The Republican Party bet all of their chips on Brett Kavanaugh being confirmed for the
United States Supreme Court.
That was a major gamble and, as of right now, it's looking like it's going to be a major
loss for the Republican Party.
Specifically, they're decision to not call for an FBI investigation into the accusations
against Kavanaugh.
They actively blocked repeated calls for an FBI investigation.
Now, as many people have pointed out in the last few days, if Kavanaugh was, in fact,
innocent, and he wanted to clear his name, why would he, and the Republicans, oppose
an FBI investigation?
Because if he did nothing wrong, there would be nothing the FBI could find that would make
him look bad.
So they would exonerate him, clear his name, put everything to rest, then he could sail
through confirmation without a care in the world.
Other than the four times he committed perjury, which is, obviously, another issue at this
But nonetheless, if you're innocent, why run away from an investigation?
Why block an investigation?
I mean, same thing applies for Donald Trump with Robert Mueller.
Why are you trying to shut it down, if you know you did nothing wrong?
The answer, in both cases, is because, obviously, they did something wrong.
You don't fear an investigation unless you know that there's something they're going
to find.
Republicans picked this hill to make their last stand, to block this FBI investigation
into their Supreme Court nominee.
This is the hill they're going to die on.
This is what they took their last stand for and it failed miserably.
Not only do a majority of Americans not approve of Brett Kavanaugh being confirmed for the
US Supreme Court.
And not only have multiple former allies of Kavanaugh, who originally said there's no
way he could have done that.
They're now saying, "I retract my original statement and I change it to, yes, he could
have absolutely done that."
Kavanaugh's losing allies.
Republicans are losing the support of the public, as is, Kavanaugh, and it's going to
cost them dearly in the midterms.
There is no way around it now.
Republicans, like I said, they've bet everything on getting Kavanaugh onto the Supreme Court.
And everything they've tried to do has backfired miserably.
They're out there, right now, whining about civility and Democrats not giving their candidate
a fair hearing.
When did this happen?
Merrick Garland.
How about then?
THat's when it happened.
When you idiots refused to even give him a hearing, so do you dare whine about civility,
or breaking practice, or changing the way things work.
When you morons are the ones who started it.
The Democrats aren't even doing that.
Neil Gorsuch went through without a fight.
It's just that this guy, because more, and more, and more, and more women come out saying
that he attempted to rape them.
Yeah, maybe, we've got a few problems with that, as every normal human being should.
But that's the hill you chose to die on.
That's what you wanted to run on in the midterms.
Good luck with that.
I don't think it's going to go over very well with the voters.
I don't think Brett Kavanaugh is ever going to make it to the Supreme Court and, if he
does, he's not going to serve on there very long.
Because Democrats are already talking about the fact that, if Republicans somehow manage
to confirm this guy, when we take power again, we're just going to launch the investigations
Then impeach him, remove him from the Supreme Court.
Then, after that, it's time to move onto Trump.
Those are your only options Republicans.
This is a mess you created and, now, you've got to live with it.
For more infomation >> Republicans Will Regret Blocking An FBI Investigation Into Kavanaugh - Duration: 3:50.-------------------------------------------
'Life's Very Short': Why Tim Tebow Wants To Encourage Others | TODAY - Duration: 4:23.
Ryan Eggold Talks About His Leading Role In 'New Amsterdam' | TODAY - Duration: 3:53.
What is a Stock Split? And Why Do Companies Split Their Shares? - Duration: 4:32.
Dylan Lewis: Hey, I'm editor, Dylan Lewis, and on this episode of FAQ we're
going to talk pizza and stock splits.
OK, I'm going to offer you two different options.
You can have one slice of a 12-inch pizza that's been cut into quarters, or you can
have two slices of a 12-inch pizza that's been cut into eighths.
Which one do you choose?
Think about your answer.
While you do, let's walk through what a stock split is.
All companies that are publicly traded, have a certain number of shares outstanding.
Let's say I have a publicly traded company that's worth $1 million and ownership of
that company is divided into 10,000 shares outstanding.
So, each share is worth $100.
Now, let's say my company puts up some awesome business results.
We release a bunch of new products.
Those products sell really well and customers are happy.
Thanks to the massive boost in sales over a few years, the business grows to
$10 million in value.
Now, each share is worth $1,000, at this point.
As management, I might look at that and say, "You know, that's a lot of money that
people need to have in order to become a shareholder of my company.
I want to make sure that the average person can buy one share and become an investor.
If that's the case, I might decide to do a stock split.
Say I do a five for one split.
One share, now, becomes five.
So, the total shares outstanding will become 50,000 for the company, and the price of each
share will go from $1,000 to $200.
The total value of the business stays the same.
The total value each shareholder holds stays the same.
The only thing that changes is the number of shares and how much they're worth.
That five for one example was for the sake of round numbers and my math skills, but most
stock splits are either two for one or three for two.
Now, you might be thinking: "Why?
If stock splits do nothing for the value, why do companies do them?"
Well, companies might decide to do it to make it easier for the average investor to buy shares.
If someone is trying to save $100 per month to invest, they have to wait a lot longer
to buy shares if they want to buy shares that are priced at $1,000 instead of $50.
This was the main reason Apple decided to go through a seven for one stock split a few
years ago.
Apple CEO, Tim Cook, said in 2014: "We're taking this action to make Apple stock more
accessible to a larger number of investors."
Companies will, also, do this because there are some special securities, like options,
that are sold in lots of 100.
We'll talk about options on a future episode, but for the purposes here, just know that
they generally need to be sold in blocks of 100 shares.
So, if a company's stock price is very high, it requires a lot of money upfront to transact
these options.
Like the previous reason, companies might split their stock to make it easier for people
to do that.
One third reason that you'll see companies go through a stock split is that it increases
the number of shares outstanding, meaning there are more available shares to trade,
which can help with liquidity.
There are actually some companies that intentionally avoid splitting their stock, and the main reason:
stock splits are cosmetic changes to a company's ownership.
They don't change the fundamentals of the business at all, and a high share price tends
to attract long-term buy-and-hold investors and it actually makes it harder for people
to short-term trade in and out of a company.
This quote, from Warren Buffett's 1993 annual letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders,
pretty much sums it up: "Were we to split the stock or take other actions focusing on
stock price rather than business value, we would attract an entering class of buyers
inferior to the exiting class of sellers.
Could we really improve our shareholder group by trading some of our present clear-thinking
members for impressionable new ones who, preferring paper to values, feel wealthier with
nine $10 bills than with one $100 bill?"
Buffet ultimately caved and created a separate class of Berkshire shares and a split, but
he has never split the voting Berkshire A shares, which currently trade at over $300,000 each.
More management teams are starting to think like Buffett.
In 1997, over 100 companies in the S&P 500 split their stocks.
In 2016, that figure was down to seven.
Executives are wising up to the fact that stock splits are not worth their time and
the rise of brokerages offering fractional shares have made it easier for investors with
less money to, still, get into the market.
You'll hear people say, "Oh, stock splits are a bullish sign.
It means the company thinks they're going to keep growing and the share price is going
to keep going up."
It's just shuffling around how ownership is held.
Going back to our pizza example, some people might prefer to get two smaller slices instead
of monster piece of pizza.
The reality is you're getting the same amount of pizza, either way.
The same goes for a stock split.
There may be some short-term movements related to the news, but long-term, shares move because
of the business results that companies put up, not the number of ways ownership is sliced up.
Thanks for watching, guys!
If you enjoyed this video, we've got plenty more like it coming up.
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Sofía Castro reacciona a los memes de su padrastro | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:15.
I Was The Only Black Person In My Class And Lied About Where I Was From - Duration: 2:32.
I grew up in a small village in England. I've lived that my whole life and
growing up I've been surrounded by quite a few other minorities with different
backgrounds. However I went to a predominately white school meaning there
weren't many people of color. In my class I was the only black person as well as
the only Pacific Islander. Obviously people would ask me where I was from.
They would say stuff like, "so what are you? Where are you from?" And I used to lie.
I lied about where I was from because not many people know the country I'm
from. And I thought if I said a more recognizable country I didn't pass my
classmates. I would reply, "oh you know I'm just from southern France." I made people
believe that I was from a country even though I wasn't. I remember feeling so
embarrassed about where my family's from and being so discouraged because I
didn't know anyone else other than my family who were also Pacific Islanders.
I was so ashamed in my family that I used to tell people that my mum was mixed race,
and was half French, which in reality she's not mixed at all. When I got to
secondary school I met new people however I was still the only black person
and was still so embarrassed. I started to step up my game to think of a new excuse
where I was from. I would say to these new people that I had met that I was
Kenyan. But I'm not actually African at all. One day I met this girl who was like me.
She taught me to love my afro, love my skin color, love my background and wherever
I was from. I'm now in my third year of secondary school and I've learned that
it's okay to be different. And I started to embrace my blackness
and my culture. I am a Pacific Islander and I'm now proud to be because that's
what makes me unique. Embrace your culture and embrace your ethnic
background. Because we are all unique and different in our own special ways.
Oh, by the way that girl is now my best friend and I can't thank her enough for
teaching me to love myself.
Toddlers, Bees and Honey - The Sims 4 Cake (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 9:12.
16cm/6in cake
Cut into 5 layers.
16cm/6in cake. Cut it into 4 layers.
Italian meringue buttercream
Hokey pokey or Honeycomb
Chocolate sauce
Crumb coat
Second coat
500g melted white compound chocolate
Oil based food colouring Orange
Oil based food colouring Yellow
Bubble wrap
Stick the chocolate to the cake as soon as it starts to set.
I made a smaller cake to show you this step in its entirety,
because the original one was too tall to fit everything on screen.
Be careful with this part, ask for some help in case you need it.
Break some pieces of the chocolate, you can use them to decorate cupcakes.
Floral wire for cakes
To learn how I made these bees watch the video Bees and Beehives Cupcakes.
Choose your Sims and print them on photo paper.
Wooden skewer
Sticky tape
Flags printed out on photo paper.
More sticky tape to avoid the "A" to move.
Thank you for watching.
Lorenzo Méndez apresura su debut como solista | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 2:32.
285452A - Replacing Your Amana Washer's Fill Hose Seal and Screen AP4310501 PS1803069 - Duration: 6:41.
Hi my name is Bill and today I'm going to be showing you how to replace your fill hose
seal and screen the reason why you might have to do this is because your running on water
that could becoming from a well and you have residue that's inside that water that you
need to filter out or you have other issues with your water that you don't want to get
in your clothing when your washing it for this repair all we'll be using is a pair of
channel locks
WARNING before doing any repairs please disconnect your power source
so this is the washer we'll be using in this demonstration it's an Amana and yours might be a little
bit different than what we have here but the same technique should still apply we're going
to have to turn our washer around make sure you turn your water off and once we've turned
our water off we can use our channel locks to unscrew the water inlet hose from the waterline
and you're also going to want to make sure that you have a towel or maybe a bucket handy
because when you do this there's most likely going to be a bit of water still in that line
and it's going to come out once you loosen the connection just like that
and I'll just carefully set this down and have my bucket and there's that one now we'll
remove the hose from the back of the washer so now that we have detached the hoses you'll
see inside that each of them have a small washer inside these washers are what prevent
the hose from leaking so we're going to replace these ones though with different ones so all
you'll have to do is just reach in there and you can just pull it out if you are having
trouble you can also use a flat head screwdriver that might make it a little bit easier
now you can grab your new OEM replacement fill hose seal and screen and if you don't
have one already you can find it on our online store so now to put the seal and screen washer
in there we can just push it right into the end of the hose like that and set it down
in there and do that on both sides and the pack does come with four so you'll have enough
for both of your fill hoses that you put in like so and just like the other hose push
it straight in and set it into place so now if you do need to take them out for
some reason because the get dirty or there's less flow through the washer you can just
pull it straight out you just put your finger in there and you can get them out relatively
easy and they'll come out like that I'll put this back in now and we'll reattach our hoses
to our washer now we can put our fill hoses on so you see right here it has the blue which
means cold so you're going to plug your hose that you want cold into that blue one tighten
it up by hand as much as you can and grab your channel locks tighten it up the rest
of the way same thing with this other hose you have your red connection here and so you're
going to just hook up the hose that you want to go to the hot water onto that tighten it
by hand as much as you can and finish it up with the channel locks so now we'll hook up
our fill hose to the water line and we'll again tighten by hand all the way and you
want to make sure that you're hooking up the correct hose so if you're hooking up your
hot one like we are right now just make sure where ever it's marked on the water line that
you're hooking it up to the proper connection and now we'll finish tightening again with
your channel locks now this is our cold waterline and we're hooking it up to our cold water
and once you've hooked up both lines all the way you can turn your water on and make sure
there's leaks and once you've done that your repair is complete
Finally don't forget to plug in your appliance
if you need to replace any parts for your appliances you can find
an OEM replacement part on our website
Thanks for watching and please don't forget
to like comment and share our video also don't forget to subscribe to our channel your support
helps us make more videos just like these for you to watch for free
First Alert Weather - Duration: 3:52.
Kako zamenjati zavorni boben in garnitura zavorne celjusti na RENAULT CLIO 2 [VODIČ AUTODOC] - Duration: 8:41.
Remove the rear wheels.
Use a hammer. Use a flat screwdriver. Remove the hub bearing protection cap.
Use a drive socket No.30. Unscrew the wheel hub fastening nut.
Remove the brake drum.
Use a pliers. Take out brake pad retainer springs from the holes.
Disconnect the parking brake cable. Use a pliers.
Remove the brake shoe assembly kit.
Install the assembly kit onto new brake shoes, repeating the procedure in reverse order.
Connect the parking brake cable to the parking brake lever. Use a pliers.
Install the brake shoes on the working brake cylinder on the bracket and on the brake-support plate bracket.
Install the retaining springs on brake shoes. Use a pliers.
Use a hydraulic press with mandrels.
Use a circlip remover.
Use a drive socket No.30. Screw the hub nut.
Install a new hub bearing protection cap.
Asia Cup 2018 | Shahid Afridi's unique record equaled by Mohammad Shahzad century IND vs AFG Super 4 - Duration: 2:12.
RNC spokesperson: Who is more unhinged - Hirono, Avenatti, or Spartacus? - Duration: 2:37.
UN Audience Chuckles At Trump, Not Laughing After POTUS Delivers 'Nasty Surprise' - Duration: 3:56.
Personal Care Assistance | Prevalence of Personal Care | PCA Statistics | The Need for Personal Care - Duration: 0:54.
[Drums play as photos display]
[Drums stop suddenly]
How many people have need for personal care?...
personal assistance?
About 9 million people which is 3.4 percent of the United States.
So 3.4 percent of the United States are disabled to the point of needing personal assistance
for everyday activities.
Again, its a sizable number of folks who rely on someone.
[Music: We are all... uniquely the same.]
[Music: We are all... uniquely the same.]
[Music: Oh yeah... that's right.]
[Music ends.]
MC Mayara | Oh, How Naughty I am 2 - Duration: 3:12.
Automotive Washington - Duration: 1:01.
Automotive Washington
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