure this out folks yesterday morning
a car accident at a crosswalk at 9th Street and Martin Luther King jr. at
sent to people Hospital in Pocatello now according to witnesses a jeep had
stopped at the crosswalk to allow pedestrian to cross the street and was
rear-ended by a Toyota student standing near the crosswalk say the Toyota did
not stop before running to the back of the Jeep the driver of the Toyota and
the passenger were both transferred to the hospital
the driver of the Jeep pedestrian crossing the street were not hurt sorry
this is a serious story folks Pocatello police say the driver of the
Toyota was cited for inattentive driving in bonneville County the pedestrian did
get hit 20 year-old Lincoln High School student Josh Foster was hit by a vehicle
at 9:33 Monday morning during oh excuse me folks it's so bad here in
Desert Hot Springs that it even knock Oh
the wind is so bad here in Desert Hot Springs that it even caught a street
whatever Paul
the wind is so bad here in Palm Springs that it caused that stoplight to fall
over I don't know if that's fall over the wind is so bad here in Palm Springs
that it caused this stoplight suffering
the wind are so strong here in Palm Springs that it even causes stop life
three two and one the wind is so strong here in Palm Springs that it even causes
the stoplight to break
that wasn't that good
the wind is so strong here in Palm Springs three two and one
the winds are so strong here in Palm Springs that it causes light to even
they be seen we got we have a weather forecast to do Jim are you oh yeah over
here honey on the side Jim opposite side of the studio thanks ray
and I'm rocky I'm not even gonna remotely get over that area right now
948 guys no 948 yeah let's talk about what's going on with the weather right
now our satellite and radar map will go fullscreen here guys and we'll show you
the latest now on the satellite and radar map temperatures right around into
the 70s at this hour there's a warm front lifting through the area this
morning and we're going to be looking at again temperatures on the way up into
the upper 90s later on today it looks like our tower cam right now has a
sunder let's see no no way you just put it back in there ray I'm not going I'm
leaving the studio right now I'm not kidding I will leave the studio do that
thing shoots hair at you it's got fangs I don't even want to be around it I told
you I will punch you if you even get close to me
my heart is racing right now I'm not kidding I do not like spiders I don't
know what it was someone I was a little kid I'll jump out of airplanes and all
that stuff ray is behind me and somebody
so nasty just get it out of the studio please I get how we do it on time do we
need to do a lot of forecast okay here maybe just put up right now can you hit
that a little lover Jim I'll do whatever yeah this little thing yeah 70
right now Colts game tonight that thing is freaking huge but the Colts in
Cincinnati again hit it again there you go 84 94 and 98 for a high
today look at the size of that thing okay it's like the size of a softball
all right 49 74 degrees in a seven day forecast well making sure no one's
coming around to the other side of the studio here to mess with me 99 for a
high tomorrow 98 on Saturday Sunday 80 degrees that's it that's all right I'm
done I'm done all right listen it's 951 tell you what
we're gonna we're gonna gather ourselves listen I want you to go over there I'm
gonna go over there that's a lovely pink you got there
I saw brandy running in and I know it's the show good it's a Monday today and
yes good morning they look terrific welcome to the show
yeah I'm still trying to straighten my jacket huh it is Monday morning but it's
started a little bit earlier today Oh No
well more bodily functions in the news this morning the next time you pass gas
make sure no police are around a man in West Virginia faces assault charges
after police say he passed Casson dentist
the officer was already arrested for DUI according to police the purpose pass a
gas Somali the opposite it was quote very odorous and created a created
contact of an insulting or provoking nature see that wasn't even right that
would put that story that was wrong that was wrong very odorous there you go
Irene would you do me a favor would you go over to the studio and grab me a call
oh my god whoever wants a coffee Irene could you go get that person to coffee
that's what I heard hope Irene made it over to you Henry and
you got your coffee as well oh you know what I think thank you so much just wait
right here thank you so much for the coffee I really appreciate that very
much do you know any weather look oh well
good I'll tell you what here just make yourself comfortable right here I've got
a little bit of a knot right here you know what I think Megan just did a solid
for another woman that's what I'm saying then overnight tonight look that's the
wrong map right there I don't know how that got in there highs tomorrow I know
it happened here we've gotten into the wrong the wrong sequence so we'll we'll
do is we'll we'll start here at the seven-day forecast
that was wrong you stayed right there I don't know what we're supposed to do
here I've got the computers on the wrong the wrong days of the week it starts
with Monday and everything up that's trouble Oh Erin you can you've just we
got one brief second and I just need to load this other sequence up this won't
take but in the meantime we were looking into the news for Weather Center the
yeah storm center for good stop it this is an opportunity really for us to see
all the new stuff that you've got you guys you guys put in there with the new
plasma screens and the yeah it's all part of the it's all part of our don't
let this happen to you program just like that problem solved
pretty rough there you know I was afraid you push the button again we're gonna
end up in your bedroom I know it sing out of the studio we you knows right hey
good morning it is Friday and what a Friday it is here on Sunrise I'm Carina
Corral and I face the love welcome to KC sunrise here is what's ahead this
morning we have Matt entertaining us at Clovis Memorial Auditorium he has a
preview of the Bob Abbey
family you're not hoping do it head crying I'm laughing too hard right now I
just the jokes the jokes in the commercial break let's get serious for a
moment we're talking about your Friday morning shout-out so give us one for
holding it together this morning we're all in a great mood this morning we're
also talking about these crazy crocodiles that are on the loose in
South Africa it's a crazy story I'll have more on that coming up guys
pull it together later on here close-up on her tears oh my gosh Matt you have no
idea how funny you are uh-huh you want to let me anotherjob we
did it was what you said a little bit earlier which was well everything you
say it's funny ha ha ha all right well you ladies take
five so the new moms one regret is that she didn't get a picture of baby with
whose birth because dad was a little distracted and that's all we have to say
that's just such a funny story but you know what we've all been there you know
when the baby not there when the baby comes into the world you freaked out he
drove by to hospital he wasn't in his right mind to cut him some slack how
does it go so wrong tomorrow morning rainy breezy overnight Friday to
Saturday showers on Saturday Sunday Monday most of Tuesday look dry for
Seattle we could have some showers in the
First Alert Weather - Duration: 3:30.-------------------------------------------
ADICCION MAS ACCION - HAZLO DO IT, por ivankys - Duration: 9:58.-------------------------------------------
3-Ingredient Cookie Dough Bites [no music] - Duration: 8:19.hi hope you like my recipe for 3 ingredient chocolate cookie dough
truffles I got the idea after having vegan cheesecake that the base was just
made from just oats and dates and I'd never thought about doing it before and
it actually works really well because um if you make it something like cashew
nuts it's so more it should have loads and loads and loads so it's why I have
cashew nuts as a rare treat but whether it's some oats it's a bit dry it's still
tasty but you just have one or two and you feel really satisfied
you don't like cashew nuts just have more and more and more I'm using
bog-standard dates mate it's just normal 50 days no added water or preservatives
and dry and yeah the pits out them just because they're very cheap I mean this
packet was one pound a tea and you really don't need the expensive ones
like medjool dates I would love to have medjool dates all the time but they're
just so expensive there just doesn't really justify the price and also there
is so much plastic without plastic at the bottom and plastic at the top and
they had each one individually wrapped it seems like a lot of waste where's
this well they do have plastic bees but I think there are much better choice
because you really don't need those expensive medjool dates for the oats I'm
just using bog-standard oats for them I have in the past been using gluten-free
oats but as with budget restraints because I had issues with um gluten I
found just normal oats I'm actually fine with I know oats contain a southern
similar to gluten without gluten or annealing or something like that which
is if you look under the microscope tree it's quite similar to gluten that's why
it's called out gluten but it's actually a very different thing we're not that
different it's a bit different but three courses of people that have celiac seeds
are actually fine with oats so I just use normal oats this the bad news for
this is just a standard one in a cardboard package I mean they're great
oats like this because you want to choose oats that aren't like super like
the Jumbo ones that are super firm and keep their texture even after cookie you
want ones that I'm not sure this is a sharp it's incredible today but these
are quite crumbly and they break and disintegrate down quite easily and
that's what you want to do because is you're blending this and the blend you
want to blend them until all the oats are broken down more or less into a dot
you don't want any tough bits when you have them and if you make it with the
Jumbo so you get those really tough bits that just aren't that great to eat you
can make these raw if you like by making a rule top ilat coating instead of using
pre-board chocolate to make them more G's my same recipe that I always talk
about just 1/3 cacao butter 1/3 cacao powder and 1/3 of sweetener like maple
soup I know maple syrup isn't raw but it's generally accepted on the war food
diet and then just mix them all together and the same with the oats they're not
technically war oats usually will be involved those of this have almost
certainly been steamed and then bold but they were often except on a war food
diet well you can get totally Ward's but they're incredibly expensive it's went a
strict you are even when I was on a raw food diet maybe 15 years ago which has
some good points I just don't follow it all the time now
I don't think stealthy to pull it all the time for the chocolate in this I'm
using a standard cooking chocolate well no it's not a standard cooking chocolate
it's for me it's a standard chocolate what I'm actually using is an organic 84
percent cooking chocolate because it's actually VAT free if you buy a cooking
chocolate and it's in smaller lumps so it's easier to melt I do tend to get a
high kikou content or cocoa cocoa mass content chocolate just cuz it's how it
got less sugar in and with all the dates in this even if you don't like dark
chocolate it's just a thin wrapping of it and the depth of chocolate is really
great this and it works really well think of this recipe pretty much like
all of my recipes I generally keep it quite simple because I'm quite simple
and also it allows you to adjust it and add any flavors or flourishes that you
like to I mean it Christmas you want me to put some goji berries something to
look like berries or you might to add some cranberries into the mixture or
sprinkle with coconut or ground up stash you nuts you just adapt this simple
recipe however you like to add anything you've got in your store cupboard
anything that you like I mean you can add flavorings or orange oil
I mean it's endless I won't go on on I made this isn't a small jog or bullet
type blender for this just cuz it's so versatile to make everything and because
it's such a small jog it works really well to blend it all up in one go
without having to scrape down the side so if your blender dish does struggle
you will want to scrape down the sides you do want to blend this for quite a
long time well I say but not that long a minute or so but
turn it off the moment you blended starts to stress I probably I blended it
all in one go and it was probably a bit too much because there was smoke coming
out of my blender but my blend has been used and abused for probably six years
six years I've been in this house and it's still lasting fine but don't listen
to me and don't overstretch your blender blend it in short batches and the moment
you hear you can hear the motor when the motor is stressing and it's just not
grinding perfectly you can know it might cause damage so you want to stop
immediately give it a bit of break and do it again but this kind of recipe
you'll finish blending the moment you can hear the blender stressing usually
if you do have any comments or questions about this recipe please do drop them
down below and I'll get back to you I'm sorry if it's a bit of a simple recipe
I'm kind of running on low into the creative energy and energy in general
for this year and it's so dark I'm not even sure if the final results are gonna
be able to photograph them but I might have to do them under artificial light
so the photos will the final results look a bit dodgy it's just because the
weather is incredibly grey and torrential rain and usually I'd shoot
all my final results outside but in the winter and UK it's just not happening
and it's been raining for the last few days and I just can't wait any longer I
hope you like breastfeed my three ingredient I hope you like my last week
my three ingredient chocolate trough I hope you like I hope you like most week
my three ingredient chocolate
Marie L. Greenwood Celebrates 106th Birthday - Duration: 3:11.(Light string music)
(Marie Greenwood) "In 1938 that was the middle of that big depression you know.
I was very blessed and fortunate to even get a job.
Jobs were very scarce.
And almost impossible for some of us.
I was the first African-American teacher in Denver to receive tenure.
I never thought in terms of it being history or anything like that!
To me it was more than just my job.
It was opening the door for others too."
"The principal of Newlon School, Mildred Biddick, remembered me and my record from
the way back, those early days.
So she welcomed me, you know.
Here was this all-white school way out in the west Denver.
And… not one brown teacher had ever been placed anywhere but east Denver.
Not even to substitute.
And here, she would ask for me.
When I was coming up, if you were minority you had to be twice as good.
Those children were my family.
And apparently had had projected into the homes that the parents realized, that I was,
I guess a special teacher.
A special brown teacher! (laughs)"
"A superintendent has to make sure that
there is equality.
No matter what.
Every child can learn.
And that should be basic from the superintendent on down.
Every child, and every teacher, in every school, there should be equality."
This is my first birthday card, thank you!"
"Each one teach one is one of the greatest programs that I have ever seen.
And it's in my school! (Laughs)"
"This is going to be one of the biggest
days that I have ever had.
Thank you."
Ixim: A Mayan story about corn - Duration: 5:10.(birds chirping)
-This is a story of corn.
For Mayan culture, it is sacred.
It is revered.
(corn stalks rustling)
It is in fact how humankind became to be.
(lively music)
(water trickling)
This is Santa Lucia Lachua, Guatemala.
Home of the indigenous Q'eqchi.
There are over 20 different Mayan languages,
and of all the variations, there is only one word
that is common to all.
Ixim which means corn.
To the Q'eqchi corn is the centerpiece
of the creation story.
The creators tried all sorts of different objects
to make man from, but it wasn't until they used corn
that man was perfected.
(cheerful music)
After four perfect men were created, they made the women.
This ceremony, the watesink
is to give thanks to nature and the Q'eqchi ancestors
for all they have given.
(corn stalks rustling)
(rooster crowing)
(insects chirping)
(corn husks rustling)
(insects chirping)
3 Ingredient Vegan Cookie Dough Bites - Duration: 8:19.I hope you like my recipe for 3 ingredient chocolate cookie dough truffles I got
the idea after having vegan cheesecake that the base was just made from just
oats and dates and I'd never thought about doing it before and it actually
works really well because if you make it something like cashew nuts it's so more
it uploads and loads and loads so that's why I have cashew nuts as a rare treat
but whether it's some oats it's a bit dry it's still tasty but you just have
one or two and you feel really satisfied you don't like cashew nuts just have
more and more and more I'm using bog-standard dates mate it's just normal
pretty day snow added water or preservatives and dry and yet the pits
out of them just because they're very cheap I mean this packet was one pound a
tea and you really don't need the expensive ones like medjool dates I
would love to have medjool dates all the time but they're just so expensive there
just doesn't really justify the price and also there is so much plastic way
down the plastic oh that water and plastic at the top and they had each one
individually wrapped it seems like a lot of waste where's this well they didn't
have plastic these but I think there are much better choice because you really
don't need those expensive module dates for the oats I'm just using bog standard
oats of them I have in the past been using gluten free oats but as with
budget restraints because I had issues with um gluten I found it just normal
oats I'm actually fine with I know oats contain a substance similar to gluten
with oat gluten or analin in or something like that which is if you look under the
microscope restructure it is quite similar to gluten that's what's called
out gluten it's actually a very different thing
we're not that it's a bit different but three courses of people that have celiac
seeds actually find with oats so I choose normal oats this the brand new
use for this is just a standard one in a cardboard package I mean they're great
oats like this because you want to choose oats are like super like the
Jumbo ones that are super firm and keep their texture even after cookie you want
ones that I don't so this is a shot it's incredible today but these are quite
crumbly and they break and disintegrate down quite easily and that's what you
want to do because is you blending this and the blend you want to blend
until all the oats are broken down more or less into a dust just if you don't
want any tough bits when you have them and if you make it with the Jumbo so you
get rid of those really tough bricks that just aren't that great to eat you
can make these raw if you like by making a rule topple at coating instead of
using pre-war chocolate to make them more G's my same recipe that I always
talk about just a third cacao butter 1/3 cacao powder and a third sweetener like
maple syrup I know maple syrup isn't raw but and
it's generally accepted on the war food diet and then just mix them all together
and the same with the oats they're not technically war oats usually will be
evolved those of this have almost certainly been steamed and then rolled
but they were often except on a war food aisle you can get totally war outs but
they're incredibly expensive it xx strict you are even when I was on a raw
food diet maybe 15 years ago which has some good points I just don't follow it
all the time now I don't need healthy to follow it all
the time for the chocolate at least I'm using a standard cooking chocolate work
nourish it's not a standard cooking chocolate it's for me it's a standard
chocolate what I'm actually using is an organic 84 percent cooking chocolate
because it's actually that free if you buy a cooking chocolate and it's in
smaller lumps so it's easier to melt I do tend to get a high kikou content or
cocoa cocoa mass content chocolate just cuz I got less sugar in and with all the
dates on this even if you don't like dark chocolate it's just a thin wrapping
of it and the depth of chocolate is really great this and it works really
well think of this recipe pretty much like all of my recipes I
generally keep it quite simple because I'm quite simple and also it allows you
to adjust it and add any flavors or flourishes that you like to I mean at
Christmas you want to put some goji berries something to look like berries
or you might to add some cranberries into the mixture or sprinkle with
coconut or ground up stash you nuts you just adapt this simple recipe however
you like to add anything you've got in your store cupboard anything that you
like I mean you can add flavorings or orange oil
I mean it's endless I won't go on on I made this isn't a small jug or bullet
type blender for this just cuz it's so versatile to make everything and because
it's such a small jug it works really well to blend it all up in one go
without having to scrape down the side so if your blender dish does struggle
you will want to scrape down the sides you
you want to blend this for quite a long time well I say long but not that long a
minute or so but turn it off the moment your blender starts to stress I probably
I blended it all in one go and it's probably a bit too much there was smoke
coming out of my blender but my blenders been used and abused for probably six
years and six years I've been in this house and it's still lasting fine but
don't listen to me and don't overstretch your blender blend it in short batches
and the moment you hear even hear the motor when the motors stressing and it's
just not grinding perfectly you can know it might cause damage to it so you want
to stop immediately give it a bit of break and do it again but this kind of
recipe you'll finish blending the bone you can hear the blender stressing
usually if you do have any comments or questions about this recipe please do
drop them down below and I'll get back to you I'm sorry if it's a bit of a
simple recipe I'm kind of running on low to the creative energy and energy in
general for this year and it's so dark I'm not even sure for final results are
gonna be able to photograph but I might have to do them under artificial light
so the photos of the final results look a bit dodgy it's just because the
weather is incredibly gray and torrential way and use your shoot all my
final results outside but in the winter and UK it's just not happening and it's
been raining for the last few days and I just can't wait any longer I hope you
liked the recipe my three ingredient hi hope you liked my last week my three
ingredient chocolate truck I hope you like I hope you liked my sweet my three
ingredient chocolate
4. Колесо 2 (BeatsCraze prod.) - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
14. Гори (Pointwave prod.) - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
13. Я не существую 3 (Pointwave prod.) - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Briggs Book Tag - Duration: 8:08.hello booktube I'm Vanessa and today I'm here to do the brigg's book tag!
The questions in this tag are based off of the myers-briggs personality test, which
is the one where you get to be like an estp or an infj or whatever like that.
I'm an infj, and that personality type is the Advocate or the counselor, and
basically it's somebody who has very like strong and idealistic views that
they're willing to stand up for, and they're willing to help people. I would
say that I agree with that, like I get very riled up about injustice and like
I'm a Hufflepuff. Here I am. so yeah, I think it's definitely really accurate
for me, and if you want to take this test which I highly recommend because it's
really informative and I think it's pretty accurate, go to 16
that's one of the free ones. um other than that I'm gonna go ahead and
get into the tag, and basically...where's it is. basically how the tag
works is um each letter has a question so "I" has a question, "n" has a question
etc etc, and then at the end, each type has a question, so there's one
specifically for infj. okay I had to change my battery so sorry if the screen
moved. but anyways the first question for this is either introverted or
extroverted, and I got introverted. so the I is: you can be outgoing but need
to recharge with some calming solitude. where is your favorite place to read and
unwind, and why is this little oasis where you choose to go? my favorite place
to read is actually in my bed. my bed, it's so cute and I love it and it's so
cozy, I have all my pillows and my blankets and like my lamp so I
have a good reading light, and I keep like everything, like my tissues and my
glasses, and like whatever I might need while I'm reading. the bed is the reading
zone. and then the next question is either sensing which is like details and
practical things and logic, or intuitive which is like thinking about the future
and thinking of like creative ideas and like imagination and like how things
could be. I got intuitive, so the in question is: some books are meant to be
understood and others are meant to be explored. what book or character stands
for an idea that is deeply meaningful to you? and for that I think I want to say
the Hunger games because the Hunger Games to
me, I don't know, I just love that message about like standing up and fighting
against injustices, and things that are hurting other people, and how
important it is to stand up againstit and to have hope that you can make a
difference. and I just really like the Hunger Games, and I'm so grateful that
that's a series that I feel like has shaped our generation so much, like our
ideals and our values, because I think it's really beneficial that we have so
many people in the upcoming generation who are willing to fight for things. and
the next question is either thinking or feeling, and I got feeling. and the
question for F is: not everything needs to be realistic, where is the fun in a
world with limits? which fantasy world do you find so atmospheric that you slip
inside and never want to leave, or alternatively just a book that has a
really good vibes. and I can't remember what I said for this, oh man I had a good
fantasy answer too! I don't remember my fantasy answer, but I this isn't a
fantasy but I really really find pride and prejudice to be so immersive and the
world to be so atmospheric, in the sense that it's just like, I feel like I'm
there. I feel like I'm in 1700's England, I don't know, I feel like when I read Pride
and Prejudice I go there, and I don't want to leave. Which is funny because
I know that like I wouldn't actually want to be there because women had
no rights. and we had to marry old ugly dudes just to survive and not be
homeless but uh, you know, we can pretend. If we could pretend I'm Elizabeth Bennett
who actually falls in love with someone who is rich enough to take care of me,
then it would all be good. and finally the last letter is between perceivers
and judgers. and I got judger. which you know, i feel, I guess it's accurate I do.
But I think this is one that I was a little bit close to being split on because the
perceivers are more like open and flexible and like go with the flow
whereas the judgers like they like their structure and they like things to be set
and like concluded and like wrapped up nicely, and I feel like I'm a mixture of
both, and that's the Gemini in me. but the question for judgers is: all play and
no work leads to chaotic disorder and anarchy. how do you structure
and balance your reading, booktube, and personal life to better use your time.
this is a big question for me, and again this is where I definitely am a judger
because I have like my planner, I got all my tasks scheduled out, and I'm really
kind of, I think it's unhealthy, but I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of time
management, and like making sure that you're not wasting time. and I feel
really guilty if I waste time. why did I do that? that was 30 minutes I could have
spent working on a project or reading a book or like whatever? but on the same
token I feel like that desire to maximize my time is what kind of helps
me keep everything balanced, like being able to run a YouTube channel, and read,
because a lot of people say booktube like it's one thing, but no, we have to
like take the time to make the video content, AND the time to read the books
that we have to read in order to make the content. its two jobs, it's really two
things in one. so I do both of those, I try to keep up
with like comments and watching other people's YouTube videos, and commenting
on their videos and like maintaining my friendships on here, because they're
really important to me. I'm also like running my own business and going to
school, which, I wish I was that person I could just go to school and be like "I'm
just here for my degree bye", but I'm like, if I don't have a 4.0 I will die. and of
course like, you know, I have my boyfriend and my family that I also sometimes like
to spend time with. and I think the thing that helps me balance it all is just
taking advantage of every second of every day, you know? like when I wake up
my feet hit the floor and I'm going. I'm like up at 6:00 a.m. filming videos
before i go to class, and then when after my class I have like my lunch
break, I'm reading all through my lunch break, and then my next class, after that
I have another lunch break that I'll use to probably do my homework for the day,
so then when I get home from school I can watch other people's YouTube videos
and reply to comments, and I pretty much like, I spend time with my boyfriend by
going to his house and sitting in his bed on my laptop doing homework.
so yeah I don't know stuff like that is pretty much how I balance it and
it''s hard sometimes, but when everything is so important to you and
sacrificing one of those things is not an option, you find a way, like you
it work. and then the last question is for infj as a whole, and this says: the
counselor, yes we're a bit odd but we're also filled with intuition and empathy.
what is a book that you would recommend to a friend who is having a hard time?
and for this I'm saying, again, I'm saying the alchemist. um because this is a book
that helped me during a hard time and I think it's kind of a universal feeling,
it doesn't just deal with like one specific issue that someone might be dealing with,
but it just deals with the general idea that whatever you're going through, the
universe is on your side, and the universe wants you to be happy, and it
wants you to achieve the things that you are dreaming of achieving, and if you can
just meet the universe halfway everything is gonna be all right. I don't
know I like that, maybe it's corny, maybe it's like some new-age like hippie
bullshit, but I really like the idea that everything is connected, and that the
soul of the world needs me as much as I need it, and that we're working together
to bring more positive energy into the world, and I just I like that. anyways
that is it for the brigg's book tag! like I said I definitely recommend doing this
because it's super fun. I really want to see Ali from hardback hoarder do this.
you know, I think would be fun to see game of tomes do it, since like both of
them could answer and like compare their personality types and their answers and
stuff, so that would be really fun. and let me know in the comments if you have
taken this test what your personality type is, and I hope that I get to talk to
you soon! bye!
WPW10292303 - Replacing Your Maytag Fridge's Freezer Door Handle AP6018866 PS11752169 - Duration: 2:57.hi my name is Bill and today I'll be showing you how to replace the freezer
door handle on your fridge the reason why you might have to do this is because
it handles broken or damaged for this repair all you'll need is a Philips head
screwdriver warning before doing any repairs please
disconnect your power source so this is the fridge we're gonna be using for our
demonstration here it's a maytag keep in mind yours might
be a little bit different at home than what we have here but the
same techniques should still apply so right here is our freezer door handle
it's held on by four screws there's two on the top right here and two on the
bottom so we'll start with the screws on the bottom here and I'll need to use a
Phillips head screwdriver
and as we undo this last screw you might also want to just hold that handle in
place so it doesn't move around on you and once all the screws are off you can
just pull the handle straight out it comes right off now you can grab your
new OEM replacement freezer door handle if you don't have one already you can
find it on our online store so now we're going to put the freezer door handle on
and what you're going to do is just kind of line it up the holes the screws go
right there on the top and the bottom and we'll screw it into place and once
those screws are secure you can close your door up test your handle and your
repair is complete I just don't trust Adams they make up everything finally
don't forget to plug in your appliance if you need to replace any parts for
your appliances you can find an OEM replacement part on our website
thanks for watching and please don't forget to like
comment and share our video also don't forget to subscribe to our channel your
support helps us make more videos just like these for you to watch for free
12. Fireflies ft. ERR (Cloudlight x RedlightMuzik prod.) - Duration: 3:52.ERR: Fireflies, fireflies Why my baby always cries?
Fireflies, fireflies Find me a paradise
Fireflies, fireflies. You're my angel in disguise
Fireflies, Fireflies, flies, flies
Fireflies, Fireflies, why my baby always cries?
Fireflies, fireflies Find me a paradise
Fireflies, fireflies You're my angel in disguise
Fireflies, fireflies, flies, flies
I don't need to be myself I should not be anyone
I am walking by causeway Like a swaying tailor's doll
Few coins lie in my pocket No points, finding 'em I get
Some notes, items. I lock it In phones, screens. And I placed here my
My Russian abstraction My nightmares and passion
Will make me laugh, make me dead. They're here. My, my inner burning coal
that's choking my soul Please stop, oh, please stop for a sec
Fireflies, fireflies. Why my baby always cries?
Fireflies, fireflies. Find me a paradise
Fireflies, fireflies You're my angel in disguise
Fireflies, fireflies, flies, flies
Fireflies, fireflies, why my baby always cries?
Fireflies, fireflies Find me a paradise
Fireflies, fireflies You're my angel in disguise
Fireflies, fireflies, flies, flies, fireflies.
No matter how much I will get into these
Hospitals, borders, and worries and seas
No matter how much I will get into these
Bogs with your body, and limits and fields
No matter how much I will get into this
Crisis or riddle, I'm done for a little,
I'm outta people, I'm outta people,
I'm giving a smile and not coming to you
I'm not on top, but my destiny says my place is here for now
The sky is locked up, my lasting's least, it means Rest In Peace, and I'm out
Don't try to rake up my past, it is in my chest, I want to forget it
Those mistakes are so crazy, I'm trying to love I'm kinda prince from a tale
with ending full of dismay I lose my grip and I vail
on retinas and displays I'm gonna meet you when fail
gets over me and prevails I'm living like isolate, instead I am multi-faced.
I'm really glad we are dead
I am devastatingly calm There's no need to visit or call me
promising only anything, brat I have made my mind to fact
that everything's not already nice
Fireflies, fire flies, fire flies, fire flies
Fireflies, fireflies Why my baby always cries?
Fireflies, fireflies Find me a paradise
Fireflies, fireflies You're my angel in disguise
Fireflies, fire flies, flies flies
Fireflies, fireflies, why my baby always cries?
Fireflies, fireflies Find me a paradise
Fireflies, fireflies You're my angel in disguise
Fireflies, fire flies, flies, flies. Fireflies.
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