In this video, I'm going to show you how you can detect if a user reloaded the page so
you can prevent your tags from firing again.
All and more, coming up.
Hey there.
And welcome back to another video of teaching you the data-driven way of digital
My name is Julian.
And on this channel, we do marketing tech reviews, tips, and tricks, videos, and tutorials
just like this
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Now today, we want to talk about how we can detect with Google Tag Manager if a user
reloaded this page.
This is particularly important if you have a page view trigger on your certain tags,
and want to prevent them from
firing again and again if the user clicks on that reload button.
Now to do all this, we will utilize a browser API, write a little bit
of custom JavaScript, and then put this all into our trigger condition so we can prevent
our tags from firing again on a reload.
Now we
got lots to cover so let's dive in.
All right, back in our demo shop.
We now want to detect whether somebody reloads the browser up
here or just presses Enter here again, which will also reload the page.
How would we be able to do this?
Since Google Tag Manager has
many JavaScript we can make use of the JavaScript APIs that the browser provides.
Nowadays a browser API called the navigation timing
API, which provides a method called the performance and navigation.
If we wanted to try this out, we can just open up our developer
tools, the under more tools and developer tools, navigate to the console and type in
here our
performance navigation.
Here we go, we get
an object back with two keys in here type and redirect count.
Now I'm interested in the type.
So just going to put in the dot and then
type and we get it number 1 back.
Now, there's number 1 actually represent if we have reloaded this page, or if he navigated
onto it
through another way.
So let's reload this page.
And I'm going to press the up arrow to get my last command back, press enter, and get
number 1.
What if I go to a different page right here
and press the up arrow again?
You get a zero.
Again, let's try this out inside of
our demo shop here.
If I navigate to any page
and try out this command in our developer tools, I get a zero.
If I reload the page,
I get
a number one.
So we can use this indication if it's zero or one to determine whether somebody reloaded
this page or navigated to it by
another way through a normal link.
Now, before we build this into Google Tag Manager, I need to make you aware that this
technology is
something that is already being phased out.
So in future iterations of browsers, we will need to use navigation time level two
specification, which is currently developed.
But for now, our navigation timing API is still valid.
It is supported by the major
browsers, unfortunately, not by Opera on a mobile device.
So you need to be aware of this downside if you want to use this technique.
For me, it's good enough, there are a lot of browsers that support this.
So let's build us into Google Tag Manager.
Since we have here
one line of code, which really just accesses the global namespace and our browser API,
we can utilize a variable that simply accesses
So let's go over to Google Tag Manager.
And we go over to our variables.
And here we are going to define a new user-defined
This will be a JavaScript variable to detect our reload
as a type will choose the JavaScript variable, not the custom
JavaScript variable, but the JavaScript variable.
And here is where we can input our global variable name.
And as we have done so
before, we can just use our performancenavigation.type.
Let's try this out and save this.
Refresh, refresh our page.
And since we
refresh just now, we can see our JS reload is number one.
Notice that the variable already gets filled on the first event here, so
we'll be safe to use it at the earliest point in our triggers later on, which is the page
view normally.
Let's try the negative case,
I'm just going to navigate to any page.
Check the variables again,
and we see js reload is now zero.
So we can already detect whether
somebody reloads the page,
our variables should show the number one.
Now, maybe that's a little bit inconvenient because you need to
remember, okay, one is reload, zero is not real.
But you could use it like this already.
If you want to have it a little bit more
convenient, we can utilize a custom JavaScript variable.
So let's go over to variables
and build another variable.
This is our custom
JavaScript variable for the reload.
I'm going to choose custom JavaScript.
Will input our anonymous function.
And we simply going to put
in an if statement.
So if our performance navigation type equals one, let's say equals zero, so we do the opposite
case, then
we want to
return the value of false.
Or else we want to return the value of true.
So if it's one or any other number, it will return true.
will come in handy in a second.
Now if you're well versed in JavaScript, you might notice that this could be shorter.
We could use a
ternary operator, which would simply be to return the performance navigation equals zero
with a question mark.
And if this is true, we
want to return false.
Otherwise, we want to return true.
And that's exactly the same expression as it is here written in five lines,
whichever you prefer.
I'll delete this and make this really short for us.
Let's try this out.
Let's save this,
and refresh our
And we can see our JS reload is one and our custom JavaScript is now turned to true that
means a reload has happened.
Now if you
into this again,
we see our reload is false.
So this is a regular navigation point.
Now, what is also interesting about what we
have just written is if we click on the back button here,
this will also be counted as a reload, as the JS reload, or the navigation
type will change the number to 2, which means that the user has navigated through History
API here.
So if I go forward again,
this is
again, a true for reload.
So anytime somebody reloads something, anytime somebody presses enter, here again, on the
same URL, it will
always remain
a reload.
It doesn't matter if the user navigates here, clicks the reload button, or types in the
Only if there's a
new URL, for example,
UTM parameters get attached,
then this would be counted as a new
reload, and so the reload is false.
So this is
already pretty convenient that we can now detect our reload with this custom JavaScript
Now, when would this actually be
For example, if you have conversion codes firing, if you don't want to fire again, on
a page reload as an example, let me go
through a conversion here.
And we go to get to order received page.
Now on all the receipts page, I've already fired some tags.
are Adwords, Facebook, and Google Analytics conversion tags, and transfer the information
to our tools.
Now notice that these all fire
on the page view event.
So once I reload this page,
they actually fire again.
Now some systems are smart enough to pick up that there's
a same order ID number being sent over, being transferred to the tool, they will automatically
deduplicate this order.
So you won't get
double orders in your systems.
But some systems are not as smart.
And we'll just produce double orders if a user clicks on the reload
This is particularly true when you are fine with a very simple trigger, like the page
view event if the order is received, and
you're not sending any special information over to the system.
So cannot really decide whether this is a duplicate transaction or not.
And therefore, it would be good if we could stop these tags based on our variable inside
of Google Tag Manager.
So let's try this out.
Let's look at the trigger that is set up for these tags.
It's always the same trigger, it's a page view transaction trigger.
And it
fires on the condition that the page path contains order received.
So far, that's all well, but we could add our just build custom
JavaScript reload variable to check whether it contains or is equal to false.
So only if these two conditions turn positive.
So a user
is on the order receive page and the reload his false, we want to fire our tag.
Simple as that.
Let's try this out.
And if I go
to our checkout page, order received, reload this
our tags don't fire because our variable
custom js reload turned true.
Let's do a
negative example here.
I'm going to go through another order.
And once I enter the page order received, for the first time, I get my
conversion codes fired, and the data is transmitted.
And if I reload this page,
again, our code shouldn't fire because we have been
reloading our page.
So really a simple solution to prevent duplication of any tag firings.
You could use this in different other
For example, if you really don't want to fire a tag two times because it will inflate certain
numbers, a certain event, then
you might want to check for this reload variable.
And if it turned true, you don't want to fire your tags.
That could be for example,
if you want to be really accurate with your page views, or prevent any kind of events
that shouldn't fire if the page has reloaded.
could also think of the use case that you would explicitly track when somebody reloads
the page.
So you could fire an event if this
actually turned true, just to see which pages get reloaded a lot by the user to maybe install
an auto refresh functionality or figure
out why the user would like to reload this page.
Maybe there's something wrong on the page itself.
All right, so there you have it.
is how you can detect whether the user clicked on the reload button and landed on this page
to the back or reload button and prevent
your tags from firing.
Now if you try this out, then I'd love to hear from you what are your experience.
Leave them down below.
And if
you have any more questions also leave down below.
Now if this video have jobs in the end, and I'd love for you to click that like
button and
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because we bring you new videos just like this one every week.
Now, my name is Julian.
Till next
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