Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Youtube daily Nov 29 2018

-Thank you for coming back! -Thank you for having me.

-You're one of my favorites.

And this time of year is perfect.

I mean, You have the big tree lighting outside,

the Christmas tree lighting.

Have you ever seen the Christmas tree lighting?

-Are you familiar with my work?

You've never been?

-You've never been? -You've never bean?

-Oh, wait, yes!

"Home Alone 2." -Yeah, that's the one.

Yeah, there you go. Nailed it.

-I forgot about it.

In 1, there was no tree.

2, you were in Boston, New York.

-Yes, I had to work at 4:00 a.m. as a 10-Year-old.

-[ Laughs ] -It was great.

It was my favorite day as a child.

Let's go to Rockefeller Center.

-Wait, that's right. You did that.

Was that the end of the movie?

-It's near the end of the movie. I don't know.

I don't really watch that movie anymore.

I mean, I was there.

-Yeah, you were. [ Laughter ]

-When that movie comes on this time of year,

this is the hottest time to be Macaulay Culkin!

Yeah, yeah. -Hello.

-Yes. -This is the season!

[ Cheers and applause ] Tis the season!

-I agree.

I do get recognized more this time of year, I think.

Yeah, it's... -You do?

-Yeah, I got a little diagram.

Just like, yeah, you know, leading up to it.

-Because it's on television every two seconds.

-Yes, it is something that's there.

It's like a thing.

It's like, you got a new girlfriend,

you're flipping through the channels,

and then there's "Home Alone."

And she's like, "Huh?

Huh, you want to watch it?"

-"You want to watch 'Home Alone'

with Macaulay Culkin, don't you?"

She's like, "yes." -[ Laughs ]

But do you do it?

-Yeah, I mean, I have indulged that.

And most of the time, I'm just muttering my lines

under my breath.

Like, "Keep the change, you filthy animal."

Like, you know... [ Laughter ]

-Come on!

Listen, w-w-whatever gets her motor running, I guess.

-Ah, yeah. -[ Chuckles ]

[ Laughter ]

-You know what I mean over there.

-[ Muttering ]

Let's talk about Bunny Ears. -Ooh, yes. --

It's a lifestyle website. -Yes.

-And podcast. -Uh-huh.

-How do you describe this website?

-Well, hold on. -We gotta...

-Oh. -Gotta put on our ears.

-Of course. -Yep.

[ Laughter ] Oh, yeah.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Are mine on right?

-Ah, there we go. -Perfect.

-My girlfriend's made mine -- she's very crafty.

They have my name on them. -Yeah, yeah.

-Just in case. So we don't get confused.

-[ Laughs ] Of course. -Like looking in a mirror.

-[ Chuckles ] What is -- What is the website?

-It is a lifestyle website.

It's kind of like the Goop meets The Onion a little bit.

And it's like, yeah. -It's like Goop?

-Yes, it's like Goop. So, it's like, yes. It's...

Like, one of our headlines for, like, tomorrow is,

"Why can't I have my kid as --" What is it?

"Why can't I have my kid as an emotional support animal?

He's on a leash, after all."

You know? -[ Chuckles ]

And things like that. -And stuff of that nature.

-And the like.

-You sell merch, as well, on the side.

-Heck yeah.

And I picked up... this shirt.

-Yes, it's a very popular seller.

-Yeah, that's a good one.

-[ Chuckles ]

-I've seen a photo of you wearing the shirt.

-Yeah, you know, it's funny when other people wear it --

I mean, it's funny in it's own right --

but it's weird when I wear it.

'Cause I spend a lot of time

trying not to call attention to myself.

People are like, "Are you Macaulay Culkin?"

I'm like, "No, no. That's not me," you know?

And just like, "I'm pretty sure, though.

I'm pretty sure you are."

-But you're doing this thing also on the website now.

This is an actual thing you guys can participate in.

You are actually gonna legally change your middle name.

-Yes. Okay.

So, I was staring my passport recently and stuff,

and I was looking over my middle name.

My current middle name is Carson.

[ Irish accent ] But you have to say it Macaulay Carson Culkin.

[ Normal voice ] Very Irish. -Oh, yes.

[ Irish accent ] Macaulay Carson Culkin.

-[ Irish accent ] Macaulay Carson Culkin.

[ Normal voice ] And I thought, like, you know,

I should probably spruce up my name a little bit.

So, yes, you can onto the website.

You can vote on my new middle name.

We've narrowed it down to five options.

I've been polling friends, family, everything.

And so...

-All right. Here are the five.

The first one -- middle name would be "Macaulay Culkin."

-Yeah. -So, you'd be --

-Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin.

-So, if somebody comes up to me at the airport,

and says, "Excuse me, are you Macaulay Culkin?"

I would say, "Well, Macaulay Culkin

is my middle name.

[ Laughter ]

I think that's great. -Uh-huh.

-Um, second option you have is, uh...

"Shark Week." -Yeah.

Shark Week, yeah.

-Macaulay Shark Week Culkin. -I could live with that.

It's very seasonal, but, you know, yeah.

-Now, do you enjoy Shark Week? -I've never seen it, so...

-That's a good way to be named after.

This one might be my favorite.

Macaulay Kieran Culkin. -Yes.

-That's your brother -- -My brother Kieran

suggested Kieran, so...

I was like, "Yeah. Okay." He's obviously got good taste.

-Yeah, Kieran Culkin. I like Kieran.

This one is interesting--

Macaulay The McRib Is Back Culkin.

-[ Chuckles ] Yep! [ Laughter ]

Yep. -I might have to --

Well, Questlove likes that one. I don't know.

-Yeah, I mean. Look. It is back.

It is back. -Yeah.

Talking about seasonal, but yes. Yeah, yeah.

-So, it would say, like, "The Mac is Back."

The McRib is back. -Yes. The McRib is back.

And you just tried recently a McRib, and it's...

-Yeah, I just tried one finally. -What'd you think?

-Yeah, it's a McRib. I mean...

-Yes, it's tasty. -It's certainly back.

You know? -Okay. That's good.

I'll take that as an endorsement.

-All right, the last one is Macaulay Publicity Stunt Culkin.

-Yes. -[ Laughs ]

So, that's just kind of calling out what the bit is.

But no, I think it's --

-My girlfriend suggested that one.

-Are you legally going to do this?

-Yes, I'm legally going to change my name.

So, seriously, go to

and vote on what my middle name is,

'cause I will legally change it. -What do you guys think?

I'm gonna send my vote right now.

[ Cheers and applause ]

It's either "McRib" or "Macaulay Culkin."

[ Audience shouting indistinctly ]

I -- Here, I'm gonna take my vote right here.

Can you see? Can we zoom in?

Do you see it there?

I'm gonna go Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin.

-You have good taste in names.

[ Cheers and applause ]

-There you go. -[ Laughs ]

-I just voted.

You vote has been saved! -Nice.

[ Chuckles ] -Next time I see you,

you'll have a different name, my friend.

-I will. I will come back, and I'll show you my ID

with my new passport. -I love it, buddy.

-When is the final -- When are you going to unveil it?

Christmas? -Christmas Eve.

So if you guys want to get me a new Christmas present,

it'll be a middle name.

-There you go, guys! Macaulay Culkin, everybody!

-Check out his website,

For more infomation >> Macaulay Culkin Netflix and Chills with Home Alone for Girlfriend - Duration: 6:29.


Howie Mandel Interrupts The Tonight Show to Plug Deal or No Deal - Duration: 1:26.

-Welcome back to "The Tonight Show," everybody.

We've got a lot more coming up for you.


[ Cheers and applause ]


How are you?

-Howie Mandel?!

Howie Mandel, what are you --

What are you -- What are you doing here?

What's going on? -Okay, okay.

Let me tell you, I was in the neighborhood.

-Uh-huh. -And I got to tell you

that after 10 years,

"Deal or No Deal" is coming back.

-What? -It really is.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Starting December 5th on CNBC,

but first, on Monday, there's a Christmas special.

This Monday, right after "The Voice," at 10:00,

a huge $1 million Christmas "Deal or No Deal."

So I wanted to know -- I want to know --

can I come on and promote it and it talk about it

and share it with it your audience?

[ Cheers and applause ]

-No. [ Laughter ]

-Okay. I understand.

It's, uh...disappointing, but it...


[ Audience "Awws" ]

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Wait a sec! He just did promote --

We'll be right back with more "Tonight Show."

You just did promote it! Wait, Howie!

You just did promote it!

For more infomation >> Howie Mandel Interrupts The Tonight Show to Plug Deal or No Deal - Duration: 1:26.


HG- Hogyan menthetjük el a PowerPoint prezentációt videó formátumú PPTX formátumú videóként? - Duration: 1:44.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about.How to Save a PowerPoint Slide Presentation as a Video?

To run your presentation on computers that don't have PowerPoint can save your presentation as a video file.

After you have created your slides. and recorded any timing and narrations.

add transition and animation that you want to include.and audio file you like.

You are ready to create a video file. On the File menu select ensure all your recent work has been saved

in PowerPoint presentation format (.pptx). Click File. Export. Create a Video.In the first drop-down box under the Create a Video

heading. select the video quality you want, which pertains to the resolution of the finished video.

The higher the video quality, the larger the file size. Full HD large file size Computer and HD screens.

HD medium file size Internet and DVD. Standard smallest file size Portable devices.

Click Create Video. In the File name box, enter a file name for the video.

browse for the folder that will contain this file, and then click Save. In the Save as type box, choose either MPEG-4 Video

or Windows Media Video. You can track the progress of the video creation. by looking at the status bar at the bottom of your screen.

To play your newly-created video, go to the designated folder location. and then double-click the file.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> HG- Hogyan menthetjük el a PowerPoint prezentációt videó formátumú PPTX formátumú videóként? - Duration: 1:44.


Vize-Außenminister Russlands in Berlin: EU glaubt offenbar nicht an Poroschenkos Kertsch-Geschichte - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Vize-Außenminister Russlands in Berlin: EU glaubt offenbar nicht an Poroschenkos Kertsch-Geschichte - Duration: 3:37.


"Rakhi Sawant" Jald Iss Comedian Se Shaadi Karne Wali Hain | Deepak Kalal - Duration: 1:42.

"Rakhi Sawant" Jald Iss Comedian Se Shaadi Karne Wali Hain | Deepak Kalal

For more infomation >> "Rakhi Sawant" Jald Iss Comedian Se Shaadi Karne Wali Hain | Deepak Kalal - Duration: 1:42.


Wild West | Om Nom Cartoons | Videos For Babies | Kids Shows - Duration: 1:35.

Wild West Om Nom Cartoons Videos For Babies

For more infomation >> Wild West | Om Nom Cartoons | Videos For Babies | Kids Shows - Duration: 1:35.


GAME CHANGING Advice For ENFPs - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 4:33.

Hey Dan here and I want to share a game-changing piece of advice for my

fellow ENFPs. If you're trying to make big positive change in your life, if

you're trying to move forward toward something but you keep finding yourself

getting stuck or you're not really satisfied with your momentum, then pay

attention, you're going to learn a ton in this video. Now if you're new here to

the channel my name is Dan I am the creator of Dreams Around The World and

ENFP Unleashed and here at Dreams Around The World my goal is to help you become

the best version of yourself all while creating the most awesome life possible

for you and those you love. So as ENFPs we have a bit of a problem

sometimes where when we get a little overwhelmed when we are trying to take

on a lot or we're trying to make a change in our lives, we get overwhelmed

and we feel that the way to deal with that often is to clean up the past. It's

like: okay, I'm struggling I'm feeling a bit stuck, so why don't I go backwards

and deal with the clutter, maybe with the paperwork, maybe with clearing up some

things with a therapist or something like that looking to the past and

feeling like until we deal with the past and get things really organized and

really well set up that we're not going to be able to move to the future that we

want and there's some truth to that the aspect of having a great foundation of

not having too many loose ends, bad relationships kind of bringing you down

or all these things on your mind - like, I got to catch up on my accounting, I've

got to do that paperwork I've got to clean that stuff up and I'll do another

video on that soon about cleaning that stuff up and how to get a really clear

head, but here's the problem - when do ENFPs thrive? When we're looking

to the future, when we're creating. What do we love? Possibilities, new things, right?

ENFPs don't get excited about looking to the past, about dealing with

some paperwork, about clearing things up and, yes, there are people who actually do

get really excited by that, but it's not us and so what you're doing when you

look to the past is you're using some of the weakest parts of your personality

and you're putting all your energy into that which is going to leave you feeling

really drained and you're not going to accomplish very much but when you look

to the future when you create an inspiring vision, when you think about

what it is you really want to doing and the change you can make and

the future possibilities - that's when you get excited, right? I'm not alone with

that. This is when we get so so excited is when we're looking to what we can

actually accomplish and change with the future so what I would most recommend by

far if you're feeling like you aren't where you want to be and you want to

make a change but you're concerned with the past is temporarily forget the past,

focus on the future you want to create, focus on that future get excited by it

get excited by the possibilities, create a new empowering vision for what it is

you want that will energize you that will put you in the strongest part of

your personality. You will be fired up, you will be energized and work in that

world and then the end of the day clean up some paperwork, talk to a therapist,

organize your apartment. That will be easy because you will be so inspired and

fired up by what you're working on most of the time that doing a little

paperwork no big deal or go another approach and this is something that I

tend to do is focus on using that super power of yours - focus on creating the

future on working in that area that has you so excited and then make a bunch of

money doing that and it's easier to hire some help: hire a cleaner, hire someone to

help keep you organized that becomes a lot easier because you're earning money

doing the thing you do really well in either case, either approach with this,

focus on the future, focus on creating something empowering,

inspiring and when you do that you'll have more than enough energy to do

everything else. So in the comments I want to know what do you think: is it

better to focus on the future to get inspired by doing something new or is it

better to clean up your past and deal with loose ends? Let me know below in the

comments. As always I publish new videos every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 6

a.m. Eastern, so subscribe to the channel, hit that bell get notified of new videos

and catch you in the next one very soon. Thanks again for watching and all your


For more infomation >> GAME CHANGING Advice For ENFPs - Dreams Around The World - Duration: 4:33.


29-Nov | R-Sim New Working ICCID Code | Latest Verified ICCID | Gevey | R-Sim 12,13 | For all iPhone - Duration: 3:48.

Subscribe to our Channel. Don't forget to like us on YouTube.

For more infomation >> 29-Nov | R-Sim New Working ICCID Code | Latest Verified ICCID | Gevey | R-Sim 12,13 | For all iPhone - Duration: 3:48.


Wojciech Szczesny shares an hilarious story from Carl Jenkinson's Arsenal debut - Duration: 2:58.

 Wojciech Szczesny has shared an hilarious story about Carl Jenkinson's Arsenal debut

 The right-back arrived at the Emirates Stadium in the summer of 2011 from Charlton Athletic and was included in the first-team squad for a pre-season friendly against Cologne at the RheinEnergie Stadion

 Gervinho found the back of the net twice that day, but the game will forever be remembered for Jenkinson marking his first appearance for his boyhood club with a goal at the wrong end

 On the stroke of half-time he attempted to clear a long punt upfield.  However, Jenkinson somehow got his clearance all wrong and ended up volleying the ball into the top corner of his own net

 Szczesny - in goal at the time - was clearly stunned by the attempt as he stood still and watched the ball sail over his head and seven years later has revealed what happened in the dressing room at half-time

  "I remember, if it goes to sense of humour, when Carl Jenkinson had his debut," Szczesny said

"Carl is a turbo-fan of Arsenal. There were those photos of his room, quilt, posters

 "He to Arsenal when he was 22. He played a debut in a friendly game against Koln

In 45 minutes he shot me an own goal from 25 metres. You can't imagine, that volley right in the corner and he was in a horrible mood at half-time, sitting depressed

 "Tears in the eyes! Then Boro [Primorac] comes in. Boro comes to him, you know friendly game, and he says: 'Carl! Compliments

Your first goal for Arsenal!'"   Arsenal legend backs Campbell to follow in the footsteps of ex-Man United star at Macclesfield  Whilst Szczesny left the Emirates Stadium on a permanent basis in the summer of 2017 to join Juventus, Jenkinson remains and could feature in the Europa League tie away at FC Vorskla this evening

  Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android . Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Wojciech Szczesny shares an hilarious story from Carl Jenkinson's Arsenal debut - Duration: 2:58.


Simple Amazing Nail Art designs Ideas Tutorials - Duration: 2:30.

Nail Art Ideas & designs

nail art designs

For more infomation >> Simple Amazing Nail Art designs Ideas Tutorials - Duration: 2:30.


Lib Tech T Rice Pro HP C2 2019 Product Video at Blue Tomato - Duration: 1:41.

Hi my name is Didi and I represent Lib Tech snowboard here in Austria.

Lib Tech belongs to Mervin Manufacturing, a USA based snowboard factory,

which is the most eco-friendly in the world. We do not use any poisonous materials,

poisonous glue or layering. We only use sustainable wood,

for example we only use recycled sidewalls made from our own boards as well as bio-bean top sheets.

We do all of this for the sustainability, for the nature, for our kids.

I am pleased to present to you today, our Travis Rice

Horsepower Pro. Horsepower means that we do not use fiberglass,

but instead we use basalt, a volcanic, eco-friendly material.

This makes the board lighter, we use less material,

it becomes easier to turn, easier to ride and gives

us more fun when riding. It has a classic hybrid shape,

a rocker between the bindings to ensure easier turns, playfulness

and fun when riding the slopes. We have an easy camber in the front and back

so you can achieve control at big speeds if you wish to ride agressively.

This snowboard has a blunt shape nose, but in the longer version from 160 further

it becomes pointy which is just an aesthetic feature. This is the freestyle oriented

version, mostly allmountain freestyle and the other version is allmountain freeride oriented.

Travis Rice is one of the most known snowboarders, known from

films such as Art of Flight, The Fourth Phase. A true hero and we are glad he is riding for us.

He has many snowboard in our range, check them out and ride the lines from Travis!

For more infomation >> Lib Tech T Rice Pro HP C2 2019 Product Video at Blue Tomato - Duration: 1:41.


Cập nhật Chevrolet Trailblazer xanh cá tính. - Duration: 4:11.

For more infomation >> Cập nhật Chevrolet Trailblazer xanh cá tính. - Duration: 4:11.


Các loại cây lấy lá tuyệt vời để nuôi dê - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Các loại cây lấy lá tuyệt vời để nuôi dê - Duration: 3:36.


Ngộ Không TV - Quẩy Nát Động Thăng Thiên Cùng Cú Có Gai - ( Quỳnh Búp Bê Parody ) - LEG Chế - Duration: 7:13.

For more infomation >> Ngộ Không TV - Quẩy Nát Động Thăng Thiên Cùng Cú Có Gai - ( Quỳnh Búp Bê Parody ) - LEG Chế - Duration: 7:13.


Uomini e donne: oggi nuova registrazione, Luigi ritorna da Irene | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> Uomini e donne: oggi nuova registrazione, Luigi ritorna da Irene | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:28.


Uomini e Donne: Teresa Langella avvistata al concerto di Irama con Luca Daffrè | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne: Teresa Langella avvistata al concerto di Irama con Luca Daffrè | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 4:38.


한글자막) 사당역 꼬막비빔밥집! 연안식당 / 속이 쭉쭉 풀리는 해물탕에 꼬막비빔밥 한큰술! / VLOG 브이로그 먹방 - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> 한글자막) 사당역 꼬막비빔밥집! 연안식당 / 속이 쭉쭉 풀리는 해물탕에 꼬막비빔밥 한큰술! / VLOG 브이로그 먹방 - Duration: 3:24.


U&D oggi, l'addio in lacrime di Teresa Langella: 'Voglio mandare via tutti' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> U&D oggi, l'addio in lacrime di Teresa Langella: 'Voglio mandare via tutti' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.




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