Hello and welcome to the SAP HANA Academy.
The topic of this video tutorial series is SAP HANA Cockpit and in this video we will
talk about working with the resource directory.
This video has been recorded on release SAP HANA 2.0 SPS 03 (April 2018) and SAP HANA
cockpit 2.0 SP 07 from August 2018.
For earlier or later releases, please check the playlist on the SAP HANA Academy.
Hi, I am Denys van Kempen.
The Resource Directory, as the name indicates, contains information about all your registered
resources, that is, for the resource groups to which you have been granted access.
We can view the Resource Directory from the SAP HANA Cockpit home page under Monitor Landscape.
you can personalize the home page but this is the default layoutand here we have the
resources, which I can access
How does this work?
Well, if I select Manage Resources, a new window or tab opens with the Cockpit Manager.
This is the central location to register resources and each resource, typically is assigned to
a resource group.
Resource Groups are also created in Cockpit Manager.
You can give it any name you want.
Add Resources, and add Cockpit Users.
Here you also create your cockpit users, which you then grant access to Resource Groups.
OK —On the top, we have a search area.
This would come in handy when we have a lot of resources.
You can filter by Status: Running, Stopped, Running with Issues
This means an important alert has been triggered.
You can filter by Alerts: all, high, or medium.
You can filter by Group.
My resources are all assigned to the Academy Group.
If I return to the home page, we find this group represented by a tile or card.
We also have tiles for Production, Development, and Test with currently no resources assigned.
When I select the tile, the same resource directory opens, this time with a filter on
Usage Type=Production.
Usage types are set when you install SAP HANA and this can be changed later on as required.
It is a system parameter.
My resources are all set to Custom.
I can also filter on Type: system, tenant or single-tenant, the default SAP HANA 1.0
SAP HANA 2.0 is multi-tenant, by default.
We can set some custom filters.
For example, running with issues, Academy group
and then save this view.
Give it a name.
So we can later easily access this personalization.
Pin the search bar, if you want.
Or close it.
These are the Search, Sort, and Filter Tools in the Resource Directory.
I can group all of my tenants by system.
Convenient if you have a lot of systems and tenants.
And I can configure which columns I want to display.
For example add the version.
I can configure how I want my resources to be sorted.
Multiple criteria can be defined.
And how to group the resources.
Group by system would be the most common, but other preferences are possible.
Lots of personalization options, in other words, here for the resource directory.
We can also set the refresh interval in the header.
And the link to the documentation, should you wish to get some more information about
a certain topic.
Type/Version returns detailed information about this database.
Here we find again system usage
startup times
multiple hosts (is it a distributed database?)
the exact version.
HANA 2.0 revision 32 (that's the 2nd revision of SPS 03) with the build number and time
The platform
Linux kernel version and the hardware manufacturer, here VMware,
so we are dealing with a virtual machine, running in a cloud data center, some place,
Version history shows us the previous releases.
In our case, none.
Concerns a clean install of SPS 03.
Plugins would show, for example, AFL (Application Function Library) or Machine Learning.
Credentials you enter here.
So you, in your view of the resource directory provide your credentials to connect to the
I have already defined credentials, but we can update them here, use another user or
delete the stored credentials.
Same for the SAP Control logon credentials, the host operating system user account and
When the SAP HANA database is not running, we cannot connect with a database account
(there is no database).
We will first need to start the database and this we can do with the operating system administration
account defined here.
Typically, this will be the <SID>adm user.
Here we have ha0adm, so my SID is HA0.
We can select the resources which have alerts, directly from the Alerts column.
This will open the Alerts view for that resource, for that database.
If there is a proposed solution, this will also be available here as a link.
In this case, we need to make a backup.
Then, we access our resource from the Resource column link.
Here I have my HA0 tenant database
System Overview.
We can switch databases here directly.
But lets go back
And select the system database.
This will return the System Overview page of the system database.
Here we have a link to the Manage Databases page, which provides a list of all the databases,
part of this system.
If we then return to the System Overview of the system database and return to the Resource
Note that we can also access Manage Databases directly from here.
We will talk about the Manage Databases topic in another video tutorial.
OK - So much for working with the resource directory.
Thanks for watching.
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Thank you for watching.
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