Amazon is following in the footsteps of other major retailers here in the United States,
retailers like Target, and Walmart, and Lowe's and Home Depot, and they have put out their
own anti-union video for managers within their company, complete with lists of words that
these managers need to be on the lookout because these are indicative of union formations throughout
the company.
Part of this propaganda video has been leaked.
The quality is a little poor because it was filmed by someone at Amazon on their phone
while watching it on the computer, but this was the only way they could get it to the
So, forgive the quality but here is a short clip from this anti-union Amazon video.
Asserted activity, such as an associate reporting to speak on behalf of his or her coworkers
in raising concerns, union graffiti, union tee-shirts, hats, jackets or other clothing,
union fliers and union visitors in or near the parking lot.
Some signs are less obvious than finding the actual union flier, but they can indicate
associate disengagement, which is itself a warning sign for potential organizing.
These are signs that must be monitored very closely and should be escalated to employee
Examples include, associates who normally aren't connected to each other suddenly hanging
out together, associates who are close suddenly stop speaking to each other, groups of associates
scatter when approached by management.
So, Jeff Bezos, Bezos whatever you ... however you say it, the CEO of Amazon is worth 155
billion dollars, making about 260 million dollars every single day, and that's not enough
for him.
That's not enough for Amazon.
They still wanna make sure that their workers do not attempt to unionize, that they don't
say phrases like, "living wage," because that's a major red flag.
Oh, god, living wages?
Get that person out of here.
The video also says that we're not anti-union, but we're certainly not neutral either.
No, you're anti-union.
When you're putting out and producing propaganda videos talking about the ills and evils of
unions, that makes you anti-union.
Here's the thing, and these are statistics that republicans and these anti-union corporations
don't want you to know about, unions typically raise the wages of workers, typically in the
past, by about 40%.
Surrounding businesses that aren't even affiliated with the unionized one, they also see their
wages go up too.
So, union formation does not just increase the wages of the one corporation that unionizes.
It increases the wages all over the community because other companies have to raise their
wages to compete, or else their employees are gonna go try to get a job over here.
Unions help everyone, not just the members, not just the ones paying dues and not just
the ones at the same company, and that's why we have seen such a fervent anti-union push
in this country for the last 40 years.
They wanna put an end to that.
They wanna put an end to the minimum wage all together and be able to pay us as little
as humanly possible, which is exactly what Amazon's doing.
They're paying their employees such low wages for working 10 to 12 hours a day, with no
They're having to pee in water bottles.
Paying them so low of a wage that even with their full-time job they still have to rely
on government assistance.
And that's why Bernie Sanders and Ro Khanna have introduced this legislation that would
force these multi-billion dollar companies, like Amazon, to have to pay the Federal Government
back when their employees are paid so little they have to get federal assistance.
It's not meant to shame the workers.
It's meant to shame these greedy CEOs like Jeff Bezos.
Because this man, worth 155 billion dollars, making 260 million dollars a day can't even
afford to pay his employees a living wage, or at least that's what he wants us to think
with this little anti-union video.
For more infomation >> Amazon's Disgusting Anti-Union Video For Company Managers LEAKED - Duration: 4:18.-------------------------------------------
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Preview: This Was Supposed To Be About Music | FOX BROADCASTING - Duration: 0:31.
Niurka Marcos estalla contra una obra de teatro | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:30.
Cristian Zuárez rompe en llanto al hablar de Laura Bozzo | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 3:36.
What's up guys it's Everything Kodi back with another video
so many of you are looking for a build with lot of different add-ons
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I've also tested on my fire TV and two other fire sticks the build works great
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Great Estates: Tyler Perry Mansion | Southern Living - Duration: 3:35.
We're going to Atlanta.
Woo hoo!
(upbeat guitar music)
This is Georgia's most expensive home,
and it's going for a whopping $25 million,
so try to breathe.
You get a 17-acre hilltop estate, underground ballroom,
a lighted tennis court, a wine cellar, a batting cage,
a full gym, the 70,000 gallon infinity edge swimming pool,
and best of all...
It was built by Tyler Perry.
For three easy payments of $19.95
Oh, yeah.
I mean, it's just so over-the-top.
If you're gonna go big, go big.
A double grand staircase
Prom photos.
Again, the prom photos.
Thinkin' ahead.
So many opportunities.
For the youth.
Marble floors, I mean, truly, if you're gonna
go this big, you have to commit.
You kinda can't hate, welcome to my glittering marble
Welcome to my party palace.
For the size of this house, yes it still feels
like a hotel lobby, I was expecting there to be gold leaf
all over everything.
That's true.
And this is diamonds dripping from the ceiling.
So, if that's your standard for over the top,
This is pretty subtle and subdued.
So presidential.
Back in the White House.
Back in the White House, here we go.
I feel like you could make phone calls from that room,
very serious business matters.
Oh, here we go, another mural.
Another mural, looks like a tree.
And maybe it's just because I'm not used to lavish wealth,
but I just don't know that I could ever feel at home here.
I would feel like I was gonna break something
the whole time.
I don't know, I think I could get used to it, so.
That is heavy.
That's a lot of wood in that kitchen.
I feel like I'm in a different house.
It seems like if you had to cook something
on the stove top, and then go get something out of the oven,
you would have to factor that in to your recipe time,
like running across the kitchen.
It's true.
Uncrustables and Diet Coke don't really
look like they belong here.
(menacing beat)
I don't belong there either, then.
I love all those windows.
It's so big.
And that sofa, you know, the chair.
The laundry chair.
The laundry chair.
You'd have a laundry sofa.
Oooh, the drama.
That's assuming I have a lot more clothes than I do.
If I walk into that closet, I should not
have to pull a drawer.
My turtleneck sweater should jump right out at me.
It should just know.
And be like, you're ready.
You could have a lot of hobbies in this house.
And we could maybe find some hobbies.
Yeah, we could finally have a hobby.
To fill our time.
Picture this.
You're in 7th grade.
And that's the game room you stay up all night.
I'm already on my way.
And play games, and eat Cheetos in.
Okay, the infinity edge pool.
That looks like Mickey Mouse.
Were they sponsored?
Are the little side pools hot tubs?
Or are they just like fountains?
I would assume if you're gonna have that large of a pool,
the smaller pools within the larger pool, are hot tubs.
It's a little dramatic down there for easy,
breezy, outdoor dining.
I know, they need to lighten things up.
They can afford to paint it.
A home theater.
So, back to that 12-year-old sleepover.
Home movies, surely there's a button you can press
and then snacks just appear.
They just fall out of the sky.
That would be, yeah.
And really anything else you could want.
Well, that could be our hobby,
is finally learning more about wine.
I don't think Two-Buck Chuck goes very well.
Just fill it up with Two-Buck Chuck.
In a wine cellar.
It's so big.
It's so big. That's...
The tennis courts.
There they are.
I don't know, surely there's a golf cart
that you can hop around on.
I love golf carts.
I love a golf cart.
Lit up at night, it's just even more ridiculous.
I don't hate it if someone said, here are the keys.
I'd be like, well.
I would invite everyone I know.
Good work, Tyler.
(guitar chord strums)
Larry Hernández nos da detalles de su boda | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:39.
Irina Baeva pone un alto a los insultos | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:57.
Karol G revela que tuvo desacuerdo con Becky G | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:39.
Allstate Agent John Lofrumento: Ballston Lake, NY | Allstate Insurance - Duration: 1:01.
Nobody wakes up one day and says I want to be an insurance agent.
That's not the normal thing to do.
Our agency is pretty active in the community.
You'll find us volunteering our time at various organizations like the Ronald McDonald House…
All right, guys, let's go inside.
We're gonna go make a difference.
Come on in.
Welcome to the Ronald McDonald House.
It's a home away from home for parents and families of seriously ill children.
We try to do as much as we can for our community.
They give us so much.
We try to give back.
The generosity that that represents I think is unprecedented and unmatched.
They took care of a lot of families.
We want to help, right?
That's what we do.
We help people.
There's some friends here to meet you.
We're just so grateful that we're able to come here and do our little part to make everyone's
life a little bit better.
We sponsor youth sports teams, and it's really about giving back to the community that's
been so generous with us and helping us build our business.
I've just been so like blessed so fortunate of my life and I want to give back.
Being able to give back and help people along the way means a lot.
How to hydroponic - 27 Gallon Deep Water Culture DWC pepper plant upgrade - Duration: 9:21.
hello everyone, this is Peter Stanley and welcome to my channel
today I'm going to show
an easy way to set up a
deep water culture hydroponic system using a
27 gallon tote
okay so
I'll show the plant that I'm
currently growing in a
5 gallon dwc
under a smaller light, I'm going to move this to a
a larger light that I'm testing out
so I want to move it to a bigger system
for more room for the roots to grow
and hold more solution
I anticipate a lot of growth
just want to show how to
put this together, it's real easy
I'm also upgrading
I got this vivosun 950 gallon per hour
air pump
and extra airline tubing, I ran out
instead of air stones,I'm going to try these
plastic aerators
basically have
a bunch of really tiny holes
along, these are 18 inches long each
this is a
60 liter per minute pump so
I'm going to run all of that through these two
so let me show the plant and then
I'll come back and put this together real quick
okay so I've been growing this guy
in a five gallon dwc
just with a couple of these small lights
this is an unknown cross of a lighting mustard hab
and it's a clone, a propagated clone of
one I'm growing on my porch
another thing I want to point out, the lid
actually goes
light this, but I'm going to invert it
so that
it gives a little more head space
some of these models will actually
lock in okay
and this is one that I bought
from Lowes
it's the commander xxl
I think they're around 15.00 each but sometimes you can find them on sale
for like 8 or 9 dollars
so whenever I see them I get a couple
and my plant is already in one of these 6 inch net baskets
I'm just using this extra one as a marking guide
I'll cut a hole
find the center here
just going to take a sharpie
just mark around like that
and so
I don't want to actually cut
this line, this is just the line around
my hole needs to be
maybe like this far so
so I can kind of eyeball
it doesn't need to be exact
close enough
so that's kind of my target hole
I have cut these with utility knife
it's kind of difficult so
think what I'm going to try is
like a jigsaw
so I'm going to drill a couple of pilot holes
and just try a jigsaw, if it doesn't work
i'll switch back to a utility knife
this will be the first time trying it this way
so now I
so now I'm going to go ahead and
ok so
little bit of give so probably I'll
drill a couple of holes and zip tie these
this down
what I"m going to do next is paint the top of this lid
these lids let in a little bit of light
putting a coat of paint over the top will algae proof it a little bit
I'll go ahead and do that
also need to
drill a couple holes
for the airlines
what I want to do
these will be inside of course, but kind of spaced liek this
so I'll drill my holes down on the sides
and it'll go down in here
so I'll have
shower bubbles on each side
should provide plenty of aeration
and using a 1/4 inch drill bit for this
so I'm going to
drill this here
okay so everything is
ready to paint
and then install
so I'll paint this and be right back
okay so I've got the lid painted
I went ahead and precut
my airline
and I set up my air pump
this is a commercial pump
has valves you can turn on and off
which I like
these will attach to my air hoses
this just attaches to the
air pump
these are hooked up, see the
these turn down
means they're open
sideways are off
I'm passing all the
the air through these tubes
the next thing I'll do is
fill this up with water
and nutrients and
so let me go ahead and
fill this
up and
so I've added exactly 15 gallons of water
so want to see how these
air hoses work
that's quite a bit of aeration
so I just need to add the nutrients next
and will be ready to add the plant
yeah so I'm using
flora nova bloom
the plant was getting the grow
and I switched to bloom
shake it up
this gets
so I can go between 2 and 3 teaspoons per gallon
it has been getting 1 teaspoon per gallon
I think I can go between 2 and 3 teaspoons
I'll add an extra 5 teaspoons
that should be good
this nutrients I'm using and this measuring
glass came from pepperdonkey
I really need a stick, but I think the aeration will help mix this up enough
should be all set for the plant
ok so this is the pepper plant I'm going to move
from the 5 gallon dwc
to the 27 gallon tote
this was all grown just under one little sansi light
I need some
to do some pretty severe pruning
so I'm going to whack this back a little bit
so then lift the lid out of the 5 gallon bucket and
move it into
the 27 gallon tote
and then I'll secure the
net basket to the lid
I pruned this back really well
trying to get it
as even as Ican
and I'll go ahead and move this over
I've got that installed and I just need to
drill a couples holes in the edges
okay so
that's it, I'll turn this on
and it should be good to go, I'm going to adjust
this light, I'm using an HLG-100
I need to better position this and also adjust
the height above canopy
I think I'll probably go with 12 inches
above the canopy
and I'll post updates
on this and
I may prune this a little bit more
and even it out some, I'll post updates
every four to six weeks
that should work very well
it's very easy to do and
you don't really need a commercial air pump
I had to replace the one I had anyway
and so
it's a little loud but it's
in my basement so it shouldn't be too bad
thank you very much for watching, hope you liked that
please like, comment and subscribe
Rinden homenaje a Celia Cruz a 15 años de su muerte | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:44.
F800GS trail ride - Silverwood lake - part 1 - Duration: 14:45.
hey guys Albe here this time around I'm checking out a trail that I fly over
all the time and from the air looks like a cool trail to do but we all know that
when you look from from above everything looks flat and nice so let's
do this and let's see how it goes...
Dean Dean Victorville or C nearby big drill we're probably gonna have to crank
up the steering damper because of the sand
we'll take so far so good
okay that you feel lake here somewhere
everybody's going down maybe goes to the lake
branch out the seating dumper Hey
Justin John yep there it is there's the late
another thing I need to pay attention to is
a TV I've seen a few getting into the trail
and those guys go all out all the time
and would be really bad to commit one of those head-to-head on a blind corner
in theory we should know
we should end up this on the very top of the peninsula that goes into the lake
overlooking the lake so we'll see
and always I don't have a GPS with me I do have my
phone but it's in my pocket and I don't have time to look at it
now the trail is pretty wide
and fairly flat and well-maintained
good enough for me to actually be able to take a seat every once in a while
there you go
that's pretty cool
as always this is the first time I do these rail therefore
I'm not gonna push it
I'm not really sure what I'm going
I had a friend they was supposed to go with me but I guess what
in it I didn't know too
too bad for him
get it end up
it's cool that the turns they're nice and thing
so it's you coming in and how your feet that you actually help you turn
but abandoned
they on the inside then
one thing these things called
the smaller broke it up front I can use second gear much more leave it in and
and use the throttle to modulate but enough it's blowing up
and probably one of the biggest flat when it comes to a smaller sprocket
upfront Eliott for me
the who were too
lake over there
family court David
and and then
all right
so this count is river crossing
okay getting a little bit more technical where I got you actually pay
attention what I'm doing
rocks and sand
my favorite
yeah let me feel hot
almost October hemifield hot really
okay then
you definitely cannot steal these rocks
I think it is it I was looking for over overlooking the lake well we made it to
the lookout so that's it for today but stay tuned
for part two where I try to find my way back down off the mountain as always if
you liked the video like if you loved the video subscribe if you don't love
the video let me know till the end dirt on I'll see you next time
so in theory I want to get down over there somewhere I gotta go to the left
to get down there then there is another trail that crosses the mountain and
dumps me back down to cimetidine oh I think I'm gonna go do that too oh let's
Super Reviews #35: School Play [Hey Arnold!] - Duration: 11:31.
Humble: Air, did you remember to take your constipation medicine?
Air: Yes Humble!
Hey ladies and jellyfish, wumbos of all sizes, welcome back to A.S.K.
Air's videos!
Today I am reviewing an episode of Hey Arnold!
I love this show, so let's jump into this review of School Play.
If you don't know, these beautiful new avatars were made by the amazingly talented LuvinLuvly33
on DeviantArt, so check her out and tell her I say hi.
If you haven't seen this episode and just so happened to click on the video, at least
give it a watch, I promise you won't be disappointed, then come and watch my review.
Also, if you want to chat with me, fellow members, give me fanart I can feature in videos
or send memes, join my Discord server with the link in the description.
Anywho, it's been over 2 months since my last Super Review, so let's celebrate going
back to school with this review of Hey Arnold: School Play.
The episode starts off with with a beautiful title card on the school curtains, accompanied
by the beautiful score by Jim Lang.
(clip) It really gets you in the mood of a grand 22 minute special.
We start at the P.S. 118 cafeteria, as Helga talks down to Arnold, while Arnold acts like
his sensible self and walks off, telling Helga he knows deep down she has a soft spot.
Helga, obviously really loving Arnold, gawks in happiness.
Mr. Simmons walks in and announces the upcoming school play about Romeo and Juliet.
Honestly, knowing what happens later, I think the plot is very creative for only being about
a school play.
I'll explain later.
We see that Helga, before knowing that the Romeo part would go to Arnold and Romeo has
to kiss Juliet, isn't all too interested in being a part of the play.
I have to say a boy and girl kissing in a 4th grade school play is a little extreme,
in the same country that has schools ban fidget spinners, but that's a story for another
The auditions are also pretty fun to watch.
If you are a fan of drama and the arts like I personally am, you would love the jabs at
references they take here, like Mercutio and Tybalt being in the play.
Thank god Jason Statham wasn't in this episode…
By the way, in the auditions when Eugene denies being Romeo, there's a bit of out-of-character-ness,
with Eugene snapping at Simmons at the end.
When the boys leave the auditorium, this drama-teacher-critic guy named Mr. Leichliter comes up and insults
Simmons, and Simmons says this.
(clip) I mean, if you can't see him there alone, I think you need glasses.
Anyways, our first subplot, being about this critic guy judging Simmons' play has just
I think with these subplots, especially in a 22 minute special, the more the merrier!
Simmons goes to Arnold, and after some begging, Arnold accepts the part of Romeo, which any
4th grader wouldn't even dream of laughing at when there are so many lines, but Arnold
being the sympathetic last hope of us all he is, accepts.
With some contrived coincidences, Helga overhears the girls talking about Arnold being Romeo
in the washroom, and she instantly decides she wants to be Juliet.
Helga hurries to the Juliet auditions and gets the 4th understudy of Juliet after Rhonda,
Sheena, Phoebe and Lila.
This means if all 4 girls drop out for whatever reason, Helga is Juliet.
Call it a substitute if you will.
Helga plots to get them all out so she can kiss Arnold in the last scene.
So far, the plot seems great!
Like I said a few minutes ago, the plot is very creative for only being about a school
Now we have Arnold to play Romeo in a school play, Helga having to learn her lines and
knock out four girls to get to Juliet, Simmons has the critic guy, and we still have all
the fun that comes with the setup and delivery of the play in its entirety.
We're ten minutes in, practically half way, and the plot setup is already done.
Everything now just needs to play out.
That's why this writer is so good, to go on to write Arnold's Christmas.
Kudos to the late Steve Viksten.
We go to a quick scene in the boarding house, as Arnold tells Grandpa and Mr. Hyunh about
the play.
(clip) Haha, yes, now we are starting the comedic part of this episode.
Helga starts her quest to drop the girls out of the play, by making a horrible costume
for Juliet and scaring Rhonda into dropping out, which was hilarious!
Oh by the way, the order of the girls is very interesting.
It's Rhonda, Sheena, Phoebe, Lila.
Honestly, I know this is a school play, but if 4th graders can kiss on stage, I don't
care at this point!
You can't tell me that this graceful, beautiful Juliet was supposed to be originally played
by a sassy, rude drama queen, THEN a graceful nice girl, then a super-short, egotistical
genius who shows off her achievements left and right, THEN a graceful, perfect ball of
I feel like the order should be Lila, Sheena, Rhonda, Phoebe!
But saying how the plot is structured and Helga's schemes being harder and harder
each time, I'll excuse Mr. Simmons' terrible order choices this time.
Although there is the plot hole that if Lila is so perfect, why was she the last understudy?
Anyways, we go back to Mr. Hyunh and Arnold, practicing for the play, as Mr. Hyunh acts
like Juliet.
(clip) Once again, this slight humor, although not that funny, does add a lot to this episode.
We go back to Rhonda as she tells Simmons she can't make it, with probably the funniest
scene in the entire episode.
(clip) Okay, that's got to be one of the funniest gags in the entire episode.
In fact, Helga is HILARIOUS in this episode, so let's get all the funny stuff out of
the way.
(clips) Anyway, after scaring Sheena with the gore in the play, and pressuring out Phoebe
out of the role, Helga heads for Lila, the last understudy.
We go to Arnold in the boarding house, as Oskar Kokoschka laughs at Hyunh in a dress
to roleplay for Arnold.
Helga tries to back out Lila with the gore excuse, and Lila says: (clip) Oh do shut up,
No one likes you!
Helga tries to go with the stagefright and costume excuses, but they don't work on
her either.
(clip) So yeah, Helga confesses, and Lila gives her the role.
I have to say the
writing here is phenomenal.
This so accurately portrays how a 4th grader would say something like that.
So yeah, the main portion of the episode is over, and now everything has to play out.
We go to Helga's house, as she practices her lines for the play with Big Bob, her dad.
I'm surprised Bob even cared a little bit about Helga to do this, that's a big jump
for his character.
I guess Olga wasn't around this time…
We fade to Helga before bed, talking to herself about Arnold and writing in her diary.
(clip) Alright, I know I said the Helga dress thing was the funniest thing ever, but THIS
takes it to a whole new level.
We go to opening night, as Simmons nervously readies everyone, and Leichliter is there
to enjoy every fault and flaw they make.
(clip) Yes, you'll realize there are more clips of the episode this time around, and
although being a personal improvisation, that is mostly because of how alive this episode
Every scene can be put in an album, either as a funny, humorous scene, to an inspiring
scene, to one that's just that classic!
Like this beautiful prologue, that explains the plot of the play for those unfamiliar,
adds some context to the scene coming after it, gives some emotion to it by having even
the most bitter of couples being in love, and has some brilliant voice acting and animation
for its time.
We go into the bulk of the play, with it having a cool original twist on these characters
and plots, and some comedy to back the fact that these are just kids at the end of the
I mean that because in almost every scene, there is that local feel to it, with Harold
failing at stabbing Curly, Arnold almost forgetting his lines or Helga tripping on set.
But, you see, what makes this different from a school play episode you can make with your
friends in an afternoon, is the classic awesome outcome of the actual thing.
The play may be cheesy, faulty or goofy at times, but when the characters get it right,
they really get it right!
And that's what makes these pre-climax scenes so great!
And yeah, at 22 minutes in, Helga does the most important thing to take away from this
episode: kiss Arnold.
And for 14 seconds, you sick little- So yeah, the kiss is over, no one makes too much of
it, and Helga kills herself in the play.
Although let me point out that Juliet killing herself is not the last scene in Romeo and
Juliet, but they just kissed, let's move on!
Arnold acknowledges Helga's long kiss, and all's well that ends well.
And, before we finish, let's give a big kudos to Jim Lang, who created this masterpiece
of a song at the end of this episode.
And, I mean I won't use it in my credits or anything.
But until next time, be sure to subscribe and join my Discord server.
Larry Hernández nos platica del accidente que sufrió | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 5:49.
Roberto Palazuelos se ríe de la serie de Luis Miguel | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:31.
Hello guys, this is kodi best build back with you again with another video
I wish you doing well and having a great time with your friends with your family or anyone
Enjoying your time at home or work or doing whatever
But first don't forget to subscribe to my channel as you can see right here down and the social media links
So if you wanna change your color
Your skin color go right here to settings and interface
Then press on skin go to colors right here and change that blue to any
Color you want brown or whatever you want. So and
Today we're gonna install a great build really light working
well for kodi Krypton any version 17, you can get this built and watch movies and TV shows or
anything in your device, so to get this build press right here on settings and
Then press on the system settings if you have unknown
Sources disallowed right here. So press on it to a low it and press on yet
so here press back and
then press on file manager as you can see click on it and
Then you get profile directory and aha you got ad source if your kodi is new you don't have anything
Install it into your box or any device. So
Press on add source
Right here, press none
So here just copy the source from my website and paste the right here so
Pause the video and get it. It's from ukodi1
repository or
You kodi one wizard. You can subscribe to you Cody one channel on the YouTube and follow him on Twitter
So press on, okay
Press back
Back on more time to the homepage of your kodi
press on add-ons as you can see right here and
Then you get this little box in the top click on it
So here press on install from zip file and then choose your file
Sorry, press on your file right here. And then press on repository you kodi one
So right here get the repository install it into your box and now press on install from repository
So here we got it press on it and then press on the plug-in program
Right here press on you cody one wizard and then press uninstall
So right here as you can see you get you kodi one wizard installing
Right here it's install it to your box
Now you can run this great amazing
wizard and choose any build v1 but today
We're gonna review the battlefield kodi build
Right here, press on builds
And scroll down to battlefield
kodi build right here as you can see. It's version 1.2 click on it
So here you got the fresh install
If you get a previous build it got a lot of damage it finds you get a lot of problems into your kodi
Do a fresh install to get everything new?
So the standard installed
Do it if you don't have anything installed it yet
Into your box, press on the standard install
Right here press on yes install it and click on it as you can see
So here we got the download process
Do not press on cancel right here
As you can see your press on this empty space or press back
If you do that we get you cannot cancel the download process and you have to restart it again
So to avoid this just be patient and wait until everything is done, right?
Then you can first close Cody and restart the game to get this amazing bill install it
So right here guys you get the download process done and now it's gonna install your files into your box
You need only
150 megabytes as you can see, it's really light working. Well for any device, it's really amazing
We got kill decrypt on install it to any
Device, you can get this build if you got Kody 18
You cannot install this build. It's working on cody crapped on any version
So right here it's almost done or it's done right now, so press on first close Cody
restarted again
Enjoy this bill if you got any question any problem just put it down in the comment section
So here my dear friends we are in the end of the video
Press on subscribe and click on the bell icon to get notified every time I post a new video
don't forget also to check my videos in the community so that way you gonna be
Notified about any video. I posted to my community or if you missed any video you will get it on videos
Thanks for watching me and see you tomorrow for another cody bill
Don't forget to Like share subscribe to my channel and leave me your comment in the comment sections
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