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Jóvenes Sin Futuro👭💊🎉 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 22:13.-------------------------------------------
Señora Acero 5 | Capítulo 31 | Telemundo - Duration: 12:19.Any similarities to actual people, names, stories,
or any other events is purely coincidental.
-You sell counterfeit drugs. -I swear I don't.
Then prove it. Take one.
First, you didn't want a baby,
and now you're crying 'cause you lost it?
This baby was keeping me alive. It's Hector.
He's a private citizen.
Well, this private citizen's about to kick your ass.
No, sweetie.
I have a clear shot on Fuentes.
We're awaiting instructions, Floyd.
Proceed. Eliminate the target.
I have a clear shot.
Kill him.
Save him! Do something!
Did you have anything to do with this?
What? Of course not!
I just brought his food. The others are fine.
He's gone.
Find cover!
What's up with the party?
Get back!
They're shooting from that building.
Just say the word.
They're on the roof.
Cover me!
We're done here. Let's go!
Let's go! There's no time.
What's up? How many is it?
Two. I hit one of them.
I don't know if he's dead. Cover me.
Alright, ------. Get over here.
Let me see your face. Take off your mask.
Time to talk.
Who sent you after us? Talk!
Agent Moreno.
Yes, boss?
You should be resting.
I have to finish my report.
You can do that from home when you're feeling better.
Teca Martinez's activities are highly unusual.
I think he's moving something other than drugs.
Alright, but I insist.
You can take a break for a few days.
Until you feel better.
If we take our eyes off him, he'll get away.
Sometimes I feel like the FBI is getting in the way.
That's silly.
Don't let yourself get caught up
in Fuentes' conspiracy theories.
We don't need another psychopath in the agency.
Go home. That's an order.
Talk. It was Teca, wasn't it?
He sent you.
If you talk, I guarantee I'll give you protection.
Trust me.
Okay. I'll cooperate.
Say something.
Show me your hands. What are you doing?
They were shooting from over there.
They shot at all of us.
It was from that building.
They can't find us here with two bodies.
This can't be.
This is a disaster.
No ----!
There's blood all over you and we have two bodies here.
Answer. Why do you want to kill me?
<i> You're with Teca Martinez,</i> <i> aren't you?</i>
<i> Say something!</i>
Alberto, they don't look like Teca's people.
If they're with him, he must be recruiting.
Yeah, he must be. Check that body.
Maybe you'll find something.
These walkies look too sophisticated to belong
to Teca's people.
We need to track the signal.
What's that noise?
They're getting rid of fingerprints.
What else?
The murderer's up there.
It's the police.
Grab the body, Rooster.
-What for? -We're taking them with us!
We need info on them, an autopsy, anything.
How's it looking? How does it feel?
It looks terrible.
It feels like it's asleep. Like I have it but I don't.
That's normal.
It'll be a while before the body gets used to it.
It won't happen overnight.
But he should be able to regain mobility over time
and with therapy, right?
It looks new, sir. It looks real.
The doctor did the best he could.
It's like a new car.
You just need to get used to it.
That's right.
And not just any car. The most state-of-the-art.
The best there is, made specially for you.
LIke if NASA custom made it for you.
If we need anything, the doctor will be on-call 24/7.
We'll let you rest, boss. Let's go, doctor.
I'm glad you're gonna get better, Grandpa.
We're meeting here.
How are you feeling?
Yeah? Great.
-It's one of the good days. -I'm glad.
Is it here?
Remember when I said you'd make an excellent First Lady?
My offer still stands.
I don't think it's a good idea to think about that.
You're right. I'm sorry.
You're so beautiful, so brave...
so smart.
I can't help but be flattering.
In any case, I'm sure your husband does it all the time.
I don't want to talk about Erick.
Me neither.
They're coming.
We're ready, sir.
Are you... Elizabeth!
What the ---- is wrong with you?
Nothing. We're just having a good time.
Felipe, don't!
Stop it!
What did you say?
She's my cousin, -------!
What's the matter with you?!
What are you doing?
You're not my dad, you know!
Show's over. Get to class.
Are you alright?
The air escapes your lungs.
Life stops making sense. It loses color, meaning.
But believe it or not, there's hope.
If you're one of the millions of people
living with breast cancer like me,
I'm here to tell you not to give up.
Don't let the enemy take away the smile
from you or your loved ones.
This illness which affects both men and women
is treatable if detected in time.
Prevention is your best weapon.
You are not alone.
Love yourself. Value yourself.
Remember to perform periodic self-exams.
Today could be the first day of your new life or your last.
Only you can decide which it'll be.
I chose the former.
Can someone from hair and makeup bring me a mirror?
Thank you.
Hair grows back, but you only have one life.
I never thought you'd do that.
Thank you, Hector. I just had to do it.
Are you sure I look okay?
You look beautiful.
I can't believe it.
I was prepared, but I wasn't sure I could do it.
But I did it!
-You look wonderful. -Liar.
Thanks for everything. It turned out great.
No, thank you.
I'll call you about the material.
-Sure. -Thanks.
Thank you.
What happened? Did he die?
Seems like he choked to death.
Nancy, you're the head lifeguard.
How could you let this happen?
I didn't do anything.
Hey, Nancy tried her best.
He choked to death. He didn't drown.
It was something he took.
Lucas, take care of the body.
This man didn't die. He was killed.
Falsa Identidad | Capítulo 55 | Telemundo - Duration: 16:03.FAKE IDENTITY
What's up?
Circe is Gavino Gaona's daughter.
She's entitled to the business.
You're an idiot.
You're sleeping with the enemy and you haven't realized it.
Don't mess with me and I won't mess with you.
Do we have a deal?
Here, in the city?
Long time no see, Chabela.
What's he doing here?
-Hello. -Hi.
Is your name Max?
Yeah, I'm Max.
Even though it hurts me,
I think it's best if the four of us stay away
from your grandpa.
You're not Camila and Max isn't my grandnephew.
To think Eliseo was of more use to me alive than dead.
How long you keep his murderer's name a secret
is your call.
What's this?
It's the money Augusto put in my account.
It's yours.
You think she won't blame me for his murder!
Both Diego and me!
We won't go to prison for six years.
We'll go to prison for life!
Hey, Beto.
Hey, man. What's up?
-How's it going? -Great.
-Great? -Yeah.
Who's this?
This is Silverio. We just got him.
He's beautiful.
And young.
Are those the new bosses?
Are they nice?
Yeah. I won't lie.
-They good to you? -Yeah.
We'll be here only a little bit.
If they ask, we're just friends of yours who came to visit you.
Go ahead.
-Take care. -You too.
They look like the perfect family.
What do they remind you of?
Of the family I never had.
Don't say that.
Someday you and I can have a family.
Nah, man. We'll never have that.
We're criminals. We'll always be on the run.
Don't say that.
It's the truth.
No matter what we do or where we go,
the past will always catch up to us.
You're proof of it. You're part of my past.
It always comes back.
To save me, to be there for me, but it comes back.
My hot guardian angel is always there for me.
I don't think I've thanked you yet,
and what better time than the present?
Thank you for turning in your father, for helping my brother,
for handing Augusto to the Colombians,
and for always being there.
I promise I'll pay you back for everything you've done for me.
You can't die on me.
This wasn't part of the plan! I'm not a killer!
Eliseo. Eliseo...
Don't you understand? This is an emergency.
Mrs. Margot found out about the fake identity.
Diego and Isabel could go to prison.
I don't know where he is. What am I supposed to do?
Just tell us where he is. Please.
He has his things. I'm not his secretary.
Just tell us where he is. Help us.
Come on! Where is he?
Alright, he's in Sonora with Circe.
I don't know when they'll be back.
You were right.
The ranch has been totally abandoned.
It's a good idea to spend the night here.
No one would think we'd hide at your father's ranch.
Remember all the times we made love in secret here?
In your truck, in the stable...
-In the pool. -In the pool.
Yeah, that was awesome.
We consecrated every construction in this ranch.
That's right.
Your father built an empire and all for what?
Look how it ended up.
We can make it ours again.
These are my lands.
I can operate the cartel from here.
I wouldn't be so sure of that.
What we have to do is go to your father's next trial.
Are you insane?
You're supposed to be dead. You can't expose yourself.
I don't care.
I want your father to see me and know that if he's released,
I'll be waiting for him.
To kill him, to avenge my brother's death.
I want him to know that.
This is a lot of money.
There was more.
When Augusto moved in with me,
he deposited more than double that amount
but used some of it on a business investment.
Now I know he was investing with the narcos.
Imagine how much money he stole from Eliseo and me.
That's all the money I had that wasn't mine, and the apartment.
That's in my name, but I'll return it...
I couldn't live in the apartment
where Augusto betrayed me for so many years.
I'm sorry.
Yeah, I don't plan on staying there,
but right now I have no other place to go.
I really need to tell you I'm sorry
about how much I hurt you.
Marlene, I think it's time you stopped apologizing.
-Yeah. -We need to turn the page.
We'll obviously never be friends,
but I think it's best if we forgot each other.
It's been hard opening my eyes.
Realizing that I was blind for years.
Realizing that Augusto manipulated me and lied to me.
The more I think about it, the more I can't forgive myself
for the pain I caused you.
I really didn't mean it. I really did love him.
Please forgive me.
I know you can't, and I understand.
I deserve that.
Thank you... for this.
We agreed we wouldn't make a scene if we came back.
And I won't. I'll wear a disguise.
This isn't like in the city where you can blend in.
Everyone here knows you're Eliseo's brother.
I don't care.
You think knowing your dad's in prison is enough for me?
Hell no.
I want more.
What more?
I want his life.
His life for my brother's.
I won't let you go.
Oh, please.
Let's just find someone who can keep us informed
of what's going on in the trial.
If you go, you'll just get locked up like him.
Neither of us wants that.
Let's go see the ranch. Come on.
Let's go.
Look, boss.
<i> Today was an important day</i> <i> for the DA's office in Sonora</i>
<i> and their case</i> <i> against Gavino Gaona,</i>
<i> who's been accused</i> <i> of narcotics trafficking</i>
<i> and the murder of the mayor</i> <i> of Alamos, Eliseo Hidalgo.</i>
<i> In today's hearing,</i>
<i> the defense provided</i> <i> concrete evidence</i>
<i> that showed Gavino Gaona</i> <i> was unaware</i>
<i> of the illicit activities</i> <i> of his partner,</i>
<i> Jose Arturo Hernandez,</i> <i> aka Joselito,</i>
<i> who is currently on the run</i> <i> from authorities,</i>
<i> and is thought to have</i> <i> ties to cartels in Mexico</i>
<i> and Costa Rica.</i>
<i> Court will reconvene tomorrow</i>
<i> when the defense will present</i> <i> the extenuating circumstances</i>
<i> that'll clear the accused of</i> <i> the murder of Eliseo Hidalgo,</i>
<i> a charge to which</i> <i> he pled not guilty.</i>
You're famous, boss. You're always on TV.
The worst thing that can happen to a drug lord
is to become a celebrity. Everyone talks about you.
That was my downfall.
When Eliseo was murdered,
everyone started talking about me.
Yeah, but they're pinning everything
on that Joselito guy.
He ------ up all by himself,
especially now that he's run away.
It's like the stars aligned.
Look, I already bought my verdict.
All we have to do is make sure people believe it.
In this ------- country,
people believe all the ---- they see on TV.
You can't beat that.
That's right.
Tell me. Why'd you and Dad fight?
What do you mean you want a divorce?
What'd you do to him?
What could I do but love him and take care of him?
And yet he keeps saying that if I don't lose weight,
he'll leave me.
Can you believe that?
He's right.
Excuse me?!
He says it doesn't bother him. That's it's for my health.
Yeah right!
He's embarrassed of me just like you.
I don't want to be like this. I'm sick.
Really? What?
My therapist says I suffer from anxiety.
That's just an excuse.
You've been like this since I can remember
and Dad's always told you to lose weight
and you just won't.
You think it's easy? You're not perfect either.
I came here for your support, not to be admonished.
Not even a dryer?
Diana, if there isn't a washing machine,
of course there's no dryer.
Can't we hang these on the roof?
There's no space. A lot of people live here.
Besides, you can't leave your clothes unattended
or people come in and steal it.
-Really? -Yeah.
You really haven't thought about moving back in
with your sister?
She looked sad. You don't think she misses you?
- NO.
Don't you want me here anymore?
I didn't say that.
I already made the decision to live with you.
I won't go back. I'm trying to be independent.
If that's... Coming!
Mom, what are you doing here?
I had to come! You two are living together!
Sorry, ma'am.
I know you probably don't agree, but I can explain.
Who said I didn't agree?
She's blessing us.
Blessed shall your love be with longevity.
If my son's crazy about you and you're crazy about him,
it'll be fine.
When are you getting married?
He asked me for a divorce.
Damn, that's a small waist. It's like a wasp's.
Are you kidding me?
Don't you disappear on me, alright?
I'm getting some new drugs.
They're a lot more potent than the others.
Maybe you're interested.
What are you doing?
I was taking out the trash. They didn't clean in here.
Everything's dirty.
Look. We need to talk.
What's wrong?
Look, ma'am, it's one thing to know something.
Proving it is something entirely different.
That woman's lying. I saw it in her eyes.
She knows I know she stole Camila's identity.
Yes, but we can't go to the police
because you saw it in her eyes.
We need proof to accuse them.
What about the neighbors' testimony?
You interrogated them. What about what the boy said?
Or the woman who answered the door?
That's not enough.
We can't just send someone to prison
for changing their names.
But we can send them for identity theft.
And for hurting my nephew and stealing his documents.
For hurting his wife and son.
That's exactly what we need to prove.
We need to find Emiliano.
Where is he?
Going to Sonora was stupid.
Everyone over there thinks he's dead.
He went to see his brother.
-What? -His grave.
He felt bad about what you did to him.
-We? -We?
He's got feelings too. He's only human.
Especially when the people he loves betray him.
What'd you say?
Sorry to meddle, but you didn't tell him about Augusto.
He's hurt. Leave him alone.
What are you talking about? You don't even know me!
I know what he's told me.
You have no right to say that about me.
You don't know how many times I tried to tell him about Augusto
or how hard it is to talk to your buddy.
Just tell us where he is.
This is urgent, Deivid. Don't give us the runaround.
Salas, he wants nothing to do with you.
What should I do?
I only care about my kids and right now they're in danger
because of him.
I'd be grateful if you told me where he is,
but if you won't, just tell us so we can leave.
We haven't much time.
That's why we need you to find him
and tell him what's going on.
He won't take my calls, but he'll take yours.
I'll try.
It's Deivid.
Don't pick up.
Hey! What if it's urgent?
There's nothing you can do. You're 1,200 miles away.
Call him back later.
He didn't pick up.
La Sultana | Capítulo 23 | Telemundo Novelas - Duration: 15:47.And did you know Safiye Sultan ordered me to do it?
The midwives joined her, Sultan.
We're waiting for news.
Breathe deep.
WI'll spare your life..
Why did you bring Fahriye Sultan back to the palace?
Why didn't you let her escape?
I thought of the dynasty's dignity...
and my own.
I won't allow people to talk.hd
That woman is dangerous,
she's poison.
The woman you talk about
is now my wife, Sultana.
I won't stay away, I can't.
Your beloved wife is a snake. She tried to kill her own blood.
Thanks to Fahriye Sultan,
my son got smallpox, Dervis.
What do you mean?
You heard me.
Because of her, our Sultan nearly died.
Kosem told me so.
I heard it from her.
When will you see reason?
How could you escape?
I wish I had died
at the hands of your son's executioners.
I'm suffering.
I can't stand it anymore.
Understand the worth of what you have.
Replace this pain
and choose happiness, child...
overYour Majesty.ove
I heard a rumor.
Fear grows inside of me.
Some people wrote you a letter about my prince Mustafa.
Get rid of that hope that casts a shadow
over your heart, Halime sultan.
Mustafa is a part of my heart.
Remember that well.
He is my brother.
My brother Mahmut entrusted him to me.
I will definitely not hurt him.
I can't.
Thank you, Sultan.
Delve into the fear that poisons you,
that pushes you to make evil agreements
and make many mistakes.
Do it for your heart, Sultana.
You're the most generous sultan to ever rule this empire.
You're doing something unprecedented.
I wish you happiness forever, Your Majesty.
I always knew
that you were a brave and strong woman
that could even influence our Sultan.
But still, there are things that are just impossible.
I'm guessing what you want to discuss, Dervis Pasha.
It must be about Fahriye Sultan.
Handan Sultan must have told you.
Well, then there's nothing to keep from each other.
I wouldn't be so sure, Pasha.
Especially when you already knew Fahriye Sultan's secret.
Tell me why you kept quiet.
Why didn't you reveal what you knew
as soon as you found out?
You must have learned many things
during your stance in this palace.
I've seen more things in a day in this palace
than many people can see in a whole lifetime.
Then you must already know everything happens for a reason.
My advice is that you stay away from all this.
Everyone gives advice around here.
But only under one condition.
you okay, Your Majesty? You seem sad.
The dream I had didn't foretell anything good.
I may have a different meaning.
Your Majesty,
Aziz Mahmut Hudayi could help you.
You could ask him if you want to.
As you know, he's good interpreting dreams.
You're right, Zulfikar.
I promised I would, but I haven't been able to.
-Make the arrangements. -As you order.
Zulfikar, tell Kosem about this.
I want her to come with me.
She's going to love it.
Tell me how I could interfere in the harem of the Sultan.
How could I send Katerina Hatun far away?
I already told you my condition.
Katerina must leave the palace.
Otherwise, nothing will stop me from talking.
We can't trust people at Sultana Safiye's service.
I worry about the Sultan's safety.
Now do your job.
I never thought I'd see this again.
Where did you find it?
Is it yours?
I've always had it.
I want to know what's written on it.
I heard only you can read it.
Who are you?
Tell me where you found this.
What is your name?
Where are you from?
Do you know what this is?
Master, I told you I always had it.
I was told it's an amulet.
Will you read it or not?
Who's to say you didn't steal it?
You shouldn't have this. You're a thief.
I'm no thief.
Wait, son. Don't leave.
Leave it with me. Let me read it.
Come back in a few days.
I have to go through some books to read it.
I'll keep it with me in the meantime.
I'll be back in two days. Get those books.
How is this possible?
That's the shirt I made for Safiye Sultan's prince.
I must inform her immediately.
Prince Sahin Giray escaped from the dungeon
of Yedikule prison.
How's that possible, Dervis?
Find that traitor and bring him here!
Yes, Sultan. Everyone's been informed.
My men are in roads and ports.
Rayhan is waiting for you outside.
You've got everything you need.
Gold, horses, weapons...
Now leave before they catch you.
How generous you are, brother.
I won't look after you anymore.
Even if you spend the rest of your life hiding like a rat.
Or if they catch you and hang you, Sahin.
I don't care.
All right, brother, but tell me what you're going to do.
Will you be the Ottomans' dog?
Do you expect them to throw bones at you?
Fine, fine...
So, this is goodbye.
At least give me a hug.
You deny your brother one last hug.
Fahriye Sultan wouldn't stop begging
that we set sail.
However, I didn't do it...
Because of you.
I was waiting for you.
I guess...
That this will be my biggest life regret.
You'll be staying here from now on.
What are you talking about?
You should be glad, Katerina.
You are going to be at Mother Sultan's service.
You can't do this! I'm his favorite!
The Sultan will ask questions.
What are you going to say when His Majesty asks about me?
I'll come up with something.
I'll leave you to rest.
How could you interfere in my son's harem?
It was Dervis Pasha's wish, My Sultana.
Kosem asked him for this.
That's why I sent her to the Old Palace.
Does Dervis do whatever she asks without a second thought now?
Kosem has become a liability.
What is your command?
We won't do anything for now.
We'll take care of Safiye and her daughter first.
Then it will be Kosem's turn. I'll put her in her place.
Very well, Sultana.
We'll take care of them.
Worry not, Your Majesty.
Your dream was a good omen.
I saw King Sin Fem made me fall on my back.
What does that mean?
Land represents strength of what has no life.
The back is the strongest part of the body.
A great power will rise when both powers unite.
That's the reason why you'll achieve victory,
Your Majesty.
Your dream is the best possible omen.
Thank you for coming, Sultana.
It's an honor.
Welcome, Kosem Sultan.
Your beauty lights up everything.
Thank you.
I'm glad you're pregnant.
I'm certain it's a boy.
A prince.
I'm not pregnant. I'm sorry, ma'am.
I was a midwife for many years.
I've seen hundreds of pregnant women.
I know just by looking...
Believe me.
Here, have this.
And this one is for you.
Thank you very much, Kosem.
Long live Kosem Sultan.
She claimed I
What are you talking about, Bulbul Aga?
What do you mean she's disappeared?
I don't know.
She was with Haci Aga last time I saw her.
Cómplices siniestros👩🏻💻👩🏻💻👩🏻 | Caso Cerrado | Telemundo - Duration: 27:02.-------------------------------------------
★CHUCHEL★ Android GamePlay Download Link Below - Duration: 13:16.-------------------------------------------
Apne Hi Reception Party Mein DJ Bane "Ranveer Singh" | DeepVeer Ki Shaadi - Duration: 1:04.Apne Hi Reception Party Mein DJ Bane "Ranveer Singh" | DeepVeer Ki Shaadi
Cutest Baby Laughing - Funny Baby Reaction Video - Duration: 3:36.Thanks for watching! Don't forget to subscribe!
St. Andrew's Day - Facts about patron saint of Scotland St. Andrew's Day 2018 in UK - Duration: 4:00.The Search Engine Google is celebrating St Andrew's
Day 2018 with animated Google Doodle in the UK.
Saint Andrew's Day is the feast day of Saint Andrew.
It is celebrated on 30 November - 3 December.
Saint Andrew's Day is Scotland's official national day.
It is a national holiday in Romania.
Saint Andrew's Day is an official flag day in Scotland.
The Scottish Government's flag flying regulations state that the Flag of Scotland (the Saltire
or Saint Andrew's Cross) shall fly on all its buildings with a flagpole.Prior to 2002,
the Scottish Government followed the UK Government's flag days and would only fly the Union Flag
on Saint Andrew's Day.
What was St Andrew known for
One of the Twelve Apostles, Saint Andrew is the Catholic patron saint of fisherman who
founded the Church of Byzantium.
He was a disciple of John the Baptist.
It is a national holiday in Romania (since 2015)Saint Andrew is represented in the New
Testament to be the disciple who introduced his brother, the Apostle Peter, to Jesus as
the Messiah.
He is the patron saint of Cyprus, Scotland, Greece, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, the Ecumenical
Patriarchate of Constantinople,San Andres Island (Colombia), Saint Andrew (Barbados)
and Tenerife.
In Germany, the feast day is celebrated as Andreasnacht Saint Andrew's Night in Austria
with the custom of Andreasgebet Saint Andrew's Prayer and in Poland as Andrzejki "Andrew's
festivities in Russia Andrew's night.
St. Andrew has been Scotland's patron saint since the country declared its independence
in 1320.
Relics of the martyred disciple have been enshrined in a Scottish monastery since the
eighth century, making the town of St. Andrews a destination for pilgrimages.
The blue and white "saltire" design on the Scottish flag is known as Saint Andrew's
Today's Doodle commemorates this national holiday with Scotland's national flower
the thistle.
Legend has it that in the 13th century an invading army of Vikings tried to sneak into
the country barefoot—until they stumbled onto a thorny patch of thistles, alerting
the Scottish clansmen who turned them away.
Scotland's affinity for thistles is also represented by The Most Ancient and Most Noble
Order of the Thistle, the highest honor the nation can confer on any individual.
A celebration of Scottish culture, St. Andrew's Day is a time for family and friends to come
together for an old-fashioned gathering known as a cèilidh featuring storytelling, hearty
Scottish food, traditional music, and step dancing.
The holiday marks the start of Scottish winter festival season, kicking off this year with
three days of music and film festivals, museum programs, and a torchlight parade through
the streets of Glasgow.
Scotland is also encouraging fairness, inclusivity and all manner of good works with its Make
Someones Day campaign, carrying on Andrew's saintly legacy.
Happy Saint Andrew's Day, Scotland
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Arsenal legend comments on Nketiah's reaction to Smith-Rowe's opener - Duration: 2:38.It was a big night for Eddie Nketiah as he made his first start for Arsenal against FC Vorskla Poltava in the Europa League last night (Wednesday)
And the young striker almost marked the occasion with a goal early on, only to see Emile Smith-Rowe claim the glory by providing the final touch to score the opening goal of the game in Ukraine after just ten minutes of the contest
But Nketiah's reaction to the opener did not go unnoticed by a former Arsenal defender who was watching the game as a pundit for BT Sport
And Martin Keown, together with former Arsenal Ladies winger Karen Carney, had something to say about it too, with Nketiah holding his head in his hands in frustration, despite the fact Arsenal had taken the lead
Carney said: "I've really enjoyed the link up play between Aaron Ramsey and Eddie Nketiah
They've been telepathic at times. Ramsey has been outstanding. Given his situation, he's been very professional
"It's a team sport game and yes in these opportunities you want to be scoring but you've got to be celebrating with your team-mate for going 1-0 up early in the game
It was a bit selfish. You can have that disappointment after the game. "It's a strange reaction let's just say," said Keown
"I do agree but we know what strikers are like. They're the ones who want to score the goal but at the end of the day it's more important the team win
" And that they did, with the Gunners cruising to a 3-0 win in Kiev to make it four wins from five games in the competition as Unai Emery's men maintained their unbeaten start in Europe this season
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