Midcentury Charm Bay House Designed By Master Architect A Quincy Jones
For more infomation >> Midcentury Charm Bay House Designed By Master Architect A Quincy Jones - Duration: 3:20.-------------------------------------------
Patatas a la VINAGRETA con ajo y perejil - Duration: 3:03.
Indonesia tuyệt vọng tìm cứu các nạn nhân sóng thần - Duration: 3:33.
Health Network, For Public Health.
Hi, you are listening to audio on mangyte.vn website
Indonesia desperately search for the victims of the tsunami
Rescuers in Indonesia, today (September 30, 1818), continued to rest, search for missing persons,
Two days after the devastating earthquake that devastated Sulawesi, more than 400 people died.
The 7.5-magnitude earthquake off the coast, leading to several meters of high waves, hit many coastal homes in the city of Palu, home to some 350,000 people.
CNN spokesman Sutopo Purwo Gugroho, of the Indonesian Disaster Management Authority,
Earlier, the death toll was 405, based on the number of dead bodies found.
More than 400 people were seriously injured.
According to Sutopo, many victims are still buried under rubble, and evacuation efforts can not be carried out quickly, due to lack of manpower and heavy equipment.
Meanwhile, electricity and communications have yet to be resumed, prompting rescuers to struggle, assessing the damage in Palu, and the nearby Donggala fishermen community.
"Not just people in large urban areas.
There are many people who live in remote areas that are difficult to access, "said Jan Gelfand, director of the International Red Cross Society in Indonesia.
Desperate to find the victims.
As Palu Airport continues to close, rescuers must take the road to Palu.
Sulawesi is one of the largest islands in the world, and is approximately 10 to 12 hours from the nearest airport.
Last night, the authorities called on the people, should not be in his house, but sleep far from the buildings,
such as fields, roads, playgrounds, because of the danger of aftershocks still exist.
A local hospital was badly damaged by a local hospital, so medical personnel treated dozens of injured people outside.
Dr. Komang Adi Sujendra, director of the Undata Hospital in Palu, is appealing for help from the community after the earthquake.
"At this time, in our hospital, electricity was lost all over Palu, roads were cracked, telephone networks were not working.
We are hoping to get some help.
We need tents, medicine, nurses. "
The terrible scene in Sulawesi began on the afternoon of September 28, 1818, when a major earthquake struck north of Palu.
Three strong aftershocks were recorded not long, then near the city.
Next to the tsunami caused by the earthquake, attacked the coasts of Palu and Donggala.
Thanh Hao.
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Wish you always healthy.
Idol | America's Got Talent 2018 | Best Magic Show | REMAKE | EP #01 | ELJ tv - Duration: 3:29.
Idol | America's Got Talent 2018 | Best Magic Show | REMAKE | EP #01 | ELJ tv
BREAKING NEWS: 'SNL' has Matt Damon play an angry Brett Kavanaugh - Duration: 2:50.
M1 Finance Roth IRA & CMA Portfolio Sept 2019 $6,510.67 | $18.11 Div | +2.47% End of Month Portfolio - Duration: 23:05.
hello everyone and thanks for tuning into the financial investor channel my
name is Brent and today we're gonna be doing our 1-month recap for m1 finance
cash manage account and the Roth IRA we're gonna be taking a look at August
numbers of the value that gains the return for both the cash managed account
and the Roth IRA then we're going to be jumping into September's numbers taking
a look at the total equity in the portfolio what dividends were paid out
for the month of September what stocks paid out those dividends where those
divots were reinvested into and whether the portfolio moved up or down measuring
the total return for the month of September so of course if you are
brand-new to the channel I do make stock market personal finance and real estate
videos weekly so consider subscribing for future
videos and of course if you do like the video give it a thumbs up I highly
appreciate it so at the very end of August our cash manage account this is
the taxable account had two hundred and sixteen dollars and 87 cents sixteen
dollars and 89 cents and total gains and our total return was sitting at twelve
point zero one percent so how do we compare to last month's well our total
value of the account is now two hundred and twenty seven dollars and two cents
or total gains is up to eighteen dollars and seven cents and our total return is
now twelve point two one percent we did get paid out some dividends we're now up
our in dividends two dollars and twenty eight cents so I still believe m1
finance is one of the best brokers out there for brand new investors if you're
getting started in the cash manage account metamer requirement is a hundred
bucks that is the whole point of me creating the cash manage account me and
my wife we don't really be you know we don't invest and the taxable counts is
often anymore but i wanted to create this sort of fun to track and kind of
showcase that if you're beginning an investor and you're just started with
the hundred bucks trying to save your way to five hundred bucks that way you
can roll it into a Roth IRA you can still make gains you can still make a
return I just started this portfolio and in February of 2018 when all my friends
that I was telling hey get started investing there
no man the markets too high everything's gonna crash I'm now up 12.2 2% I know
friends that are sitting on thousands of dollars in their savings account making
point 0 for 0.15 for some in their interest you know in interest and that's
100 percent taxable at your regular income bracket not dividend bracket or
long-term capital gains so huge difference there
so here difference there between the month 216 - now - 27
that's about an $11 difference our total gains went up from 1689 to now 1807
that's about a little under $2 there we did make some dividends this month and
we made about a point to 1% difference in our return one thing I made a video
covering is that I don't like m1 finances way of tracking dividends MLP
distributions or capital gain distributions because take a look at
this so if I were to click here on Vanguard and go down here to my view
details will see for the month of September the S&P 500 ETF here vu paid
the a dividend of $1 and 21 cents based on how many shares I had of them well
that should show up in my activity tab right well it doesn't so here if I go
back to my only activity here for the month of September I have $10 and this
was all because they do or subscriber or one of my friends use my referral link I
got $10 they got $10 a great you know great you
know tit-for-tat or benefit benefit it's a
win-win there so we both got something great out of it but I don't actually see
that I was paid at a dividend by this ETF
so I've already wrote I've you know I've wrote an email to m1 finance and I
understand it's sort of a brand-new platform they're still trying to work
out the kinks so I still think it's one of the better platforms out there I made
a whole video covering why I believe it's one of the best brokers check that
video out but the quick summary no fees no Commission cost you can buy partial
shares you can open up retirement accounts your Roth IRA which is me and
my wife's main focus she's doing her Roth IRA I have
you know I have my business down my real estate business that I'm starting up I
have a 3-bedroom 1-bath I'm closing on a duplex next month I'll be picking up a
four-plex here in a few months once I can refinance so I'm trying to build up
my real estate business and she's still working on her Roth IRA and eventually
we're gonna kind of move more into real estate but for right now I think this is
a great stepping stone for all investors initially so that is our cash managed
account basically our change there is about point two one percent in total
return we made a little bit of dividends there about a dollar and some change of
some dividends at all at twenty one I believe is what we had so overall our
cash managed account was very good now one thing I wanted to cover if we switch
over to the S&P 500 index will see that the month change for the S&P 500 was
that point four or four that Dow Jones is up one point eight one and the Nasdaq
is at point seven four so just looking at the S&P 500 this SMP 500 index went
up point four four percent but our portfolio went up only 0.21% why is that
why I did it our etf's not go and track the index well there's no specific ETF
that tracks an index if you want to track something very similar to an index
then you would buy into these specific ETF such as ville another one in SP y so
here Vau had a total return for the month of September of around point zero
six if we look up SP y this is another one here that tracks the S&P 500 or the
the S&P 500 so SP why this went up point zero three percent and another one here
is I've BV this is the iShares I believe the iShares core SP 500 we take a look
at the month there this one at point zero seven so the main differences
between all of these they all are sort of track in the S&P 500 but none of them
can correctly accurately track the the total month return their for the month
of September but they all make a pretty good sort of you know they try and
but with it but the main difference of these is the expense ratio so the ticker
symbol vou expense ratio point zero for dividend yield of one point seven four
we have SP why expense ratio very high point zero nine not very high but double
vu also has a dividend yield of one point seven three and iShares ibv has an
expense ratio point zero four so basically four cents for every
hundred and seven cents for every 100 depending on which funder and and they
basically all have around a one point seven three one point seven four percent
dividend yield so that's just kind of interesting I wanted to share that with
you guys if you guys don't know that these ETFs that track the S&P 500 you
don't quite always keep up or sometimes they actually exceed the actual index so
I thought that was interesting so now jump it over to the Roth IRA here
we can see for the month of August II Roth IRA with sitting at a total value
of six thousand three hundred and fourteen dollars and seventy six cents
our total gain was at a hundred and fifty four dollars and 86 cents our
market gain was at thirty six dollars and thirty one cents
our total earned dividends was a hundred and eighteen dollars and fifty five
cents and our total return for the month of August was up two point seven six
percent so how do we compared to them for the month of September well the Roth
IRA has now at six thousand five hundred and ten dollars and 67 cents so we went
up about two hundred dollars in total value there or gain went from a hundred
and fifty four dollars and 86 cents to now three hundred and twelve dollars and
eighty two cents and our earn dividends went from one hundred $18.55
to now a hundred and $36.66 so one thirty six point six six minus a hundred
and eighteen point five five five five that means that we were paid out for the
month of September eighteen dollars an eleven cents of Street dividends that
really helped the portfolio up just kind of you know helping it out our total
return move from two point seven six now 5.5 two percent total return we can
see here that we were a little bit higher before the tariff talk and a few
other you know I believe Apple kind of cooled off during this period and it has
sort of cooled off and along with other stocks here as well Apple still our
winner in our portfolio here so our total top point was six thousand six
hundred and ten dollars and ninety five cents so we're not too far away roughly
about a hundred bucks from our highest point but not too bad overall now what's
next we want to take a look at our what dividends were paid out for the month of
September well we can head over to our activity tab and check out back at
September fourth we can see that we were paid out by SPG this is a REIT Simon
Property Group they paid out four dollars and five cents mixed together
with my ten dollar deposit that I do every single week they gave me 14
dollars and eight cents of fresh money going into the market I purchased a
couple you know partial shares of ticker symbol avy this is avery then incheon
corporation fourteen bucks and eight cents went into that stock go into it or
next week we have dividends paid out walmart paying out two dollars and 23
cents Pfizer paying three dollars and sixty
cents we also deposited $10 into the account that made fifteen dollars in 81
cents not you know we we had a little bit of change here left over so we
picked up some more avy we picked up some more Stanley Black & Decker last
month at the very end of the month I don't have it here but Stanley Black &
Decker was actually down 3% initially so my this portfolio automatically averages
down on your investments that your for your lowest and equity in comparison to
its target and then I picked up $14.10 of WPC this is the another rehear which
was hammered during the month of September especially towards the end of
the month all the REITs kind of get hammered towards the end as rates went
higher third week of September we were paid out by Johnson & Johnson $2 66
cents that made three purchases here and you know if you're in one of those
fidelity Vanguard when you're paying five $10
trade I just made three trades here very small trades of $1 $5 $6 but that would
have been $15 fifteen to twenty one dollars right there so this bought me
these three shares completely free I bought Kimberly Clark Walmart and
again about WPC which is a REIT and in the last month just this last week I was
paid out from two stocks ticker symbol avy and Stanley Black & Decker this is
one of my newest stocks of my portfolio or my wife's portfolio this is a dollar
63 from Avery and a dollar 88 from Stanley Black & Decker they from those
dividends and the deposit I picked up two stocks here Kimberly Clark and WPC
carry those REITs so help it up my portfolio so those were the stocks that
pay out dividends and where those dividends were reinvested into right now
we have no cash in the account meaning that we're 100% invested with all of our
money it's all working for us you know getting us the best evidence we can get
paid back and helping us you know reach the highest amount return that we can
achieve so quick recap of all the stocks we have in the portfolio we have Apple
Pfizer Blackstone Group Lockheed Martin Stanley Black & Decker up there WP Carey
Johnson & Johnson Kimberly Clark Walmart Cisco Praxair AT&T Caterpillar Simon
Property Avery and Altria Altria I did lower it back in our in August down to
4% and it was a six percent IRR in my portfolio but I'm gonna eventually move
it out of my portfolio but I don't want any new money going into this so I did
lower the four percentage they're not completely knock it out of my portfolio
yeah it's still a good dividend stock for the long term I just want to see
them turn around before I put more money into it here so that is it as far as
total equity in the portfolio dividends that were paid out what stocks paid out
dividends where those difference were reinvested into now as far Total Return
goes in our portfolio you know we had a very nice return here here is the
spreadsheet I know I've tried to zoom in here on the other ones let me go ahead
and zoom in here just a bit on spreadsheet here so I've really updated
the spreadsheet to include the one-month performance and my Buy in
stock performance so my base investment right now is around six thousand two
hundred and thirteen dollars and seventy cents the total is six thousand five
hundred and ten dollars and sixty nine cents so that's an investment difference
there of three hundred and twelve dollars and eighty three cents right
about there are total dividends that we should be making this year is somewhere
you know within the next year it's now two hundred and eighteen dollars if we
go back when we started this portfolio back in February our annual income was a
hundred and seventy nine dollars and twenty three cents
we have jumped up you know stocks do increase in decrease here but for the
most part it has steadily been increasing their annually and we're now
reaching that point we're at two hundred and eighteen dollars and eighty three
cents and I've also kind of changed the way that I've created my spreadsheets so
all of my stocks a couple of them are currently down in value but that's
completely fine that just gives me more opportunity to reinvest my money
a sale and here we can see that a lot of the stocks overall 50% of the stocks or
more we're in the positive for the month of September here we can see that Altria
moved up two percent Apple moved down one point one five percent AT&T moved up
five point four percent eight Avery moved up four point two caterpillar
moved up ten point three Cisco moved up one point nine three we had Johnson and
Johnson up three point three three kimberly-clark did go down point zero
four this allowed me to average into that one we had Lockheed Martin moving
up seven point seven seven point four six
we had Pfizer moving up six point five three we had Praxair moving up to point
nine one Simon Property Group moving up moving down to point seven nine and we
had Stanley Black & Decker moving at four point five nine The Blackstone
Group moving up three point one seven we at WP carry moving down 2.4 allowing me
to average into that position this month and Walmart moved me down one point five
two percent so overall only a couple my stocks are actually down
in total percentage this is mainly because of reinvested dividends so we
did have two stocks raised their dividend we had Lockheed Martin
increasing their dividend from $8 per year payout to now eight dollars and 80
cents this increased my total increased you know my dividends
I went from let's see Lockheed Martin here I went from Lockheed Martin with
the same amount of capital pay me $19 and 79 cents and a dividend yield of two
point four four so now a dividend yield of two point six eight and an annual
income of now ten dollars and seventy seven cents so that was a very nice
increase there we also have WP carry increase in their dividend here very
small from four dollars and eight cents to four dollars and ten cents where it
may have been like a small change overall here it does help the portfolio
over the long term WP Carey has 17 years of dividend growth and I believe that
will continue to pay out even during this downturns so they went from a
dividend yield of six point zero seven twenty four dollars and thirty five
seven twenty four dollars and 35 cents of dividend payout to six point two
eleven and twenty six dollars and thirteen cents of dividend payout so
almost two dollars there in just straight dividends you know with me
averaging down as well decreasing my unit cost average and increasing my
yield on cost so overall for the month of September this total portfolio made
two point four seven percent and the dividends that were paid out again was
eighteen dollars any eleven cents so overall portfolio beat out the S&P 500
that beat out the Dow Jones and it beat out the Nasdaq as far as portfolio
changes for the month of September now as we move down here to this is now the
vu this is just our view this is our individual account here we're still a
positive in this one we started with a hundred dollars base investment we've
had a lot of referrals viewers subscribers friends family joining m1
Finance as you know I talked to them a little bit about you know investing and
how much they're paying on their broker fees what kind of investor they are do
they like the day trade and I see a lot of people that are in it for the long
term they're not day traders they'd like to
buy the you know they may or may not sell that often you know some I've seen
a lot of investors and youtubers out there who say they're long-term
investors but they will talk about one stock one day flip it the next day sell
it off buy it back again sell it off talk it up again so you know this is all
long-term investing I have no problem holding you can see how many positions
I'm down in right now and do I have any care in the world no because those are
just sales to me and overall all these socks have great dividend growth
potential some of them paying out more than 10 years meaning that they paid out
during those downturns so no problem holding these continue to capture those
dividends so the S&P 500 did increase their dividend payout from two dollars
and 63 cents to now four dollars and eighty three cents that's a difference
of four point three two percent their increase in my dividend yield from a one
point eight seven to now a one point nine four percent yield
annual income jumped up from three dollars and seventy six cents to now
four dollars and eleven cents there so may not be you know the biggest amount
but just imagine if you had a portfolio going a little bit larger you're able to
add a little bit more money in per week you know you're invested for the long
term right now the taxable count isn't my main focus
the Roth IRA are so me and my wife you know I let my wife and I take on a
manager portfolio for her and dividend stocks but at the same time our main
focus and my main focus is real estate right now as a whole my transitioning so
dividends for the month of September we had quite a few dividends paid I was
before Eddie covered here earlier we had SPG paying out four dollars and five
cents Walmart 223 Pfizer three dollars and six cents Johnson & Johnson paying
$2 66 cents Avery 163 Stanley Black & Decker 188 and
then I have a missing number here I have no idea where we're missing two dollars
and six cents of some sort of a dividend and the Roth IRA so we saw the
difference here we went from
one 1855 two now one 3666 we did the math on it that's 18 dollars and 11
cents but two dollars and six cents is unaccounted for
that could be an MLP distribution which M one finance isn't tracked very well
could be a capital gain distribution so that's just something I'll have to look
at my statement once it comes out and see where that money what it actually is
now where did that money get reinvested into and where did all my weekly
schedules go back into well it purchased avy
here are all my trades during the month I made one two three four five six seven
eight nine nine different stock buys so add another broker where they're
charging me five ten dollars that would have been you know at least what five by
eight that's 40 bucks right there if not a little bit more and one finance lets
me do a commission free so very nice there so I put fifty six dollars and
eight cents of new money into the market forty dollars was brand new scheduled
deposit I have a whole video on how I just put ten hours in every week the
rest of it was from dividends and other stuff I believe this may have been a
capital gain distribution because if you take away 40 from this that gives you 16
dollars and eight cents so 16 dollars and five cents is here the total sum
without this missing number so I think something is missing right now in my
activity bar and I'll have to see I'll wait for that statement to come out
that's one of the issues right now with m1 finances I have to manually I don't
worry about it because I'm getting that money it's getting paid to me but at the
same time I have to actually look for it in a sense I know it's there but I just
have to see why it's there and that is basically it for the month of September
hopefully you guys did enjoy the video so our main account here the Roth IRA
date beat out the main indexes and we covered why vote didn't quite keep up
with the indexes even though it tracks the S&P 500
it doesn't always measure the correct you know the return of the actual index
the index is just an imaginary thing that's there
whereas these funds these ETFs are tracking it in a sense but they all are
slightly different they all have different expense ratios as we have
talked about so hopefully you guys did enjoy this video if there's anything
else you guys would like to see in the future let me know in the comment
section below and of course if you are brand new to the channel subscribe hit
the notification bell because I put out content covering stock market personal
finance real estate and all sorts of other stuff so consider subscribing for
future videos and of course thank you guys for tuning in I will see you next
time have a great day bye
APH Multilanguage: Alone Trio - Remember Me (Lullaby) [w/S&T] - Duration: 1:41.
Always Think of Me
Don't Forget Me
Always think of me,
Don't forget me.
Even when I am very far from you,
You stay in my heart.
I sing a little song for you,
Then the pain will pass.
When I leave, don't be afraid,
Don't forget me
And the guitar's sad sound.
When I sing, you are in my arms,
FR: Do not forget me... GER: Always think of me...
Thanks for watching!
Toon Blast Hack Cheats | How to hack Toon Blast Free Lives Coins (Android iOS) - Duration: 5:22.
Toon Blast Hack Cheats | How to hack Toon Blast Free Lives Coins (Android iOS)
Learn Colors With #Minions & #Octopus ! Funny Finger Family Nursery Rhymes 4k #Toys for kids videos - Duration: 1:55.
Matt Damon plays Brett Kavanaugh in surprise 'SNL' cameo - Duration: 2:25.
HATE: Kanye West Bullied And Booed For Wearing MAGA Hat On Saturday Night Live - Duration: 3:40.
Rapper Kanye West should thank his lucky stars that he escaped the set of "Saturday Night
Live" without having been violently attacked after he wore a red MAGA cap during his performance.
In the age of the left's hyper-politicized dominance of late night television, one of
the worst examples of the collective anti-Trump hive mind is on NBC's flagship SNL which
has become an extended version of Orwell's the two-minutes hate.
Not has the show not actually been funny in years, but like the rest of "hate night"
television which is now dominated by mean-spirited, foul-mouthed DNC shills like the two Jimmys,
Colbert, Maher, Bee and their ilk, has only fed the irrational hatred towards a legitimately
elected president and the 63 million Americans who cast their votes for him.
SNL has gotten so bad that original cast member Chevy Chase recently blasted the show as having
the "worst f—ing humor in the world" which is quite a damning statement for those
who can call what the show puts out as humor.
Enter Kanye who earned the hatred of The Resistance with his defense of Trump that was quickly
used to turn him into a pariah of the entertainment industry.
The idea that a prominent celebrity of color would dare to speak in a positive manner about
the President of the United States was an unforgivable blasphemy.
Still, SNL booked him for the opener and being the canny showman that he is, West would use
the nationally televised appearance to show his support of Trump including wearing the
For his sin of thinking and speaking freely, he was bullied and booed by the hate mob that
the political left and especially celebs have now become.
Via Mediaite, "Kanye West Booed By SNL Crowd For Pro-Trump Rant: 'They Bullied Me Backstage!'":
When Kanye West was announced as the performer for the season premier of Saturday Night Live's
44th season, he donned a Make America Great Again hat in the promo.
He wore the same hat — a variation of President Donald Trump's signature one, customized
by West himself — at his performance on the premier last night.
And then, after wrapping up a rendition of "Ghost Town," with an assist from Kid
Cudi and 070 Shake, West took it upon himself to deliver one of his signature rants, this
time focused on a current fixation: his support for Trump.
NBC had cut the feed for time, but Mike Dean, West's longtime producer and engineer, posted
a clip of the rant on Twitter.
"You see they laughing at me.
You heard em the scream at me.
They bully me.
They bullied me backstage.
They said, 'don't go out there with that hat on.'
They bullied me backstage.
They bullied me!"
Kanye said.
A sole audience member clapped.
"And then they say I'm in a sunken place," he continued.
"You want to see the sunken place?
Okay, I'ma listen to ya'll now — or I'ma put my Superman cape on, cause this
means you can't tell me what to do.
Follow your heart and stop following your mind.
That's how we're controlled.
That's how we're programmed.
If you want the world to move forward, try love."
West managed to get away without being mauled but you can pretty much bet the mortgage money
that he'll never be invited back.
Matt Damon Makes a Surprise Appearance as Brett Kavanaugh in SNL Premiere - Duration: 2:41.
Homescapes Level 1056 - How to complete Level 1056 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:34.
"Homescapes gameplay"
how to make windows 10 greet you every time you login - Duration: 2:03.
hi guys in this video we are going to see how to make Windows 10 greet you
every time when you log in please hit that subscribe button below and don't
forget to click on the Bell icon for my latest content go to run an open notepad
type the code as shown in this video
type your message here code is given in the description check out the
now you have to save this file in this video file name is welcome.vbs make sure
you save the file with any file name and .vbs as extension I'm going to save it
on the desktop now go to run type shell:startup and click OK now drag and
drop your script file into startup folder and close it now restart your
system to see the result
hi guys how are you doing welcome to solution domain and have a nice day
that's it guys thanks for watching please like and subscribe to my channel
see you in the next video until then take care
check out my other videos links are given in the description
Der Alltag eines Wolfes [WildCraft] - Duration: 3:40.
Hey, guys, today I show you, what I do in three minutes in the game WildCraft! Have fun:)
Используйте все свои возможности для доброделания. Добрые дела и молитва - украшение души. - Duration: 6:23.
Mr Dinosaur's Adventure Episode 2 - Duration: 1:42.
Title: Mr. Dinosaur's Adventure Episode 2 His Downfall
Goldie: We shall continue the story right here.
Title: Downtown Rhino, Budland
Mr. Dinosaur: I have no money right now. I must be able to beg to survive.
Blue Sheep: I love your accent. Are you from London? Don't you have money with you to be able to come to this country?
Mr. Dinosaur: I would let you go now. You can't even find me after this. I must go to the British Embassy for support.
Title: British Embassy Napvile, Budland
Mr. Dinosaur: I am seeking support to go back to the United Kingdom. Is that even possible right now?
Teddy Churchill: I'm afraid you can not go home. You must be able stay here due to the recession which prohibits you from reentering the country.
Mr. Dinosaur: This is a great place to start a homeless encampment for only dinosaurs like me.
Blue Sheep: Got you, you need a place to stay.
Mr. Dinosaur: Well, yes maybe. I might have to think about it. If I stay outdoors, I can ensure my safe return and have a more flexible lifestyle,
but going to a house would increase the chances of me being abused by sheep, so I must think carefully.
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