[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Laughs ] Yay! Yay, yay, yay!
Give it up for my afro.
[ Cheers and applause ]
It excites me because I had a shaved head for seven years.
I was never late anywhere.
[ Laughter ]
When I started growing it back, my friend was like,
"Zainab, I didn't know your hair grew like that."
I was like, "Like what?"
I tried to lead her down a racism trap.
[ Laughs ] I was like, "How does my hair grow?"
She was like, "You know, it's tight and coarse."
I was like, "Oh, no, no, no. That's a misconception.
My hair grows very straight.
Then I walk out into the world,
and oppression makes it tight and coarse."
[ Laughter ]
[ Applause ]
[ Laughs ]
We're not friends anymore.
Which is okay because I have 12 siblings.
I know. My mom's vagina, right? Ooh.
[ Laughs ]
Whenever I tell people that, they're like,
"Wow. Your parents were having a lot of sex."
I'm like, "At least 13 times.
Since we're counting."
They also ask me, like,
"Oh, did you come from a religious family?"
And, yes, I did. I'm Muslim. I know I'm underdressed.
"Um -- Okay."
[ Laughs ]
Actually had a guy break up with me because I was Muslim.
He was like, "Zainab, I really want to marry you,
but I need you to be Christian."
And I was like, "I really want to marry you, too,
but I need you to be financially stable."
[ Cheers and applause ]
[ Laughs ]
I am one of 13.
My mom wanted 20. She made it to 13.
When I was in second grade, she had kid number 10.
And I was like, "This has got to stop."
Asked my mom to get her tubes tied when I was in second grade.
I have no idea how I found out about tube tying.
Like, maybe I was so fed up, I sat in front of a bunch
of encyclopedias and was like, "There has to be an answer."
Or maybe I overheard the gossiping lunch ladies say,
"If Mrs. Johnson enrolls one more of those kids....
in the free-lunch program...
I'm-a take her to the clinic myself."
I don't know how I found out about it,
but when I did, I was like, "Oh, shoot. There's a solution."
So I went to my mom, I was like, "Mom, get your tubes tied."
And my mom said the craziest thing to me.
My mom said, "Zainab, I'm not going to get my tubes tied.
Me and your father, we might not make it.
I'm going to marry another man,
and I'm going to have his children."
[ Audience ohhs ]
[ Laughter ]
And in that moment, I was like, "This chick is confident."
That is not how dating works.
There's no eligible bachelor out there
looking for a divorcee with 10 dependents.
No, there's virgins out there with PhD's
trying to get married.
I had to tell my mom, I said,
"Look, you got to stay with Daddy.
He's your only option."
[ Laughter ]
It's 13 of us. It's 13 of us. Somebody should be gay, right?
They say 1 in every 5 Americans is gay.
There's 13 of us. We should have 2.
2 1/2.
Like, two and a bisexual, right?
[ Laughter ]
We have no idea who it is.
[ Laughter ]
[ Applause ]
We are waiting patiently by the closet like...
[ Laughter ]
..."Who is it?"
My younger brother, he was a good suspect.
When he was 8 years old, he just decided to be a vegan.
We were like, "He's definitely the gay one."
We justified it. We were like, "It makes sense.
He's giving up meat now so he can have all the meat later."
[ Laughter ]
[ Applause ]
I stole his journal because I was like, "I'm going to crack this case."
I was like, "The information is in his journal.
All I have to do is find it. We'll invite him out the closet."
So I read his journal, come to find out
he's in love with this girl.
I was pissed.
I confronted him. I'm like, "What is this?!"
He says, "Zainab, you read my journal?"
I was like, "You're not gay?
You have a journal."
[ Laughter ]
[ Applause ]
[ Laughs ]
Actually, my family, they thought I was the gay one.
I had a shaved head,
I played basketball for a really long time.
They just knew I was gonna come dribbling out the closet.
And, you know, people argue like,
"Oh, are you born gay? Do you choose to be gay?"
I think you're born gay,
'cause if you could choose it, I would choose it.
[ Laughs ] I would be so gay.
Here's why. Here's why.
I'm black. I'm a woman. I'm Muslim.
I'm the diversity trifecta.
If I could just add gay to my résumé.
[ Laughs ]
[ Applause ]
[ Laughs ] If I were gay, this wouldn't be a comedy show.
This would be a TED Talk.
Thank you, everybody. I'm Zainab.
For more infomation >> Zainab Johnson Stand-Up Performance - Duration: 5:41.-------------------------------------------
បានមើលបានសើច ភាគទី៧៨ | Khmer Funny Video 2018 CTN TV Cambodia - Episode 78 - Duration: 4:34.
This Cat Looks So Cute But He Is Actually A Bully!? | Kritter Klub - Duration: 1:35.
Out of my way!
American Shorthair cat "Kano"
A bully
The 1st rank among the cat is not Kano
Julie is the first rank
Usually captain cats do this
But I'm the boss among the cats
Why are you the one going around and peeing everywhere Kano?
Since last week Kano has been following around Julie
to provoke Julie into a fight
To be honest, I think Julie is just avoiding Kano
because she's too lazy to fight, not that she's scared
But Kano thinks he's stronger
Kano is having a delusion
I'm not having a delusion!
Let's make things clear now
You've come a long way, baby.
Kano starts sneezing because he's scared
Grow up dude
You're nothing
I feel guilty being such a loser cat
Bildershow von Netanjahu vor UN-Vollversammlung: "Hier hat der Iran radioaktives Material verteilt" - Duration: 5:59.
Sandakozhi 2 Official Trailer | Vishal, Keerthi Suresh, Varalaxmi | Yuvanshankar Raja | N Lingusamy - Duration: 1:46.
The goat can be terrified of a sickle
Will our guardian deity be scared?
To act is not just speaking words
Showing it in action!
Not that, bro Hope the boy wasn't hurt
Like a bull raging from an enclosed space
...look at his imposing figure!
I swear!
Do you know who he is?
As if he's a big sho-
I'll be your wife
He'll be the 'other man' in my life!
You think only if a man swings a sickle it's a weapon to reckon with!
Even a woman can handle a sickle!
You can wear a tiger mask for a temple festival
But you shouldn't masquerade in front of a tiger!
'Battle Rooster II'
We will stand till the last drop of blood from our bloodline!
Full-frame от Panasonic, линейка Galaxy P, закрытие Telltale и Quest от Oculus - ВОТ ЭТО НОВОСТИ! - Duration: 5:10.
NATO's close protection agents - the silent professionals - Duration: 1:14.
There are people working at NATO who are doing their best to keep the world safe.
Our job is to keep them safe.
Often people get the impression that a close protection agent should be a macho type, which
is absolutely not the type of person who works in the NATO Close Protection Unit.
A close protection agent is trained for a lot of things, and they just need to be ready
to be able to do what is expected in normal situations, in tense situations and in situations
of a higher risk.
Contact front, contact front!
We are constantly developing medical skills, studying and training on weapons, improving
our driving skills and communication skills.
There are many highly skilled female close protection agents, but unfortunately we don't
have any working in the NATO Close Protection Unit right now.
We are actively recruiting for female agents.
Working as a close protection agent for NATO is a great privilege.
It's a high-profile environment with high-profile people.
You are protecting men and women who are really making an impact on the world.
Las Noticias de la mañana, viernes 28 de septiembre de 2018 | Noticiero | Telemundo - Duration: 5:11.
5 советов, как поселиться в сердце мужчины навсегда - Duration: 11:17.
Gjør du ting rett på nett? - Digital tilstandsrapport - Vlog 23 - Duration: 1:35.
Chief Imo Comedy || chief imo accused sister maggi of witchcraft Okwu na uka episode 37 - Duration: 13:35.
Number of newborns decline 8.2% on-year in July, single-member households increase - Duration: 1:33.
South Korea's birthrate fell in July, while the hot weather led to an increase in the
number of deaths.
Also, the number of single-member households steadily went up as of 2017.
Yoon Jung-min help us break down the data by Statistics Korea.
South Korea's birth rate continued to fall in July while the number of deaths increased
due to harsh weather affecting older people.
According to data by Statistics Korea on Friday, the number of births declined by 2-thousand-4-hundred
to just 27 thousand last month, down 8.2 percent on-year.
The monthly figures have been in constant decline since December 2015.
On the other hand, the number of deaths during the same period went up 7.2 percent on-year
to 23-thousand-8-hundred, the highest figures since 1983.
The statistics agency attributed the rise to the extreme temperatures in July causing
more deaths among the elderly.
According to other data by the statistics agency released on the same day, the country
saw the number of single-member households reach 5.62 million last year, 2.5 times higher
than the figure in 2000.
The agency said the increase in the number of one-person households is because more people
choose to stay single or get divorced.
Two-person households accounted for 26.7 percent of the total number of households, followed
by three-member households with 21.2 percent.
Yoon Jung-min, Arirang News.
NR- Slik løser du Internet Explorer kan ikke vise nettsiden feil. - Duration: 2:50.
Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. If you're successfully connected to the Internet, but cannot view any web pages in Internet Explorer
use one of the following troubleshooting procedures, as appropriate for your operating system,
Delete your browser history. Start Internet Explorer.
Press Alt to show the menu bar. On the Tools menu, click Internet options. Under Browsing history, click Delete.
Select all the check boxes, and then tap or click Delete. Tap or click Exit, and then restart Internet Explorer.
Disable add-ons in Internet Explorer. Click the Start button, and then click All Programs.
Click Accessories, click System Tools, and then click Internet Explorer (No Add-ons).
To disable add-ons in Add-on Manager. Open Internet Explorer. Click the Tools button, and then click Manage add-ons.
Under Show, click All Add-ons. Click the add-on you want to disable, and then
click Disable. click Close. Reset Internet Explorer.
Start Internet Explorer, click Tools, and then click Internet Options. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Reset.
In the Internet Explorer Default Settings dialog box, click Reset. In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box,
click Reset. Click Close and then click OK two times. Exit and then restart Internet Explorer.
The changes take effect the next time that you open Internet Explorer. Check whether a third-party service ,or program ,
is conflicting with Internet Explorer. Click Start, type msconfig in the search box,
and then click the displayed System Configuration icon. Click the Services tab and check the box beside
hide all Microsoft services, and then click Disable all. Next, click the Startup tab.
Click Disable all in the bottom right and then click OK. You will be prompted to reboot your computer.
Try disabling the PreBinding feature To modify the EnablePreBinding registry value, follow these steps:
Open Registry Editor. To do this, type regeditin the Start Search box, and then select regeditin the Programs list.
Locate and then select the following registry subkey: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
Locate the EnablePreBinding value, if the value doesn't exist,
select the Edit menu, point to New, and then select DWORD Value . Type EnablePreBinding, and then press Enter.
On the Edit menu, select Modify. Type 0, and then select OK.
Restore your PC to an earlier point in time. If you think an app or driver that you recently installed caused problems with your PC,
you can restore it back to an earlier point in time, Open System Restore by clicking the Start button.
In the search box, type System Restore, and then, in the list of results, click System Restore.
Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website, fawziacademy.com.
Phim Chiếu Rap 2018 - Công Chúa Ma Cà Rồng || Phim Hay 2018 - Duration: 1:19:56.
S. Korean pitcher Oh Seung-hwan extends scoreless streak to 6 games - Duration: 0:32.
In Major League Baseball, Oh Seung-hwan... extends his scoreless streak to six games
while helping the Colorado Rockies, to their 7th straight win.
Oh took to the mound Thursday in the 7th to help take down the Philadelphia Phillies 5:3.
The South Korean reliever hasn't allowed an earned run since his team played the San Francisco
Giants on September 3rd.
The Rockies stand atop the National League West by one game.
They can secure a postseason spot if they beat the Washington Nationals, and if the
Cardinals lose to the Cubs on Friday.
Korea judo team rebuilds their pride... 2nd place in overall ranking - Duration: 0:37.
Over in Baku, Azerbaijan, South Korea earned the runner-up spot at the 2018 Judo World
The team won two gold medals and one bronze to finish just behind Japan.
This marks a strong comeback for the squad, as they failed to grab any gold at the 2016
Rio Olympics and the 2017 Judo World Championships.
Also, the two Koreas entered the competition as a unified team for the first time, and
made history by winning bronze after beating Germany in the mixed team tournament.
This latest accomplishment gave hope that the joint Korean squad could compete at the
2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Consumer sentiment rebounds for first time in four months in September - Duration: 1:37.
Consumers here in the nation appear more willing to reach into their wallets than in recent
A new report shows, while unemployment remains a pressing issue,... the majority of consumers
think the economy is on a path to recovery.
Kim Ji-yeon has the full story.
South Korea's consumer sentiment rebounded for the first time in four months in September.
Data released by the Bank of Korea on Friday shows its composite consumer sentiment index
rose two-and-a-half points to 101-point-seven,... recovering from a dip last month when it fell
below the 100-level mainly due to grim unemployment figures released earlier this year.
A reading above 100 means there are more optimists than pessimists about the economy.
An official from the central bank attributed the rise to robust exports, an upbeat stock
market and a slowdown in price increases of food and other livelihood expenses.
The official added that data suggests consumers think the worst is over as the government
has put forth measures to boost the job market and stabilize prices.
The same data shows consumer sentiment on housing prices has climbed by ten-points to
119 this month,... a near three-year high.
It cited rises in real estate prices in Seoul as well as prices of jeonse, a unique long-term
rent in Korea in the form of a lump-sum deposit,... as the main reasons.
It comes after the government unveiled measures this month on curbing speculative housing
practices by levying heftier taxes on multiple home owners and limiting the amount they can
borrow from banks.
Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.
Cập Nhật Giá Mít Thái.Cơn Sốt Mít Thái Hạ Nhiệt | MTPL - Duration: 10:33.
Two Koreas to hold event in Pyeongyang celebrating 2007 summit anniversary - Duration: 0:35.
The two Koreas are holding a joint event next week in the North Korean capital... to celebrate
the 11th anniversary of their 2007 summit agreement, dubbed the October 4th Declaration.
The decision was made by Seoul and Pyeongyang's heads of the inter-Korean liaison office.
They met for two hours at the facility located in the Gaesong Industrial Complex, north of
the border.
The celebration is to be held for three days from October 4th.
South Korea will be sending a 150-member delegation.
Other details will be ironed out through the joint liaison office.
At UN Security Council, U.S. at odds with China, Russia over N. Korea sanctions - Duration: 2:37.
UN Security Council members met to discuss the positive developments in negotiations
between Pyeongyang and Washington.
There was tension between the U.S.... and North Korea's two allies.
China and Russia believe there should be changes to sanctions on the regime.
Oh Jung-hee has the details.
The 15 member nations of the UN Security Council gathered Thursday on the sidelines of the
UN General Assembly... to discuss North Korea.
The meeting came after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accepted North Korean leader Kim
Jong-un's invitation to Pyeongyang... and after President Trump revealed that he received
another letter from Kim.
Against that backdrop, it was a standoff between the U.S. and North Korea's neighbors China
and Russia... over sanctions.
Secretary Pompeo said they'll have to stay in place until North Korea denuclearizes,
and he credited the sanctions for the progress made up 'til now.
"We must not forget what's brought us this far - the historic, international pressure
campaign that this council has made possible through the sanctions that it imposed.
Enforcement of U.N. Security Council sanctions must continue vigorously and without fail
until we realize the fully, final, verified de-nuclearization."
China and Russia, on the other hand, said the sanctions need to be eased.
China's foreign minister Wang Yi pointed out that one of the Security Council provisions
allows sanctions to be modified if Pyeongyang is found to be complying with them.
"Given the positive developments, China believes that the Security Council needs to consider
invoking in due course this provision to encourage North Korea and other relevant parties to
move denuclearization further ahead."
And Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said...
sanctions can't become an "instrument of collective punishment."
"I would just like to remind you that any negotiations are a two-way street.
North Korea's actions towards gradual disarmament should be followed by easing of sanctions.
There should be reaction towards every action."
North Korea promised it will invite international experts when it dismantles its missile engine
test site... and hinted it could get rid of its key nuclear complex once the U.S. takes
corresponding measures.
But differences remain between the U.S. and the two allies of the North over what comes
next -- Washington in favor of dialogue and sanctions -- Beijing and Moscow calling for
rewards as the process goes forward.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.
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