-They're a Grammy-winning rock band
whose 2017 album "Woodstock" is certified gold.
Performing "So Young,"
please welcome to the show Portugal. The Man.
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Drumsticks tapping rhythmically ]
[ Introduction plays ]
-♪ So young, just begun ♪
♪ Don't need to live to know what I've become ♪
♪ When you wake up still in your makeup ♪
♪ You'll make it home just fine without breaking down ♪
♪ Man, that's so young ♪
-♪ That's so young ♪
-♪ Stay calm, we'll all just get along ♪
♪ Sit around, pretending like nothing's wrong ♪
♪ So long, love letter, letter ♪
♪ But you and I are going to live forever ♪
♪ I don't need to make amends ♪
♪ But I'm done going undercover ♪
♪ I just want to find a friend ♪
♪ I don't need another lover ♪
♪ One day, the world may end ♪
♪ But there's still plenty to discover ♪
♪ Till then, I'll just pretend ♪
♪ I don't need another lover ♪
-♪ So young, loaded gun ♪
♪ Oblivious to what the trigger does ♪
♪ Will you wake up? ♪
♪ Never gonna make up ♪
♪ Got ammunition on a mission ♪
♪ Gonna shoot you down ♪
♪ Man, that's so young ♪
-♪ That's so young ♪
-♪ Knocked out with the Midas touch ♪
♪ A champion wearing golden gloves ♪
♪ Got you punch-drunk, seeing stars ♪
♪ Little birdies singing, "Why'd you fall so hard?" ♪
♪ I don't need to make amends ♪
♪ But I'm done going undercover ♪
♪ I just want to find a friend ♪
♪ I don't need another lover ♪
♪ One day, the world may end ♪
♪ But there's still plenty to discover ♪
♪ Till then, I'll just pretend ♪
♪ I don't need another lover ♪
♪ My light burning bright ever long ♪
♪ Till the thrill is gone ♪
♪ Love's my battle cry, it's never wrong ♪
♪ How I stay so strong ♪
♪ I'll fight all my life ♪
♪ I'm all like, "I can't go on" ♪
♪ When I can't go on ♪
♪ We're gonna live forever ♪
♪ We're gonna live forever ♪
♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh ♪
♪ I don't need to make amends ♪
♪ But I'm done going undercover ♪
♪ I just want to find a friend ♪
♪ I don't need another lover ♪
♪ Today, the world will end ♪
♪ You never know, we may recover ♪
♪ No time left to pretend ♪
♪ I don't need another lover ♪
♪ Ooh, it's troubling ♪
♪ When the belly of the beast starts rumbling ♪
♪ Ooh, it's getting too hot ♪
♪ Like the summer in the city that we're living in ♪
♪ Ooh, it's troubling ♪
♪ When the belly of the beast starts rumbling ♪
♪ Ooh, it's getting too hot ♪
♪ Like the summer in the city that we're living in ♪
[ Music ends ] [ Cheers and applause ]
-Portugal. The Man, everyone! "Woodstock" is out now.
For more infomation >> Portugal. The Man: So Young - Duration: 4:52.-------------------------------------------
ដូច្នឹងផង Special Clip Town Full HDTV Replay Khmer2 #Episode 67 - Duration: 6:29.
Website Security and SEO - Duration: 7:42.
Hi everyone! I'm Tricia Clements with MuttButs.com.
I have been talking the last couple of weeks in regards to your
businessís online identity. Iíve talk a little bit about your domain
also your hosting company. Now, I wanna talk about your website
security and that basically means that when look at your website at
the URL does it have just HTTP or does it have HTTPS ñ that is the security.
That S is what youíre looking for and basically letís talk a little bit about
why this is important for your website online and itís because of google.
Google has come and decided that they ñ it wants to include in the
search rankings whether or not your website is secure. So basically
if you do not have a secure site youíll probably come up much lower
in the search engine rankings as suppose to if you have that S on the HTTPS
on your site. So you definitely wanna make sure your website is secure.
Now this is something that google has really implemented more in the
beginning of this year 2018. It is something that in the past it was really
mostly important for websites that sold products, sold services or you
have portion of the site which you have to had a password setup.
That in the past is when it was important but now google wants every
website to be secure. You wanna make sure you got that security on your site.
And another because that ís another thing along with being mobile friendly also
along with your page speed, you wanna make sure it is secure. So like I said when you ñ
what you'll do is if you wanna see and if you have a security on your site what you'll do is
you will type in your website in the url at the top and see. So for instance,
I'm at MuttButs.com and when I type that in and I look it will have an image of a lock on it
and if you click that lock itíll say ìthe connection is secureî. If you go to a site
that does not have that lock and I'm sorry this is on Chrome, Google Chrome and
that where youíre gonna see this other browsers may have something similar.
If you go to a site that does not have the security it is just gonna have a HTTP
and then right there next to it, there gonna be the word NOT SECURE and then
if you click on that for more information it ís gonna say Your connection to this site is not secure.
So that is basically google telling people ìSite is not secure. Weíre not really sure
what your gonna find when you get thereî. So you want to make sure you have the security
on your site. It is not that hard to do for your host and for whoever is managing your website.
Basically you get and SSL Security Certificate. Now I will caution you if you like to do
the DIY approach you can easily get your SSL security Certificate but I would recommend that
you have someone your hosting company, you website ñ whoever is managing your website.
Tap them if you donít have it, tell them that you want it and have them do that for you.
The reason is because there are things that google looks at and it's called canonical order
and Iím not sure Iím saying that right itís a technical issue but basically you wanna make
sure that it comes out that you're found and the search engine Google has right version of
the data that you want shown and just to give you an example of what that means:
so from my website muttbuts.com you can go to the url you can type in muttbuts.com,
you can type in http://muttbuts.com you can also type in https:// you can also type in http://www,
you can do it with the S as well. So you see the're different ways that you can get to
my site and when you have your security certificate you need to make sure that thatís done
correctly so that google knows what to show people and thatís something that a little more on the
technical side and you wanna have someone do that right for you. Now, the other question is
What exactly that this have to do with your social media?. Like I said earlier google is paying
attention to whether or not you have a security on your site and it's gonna help you if you
have it with your ranking in google making sure that your information comes up and shown in the
search engine results. So if you, For you social media: the end game for your social media
is to lead people to your website for a sale purchase something like that maybe not immediately
but in the future. So, like let's say your gonna have something you may just lead them directly
for a sale or you may have something that leads them to blog so that they'd get information
and they know more about you, you may also have something that leads them to a freebie where you get
their email information so that they can then receive your weekly or biweekly or bimonthly emails
so that you stay in there mind. So if you donít have a good secure site to send them to
thatís not good for your social media as well. So thatís why it is really important to
make sure that your website is secure. It is important to google so it should be really important to you.
So that's kinda the thing that you want to make sure remember anything that Google decide
is important, you need to kinda pay attention to. This is something that can easily be done
and some sites may not have it and they're in the process of switching over and because
like I said before site did not have always security if they werenít selling products or services
or may have something that has a password you have to set up. So because of that a lot of sites
may not have it but earlier this year google put importance on that and people are now making sure
all of their sites are secure and have the security certificates to make sure that yours does as well.
Let me know if you have any questions about this in the comments below
I will be coming back and answering all of your questions but again make sure your website
is secure you donít want google chrome to have an information up there that tells somebody
that your site is not secure because a lot of people may just click that and say
"it's not a secure site I'm not gonna continue." That's not where you wanna lead people
when you have all of your efforts on social media to get them to your site. Alright guys,
I will see you next time. I am Tricia Clements with MuttButs.com
Justin Bieber Love Life ,Great Attitude & Adorable | Videos 2018 - Duration: 10:06.
Tiny Leopard Shows Its Fierceness As A Predator | Kritter Klub - Duration: 1:18.
This is Jikji, the leopard
He is a predator in this office
Keeper: Until the weather gets better,
my office....
Papa is in the middle of the interview
It's such a rascal
I told you not to play with the shoe!
Special action taken for the leopard
Bomi, the husky friend is here
Let's be friend
Go away
Sulky Husky
A lonely predator enjoys a good hunt
He doesn't care anymore
Hey you!
Bad boy
Are you rebelling right now?
A predator cannot be tamed!
FINDING WOLFOO⛰| Cartoons for kids - Duration: 2:32.
Welcome to Wolfoo - Official Channel
Enjoy watching this new episode :))
Thank you for your coming!
Please like, share and subscribe for more Wolfooooo!
Pariyerum Perumal Trailer | Kathir, Anandhi | Santhosh Narayanan | Pa Ranjith | Mari Selvaraj - Duration: 2:21.
WOLFOO PLAYING KITE 💖Cartoons for kids - Duration: 2:32.
Welcome to Wolfoo - Official Channel
Enjoy watching this new episode :))
Thank you for your coming!
Please like, share and subscribe for more Wolfooooo!
Encapsulated Aurora Diamonds Nail - Wedding Nails Part 4 - Duration: 15:08.
Gladiator (2000) Cast | Then and Now 2018 - Duration: 4:04.
SAP HANA Academy - SAP HANA Cockpit: Working with the Resource Directory [2.0 SP07] - Duration: 8:02.
Hello and welcome to the SAP HANA Academy.
The topic of this video tutorial series is SAP HANA Cockpit and in this video we will
talk about working with the resource directory.
This video has been recorded on release SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 03 (April 2018) and SAP HANA
cockpit 2.0 SP 07 from August 2018.
For earlier or later releases, please check the playlist on the SAP HANA Academy.
Hi, I am Denys van Kempen.
The Resource Directory, as the name indicates, contains information about all your registered
resources, that is, for the resource groups to which you have been granted access.
We can view the Resource Directory from the SAP HANA Cockpit home page under Monitor Landscape.
you can personalize the home page but this is the default layoutand here we have the
resources, which I can access
How does this work?
Well, if I select Manage Resources, a new window or tab opens with the Cockpit Manager.
This is the central location to register resources and each resource, typically is assigned to
a resource group.
Resource Groups are also created in Cockpit Manager.
You can give it any name you want.
Add Resources, and add Cockpit Users.
Here you also create your cockpit users, which you then grant access to Resource Groups.
OK —On the top, we have a search area.
This would come in handy when we have a lot of resources.
You can filter by Status: Running, Stopped, Running with Issues
This means an important alert has been triggered.
You can filter by Alerts: all, high, or medium.
You can filter by Group.
My resources are all assigned to the Academy Group.
If I return to the home page, we find this group represented by a tile or card.
We also have tiles for Production, Development, and Test with currently no resources assigned.
When I select the tile, the same resource directory opens, this time with a filter on
Usage Type=Production.
Usage types are set when you install SAP HANA and this can be changed later on as required.
It is a system parameter.
My resources are all set to Custom.
I can also filter on Type: system, tenant or single-tenant, the default SAP HANA 1.0
SAP HANA 2.0 is multi-tenant, by default.
We can set some custom filters.
For example, running with issues, Academy group
and then save this view.
Give it a name.
So we can later easily access this personalization.
Pin the search bar, if you want.
Or close it.
These are the Search, Sort, and Filter Tools in the Resource Directory.
I can group all of my tenants by system.
Convenient if you have a lot of systems and tenants.
And I can configure which columns I want to display.
For example add the version.
I can configure how I want my resources to be sorted.
Multiple criteria can be defined.
And how to group the resources.
Group by system would be the most common, but other preferences are possible.
Lots of personalization options, in other words, here for the resource directory.
We can also set the refresh interval in the header.
And the link to the documentation, should you wish to get some more information about
a certain topic.
Type/Version returns detailed information about this database.
Here we find again system usage
startup times
multiple hosts (is it a distributed database?)
the exact version.
HANA 2.0 revision 32 (that's the 2nd revision of SPS 03) with the build number and time
The platform
Linux kernel version and the hardware manufacturer, here VMware,
so we are dealing with a virtual machine, running in a cloud data center, some place,
Version history shows us the previous releases.
In our case, none.
Concerns a clean install of SPS 03.
Plugins would show, for example, AFL (Application Function Library) or Machine Learning.
Credentials you enter here.
So you, in your view of the resource directory provide your credentials to connect to the
I have already defined credentials, but we can update them here, use another user or
delete the stored credentials.
Same for the SAP Control logon credentials, the host operating system user account and
When the SAP HANA database is not running, we cannot connect with a database account
(there is no database).
We will first need to start the database and this we can do with the operating system administration
account defined here.
Typically, this will be the <SID>adm user.
Here we have ha0adm, so my SID is HA0.
We can select the resources which have alerts, directly from the Alerts column.
This will open the Alerts view for that resource, for that database.
If there is a proposed solution, this will also be available here as a link.
In this case, we need to make a backup.
Then, we access our resource from the Resource column link.
Here I have my HA0 tenant database
System Overview.
We can switch databases here directly.
But lets go back
And select the system database.
This will return the System Overview page of the system database.
Here we have a link to the Manage Databases page, which provides a list of all the databases,
part of this system.
If we then return to the System Overview of the system database and return to the Resource
Note that we can also access Manage Databases directly from here.
We will talk about the Manage Databases topic in another video tutorial.
OK - So much for working with the resource directory.
Thanks for watching.
You can find more video tutorials on our YouTube channel.
If you would like to be informed about new video tutorials, please subscribe to our channel.
You can connect with us on LinkedIn or follow us on Twitter, as well for updates, and if
you are watching this video on YouTube, do not hesitate to leave your comments to the
video page and, if you like, give us your vote on this video.
Thank you for watching.
FN_ 3 tapaa korjata puuttuva MSVCP120 dll -tiedosto Windowsin virheilmoitus - Duration: 1:42.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. When launching un application on a Windows system,
you may get the following Windows Error Message, Missing MSVCP120.dll File.
I would like you to know that. msvcp120.dll is a part of Microsoft Visual C++. and is often required for running programs
developed with Visual C++. Some games or applications may need the file, in the game or application installation folder.
Copying it from Windows system folder to, the install folder of the game or application should fix that problem.
Make sure to use the 32 bit dll file for 32-bit software, and 64 bit dll file for 64 bit software. If it for some reason doesn't work by just
replacing the file, you might need to re-install the Microsoft visual C++ Redistributable package which can be found in
Microsoft website. if using a 64 bit Windows, install both versions. I will provide you with the link in video description area.
Also You can try to repair Microsoft Visual C++. through control panel, install program, change, repair.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website, fawziacademy.com.
IT- Come risolvere Internet Explorer non può visualizzare l'errore della pagina web. - Duration: 2:58.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. If you're successfully connected to the Internet, but cannot view any web pages in Internet Explorer
use one of the following troubleshooting procedures, as appropriate for your operating system,
Delete your browser history. Start Internet Explorer.
Press Alt to show the menu bar. On the Tools menu, click Internet options. Under Browsing history, click Delete.
Select all the check boxes, and then tap or click Delete. Tap or click Exit, and then restart Internet Explorer.
Disable add-ons in Internet Explorer. Click the Start button, and then click All Programs.
Click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).
To disable add-ons in Add-on Manager. Open Internet Explorer. Click the Tools button, and then click Manage add-ons.
Under Show, click All Add-ons. Click the add-on you want to disable, and then
click Disable. click Close. Reset Internet Explorer.
Start Internet Explorer, click Tools, and then click Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Reset.
In the Internet Explorer Default Settings dialog box, click Reset. In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box,
click Reset. Click Close and then click OK two times. Exit and then restart Internet Explorer.
The changes take effect the next time that you open Internet Explorer. Check whether a third-party service ,or program ,
is conflicting with Internet Explorer. Click Start, type msconfig in the search box,
and then click the displayed System Configuration icon. Click the Services tab and check the box beside
hide all Microsoft services, and then click Disable all. Next, click the Startup tab.
Click Disable all in the bottom right and then click OK. You will be prompted to reboot your computer.
Try disabling the PreBinding feature To modify the EnablePreBinding registry value, follow these steps:
Open Registry Editor. To do this, type regeditin the Start Search box, and then select regeditin the Programs list.
Locate and then select the following registry subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
Locate the EnablePreBinding value, if the value doesn't exist,
select the Edit menu, point to New, and then select DWORD Value . Type EnablePreBinding, and then press Enter.
On the Edit menu, select Modify. Type 0, and then select OK.
Restore your PC to an earlier point in time. If you think an app or driver that you recently installed caused problems with your PC,
you can restore it back to an earlier point in time, Open System Restore by clicking the Start button.
In the search box, type System Restore, and then, in the list of results, click System Restore.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website, fawziacademy.com.
New Honda CBR250RR Virtual Modif Challenge 2019 | Mich motorcycle - Duration: 2:06.
Sunil Grover's Exclusive Interview For The Movie "Pataakha" | Sanya Malhotra | Radhika Madan - Duration: 2:45.
Sunil Grover's Exclusive Interview For The Movie "Pataakha" | Sanya Malhotra | Radhika Madan
Basler Corporate Movie - Duration: 3:01.
At Basler we focus on the ability to see
and give technology the power of sight.
Enabled by using our industrial cameras and components
equipped with the most modern technology.
For this we figure out which technology at what time is needed in which market.
We develop disruptive innovations.
Because aligning technology to our customers' needs is what drives us.
We therefore help to improve quality, make roads safer and make reliable diagnosis.
We know what works and what doesn't.
Because after all we've been doing this for over 30 years,
under the label Engineered in Germany.
The result is smart solutions for computer vision that work reliably, robust and durable.
You see we like our little cameras which we send to be used around the globe
with all the components needed, cameras or modules, lenses, cables, software, or processing boards.
And which by the way also have the lowest return rate in the industry.
When we develop a new camera, it means something for the market and for us.
New applications make day to day live easier, better and smarter.
Our leading position allows the benefits of economies of scale.
It enables us to offer attractive prices, to invest in product quality
and make our pylon camera software suite better and easier to use - every day.
Because when it comes to shaping the future, we don't just find out what is needed,
but also how we can make it attractive for our customers.
Our cameras are part of a modern world and by the way, performance, attractive prices
and reliable deliveries means we sell more cameras than any other brand.
How do we do it?
By focusing on what matters: Customer Value
The ace camera professionalized the industry.
The various opportunities to increase customer value drive us to create more disruptive innovations.
Because we believe in vision that works.
Basler - the power of sight.
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