-Here with the TV debut of their new single "Guiding Light"
from their upcoming album "Delta,"
with a little help from the Roots,
give it up for Mumford & Sons!
[ Cheers and applause ]
♪ -All day permanent red ♪
♪ The glaze on my eyes ♪
♪ When I heard your voice ♪
♪ The distance caught me by surprise ♪
♪ And I know you claim that you're all right ♪
♪ But fix your eyes on me ♪
♪ I guess I'm all you have ♪
♪ And I swear you'll see the dawn again ♪
♪ Well, I know I had it all on the line ♪
♪ But don't just sit with folded hands and become blind ♪
♪ 'Cause even when there is no star in sight ♪
♪ You'll always be my only guiding light ♪
♪ Relate to my youth ♪
♪ Well, I'm still in awe of you ♪
♪ Discover some new truth ♪
♪ That was always wrapped around you ♪
♪ But don't just slip away in the night ♪
♪ Don't just hurl your words from on high ♪
♪ Well, I know I had it all on the line ♪
♪ But don't just sit with folded hands and become blind ♪
♪ 'Cause even when there is no star in sight ♪
♪ You'll always be my only guiding light ♪
♪ If we come back and we're broken ♪
♪ Unworthy and ashamed ♪
♪ Give us something to believe in ♪
♪ And you know we'll go your way ♪
♪ 'Cause I know I had it all on the line ♪
♪ But don't just sit with folded hands and become blind ♪
♪ 'Cause even when there is no star in sight ♪
♪ You'll always be my only guiding light ♪
♪ And I know I had it all on the line ♪
♪ But don't just sit with folded hands and become blind ♪
♪ 'Cause even when there is no star in sight ♪
♪ You'll always be my only guiding light ♪
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Oh! Come on! Come on!
That is how you do it right there!
Thank you! Thank you.
Mumford & Sons!
[ Cheers and applause ]
"Delta" is out November 16th.
For more infomation >> Mumford & Sons: Guiding Light - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
Marcus Mumford Forgot the Lyrics to "Hungry Heart" While Singing with Bruce Springsteen - Duration: 3:49.
-Congrats on the album.
I want to get into this. "Delta" comes out November 16th.
Do we know why "Delta" or that's up to us to decide?
-Yeah, no, lots of reasons for "Delta."
I mean, it comes out November 16th,
if we finish it in time, 'cause we're still working on it.
-Now, how is that possible?
-Well, that's why we're in New York.
Obviously, to see you.
-Oh, yes. Of course. Yeah, yeah, Of course.
-You are our favorite. -Yeah.
-But also because we're mixing it.
-You're still mixing the record? -Yeah. Yeah.
-I mean, Is this the first time you have ever promoted
an album that's not finished?
-It is. But this is the modern world.
And it's going to be fine. Don't worry about it.
-Your voice is getting higher.
[ High-pitched ] It's going to be fantastic.
It's going to be great.
-Only dogs and bats will be able to hear me say, "It's done."
-But everyone writes, right? -Yeah.
Yeah, we all write. We all write songs.
And I like it that way, 'cause I hope that means
we can be a band for a longer time.
-That's the secret. Yes. I totally agree with you.
-Yeah. And they're also my three favorite songwriters, like,
in the world, so it works.
-Yeah. [ Crowd "Awws" ]
-Sounds like 50 of my mom. [ Laughter ]
-But besides your bandmates, who are your influences?
Who's one of your -- a couple of your faves?
-Well, first records I ever bought were
Miles Davis, "Kind of Blue"
and "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill" on the same day.
-Wow. -Which is an education.
-That's a good purchase.
-And then we listened to a lot of Bruce Springsteen growing up.
That was the only CD in our family car.
[ Cheers and applause ] Yes, indeed.
It was the only, like, CD in our car that, like,
survived sort of those teenage years of
scratching and throwing things around.
And it was a long-lasting product.
-Because you just loved it so much.
Which CD was it? -It was the greatest hits.
Yeah. -Yes!
Have you ever got to meet him? -Yeah. Yeah.
We have met him a couple of times.
He's very nice.
We played with him once at a festival in Belgium.
We were all a little overexcited because it was Springsteen.
And we got overexcited in various ways,
you know, as you do.
-Yeah. Did you know he was there?
-Yeah, we knew he was there.
What we didn't know is that
he'd watched our show from side of stage.
I didn't know until the last song,
and I looked across and saw Springsteen
and almost -- Well, yeah.
It was scary.
And then, during his set, he, like, turned.
And we were on the side stage.
Turned and, like, beckoned in our direction.
And, so, we looked over our shoulders thinking that
Arcade Fire or someone cool was behind us.
And he was beckoning us.
And, by that point, we were really overexcited.
You know, so, we stumbled on stage.
And I forgot the lyrics to "Hungry Heart."
-It's quite hard to forget the lyrics to "Hungry Heart."
-Yeah. -That's how nervous I was.
But I was... [ Sings indistinctly ]
'Cause he gave me the mic. -No way!
-So I picked up the closest maracas to sort of cover shame.
But it was quite -- It was quite embarrassing, yeah.
-But, no, dude, I mean, you're legit now.
I mean, you're not just, like, a little band now.
I mean, do you remember your early days of touring,
where you go like, "Hey, we made it.
This is it." -Yeah. Yeah.
We had a few moments where we were sort of --
Our first show in Vegas, we were excited to be in Vegas.
And we had a bus call at like 2:00 a.m.
So, obviously, everyone had been out,
and there's people around and it's all very glitzy.
And Ben arrives at 2:00 a.m. to the bus
with 15 bottles of champagne and says,
"Lads, have you heard about room service?"
And we were like, "Yeah."
And he said, "They just bring you stuff for free."
-And we had to break it to him
that that's not how room service worked.
And he had to pay for 15 bottles of champagne
out of his own pocket.
-Oh, yeah, of course. Oh, that's legendary.
-So, yeah, we're still touring to try and
make up the bill, really.
-Are you going to go on tour for this new one?
-We will. Yeah, we're gonna -- Yeah.
[ Cheers and applause ] -There you go.
Well, we love you guys every single time.
-We love you, too. -Really, you're a talented man.
Marcus Mumford, everybody.
Samantha Bee's Work as a Waitress Prepared Her for Donald Trump - Duration: 7:07.
-I want to ask, on a day like today,
where there is so much news --
-Oh. -You have a show on Wednesday.
-We do. -Are you happy to have the time
to process it, or are you chomping at the bit to do one?
-Well, we -- I felt so sorry for you today.
-Yeah. -I did.
You know, because it roils the news, and then --
But it's nice for us to be able to sit back
and kind of be a little more analytical
and just kind of wait to see what's happening.
We get to take a step back a little bit.
-Of course, stuff then also --
It's not like things don't happen on Wednesday
that tip your apple cart over, as well.
-Yeah, I know.
Well, you know, you have to be nimble.
The news changed within every hour.
-He's made us very fit. He's made us so aerobically fit.
-Flexing such fun muscles all the time.
-You addressed Kavanaugh last week in your show.
-We did. -And obviously I'm gonna assume
you're going to address him again this Wednesday.
-For sure. -Because that will be the eve
of this testimony that we don't quite know
how it's gonna look. -Yep.
-Is it -- Have you found it
a difficult thing to write comedy about?
-We have. You know, it's something
that we're all really wrestling with at the show.
I think it's really been very upsetting
and triggering for a lot of people who work in the office.
I'm sure it has here, too.
I think that women, in general, are just furious.
We totally took -- We took to the streets today.
We were, like, wearing all black.
We were like, "Let's just go and walk around the block."
And that's what we did, and it felt good for a moment.
-Yeah, I mean, you also find --
I mean, I know we found as a writing staff,
when things happen in the news that are depressing,
it is nice to be in a room full of comedy writers.
-Yes. -You must find that, as well.
-For sure. I do think that we achieve
some kind -- we achieve catharsis within the office.
Like, I don't know that there is another job
that all of us could be doing.
It's kind of the only job we're capable of now,
and we help each other. -Yeah.
There's no matching skill sets outside of comedy right now.
-We are definitely useless in every other endeavor.
-Yeah. We would all be the worst person at any other job.
[ Laughter ] -Oh. Definitely. Yes.
-But I want to talk, 'cause we've -- we had
previous jobs, like a lot of people in comedy,
which is that we -- I know I waited tables.
You also waited tables. -I definitely did.
-I've heard you say, and I would think anybody would assume
your time at "The Daily Show" has made you very --
helped train you for what you're doing now.
-But that being a waiter was very helpful for Donald Trump.
-Very. Don't you think that --
Well, I mean, you see the best and the worst of humanity
when you work in the service industry.
And I feel like when I see him I'm like, "Oh, I know you."
[ Laughter ] Like, "I've seen you."
You're 100% the guy who comes in, and he's like,
"I'm an amazing tipper.
Take care of all of my friends."
And all his friends are like, horrible,
and they're all gropers, and then, right at the end,
he gives you, like, a nice 8% tip.
[ Laughter ]
For sure, like a lot of talk.
Lots of talk, very little rock.
[ Laughter ]
-You have a new app that is a game.
-We do! We're so excited about it!
-This is very exciting. -It's very fun.
-And this is to encourage voter registration.
-Yes. Well, okay.
I had this idea that we should apply the principles
of gamification to incentivize voter turnout.
Because as we are discovering, voting is extremely important.
[ Laughter ]
And so, I went to Silicon Valley,
and I met with a bunch of geeks,
and they helped us to craft this amazing game,
which I really don't know if it's ever been done before.
It's really a political comedy game,
and you win cash prizes,
and you sign up for voting reminders,
and it's all meant to trick you into caring about voting,
and I think it's working. -That's very exciting.
-We have 200,000 users, and, actually, when we launched,
it was very -- it was very successful
right out of the gate.
And so the game crashed a little bit,
but we're very much working on the bugs,
but people are winning money, and it's very cool.
It's really funny. -Well, it's great,
because the two things that are true about Americans...
-Yes. -...one, we don't like voting,
and, two, we're easily tricked. -Easily tricked.
-So, if you can lure us into anything...
-Oh, we love to win a prize. -Yeah.
What is -- I want to ask,
'cause that would be intimidating to me.
You have an idea, and then you go to Silicon Valley.
I have never sort of entered that room with an idea.
Was it intimidating for you? -It was very intimidating,
because they work in such a different way.
I mean, they literally -- we started at nothing,
and we assembled a really amazing group of people.
But the way that they work --
And I know that there's a term for it,
but I don't remember what it is.
You all sit in a room, and you do these massively long
brainstorming sessions with, like, props,
and somebody's got dice, and there's a bunch of bananas
and post-it notes, and they all just
throw out the worst ideas humanly possible,
and it's a very humiliating process.
You really just -- You have to give over
to the process and let everybody share
everybody's horrible ideas.
And you end the day, you've been humiliated,
and you're like, "Why are we doing this?"
And then, a year later, you have a game.
-Wow! -Yeah. That's how it's --
It's just that simple.
-Okay. So that's also helpful to hear.
If you want to have an app,
you can't just think about it like a day.
-No, it's a very long process.
It's been a really interesting journey.
It's been an incredible learning curve.
I'm ultimately incredible happy with the product.
I think it's so funny.
It's in the voice of the show. -That's great.
-Yeah, super shrill. -And I know it's --
You can win cash prizes. -Yes.
-But it does not count as gambling,
which would be illegal, because you cannot lose money.
-You cannot lose money. -You cannot lose money.
-Got it. -Techni--
No, you cannot lose money. [ Laughter ]
We will not take your -- We will not take your --
-"I voted, and then I went back to my app,
and I had lost $1,000!" -I know!
-We will not take your money, and we will not abuse your data.
We know how that goes. -Oh, yes, absolutely.
People like that. -Yeah.
-You actually did have -- You briefly --
You ventured a little down the path
into a life in the gambling industry.
-I did. I worked --
I trained when I was in college --
Um, I trained to become a blackjack dealer
in an illegal casino in an industrial park.
-Wow! -Yes.
-So the kind of illegal casino where truly
only really shady people even knew where it was.
-Definitely. And you have to pay with your limbs.
I don't really know. I could not do it.
I actually -- How far down the path
to being a blackjack dealer did you get before you realized?
-Like, three days in. And then I was like,
"This is not --" -That's a lot of days.
-It was a lot of days. It was --
-What was the day where they were like,
"And then, if they can't pay, you need to hold their wrist
like this, and then someone else will have the cleaver"...
-It was a very scary and very serious crowd of people.
It really was not --
It did not speak to my strengths.
You should not -- I didn't want to go to --
I was like, "This job starts at midnight.
Over here is a factory where they make
wooden pallets for boxes."
So it did not -- It was not safe.
-Do you ever wonder -- 'Cause you did three days there.
You probably met some other trainees.
-I did. -Do you ever think that
there's like, at the illegal gambling warehouse,
somebody goes, "You know, she used to be here."
[ Laughter ] -"She's one of us."
-Yeah! -"She was incompetent."
I've been terrible at every job I've ever done.
-They're like, "I tell you, when she was here,
I would not have said she'd make an app."
[ Laughter ] -That's right.
Yes. Yes.
I hope that everybody is connecting those.
-Always so great to see you.
Ron Livingston's Office Space Character Inspires People to Quit Their Jobs - Duration: 7:24.
-I am very happy to have you here.
You are one of those people that have been in
so many iconic shows I have loved over the years --
and films, as well.
However, Peter Gibbons from "Office Space."
You are approached about this character a great deal, I hear.
-That's probably the one, yeah, that I get hit with the most.
-And people actually have told you
that character is inspiring to them.
-Yeah. I mean, people will come up to me from time to time
and say, you know, "This movie and you were the reason that I
quit my job and walked away from my livelihood."
-And I'm always a little --
I wait five seconds before I say, "Good for you,"
'cause I don't know which way it went.
And then, yeah, it's usually good or they
wouldn't they'd have just taken me out from behind.
-Yeah, exactly. -Yeah.
-And then, so, you're also on "Sex and the City."
-Yes. -You were Berger.
-Yes, I was Berger.
-And you had one of the great
somebody recognized you as Berger of all time.
I feel like being in that show, having a part in that show,
explain who recognized you at a Lakers game.
-It was so surreal.
The agency I was with at the time
had courtside Laker tickets.
And, for some reason, everyone else must have been out of town,
'cause I got the invite to go.
And, at some point during the second quarter,
there was a ball out of bounds,
and Kobe came over on the in-bound.
And he looked at me and did a double take and said, "Berger?"
I was like, "Wow!" -That's really great.
-Yeah. I'll always have that. -You'll always have that.
I was mentioning to you, backstage,
I've never seen the show.
My wife's making me watch it. I'm enjoying it a great deal.
I haven't come to Berger yet.
-I won't spoil it. -Okay, great.
Will I -- After I see the Berger arc,
will I think, "Man, Carrie --
I wish Carrie had ended up with Berger"?
-Only if you have a really messed-up idea of relationships.
-Okay, gotcha. Well, we'll see.
We'll see when that moment comes.
You have a 5-year-old, yes? -I do.
I have a 5-year-old and a 2-year-old, who's about to be 3.
-And you are -- you're raising them in L.A., obviously.
-How is -- Obviously, you have a new show.
You have billboards.
Your face is on while they're driving down the street.
How is that for them?
-It's kind of -- Well, first of all, I think kids today --
it's not quite so weird to see people on TV,
'cause they see themselves on TV.
Everybody can, you know, shoot everything.
But the billboards are a little bit different.
And, you know, the kids kind of respond to it.
But it is L.A., so, you know, a couple of
the other preschool dads were saying,
"Yeah, my kid came and said,
'Daddy, when are you going to be on a billboard?
I've seen three of them already
of other parents in the school.'"
-That is, yeah, raising a very unfair bar.
-Yeah, it's great values, great values.
-So, this new show -- I don't want to give too much away,
but this is something that has been in
the trailers and the promotion of the show.
Your character commits suicide. -Yes.
-And this is -- You are still in the show, from flashbacks.
-What made you choose to do a show
where your character so immediately dies?
-Well, my first thought was,
"I'm old enough to remember 'The Big Chill.'"
And I thought, "It worked out for Kevin Costner."
-Yeah. -Right?
-Jackpot for Costner. -Yeah.
And he didn't even say anything. -Yeah. He was, like, in and out.
-Yeah, right? -He had like two days work.
-Now he's dancing with wolves.
So I felt pretty good about it.
It's also -- I'm doing another show,
on Audience network, called "Loudermilk."
It's Season 2 of doing that. That's kind of my day gig.
-So, this one -- it sort of had to be a limited thing
or it just wouldn't have been able to happen.
-Gotcha. -So it was great.
-Are you in -- How far into the process of
Season 2 are you on "Loudermilk" now?
-I think "Loudermilk" -- we've shot all 10 of them.
And "A Million Little Things," we're up to,
I think, 106 or 107.
-And "Loudermilk" is -- For who don't know,
this is another sort of complicated character.
Explain that character a little bit.
And what made you want to do that one?
-He's basically the biggest A-hole in the world.
-Uh-huh. -I can say that, yeah.
-Yeah, you can say that. -Okay.
-You could say the whole word, if you want.
Go for it. Try it. See how it feels.
-No, no. I'm not gonna do it. -Okay.
-I don't want the fine.
-That shows how different you are than "Loudermilk"
that you won't even say it.
-That's right. -Yeah.
-And, you know, he's sort of, like,
this deadbeat, you know, misanthrope,
who's a recovery counselor,
a substance-abuse recovery counselor
for this group of misfits and numbskulls.
And it's just classic, you know, comedy.
It's the Farrelly brothers. Will Sasso is on it.
It's a blast to do.
-And you -- Obviously, you're working with
great television-makers, great filmmakers.
Matt Weiner -- "Mad Men" --
has a new show called "The Romanoffs."
-Yes. -You're in that, as well.
-That is a show -- very inscrutable trailer.
Very hard to tell what the show is about.
-Can you understand what it's about?
-No. I was in it and I have no idea what it was about.
I don't know.
-You're confident we'll all like it?
-I am.
I think because Matt's a mad genius,
but he is one of those guys that just likes everything
to be secret so that it can, you know, do the whole thing.
And I respect that.
It's an anthology -- Well, I don't know.
I think it's an --
All I know is -- I'm in only in one of them,
so I assume -- I hope everyone else is not in all of them,
and I'm the only -- I don't know.
-Oh, yeah.
My fingers are crossed that you find out.
"No, everybody but Ron's in all of them."
-Oh. I'll be like, "Oh, gosh."
I looked really dumb on "Seth Meyers."
-You're not from Chicago,
but you lived there after college?
-And what brought you to Chicago in the first place?
-You know what?
It was just one of those things where I got out of school
and I was kind of floating around.
And I knew I was going to give acting a shot somewhere.
I was probably too chicken to come and try it in New York.
I thought about Seattle for a minute,
because I didn't really know
the difference between acting and music.
And then sort of decided on Chicago
because it was close to home and Steppenwolf was a big deal.
-Sure. -You know, had been a big deal.
So we were all chasing that.
-The first time I saw you was in "Swingers."
Did you meet those guys in Chicago?
Did you meet Favreau there?
-I met Jon in Chicago and I met Vince --
Jon and I moved to L.A. at about the same time
and became closer friends sort of by the fact that
we were the only two people that moved to L.A. in that month,
and so we only knew each other.
But he knew Vince from doing "Rudy" earlier, the two of them.
And they -- I mean, it's kind of
a documentary, "Swingers," really, of what it was like
to be 26 in L.A., starting out as an actor.
-I mean, you know, obviously, one of the legend
of that movie is, you know, you guys couldn't
possibly have known you were making this film
that was going to, again, like, sort of
be this indelible mark on that moment in time,
which it certainly is.
Did you have any sense that it was going to be
a film that people were gong to see and remember for this long?
-No. We didn't think it was going to be
a movie that we were in.
We rehearsed -- We did readings of it
for like a year, trying to help Jon sell it,
with the idea that, "Well, we're never going to be in it,
but maybe some producer will see us," you know?
-And then it just worked out that we got to do it.
And it's, you know, lightning in a bottle, one of those.
-Yeah. A fantastic film.
And I was living in Chicago at the time,
and it was so cool to us that like, "Oh, my God.
Those guys who lived here went to L.A. and made a movie,
and now everybody's talking about it and stuff."
-Right. "What are we doing in Chicago?"
-Yeah. "We've got to get to L.A.
and do one of those producer tables."
Sweat It Out With Saiyami Kher | Episode 4 | MissMalini - Duration: 3:00.
Idlib: Ständiger Beschuss durch Terroristen - Eröffnung von Flüchtlingskorridor verschoben - Duration: 1:58.
Budgetary modular hall "Oscar 7.1 Modena" from MK "Style", Penza - Duration: 8:51.
With you, Alexander, and you are on my channel.
Today I bought myself
such a budget, let's say an anteroom, consisting of a locker,
bedside tables for shoes, hangers and mirrors.
Well, here is the order, once, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 boxes of cardboard,
in which all the furniture is collapsible.
The model is called "Oscar 7", complete set "Oscar 7.1".
Manufactured in Perm, in short, the Russian production. Delivered to Belarus.
The supplier - the company meko.by - gave me such a business card,
if someone is interested,
here is its coordinates.
That's how the mirror is packed.
Here are the accessories for hanging.
Oak tree is light this color.
The size is 550x1316x22 mm. 9 kg.
Here everything is in a foam plastic.
On the reverse side of the mirror on the frame, we fix the canopies in the grooves such metal
ones and in the corners of the plate fixing 4 pieces in each corner, 2 screws per plate. Plates are used, in principle,
to strengthen the bonding of the frame.
Here is a drawer with a drawer,
more precisely its elements. I see it is the door and also the front of the box.
All the holes under the handles and under the fastening to the front part of the box are made.
The next drawer is the shoe cabinet.
Its components:
this is the upper part, it has such a black-colored seat from the eco-leather,
and here is also the facade from this pedestal.
Also holes under the handle. Next box.
From MDF back walls, here a lath for a back wall.
Laminated chipboard. The quality of the chipboard, if you say something, that's it.
It uses a laminated chipboard with a thickness of 16 mm.
And there are different bars here.
And the last element is a hanger.
I hope it's in color. If there was a black seat, then the coat rack should be
yes, black.
In the package there was such an accessory for the assembly of a curbstone with a box.
In the kit there is also such an instruction.
The assembly diagram, the table with components,
the description of the assembly,
the appearance of this box, how it should look.
And the main element for assembling the box itself
is such ties.
To tighten the comfirmates is the hex key.
Interestingly made an American leg, as it is called.
It looks like this, it is adjustable in height.
First you need to squeeze out this inner part.
The hole here is very narrow, this plastic leg is tightly put on.
Twist this leg, thrust it tightly, twisting it like this.
Then unscrew this nut on the edge.
And then she screwed in here. There is a hexagonal cavity under this nut.
I'm screwing it to the end.
And the last stage is to nail the back wall with the studs.
It consists of two parts, connected together by an H-shaped plastic strip.
The hinges were fixed with the screws that are included in the kit and the screwdriver.
Do not over tighten, because the handle is plastic. Wow!
It is necessary to paste silicone bumpers.
Beforehand, we also screw the handle, since there is no hole in it.
This way.
And we press the facade of the box with the help of such eccentrics on both sides.
On top of the dressing stubs. In the kit there are large plastic plugs and there is a slightly smaller diameter.
We put big ones here, but we put on a few more diameters on the Confirmat.
Roller guides are fixed in this way, on the right side this part is
for 2 screws.
This receiving part will be attached to the side wall of the cabinet.
When assembling the shoe box, pay attention to the fact that there are already marked positions for fixing loops.
2 holes, so this side will be inside the drawer.
Accordingly, the reverse side will be towards the floor.
Immediately screw to the bottom of the side walls with the help of confirmats
and put on the plugs.
On the curbstone, I somehow forgot about them.
They are below, they are not visible.
And you can immediately install the legs.
And inside the box
on the legs put on plastic caps.
They are so dark brown, almost black.
It will be necessary to secure the seat cover on the box.
The rear wall also consists of two MDF panels,
which are fastened together by a plastic strip.
In the kit with gas lift there were 3 fasteners.
They are for different mounting possibilities either on the side wall or at the end.
On the package from the gas lift, depending on the angle at which you intend to open the door,
the layout of the holes under
the gas lift is shown schematically.
In our case, this will be an inverted version.
The hanger itself is already supplied.
It is a kind of black eco-leather that is framed by an MDF frame.
In the upper part of the rear side, it was necessary to fix the same suspensions on the frame as on the mirror.
And these hooks were also independently necessary to screw
on the complete self-tapping screws.
Eco-leather in color with a seat and has such buttons.
Hallway "Oscar 7.1" - this modular design.
There are several options with a cabinet,
with cabinets of even different versions: angled, straight.
I used this model as a kind of semi-finished product for embedding in a closet.
This option came up in my case, because I was limited to the vertical.
Here is 211 cm.
The modem is fixed from this edge. It still needs to be hidden by some kind of shelf.
And absolutely not limited in the horizontal plane of my corridor.
The total width of this option is 130 cm.
As a result, I got such an option, which I modified a little.
I replaced all the legs with plastic adjustable ones to lift above the baseboard.
Guides for the locker have been replaced from roller to ball.
Its length is 35 cm.
And 2 shelves were ordered and manufactured,
which allowed to use the whole space competently
in the pedestal for shoes, and in this locker.
I think this furniture "Oscar 7.1" is quite a good option for itself,
because it fits very well in my size
and the price of it is only $ 240.
You can find out more about this variant of the hallway furniture by following the links
that I will place in the description.
On this I say goodbye to you.
Till. Good luck to all! See you.
School Bus | Formation And Uses | Cartoon Videos For Children - Duration: 1:01:13.
School Bus Formation And Uses
One Two Buckle My Shoe | Monkey Rhymes | Nursery Rhymes for Toddlers by Kids Baby Club - Duration: 16:58.
""One, two,
Buckle my shoe;
Three, four,
Knock on the door;
Five, six,
Pick up sticks;
Seven, eight,
Lay them straight:
Nine, ten,
A big, fat hen;
Eleven, twelve,
Dig and delve;
Thirteen, fourteen,
Maids a-courting;
Fifteen, sixteen,
Maids in the kitchen;
Seventeen, eighteen,
Maids a-waiting
Nineteen, twenty,
My plate's empty.'
""One, two,
Buckle my shoe;
Three, four,
Knock on the door;
Five, six,
Pick up sticks;
Seven, eight,
Lay them straight:
Nine, ten,
A big, fat hen;
Eleven, twelve,
Dig and delve;
Thirteen, fourteen,
Maids a-courting;
Fifteen, sixteen,
Maids in the kitchen;
Seventeen, eighteen,
Maids a-waiting
Nineteen, twenty,
My plate's empty.'
"Ranveer Singh" And "Rohit Shetty" At The 9th Anniversary Of Box Office India | Simmba - Duration: 2:13.
"Ranveer Singh" And "Rohit Shetty" At The 9th Anniversary Of Box Office India | Simmba
The Buddy vs Machines and Bio WEAPONS | Kick The Buddy - Duration: 10:17.
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how to register to vote #RegisterToVote in USA , how to register to vote? US Voter Registration Day - Duration: 2:20.
Today The Search Engine Google is showing a Doodle for US Voter Registration Day 2018.
It is helping with question how to register to vote #RegisterToVote.
On September 25, 2018 , 2018 US National Voter Registration Day Reminder Doodle leads to
a tool that will help you register in your state and get basic voter information to make
sure your voice is heard on November 6th.
You need to register before your state's deadline.
Check with your local election office.
You can register there or you may be able to register online, at the Department of Motor
Vehicles, or using the National Mail Voter Registration Form.
When you get there, you may need to show an ID to vote.
How do I confirm that I am registered to vote?
Here you can: 1.
Check if you are registered to vote.
Check where you are registered to vote.
Check your political party preference.
Check your language preference for election materials.
Check the status of your vote-by-mail or provisional ballot.
Find your polling place.
Find information for upcoming local and state elections.
Find contact information for your county elections office.
Choose how you want to receive your state and county voter guides before each election.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star | Nursery Rhymes Songs | Kids Songs by Farmees - Duration: 16:45.
Look at the sky.
Aren't the stars beautiful?
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Aren't the stars wonderful?
Let's sing once more.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
When the blazing sun is gone
When he nothing shines upon
Then you show your little light
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder what you are
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363 SQM, 6 Bedroom Private Property in San Roque, Baliuag, Bulacan for Sale 10 M - Duration: 2:49.
Chat Live 24 x 7 about this property now - at https://www.phrealestate.com
Review of a 6 Bedroom Private Property for sale in in San Roque, Baliuag, Bulacan
Floor area: 363 SQM / Lot area: 7400 SQM
Bedroom: 6 / Bathroom: 8 / Balcony: 3
Maid's room: 2 / Parking: 2 Furnishing: Semi-furnished
Price for sale: Php 10,175,654 (nego)
Lot area: 7400 SQM
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